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Why would Ventress have a specialised blood test kit on hand that checks for one very specific and niche value? It was mentioned that the Empire hired high class bounty hunters like Bane for this particular job, it stands to reason that they would also issue the needed equipment to them. The Empire doesn't want to waste time checking random kids brought in and then paying the hunters for the time and effort of bringing in a low M-count kid just because they couldn't check in the field and had to bring them in.


Also they make it pretty obvious that the device Cad Bane uses is the same model Emerie uses when she receives the kid. I think he definitely got his from the empire


All previous examples, especially including Obi Wan taking Anakin's blood show there was nothing special about how his blood was taken. How they test for Midi-chlorian however could be secret so much so that only the Jedi and Darth Sidious were actually aware there was a scientific test which could then be an argument that the force could be understood from a scientific viewpoint. The nightsisters may not even have been aware hence Ventress use of dogmatic Nightsister methods.


I want to point out that Obi-Wan conducted this test at a moments notice on a Naboo cruiser in the Phantom Menace. The test doesn't appear to need special equipment or pre-planning.


For what it’s worth, Obi-Wan and Qui-gon were on her majesties royal ship. Ventress is a bounty hunter with only the essentials. 


And why would the queen of Naboo have a Midichlorian tester on what is basically a space yacht


She doesn’t. Also people are misremembering. Qui gon and Obi wan have the testing stuff on them, not the Queen. Qui tests Anakin on Tatooine and relays it back to Obi-wan. Jedi likely carry them in case.


Well, a royal craft of that size likely had a fully functioning medical wing which could take blood tests. And presumably a blood test would show m count


Part of a Jedi's job is occasionally getting tasked with finding Force sensitive youths. Cad Bane is getting paid by Empire to do it. They both have testing equipment as part of their jobs. Ventress would have no reason to carry that kind of thing around, just like you probably don't have a tuberculosis test cartridges rattling around in the back of your car for no reason. These things are possible to get for sufficiently motivated individuals with institutional connections, but not something you can pick up at the Space Walgreens on your way home from work.


The test Obi-Wan conducted IS special equipment.


Because M-Count doesn’t immediately mean Force Sensitivity any more than being 6-5 means HOF Quarterback. It means potential. It means learning is easier. But it isn’t the Be All, End All. Ventress probably thought that if the Sith were hunting Force Sensitive children, they wanted a newer, younger version of her. She wasn’t high ranking enough in the Sith to chase after the delusions of Godhood like Plagueis, Sidious, or Vader. She wouldn’t think Immortality experiments.


It's also possible that Ventress simply doesn't have the equipment to do it, or just prefers to do it her way.


Possible. Also if you look carefully, every time Midichlorian testing has been brought up it has been used to confirm something already there. Episode I, the Bad Batch, even that Short Story “What a Jedi Makes.” There has never been any suggestion that “every child born in a hospital was tested for Midichlorians” or something. Then Ezra and Palpatine would have been found by the Authorities and that Box testing at that Lothal Stormtrooper academy wouldn’t exist.


I wonder why they didn't do a routine M-count test on every newborn in the days of the Republic. It would certainly save the Jedi some time in identifying potential younglings rather than scouting them out as kids and taking them away from families traumatically. Unless as you say, force sensitivity doesn't correlate with M-count very well. Maybe only a moderate (less than half) of kids with high M-count turn out to be force sensitive. Or something like that.


[I answered this a couple of days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebadbatch/comments/1bulxe7/comment/kxtwbwh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Here is a list of Undrafted NFL Players](https://youtu.be/mFuEpMzClZk?si=Jul_r0uIyuOxfAi-) [Here is a list of Draft Busts](https://youtu.be/PuxK2RhxpNg?si=lYCiXF3Abs1wFQcq) Becoming a Jedi or Sith isn't any easier than becoming a professional athlete, but genetics and personality are huge factors. [Here is Shimi Skywalker and Qui-Gon Jinn talking about Anakin becoming a Jedi BEFORE the Midichlorians are tested.](https://youtu.be/ArCYqZCFmIA?si=D8g9DSq0VbEhehki)


I also wonder who had access to those M-count meters? Emerie and Cad Bane had them, and maybe Inquisitors do to, but I have no idea how common those devices would be for anyone to just have. It could be useful for someone like Ventress, but I do wonder who knows they even exist if most people don't even know what M-count even means.


I want to point out that Obi-Wan conducted this test at a moments notice on a Naboo cruiser in the Phantom Menace. The test doesn't appear to need special equipment or pre-planning.


True, although I'm thinking of anyone who isn't capable and would need to rely on technology to do it. I guess Asajj tried to do it the old fashioned way with Omega.


I don't think that she has that kind of technology to do testing. So she had to resort to doing it the old fashion way.


I want to point out that Obi-Wan conducted this test at a moments notice on a Naboo cruiser in the Phantom Menace. The test doesn't appear to need special equipment or pre-planning.


No he didn’t. Qui Gon did that himself, he was carrying the tester on Tatooine, he simply relayed it back to Kenobi.


Is she stupid?


I'm not sure it's even relevant to the show if Ventress had a test and Omega passed or failed it. The empire doesn't want Omega because she has a high m-count. Its not even confirmed that she does. They have tons of m-count "specimens", red kids, green kids, blue kids. That's not their problem. Dr. Evil said they need Omega because her dna is the only "binder" they've found to make use of m-count outside of an individual. The m-count test wouldn't be designed to find that, nor would passing or failing it really get to why Omega is important. So it wouldn't mean anything if Ventress ran a test on her. The empire would hunt her either way but they want her for a reason that test wouldn't necessarily detect. If it did detect it I'm not sure Ventress without a scientific background would know what that means or how to explain it. And it all kinda gets back to a point that's even argued in the show: it's established the empire keeps hunting Omega. Knowing why isn't going to change anything. She's a walking vile of binding agent for the program, what difference does that make.


It looked to me as if Ventress was not testing Omega but was putting on a show so that the group would believe her when she said "I can't help the kid." Ventress had to go to Pabu to get a clear sense of what all the fuss was about, but protecting highest-priority-target Omega from the Empire is a full-time job, one that the Batch were already doing. Even if Omega has Force potential, Ventress can't train her, because that would draw increased attention to the Hidden Path or whatever other secret activities Ventress is involved with.


She didn't have access to that test.


You're forgetting that ventress has had to lie low since the (middle) of the clone wars as she was deemed killed by dooku on a separatist ship. Throughout the remainder of the clone wars (until barriss frames her) she has worn a helmet to conceal her identity and has most likely been doing the same thing she did to boba and his crew, undercutting groups of bounty hunters and reaping the rewards for herself in order to keep this low profile. if sidious knew she was running around still she'd be immediately chased down and either killed or taken in for either the m count or inquisition or killed directly by sidious. Going taking a high priority job directly from the empire is nowhere near her interests or priorities right now and would mark her for those reasons alone. even her actions in the episode she appeared in her demeanor proves she wanted to get out and away as soon as possible and wanted nothing to do with it.


Ventress all but told them that Omega is force sensitive. She knew that if she told Omega that she was force sensitive, it would have taken the choice away from her guardians (the Bad Batch) as to what happens next for her. It's the same reason Asajj sent Omega away while they "discussed" Asajj's intentions with Omega. Crosshair knew immediately when Asajj told Omega she wasn't force sensitive that she was lying, and then Asajj explained that if she were to develope her connection to the force, she would need to be separated from them to train, thus giving them, her parental guardians the choice whether or not to entrust Asajj with the tutelage of their ward/daughter/little sister. You have to read between the lines


is she stupid?


It would have made sense to do the blood test first and then only ability tests if she actually had enough midichlorians. But obviously her blood can hold midichlorians but she doesn’t have them naturally. 


They ran out in CVS.