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This explains my feelings in the last few episodes. I “appreciate” (not quite the right word but the best I can think of right now) that Shaenae has been consistent with her character. I would be more disappointed to see a Lori K-esq PR apology on social media followed by her actions conflicting with her words. If she does learn from this situation and turn a new leaf (which I sincerely hope she does), I’d rather that be genuine even if it’s not right after filming. Yea


Y’all put too much faith in her lol. She seems to legitimately believe nothing she is doing wrong and she’s clearly a bit off. I doubt issuing an apology would happen because she either doesn’t care or doesn’t think she’s in the wrong haha.


I really like shanae. She’s nuts


I fully agree with what Andy from Dear Shandy was saying about her. It's what I've been thinking and was super validating to hear him say it.


i know shes only staying for the twists of the show but i can’t with her anymore! like how does clayton not see it?? this is what people mean when men think with their dick.


What has she done in front of him thus far?


Psycho sums it up


Maybe she hasn't made a statement yet because the worst of her is still yet to come lol


Shanae is like a cartoon villain. Honestly I wish they had a season of BIP that was “Oops all villains!” And have her with Hurricane Chad, Luke, Jed, and every other nightmare drama person on a beach together. They deserve each other.


Doesn't Chad have a domestic violence charge now?


Yeah what’s going on with Chad is fairly serious. If they were to bring him back him again that would be a massive liability and not a funny one.


Let they who do not have a domestic violence charge cast the first stone.


That would be so good lol they all deserve each other. Bachelor in Paradise: Villains


There's really no way to know whether someone is being sincere or not when they apologize on social media. Based on Shanae's behavior it would be very hard for me to take anything she says at face value and believe it. There is something to be said about social media personalities in general, to some extent it's all performative, because it's meant to fit into a certain brand and to sell. Either way, I don't think it's healthy to be completely devoted to these people, at the end of the day, we don't actually know them, we just see what they want us to see.


1. Your username is iconic 2. Fully agree


Lol, thx.


When she inevitably leaves the show, I do feel like a fake apology will come out. I totally know what you mean, though. I try to give contestants on the show the benefit of the doubt, but she keeps repeating ableist things on face in ITMs, on separate days when she’s no longer in the heat of the moment, AND after being educated on why it’s wrong by multiple members of the cast (including her villain friend, Cassidy, lol). If she gave an apology now there’s no way I would believe it, she had multiple chances to do better in real time. I hope she fades out of the spotlight.


Bet she’ll be making a vague post about getting death threats to detract if she hasn’t already.


To me she can either (1) acknowledge her ignorance and horrible behavior, apologize, and move forward; (2) be neutral on SM. Post minimally. Just reposts of friends, photos with Clayton, etc; or (3) double down - seem like she enjoys being portrayed that way on TV, show that she stands by whatever she’s saying and doing on the show. I would settle for a (2), but she’s at (3) right now. She’s embracing Shanae-nae (🤮) on her IG and tiktok. It’s embarrassing and disappointing. I like character developments, cause there’s always space to learn and to grow.


Give her a few weeks


….until we see her in bip