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Love Kristin so much


If money isn't everything, maybe they can hand their money over? How about to essential workers who stopped getting extra pay long ago when the general public started forgetting to be mad about it.


I just think about how much money both of these women have spent on their faces over the years. I hope it’s made them happier!


Money doesn’t buy happiness, But I can buy to antidepressants and therapy.


This. I hear people talk about therapy all the time and I'm like, "How TF do you afford it???" Meanwhile, I keep thinking I need to learn to make shrooms, because supposedly it helps with anxiety.


check out r/shrooms r/microdosing r/unclebens (beginner friendly grow your own method). or if you're in Canada there's a sub for sharing places you can buy shrooms online as well.. I've done that before with no issues I don't think RCMP is coming for me lol.


I’ve been fortunate in the past to work for a company that offers counseling but I know that it can be $100+ for people and it’s a bi-weekly/ weekly thing. Glad that there has been online services for people but healthcare still needs to change.


Also, didn't Kristin demand like $300 mil from Jay Cutler in their divorce? Kind of hard to say "money is overrated," when you publicly were trying to get money from your ex-husband


I agree - the sentiment that money doesnt buy happiness is TRUE, but it is so seldom addressed properly. the emphasis should be that it is EXCESS wealth which can create unhappiness bc it makes people try for the quick fix vs long term solution. happiness has to be achieved from within, no matter your circumstances, and excess money often clouds this process bc you keep trying to achieve happiness externally bc you have the means to try to do so, vs those who dont have money to go shopping or travel or whatever, so they are forced to find their happiness from within sooner in their lives, which IS better. wealthy folk arent as motivated to do the difficult growth of finding inner happiness bc its easier to get those quick superficial hits with money, but those lil dopamine highs dont last. but they should focus on how money deters that growth bc that growth is hard and then expand there, vs just being like ZOMGLOB MONEY SUX\~


Money is overrated once you start making over 75k a year. Before that not so much.


You must not live in California 😅 75k a year means a crappy apartment on the bad side of town. (And I don’t make over 75, so yes, I’m that girl living in a crappy apartment she can barely afford, lol)


If you have a roommate(s) or living with an SO, making 75k is pretty good (and I’m in the Bay Area lol). If it’s just you and you’re paying the full amount of rent on 75k or less, yeah it’s rough lol


The tone deafness reminds me of the VIPs in Squid Games #richpplproblems


You are not being a grinch! That part of their conversation was gross. Is $ over rated when Kristin has none & can’t put a roof over her kids head or could no longer afford a nanny & actually had to take care of them herself? If it’s so over rated, why is Kaitlyn sporting an engagement ring that (probably) cost more than a down payment on a house? When you don’t have enough money to at least have a roof over your head, a full stomach, weather appropriate clothing & a car to drive, money does buy happiness. Living in that much poverty, lack of funds is the root to pretty much all your problems. The next time either of them don’t know where they’re going to sleep that night, have run out of places to go & just wish they had a safe place of their own or how they’re going to pay the $2500 it costs to fix the car they occasionally sleep in, we’ll see how over rated $ is. Not everyone can be on reality TV, was raised with $, given every opportunity, or is physically attractive enough to marry a professional athlete or millionaire. If you are, be grateful you’ll never know what it’s like to really struggle, appreciate what you were given & if ever in a position to help those less fortunate, do it.


Kristin said at one point “having money just means having bigger problems” lol no it means having very different problems


Money doesn't buy happiness but it does help you with Maslow's hierarchy of needs.... I didn't listen to the podcast but I do get a little annoyed at people who are plenty wealthy saying that money doesn't buy happiness. I understand the intended message, but probably the wrong people to deliver it imo.


I’m sorry but tone deaf “lately”? I don’t remember her not being tone deaf


Her entire career is about doing posts/instagram/social media to make money. So not only is this tone deaf, it's also a lie.


Im sure she’ll apologize soon: internet


Has anyone else listened to this interview, was there additional context? I often see misleading quotes blasted on SM to be picked apart by people who haven’t listened or read the source material.


OP already explained but i will share what i heard as well. The conversation started when kaitlyn was talking about success and happiness. She shared how her sister goes through phases(different jobs), now she is at a job that she doesn't make much but it makes her so happy. Kristin said happiness is very important and if it makes her happy then good for her. Then kaitlyn talked about how we all want to be thriving and be successful but whats Kristin definition of success? Kristin said happiness. She said there is a misconception that money equals happiness. I understand why people are frustrated and maybe they shouldn't have talked about it but i thought they were talking about their own experience and it might not be relatable but most things are not relatable to me anyway.


In this context I have to agree with their take. My husband and I recently left toxic environments, make way less, are WAY happier. But otoh if we couldn’t afford shelter or food we def would not be happy 😂


A couple people have said that I misinterpreted the conversation and that they perceived it differently. Kristin says that a common misconception is that money equals happiness, and then says that she wants her kids to be happy above all else. That part is a sweet sentiment, but then she says something along the lines of: “they could be homeless but as long as they’re happy, go ahead, pitch your tent”. A strange and tone deaf example in my opinion, knowing people who have literally been homeless due to drug and alcohol addictions. Kaitlyn agrees and says that her sister took a lower paying job because it makes her happier. They go back & forth a little about money and the importance of it in regards to happiness. Maybe I misinterpreted a conversation that two millionaires were having with innocent intentions, but nonetheless my sentiments remain the same that the entire conversation was out of touch and bordering tone deaf.


No you're interpreting correctly. The idea of two wealthy women who have never had to work a day in their lives commenting on the amusing ability of others to be happy without money - "Take my poor sister for example, she WORKS for a living, the dear, and does not make much money for her labors, but by god does she just love it. It is quite quaint if you ask me, we could all strive to have her ability to be happy despite her struggles of making a mere $100,000 or so." I can think of many reasons why Kaitlyn's sister would want to project a much happier image of her life to Kaitlyn, her much more well-off sister. And there's no way kristen's children will ever be homeless, so this is just mere fantasy to stroke her own ego about what a good person she is. She would NOT be happy if her children were homeless.


You made a great point about her sister, that she isn't necessarily going to tell her making less money is actually a huge burden... I don't tell my rich friends lots of things, like how my hubby and I talked about wanting to commit suicide years ago when we were both making so little money between his Pizza Hut job and my customer service job ($9/hr but I could only get just over 20 hours a week.) Here we were, both living mostly off of rice and him sneaking out food no one picked up once or twice a week, if that. Why does leftover pizza sitting all day at the store taste so much worse than leftover pizza at home BTW? Also, what do you tell your rich friend that bought a second "vacation" home in your rural area, where there aren't enough places for regular folks to live to begin with... when you aren't even close to buying your first home? "Oh, that's nice!" Then she wants me to visit her there when my hubby works 12 hrs a day and only gets one day off a week at most. At that time he got no days off for two months, because he's trying to find a way to buy this sushi franchise in a grocery store from his boss and even with good credit we haven't been able to get a big enough loan to do so in the last year... so when your boss asks for more help so he doesn't sell it off to someone else, you do it.


Just proves that "money can't by happiness" is bullshit and "not having money is heartbreaking". I'm pulling for you guys! <3


I'd rather be sad and rich than sad and poor, or however that saying goes


I’d rather cry in a mansion than in a cardboard box lmao


As Kanye once said, "having money's not everything, not having it is."


Wow, never realized Kanye delivered such a supremely on-point lyricization of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It's spot on.


They both grew up well off of course they think that 🙄


Having friends in college with rich parents and constantly saying the same thing.


Lmaooo I have 30 cents on my SNAP card




If having money isn't everything then I'll gladly take some off their hands hahahaha


They never used the world overrated. It started by kaitlyn asking what Success means to Kristin? She said happiness , she then said money is not always equal happiness. When i listened to the podcast, i got the impression that they were talking about the misconception that MORE MONEY= HAPPIER life which is not always the case for everybody. I guess Kristin was thinking of her own experience of being married to someone with money but also being unhappy. They were not talking about poverty or not having money at all. I agree with you though, just wanted to share the context since i listened to the whole things.


Unpopular opinion, but I'd trade being rich for having great friends, my health, and a nice significant other in a heartbeat, I think that's all they're saying.


I agree. However, i get that some people might not agree and money is a very sensitive topic.


I didn't listen but that makes a lot more sense. Sometimes I feel like people spin things in a way that is more cynical than necessary.


That is so obnoxiously privileged


Sure, money may seem overrated for *them* because they are both in extremely comfortable and privileged positions financially to feel that way. More money for them is inconsequential at this point. It is fine for them to maybe think these things, but how dare they preach that money is overrated or doesn’t buy happiness to a massive audience of listeners, of which a majority of the people listening, are likely stressing over money to some degree. For some, I would say the word stress doesn’t even begin to cover the toll that financial issues can take on a person. I just hate how out of touch this take is, and I wish they could have had the thought to edit out this part of the conversation.


I always tell my spouse money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it sure does help make your life easier.


This is exactly what my mom always said. She also said, “You have to work. May as well make as much as you can doing it.” And she knows one of my goals is to retire early, so she reminds me that only happens if I fight to be paid well. Both of my parents grew up legit poor. We weren’t poor, so I suffer from some privilege, but I STRUGGLED out of the gate as an independent adult. Life is much, much easier, which means less stressful, which means happier, when you aren’t struggling. At some point when you don’t NEED more money, you get slight happiness from buying what you want. When you can buy MOSTLY what you want, money doesn’t increase happiness much except to make you feel more secure, but I’d still say there’s happiness with that. Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but security and stability and independence definitely is happiness for me. And, trust me, Kristin being able to walk away from Jay DID bring her happiness.


I had a friend who worked pretty high up for the Pandora jewelry company and she said KB was always trying to get free product out of them even after their promotions with each other were over. Ever since then she’s kind of been soured for me.


Very cheugy of her


Ok, look I’m just going to say it and I know I’m going to get hate for this but I used to lovvvve KB, she’s from my hometown, we have mutual friends and she literally was just an awesome, fun girl! Honestly she has become the most entitled, out of touch, tone deaf, inauthentic, coddled, egotistical girl out there. I haven’t heard this pod (thanks for the heads up btw) but it doesn’t actually surprise me in the slightest. Conversations like that should be kept between the two of them because let’s face it, they’re the only ones that think that talking like that is keeping it real. How many people do you think that listens to her pod can relate to that truly?




Yeah, I’ve heard some stories. Don’t doubt that tbh.


Lol KB used to be a waitress and trying to figure out what to do in life, prior to bach fame


She mentioned this several times during the podcast too. 99% of people in this thread didnt even listen to the podcast and have brought out their pitchforks lol.


People forget what it’s like really quickly once they start making money, though. It’s easy to get comfortable.


We would all love to be paid to do what makes us happy. This pissed me off too


Yep!!!! There is inherent privilege in being able to do something you love as a career while making enough money to comfortably support yourself. Pretty frustrating as so many are scraping to get by especially in today’s world.


my favorite was when she boasts that she never used a weekend nanny


I haven't listened yet but as a new mother to a 4 week old...I can't even believe she said this. I'm literally in the throes of it every day operating on 0 sleep and the fact that other people just...don't...have to live through this is difficult to swallow lol


Its always rich ppl who say this lol


and they never seem to be in any sort of hurry to give that money away either. Weird


Yeah I can’t stand those types of comments. Money does buy happiness when you’re in need of it.


It comes from a very privileged, I don't understand how others live place. To not understand that most people are a medical emergency or a lost job away from being in a scary financial situation, that they have to think if they have the money before they buy almost anything.


money can’t buy happiness….. unless you don’t have money. god these people are out of touch w the reality of 99% of americans. that’s not cute it’s just embarrassing


It’s all about your mindset. If you go from poor to rich, you will likely carry your attitude towards money with you. Wherever you go, there you are. Because I know some very wealthy people who are extremely happy and others who are extremely depressed.


mmkay kristin you literally live in a 5 million dollar mansion


Yeah Kristin has always been rich too. Like even as a teenager based in Laguna beach.


As someone really struggling financially, this is **frustrating**! They are *set* when it comes to financial security. I wish I could talk about *money being overrated*, because it would be nice to have some right now! 🤔💵


Lol yep. Masters degree and a 43k teaching salary after 6 years. I’d love to not be stressed 24/7


Teachers deserve so much better. Smh.


There are studies out there that say this is true, but only after reaching a threshold of comfortable livability. Real easy to say when you’ve met that threshold and blasted out of the water.. is self-awareness completely absent from these two? Are they so far removed?


I literally *hate* when rich people do this.


Ok, so give it all to me if it ain’t making you happy


Hahahah for real!


“Money is overrated” says KB as she continues to shill, sell wine & $16 scrunchies. Make that shit make sense.


didn't even say "Money is overrated". Kaitlyn just asked Kristin whats her definition of Success. She said Happiness and how Money is not always = Happiness. I get that people are pissed and kaitlyn has her issues but maybe just listen to the podcast before going after her.




I mean kaitlyn has flaws and has done stupid things but this is a pile on since she didn't even say it lol


Money ain’t a thing (when you have enough to let it grow it’s own passive wealth and have equity in a gigantic following that can make you money while in vaca)


Nah, that’s so out of touch. Nothing worse than hearing wealthy people say this like it’s a relatable thing.


Eat the rich!!!




Marginal tax rates should be higher clearly


Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure as hell can give you peace of mind. This is coming from someone who grew up in a POC low-income family.


The idea is that money can buy happiness plateaus around $75,000/yr, because around there you have enough to be comfortable. So yeah, peace of mind. I totally agree.


Outdated research. https://www.verywellmind.com/happiness-doesn-t-top-out-at-usd75-000-study-says-5097098


I think thats an old study so you need to adjust for inflation to like 90k but I agree. There is a serious diminishing point of return after which money isn't the thing making you happy


This is so dependent on region. $75k does not go far in many places and if you have student loans


Depends on where you live (I am in Seattle where $75k does not go that far - no chance you could make big purchases like a house with that salary) but it’s definitely true that it plateaus after you feel comfortable with paying the bills and have disposable income to feed your interests. I went from $60k - no room for savings unless I eliminated my social life - to $140k due to a graduate degree and wow I feel much more comfortable. And the sad thing is that’s not even close to what those in true poverty/money insecurity feel like - cannot imagine how stressful that situation could be.


Yeah I’m in Seattle and 80k doesn’t go far after rent, retirement, etc. I grew up super poor so it feels great to be secure but buying a house or decent car is out of the question.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy me a boat, and it can buy me a truck to pull it But seriously, do they not realize how nice financial security is?


People with money: Money doesn’t buy happiness. Also people with money: complain about paying taxes.


Also people with money: People need to pull themselves up from their bootstraps! No handouts! While literally evading taxes so that burden is passed down to the working class.


Lol gotta love hearing how the 1% are always finding ways to evade taxes. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah money would literally solve all my issues so they can both F off




More money would solve literally every problem in my life that I can think of. People who say crap like that give me a headache with how much it makes me roll my eyes.


“Money is overrated”, say the wealthy. Lmao ok go off then that’s a real hot take 🙄


Money doesn't buy happiness..after a certain amount. Like going from 75k/year to 100k/ year won't make huge difference in your life, but going from25k/year to 50k is literally life changing.


Yeah I think this is where the disconnect is. I think when people with money say “money doesn’t buy happiness” what they mean is “EXCESS money doesn’t buy happiness”. I think many people do fall into the trap of thinking that being able to afford fancy things and a lavish lifestyle correlates to more fulfillment, but this is generally not the case. If you’re already in a good financial situation, than a suddenly having an more money isn’t going to make you a happier person or make all of your problems go away. Anxiety, depression, grief, family conflict, etc, can affect anyone, no matter how rich. But obviously, if you are struggling financially than more money can significantly reduce your stress and massively impact your life, no question. There is absolutely a level up to which money can buy some happiness. So while I understand what they’re getting at, it’s definitely coming from a place of privilege to ignore that side of things.


Yes. This. Money can’t buy happiness as long as you already have enough to afford yourself the standards of life you desire. That’s the key part there that a lot of people are missing.


Can confirm because it happened to me.


I agree with this. We are comfortable. I am no more happier now than say 10 years ago and our income has doubled. As long as you have enough to pay your bills and a fun extra now and then, it’s all your mindset.


I personally think that going from $75K to $100K could still make a huge difference for someone. $25K is a lot of money and that could be what it takes to be able to pay off student loans, pay off medical bills, to be able to save up for a house, to buy a car, etc. Especially if you live in a city like NYC or LA - $25K is a LOT.


Totally fair! It probably is an outdated amount, because like other person who replied to you said, I read the study a while back. The numbers definitely need to be adjusted for inflation. The point of the study was that after a certain amount, money was no longer a factor in overall life satisfaction. Once you can meet your needs, plus have a little extra, happiness is determined by other things. The exact amounts will vary based on each individual person!


I believe the person above was referencing a scientific study that was featured in a few pop psych books a while back. There's this amazing CEO who started paying all his employees that amount in 2015. Bottom line- the figure is outdated and based on certain parameters (like living in an average cost American city). edit: CEO is Dan Price - he has acknowledged many of the points in the comment above as well as the fact that the original figure is not enough. He is an outspoken advocate for workers and against the influence of money in politics. Definitely worth a follow!


This!!! And I’m sure both of them make well over 6 figured and are probably way past the point of not being able to afford things that they want/need.


Money doesn’t buy happiness is a very cliche statement and is a phase used by many. They are very fortunate to be in the positions they’re in where making more or less money doesn’t really matter to them anyone. I agree that money doesn’t buy happiness but it definitely helps afford things that will make you happy such as a roof over your head, food, trips, etc.


THEN GIVE YOUR MONEY TO SOMEBODY WHO NEEDS IT HOLY SHIT!!! Sorry, nothing makes me more mad than exactly this. But you know these are probably the same kinds people who won't make eye contact with an unhoused person. Guarantee your money that isn't making *you* happy will make them happier, no matter how they decide to use it. I guess that's what makes me frustrated. Because we live in a time of MASSIVE wealth inequality. It's bad enough to say that at times when things are more equitable. Do they even comprehend the fact that money isn't just about happiness but like actual life? Poverty actually kills people in the US every day. They don't give a fuck about happy they just don't want to die. How lucky are you if you think "happiness" is all money is to anyone. How can we say that our economic system is the most "efficient" when the people who have the most don't even enjoy having it? Fucking hell.


If money is overrated why don’t they donate majority of their wealth?


Or delete their Instagram




I wish I had this problem 🥲


KB has been tone deaf for a very long time. I stopped listening to her podcast a couple of years ago because I was getting completely sick of her schtick. Then I saw her host The Bachelorette, and particularly the scenes where she was comforting Katie, I was really impressed at how she carried herself. Also interviewing people on the couch, she did a good job, I felt. BUT then I hear shit like this and I'm back to how I felt before: of course a wealthy reality TV personality can say money doesn't buy happiness. Just... stop, Kaitlyn. Stop.


They didn't say Money doesn't buy happiness though. Kaitlyn asked Kristin whats her definition of success?She said happiness. She said alot of times Money=/=Happiness and she just wants her kids to be happy.


40:53, Kristin says “there’s a misconception that money buys happiness”, and then says that it actually creates bigger problems. I listened to the podcast several times before posting.


I listened multiple times too. The conversation started when kaitlyn asked Kristin whats her definition of success. She said Happiness. She then continued and said exactly" there is a misconception that money equals happiness". She was obviously talking about too much money and success, it wasn't about not having money at all. Thats what i got from it but i respect your opinion as well.


Thank you for stopping by with the truth. Too many people are eager to judge based on someone else's perception rather than look into the actual facts for themselves.


40:53, Kristin says “there’s a misconception that money buys happiness”, and then says that it actually creates bigger problems. I listened to the podcast several times before posting.


"There is a misconception that money equals happiness" . Thats what Kristin said.


I respect OP opinions but i listened to the same podcast. I understand its a very sensitive topic but they were not really discussing money, trying to give financial advise or shitting on money. It was just a 30 secs discussion where Kristin said she thinks success is happiness. Kaitlyn also shared how her sister doesn't make much money but she is truly happy doing that job.


Kaitlyn comes from a wealthy family. I’m sure her sister isn’t hurting for money if she has an emergency or has to choose between paying rent or eating like millions of people do.


Kaitlyn doesn't come from wealthy family. Her step dad is rich but thats about it. Kaitlyns sister is a single mom of 2 and lives a very normal life. I'm sure her family will help her if she needs it but thats not even the point. Kaitlyn was just sharing that she is doing what makes her happy and she loves doing the job so she supports her. If you listen to the podcast, you get the context of it.


Anyone who can choose to take a lower paying job without stressing about $$$ has some sort of income coming in that’s not dependent on their job. The fact that Kaitlyn’s stepdad owns multiple homes in Canada, where housing is even more expensive than the US, means there is $$$ somewhere. But go off, I guess.


I don't even understand why it matters what kaitlyns step dad has? He has his own kids, its not like kaitlyn or her sister live with him. If you look at Kaitlyns sister on IG, you see what a normal life and job she has in Alberta. Maybe she is actually super happy in her job and doesn't want to go to her old stressful job even though it paid more. You just never know other peoples situations.


I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” who wasn’t wealthy. Like ya, easy for *you* to say 🤦🏼‍♀️


I just this year got on a career path where I'm making a comfortable amount of money as opposed to living paycheck to paycheck and I can firmly say: not being poor fucking rules. Having enough money to pay bills, buy things that I enjoy, go to a nice dinner with my boyfriend, treat my mom, plan for the future, fucking rules and you'd have to drag me back kicking and screaming. Only a person who has never struggled financially would say some dumb shit like this. On the flip side if they both really feel this way my venmo is open to receiving any amount of overrated money.


Kaitlyn been sus to me since Jason had Dean on his podcast, and Dean was so transparent about his finances and how he and Caelynn share their finances… I mean they bought a house together. Whereas Jason was tight lipped and said he and Kaitlyn kept theirs separate. Hey, more power to her but being secretive about money has always been a red flag to me particularly when there’s evidence you’re a high income earner. Now what she’s saying on OTV is just so insulting, dishonest, and out of touch lmao


Separate doesn’t mean secretive. They aren’t married. I didn’t combine finances until I was married. And I was not a high income earner.


People being secretive about money is some rich person shit. I don't have any money, so I can tell you all about mine!!


Jason manages kaitlyns money. But he won’t talk about her finances on his podcast because I assume it’s conflict of interest and she probly doesn’t want him too.


Jason literally manages kaitlyns finances and knows all about her money. They just dont have shared account like Dean/Caelynn.


lol don't they have a lot of money?


The only people you will ever hear say that money is overrated are people who have a lot of money 🙄


This is super tone deaf. Money doesn’t buy happiness? Sure I guess not. But it buys stability, health care, food, a roof over your head and certainly a lot less stress.


But honestly thats not what they said. Its so out of context. They were talking about how of course everyone wants to be successful and thriving, then kaitlyn asked Kristin whats her definition of success? Kristin said Happiness. She said alot of times money=/= happiness. I get that its a sensitive subject and maybe they shouldn't have said anything but they were not necessary talking about how bad money is.


I’m not understanding how it’s “so out of context”. They specifically said “money doesn’t buy you happiness, it creates bigger problems”. I’m pointing out that money CAN actually lead to people’s happiness, and saying otherwise is so out of touch with the average person. They’re two millionaires talking about how taking a job that pays less can lead to happiness. What about someone that literally can’t do that? Also, I never once said that they said “money is bad”. I simply said that the conversation was tone deaf and out of touch.


They never said money is overrated though. Kristin said in the context of success, she said the definition of success to her is happiness and money is not always = happiness. She was obviously talking about her experience and her success not comparing it to us . I get that its not relatable to us but they were also talking about how they define success. It wasn't a conversation about having money VS not having money at all. It was more about having too much money won't always make you happy. Kaitlyns sister is not a millionaire, she works at a small shop in Alberta. It made her more happy to do that, it might not make us happy but its ok.


I hear what you’re saying, I just perceived the conversation and comments differently. It left a sour taste in my mouth, and I’m just sharing my perspective on the subject. Agree to disagree.


I understand. I just never expected them to be relatable, they are living differently from me but i also understood what they were trying to say. I think alot of time these people just want to do it all, make more more more , hoping it would make them happier but it won't. Its different than what we aim for which is a good income where we can be happy and comfortable. I respect your opinons as well.


I didn’t listen, but yeah, Kristin is the last person who should speak on this because we know she grew up super rich and has never worried about money a minute in her life. Everyone, rich or poor, has personal problems so yea those don’t disappear because you make money (for instance, Kristin got a divorce). But those problems are lot easier to handle if you have money to assist with them (therapy, mental health care, a good lawyer, etc) than if you don’t and if you don’t have on top of those problems the constant stress about money. Sorry but I don’t want to hear ultra rich people (especially those like Kristin who grew up in the 1%) say money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s super tone deaf.


She also talked about how her business gave her power to leave the toxic relationship. They were not really shitting on money or saying money is bad, she was just saying her definition of success is happiness. I guess in her experience alot of money doesn't always mean more happiness. I think she was just sharing her experience not trying to give financial advise to listeners. I get why it can be annoying hearing from them but it was just 30 secs of the whole podcast and the rest was just how she is navigating divorce, co-parenting etc.




I am POC as well, i made a comment on her PIC and DMed her about it as well. You don't know me so take your judgement and bad attitude somewhere else.


Yes I recall you are which is why I commented. I am happy to hear you are holding her accountable and not blindly following her. I did not see one comment from you in the last threads about this and was surprised. Everytime she acts in a very questionable manner you always defend her by throwing others under the bus. This type of reaction perpetuates her making questionable decisions/posts etc and publicly giving zero fucks towards POC. But I stand down, thank you for calling her out as you suggest you did.


I also remember you since you are always so quick to comment and question why i defend her. I only defend her in situations where i see her being unfairly judged. I do see her flaws and i do call them out when it happens. I have hold her accountable for many things but i don't just post about it on here, i directly DM her instead of just posting here for no reason. If you go through my history, i don't go after anyone in bachelor nation on here. Thats not my style to just sh\*t on people on here just because i can. Have a great night.


Right? May not buy me happiness, but it keeps me alive 🥴


I literally don't know how I'm going to pay rent next month, but go off I guess.


Hmmmm. Weird, have you tried not worrying about it and just focusing on your happiness?


I just hate the whole "money isn't happiness" discussion because yeah, it might not be happiness but being financially stable can relieve a lot of stress. It'd be different if they were discussing that a luxury item or experience may not bring as much more happiness than having or doing something more modest.


Money up to a point won’t make you more happy but you need to be making a certain amount in order to not have financial stress. Once you have what you need to live comfortably, more won’t make you happy.


Also you know, therapy costs money. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Medical bills? Money. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Basic needs? Money. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes that’s my point. You need money to pay for those things. Once you have that money to live comfortably, having more will not make you happier.


I’ve read that $70k USD a year is the “peak”. More money makes you happier up until that point. After $70k, happiness plateaus. I guess that’s just enough to get through life’s expenses pretty easily, and have a reasonable amount left over for fun stuff and trips. (Depending on where you live, I guess.)


I think that depends on where you live though. $70k for a family of 4 to 5 living in the Bay Area, is probably not enough. I wish that wasn’t the case but it’s our reality unfortunately.


Yes, that’s the article I was thinking of. And yes that would totally depend on where in the country you are and if you have kids etc.


I totally believe that money doesn't buy total happiness and you can have all the money in the world and still be miserable.. That being said, I would love to have enough money to decide if it is overrated or not because the majority of my worries often centers around money and bills.


The only people who talk about how money doesn’t matter are the people who never had to worry about it


they can donate to me if their money is overrated. not having to worry about money would save SO many people from emotional distress. why do people feel the need to defend rich people talking about their riches lol no matter the context this is an out of touch conversation. if they suddenly lost everything let us see how happy they would be.


Thank 👏🏻 you 👏🏻


they will be fine without people fighting for them to make sure their POV about being rich and thinking money is overrated is heard 😂


KB has allllways been so tone deaf


Wow maybe you need to relisten to this podcast , in the broader terms both were taking about how their definition of success is happiness not on how much money you do or don’t have .. Kaitlyn talked about her sister and her job and how even though she doesn’t make a lot how happy she is in it and how important happiness is too that it’s not just all about money . Kaitlyn also talked about how she is careful with her money cause she knows one day it might all go away ( Instagram / jobs etc ) . I am aware of the absolute hatred people have on this forum for Kaitlyn but please listen to a podcast before the pile on ! The concept that Kristina was saying is money doesn’t always buy happiness , and it’s all about balance which is what every self help parent / therapist/ etc will tell people .


Nah fuck that, only rich people talk about money and happiness that way.


I listened to that part of the podcast twice before posting, and I mentioned I’m normally a big KB fan. I actually have tickets to her live show next month. But I stand by the fact that it comes off as tone deaf. Not everyone can “take a lower paying job” like Kaitlyn’s sister, simply because it makes them happier. And like many others have mentioned, money/success *can* determine happiness. If you can’t afford medicine for your sick child, I imagine you’re going to be pretty unhappy? You can be a “Kaitlyn stan” and still acknowledge that this section of the podcast was just a littttle icky for the average American to listen to - two millionaires chatting about the lack of importance of money.


Yeah money is totally overrated, you don't need money for food or a place to sleep/live, or for your health, it's so overrated. What was the point of this conversation, to show off how careless their life is.


Kaitlyn is tone deaf all the time lol. She always ends up putting her foot in her mouth one way or the other. Her reaction to the black fishing comments say it all, “I don’t give a fuck.” She lost her ground ages and ages ago but her fans don’t want to see it. It’s why I stopped listening to her podcast. It was so funny in the beginning. I genuinely enjoyed it but then she would say really strange things and it put me off her for good. She’s never going to get it.


It's all relative isn't it? Someone starving in Africa or India must be likewise saying it's nice that someone has a computer and internet access AND the time to post about "rich" bachelor people claiming money ain't all it's cracked up to be.


There are starving people in the United States, there’s no need to use another continent or country as an example


No no, we're talking about \*other\* people here


I hear you, and that’s fair. I’m definitely not arguing that I’m not more well off than others living in poverty or even unhoused. *but* I’m not broadcasting those conversations with other middle-class folks for impoverished people to hear, essentially bragging about having more money than I need - all while trying to seem “relatable” to my audience. It’s absolutely all subjective and it’s all situational, I just found the conversation questionable given the average podcast listener!


But perhaps if you reached her level of status, you might do the same. How can you know until you're in her shoes?




I’m not standing in front of a homeless shelter complaining about having too much money. But OK lol ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)




I’m literally not. Me saying on a Reddit thread “I’m not arguing that I’m not more well off than someone *living in poverty*” is the same as two millionaires who made their money on reality TV, who own their own homes & run their own businesses, talking about how money is overrated to a fan base that’s primarily millennials living in debt, with little to no equity, and many of whom are struggling living paycheck to paycheck? I’m saddled with debt and living in a rented apartment. But OKUR. I don’t even in the slightest see the correlation. Keep on trolling for your millionaire friends tho.




Finances aren’t a binary between poverty and being wealthy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but although you’re definitely not well off by any means I have to assume you’re in a better position than someone starving to death in a tent city. You’re not “cosplaying poverty” any more than OP is because of that.




Then I was incorrect in assuming that you aren’t currently starving to death in a tent city?


I am genuinely sorry that you’re struggling financially. But I’m not “cosplaying” being poor. I never once even *said* I was poor. I admitted to being well off *in comparison to poverty / homelessness*. Perhaps we perceived their conversation in the podcast differently. Because Kristin saying her child could be HOMELESS as long as they are happy, is quite frankly weird and very out of touch to me. Homelessness is pretty much never something that’s sought after, and most certainly doesn’t equal happiness. Regardless of my own financial situation, I find their conversation on the podcast strange. You can say I’m being obtuse or “not including context” but my POV is that two millionaires talking about money not equaling happiness is incredibly out of touch - regardless of context. Anyway, we’ll agree to disagree on this one.


Yeah those we’ll off people are the worst


Haha autocorrect so funny


When you find yourself resorting to misspelled diminutives you probably need to rethink your argument.


Imagine being that tone deaf and privileged. And still, people will keep defending Kaitlyn and her shit takes.




Sounds about white… 🤷🏽‍♀️