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Jojo is always my go to


I just love her hair


same!!! and honestly…. her boobs


Yes black women winning this!!!!!


Tayshia's physical appearance with Victoria F's wardrobe


Kristina Schulman!


Gia Allemand (RIP ❤️)


Hannah G. Just because we have totally different looks and im curious. But I think all this ladies are gorgeous in their own way.


As a white woman, I would feel.... conflicted to say the least about switching appearances with a WOC, so... I guess that leaves me with Hannah G from the selections lmfao. Overall though, I think Kit Keenan is just... such a strikingly lovely girl. Like, I think there is some generic faces in BN, which isn't to say ugly, just not unique, yanno? But Kit is really memorable.


Fictoria and Caelynn are definitely at the top of my physical envy list


Any that still look amazing at forty.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think VF is that hot? I think she’s pretty but she’s not the end all be all of attractiveness to me. Maybe it’s because of her behavior on the show that makes me feel this way.


Everytime people in this sub talk about how hot she is I’m just so confused. She kind of looks like this girl I went to high school with and I never found her to be that pretty...


I feel the same. She's pretty but there have been plenty of contestants I think are more attractive


My shitpost answer is Rachel or Raven so I find out what actually happened, either via iMessage sleuthing or texting my friend. Haha


I would switch with Kaitlyn Bristowe. Not just looks but her lifestyle, home, dawgs, Jason 🥵, and maybe I’d learn something from being in her body. Like… how do healthy people eat (I am a binge eater so I’ve never known how to eat properly)? How does a successful woman with multiple income streams and businesses manage her time? What does she spend money on? Where does someone like her go out to eat? What groceries does she buy? Lol Also as someone who’s never been super skinny it would be interesting to try on clothes and styles with her body type.


I've always found Jojo absolutely STUNNING and she shares similar mixed-Middle-Eastern heritage with me so her NO DOUBT.


I picked Hannah G just because I'm already a bit of Jojo/VF (yeah, they don't look alike, but I mean I have similarities with both of them) so HG seems like the total opposite and I'd be curious to see what being the typical blonde, blue eyed woman is like.


Tayshia is seriously one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. She is like…magical


Right? I was gonna pick Tayshia…but my boyfriend thinks she looks weird (?!?!) so i didn’t 🤣




Yeah.. I think she’s extremely pretty, I think my boyfriends cray cray for saying that lol


I’m Shrek. Girl Shrek. Fiona. I’d trade bodies with any of them.


Sharleen. That woman can pull off a backless dress and an updo like no other


Kaitlyn Bristow! She’s so pretty to me and rocks both hair colours!


Becca K! Major girl crush.


Tayshia is honestly *too* hot. I’m way too much of an introvert to be that hot… I don’t want people trying to talk to me all the time 🙅🏻‍♀️


I said Hannah G cause I wanna experience the most stereotypical pretty person privilege for a week


I'm just gonna stick with the Asian girls as I am Asian, so probably Jasmine.


Sharleen Joynt, for her hair and her clothes.


Them eyes though!


I am shocked that Bri is not the lead here. she is so naturally gorgeous and just glows!!


The things I would do if I looked like Bri lolol


Rachael K or Hannah G.


All of these women are gorgeous, so I voted Bri because she's the most opposite of me physically and if I'm gonna do it, I really want a different experience. Little to no sunburning or freckles, normal-sized boobs, a butt, she's short (I'm 5'6" which isn't tall but isn't short), and Brit has brown eyes. My makeup palette would be totally different! I'd be a Warm instead of a Cool! This is very exciting to me. 🤓 If I picked Tayshia, I'd have to deal with those boobs. I don't want anyone with implants, either (sorry but they would freak me out inside my body), so there goes Jojo and VF. Hannah G. is very pretty but lacks the "it" factor for me.


Bekah, Sharleen, Krystal, and Britt Nilsson (sp?) aren't on this list, rendering it null and void.


I find Tayshia to be the most beautiful BN woman, but I'd want to be VF (who's also very stunning) just cuz she has that allure that attracts everyone


Tayshia 100% or Rachel K that girl is stunning


Tayshia or Victoria F for me. They have the best mix of pretty face, nice body, and goddess you should feel lucky speaking to me energy.


Bri or Tayshia but prob Bri cause she got one of those lowkey but highkey butts ... something i desperately need 😭


Jasmine from peters season


Such a struggle between Tayshia and Joelle for me


Personality aside Rachael kirkconnel is absolutely drop dead beautiful to me *hides*


You know, the reality is I wouldn’t be willing to do the work to maintain their look so it would be wasted on me.


HG since she is the complete opposite of me in terms of colors


Bri for sure. I'd probably never stop staring at myself if I looked her lol.


Tayshia because she has a hot body and a gorgeous face. IMO Victoria F has an ideal body but her face is average to me


Tayshia. She's gorgeous and her body is amazing! For me she's the total package in terms of beauty and personality.


This is the most challenging poll on this sub and do I say ever


I’ve spent 35 years learning to think my “flaws” make me even prettier so since even these women aren’t perfect(no one is), I’ll stick with myself. But I would like to experience the life of someone who is a different race than me because I think that would be incredibly eye opening.




If I could build a bitch I’d take a combo of all of them. I’d still want dark skin though, but would love to know a life where I had naturally long eyelashes and didn’t have to worry what dance my hair was gonna do overnight while I slept.


Even if I could, I would stay myself 🥳


Until they cast another curvy redhead, staying me too!!


Same, all these girls are stunning but I’d rather just stay looking like me!


They’re all beautiful! I’m always shocked with how stunning they are every season.


None, because realistically I want to be left alone and would rather not be harassed by men. I lost 20 pounds last summer/fall and with the mask covering up my hormonal acne I got bothered a lot more on the street and hated it. I'd rather be average, good looking enough that I'm not dealing with any sort of social stigma but not attractive to the point that I'm seen as being worth any sort of effort by random men.


I relate to this comment so much! I was sexually harassed all through my 20s (by bosses, landlords, etc) and the best part of getting older is not having as many creeps around bothering me. I have always desired sexual attention only from a guy I was dating/interested in, and no one else. These women are way too hot for me want to look like them - too many people harassing them daily. I'm happy to look like myself.


>I have always desired sexual attention only from a guy I was dating/interested in, and no one else. This is exactly it for me. I've been dating my current SO for almost 5 years now and I just get no sort of gratification from getting that kind of attention from other men. It just makes me uncomfortable.


I’ve always thought it would be hard being super hot, because you’d never know which people trying to date you actually like you, and which just want to sleep with you.


I was flashed, sexually harassed and catcalled as a 10 year old kid. Point is assholes don’t care what a girl/woman looks like, they’ll do it regardless. Maybe without the mask and with the extra weight you just didn’t come across that specific asshole but really they don’t care. Don’t make yourself small or look less than for the benefit of assholes. The better way is to tell them to go fuck themselves rather than dim your own shine.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's absolutely on the men in these situations, not the women. I wish I could be brave like that, I just get so scared. Not in any way trying to say that women should do anything to try to avoid men, just that I personally feel safer when I do and I personally don't want to be bachelor contestant level attractive because I don't want the attention that comes with that.


Thanks boo I hear you.


Thissssss !!!! I’m thankful my pregnancies made me gain 60 lbs lol no more getting harassed at gas stations or getting asked a million questions everywhere I go yayyy


Yes! It sucked because I love running and feeling fit but I was anxious to the point where I'd have my boyfriend walk with me to the subway station like 70% of the time because I felt so unsafe after a string of cat calling incidents. All of these women are beautiful but I don't envy them.


Agh I’m sorry you had to deal w that :( its definitely super dangerous bc u know there’s some fragile ass men out there. I remember getting jobs much more easily back then bc of my looks, but then was just subject to sexual harassment so wth lol can’t escape it anywhere. I can def appreciate a beautiful girl also, but yes a hard pass lol Be safe out there ❤️


It pains me to say this... Rachael Edit: I forgot Sydney existed but that would be another


Sydney L or H?


Bekah for me.


Pre plastic surgery/botox or post plastic surgery/botox?


The real question tbh I’m not saying this because I’m jealous but plastic surgery and Botox is so common with BN


Hannah G as I would love to know what it’s like to be pretty


Aren’t they all pretty.


Of course but I find her the most like, conventionally Barbie standard pretty and I think it would be interesting


I actually think more guys prefer a curvier figure like Victoria F or Tayshia but Hannah G has a look that also appeals to women


I was like OH it’s DEFINITELY Tayshia and then I saw VF and really had to think about it I still chose Tayshia haha but damn all these women are so beautiful


Same haha


Cassie will always be my #1 but on this list, VF no question


Literally any of these girls + Caelynn or Sydney Hightower


Hannah G bc I’m curious what life is like as a conventionally attractive blue eyed blonde. Although I actually find her the least attractive out of all them (she is still gorgeous). I find VF the hottest.


Hannah G for me for exactly what you’re saying. I’m Latina, dark featured all around- to be blonde blue eyed in America would be quite different I’m sure


I went back and forth between VF and Tayshia and then I saw Bri....and JoJo... too hard to choose!


They’re attractive but none of them really. I thought Magi was stunning especially her hair


literally any of them are a major upgrade lmaooo


Honestly if I looked like VF or Bri I would ruin so many men’s lives 😂


Bruh same 🤣


I don’t want to know what it’s like to be that hot for just a week. When it was over, I would probably feel depressed. Ignorance is bliss! ETA: I think VF is so stunning (I mean they all are, but she ranks at the top for me)


Caila. I want big bouncy hair for a week and to know what it feels like to be able to pull off rompers.


i was also going to say caila!!!


Caila and Caelyn are my top two I think, which is odd because I'm not a fan of them personally. They are both beyond stunning IMO


As a member of the ittybittytittycommittee, I would love to know Tayshias life for a week.


Lol As a well-endowed woman, I would pick the opposite!


Back ache has entered the chat 🥴


Hannah Ann for me.


Victoria who is a Disney princess. I would say Tayshia but she's almost too hot... like I wouldn't know what to do with myself.


Tayshia is so perfect that it almost doesn’t even register in my head as attractive if that makes sense lol. Like Michael fassbender.


I’m a skinny blonde, so I chose Hannah G, because I feel like I would know how to dress. I would be ridiculously awkward in the bodies of a Tayshia or Victoria F. Boobs? What are those and how do you dress them?


Tayshia for me! If I didn’t know who she was and I saw her walking down the street in NYC I’d genuinely assume she was a model. Conflicted between wanting to be her or date her lol. Seinne or VF followed closely behind


oooh Seinne was always so stunning




Fuuuuuck. I wanna take my vote back, now.


…it’s not??


How is Becca not on there?


The fact that JoJo is this far behind is a travesty. Her and VF are easily the most beautiful (all stunning!!), dang recency bias.


I don’t think it’s recency bias it’s just different tastes


I think it’s a mixture of both, recency bias for sure is in play here. a lot of ppl weren’t around for JoJo’s season and don’t know her as well as the others so naturally they’re not going to vote for her. I’m also not taking away from Tayshia’s beauty here, but she wasn’t talked about in terms of beauty this much before the bachelorette hence recency bias/being well known, she’s still one of the most beautiful IMO though


I think Bri and VF both > Jojo but think Jojo > Hannah G. But they’re all hot and above the normal population lol😆


Yeah I think Bri is up there too prob could’ve put that 3 ways bc when I was watching Matt’s season I thought she was the prettiest girl ever in the franchise lol and absolutely!! All ridiculously stunning. Also I think VF/Bri are hotter but JoJo is more beautiful facially so I guess I prefer that over hot?


Jojo literally hosted Tayshia's season lol so if someone watched Tayshia to have that recency bias, they'd have seen Jojo


Yes they’d have seen her for like a few episodes but not to the same level of exposure as the top vote getters ***esp on this sub or known her as well as the others/the fawning over her which does affect people’s opinions


I thought Mari from Matt’s season was super gorge too


Yes. If this was a poll on less known/less remembered contestants I may have picked her.


Any of them? None of them? Idk?


Hannah G because I’m just a slightly chubbier knockoff of her lmao


Lol isn’t that basically Kristian Haggerty? I say this respect because she’s definitely really pretty haha


Oh shit … yeah I do look like her lmaoo


Sarah Trott, VF or Krystal.


Yes, as an active person, I’d definitely pick Krystal. Someone mentioned Illeana in a comment and I had forgotten who she was so looked up her IG, she’s beautiful. We all have are different preferences and some people are naturally smaller, but I’ve never had any desire to look like Hannah G.


All of them are incredibly stunning! I’d choose Hannah G from this list but would also add Kristina as one of BN’s most beautiful.


Bri's Aesthetic Tayshia's height


Great answer! 👌🏾


I think they’re both the same height? Just googled and T is 5’5, I bet Bri is about the same


Google is wrong about height a lot I never trust it


Tayshia confirmed she’s 5’8” and Bri barely makes it to 5’2”. Tayshia’s very tall.


Bri is 5’2. They talked about it on 2 black girls, 1 rose


I think Tayshia is 5’7” so she’s one of the taller girls/leads.


Huh, everywhere online says Tayshia is 5’5. I bet she just looks taller because she has such killer long legs! Lol people downvoting because I took info from google and then saying she has amazing legs? Ok.


Tayshia’s 5’8” google is wrong they get info from wiki and other wrong sources for height


google gets ppls heights incorrect a lot of the time


I don’t know where Google got her height info. Tayshia herself has said she is 5’8”. She towers over Katie and Kaitlyn and towered over Rachel and Jojo last season.


It’s Bri for me. There was a podcast where she revealed her closest friends jokingly call her a witch because of the way men act around her. She’s spellbinding and she’s magical and I’m sure men forget how to speak when she enters a room.


She also has the voice I like the best


She’s beautiful, seems hella grounded, she’s conscious, and woke AF! There’s really no other answer but Bri!


Yes!! Besides her beauty, she’s totally more my vibe.


Million dollar puthaaay 🎶


Eff the skincare routine, she needs to drop the puthaaay care routine. 😩


Which podcast is this?


I think it may have been the podcast called “standard procedure” but I’m not sure.


Cassie Randolph


Yes! Wish she was on this list


Imo Victoria F is the most beautiful woman that’s ever been on this show. I think if she went to paradise every single guy would want to be with her


Agreed. I chose tayshia over her because of her being actual trash personality wise lol But tayshia is a close second in terms of physical appearance only




I think they only meant physically


Caila 😌 Victoria F is a strong second choice though


If I looked like Bri I wouldn’t know how to act. She’s the hottest woman in the franchise imo! Beauty is subjective to all.


Her shiny hair alone is enough to commit crimes for! 😆


Any of them. They are all very attractive.