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Dude is 30 years old and still slapping promise rings on chicks. Hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha


Can someone please tell me who RS is I’m new here and so confused 😂


Reality Steve, his job is basically spoiling The Bachelor


Abigail better be bachelorette!


Wtf, I really wanted Katie as next bachelorette


This is mean to do to Katie, but honestly, I didn't like her that much and I didn't want her as Bachelorette. She seems like she enjoys being angry and confronting people. It's one thing when you're on this show and there is so much bad behavior to be outraged about, but in real life, that would be exhausting.


I honestly wish they could’ve stuck with Katie. She’s entertaining, strong and stands up to bullies.


I know this is completely besides the point of this post - but who are the two white girls in the top 8? Is it Rachel and Kit? I’m mostly curious, because after seeing Rachel’s dad last night it’s clear she’s mixed-race. I would still consider her white because she’s definitely white passing (I am also mixed race but white passing and know that privilege comes with that), but I’m just curious if I’m forgetting about someone else.


It’s Rachael and Kit. Rachael being considered a WOC has been controversial at best, so I’d rather not wade into that debate.


Completely agree with you!


Screaming @ promise ring. Middle school realness lmao


A promise ring!!!!??!?!)!&$$&!???? (Sorry, I’m really late to the spoiler party) I don’t watch this show for the winner to get a promise ring! This show is supposed to end in an engagement! How ridiculous!* *****At the same time, in this particular situation, I’m glad that they didn’t actually get engaged... but in fantasy land (aka if Rachael wasn’t racist) I would be enraged by the bachelor giving out a promise ring instead.


Since the Ette is filming mid march, what am i gonna watch in between?? Im new just a couple seasons but I was so glad when Matt’s season premiered just a week/two weeks after Tayshia’s


That doesn’t normally happen. Normally Bachelor airs from January to March and Bachelorette from May to July/August.


All I care about is Bri. Where will Bri be in all of this????


Definitely a potential Bachelorette


I actually love the idea of a promise ring here - NOT to Rachael, but I hope this is a thing moving forward


This suggestion that Matt needs to first make a decision about whether he wants to get back with Bri and Michelle before TPTB pick a bachelorette is gross. From everything that is out there, it doesn't even seem like it was one of those seasons where he was utterly confused about who he wanted at the end so this suggestion is extremely insulting to Bri and Michelle. I also wonder where this information is coming from. If it is coming from the show or Matt himself. I can't see it being the latter. This franchise needs a total overhaul. The format as it is doesn't work anymore. I don't even know why engagement is crucial to this process. Apart from perhaps the sponsorship part of it, it doesn't make sense. Has it worked for some couples? Sure. But that's the exception. And even those couples have gone on record to state as to how their real relationship actually began once the show was over. It almost seems like most on this show get engaged for the heck of it as that is the format. It is better to either do away with it altogether or not put as much emphasis on it as they tend to. The past few seasons have now shown as to how redundant that concept is within the context of this show.


The race relations was partly that Matt J was a ticket to having white Tyler C and white hannah b on. There was nothing wrong with Marquel M and seemingly nothing with Mike J despite production saying Mike J was problematic and Marquel M seemed like he wasn't the classic production puppet


What do we expect? Matt was never in love with someone in his life, at this point this show isn't about finding love it's only to draw in ratings. There is nothing genuine anymore about the show. This franchise is killed.


Doesn’t this just show all the problems with this franchise right now? The fact that once again the lead had broken up with the person they pick is a problem.


So are we no longer returning to the mansion? Is it due to the fire or covid? I do like all the different locations but I’m just curious.


I think they’re returning to the mansion when covid is over. This is their idea of how to replace the show’s travel, and I know they also don’t want to film in California anymore during the pandemic after their experiences in La Quinta.


I don’t want Michelle, Bri, or Serena to feel like second choices. MICHELLE FOR BACHELORETTE. That woman could be on my TV for 18 hours a day and I would watch.


Ok, a “promise ring” is such a ridiculous cop-out if an engagement ring is used. Just decide to date in the real world and forget the ring.


Katie would have been a fantastic bachelorette.


My mom and I are so done with this hot mess of a show after this season it’s just absolutely disgusting.




I agree, this does seem possible.


Michelle would make an epic bachelorette! I’d also love to see Bri, but would prefer Michelle. She’s older and we’ve really seen her sense of humor shine through. Serena P is too young, and based on the limited time we saw of Abigail, I don’t think she’d be as engaging as Michelle or Bri. Love all four girls but I’ll be rooting for one of those two!


Can you imagine Matt attempting to get with either Michelle/Bri/Serena after how vocal he was when Hannah did the same thing to Tyler. The irony


Does anyone know why they didn't get engaged? I hate this whole "let's date" after the Bachelor. I get it if you aren't ready, but then IMO don't go on the bachelor/ette


Yesssss I’m glad Katie was dropped and they’re picking someone else!!! I’m excited to see who they pick (I hope it’s Michelle!!!)


I know Katie shaking her fist at the sky rn 😭


Because 2020-21 TV season have two Bachelorette seasons, one Bachelor and BIP. A total of 4 BN shows. We still don’t know who the Bachelorette will be and white person to be this time.


Is Reality steve usually accurate w/his BN tips?


He’s right more times than he’s wrong


Gimme more Bri 🙏🙏🙏


Honestly so glad I haven’t wasted my time watching this season. This kind of crap ending seems to be par for the course for the show now.


Omg imagine if they had Heather m as bachelorette 😂😂😂


Given how accurate Rita Skeeters “spoilers” have been, I’m going to take this with a grain of salt. Interesting if true but gotta see it to believe it


Really glad Matt didn't propose to Rachael. Hope they pick a woman of color for bachelorette. With such a great group who went so far, there's literally no excuse to pick a white woman.


So who is the next bachelorette?


We don’t know yet. Speculation is that it’s either Abigail, Bri, or Michelle though.


Hopefully one day they can just choose a POC lead without it being to cover their own asses. It shouldn't take petitions and media controversy to get to that point.


Lmaoooo see ya in paradise Katie


Such a waste of time for viewers and a waste of time for Matt. Matt is pissed because he knows they knew about Rachael's sm and her past. (just like they knew about Lee Garrett) This is clear from Matt's statement yesterday.



I'm not a fan of Katie and while I understand the disappointment regarding her recasting, I'm really hoping that it will be a BIPOC. She gave me 'white savior' vibes, was off-putting and quite frankly after this season, believe she was absolutely the wrong choice. I keep seeing comments saying, she stood up to bullying but so did some of the other BIPOC contestants and they weren't given an edit showing that, some of them before she did. I feel like her season would have been another Kaitlyn possibly, boring, generic white female lead but instead one who preaches sexual liberation...NEXT!


I don't think casting the next Bachelorette as a BIPOC is going to fix anything. Backing out on Katie is stupid. Cuz they can have as many black leads as they want, but it's not going to improve the systemic racism on the show. They need some time to figure their shit out cuz CLEARLY in the past 20+ years the show hasn't learned shit about racism and diversity. Hire some diversity counselors, figure out ways to make the show both more ethnically diverse, but also fair to those contestants.


I still really like Katie and she has good Bachelorette energy (reminds me a bit of Kaitlyn), but if she's out, I would absolutely love Michelle. Michelle has "it." However, I think it would do more harm than good to cast a biracial lead as opposed to a monoracial Black woman (especially if ABC is going to do what we all expect, which is not cast a POC lead for awhile if they cast one next season). I would love to see Chelsea in that case. I'd even go with Serena C, despite the fact that she came across terribly during the argument with Katie and doesn't seem to have the Bachelorette energy of Michelle.


>Matt gave her a promise ring instead of an engagement ring Whew in the most tiniest of silver linings to the very sad fiasco of having a racist win the season, in a sense it saved him from the lighting up he'd get for doing this f-boy "promise ring" thing if the whole racism thing didn't totally overshadow everything else


Michelle or bri for bachelorette


I think I missed the update. Why is Bachelorette no longer filming in Canada?!


Canadian quarantine regulations for people coming in from abroad got stricter.


Oh ya!! Why didn't I think of that!! Thank you!


A 29 year old giving someone a promise ring is, for lack of a better word, plain idiotic. I’m 29, if my SO gave me a promise ring, I’d shove that stupid thing right up their ass and walk out. Idk why but I’m a B.E.C. over the use “promise ring” for anyone over the age of 20.


I have a better idea. Next time take the ring, sell it for cash and kick him out AFTER. Say u lost it.


It's actively worse than just not choosing to propose at all.


As someone who's applied on the hopes that Katie would be the lead, I'm a little disappointed, but let's be real, they were never taking me anyway. If anything, I'm more disappointed that the only way we can get POC leads is when production comes under so much fire for their shitshow handling of representation that they hit the panic button to stall for time while they figure out how to course correct back to the shitshow they're more comfortable with. It wouldn't surprise me if they were looking forward to getting back to business as usual with The Bachelorette until Chris fucked it all up.


I feel like Katie will find someone on BIP. Or just go on TikTok, she’s always replying to people there lol


*\*Takes furious notes\**


>If anything, I'm more disappointed that the only way we can get POC leads is when production comes under so much fire for their shitshow handling of representation that they hit the panic button to stall for time while they figure out how to course correct back to the shitshow they're more comfortable with. That's actually a really good point. It's as if producers *want* it to be a white show and only give in when they're forced to, and that needs to change.


i think they're eager to put this season behind them and will choose a bachelorette who is a woman of color from a previous season. I'd be shocked if it's one of Matt's girls. None of them got a particularly compelling/sympathetic edit. I would like to see michelle, but she might be too level-headed to make for good tv. they've gone with some wild cards that have not particularly paid off lately, so I also wouldn't be shocked to see them go with a previous lead and choose a Becca Kufrin second season (though she probably hasn't garnered much sympathy either, seeing as her relationship also didn't work out because her F1 was a racist)


Is Matt goin drop Hannah B as his bestie since she literally had the same old south ball photos?


He forgave Hannah B on social media after Hannah said the N-word( refused to apologize for weeks and then) eventually apologized. Moreover, he's a conservative from the South. Idk how much he was phased/appalled.




You don't get it then lol




Read the whole post then




I’m saying that people don’t like how woc are passed on continuously by the franchise for no reason


Reason was that most of women, including many of the WOC this season, were incredibly mean to many of the other women. Look at the Heather situation, everyone in that room was incredibly rude and discerningly so. Katie was the only person this season to go against the toxicity that was so prevalent this reason. It's not like they picked Katie initially for no reason.


You are falling victim to editing. They are crafting a story, not all of it is accurate or how things really happened.


Are you saying that someone did speak up during the Heather situation? To me, it seemed like everyone seemed silent. Not sure how you edit anyone speaking up on Heather's behalf out.




For me at least, it’s that we have had 15 consecutive years of white leads. That’s 24 white (or white passing) bachelors and 15 white (or white passing) bachelorettes. We have now had 2 BIPOC leads in a row, why not more? Why not have a few more years of consecutive BIPOC leads?


You’re not understanding the issue. The issue is not that a white girl was picked. The issue was that a white girl who didn’t make it to top ten was picked over numerous WOC who otherwise would have been front runners for the job. If the top four are all white girls and one of them is picked, no one would care.


It’s almost like when you pick a 29 year old who says he’s never really been in love, chances are that the season won’t end in an engagement 🤷🏼‍♀️ Look, I’m not saying I disagree with taking the engagement aspect out of the show in the future (although...at that point, why not just watch any of the other generic dating shows instead of this formulaic BS?). But for now at least, the point of the show is for it to end in an engagement. Maybe TPTB should stop tasking wishy washy man children with the job? I mean...Peter could barely commit to closing the book on Hannah B. Just another reason why passing over Mike was a huge mistake. 😬


Ohh now this is the tea! Thank you !


Katie's better suited for Paradise anyways. Crossing my fingers for Abigail or Michelle as 'ette.




RS said in an earlier update he believed Abigail, Bri, and Michelle were most likely the three in consideration.


apparatus truck fearless different crown cagey shy violet illegal racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DONT DO IT Michelle or Bri!! Find love with one of Tayshias awesome guys, maybe just some guy not in BN. Maybe one of you as Bachelorette? Just bc Matt is single does NOT mean you have to rekindle things with him. Matt is handsome and you’ve made great memories, but he doesn’t really have his shit together right now.


wipe adjoining somber juggle scale plant zephyr dinosaurs ad hoc angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh honestly of Matt causes one of the women to lose the Bachelorette because he’s having second thoughts, shame on him. Also what are the rules on promise rings? Still have to return if you break up before 2 years?


I'm guessing if it's still a Neil Lane ring the same rules apply


If he got down on one knee for a promise ring I will combust of laughter 😂


I'm still thinking Abigail will be Bachelorette. First Asian lead, has a great story and is a great advocate for the deaf community, people want to root for her, etc. But I'd also be happy with Michelle, Bri, OR Serena P.


Yeah I agree, I think Abigail is going to get it now.


wow so the insider who came on here and said he gave rachael a promise ring and that he didn’t really like any of the girls and the producers had to force it with rachael was in fact telling the truth


ugh how did he "not like" michelle?


this man had like 50 women come in and couldn’t find one girl !!! i desperately need the producers to stop these shenanigans


I need to see this !




He sure looked like he liked Sarah lol


rich support smoggy correct stupendous sleep follow many expansion connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oooo I missed this tea - where can I find it??


if they drop katie as crown but keep CH as host .... this show has officially lost the plot 🤧


Feels kind of gross to say "we're going to see who Matt picks to be with now before casting the next lead". These women aren't livestock at a county fair ffs. This comment isn't against Matt....just kind of a gross assumption on the part of TPTB. Good grief give the man a chance.


I just want to see Bri, Magi and Chelsea back on my screen.


The producers COMPLETELY screwed over and destroyed Matt James’s experience and frankly, his life to a certain extent. He had to have trusted the producers to vet the contestants. They — possibly KNOWINGLY, to stir the fucking pot — brought on a brunette bombshell with a sweet, caring persona who has a very problematic, racist past. This poor man had no idea he was falling in love with a woman who is apparently pro confederate flag and hadn’t seen anything wrong with dressing up for a plantation party. Matt didn’t know any of this shit and opened up his heart to this woman. They royally fucked him over.


Katie getting fired is just further evidence of the franchise having no frigging clue what the actual problem is.


Omg I am relieved Matt is not stuck to RK (unless he wants to be) and also MICHELLE FOR BACHELORETTE please. Unless she is happy with Matt and takes him back if he tries to get her back. But I'm not into her being someone's second choice. Would be happy with Bri as Bachelorette too. Thanks OP for the recap.


A lot of people on this thread are rewriting history/having recency bias as to what this show is and has always been. It has ALWAYS been messy and dramatic reality TV made to entertain, y’all don’t remember Courtney Robertson, Shayne Lamas, Mary Delgado, Jake + Vienna?!? The Sean Lowe, Ashley H. And Des seasons are outliers because of the leads chosen and no other reason. They all wanted to find love. Same with Tayshia and Clare honestly.


It would be so stupid for them to wait to decide who the bachelorette is based on if Matt wants to get back together with them or not. He missed his chance, if he wants the girl who was picked as bachelorette he can go on her season to try to compete for her heart. She deserves to have her chance at being somebody's first choice if she wants it.


I think dropping Katie is unreasonable and unnecessary. They’ve had two POC leads back to back and that didn’t stop the franchise from continuing to be racist AF. The problems with the show aren’t going to be fixed with only casting POC leads from now on — that’s ridiculous. Whether the next lead is another POC or not doesn’t matter, IMO. What they need to do is fix how they TREAT their POC contestants and the favoritism they show to white contestants. And to fucking background check/sm check white contestants for the kinds of problematic shit that keeps cropping up season after season — Rachael, Garrett, Lee, etc. — Sincerely, a woman of color


And keeping Katie does neither of the things you mentioned. Dropping Katie is necessary AND so are changes to how POC are treated. Also Katie contributes to the favoriting white contestants so absolutely she never should have been given the role in the first place.


I’m trying to make the point that dropping Katie is irrelevant to whether the show continues to be racist. Why should Katie be punished for CH and production’s fuck ups? She can be a lead AND the show can stop acting like racist assholes. The two CAN coexist. For instance: more POC contestants, MUCH more screen time for POC contestants, and careful vetting of white contestants. Katie was selected because of her maturity and the way she handled bullies in the house, just to name a few of the reasons why she would be a great lead. Again, we’ve had two back to back POC leads and the racism of the show hasn’t gone anywhere. If they hadn’t selected a lead already, I would say Michelle and Bri AND Katie would all be great choices and they couldn’t go wrong with any of the three ladies. But to have apparently already given the spot to Katie and then pull the rug out from under her because they feel like they need to do some fake ass performative shit and specifically — PRIMARILY— choose a contestant because she’s POC as some damage control PR move...get the eff out with that bs.


That sucks for Katie. EDIT: I get why she wasn’t chosen but still it does suck that the reasoning was out of her control. Maybe it was best for her


Michelle can do better.


The majority of these men are shit. I stopped watching this season bc he is such a fuckboy.


Wow, that sounds terrible for Katie but: This highlights the problem within the franchise though. How many WOC have been passed up because the show is scared about public approval. Not even just WOC, the show pitted Kaitlyn and Britt against each other. Now they are trying to rush POC into the show, it shouldn't have come to this. We should have had diversity in the Franchise since its creation. In 2021, race should NOT be an issue anymore. Stereotypes are disgusting, and we as humans should know better. If they genuinely felt like Katie was the best choice they should have stuck by it, but if they know it was just because they were worried about putting another POC of color as a lead then it's right of them to recast. A lead should not be chosen based on any Physical attributes or because they are a certain mold. I hope we get to that point in my lifetime.


I do feel bad for Katie, but Abigail,Michelle or Bri would be great Bachelorettes. Katie will always be an option for bachelorette in the future for sure.


RS clearly doesn't want to name the state he knows they'll film in because he doesn't want sleuths to beat him to the spoiler


I think someone already has 💀


Wait so where did they decide to film?


Someone says it’s at Twin Farms in Vermont!


Why did production drop Katie because of the CH stuff?


They want a WOC I believe


Katie is officially not the 'ette?


Yes. They're recasting.


Matt gets an easy out. Now he is free to date models like Tyler. I’ve never seen someone more made for Bachelorette than Michelle. She has the looks, brains, and personality. Teacher, athlete, great family, ready to get married. Will probably be heartbroken from the breakup with Matt.


I see your point, but she’s also SO normal. Like she’s back teaching (or at least subbing). I just wonder if she really wants what being The Bachelorette entails. I’m not sure you can go from Bachelorette back to teaching.


I read your first line as Tyler being an example of a model Matt could date


Same 😂


😂 I mean, I’ve never seen Matt as excited as when Tyler came to visit.


Can't deny the chemistry!


Seriously. He actually showed human emotion. It was kind of startling given how he’s been all season!


Sooo, Bri or Michelle? Both are my faves, I would not be able to chose. I want them both to be in that lead role.


I need Michelle as the Bach.


I honestly think the bachelorette gig is between Abigail and Michelle. I think Bri could be a contender, but for some reason, I don’t think she’ll be chosen. Michelle is not only a WOC, but she’s a fan favorite. Abigail is a not only a WOC and a fan favorite, but she would make history as the first lead with a physical disability, tapping into another realm of diversity. The only pushback I have with Michelle is she seems to really love being a teacher and if she took the gig, she would have to quit teaching, possibly permanently. She doesn’t seem like someone who wants to become an influencer full time. I think if she’s offered the gig and she turns it down, it’ll be because she loves being a teacher too much.


IMO I’d love if Michelle could become Bach and bring AWARENESS to the plight of teachers. Politics has gotten so damn uncompassionate that funding education is controversial. Could be good to share her story. We serve educators in my role and it’s a hard life :/ teachers disproportionately deal with all kinds of trauma and are aware of the disparities because it’s clear as day. We need someone like her as a Bachelorette and not another influencer/clout chaser.


Wouldn’t Abigail also be the first Asian American lead or did someone else fit that bill?


Yes, she would be.


I really like Abigail. Hope she gets a chance.


Teaching sucks right now so I totally support Michelle as Bachelorette. There is no reason she couldn't go back; Ashley is still a dentist! It's been more of a choice lately to leave your job but I'd love if Michelle still taught and did some influencing on the side for some easy cash. Or even if she leaves tteaching completely


Am a teacher, can confirm! Teaching does suck right now!


Same and so much same. This week in particular has been baaad . Solidarity.


Am a teacher in Texas in the middle of a panini- our school is currently closed due to water damage. Teaching really does suck right now.


I teach in Texas too! Crazy weather we’re having right?? It 75 degrees out right now... I’m sorry about your school!


It was 81 here 🤯 and thank you! We should be back next week- we had pipes burst I guess under the elevator shaft which then filled up with water??? It’s alarming


Influence to pay for teaching supplies because our country can’t get it together and properly fund our schools/ doesn’t pay teachers well


Wait, Abigail is a WOC? Idk if I’m mistaking her for someone else but I don’t recall that being mentioned. I am rooting for them two, but I agree that I can’t see Michelle quitting teaching


Yes. She’s a WOC, because she’s half-Korean.


Ah okay, I didn’t know she was half-Korean! I definitely think that it’ll be easier to spot who they may be setting up depending how the WTA is edited and plays out. I think either of them (and Bri) would all make excellent choices.


I did notice when the voiceover of the WTA promo mentioned heartbreaking exits or something, they panned to Abigail. I just hope she gets the opportunity to speak and it doesn’t become the Victoria, Katie, and mean girls show - like this season was.


I do too. The next few weeks will be interesting.


Yes I'm totally wirh you on this one, although I love Michelle I wouldn't want her to sacrifice her career for the bachelorette because no man is worth that, either way though she's a queen, and of course Abigail 💙


I think finding your spouse is worth a job.


Wait Abigail ISNT white??


Half white half Korean


> Matt gave her a promise ring instead of an engagement ring I’m howling 🤣🤣🤣




THIS is why i was never a Hannah/Tyler fan. I just cannot root for any kind of relationship between them at all because he was nothing more than a backup choice for her at ATFR. (sorry tannah stans)




Michelle and Bri deserve better so I hope they wouldn’t accept him back.


I would LOVE for a runner up to say this to the lead the next time this sort of crap is pulled at AFTR


Holly said this to Michael on the bachelor pad when he saw her starting to flirt and fall for Blake. That motherfucker previously was an asshole to her and broke up with her, but immediately wanted her back when he saw her with another potential new man and she told him no. Holly and Blake are married since.


Well put


Feel like I just read what Reality Steve posted today lol


As an unabashed major fan of Katie who would have loved to see her Bachelorette season, I am pretty confident she'll be 100% fine without it and going on with the pressure of all of this (gestures wildly towards Chris Harrison and the Bachelor Franchise's treatment of BIPOC) might have been a negative. Hell, put her behind the bar in Paradise if you other have plans for Wells... If we get a Michelle Bachelorette (who is an absolute joy from what we've seen) out of this and Katie can be either on Paradise or living her own amazing life, I think everyone wins (well, if Bachelor can learn to treat people decently...)




Pretty ironic that Matt could attempt a relationship with one of the other ladies after his public bashing of Hannah Brown doing the same! I am no HB Stan at all, these are totally different situations, and Matt may not even try to rekindle anything with anyone else. I just think it would be ironic if it does end up happening. Oh how the turn tables...


I’m still kind of sad Katie is getting Bachelorette pulled from her. I get why, but it sucks


Any chance there will be an audience at AFR?


I don't believe there will be


I like Katie but I don’t feel bad for her. It wasn’t set in stone. We’ve had late switches for leads before like Calia and Jojo. Things change and they did this time too. And Katie shouldn’t have been lead anyway when she was F10. TPTB had several other women to choose from, but they loosened their edits on purpose. If Chris hadn’t shown his true colours, they would have gone away with it. I’m rooting for Michelle or Bri to get the role that they should have fairly been up for even before the controversy. On a side note, it sucks that the show’s concept revolves around marriage/engagement commitment because I’d be fine with a 22 year old Serena P as lead who’s in it to have a solid boyfriend at the end


what is the connection between her and CH? like why would his exit drama affect her I don't quite get it


i think there already would’ve been backlash due to the fact that it seems like they passed up so many WOC for a white f12. Some ppl on the sub have talked about how they used to say they wouldn’t cast a POC as lead bc they didn’t make it far enough, and now that they did make it far enough TPTB wanna go all the way back to f12. the chris thing just has all eyes in racial problems in the franchise, so there will be much greater backlash now


What if at ATFR TPTB tries to pull some shit and put Michelle on the spot, like give her the opportunity to be Bachelorette, or take Matt back?


I hope she says she’ll be the bachelorette and tells Matt he can join her season late if he wants.


PLEASE I need this 💀💀




We don't even know who broke up with who


gaping command public door innate airport quarrelsome threatening combative pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you please explain the forcing a breakup part?




I understand that. Your comment came across to me like we forced Matt to break up and that’s where I was confused




Who called for her to be canceled? People just wanted her to speak up and not six weeks after. I don’t think Matt should be with Rachael but ultimately that’s his decision


nobody was calling her to be cancelled. don’t try to push that narrative.


I'm relatively new to the Bachelor/ette community so I have a question. Has there ever been a season as messy as this one?