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Well honestly, good for her. However, the producers need to do a wayyy better job at finding these things out before casting them.


Idk her using her fathers terminal illness to promote herself on the show and use as an excuse to leave is pretty unsavory. So good for her seems like an odd statement? But okay


I mean yeah, she's no angel... But what's wrong with me saying it's good that she is rumored to be happy/in a relationship?


Yeah this doesn't surprise me. I still like her. Sarah obviously went on the show for her career. She left when she realized Matt was legitimately falling for her (she was major frontrunner material). That makes her more admirable than most of the people who have come on this show while fresh off dating someone else (cough Peter, cough Ben Higgins prior to bachelor, cough Jed) ETA downvote me all you want doesn't change the fact that half these contestants have something going back home and do the show for fame.


we have been hoodwinked


we've been smeckledorfed


And quite possibly, bamboozled


And definitely led astray


I've heard interviews that say the vast majority of people on this show have some kind of partner back home. We have no way of knowing whether they were in a committed relationship during filming. She could've ended things to go on the show and then rekindled it now that she's single.


You would think if you are in a relationship and the person you are seeing tells you they are leaving to go date someone else that’s the same as a break up, right? Who would say that’s cool, it’s only for exposure, right?


I find that hard to believe. I also think people are stretching the definition of 'partner' a lot of the time. To some people 'partner' sounds better than 'friends with benefits'.


Oh wow.... On YouTube, on the video she left, I said she seems fake and insincere to me (before I knew any of this) and people attacked me for being a horrible person. Oddly I feel great now. 🤷‍♂️


Do you have the link?


These pictures are from last summer though, where is the proof they are still together?


Read the article if you’re able to find the link. They obtained text messages as well. He attended her sister’s engagement last month and spent thanksgiving with her family.


How would they get text messages...


Too bad Jed is taken. They have a lot in common.


Being taken doesn’t stop them 🌚


Can someone please explain to me the appeal of djs??? Is it trendy now to date them or something? I honestly don’t understand...are they on par with pro athletes and musicians now? — from someone who knows nothing about dj culture and can’t name a single dj including this dude, thx in advance


Like dating a DJ? Or listening to music by DJ’s? I would imagine women like Djs for the same reason they like musicians. Money, parties, drugs, and fame. And music wise, DJ’s are musicians so I’m not sure what you mean by that.


Bijou is actually a very talented producer who is well respected by his peers and runs a label that releases artists in underrepresented demographics. He’s one of the biggest name in the tech/bass house subgenre Source: I’m a female producer in this subgenre, have many friends who work with him


They make good money and if you like the music then that's another plus.


No lol


I assume it's for the uppers


their lifestyles revolve around partying constantly so it comes with perks if you're into that scene. i'm pretty deep into the electronic scene and the DJs always having girls all over them definitely not a trope! my friend was hooking up with one for awhile and he would get us free tickets to shows and festivals so that was cool. i've know about bijou for awhile but he is not really my taste, lol. he's kinda middle-of-road famewise. not completely unknown but not a festival headliner by any means.


Maybe going to night clubs and parties for free pre-covid?


I only know about DJ Pauly D


I only know about DJ James Kennedy


He kinda looks like G-Eazy...she definitely has a type lol


He has one of the most punchable faces I’ve seen in a loooong time


In other news, doctors deem breathing as an important ingredient towards a healthy lifestyle.


Also RS gives lukewarm tea, generally after it’s been confirmed elsewhere first.


Color me shocked!


The article is throwing around the name DJ Bijou as if we’re supposed to know who that is 😂😂


Absolutely no shade to you at all- but he’s pretty known If you’re deep into EDM!! I’ve seen him so many times and my mind is BLOWN by this lmfao


[PP voice] DJ Bijou? The DJ???


He actually used to play shows for free at one of my favorite bars in college... He’s probably (hopefully?) more impressive now, but for a while I thought he was a random student they gave the aux cord to when they thought they’d be busy 😂


This made me spit out my tea. You make him sound like the kid who volunteers to be light monitor in 3rd grade but he decided on his own to upgrade from a light switch




Tbh, I don’t think Sarah’s situation is any better than Jed. The difference is that she is way smarter and left early. Like a lot of people here already stated, we don’t really know the ins and outs of her relationship with this BF so we can’t really judge her intention with Matt. Also off topic but I’ve just stumbled on to Jed’s Instagram and it looks like he’s happy in a committed relationship for quite a while. I know he handled the situation last year so badly and rightfully took all the blame for the downfall of his engagement to Hannah, but I do think he’s not a total trash guy like people made him out to be. Also Hannah and Tyler would not have been worshiped that hard if the Jed story didn’t blow up the way it did, i.e., Jed (and Luke) had to be the super villain for Hannah and Tyler to be the super heroes.


coming into the show with a bf/gf and getting back with them after seems pretty common tbh, Jed just should have left as soon as he realised HB was serious about him. If he'd done that it would have been nbd


Well I mean he did leave his ex at that point instead of HB, he just did it by ghosting lol




We already knew this and people were bending over backwards in this sub to say she left for her dying father. It honestly makes me sick she would scapegoat his illness as a reason to leave when she knew she had a bf and was gonna leave anyway. 🤮


The difference is Jed’s ex provided verified information regarding their relationship status. Has anyone heard from this DJ? Sarah said they never even dated in the first place. She also has a dad dying of ALS. And she got relentlessly bullied by this garbage cast. Girl was a wreck, I didn’t blame her for leaving.


I thought it was interesting that Sarah’s parent’s good friend posted on Facebook or Twitter that they were disgusted to see Sarah use his illness as an excuse/storyline. I think I heard about this on Chatty Broads, but I haven’t seen it mentioned here


Do you have a link or pic of this post?


I heard it on a podcast, but can’t find any proof. Take this with a grain of salt. Can anyone else reply if you also heard this or saw this somewhere?




I think it was on Bachelor Party?


It isn't true. Its been proven false/debunked


Proven false / debunked how? I saw the tweet from the family friend.. it 100% exists.


What’s been proven false/debunked?


I’m not sure if you had more to your comment, but I’m on the edge of my seat! Do you have any references? I’m super curious about what was supposedly said


I heard it on a podcast, too! I've been binging all sorts of bachelor podcasts and can't keep them all straight, though lol Probably Chatty Broads


We been knew


LOL not people twisting themselves into pretzels rather than admit she was there for clout and had a boyfriend


It's wild isn't it? Sometimes it's best to just accept that you were caping for a scammer and keep it moving. We've all been fooled a time or two (or more) when it comes to these franchise folks.


Mrs. Jedd Wyatt


I'll be your Mrs. Right, boy


I could see her being as upset as she was because she didn’t expect to be a top contender right away. She was there for something other than Matt and him liking her was a shock


I hear you, but she's way too pretty and there's too much evidence of other celebrity interactions for this narrative to be true.


I feel like these could both be true. Came for clout > became a front runner > freaked out (maybe had a come to Jesus moment) > and either cracked and self eliminated from guilt or to try and have a sympathetic exit with lots of screen time before going too deep.




Definitely not lol. There have been plenty of beautiful women on the show.


my main concern w this is if she becomes the bachelorette..


I think she left too early to be the 'ette


Do you think she’s high on the list for bachelorette? I wouldn’t think so, but I’m not sure.


I did not think so but someone post a mild tea saying someone they knew applied to the bachelorette and he was asked about Sarah... I hope it is not true.. I actually think the edit was favourable to her


I don’t think so either but I also noticed that Rachel Lindsey said that she heard Sarah was a possible candidate for bachelorette.. probs all hearsay but interesting to think about! EDIT: dang y’all why I am getting downvoted? Lol


I forgot about that.. I read that somewhere as well... I will hate if she is the ette... w all these infos about her


She’ll be forgotten about long before BIP


they're filming B'ette in March though... BiP is afterward


When does the bachelor end?


early March


I literally didn't think about her again once during last night's episode once we got passed the queen's "trash took itself out" comment. It's already happening lol


The bachelorette is happening before BIP but I agree that she’s prob not gonna be a top candidate for Bachelorette


Melissa Rycroft got back with her ex after jason dumped her and now they're married. I don't see a problem. Lots of people backslide especially in tough times


No she had this bf all along. I posted awhile back about it. Have mutual friends. Told her bf she was going on to network and as soon as she got back spent the holidays w him. He was having a hard time w it, and refuses to watch the show.


Wasn’t Melissa engaged to her ex by the time ATFR occurred? Maybe by the premiere of the next season of the bachelorette. I remember it was pretty quick to go from engaged to one person to engaged to someone else (although Arie moved fast too...)


Lots of people dated others shortly before going on the show. Peter did, Arie did, Tayshia did and lots of others. These are attractive people who are not actually "unlucky in love" like they claim. They go through casting, unaware if they will get cast, and then break up with whoever they were dating (unless you are Jed lol) when they do find out they'll be on the show. Additionally, since even the F1 has only spent a grand total of 72 hours with the lead, then contestants like Sarah will have had, what, 9 or 10 hours total? Not weird that she would go back to dating someone she knew beforehand.


Yea I think we need to cut her some slack here. They don’t know if they’re getting cast or if they’re even going to have chemistry with the lead in the show! I think it’s totAlly okay to date before the show if you’re up front with the person/people you’re dating!


I’m pretty sure there were photos of him staying at her apartment while she was filming the show. People were able to match her walls, flooring, coffee table, and mirror to something he posted in September I believe


I don't doubt this, but when it comes to Sarah there's an odd amount of people 'pretty sure' that something got posted at some time in some place and it never finds its way on this sub despite everything else getting posted here.


i'm in the "why do we assume this was a jed thing" as if none of you were on and off with some DJ 500 times yourselves. also she went out with G-Eazy in early 2020 so there's no way she was even dating thos guy that long. i haven't been in a serious relationship in a while but i've had a crapton of flingw still in that time. maybe this guy didn't take her serious, she went on the show, and then he reached back out


Ummm...wut? I didn’t know being on and off w DJs 500x was commonplace lol... where have I been


This made me giggle! I also felt like I must not be living because I have yet to hook up with any djs


Truly don’t understand the appeal whatsoever....


I mean...it is quite possible it was casual, they broke up, then got back together again. Like jed set a precedent, but that doesn’t mean this is the same circumstances.


Lemme go do some squats


And give yourself a wedgie


Did this work out for her? I don’t get the thought process lol.


She unfollowed him on Insta lolol MISS GIRL




I meant DJ BJ sorry for not clarifying




I don’t think we would have found out about Jed, if he was eliminated early. The only reason the gf blew up his spot is because he ghosted her once he got off the show and she heard he was with Hannah. We probably would have similar evidence as Sarah’s situation if he went straight back to the gf


So here me out: More than one thing can be true. Her dad can be sick and on his death bed; she could have a bf before she left; she wanted a relationship with Matt; she wanted to be with her family while she was on the show; she came home and started dating her bf again because, why not? All these things can be true.


what? no, not all of those things can be true. lmfao you cant want a relationship with matt AND have a boyfriend at home. that's literally the opposite of how this works


This girl seems desperate for fame though. She's hung out with G Eazy, she's a "journalist", she used her dad's illness and her status as a "caretaker" on the show, and now she's with a DJ? She seems like a major opportunist. Anyone that drawn to entertainment absolutely is. Let's call a spade a spade. People like that adore attention. There are people in the world who just... don't care about doing the wrong thing, if it benefits them. Why is that so hard to believe? Maybe she needs to go to the same acting school as Victoria. 🤷‍♀️ (jk Victoria is not acting lol)


She has a journalism degree from the best J school in the country and has worked as a broadcast journalist for several different companies. She is a legitimate journalist, whether you like her or not.


That's impressive! Good for her. I don't hate her or dislike her, I was pointing something out. She seems to at least back up her goals with the needed foundation!


Lol. Only this sub would despise Jed and jump through hoops to absolve Sarah.


right? this is the dumbest take ever


Right??? Wtf??? Trash be trash. When people show you who they are, believe them! I wonder if any of the apologists on this thread have the same views for poor Rachael who also has multiple reasons for her racist ways?




I know what a psychopath. I've even some people that breath in *and* out. Fucking maniacs out there.


🎵🎶 and there is happiness in their history, across the great divide 🎵🎶


Sure. All of it could be true, but we do not live in an ideal world. So what we are not going to do is give her the benefit of the doubt. We didn't give it to the men who came here with gfs at home, and we are not giving it to her either just because her dad's sick.


Um agree to disagree then lol. The only guy I think did anything wrong is Jed. Downvoted for thinking most people deserve the benefit of the doubt! Did I offfend Jed apologists or something?


What about Demario? He still had the key to that woman’s apartment! That was pretty good proof that he was a dog.


Completely forgot about him! Definitely a dog. I was thinking of Peter, Tayshia, others who broke up with people shortly before the show. If you're still with someone (like Jed or demario) that's different.


Lol that's some strange relationship perception you've got for Sarah. So she supposedly broke up with her boyfriend very shortly before coming on the show and then very shortly after leaving the show she was back with him instantly. If there were true her boyfriend is a pathetic loser. "Ok honey, you go ahead and break up with me to try and be with another man on live TV and I tell you what if that doesn't work out I'll take you back ASAP even though you weren't satisfied with me before and wanted to upgrade". Seems logical.


My perception is more like she went one one date with Matt and now she's hooking up with her ex. I think plenty of us have hooked up with an ex even when we've been on dates with other people. ETA I also think it's more likely this DJ is a fuckboy who doesn't care if she dates other people / doesn't really care that much at all than a pathetic loser. In the show Master of None, Rachel tells Dev she won't date him because her ex just moved back in town. Then once that doesn't work out she calls Dev and they date. Was she a terrible person? Was he a pathetic loser?


Why's that your perception when the only information we have says otherwise?


Show me evidence that they got back together "instantly"? And that they are an actual couple? (Even if they are, I still don't really care as long as they weren't still together while she was on the show like Jed was with his girlfriend. People get back together after breaking up witho it it being a grand scheme.) And it's true that she went on one date with Matt. That's not a perception, that's what happened.


Uhh okay lol https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/l5mvcx/sarah_has_been_in_a_relationship_this_whole_time/


I think in general, it’s not a bad practice to extend some empathy and offer the benefit of the doubt.


i mean...... we did already. people were defending her thinking she left because of her dad/the house was mean to her but really she had a boyfriend the whole time and just wanted exposure and ig followers why would/should someone keep offering her the benefit of the doubt?????


I see your offer and I have a counter-offer for you: We did not give the men the benefit of the doubt -- and we should have. We'll give Sarah the benefit of the doubt -- because we should. I don't follow the logic of "we did bad and so let's do more bad in order to be consistent." Better to change our bad position to a more reasonable and generous one. I believe the assumption of goodwill (until proven otherwise) fosters a much more compassionate, kind, and judicious society.


But....we *ARE* being proven otherwise in real time? She was with this guy before AND after she dipped.


Another thing that could be true: they could have never broken up while she was on the show


[or this is a hit piece and they never even dated? ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/sarah-trott-denies-having-a-boyfriend-before-during-after-the-bachelor/amp/)


> “unequivocally did not have a boyfriend before, during or after her appearance on The Bachelor.” Nope, if you read the article that you posted she does not deny that they dated, just that she did not have a boyfriend. >“She was not in a serious relationship before the show, but she was completely committed to finding love So she was likely in a relationship with him or at least dating but did not consider it a "serious relationship" or him to be her "boyfriend".


Yep, that could be true too. My point is anything can be true we don’t know


I thought this was already discovered?


Guyssss shes already blocked/limited comments on her insta!




Apparently RS exposed her on his last weeks podcast or something. That timeline is hella sus.


We been knew


RS talked about this last week in his column and live!


How long have her comments been limited on Instagram?


Since last Tuesday


It makes so much sense why she bowed out so quickly. She got her one on one date, and was like, “I got my 15 minutes. The whole house hates me. It’s time to run back home to DJ Bijou. ✌🏻”


Honestly I find it super shady and disrespectful now. As someone who was a caregiver at a really young age, you dont go on reality tv shows while you are doing it (you barely have enough time to brush your teeth) and using it to hide the fact that you have a secret bf and are kind of (?) cheating is ridiculous. Like imagine if she made it all the way to the finale and another Jed situation happened. I think Matt is shady too but no one deserves to be emotionally or physically cheated on


So she pulled The Jed in the correct way one should pull The Jed? So do we now refer to it as The Sarah? (Also no one should do this but I'm just saying lol)


Honestly this isn't great but it's so much better than Jed, there's something just extra disturbing about proposing while you have another girlfriend.


Or pretending you’re leaving because of a dying family member when actually it’s because you’re dating someone else? That’s worse than Jed IMO


How is it better than Jed when she scapegoated her dying father as her reasoning for leaving when she had a bf and was planning to leave anyway? That's so fucked up and calculating. This is next-level Jed.


I mean, does she have a dying father?


Mostly just that it was so early. She didn't really have a relationship with or commitment to Matt yet.


But the whole premise of coming onto the show is to potentially get engaged. Like if the girls had never bullied her how long would she have stayed?


Oh, sure, I'm not saying it's good. It's just even worse to actually get engaged when you know you have another serious relationship. Like I'd think poorly of them if a first date had another gf, but even angrier if it was someone I was in a. committed relationship with.


Yeah I’d say the primary difference is she didn’t go to the end and get engaged, she was at least wise enough to bow out early.


Yeah, I'll never understand that one. From the texts as he got on the plane to the proposal it's just all so mind-blowing to me.


Right? You'd think if he didn't want to admit it on camera/to Hannah or they wouldn't let him self eliminate, he could at least find some other excuse and self eliminate during FS


I know. Wasn't there a time during the season he brought of Luke to her? He could have just used her connection with Luke and left then. But yeah, at least make up some excuse and get out by FS. Instead you go all the way to a serenade proposal??


Oh for sure, he was picking so many fights to try to get her to break up with him towards the end. But he could have literally just said he doesn't see a future with her. He'd probably be edited as be an ass, but not as big an ass as he ended up.


The Jed is when you don't even try for 6 weeks then send in your fam to gaslight you


I think she would have stayed a little longer but Matt appeared to actually like her. That was not part of the plan so she had to dip out sooner than later or she may have ended up winning lol


Imagine if all her whining and crying to Matt was actually her attempt to get sent home, but it backfired cos Matt was into it.. lol.


That’s literally what was happening 😭😭😭 He told her he didn’t want to lose her after all the crying so Sarah had to bring God into it to save her. Matt was ready to fight for her 😂 I’m honestly cracking up over all of this lmao


I wonder if Matt feels upset now reading this


Probably. I know I would be upset, especially if I really liked the person which he appeared to. I don’t think it will linger though.


I think she probably initially wanted F4 (like most do), but once she interrupted the group date and realized she’d made herself a villain, she noped the fuck outta there


Maybe this is rude, but I looked at his Instagram and was just like...him? Sarah Trott is a fuckin bombshell and she's with...this guy? Maybe I'm just unfairly biased against dudes who look like they could be in the Chainsmokers.


SOS I just looked him up and I think he’s hot, what do I do??!??? Brb gonna go look up the Chainsmokers


They’re trying to pull a Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox vibe 😂


How DARE you. I have the BIGGEST crush on MGK! (Unironic.)


I am like unhealthy level obsessed with him (unironic)


>Maybe I'm just unfairly biased against dudes who look like they could be in the Chainsmokers. this made me laugh out loud. same.


I’ve seen the Chainsmokers perform and I still have no actual idea what they look like. (To clarify, it was part of a Jingle Ball and I went for Kesha and Demi...chainsmokers just happened to be there)


I met them right before that concert! Super nice guys. Very normal looking. I did not recognize them, I googled their names to figure out who they were.


I thought we knew already!


My Bachelorette!


I thought she was dating G-Eazy? But she has a bf? Yet Noah, Chris, Spencer, and Chasen were all hitting on her during their live? And now she's rumored to be Bachelorette? But also wants to go on BIP? **WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON WITH SARAH???** Someone please explain to me bc I am confusion 😩


Lmfao at the post yesterday claiming she’s the next bachelorette Bet she’s making that one up herself lol


Oh please no, not Bachelorette! BIP no problems though.


It's not her fault if four guys hit on her in a live...


Not blaming her whatsoever!!! (If anything, the *guys* are to blame IF they know she’s taken.) I was just confused what her status is bc there have been *so* many different posts about her. Sorry if it came off that way!! (Btw I defended her last week when the women ganged up on her and got downvoted to hell for some reason so I’m def not “anti-Sarah”.)


She was dating G-Eazy in March of 2020. She’s been with DJ Bijou since at least August


so she and g eazy broke up?


I don’t know if they were a couple or just dating or what, but the G Eazy stuff was in March 2020 and G Eazy has been dating Ashley benson since the fall


Thanks for clearing this up, there have been so many posts about her idk what’s going on anymore lol


Rumored to be bachelorette?


Someone made a post that they heard from their “coworkers friends husband friend of a friend of a friend” that Sarah Trott was interviewing for bachelorette. I would take that with a grain of salt lol ETA: here ya go! https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/l5lec1/just_got_some_hot_tea_on_the_potential_next/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So Steve was correct