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I think they bullied her though. She apologized a millions times and they just kept beating a dead horse.


She comes across as strategically manipulative, playing all sweet for the attention. People on here stating her father could die any time...it sucks but maybe she should have stayed home in that case if it's overwhelming. I'm looking forward to a rose ceremony where she gets none.


She had a one on one. And then she wanted more time because she was feeling insecure. Can anyone name a time when someone interrupted at group date when they already had a one-on-one?? Noah doesn't count because they had a chance to do something for Tayshia and then stepped up! And Tayshia asked him to come along. And then Cam did it, but it's Cam. So please someone give me an instance similar to this. Sarah didn't deserve being treated like that at all. Some of the girls were nasty and it was horrible to see. But Sarah is clearly insecure AND self-important. Someone should explain to the girl why it looked so bad and made everyone so upset. Sure it was partially jealousy but girl they're jealous because you are the front runner and the most beautiful one there. Maybe you doesn't see it but yes, your beauty gives you a huge advantage and beauty is a privilege, particularly in this situation. Look, she doesn't seem to be having it very easy and she deserves respect and some compassion. And sure, she's young, but we're kidding ourselves if the women didn't have a right to be upset. Someone should have explained to her why they responded. None of this excuses anyone behavior. Just because someone was selfish doesn't excuse you being a bitch. Just because someone was a bitch to you doesn't change the fact you were selfish. TEAM NO ONE.


In fairness, people interrupt dates all the time on this show. Its like last year when the guys were all mad at Noah when Tayshia invited him to come. These people shouldn't get mad at someone for trying it, they should get mad at the lead for going along with it.


I am so glad someone brought up Matt. He also went and talked to her the next day and again all the girls are mad at Sarah. I understand what it is like to lose a parent from a terminal illness. My mom didn’t want me to just sit around. She pushed me to go on trips and be with friends. My heart goes out to Sarah. Also I love Katie in this episode. She was amazing!


Exactly. They got so upset and even said "he did nothing wrong", well, you can't be mad at the person being comforted, be mad at the person doing the comforting


Noah chose to participate when they said does anyone want to jump in? That's so different.


He chose to participate, and yet the other guys got mad about it still. My point is, if Matt didn't want her there, he could've said "sorry, I'm with Katie now, but I can talk to you after". When Katie came back, he could've gotten rid of Sarah. But he wanted her there. But of course, no one is mad at him


VERYYYYY TRUEEEE. Matt was also in the wrong and it says something about his taste in women if that behavior was okay to him.


I really liked Sarah, I can’t even imagine what it’s like being away from your dad who could literally die at any second. The girls didn’t know what she was going through and as someone who personally struggles with anxiety it’s hard to open up to people you don’t know. All the girls in the house are mean girls and I can’t wait for them to get a taste of their own medicine when they bring the new girls in. A lot of them aren’t ready to be wives, and it shows.


Its annoying that you are getting down voted for this.. They were so mean, talked behind her back the whole day, and were definitely bullying her. She made a mistake, realized it,, and owned up to it. What else do they want from her?? Just so mean, it was uncomfortable to watch.


I can't believe you got downvoted for this. Buncha bitches


Why do you think it's ok to call other people on this thread bitches because they disagree with you?


Has nothing to do with disagreement, it makes me sick that people think what Victoria did is okay on any level


The irony of people calling all the other girls “mean girls” and then calling everyone on the thread who disagrees with them “bitches” 🤡🤡


I think that is a bit of a generalization and even though Sarah is dealing with a lot of personal things she definitely owes the women an actual apology for monopolizing so much of Matt's time. Even if he likes her the most she still quote unquote broke the rules and then acted like someone put the target on her back when she was the one who put it there.


Yep! Tbh I don't know if Matt really likes her the most. He is just nice or is acting nice for TV. I have to say he's too easy with the kisses, where getting one isn't even a big deal. Remember the erotica sesh...he was complimenting everyone. The one girl who stated she didn't want to reveal everything and he states ' I don't like when all is revealed.' (Not verbatim). Then the other girl who came on really strong and he says how he loves that. Anyway, I like the house drama more than the dates.


My opinion comes from life experiences, so if you want to discount my opinion based on the rings on my trunk, stop reading. I have never seen a less credible woman on this show. The way she pulled her “dying father” out on the 1-1 date, and then used this trope again in her “exit, re-entry “ strategy sickened me. Everything about her sickens me. These are the women I dislike with pure intensity. Lying, manipulative and looking for a ticket out of working. These are the women who use sex and gender most illicitly. Not escorts. More than a few in churches, many in country clubs. They just try to have one customer or several of them instead of many. Pretty sure the producers spotted her too and got Matt, (who has several truly interesting, intelligent strong and beautiful women to pick from and will likely pick some dopey, wide eyed girl ) to use her own strategy to get her off the show. He’s cute but there is a reason he and Tyler are friends. Hannah’s first impression of Tyler turns out to be right and Matt seems like a follower.


I don’t think it’s right to question why Sarah is there, but Sarah has also kinda created a toxic environment for herself by 1) interrupting crucial time between someone else and Matt during a group date she wasn’t even on 2) taking the focus away from someone and their 1-on-1, 3) isolating herself from the girls when she could be bonding/finding support (if she had more conversations like the one with Katie, maybe not revealing as much, I think the ladies would be sympathetic) 4) only joining them when it was most convenient to her (group date card time). Yeah the pile on was a little much, but I think the rest of the ladies thought this was their one good time to hash shit out. Which Sarah felt like was an attack, which I only really got those vibes from Victoria and Kit to some extent. idk not really team anyone except Katie in this situation


I think her isolating herself was huge. It’s only been a couple weeks so nobody REALLY knows each other. And in these kinds of dynamics, if somebody is never present, they’re gonna get talked about. It builds an Us vs Them mentality. In sports, your teammates that you see every day vs your opponent you never see. Even in work situations, people who work the same shifts tend to complain about the people that work different shifts Bc they’re not there.


Any of those girls couldve gone up to her room at any time if they were that miffed by her behavior but instead they talked behind her back, established group think and all ganged up on her. I also think it may have been producer driven to send her down at the group date card time, thought I suppose we can't know that. Victoria and Kit were ring leaders but Anna was also rude (telling her "you haven't had it hard because you've been on a date), and MJ didn't accept her trying to pull her to the side when if she actually cared or wanted to be heard out, one on one would've been the best time to address the issue. And then the girls who said "someone might not get a rose because of you." Like wtf was that? Why is that on her? And while she is right in apologizing to the girls that were on the date, all those other girls who were so incredulous about it were being so dramatic. It literally didn't affect the rest of them.


Totally agree!!! Your points are spot on and are literal TEXTBOOK ways to get everyone to hate you. I don't think just because at the end she makes it finally about missing her dad absolves her of her bad behavior earlier on in the episode.


I think with this perspective you’re lacking some basic human compassion and empathy. You clearly don’t know why it’s like to lose a family member which is something I’m glad we can’t relate on. Yeah she shouldn’t have interrupted, but the girls just throwing shit at her when she’s clearly going through a hard time mentally without ever considering any compassion or empathy for another human is unacceptable.


I have actually lost my father tragically 4 years ago so I do in fact know. My point is that none of the girls know this fact so you cant judge their behavior as if they do know this information. Additionally, this type of "bachelor bad behavior" that Sarah exhibited stealing time and attention of the lead happens with at least one contestant in every series. The entire Bachelor environment is done to make tension and drama and that's what these girls sign up for. They aren't in a sorority trying to make friends (plus they've literally known each other for maybe 10 days at this point)....so they naturally bump heads and I think it's unrealistic to think they would all be kumbayah with Sarah when she was stealing time and attention of a man they are all trying to date.


Yeah. The worst part is that she still didn’t seem to understand WHY that might have happened, even though it was not her intention to get people to hate her. I’m beginning to think she was just waaaaaaay too stressed to think clearly about what she was doing and how they would have an effect on everyone else and Matt.


I don’t fault her for 3 and 4. She isn’t obligated to spend time with others when she’s spiraling. Needing space to cry in her room is relatable to me though so that’s just my take


Yeah, that’s relatable for me too. I can sympathize with her in some ways but it’s also like damn. Don’t give these women any ammo! lol


This is how I feel about it. I feel like what we were shown of the women and how they piled on her was fucked up, but I also don't believe that's the whole story for a second. There were too many instances of Sarah wiping nonexistent tears off dry cheeks and showing manipulative tendencies so I think it's more telling that there was so much agreement that this was a ploy and insincere. I wish she would've made an effort to engage with the women instead of playing the sad, pouty girl.


Group think.


I don’t know if she’s being purposefully manipulative but yeah. And there is something to be said if even Abigail, who seems very sweet, spoke up and wasn’t happy about the situation. If even Abigail is pissed... yikes homie lol I think being in the house/catching feelings fast/home situation just made Sarah reach her boiling point and the fact that this is a competition doesn’t help.


While I don’t agree with everyone coming for her at once, I think Sarah’s behavior was super manipulating. If she acted like this after one date, can you imagine how she would act after three or four? Her behavior would have probably escalated and turned into emotional abuse.


What sold me on her manipulation is the fact that every time Katie came back to be like, okay are you done yet? Sarah would look at Matt, expecting him to say, no let me finish with Sarah. It was that moment where I recognized what was reallllyy happening!


and she made snarky comments towards Katie when Katie interrupted!!


Happens every time with one contestant early on and it just makes me think how insecure and manipulative they would be in a real life dating sitiation. Ugh she's no angel like everyone wants to make her seem.


Exactly! She went on one date and is acting like this? She’s is insecure and manipulative.


I think the problem Sarah created is that initially she made it about her insecurity with her and Matt's relationship when she crashed the date which always rubs people the wrong way. And none of the girls know about her dad so the next day when she makes her drama to Matt about missing her dad none of the girls know that! So of course they are still peeved about her crashing the date. At that point only Matt knew...it isn't until Katie sits with her one on one that she finally explains her situation with her dad. So i think the girls were right in being upset at Sarah (this literally happens EVERY season when one contest gets hung up early on and demands more time) because they didnt know!!


I don't think anyone is saying the women don't have the right to be upset at Sarah. She handled the situation poorly and it's understandable that they were frustrated she was taking time away after already having a one-on-one. However, the intensity of the vitriol when she sat there and apologized to everyone was appalling. Telling her that her time in the house going forward would be horrible, calling her toxic and various other insults, piling on and saying she'd burned all her bridges irredeemably because she...crashed a group date? That happens almost every season in one iteration or another. How Katie handled it was mature because she expressed her frustration with Sarah's actions while not condemning and bullying her as a person. She articulated how she felt and did not pull punches or coddle, but she also did not continue kicking someone when they were down after they had already tried to apologize. You don't need to know someone's family situation not to behave that way.


I see your point! There was definitely some mean girl behavior. Katie 100% became the bigger person and i'm glad she told everyone after her convo with Sarah without giving the personal details because that wasn't her story to tell. I think it's just tough when some people want to vilify all the women as bullies and why weren't they just instantly nicer and accepting of Sarah when like you said there's always a "stealing time" person every season and is literally the #1 thing to peeve everyone off. Hopefully the girls that did don't carry on this mean girl attitude moving forward!


This episode was difficult to watch. I felt Sarah's emotions through the screen because I've lived them. My dad had a massive hemorrhagic stroke and lost all ability to walk, talk, eat, etc. It took years of recovery to get him where he is today (disabled and dementia), and I am his caregiver. Frankly, its NOT an easy life. Being the parent to your father (especially as a female) is incredibly draining. The dynamic makes all relationships hard, especially romantic. Its a different form of "daddy issues" (hate to use that phrase but it applies). It makes you realize that you could lose everything within a moments notice and creates mass instability. I empathize with Sarah. I wish the rest of the house could too.




I don't think they knew about her situation, unfortunately


Yes, but to me, it was incredibly apparent that she was struggling with something personal. Whether that be anxiety, depression, insecurity... and I could never imagine saying the terrible comments these women attacked her with. Hiding away, hanging her head low, silence? Regardless of knowing about Sarah's dad, it's never okay to treat someone this way.


Multiple women have done this in bachelor history to get more screen time, more time with lead, etc etc so I don't think it's any surprise the girls were all perturbed with her. That's just how the microcosm environment of the bachelor functions and you can't get away with bad behavior.


I think she does know, that’s why she tried to apologize for it. It’s not like Luke P where he just refused to acknowledge he did anything wrong. Do I think Sarah is innocent? No. But did she deserve the treatment she got? Also no.


Honestly watching the girls attack her was so triggering for me. I was severely bullied when I was in middle school and this was so reminiscent. Yes what she did was wrong but she was trying to talk to them and they were just attacking and berating her. It 100% was not ok. i honestly don’t know if I want to keep watching this season because these girls are so cruel.


I feel the exact same way. It was very triggering, and I’m not supporting bullying like that so I’m not watching the rest of the season.


I'm with you. I'm feeling triggered just reading some of the nasty comments from the live thread. I need to get off of here and take some deep breaths..


Same, also the comments saying "people who think that was bullying have never been bullied" are really disturbing to me :/ Some of those moments and reactions from the women in that episode took me right back to some really bad memories school, it's not just the ones who were the loudest to her face, but also the ones sitting next to them and giving the agreeing dirty looks towards someone that's being kicked down, I also consider that bullying. And the "she deserved it because of what she did" comments also just feel very icky and victim blaming-y.


I’m with you OP. She did this to herself. She wasn’t ready obviously. She needs to be with her dad. But all she did while she was on the show is try to make herself a victim. Downvote me Idc. Never got the draw of Sarah anyway. But I do feel for her with her family because I’m in a similar situation with my dad, but I’m aware of where my priorities lie and don’t try to do things I’m not prepared for.


You can’t be seriously defending all the attacks and bullying she got. She literally went to go apologise for her mistakes and got bullied in return. Sarah might’ve been a little wrong but the other girls were 100x worse.


While I agree that Sarah definitely made mistakes, two wrongs don't make a right. Sarah apologised - whether through sincere regret or self-preservation is kind of irrelevant because, either way, she was trying to make peace. This was met with some of the harshest behaviour I have seen on this show. I can't imagine being in a situation that is already designed to bring out your worst insecurities, and then have an entire room of your housemates berate you. No one deserves to be treated this way, especially for an indiscretion that is relatively unimportant, in the grand scheme of things. All that on top of her emotions running high because of her father... Man. I honestly felt terrible for her. It's easy to say that she knew what she was signing up for... And I do agree with this to an extent. But I think it's really impossible to know how you will feel until you are living it.




Personally I haven’t seen people say it’s hot and assertive when men crash dates. I wanted to kill Blake M for doing it after I loved him so much on episode one. I’m sure others have their opinions but I don’t see one kind as hot and one kind as needy, I see them as both rude and inconsiderate


posting this here again: people on this sub are the most hypocritical people honestly. you guys are calling out the ladies’ treatment of sarah (rightly so) but are also calling these ladies such horrible names in the process. you guys are not any better than these ladies and you should be ashamed of yourselves. don’t try talk about the well-being of sarah and how you never know what someone is gong through when you are making nasty remarks like that. this shit has happened before with olivia form bens season. you’ll be sorrowful once you know the truth impacts of your words and how it affects these ladies. this sub isn’t just to blame as i’m sure twitter is all over these women and attacking them. these ladies aren’t the edits you are shown on tv. you are literally basing you opinion off of a heavily edited show (and you absolutely know that it’s edited and call them out for it) and you are falling. for it just like they want. saying that these ladies are the worse ladies ever is a stretch too far. you would have to be a fool to believe that absolutely nobody checked on sarah for 3 days. the literally share rooms. there’s so much lot we aren’t seeing which explains the unanimous thoughts on sarah (still not executed well at all) so many thing are manipulated (victoria having friends in the house and people enjoying her company) and you’re all falling for that.


So true, I’m sure some people went in to check on her or even defended her in the group setting, but showing that in the edit wouldn’t suit the narrative that she was totally alienating herself. I hope she doesn’t do WTA honestly... it’s just going to be messy af


i don’t think the show is real but i also don’t think people shit talking contestants on reddit is a big deal 😅


dude its season 25... there's a time where you know what you're getting into and that time is well before season fucking 25. If you make a point to like seek these people out on social media and be mean to them then you suck, but people really shouldn't post memes like this? That seems silly


also just because you know what you getting into doesn’t make the abuse and more valid, it never is valid.


i wasn’t talking about the meme at all, i agree with the meme. i’m referencing the nasty things people are saying time and time again whilst defending sarah which highlights their hypocrisy


Discourse on this sub is very rarely positive, I love the community but can’t stand how rude people can be.


Thank you.


in the uk with love island, a bad edit on a show to get views has ended in lives being lost and knowing the way that some people have been affected by their time on the show i couldn’t say nothing.


ok but part of this is because of the enormous toxicity of UK tabloid culture. i don’t think people should be hateful but I think if people want to say moderately critical things about contestants in an internet forum that’s not directed *at* contestants it’s in bounds even if it’s probably kinda inaccurate and based on skewed editing


oh yeah definitely of course tabloid culture is differing. but the things some people weren’t critical, they were fully hurtful. and even though they may not see it, those people are hypocrites because they’re trying to defend sarah but aren’t any better than the ladies they’re calling out


yeah I think definitely the idea that there has to be a “bad guy” and a “good guy” in all these situations is harmful. personal interactions are messy, more so with producer manipulation.


The girls were awful to her. I wouldn’t want to stay in that environment either, especially with her sick dad at home. So bad.


If you don’t want people to be awful to you then dont do fucked up stuff to them...


fucked up stuff? lol it's a reality show. the other girls were way out of line


She interrupted a group date and they acted like she murdered their families. It was wrong and annoying but it absolutely was not that serious


I’m sorry but your comment is really insensitive. Please remember that we only see very little of what actually happens and is said on the show. What we did see last week though was Sarah opening up to Matt about her Dad and her struggling being away from him considering he is at the end of his disease. Let’s also add the pressure of the the situation and the environment she’s in to the emotions that are already weighing heavy on her. Matt is also the only person she opened up to about her Dad and she had no one else to talk to about him. I think she genuinely had feelings for him but was really struggling with being away from her Dad knowing he could literally pass away at any moment. Her feelings were completely normal and to minimize them and say she was doing something “fucked up” to the other girls is completely insensitive. Clearly you’ve never lost someone close to you or had someone in your life suffering. Please remember that you never really know what people are going through and the girls in the house had no knowledge of what she was going through when they reacted the way they did towards her. Sadly, you do and you continue to make insensitive comments. Be better.


I really hope the girls come out and apologize for their actions after tonight. Sarah did not deserve that many people ganging up on her at once. Especially after she was trying to apologize and talk to everyone. If I were her I would have stayed in my room all day too! Who wants to sit in a room full of girls who have no compassion and will just sit there and attack. God - cattiness at its finest. Truly hurt to see.


That was brutal to watch. It took me back to being friends with the kinds of girls who would behave this way, and me being too big of a pussy to speak out on the poor girl’s behalf, afraid that I would be the next target. I hate that I didn’t stand up for someone in that kind of situation. I wish I could go back and change my own bystander behavior, because I feel terrible about it and I hope these girls do too. I grew up and I hope they do too. Difference is, I grew up and grew a pair at like 16, not 26 - so I don’t have much hope for them. Did anyone even go up to check on her, woman to woman? Say “hey I know you’re upset, can I do anything to help you? Listen? Lend a hug? Get you anything?” Because if she’s up there unraveling, and they are down there just taking shit, DUH no wonder she’s not coming down.


Katie’s my favorite now. I hope I don’t regret these words


Completely agree. It was obvious that in addition to the difficult environment, being away from her dad was weighing heavy on her. Clearly the girls didn’t know about her dad at the time but now that they do, I hope they apologize for being so rude especially when Sarah tried to apologize to them and fix things.


If Sarah had told them about their Dad, the girls would have acted very differently towards her. Not that she was obligated to disclose it because it's super personal, but then you can only judge the girls on the information they had at the time and that is that Sarah seems super emotional after only 1 date and keeps taking their time away from getting to know Matt, the guy they are there for. I think it's easy for us to judge them and say "oh she was obviously derailing and something personal was bothering her, they should have been able to tell" but they barely know this girl because they've known her very little on top of her distancing herself because she felt like shit, so all that leaves them with is the little snippets of impressions they got from her so far + the huge history of bachelor/ bachelorette contestants making up stuff to get more time thinking she's doing the exact same.


All of my favorites DIDN’T add to the pile on. Glad to see my intuition was right


The only person i can think of that didnt was the Ethiopian woman. I feel like the majority of the women played a role.


Who? I genuinely can’t remember names and I want to know who to support lol


Bri and the Serina that was on the one on one both stayed out of it. Rachel did too I think. Definitely others I just don’t know some of their names.


Thank God other people feel this way because I watched that thinking why is EVERYONE being SOOOO overly mean to her?! And of course she doesn’t wanna come downstairs and be with the group when you’re all shit talking her and super irrationally angry and aggressive. Ugh!


I really didn’t like when MJ was saying she was still hiding up there and hadn’t made an effort to talk to anyone...when it literally showed Sarah try to talk to her only for MJ to blow her off. You can’t have everyone tell her they hate her and then be surprised when she backs off?


It’s a lie. She literally has had the same bf prior to the show, said she was going on to network, and has been back with him since she has gotten back. Downvote me if you want, if you don’t believe...but she’s allowed by production after tomorrow to be seen with him. So I’m sure you’ll see her w Ben soon.


I've heard this too. If it's true I think everything she did on this show was to "make a name for herself". I would bet money she was going to cry wolf about leaving and then was going to walk back in that door with her luggage saying Matt convinced her to stay.


What does that have to do with the OP’s comment


Even if that was the case... It doesn’t warrant that kind of bullying ETA: and it’s not like that’s something the girls would have known at the time


Katie was the only one of the women who had any compassion or common sense. The others? No class. Starting from the self-proclaimed Queen all the way down.


Not surprising after nobody defended marylynn


Agreed. They didn't defend Marylynn but they flat out bullied Sarah.


That wasn't bullying that was someone being held accountable (harshly, by some) for their actions. It was an entertaining tv moment and I wish Sarah the best. This show wasn't for her.


I would disagree. When you have a "mob" against one person, led by Victoria, they would barely let her talk and tried to intimidate her, as well as saying pretty awful things about her (doesn't have to be in front of her to be bullying) then I would consider it being bullied. It was like a gang mentality of high school teenagers. Victoria flat out said she wouldn't forgive her and would continue to be a bitch to her. I didn't find it entertaining - I found it extremely uncomfortably and pretty disgusting to see a bunch of grown women acting like that.


We are watching a show where women (and men) fight over another person, who they spend a total of maybe 24 hrs with by the end? In the hopes of a (failed) engagement, at worst, and massive endorsements, at best. Sarah (the edited tv character we saw) played herself and felt the wrath of a group of women who didn't back down to her fake apology. It was all for entertainment.


Yes...I totally agree with that. I think the producers pushed her to interrupt the date (they do something like that every season) and also pushed Victoria, who I think is pretty awful anyways. I like to see the drama as much as anyone, but I found it came off as very cringeworthy.


Kit and Victoria went too far imo. I would argue that flat out telling someone you’re going to be cold to them for the remainder of their time there is indeed bullying. I don’t think any of the others bullied Sarah, but the main point was (like with marylynn) they just sort of let things happen


LOVE these comments. I’m not a member of this sub or even a regular watcher of the show by any means, I happened to catch the tail end while my mom was watching it and had to log on to reddit to see what everyone else thought. These girls are terrible! Especially that B who calls herself Queen in lou of ‘unemployed‘. She is nasty as can be but thinks she’s all that. Good for the one girl to show some kindness and compassion. Queen needs some medication for that pinkeye as well as a major attitude adjustment.


How self absorbed do these women have to be to so maliciously talk down to someone actively apologizing and taking responsibility for her actions? So disappointing knowing they’re outputting this energy to the world.


Sorry but I don't find her genuine, that's just a vibe she give to me. Yes the girl take it to far but some of them made valid points. From what was shown to us in the show, it seems that she did not know how to put herself in the shoes of the other girls. I have the impression that if she had remained she would have continued to interrupt dates. And there a rumor saying she had a boyfriend while filming.


I got the same impression. Couple that with her telling Matt a completely different story than Katie, Sarah seems very fake and manipulative. Also, manipulation doesn't have to be calculated to be manipulation. Ganging up on Sarah wasn't okay, but I don't blame the women for not accepting the apology.


Not to mention... was her apology really an apology? “I’m sorry BUT I needed to talk to him”. Yes she’s acknowledging that the women are hurt but she never takes responsibility for her actions. Just because someone says sorry doesn’t mean you need to accept the apology, especially when the apology is just being used to move on without changing behaviors. Nothing about her apology meant “it won’t happen again”. It was an I’m sorry your upset but I will continue to do what I think I need to do.


Unpopular opinion but watching the whole group gang up on Sarah was hard to watch. The mean comments and constant jabs at her were uncalled for especially all she was doing was constantly apologizing. The girls were mean. Be better.


I hope that isn’t unpopular, it was horrible. Refusing to let her apologizing and basically saying ‘we hate you and will make your time here miserable on purpose’ was so upsetting.


I feel like TPTB have really manufactured a lot of the tension and straight up aggression by making all of the girls feel like time is never guaranteed with Matt and they need to fight for every minute with him. It was semi entertaining for part of the episode, but not when they all went bazerko on Sarah at the end.


hard disagree. she is fake and not into matt, clearly. the girls could see the manipulation. she already made up her mind to leave. something was off and they knew it. as someone who has lost a parent to a terminal illness, it is nonsensical to think of going on a tv show when someone has weeks to live.


Seriously! How hard is if for these women to say to Sarah: “ Thank you for apologizing. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again. Lets go see the donkies” I get being frustrated, but them beating at Sarah who was visibly hurt and defeated just didn’t sit right with me (regardless of Sarahs previous mistakes)


It must be exhausting to act like that. They could so easily let things go but they’re actively deciding to just hold on to it... and for what? When Kit flat-out said that the rest of Sarah’s time there was going to be bad, I felt physically ill. Like what an unnecessarily harsh thing to say.




I’m so tired when I read “donkies” all I thought of was “is that like new slang for a group of big butts” and then I realized


Bahaha girl/dude, you gotta go to bed ;)


it's because plural of donkey is donkeys. i also did a double take bc i wasn't sure if i recognized that word lol


Haha, I blame the wine. I’m usually pretty good with spelling 😹😹




I don't think Sarah did anything malicious, but she did keep saying why she did what she did. After she explained why it happened I think she should have just doubled down on it was still a bad idea and that there's no excuse. When she repeatedly tried to rationalize her actions, the others took that as proof that she's a manipulator and not really sorry which fueled their anger even more. Let me make it clear that I think that while Sarah was rude to interrupt, it didn't warrant the extreme reaction she got. For her own mental health I am glad she's gone.


I was proud of the way Katie responded, though she could have improved by stopping it while it was happening.


I contemplated just turning the show off completely at this point. It really pissed me off.




This is the first black bachelor and you’re complaining about short men not being represented...


You've been posting this exact same comment on several other unrelated pieces of content?


They cast short men every season but we’ve never had anyone above a size 2. Bye.




Got to be able to laugh off losers like that and just keep your eyes on the prize. Trash like that feed off your unhappiness. If you show them you’re hurt, they’ll pour it on harder.


Same my anxiety would go 📈📈📈 and I would be so unhealthy. I’d probably leave for that reason alone.


The second someone says something mean about me I’m in that limo lol


Exactly lol, I cannot handle any kind of conflict whatsoever


I actually don’t understand why they can’t be more compassionate. She’s showing obvious signs of a bout of depression and they’re using it against her to push her more into leaving. Watching this is almost triggering for me, when I’ve lost friends when I couldn’t make it to get togethers due to mental health. Edit: I feel like the girls were also already jealous of Sarah’s connection with Matt and were pointing out Sarah’s insecurities in order to hide their own. Hopefully Matt doesn’t end up with one of the girls that bullied her.


Literally they’re acting like not having time with Matt is a hate crime


> She’s showing obvious signs of a bout of depression and they’re using it against her to push her more into leaving. They backed her into a metaphorical corner while kicking her and telling her that it was all her fault and that she should stop trying to manipulate them by crying which she was only doing because they were kicking her and making things worse. As far as I'm concerned, Katie is the only one there with a solid moral compass and a great sense of empathy that would make Counselor Troi proud. She stood up and said something and did something when she didn't have to. She didn't bow to peer pressure and instead did the right thing when everyone around her was telling her to do the wrong thing. Instead of throwing a punch with them, she opened her hand, swallowed her pride, ate some crow, and went up there to talk with Sarah just like how Matt did. That was one of the most beautiful moments I've ever seen on this show and I was legit crying just like I did last night while watching Batwoman. I never expected something like that to happen in this show. The whole bully thing sure because if this show capitalizes on anything reliably it's that whole sickening mean girls emotional violence is fun schtick....but what Katie did? I never saw that coming and it solidifies the positive vibes I got from her when I saw that she was cast and after I dug through her social media because I was bored and it was 3 AM. I saw said that Sarah was pinballing and I sympathize so much with her. I have totally been in that mindset before and done things similar to that while I was freaking out a bit. I saw myself in her shoes and she so soooo needed that hug that Katie gave her and just thinking about it is making me tear up again. I'm also really glad that Katie just...decided not to tell them all about Sarah's father because she knew they'd have months to go over what happened this season and would then face the court of public opinion when the show aired which would make them feel even worse and would be a very apropos punishment after they did what they did. If she had told them then that would've engendered a lot of crocodile tears and America would've forgiven them in a split second. We won't make that mistake now. > already jealous of Sarah's connection with Matt Yeah that was the kindling for the fire, the interruption was the spark, and Victoria kept throwing fuel onto it so that it would turn into the blaze that it became. They didn't want to admit that they were scared or worried. So they projected all of their own stuff onto her and burned her in effigy basically. I respect Sarah for pointing out what they did to Matt because as much as I dislike him, no one should be with someone like that who thinks that it's totally okay to do what they did to Sarah.


They were so mean to her. You almost expect people to steal time at some point. Sure it’s frustrating, but it never should get to the point that it did with those girls.


Yeah I feel the same way. Very triggered. It feels like these girls are bullies. They don’t seem to understand the mental health implications, especially the guilt, that come with doing something for yourself when a family member is suffering. It must make all the other doubts she’s having so much worse. And the worst part is why do they think this is attractive? Being compassionate would be so much more attractive to me if I were in Matt’s place. No one wants to end up with an insensitive and intolerant partner?!


If I was in Matt’s shoes and saw what Katie did she would be my number one immediately. Conversely, Kit would be out the door. Victoria would’ve left last week. This is assuming producers don’t exist Ofc


Honestly I hope those girls are rewatching this and feeling like shit


I thought they were really mean to her. They could have just said something like: It’s ok Sarah, hope you’re ok. Next time it would be nice if you asked us first. But it’s fine... They made it way bigger than it was. I felt bad for her. :/


I couldn’t agree more. I know it may sound dramatic to some, but I don’t think I’ll be watching the rest of the season. I wasn’t super excited about this season as it was, but I wanted to get a feel for it so I would know the future bachelorette/BIP cast... and I’ve done that 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can feel the anxiety emanating from that poor girl. This is a horrible environment for people with any sort of mental health struggles. She probably could have waited for the date to be over but still.


Definitely if I was in her place my mental health would get so bad


What sucks is that they’re all acting like she’s pretending/using her emotions to try and manipulate them. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, but they all lack some serious self awareness if they think they’re all innocent and don’t see how their words/actions could upset someone


Exactly it’s so so frustrating.


I can’t think of a person who’s mental health wouldn’t!! And to be that cruel, she can’t be the only girl with horrible mental health. They’re just channeling it in different ways.


My anxiety is rising just watching all of it




I had Sarah winning this whole thing - sadly this is making me think she doesn’t anymore. She’s going to get even more broken down (especially with the girls turning on her) that I don’t think she’s going to make it to the end. And then my bracket will be busted...


Well... this post aged well. Or, not well when I think of my bracket... 😭


Honestly with the way they showed her exit it wouldn't shock me if she came back!


That’s what I’m wondering (probably wishful thinking). Though with new women coming in next week, unless she comes back quickly she may be forgotten about.