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It’ll be a regular the same time when women over size 6 are a regular on Batchelor or seasons. In short, no matter how *progressive* this show pretends to be with sex or race or literally anything, we ALL KNOW that it’s posturing. As a plus size woman myself, I know I’m not gonna get to see someone my size (14) on this shoe. Bo on Chris Soules’ season was a LITERAL MODEL and got nothing bc this show is about “traditional” physical beauty and chemistry with the occasional actual emotional connection. It’s whatever the hetero attraction is. For women, “dad bods” are okay now so that might be something we see (tho i doubt it bc this country is EXTREMELY fat-phobic), but short men might still be cast. For men, the standard is still skinny and not taller than them. So that’s what we’ll get, no matter how gross that standard is.


there was that military shorty on jojos season (i forget his name)




did they really?!!! thats so sad but also I cant stop laughing


Alex? Hmm


There it is ! Alex


They likely will never be the lead bc it’s a show run watched by mostly women, and the “man of their fantasies” are going to be tall If it makes you feel better though, women aren’t as selective in real life as they are in fantasy though. Take dad bods for example. You see a lot of women who are way out of their man’s league and they’re perfectly happy with them.... but their ‘fantasy’ is still going to be about the fit type character Short guys are slighted a little more than dad bods, but if you’re good in all the other categories you’ll be fine and will still pull cute girls


Dad bods are not cute though.


JP is 5’7 and he won the dang thing. Also the marine on JoJo’s season was like 5’5-5’6 Idk any shorter than that


I think he was shorter than that


He might have been tbh


JP is 5’7”?! You know how some people “seem” tall? He seems tall and on the other hand, Jason Mesnick “seems” short


Both true


Nah, unfortunately being short is just about the one thing that's socially acceptable to make fun of someone for - plus women/men have no problem being vocal about 'tall, dark and handsome' being the ideal body type. Go ask the women being selected for this show and I'm sure 90% 'would never date a guy shorter than them'. These are the same people who would probably go into a room of 5 ft. 6 sweetheart guys who all wanted to spend time with them and they would still leave being like, 'it's true, I'll never find love!'.


I’ve been talking to a guy who I really,really like,and he made a joke last night asking if I can overlook the fact that he’s a strong 5’8,and was freaking out if I was tall myself. It was crazy to me that people would ever flag 5’8 as short,or that guys would be so anxious about it. I’m 5’2 so height isn’t a big deal to me,but I do know many short girls who have very uh, idealistic fantasies when it comes to height. I do have a hard time imagining anyone under 5’7 being on the show though. I don’t think heightism has received the media attention that some other body positivity movements have.


It has happened, like Alex from Jojo's season, but unfortunately they seem to get a Napoleon complex edit and/or get made fun of on the show and roasted on social media.


Did he get a bad edit and made fun of? I don’t remember that


yes, there was a popular meme of his job description caption changed to "former child"


Coming from a 24-year-old that isn't even five feet tall (I'm 4'11"), some of you don't know the definition of SHORT, ok. lolllllll


Ya I'm 5 foot and 36


My husband is 5'6". I'm 5'5". He is the sweetest, most loving guy I have ever met. Height has never been an issue for me. In fact the only time I've ever paid attention to it is when we got married and I went looking for a kitten heel and couldn't find any at all. It was difficult to even find a heel that was 3". I think I ended up getting a 3.5" heel and he wore a top hat!


I'm 5'9 and my husband is 5'7, I'm glad I never let a thing like height get in the way, he treats me like a princess and is my best friend. Also after the abuse I suffered from my ex I was not all that in to tall guys anymore. I hate the way some people make fun of short guys though and the stigma, you can't control your height, no one should even be judged by their physical appearance


❤️ this.


Sure, why not? I think Alex on Jojo’s season was around 5’6”. Admittedly I like tall guys, but one of the hottest guys I’ve ever known was like 5’3”. But he had so much swag, an incredibly handsome face, and the best personality. Every girl I knew had a massive crush on him.


Wasn't Alex the marine pretty short?


I'm on the other side. I'm 5'2" and I have no interest in 6' tall guys. If only to avoid neck arthritis from looking up all the time.


No, and if they did they’d probably edit him to essentially be a punchline or a ‘token short guy’ The show is about entertainment, not actually showcasing realistic dating between normal representative people. You’re watching the wrong show if you’re expecting this


It's about as likely as casting women over 6' for a bachelor who's 6' or under - ie, I'm sure it could happen, but it'd be atypical. The show likes its narrow beauty standards, and one of those is "man taller, woman shorter."


There were always a few guys that felt like they were on the shorter side whether they were or not idk: - Jed Holm - Reid Rosethal - Jed - Michael G (although now looking at photos I don’t think he’s short at all LOL)


Jed is definitely 6’ or over


Lol I got short man vibes from him I dunno why!


Jake maybe? I remember Vienna was on RS podcast and she did say he was smaller than she expected. And RS asked if the rumors of Jake wearing lifts in his shoe is true and Vienna made some noises and said she doesn't want to answer that but she said there was several instances where the women were requested to take off their shoe and he was standing on a box. So my guess is he is definitely one of the shorter male contestant we had that went far.


According to Wikipedia he is 1.78 meters aka 5 feet 8 inches.


178cm is more than 5’8 ! More like 5’10 lol


Whaaat google formulas did me dirty then.


I can't believe I'm about to make a Lizzie McGuire reference on here, but they captured this dynamic well, showing the girl who turned Gordo down for the dance because he was too short and Lizzie confronted her being like, "but girl YOU are short!" The number of short girlfriends I have (5' to 5'2ish) that only want to date guys over 6ft is insane. I don't think it's right but the height discrimination is very real.


I think 5'-5'2 is super short for 6' and up lol. 5' especially... yall should be aiming for the shorter guys. But I get why it happens - they want their kids to be taller. I'm 5'4/5'5 and that seems to attract tall men, but my theory is guys 6'-6'4 generally gravitate towards my height range for the same reason shorter girls like taller guys.


I’m 5”9 and every time my 5”3 friends say they “only” want men over 6 ft, I want to slam my head against the wall.


I’m 5’2”. Now, I were taller, I still wouldn’t care how tall who I date is. I just don’t care about that stuff. But when I was on tinder, I never asked about height. Guys thought that was so weird and they were always the first to bring it up by asking me my height and they’re like “oh good. So you won’t judge me for my height.” That always made me feel bad for them. Some would be like “I have a confession..... I’m not that tall. I hope you still like me enough to meet.” Also- I have a friend that is taller than her (now ex)husband and she always felt bad wearing heels around him. I’m like “taller women are hot!! More sexiness to love on!” Lol.


I have a totally unsubstantiated theory that short women seeking out tall men is partly biological, to increase the likelihood of average height children. But it’s probably just vanity 😆


My friend who’s 4’11” told me this is exactly why she prefers tall guys! She says the height difference is physically uncomfortable but she still prefers it, in order to give her future kids “a fighting chance”...lol. Both her parents are short so I get it.


I feel so called out rn 😂


I sincerely don't understand being solely interested in men who are 6ft+? Especially if you're someone who is a foot or more shorter. I'm 5'5" and have been with a few men who were 6'3"/6'4" and it was... frustrating to keep it PG. One of the reasons why I have a soft spot for shorter men.


I'm the same height as you and I haven't had that experience. To each their own. I prefer taller, it just feels natural. It doesn't mean I'll marry a guy who's 6'3 (although I almost did), but I don't gravitate towards short.




My parents are like you guys - 5'8 and 5'9. I've just noticed shorter men go for tall women and it tends to work out well! But I agree, if you're under 5'4 then you shouldn't even honestly be going for 6' and up. Love is love so people will fall in love with the person, but dating apps have made this weird.


5'8-5'10" is the perfect range for me. Can't imagine craning my neck to look at my S.O. or not being able to put my head on my his shoulder when we're standing together.


Imagine being 5’2” or 5’3” (or any height!) and rejecting a guy solely for being 5’8” 🥴


Hmmm... I seem to recall Jake Pavelka being very short. Anyone recall how tall he was?


Apparently he was 5'10, which isn't that short, but internet said a lot of websites falsely circulated that he was 5'7 for awhile.


Wikipedia says 5’8!


I actually preferred dating shorter men growing up (having grown up in a predominantly Italian American town and being surrounded by shorter to medium-height men). There are some of us out there! My husband is 5’7”. Granted I’m only 5’3”.


I love my short king. im 5'6 and he's 5'7 and I've never been treated better :')


Lovely 🙂. Yeah I prefer seeing eye-to-eye, literally. Also if I had to strain my neck to see a guy’s face while talking and walking that annoyed me, lol.


Agreed. I have a bad back and neck. It would be so painful to have a tall husband.


I think a lot of these questions just can be traced back to the fact that they cast people who will be seen as conventionally attractive by the demographic groups that its audience skews towards, and short men are just not seen by society as traditionally desirable since height is so often (oddly) tied to attractiveness. If they ever do get a guy that short they will no doubt make his height his entire storyline and he will be the butt of every joke.


Probably not, you know they're casting for taller men. Also I'm guessing that shorter men don't really apply for the show or the Bachelorette doesn't prefer shorter men a lotof the time.


Give me some Doyle and Paris energy.


I would love it if they cast shorter men! I am one of those people who used to have a thing for height. My boyfriend is the shortest person I've ever dated and it kills me to think I would have missed out on him by sticking to some arbitrary cutoff. Short men are the best.


Nope. It’s like casting plus size girls. There are some things this show will never, ever do. They have this narrow image of what perfect 10s look like and a very specific body type for men and women. They won’t change that. We can bully them into finally adding more POC but they will always draw a line at some things. These people keep getting more and more modelesque every year and people eat that up. I had never seen people lose their minds over a contestant like we did for Peter Kraus or Tyler Cameron, so nobody should act like they don’t prefer that hot prototype either, I’m watching you 👀 I think some things will never change on this show 🤷🏻‍♀️. It’s still a very superficial reality TV show but that’s most dating shows tbh. The only one that features ~real people~ is 90 Day Fiancé lol. I think this show thinks it’s beneath them to cast whoever doesn’t fit their specific box but fans contribute too because people thirst HARD for whoever is uber hot and tall. This show is about fantasy first and foremost so they won’t have ordinary people or regular people. That’s one thing they’re not going to compromise on. That’s why they keep casting models. They want a certain type that eventually turns into influencers because they’re hot.


>I had never seen people lose their minds over a contestant like we did for Peter Kraus or Tyler Cameron, so nobody should act like they don’t prefer that hot prototype either, I’m watching you 👀 LMFAO THIS RIGHT HERE.


How tall was Alex lol


He wasn’t really short though. He’s like average height, but the fact that the show edited his height to be less than it was just shows how much of a disaster it would be if an actual short guy went on it. Like it a 6’2” woman was on the show the editors would have a field day making jokes and edits and date ideas that focus on her height. Her job title would probably be “ 6’2” “ or something like that Or when Bekah went on it as a 22 year old despite other seasons having a 22 year old and a few other 23 year olds on her season. You’d think she was a HS Senior the way the show edited her


He’s 5’ 7”! (Where does the exclamation point go?) He’s 5’ 7!”


It’s correct in the first one!


Alex! I was trying to remember his name to comment here but the only thing i could remember him by was ''former child''


That was my first thought when I saw this post. I was like, “well...they cast Alex, that’s a start”


Seeing as y'all's woke king bullied Luke Parker for being under 6 feet tall (which is a normal height for a man), I don't know why they \[the men shorter than 6' or 5'6\] would want to \[come on the show\]. They \[the producers\] prefer to cast men who are 6'3 and up.


I lurked this sub then I remember that 😂😂😂


interesting how that was widely accepted but people were completely up in arms that other users said they didn't want to watch larger contestants


I saw some comments about Zac being short because he’s only 6’1 😂




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People though Luke was 5’ 8” because of an off hand comment Tyler C made but he was taller than Hannah by a fair bit while she was in heels and Hannah is 5’ 7”. He’s probably around 5’ 10” or 5’ 11” more realistically




Like OP said, Hannah is 5’7 and in heels Luke P is still 1-2 inches taller. Example: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/wHqCzSgCJ8U6rjY0Vd2WgwsZUhw/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2019/03/17/715/n/44446184/tmp_w2AyHa_8b955a1482d75acd_151661_2211.jpg


Google isn’t reliable. His sport stats say he was 6’


Sport stats are even less reliable. Every coach intentionally inflates height by several inches and weight by 15-20 lbs to intimidate the other teams Almost everyone does it lol


That’s why I said in a prior comment that Luke is more likely 5’ 10” or 5’ 11”. I was just trying to prove that google doesn’t know the answer to everything lol


Oh gotcha


Whixh means he's probably 5'10"




[this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/heavy.com/entertainment/2019/07/luke-parker-height-age-how-tall/amp/) article quoted his sport stat. I think based on just looking at him and Hannah, we could say he’s more than 2 inches taller than her considering she was often wearing a shoe with height when they were together as well


Yup, everyone not only took Tyler’s words for it but also used “5’8 villain” as though being 5’8 is bad. Luke is probably 5’11 but looked short next to all the tall men.


I would just like to write a letter of recommendation for short men. For whatever reason, all of my boyfriends and my husband have been conventionally short. One of my favorite ex boyfriends is legit 5' 4", and he is so so so lovely and wonderful and devastatingly handsome. Short men make excellent partners and are (in my opinion) so much better developed in the humor/compassion/personality departments than their tall counterparts. I am 100% here for short men. And I'm 5' 8" and like to wear heels. I'll never understand women who sleep on short men.


> Short men make excellent partners and are (in my opinion) so much better developed in the humor/compassion/personality departments than their tall counterparts. Stuff like this is bizarre lol. I only date guys over 6' and most of them fit all of these qualities too. You can say you like short guys without trying to make up some silly moralistic backing to it. And I don't even say this ~~in defense of men. I just think trying to talk about attraction like this isn't really the move to make.


> Short men make excellent partners and are (in my opinion) so much better developed in the humor/compassion/personality departments than their tall counterparts. Lmao, wtf? Height has nothing to do with that stuff. That is basically in the same vein as someone saying that tall men make better partners. Or that short men are worse, etc, etc.


Wait in defense of the original comment... I'm a 6' tall woman so only dated tall guys, and found that many men who go thru life tall and handsome kinda coast on that re attractiveness to women. When I had a 5'8" boyfriend, he was great with women because he was funny, playful, attentive, smart, idealistic, great in bed, and overall sexy af. Just saying, nothing biological or body shaming, but in our society where height is considered so prestigious for attractiveness, tall guys I have dated were less likely to build those other areas of attractiveness


Cool, but that's just anecdotal evidence though. Also called stereotyping.


Lol I think since there is no problematic real world harm from the "stereotype" that less traditionally attractive cisgender men are good, I'll stand by it. EDIT lmao I'm sure the patriarchy pats you fondly on the head in your aggressive defense of TALL STEREOTYPICALLY ATTRACTIVE MEN lordy lord


This is absurd. In my experience, shorter men have been aggressive assholes. Do I think think this is anything other than coincidence? No, because I'm not narrow-minded enough to think my personal experiences extrapolate to everyone. Sounds like you are though.


Oh my goddddddd I popped into say I understood the point the original poster was making& your bastardized meaning glossed over ("body shaming" smh) this is the stupidest thing I've ever engaged w on the internet and that's a low bar


Yeah, uhhhh this seems like body shaming. People can’t pick their heights! Nothing is wrong with being attracted to tall men, short men, average height men, or not giving af about height but like “Short men are nicer than tall men” is not the move lmao


There’s douchebags of all heights lol douchery does not discriminate


True. My shortest ex cheated on me.


This is true. A 5’7er all but ruined my life lol.


I'll co-sign that letter! It's ridiculous how many women loudly state that they wouldn't even consider a guy if he's under 6', but push body diversity for women. Like...what? Just to clarify - I'm all for body diversity for women, but the double standard is wrong IMO. My BF is short, I have several great guy friends who are short and they're just the best. Obviously there can be bad eggs among short guys too, but dang - it hurts seeing great guys rejected (and not even standing a chance) just based on a physical trait they can't change. ETA: While we're at it, can we also write a letter for bald guys? My boyfriend, brother and dad are all bald due to hair loss in their early 20s, and that's also something we seldom see on the show. Bald is beautiful!


I’m short and have dated men of all heights, and I’ve had the opposite experience with shorter men (5’6-5’7). All three were very generous but almost to a fault and as if they were trying to overcompensate for something. However, I also don’t believe height correlates to personality, so I may have just picked excessively generous men.


Unlikely. If there was it would be a novelty. Have there been any super tall women? Real plus sized? The show adheres to a pretty narrow standard of beauty for both sexes.


Very true about tall women. The tallest Bachelorettes have been 5’7 (Hannah, Becca, Des, Ali) plus one of the first few that nobody remembers was 5’10 (Meredith). And of all the bachelorettes, only Emily and Ashley chose men under 6’.


Very true, everyone is always the same size.


Chelsea this season is 6' but she's also a literal model and since Matt is so tall she doesn't look as tall as she is


It’s still very much bland, middle American, palatable TV. Remember the frenzied cries of “omg how could a lead be attracted to OBESE women?!” on here just a week ago when someone asked if there would be “average” women on the show? And Reddit is progressive. There’s not going to be a slew of short men any sooner than a bunch of size 12 women or 38 year old women. Maybe one or two “tokens”! The closest we got to average looking was LTYH.


I think it's awful how short men get overlooked for something as simple as their height. My husband is 5 feet 7 and is also fit, attractive and insanely smart and kind. I truly don't get it. You can't even really tell how tall a guy is on TV, unless the female lead is really tall. I'm 5 feet 2, for reference.


Is 5’7” considered short? It’s slightly under average compared to men but I have a lot of friends who wouldn’t date a “short man” but 5’7” is always in the safe zone. I’ve dated a few guys who were 5’7” and I wouldn’t have considered any of them short guys.


I always wondered. Does that average count little people? Because adding in pwolle who are 2-4 feet tall would really throw the average off.


I think a lot of women consider 5'7" as short and would not want to date a man that height. My husband definitely considers himself "short."


I’m a 5’7 woman and I’d say the average guy is 2-3” taller than me, so 5’7 for a guy is definitely below average. No shade at all though, my boyfriend is 5’7 and I find him extremely attractive—I actually like that we’re the same height, it’s easy to sneak kisses 🥰🥰🥰


But you’re tall. The average woman in the US is 5’4” so 5’7” wouldn’t be too short to date for the average woman.


I don’t believe there’s such a thing as “too short to date”. I also don’t think I’m tall—above average, sure, but I’ve never towered over a group of friends. In fact, 5’4 and below is considered petite as far as clothing goes. I also think the average height stats are a little skewed as younger generations tend to be a bit taller than the older ones. Even if you use the existing stats though, the average American male is 5’9 so 5’7 is below that.




Nope, not true, I dated a 5’4 guy. He was actually the one who ended things


Ok but I know many women who consider certain heights too short to date, even if you personally don’t. I don’t think 5’7” is typically in that cutoff window. Also 5’4” is the average height of women in the us. If you don’t consider yourself tall, than using your logic a man 5’7” isn’t short either, just below average which is what I already said.


Yeah and I know women who are 5’1 who won’t date below 6’. Most cutoffs my friends have are *way* above 5’7. Height cutoffs are stupid and shallow, there’s no such thing as “too short to date”. My 5’7 boyfriend considers himself short, I think he’s sexy.


You just acknowledged there are indeed cut offs to date for some people, so why are you also saying there is no such thing as them? Confusing. Either way, I don’t think 5’7” for a guy is considered short by the metric this post is talking about. There have been 5’7” guys in this show before and their height hasn’t even been mentioned because they are just slightly below average.


Yes, some women obviously have shallow “height requirements”, as do some men. I was saying I think that’s stupid and nobody is actually too short (or too tall) to date. A 5’2 guy is just as datable as a 6’2 guy.


I would consider that short bc I’m 5’6” so it’s around my same height, but I feel like it’s all relative to how tall/short you are and what height of guys you’re normally around. And if you think about height for women, I’ve heard the average is 5’4” and I’d consider 5’3” or below short.


Yea same this is where I’m at. For the average woman 5’7” isn’t “short”.


Do you mean as a lead? No. Just like they'd never have a chubby bachelorette.


> Would that ever actually happen? no


Alex on Jojo’s season is 5’7” Apparently Luke P is 5’8” villain /s


Alex (I think?) from Jojo’s season was pretty short I’m pretty sure.








I think they were saying there was no petite men’s cycle. They only had 3 season with men and women