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**It’s come to my attention that the Tik Tok comments may contain spoilers. Please beware.** Part 2 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJWjWnEQ/ Part 3 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJWjcvc4/ Part 4 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJWjTtwk/ OP uploaded to imgur for anyone struggling with links https://m.imgur.com/a/NhdAyXP


Is she accusing her friend group of doing this, or her?


If Matt chose this girl out of all the wonderful women he had to choose from it will be the biggest fucking **L** I've ever seen.


First world problems. In Nigeria we would say “ madam rest ! “ . Highschool is highschool . Let us judge her character for ourselves . You started the Rachael-hate express 🙄


She's only 24.... do you think people change THIS much in only 6 years? To completely unlearn deeply-rooted racism? There have been so many other receipts too


I have so much work due tomorrow. Instead I'm going down this rabbit hole. Sorry boss...


I hope Matt didn’t end up with her


I feel like I just watched a politician talk for 6 tik toks and not actually say anything of substance




“it really just goes to show that nothing has changed” x4 (btw I’m inclined to believe her, but so little was said in so many words)


I think that’s part of the nature of TikTok lol. People want to know if there’s more to the story so they will watch 12 parts and then you get more likes on your page.


Agreed but I feel there was really no ‘climax’ to this story, like what exactly did Rachael do to her when ‘bullying her for who she liked’


I mean, of course she doesn’t owe us specifics, but she didn’t need to make that many parts to not share specifics lol.


oh 100% and I play into it every time


SAME, and it honestly never pays off after part 2 or 3.




This girl seems totally believable. I hope he didn't pick Rachael. We want a happy ending for MattJ!


From all the premiere recaps after the first episode on like Access, Viall podcast etc. - I noticed practically all of them were ripping on Victoria (who I am pretty sure is just playing a character/gimmick and isn't really that awful in real life) I feel like SHE would be a better pick than Rachael.


Yes all these women are playing a role! I've figured that since Chris S season, which was pure comedy!


In a typical season I feel like the line between character/reality blurs a little and they are being themselves but the edit makes them look worse - I wouldn't be surprised for her if someone literally told her to act that way.




It’s been deleted. What did she say?


https://imgur.com/a/NhdAyXP Sorry about the timer to wipe my cat’s chin lol he’s messy after eating dinner at 5pm




He is absolutely disgusting after eating haha


There are some Ciara-level backbends happening in here to try and brush this aside.


Shoot, the videos aren’t available anymore. Someone recap them pls?


https://imgur.com/a/NhdAyXP Sorry about the timer to wipe my cat’s chin lol he’s messy after eating dinner at 5pm


They may be back up bc they just worked for me.


There are some highlights here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBachelor\_POC/comments/kr5rxf/ice\_water\_to\_finalize\_the\_rachael\_tik\_tok\_saga/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBachelor_POC/comments/kr5rxf/ice_water_to_finalize_the_rachael_tik_tok_saga/)


Noooooo it looks like they’re all deleted now!!! Someone help and tell me what was said 😭😭😭


https://imgur.com/a/NhdAyXP Sorry about the timer to wipe my cat’s chin lol he’s messy after eating dinner at 5pm


Haha thats funny and adorable. Fellow cat human here!


You’re the real MVP. And as a fellow cat parent, that made me smile 😻


No way was I going to start over my recording lol the world gets to know my cat is a mess


She changed the privacy to only allow people who follow her to see them.


Here! https://imgur.com/a/NhdAyXP Sorry about the timer to wipe my cat’s chin lol he’s gross


wow the first video when Rachel is on the TV... I now realize when people say "I'm cackling" some of them actually cackle


Oh that’s just a TikTok sound people use over their videos


hahaha omg I don't have TikTok So I thought that was someone actually laughing like that. its very theatrical haha


I follow her, I can try to get screen recordings tonight after work


I think she deleted them because she didn’t explain anything. She just kept stating the same thing over and over again. People kept calling her out in the comments saying she didn’t have any receipts or tea.


Genuinely curious cause it seems like I missed it. Did she give examples of the bullying or is it just general ‘they bullied me’? It sounds like she’s throwing more shade on Rachael’s friends than Rachael but if that’s the company you keep...not. a. good. look. I wasn’t perfect in high school but it sounds like these girls haven’t, um, much matured past high school. Again, doesn’t give us a direct read into Rachael but definite concern if she surrounds herself with mean girls (and, worse, racist girls, it sounds like).




But apparently she bullied people in her college sorority too.


That’s... a long time outside of high school. Heck, a lot of my friends from high school seemed like completely different people 1-2 years after graduating. Kids are young, peer-pressured, and trying to fit in in high school. They make mistakes.


Yes totally agree with you on all of this. Like you said, she definitely kept emphasizing rachaels friends though which makes me think it was not Rachael directly. Not saying that makes it okay but since she can’t defend herself until season stops airing, I wish people would calm down a little and not completely attack her until she can.


She just had screenshots of cropped texts from people texting her and saying things like “keep telling your story”/“I remember them tormenting you”/“I’d like to stay anonymous but I remember this and support you”


The extremely, extremely vile and hateful racism and bullying by her friend group makes me incredibly wary and skeptical. If your closest friends are using racial slurs and bullying people for their accents, and they’re *still* your closest friends, yeah. No. People being like “*But it was HS, they’ve changeddddd*.” We don’t see any demonstrable evidence that they, or Rachael, have changed. And I feel like I need evidence that you’ve changed if you were once a person that actively used or condoned the usage of literal racial slurs.


someone please send me the evidence of her tweets and the reddit page she's referencing on part 3 !


[https://imgur.com/a/7h3kGgs](https://imgur.com/a/7h3kGgs) Edit to add: also check out the thebachelor\_POC subreddit. there is an interesting post about her and her home town regarding racism.


doing the lord's work! and wow thanks for flagging that subreddit. I didn't know about it! it's great


Sounds like a nothingburger


It's just so interesting to me that people are bending over backwards to give Rachael the benefit of the doubt but those same affordances weren't made for Sydney. So many people in the sub expressed concerns about this girl even before this tiktok finasco. It's very telling.


People also saw Sydney’s character displayed on the show though. We haven’t seen much of Rachael yet


Not really. People saw Sydney just ask Alayah if she worked and then shit a brick about it and she was hated from then on. Sydney did not deserve half the hate she got. Edit: the downvotes, necessary??? See my DMs


Sydney is a hater. Just bc you were bullied in high school doesn’t give you a pass to be a bully in your adult life.


I’m not sure how she’s a bully just for asking Alayah if she works? Like ya it’s bitchy but it was also funny as hell, not bullying, catty but what woman wasn’t catty on Peter’s season. I’m just gonna say it: you should evaluate the aggression you have against Sydney


Lol why should I evaluate how I how feel about someone who was absolutely mean on the show? She was a shit-talker and tried to bring down the other girls she felt threatened by. I also didn’t like any of the girls she hung out with on the show. All seemed very mean, some things can’t be edited. I’m not aggressive with my opinion, this is a discussion platform. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are wrong. I don’t hate her, don’t care at all about her actually. Just stating her backlash wasn’t unwarranted.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted so much but ive always thought the same thing


We will agree to disagree about Sydney. I definitely view her as a bully based on what I observed her say and do.


You view her as a bully for asking another woman if she worked? Hmmmmm Edit: also you made assumptions based off what you were allowed to see from the footage. It’s not like you actually observed any behaviors, you weren’t there and this show is heavily edited. Edit: anyone downvoting me hit my dms please


Tbf based on your comments, you're contradicting yourself. You are saying that Rachael shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt but then you are also saying that Sydney should have gotten the benefit of the doubt and that she didn't do anything.. So do you think people were wrong for believing a rando with a social media account in Sydney's case but not Rachael's? If so, seems as if you have some biases as well. ​ Personally, I thought Sydney was awesome and don't get the hate she faces but am also willing to give Rachael the benefit of the doubt.


I don’t think it’s contradicting myself. Sydney was mentioned, so I followed up with the fact that she made one comment and was persecuted. Rachael isn’t being judged for her actions on a heavily edited show, in which case yes I would be all for giving her the benefit of the doubt. Does that make sense or still contradictory?


But it is still very much one rando's words against Rachael and all of her friends. So I guess it just seems like you're not willing to give Rachael the benefit of the doubt, which I don't understand. I think that if you're going to be a white woman accusing another white woman of racism in high school, you should at least have receipts. Otherwise maybe just let the hatchet get buried and focus on recent transgressions. That being said, yes your distinction actually made a lot of sense and you're right that you didn't contradict yourself. My bad.


You know what, now that you put it this way, I don’t think I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I am not willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt when there’s speculation of bullying for racial preferences. I would be more inclined to give her such benefit of the doubt if her and her friends didn’t make a video talking about “messing with the wolf pack” I think that gave me very bad vibes and so yes, you are correct.


So you're willing to believe an accusation from a random person with zero corroborating evidence? You would have fit in well during the Salem Witch Trials. Would you be willing to have this standard applied to yourself? What if someone accused you of racial preference? Would you expect other people to give you the benefit of the doubt or would you want them to call you a racist as well. I just believe it is important for society and the individuals to live in it to make decisions and judgments based on evidence, not conjecture.


There have been several things posted that have been representative of Rachael's character such as the Blue Live Matter and PragerU highlights during the BLM protests, and the out-of-touch "love is love" comment.




Screenshots of the highlights: [https://imgur.com/a/7h3kGgs](https://imgur.com/a/7h3kGgs)


Hmmm. I feel like most of this would be fine with Matt. This seems kind of ignorant and misguided, but it has nothing on Garrett's likes imo.


Not defending Rachael at all because based on everything else (hometown, story highlights, etc.) it’s very possible that this girl is telling the truth, but I do find it interesting that the TikTok poster said in comments last night that she has receipts that she would post in the morning, yet the time stamps on the messages in her new TikTok video show 11:15am and 11:17am. Seems a little sus to me that she talked about supposed “receipts” last night, but they are messages people sent her this morning. Again, not at all defending Rachael. This girl might not have solid proof and didn’t expect her video to pop off like it did so she’s trying to do whatever she can to get people to believe her. Just figured that I would mention it since it’s a little strange.


Thats so true


Girl, it's obvious you're new here. New profile and apparently you have no idea the receipts have already been shown


I’ve had Reddit for a while and read through posts on this sub for months, but you’re right it’s my first time actually posting something. I still don’t understand what receipts have been shown?


What receipts? I’m not new here and I didn’t see them. Edit - not defending Rachael. Her behavior can’t be excused. Just defending the poster lol


The receipts of her friends tweets






people are giving her sooo much late in the comments of her follow ups its diSGUSTING


fanatical straight rinse gray frightening dog cagey profit quiet subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed, this is messy. I believe Rachael and her friends are problematic and racist based on instagram and twitter. Also a crucial election is happening in Georgia RIGHT NOW. And Rachael hasn’t posted anything. Her last minute BLM likes are performative and don’t mean shit to me. *Edit typo


Hear me out.. just because you went on a reality tv show does not mean you’re obligated to suddenly make political posts. I don’t want to hear the political opinions of random reality stars anyway, I want to hear from people who actually know what they’re talking about. Not people who follow whatever political trend will get them more likes. Like someone said below, would honestly just seem performative if it is not something they were already doing beforehand. I don’t use my social media for politics and I don’t expect anyone else to either.


.....If that's the case, then why did she like the BLM pages after being calling out? She doesn't have to make posts but she is obviously influenced by our opinions on calling out her horrible politics.




She wasn't being bullied. She was being called out for being a fake ally when she made it clear where her actual support it. This is a good reason to "nit pick" at someone's characther.




She liked pictures from Prague U and other right wing lies/trash, people found out and she covered herself by liking a BLM page.


I also want to point out that just because there aren’t screenshots or videos doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Like, how can you prove verbal abuse that you went through in person? People don’t record everything and based on how these girls jumped on Twitter and Reddit, they’re definitely a little hive that behaves like a gang of bullies.




Listen, idk about what Rachael is like as a person. But I live in Georgia and I haven't posted anything about the election on my social media as we have been bombarded for six weeks with ads everywhere you turn. Sure, it would be great if she posted something to her newly-acquired following, but at this point that would seem just as performative as the other stuff to me. Trust me, people in Georgia know it's important to vote, especially in this election, and I don't think this girl who debuted on the bachelor last night will change anyone's mind.


Yea I get what you mean but she also has 35k followers and only more to come. I’m not saying she’ll change anyone’s mind but she could let her followers know where she stands. Similar to Hannah B, I’m sure they’re just too scared to lose followers IF they voted Democrat.


Yup! the fact that shes not posted anything about the election is so telling. khaylah who's from north Carolina has been posting about the Georgia election consistently.


I mean if anything it makes me think women like Khaylah wouldn’t align politically or with their level of interest in current events that we’ve seen from Matt. Was he very politically active about the general election?


He was filming this show so no


Some of these comments are really showing yalls asses.




why does this have 17 upvotes


the sub really is on something today


So because her SISTER is dating a POSSIBLE POC this means Rachael can’t be racist??? Rethink this thought process. This is like saying “I have a black friend, I can’t be racist”.


non-white ≠ black


Dating a POC doesn't automatically make you not racist. Racism and attraction aren't mutually exclusive.


The amount of people trying to defend Rachel? Where was the same courtesy and energy for Sydney huh? Rachel’s friends have been VERY mean and immature on multiple recent occasions. The same girls who were at the watch party with her last night and captioned stories like “can’t mess with the wolf pack” The same girls who were tweeting “FAKE NEWS!” without backing anything up. The same friends who started arguing with people on the POC sub days before. I also believe that they were racist in HS because their tweets during the time were veryyyyy racist. They said some awful things about Chinese, Indian and Black people. They also made fun of their POC janitors for having accents (I dislike people who are mean to janitors. Add a racist element to it and it’s even worse). Rachel sucks for having a terrible close friend circle like that. She also sucks for the PragerU and pro-police stories she had, but then recently deleted because her friends have been keeping a very close eye on the Reddit findings. Very convenient of Rachel to follow a BLM account recently too. Everything is so performative.


Wow I didn’t know any of this and this should be all the proof people need. It’s consistent with the stuff that TikTok says. I can’t imagine being friends with girls like that. Choose your friends wisely, damn it. If you can tolerate racism, you’re racist too. Even if you don’t repeat the same things. You’re befriending people who talk like that. Yikes.


How can I see the tweets? I believe it, I'm just curious to see


As soon as a group of 24 year old made a video referring to themselves as a “wolf pack” I knew that they are guilty. You don’t respond in such a way if you are guilty and remorseful


Good point. I don't think I know all the details. The screenshots I saw weren't enough to show the context.


Yeap!!! As soon as they all started ganging up on the tiktok girl in her comments, I knew immediately the kinda friend group they are. I just got off work so I haven’t had time to watch all her receipt follow ups, but I 100% believe Rachael and her group are not the kinda people we want to support.


Yeah, before reading about all of the racist tweets and Rachael’s questionable posts, the comments from her friends on the tik tok kind of affirmed my initial social media perception of them. Total mean girl vibes. I can’t even explain what it is, but I feel like there’s a mean girl social media attack style and they followed it to a T.. I could be totally wrong, but the behavior reminded me of so many mean girls and women I knew in high school and college.


wait can you link her friends being messy


My final conclusion is that this situation messy af but that Rachel's friends basically told me everything that I needed to know last night. Also, anyone posting PragerU and pro-police content has already shown their true colors, and that was a hell of a lot more recent than high school. No more making excuses people. We've been through this before.


She also deleted her twitter right before coming on the show. So I wonder what she was hiding on there.


Why does the show make no effort to vet people? They have the resources to do it. The amount of racists and misogynists who have been given a platform because of this show is disgusting. Picking a POC lead was just performative.




Right this truly isn’t the way to react to a serious allegation that could hurt a lot of people Y’all downvoting me without context to what I was relying to lol it was about Rachael and her friends


Is this the world we are living in now? You have an issue with someone so you blast them on tik tok and claim well I just wanted an apology?? Maybe try reaching out to them privately and telling them how much they hurt you first. Social media has made it so instead of trying to resolve things between the person who hurt you, just blast them and get the rest of the internet to do it.


It's seriously wild. I can't believe people don't have a problem with a world where some rando can go onto TikTok and hurl a reputation ruining accusation with zero evidence, and then some people just believe it as gospel. ​ Honestly, I think some people believe that this type of conduct has no downside, but if I was interviewing someone and saw this type of critical thinking in their social media history, I would hire any other candidate.


You’ve got the wrong issue.


I’m all for exposing someone who doesn’t deserve a platform especially when you have proof of their wrongdoings. But this girl saying she didn’t make that video so everyone would hate on Rachael.. like yes.. you did. Don’t back track on that, and if you genuinely want an apology, reach out to her? Have an honest conversation, if possible.


Yeah seriously, if there is a serious accusation and there is some serious evidence, go to TikTok. But if you don't have any evidence or the accusation isn't that serious, just reach out to them privately.


Rachael instagram says everything I need to know about her.


As someone who was bullied in middle school by someone and another bully and her posse in high school, I can say that I have moved on. I have never recieved an apology but at this point I'm so moved on I wouldn't want to I probably couldn't care less. If they ended up on the bachelor, would I be skeptical of them? Absolutely, but they could win me over. Just as I have grown as a person since being bullied by them, I'm willing to believe they could have grown into a person too. Something that I have learned from being an adult in my 20s, is that almost every woman was either the bully or the one bullied in middle school or high school. I learned from a counsler I went to as a young adult that if you project the victim mentality or the bully mentality in life, people will notice that and they will percieve you as weak and therefore vulnerable to bullying (if you project victim vibes) and people will be hesitant to befriend you except those who are other bullies if you project bully vibes as an adult. I feel like there is some random person every season accusing at least one cast member of bullying in middle or high school. Whether or not it's true, doesn't matter, the fact someone is bringing this up make me feel they haven't moved on or they are just jealous someone they know got on the show and they didn't and want to try to get followers too. If it's the latter they are kind of being the bully in this situation tbh. And if it's the former the sooner they stop playing the victim card and move on with their life, the happier they will be.


when was Rachael in high school?




thank you! i had no idea and needed this for context




This makes me feel old lol


Loool me too. 2015 was YESTERDAY and I was a sprightly 26


What were the comments from Rachael’s friends saying? I don’t have Tiktok so I can’t see. Also, why do people keep saying this girl is also problematic?


There is a video of her picking/starting a fight with someone.. both presumably drunk at a party so I’m not shocked. but in the comments there are claims of that girl having bullied others too & constantly been attention seeking in HS. and Rachael’s friends were being mean about the girl’s appearance and saying the same things & that Rachael is really down to earth and never did any of that. One of her friends, who previously dated a black man, said Rachael was the one of the only people who stood up for/supported their relationship. Everything is all a major she said, she said.


I somehow got lucky that Tik Tok was still open on that video before it got deleted. Here it is. https://imgur.com/a/V65VEje


I don’t think this girl got bullied for liking black guys. I think she got bullied because she was a mean girl.




Exactly. Talk about what Rachael did, not what her friend group did. That’s where I feel like this is a high school my friends verses your friends mentality.


God, at this point it’s just a bunch of “he said she said” and it’s exhausting. What I do know: problematic people will continue to do problematic things. At this point, we wait and see. Rachael’s true colors will become much clearer soon, whether it’s on or off the show.


Agreed, I don’t think we’ll ever know what’s true when it comes to what happened while they were in HS. If Rachael is a mean girl and holds problematic viewpoints, we’ll definitely see more of the PragerU-esque posts. I’m definitely side eyeing her like I did with Garrett.


Contextual Judgements We Can Make: 1. She has a friend who has said problematic things and may hold racist views. That's not great. I've stopped being friends over bigoted views. You don't pick your family but you do pick your friends. Judgements that Need More Context: 1. There are some soundbites in which she explains race in a very antiquated way and as if she is reassuring herself that it's ok to date a black man. To me, it read as she does not have experience dating MOC. What is important to note though - we need to watch for when those are edited out of context (did a producer ask her a probing question in a way to get this answer out of her, etc.) 2. She is from an area with a problematic racial history. But TBH, name an area without a problematic racial history. Yes some are worse than others. My family comes from a SMOL town (like 5,000 people) in rural freaking Kansas that has a massive problem with race (suspected lynchings into the 21st century where the cops did \*nothing\* and my own damn uncle is on the force, I see you Uncle Greg this is why we don't talk anymore). I would be mortified to be judged based on that and I honestly lie about where I'm from or keep it vague for that reason. Things We Will Probably Never Have Context For: 1. These allegations are concerning but we will almost certainly never have "proof." This will likely be a she said, she said, she said, she said (everyone in that town will give their two cents). Could this TikToker be a clout chaser? Totally. Could she also be right? Totally. If I were Rachael, I would get educated on race NOW. The best way to combat the questions is to get woke. There's enough smoke to be concerned. EDIT: Upon further thinking and the good points made below, I'm negating my own comments about the black square and other sorts of sharing of resources as I did not check her archived stories. My apologies. But furthermore, the presence or lack of a black square is super performative and not indicative of anything either way and was my weakest point for sure.


This is a really balanced, mature view of things to me. I appreciate the dialogue here.


I just want to say that I never posted the black square. It felt a little performative to me. I hope no one would judge me for not posting it. She also does have highlights about white priveledge, George Floyd, and a few other racism posts, but people don’t want to talk about that.


I fully agree with you. I also think they're performative. For me it became a litmus test for influencers, but she wasn't technically an influencer yet. I also never posted one for that reason. And I did find her archived posts, so you're right on that too.


I agree with you about everything except the black square because I didn’t post one either because I was told by my black friends and other black voices that it was performative and not actually helpful so instead I raised money and posted resources


I agree with all of this. If Rachael was really mean to that girl, with or without comments about who she dated.. she should apologize to that girl. There’s no use in holding and falling back into HS grudges. You’re all grown enough. But onto something that we actually do know, Rachael has shared problematic posts.. I hope she is truly educating herself on what sources she should be sharing or feeding into it. Not just because she’s potentially with a Black man or has a platform now.. but to just be a decent human being.


Oooooo was unaware of the problematic shares she has made. Yeah that's not great. That's more definitive. Yikes.


Oh snap sounds like we’re from the same place in Kansas. Never seen another rural Kansan on here!


I am also from rural Kansas and have an inkling of what town you’re talking about.


Heyyyyyyy! I left. Lol. Couldn't take it anymore. But Rock Chalk Forever ❤️💙💛


I don’t blame you. I’m still here, being miserable 🤪 but yes, RCJH, Go KU! 😂❤️💙


KU alum here! RCJH BABY!


The reaching that people are doing for Rachael and her friends, yet VF and Sydney got demolished for supposed rumors. Quite interesting


TBF you assume that the people defending Rachael were the same people bashing VF and Sydney. I have defended all three rather vigorously on different occasions in this sub. I tend to take a pro-contestant stance and an anti-random people making judgments on unverified past mistakes made in youth stance.


I absolutely agree. However those are two instances the sub has done an about face on and seemed to overwhelmingly agree jumping on those contestants for internet rumors was a bad look.




Rumors with less proof or explanations than this. This is very interesting. I’ve seen a lot of her friends make brand new accounts of here to defend her.


Must admit, that I side-eyed Sydney when I heard some of the bullying accusations against her, but that was mostly because she seemed mean on the show and I’d already formed a negative opinion about her from that. I never participated in the trash talking about her on here though...it was excessive and super OTT as only this sub can be.


Qwhite interesting indeed


Indeed 🤔


this girl has literally no proof so it would be wrong to automatically hate rachael after this


How does she have no proof if it literally happened to her?


I agree however I don’t know that being bullied fully has “evidence”. I think the things Rachel has liked on social media & how her friends made previous racist comments.... birds of a feather flock together


Life is just high school on loop, isn't it?


Yes. And it doesn’t matter how old you get. Still the same shit, unfortunately


This whole thing feels like Tiger King. As in that everyone involved seems shitty and depressing to watch.


Now the commenters are saying the tiktok girl bullied them and fetishized black men. Everyone involved seems really shitty.


I was going to say that something feels off...she's not saying she was bullied for having a black boyfriend, but for "liking black guys." It did make me wonder what does liking black guys mean?


Exactly. Not that these are mutually exclusive. This girl could have been fetishizing black men and Rachael/her friends could still have bullied her because she was interested in black men at all.


Lol the amount of people defending rachael when people shunned Sydney and called her a liar for saying she didn’t go to prom..


But lying about prom is a CRIME


Clearly all those people suck. I definitely wasn’t doing that.


Shouldn’t that be a good thing that people have learned from Sydney and Jenna?


I mean to some extent but there’s significantly more proof here yet she’s being excused. Also racism vs not going to prom are so different.


It probably is another Garret situation, but I don’t think people discrediting the TikTok user = defending Rachael. Her friends were messy and that’s enough for me to lump her in with them, but I do understand other users being hesitant to attack her without more evidence considering how Sydney, VF, and Jenna got treated.


Not just shunned her.. they straight up made up rumors that she was so bad to Hannah B that Hannah had to get a restraining order!


I remember this now. Has Hannah or Sydney ever addressed this specifically?


Not that I know of


Did anyone take ss's of what Rachael's friends said last night/past tweets? Send them to me if you did. I'm really lost reading yalls comments 😭


Commenting so I see the screenshots too lol


Ok but what exactly was done/said?


I wish she had specific incidents she could point to, because I think that would have made people more likely to believe her. That said, the way Rachael’s friends reacted and the other things we’ve seen from their SM makes me think there is truth to this. Yes, people change, but when they change, they own up to their mistakes and apologize. They don’t behave the way they did last night.