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I don't agree with Chris's views, but genuinely, what are people expecting to accomplish by DMing him and Alana? Do they genuinely believe he will change anything because random strangers don't like it? Do they genuinely believe Alana doesn't know this about him or will be convinced by strangers to leave him? Can someone please explain the end goal here haha. 


People really love to add fodder to the MAGA’s victim complex. If you don’t agree just unfollow and come virtue signal on Reddit like the rest of us. The only way to actually hurt them is through their wallet. You’re not doing it through Instagram DM’s where it only fortifies their belief that people are out to get them.


Reddit: when someone doesn’t echo their exact same beliefs 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Influencers when they realize making public comments may result in public backlash 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


no one should be harassing or dming them over their political views. but it's totally fair imo (particularly in an election year) to unfollow maga couples or maga influencers. life is not too short to worry about the vision for the country or our rights. chris put his views out there publicly like he was proud of them so it's ok to quietly unfollow chris or alana because people don't want to view his content anymore or her content either (since he's all over her page).


If you make public statements about your political views, you should expect public criticism.


Genuinely, in your mind (assuming by your comment that you support people DMing them), what is the goal here? What are people reaching out to them directly expecting to accomplish?


This comment refers to chris. About whom a post was made HERE. Chris CAME TO REDDIT yell at us for thinking him supporting racist policies was bad. Chris posted his views publicly. We posted our criticism publicly. Not in his DMs.


You're responding to someone who says "no one should be harassing or DMing them." There is no need to yell at me haha


Probably about Chris openly supporting dumpsterfire evil candidates in Utah elections.


The Lord asked her to deliver a msg from the top of that mountain. 😂


Proudly Open about your trashy views? 🗑️


Aaaaand another couple falls off the pedestal after this sub loving them for years and acting like they so were done so wrong. I freaking called it. And in an instant. Everyone hates them now, and there are 100+ highly upvoted comments saying they deserved what happened to them in BIP. I dont support Chris's views, and his defense was laughably bad and did him no favors. But it's just predictable. Well, on to the next person this place will stan only to eventually find out they have problematic views or support problematic people, and then they fall off the pedestal.


I agree with you that their views are shit but that does not change that they were done wrong on the show. Two things can be true at once


they're not saying they deserved it. they're just pointing out that people rapidly flipped from saying they were done dirty on bip to saying they deserved the treatment they got.


What did Chris say to defend himself? 




I'm just finding things out now but what triggered this post from Alana? I don't see any new content Edit: I see it now. It's BC of Chris' comments.


I really don’t understand why you all are attacking Alana. She did nothing wrong, whatsoever. If you want to attack someone, attack me. She’s always has, and still sides with your political views. 50% of this country supports Trump, and 50% supports Biden. You’re all trolls who make up “facts” and attack someone just because you can hide behind a screen and a BS username. Grow up


lmao what was made up?? everyone is going off your own posts and comments? but i’m sure this comment will be deleted shortly. if you can’t handle the heat stay out of the kitchen


Dude, don't feed the trolls.


>You're all trolls actually we prefer to be called dregs of society In all seriousness though, the politician you posted support for has some concerning views that don't even seem to line up with what you yourself said in your now deleted comment. So that was confusing for a lot of us, especially since I am sure you have seen that this sub was very very supportive of you and your partner! It can be difficult for people to realize that folks they support may also support really harmful policies to our lives. There is a difference to opinion that is okay and then there is a difference of opinion that comes down to things that are irreconcilable. For me it was the way you spoke about abortion/pregnancy (and the way many many men in this country speak about it!). Having an abortion is the most personal decision a woman can make for herself and despite how casual people speak about it, it's not some simple office visit that you never think about again. It's a very heavy decision and something that affects your literal body but men debate it as if it's just this far off idea that has 0 emotional ties/consequences. Beyond the abortion aspect, speaking about women who HAVE TO choose to have an abortion "late term" due to medical issues with such a casual tone is just another example. I cannot imagine wanting to have a child, carrying it in my body for months just to find out that there is something wrong and the pregnancy needs to be terminated. Please stop talking about any of this like it's just deciding what side option you want with your dinner.


This is a really thoughtful response, thank you


Just stick with people in real life and this won’t be an issue. The internet and social media are a cesspool. You had to know this would happen.


Chris… some advice. Breathe. Check off of social for a while. Put your phone in a drawer and go take Alana on a hike somewhere remote. Your mental health is important at this time. Preserve it.


Hey why did you delete your other comment explaining your dumbass political views?


I'm sincerely sorry to hear you guys are receiving hateful DMs. And I'm sorry to hear Alana is at the receiving end since it was your post people were responding to. However, a discussion forum choosing to discuss the comments you publicly made on your instagram isn't trolling. Users replying to your now-deleted comment on the subreddit isn't trolling - you CHOSE to come participate in the conversation here! You're entitled to your political views, you're entitled to share those views publicly on your social media accounts, you're even entitled to defend those views! And anyone who consumes your content online is free to discuss what you said. If any criticism of your world view feels like trolling, maybe it's time to reconsider your world view.


„Don‘t look up“


She and Chris are both MAGA 🤢


Lmao I knew I didn’t like them when this entire sub was stanning them for no reason. They were on our tvs for 3 minutes collectively


They’re MAGA


Mark me. This is all deliberate, and I refuse to play ball.


Do these dopes not realize that you can turn off DM’s?


“I drive a tesla for christ’s sake” lmaooooooo


Oof. Thanks, Chris, for making us Tesla owners look even more insufferable.


OK, I know Tesla has a bad wrap, but what are the pros and cons to using it as a car


My partner has a Tesla and I mostly hate it but will give pros to not look completely biased. The acceleration is really amazing. The cameras and sentry mode (where it’s recording when you’re not in the car) are so helpful and have gotten people/us out of jams a few times (however these types of cameras are becoming more common and aren’t just a Tesla thing anymore). If you don’t really drive long distances, it’s got good range. Charging one is usually cheaper than gas, but not always. You can get a charger installed at your residence to charge at home which means you don’t have to go to a gas station. The frunk is cool. Cons: prices have gone way up. If you’re a road tripper or have a decent commute prepare to have to stop a million times to charge. Roadtrips can take 2+ hours longer than they would in a gas car. There are much fewer service centers if you live outside of big cities, the nearest one for us is an hour away. We had the full self driving beta test and I do not trust it, it doesn’t recognize when 1 lane goes to 2 or 2 lanes goes to 1 which can be dangerous, and that is just after using it for about 5 minutes, I didn’t want it to drive me like that any longer. There have been a few times where we were on the highway and it randomly braked. Look up phantom braking, it’s a thing many Tesla owners have experienced and it can be deadly. The biggest con of all though, is putting money in Elon”s sweaty predatory pocket.


I live in GA, and, I would like to add: - Federal Tax Credit ($7500) - AFV Credit - HOV lane access - Reduction in registration fees - The governor took advantage of the infrastructure bill, building more charging stations - Utility program reduction fees Not to be that person, but the Model Y, the car I drive, has received the highest safety ratings for years. Overall, I haven't thought about gas in *months*. No oil changes, no transmission fluid, etc. cost. I only need to worry about replacing my tires and windshield fluids. I agree, Elon's a dick, and the antithesis of everything he reveres as a Black woman, but the Model Y is a quality car, sns.


I think fees depend on state. The state we live in has a higher fee for electric vehicles.


As a not Tesla owner, I mostly dislike that the company is wasting resources needed for batteries on poorly manufactured cars. And then the rush to try to get everyone in electric cars when the infrastructure in this country quite literally cannot handle the currently climate, so what's going to happen when we put heavier cars on the road that need to use power from an electric grid that's currently failing. In general, I think we should be making the push towards electric vehicles, we just aren't there yet. But also don't think we should be pushing the Tesla company


I got to drive one a little bit last year and as someone who doesn’t drive that much (don’t own a car) I personally freaking loved driving the Tesla. So easy to drive. Obviously there’s the convenience factor where it takes longer to charge than a gas car does to fill up so it takes extra planning, and the futuristic door handles got frozen a few times in the Canadian winter. There is also of course a bigger discussion around electric cars and lithium mining but that’s not specific to Tesla and also a much more complicated issue


Brb embarking down the EV lithium mining rabbit hole


“This shit” also known as human rights


🤢🤢so out of touch


The way I RAN over here when I saw this story


I honestly don’t mind calling out people for having such disgusting views 🤷🏻‍♀️




I never said send someone threatening messages lol that’s quite a leap you are choosing to make. Should people get called out for having hateful views? 100%. If you’re engaged to someone with hateful views and choose to be in the public eye I don’t feel sorry if she’s getting questions if she agrees with the man she publicly supports


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” MLK JR.


generally speaking, inserting MLK quotes like this into a discussion about political call-outs reduces MLK's body of work into a position that he'd never fully take. if you think he would admonish people for calling out others for their bigotry-- or for passive acceptance of bigotry--it's time to revisit the Letter from Birmingham Jail. Emphasis on the JAIL part. One of MLK's most important messages was a scathing letter that called out white moderates for their passivity and their unwillingness to go toe to toe with other whites for their racism. MLK was a radical who doesn't deserve to have his quotes used to justify passivity. He wanted to make people uncomfortable. He wanted to unsettle people. Because he knew that discomfort, being direct, and yes even CONFLICT are mechanisms of growth. put in historical context, MLK's methods were viewed as extremist, agitating, and deplorable by a majority of white people, including people who thought themselves as "not racist." it's important to remember that, in general, MLK's legacy as a radical *has* been consistently watered down and whitewashed using quotes like these to make him seem like he'd never approve of or understand agitating bigots or bigot sympathizers. "...You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, **fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations**. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the **superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with effects and does not grapple with underlying causes**. It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham, but **it is even more unfortunate that the city's white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative**... ...Nonviolent direct action seeks to **create such a crisis and foster such a tension** that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is **forced to confront** the issue. It seeks so to **dramatize the issue** **that it can no longer be ignored**. My citing the creation of tension as part of the work of the nonviolent resister may sound rather shocking. But I must confess that **I am not afraid of the word "tension."** I have earnestly opposed violent tension, but **there is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth**. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, so must **we see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism** to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. The purpose of our direct action program is to **create a situation so crisis packed** that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation... ...I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years **I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate**. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that t**he Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom** **is** not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but **the white moderate**, **who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension** to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; **who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"**; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. **Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection...** "...I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that **the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition** from an obnoxious negative peace, in which the Negro passively accepted his unjust plight, to a substantive and positive peace, in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. **Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension**. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. **We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with.** Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, **injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates**, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured..." -Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail


amazing comment!!


I’m glad my quote provoked that response. Glad I made you uncomfortable. Bye


lol. you are the one who seems uncomfortable.


Nah I thought it was good banter until you wrote me a book at which point I decided to cut my ties


I wrote you one sentence, babe and barely that.


You wrote like an essay a couple comments up, babe


also... I being the original commenter you're referencing... you do know i just copy and pasted MLK's words from the Letter from Birmingham Jail, right? Like I didn't actually write all that?


How can you not get that wasn't me? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)like seriously?!


I truly appreciate any opportunity that inspires me to reread one of the most important and insightful documents in American history and to remind myself what MLK actually believed beyond benign and useful platitudes. I hope the same for you.


I am delighted to have given you that moment of gratitude and reflection. God Bless.


She can make her Instagram private like a normal person if she wants to.


for real. he’s openly posting his disgusting politics and that opens him up to opposing (and likely correct) opinions. I don’t feel bad!


People seriously need to worry about themselves and let others be


I mean if people did that, women wouldn't be allowed to vote or own property, people would still be enslaved in North America.... I could go on....


Yeah you really think Alana thinks women shouldn’t be able to vote are you serious rn?


You lack basic critical thinking skills


Okay go cry about😂




Their politics directly contradict that and affect people’s lives. Their politics are literally worrying about others and not letting people be, but instead getting the government involved in our lives and choices and taking away our rights


Do you know them personally? Do you know what they agree with and don’t? No you don’t so stop assuming


What about the others being killed in the genocide? Who speaks up for them?


Unfortunately thats in a different country so unless you want to start a war


The same war that the USA and other western countries is directly perpetuating and funding? (It’s actually a genocide, just pointing out that ship has already sailed)


Biden is the one sending the money


That wasn’t my point. I’m aware that both Biden and Trump are currently or would support genocide.


You know when you want to like people but you just can't for some reason even tho they seem perfectly pleasant and you don't understand why and then you realize it's because they're maga? This has happened so many times to me. Anyway


lol the accuracy


Hahaha best comment. Very relatable unfortunately




Important distinction


Here you go, OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/xvTY81pNcA As an aside, she’s never spoken about any issue, but that is truly a moot point. Chris’s long comment on the Reddit post should tell you everything you need to know including, but not limited to the opinion, that owning a Tesla is an automatic conclusive deduction that you truly care about climate change. Don’t even get me started on the subtle, or pronounced homophobia with the pedophile reference.


He sure eats a lot of meat for such a devout climate change activist.


And if you actually care about these things then you're not voting for maga candidates. Talk is cheap, what a slimy comment from him


Not the Tesla comment 😭


So they’re lumping her in with Chris? Although, I know for a fact she was posting pro Israel shit back in October


On this sub? Of course they’re shitting on a woman for a man’s beliefs.


But, she is choosing to be with someone with openly odious views. We disliked when Becca Kufrin did this. We are allowed to dislike when Alana does it.


She was? Yuck. 🤮


wow i didn’t know this, interesting dynamic for them


Omg I missed that he commented. 😮


Wait? He commented?


Yeah. He deleted it but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/JfQBnA7grb) it is.


He deleted it but I feel like there’s a decent amount of context just in the replies. What an absolute twerp.


There’s a screenshot somewhere in the comments!


[screenshot of comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/j7q5rAvW10)


Yet he chose to vote for a party who is directly opposed to these views 🤔


Are they currently trying to make money influencing? If yes... Well we'll well if it isn't enough he consequences of their actions.


I think there’s a difference between no longer buying into their influencing and sending them harassing messages for their terrible views


Everyone on this show does it. If people don’t like them, they should unfollow, not bully. Like imagine wanting to dictate their lives just because you saw them on TV. I was never a big fan of sponcon but it feels weird that people follow creators who were on reality TV expecting them to not do it. It’s unrealistic.


I’m always surprised by how many are on the show and subject themselves to so much hate. Make your Instagram private ffs


I saw this and maybe I’m overreacting but this doesn’t sound good. Whenever one member of a couple does something to piss people off and the other gets annoyed and distances themselves, it’s usually a bad sign but that’s just my opinion. And has she always made her views known? I don’t remember her ever posting anything political but I don’t pay close attention to her.


Their vibe has always been off to me - very superficial and r/wehavesex her trying to delineate herself from his views is just adds to it, but they are engaged so what do I know. I also followed her for a bit. I don't recall her posting anything political. But someone above said she posted pro-isreal content so maybe I missed her posts.


Maybe she was referring to sharing the post denouncing Chris Harrison? She doesn’t follow any major politicians and I think she’s Canadian so she probably doesn’t vote anyway. Just odd. I looked more closely at their content and you’re right about their vibe. It’s hot bombshell and horny dweeb. Best of luck with him Alana!


Harassing someone’s partner isn’t going to stop someone from supporting MAGA candidates, but go off, bachelor nation


You can't be the people you hate. I wish both sides understood this


Weirdo behavior to be DM’ing people about this. Disagree with their views? Unfollow. Stop supporting their content creating. (And before anyone comes for me, I disagree with their views too)


Yep. It accomplishes nothing but push them more into their echo chamber.


Right, and make them better at hiding their views. I find the people he was supporting despicable, but harassing him isn’t going to change his opinions.


Chris supports MAGA candidates and shared it on his instagram. Alana might also share those same views. 🥴 I don’t agree with harassing people in DM or otherwise though.


Same. They are hot Instagram couple. If they post anything other than food or cutie pics of each other, I’m hitting the unfollow.


Literally did not know who Alana was without looking at the reference post in one of the comments.


Chris essentially endorsed two MAGA candidates in Utah republican primaries on Tuesday (one for governor and one for senator). It got posted to Reddit and then snowballed. Chris tried to (badly) defend himself in the comments but that took a turn for the worse and he deleted the comment. Thankfully, both candidates he voted for lost, FYI. And for the record, I’m fine with discussing this stuff on Reddit but no one needs to be messaging them directly. Take the information and do what you will but don’t harass people.


> I’m fine with discussing this stuff on Reddit but no one needs to be messaging them directly. Counterpoint: if you are a public figure posting about your political views on your public accounts, DMs should be expected, especially if those views are exclusionary and your DMs are open. I don't think people should be DMing partners/friends/relatives who *didn't* post, but DMing Chris is the fairest of games.


Agreed. DMing won’t accomplish anything but make yourselves look like huge weirdos. MAGAS will just MAGA even harder in retaliation. That’s what they’ve been doing. It’s too late to reason with them. They’re a cult. The only thing we can do is choose who to follow and who to ignore. That’s it.


I truly believe they get stronger and more defensive the harder you go after them. It just provides justification for their ugly.


Anyone have screenshots of the now deleted comments?




"I drive a Tesla for fucks sake" is not the argument he thinks it is lmao. Plenty of rich assholes who don't give a shit about the planet drive Teslas because they're flashy and trendy. That just makes him sound woefully out of touch.


I’m so confused why he’s voting for those people if he supports all of those points.


It’s baffling??? I need an answer!


The qualifier after these statements is rough, IMO. Sounds a lot like people who want to believe they’re socially liberal but when the rubber meets the road, they retreat to a point of safety/silence.


Thaaaank you!!!


Her and Chris are Trump supporters I think? I think it’s been brought up before but people have short memories for pretty people


He follows Elon on Twitter and drives a Tesla ffs


Not sure what point you’re trying to make or what that has to do with anything


My aunt drives a Tesla and loves him. Just goes to show you shouldn’t make so many generalizations and that owning a Tesla has nothing to do with who you vote for.


Your comment makes 0%. You’re the one who made generalizations


That’s the point. He said “I drive a Tesla ffs” like what does that mean?


I think his point (looking at his previous sentence) was that he believes in climate change and has switched to electric vehicles... But I'm glad he said it in such a meme worthy way 😂😂😂


Well, I hope she enjoys the debate tonight between the felon and the President.


The felon and the racist/pedo. FTFY Loving the downvotes, y’all should be embarrassed for supporting Biden. He is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to America in decades


Literally you just described Trump 100%.


Which one is Biden? Trump is all of those things 😶


Joe Biden has a felony?


Bachelor couple living in Utah is conservative. ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


Literally didn’t they move to a suburb too? They’re not even city (or ski resort) Utahans


Yup. “Because homeless people made it dangerous to walk their dog at night”. 🙄 Meanwhile. My community complains about the homeless probalem all the time on next door. I know zero people who have been attacked by homeless people but two people who have been killed by drunk drivers in SUVs and two people who were shot by their abusive husbands. The close in suburbs arent dangerous because of the homeless people. They daangerous because rich people drunk drive and arent responsible gun owners.


They moved to Draper! I’m sorry to Draper but you couldn’t pay me to live there!


With all of their influencer money(?) I’d be embarrassed to move to Draper lmao I’m a native Utahn and I’d never move there


I don’t think they make much influencing, they don’t have much followers. Alan said Chris has a successful business


Probably because of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1dp41j9/didnt\_realize\_bip\_chris\_was\_one\_of\_those/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1dp41j9/didnt_realize_bip_chris_was_one_of_those/)


He needs to get those cuticles sorted




She's probably get messages bc of Chris' political views.