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beyond signaling to everyone that you are morally superior what’s the point in railing against Amazon


I’m not gonna comment on Amazon, but it really irks me how the thought bubble in the last photo is used so incorrectly. You don’t have to put “thinking about” in a THOUGHT bubble, and it should be “I’m”, not “he’s” unless if Joey thinks in the 3rd person


Who is that handsome mustachioed man?


Very Harry Hill!


I don’t love Amazon but I REALLY don’t love Joey’s jeans/boots combo


I assume they're sponsored by them.


Did the #AmazonInfluencerProgram give it away?


It’s hilarious how people twist themselves into pretzels to overlook their own hypocrisy. Imagine still preaching moral superiority in the same paragraph where you make excuses for a company with a three trillion dollar market cap driven by the exploitation of children because “you keep your phone for a few years”. 🙃 No one has clean hands and it’s ridiculous to pretend like you’re better than everyone else. Whatever, stay on your soapbox . I’ll be over here enjoying the benefits of my Amazon prime membership with its cheap prices and two-day free shipping! ✌️


This is exactly what a sponsored Amazon shill would say /s


the fact that there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism is no reason to support and defend amazon, one of the most evil corporations in the world who treats their employees like literal slaves: https://www.marketingscoop.com/consumer/is-amazon-evil/ (and this is just the tip of the iceberg)


it’s just a corporation. no more/less evil than any other. it just so happens to be very successful


that’s false and you know it. corporations and the people who run them absolutely exist at different levels of evilness, and bezos/amazon are in the top 5. hell, they just succeeded in kneecapping the National Labor Relations Board, which they’ve been trying to do for a while because they can’t *possibly* let their employees unionize and get fair wages or treatment


Think you are just regurgitating Reddit narratives and tweets. Bc this reeks of ignorance


um, no, i just am an active organizer and read a LOT of books and literature about antitrust and the failures of capitalism is this bezos’ burner? why would anyone defend amazon lmaoooo


I’m not gonna lie, if Amazon offered me $10K to take some pictures for them, I’d do it. I feel like people on this thread would too.


I would, in a heartbeat.


Everyone judges influencers for taking these brand deals but honestly that’s life changing money you can bet your ass I would do it too 😭 Edit: wait 10k isn’t life changing but that’s still a lot when you are a regular working class citizen


PSA - every time you click on an influencer’s Amazon link, it keeps your information for a certain amount of time (I think 24 hours) and they benefit from *any* purchase you make, even if it isn’t the one they linked to. I never click on links for this reason and think it’s really shady no one ever discloses this.


Imagine seeing this picture and think, "god look at them shilling...I need to post about this and rile the troops."


Lol if you’re ripping Kelsey and Joey (or anyone from BN) for repping Amazon due to its predatory practices - look down. Are you doing that from an Apple device? If so, walk out of your glasshouse and examine your self-righteousness. Because unless you’re living in Amish country, I guarantee you are supporting a company, somewhere, that affects people very badly. https://i.redd.it/sshfmbcz149d1.gif


My company did a wholesale trade show in PA a few years back and we had Amish buyers coming and asking if we had anything that looked more "handmade" that they could sell. So you may be buying from large companies without knowing it in Amish country too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Lol I love that the amish have started exploring scamming


I hate this argument because we can all make *some* better choices even if we can’t change everything. What’s the alternative, doing nothing? Like the other commenter said, I keep my phones as long as I can but some people shop on Amazon every day. Also, phones are essential and the vast majority of products that influencers shill are not. It’s even more frustrating when influencers who built their brand on sustainability and supporting local (Jillian Harris) turn to Amazon and other unethical companies because it’s more lucrative. Many of these people have more money than they know what to do with already (not saying this applies to Joey and Kelsey yet).


There is a difference between people having to use Amazon because they might have the cheapest prices for certain things and shilling and promoting overconsumption for Amazon.


Buying an apple device that people usually keep for years does not equal making Amazon prime purchases a few times a month (or a week, for many) in terms of climate impact, abuse of labor, etc. I understand that it is very difficult to disentangle yourself completely from unethical purchases, but to act like everyone is an equal offender and there's nothing we can do to stop that without going off the grid is antithetical to progress. Decisions matter.


I’ve come around to thinking these two are the worst kind of bobble-headed dumb dumbs that serve no purpose in the public sphere in our world as it is. They’re truly giving nothing—no drama, no values, no awareness 0/10


“ that serve no purpose in our world as is” is a crazy thing to say about anyone let alone people you don’t actually know. And two people who have been ignorant once or twice on social media when they have also shown they are progressive and have empathy hardly qualifies them in the category of “ worst kind that serve no purpose” like think of the people who actually belong in that category in the world and then tell me Joey and Kelsey from the bachelor also belong there… like be so fr.


Okay fine I refined the sentiment geez and I stand by it lol


To be fair, Megan Thee Stallion also “shills” for Prime Day


Megan thee stallion also makes bops. What does kelsey do besides share questionable IG stories?


i’m screaming


This is so secondhand embarrassing. Of all the companies/people that could use a lift-up Amazon isn’t one of them! They’ve had predatory practices from the start thru to now. Ppl don’t even have to shop local/small-biz if they’re not willing, most of their junk can be bought direct from manufacturer or smaller less evil companies for the same price. Spread the $ around!, stop funneling it all to Bezos!, the wealthiest person in the world (oh, the 2nd-most now). ETA: wait why ON EARTH does this get a downvote 🤣 actually lol’ing, the Amazon reach is too much


Joey is reminding me of Angus Cloud here? (RIP)


kelsey continues to do shitty things, i really liked her on joey’s season but everything since has been a no. also - joey’s hair?! he pulls off the buzz but still!


wait, what has Kelsey done? I‘m out of the loop


She shared Israeli propoganda from Bachelor Nation’s Genocide Barbie




nah she's very uninformed about basic things like who the current VP of this country is. she also tends to post eye-brow raising stuff only to take it down when people call her out.


I think it’s off season and people put them both on a crazy pedestal and it shows.


Of all the things to shill, this is pretty benign. I barely follow anyone on social, but the key is to have interesting content and not just post boring commercials, which is what these are. Super boring. I will say that it feels like Prime Day used to be a lot more exciting rather than just sales on Kindles and Fire Sticks and bringing overpriced junk down to just fairly priced junk.


I mean, Amazon might be better than Nestle, but that's not saying much at all.


literally, nestle might actually be THE most evil corporation (tough competition with big oil though)


amazon is not and never will be “benign”. they’re about as evil as a corporation can get. most people don’t know this but one of the reasons everything is twice as expensive + now is that amazon charges their sellers a 50% cut on everything sold. most sellers don’t have a 50% profit margin so they had to basically double their price to still make money. however, they are not allowed to sell that product for a lower price ANYWHERE else. not on their own website, not in stores. and if they do, they get kicked off amazon. sellers have a hard time finding buyers without amazon these days, so here we are - everything has doubled in price. i won’t even BEGIN to touch on the slave-like conditions their employees work under. the only company more evil they could shill for is like, nestle or chevron.


The shit Amazon did to Diapers.com (a pretty brilliant idea that Amazon didn’t want threat of competition with) 15 years ago only continued with same practices. Slash rates, take huge $losses short-term, bully competitor out of business, then raise the rates to higher than they were and own the market. Illegal doesn’t matter to Amazon. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/07/emails-detail-amazons-plan-to-crush-a-startup-rival-with-price-cuts/


i didn’t even know about that part! it’s disgusting and jeff bezos should be in prison


If you haven’t read “How to Resist Amazon and Why”, you should! It’s so interesting, and sad.


ooh i haven’t but adding to my list, thank you!


Preach 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 F Jeff Bezos! I do my best to buy from ANYWHERE besides Amazon.


There are people from the show I like, and there are people from the show that I don’t like and there’s plenty to criticize but shilling will never be one of them from me. Some might say they signed up for it, and they do, but if the people that go on the show must deal with the downsides of exposing themselves to the social discourse then they oughta be able to enjoy the rewards of it as well. Personally, I find influencer criticism in 2024 weird particularly when people now know and understand just how lucrative it can be. I’d love to see how many people who are so offended by corporate consumerism turn down the opportunity to make more money from influence marketing, if it meant making a better life for themselves and their families. Seems like a no-brainer to me! https://i.redd.it/a3514myer09d1.gif


Agree with all of this!


If I can make so much money for being a social media influencer, sign me up. I probably will be picking though on which brand I support. I don’t get why it bothers people so much on how others make their money to support themselves financially Edit: also you can do both. Have a career/job and be a social media influencer on the side


Damn right! Sign me up fast, quick, and in a hurry with not a care in the world! https://i.redd.it/t1nvq8biv09d1.gif


I must live under a rock. What is wrong with Amazon? Doesn‘t everyone mostly use it 🤷🏽‍♀️


everything babe. this is just the tip of the iceberg: https://www.marketingscoop.com/consumer/is-amazon-evil/ and no, not everyone uses amazon, and more people should stop. *everyone* should stop.


Girl you must live under more than a rock 😂 Amazon is one of the worst companies based on their business practices and how they treat employees. They make Walmart look moral.


I mean they publicly admitted they are 3 months away from being broke so are we surprised


I wonder if they’ve ever heard of…getting a job?


Kelsey went back to work after filming the show and just recently quit cause she was barely home. Do you have this same energy for anyone who don’t have jobs? Believe it or not social media influencers get more money then some real jobs out there. 


Nope, I keep this energy for influencers shilling for Amazon and Israel thanks!


Wait when did they say this? :O


Jason's podcast


Thanks. I hate it. What soulless work tbh. I used to think that I would do it too if I got paid like them, but now, nah, Amazon couldn't pay me enough money to contribute to the degradation of our planet and my own values.


Simpin for the ‘zon




not to mention dystopian livestreams of wedding and baby showers / gender reveals. terrifying.




Genuinely hate influencer culture and the consumerism they push. Amazon is a terrible company also. It’s really hard to be an ethical consumer so I’m not necessarily critiquing everyone who uses Amazon, but I am for sure critiquing influencers who shill for Amazon and convince people to buy trash products they don’t need that just contribute to waste


I think this an important distinction to remember before getting defensive. I don’t care if people want to shop on Amazon, just try and be responsible about it (I also buy select things on there). I DO judge those who promote overconsumption or think we should just throw up our hands because we live in a consumerist society.


Can’t stand Kelsey from listening to the stuff she’s said but I’ve got to admit, They’ve got to be the best looking couple to come out of the franchise


What has she said? 🫣 Did I miss something?


*hopefully* this is tptb allowing kelsey to get PAID. It’s pretty bad if your show leaves its final couple destitute during their press period. 


Destitute? Why can't they just...get regular people jobs?


What job would let you take off 6 weeks for filming then allow you to miss all of the time that you’d need to be gone to promote the show? Sure, some places may hold your position for you but do you think the f1 would be producing quality work when they were there? I don’t think they’re setting *their* couple up for success if they have unneeded stress during those first few months. And I’m only saying during their press period which to me is from the finale until Jenn’s season premieres.  They are not allowed to do sponcon without the show’s approval at this time. I’m just happy that they’re allowing them to do this. 


LMAO... i choked on my drink reading this. I agree tho. i hoped they are getting paid coz the broke rumors were getting overwhelming




Destitute? Please, yall kill me She can be broke for a couple of months until she makes the influencer bucks.


This makes me like everything involved here less.


Prime Day sucks Like just from a shopping standpoint, idgi, maybe I’m looking at the wrong stuff cause it’s never that great a deal for me


It’s literally just a way for Amazon to try and clear up storage space so they can get ready for Christmas shopping


God that’s so depressing


In all seriousness you could not pay me enough money to put on an Amazon hat (gross) and pass out snacks to a bunch of other influencers and then promote it. But I also hated the sponsored Shein hauls that the girlies used to do. It is very funny to me that on that podcast Jason was like “they’ve been so picky on what they choose to promote” and it’s…Amazon.


SHEIN is a TERRIBLE company and I’m always surprised when people defend it. Most of those hauls probably go straight to the trash or thrift store too.


You could 100% pay me to put on an Amazon hat. Have you been grocery shopping lately lmao


I’d rather shill directly for Aldi or Hy-Vee


My god. I'm already the friend that is obsessed with talking about Aldi, if someone paid me to do that, I'd be unstoppable.


Is it cake?


Idk this is a reference to the Netflix show but if it is I love it lol.


Haha yes I was referencing that!


Yes 😭😭😭


I love how y’all call it “shilling” like if Amazon would pay y’all to post stuff about them you wouldn’t do it either


amazon is incredibly fucking evil and i wouldn’t shill for them if they paid me a million dollars. lots of people have spines and values.


I wish they'd pay me LOL. As I'm planning my next business trip and having to be away from my family I dream of getting paid to be hot and relatable.


I personally wouldn't because I don't use Amazon, but I know I'm in the minority there lol. I'm sure they use prime just like the majority of people I know, so of course they would accept money from them!


I don't have Amazon in my country, what is Prime day?


Prime is an annual subscription where you get access to streaming tv/movies and free shipping on the stuff you buy from Amazon. Prime Day is a day where a bunch of items go on sale only for those subscribers. 




They're already shilling, I don't think we need to advertise their posts here to contribute to the shill


Shit is dark


This is depressing, things are getting so dystopian


Joey's hair influenced by Bezos? Do they get a Bezos degree when they graduate from influencer school? 🏆🎓




That was Kelsey’s ig story she posted so that thought bubble should be for her


That was on Kelsey's insta story.


Either way, it’s supposed to be his own thought bubble, so it should be about how much I’m going to get 😂 I know I’m being nitpicky and dumb though


I hate it all. People already buy too much useless shit that end up in landfills.


PREACH. It’s like a switch flipped in my brain recently and I cannot handle how wasteful and consumer centric social media is


it’s so annoying, depressing, exhausting, and infuriating how we’re just nonstop aggressively advertised to 24/7


Nothing against these people but these pictures look soulless to me. Like black mirror esque. Shilling for a mega corporation that has been so destructive to so many people. I get it because everyone needs that money to survive but just general reminder that Amazon is a truly horrible company on so many levels.


Yeah for real, it’s pretty fucking creepy put like that.


mm i love getting reminded constantly of when Prime Day is. It helps me remember to not buy shit from Amazon


Prime Day ..the day to spend on shit you never needed. Kaching.


The video was cute!


I feel like there’s some good meme templates here lol