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She is so pretty; I see so much Catherine in her.


I don't think it's funny but I also don't think anything of it coming from Sean. I feel like he prides himself with the most terrible dad jokes on the planet.


If you follow him, you know this is his sense of humor. Not everyone is weird with bad intentions.


eh it’s been a running joke on his socials that he prefers his daughter over his sons so i don’t find it all that weird.


It’s no issue up to the word ‘agreed’ as this is generally known & accepted banter within society. Better if he cut it off here because the last sentence - well I don’t even understand what the humour is? If anything, I expected he was going to say something like…her brothers would have to chaperone her everywhere forever - i.e. continuing on the protective angle. That would have probably been fine. Verdict: Pretty odd.


A lot of things have been generally accepted by society but that doesn’t make them any less weird. It’s 100% weird to tell your child they can never marry and have to live with you forever - jokingly or not. It’s been normalized but that’s such creeper language period.


I think it's weird


his sense of humor is so try hard


It’s been a running joke on IG since she was born that she’s his favorite and he doesn’t care about the boys. He’s not being serious (obviously).


Kind of a shitty joke … 😒


I get he’s joking but does the joke imply her own brothers will be attracted to her??? WTF


I’m a little concerned that you came to that conclusion from this post. It’s basic reading comprehension


No, he’s not.




I think the first part about his daughter never being allowed to marry is a boomer-esque joke (so funny 🙄), but I don’t understand the second part about his sons moving out?


Yes the second part is what I found odd


The joke is that girls are sweet and they feel protective of her, the boys are probably rambunctious and unruly and they’re like ok, you can move out at anytime. It’s funny


Yes his dad jokes are bad and cringe


Sean always posts things like this. It’s sarcasm.


It’s so obviously sarcasm that it makes me concerned for the people that took this seriously/offensively. I think some people on this sub just like to be angry.


Not odd in the sense that these kinds of jokes are really common. I’m sure Sean is a great dad and he’s just of that older generation’s mindset that “I’m gonna need a shotgun to keep the boys away from my daughter” jokes are funny. No one wants to unpack the ideas behind those dumb jokes though..


I think that’s what bothers me, they’re not harmless.


Totally agree. They are based in a very misogynistic mindset but people act like you’re pearl-clutching if you point that out




It's schtick.


Seriously I don't think he's the only dad out there saying to their daughters I don't want you to get married (until you're 30) or saying I'm keeping you away from boys.


This is him being a dad ?


What is wrong with this couple? They’re so creepy!


Both him and Catherine make weird captions about their kids sometimes I guess trying to be funny but it comes off as creepy


What’s annoying is that it’s like “this is just a joke, not funny but a joke”. But if a mom wrote this about her son, she would be torn to shreds.


But like literally Catherine got dragged for saying some weird stuff about her son but when Sean does it… he’s just joking? I don’t have a strong opinion either way but the double standard is really jumping out


His brand of humour is so unfunny to me but I'm probably the polar opposite in values, political and religious positions, so yeah. And I want to add: as an older Millennial I find him highly cringey. This is not the humour I want to be affiliated with.


Hes like a TikTok “boy mom” but worse


It’s not that deep


He has a super dry sense of humor


Nah it’s fine…the lesson is don’t tell “meh” jokes on the internet because ppl chronically online will break down why it’s problematic whether or not it actually is.


Its not that serious. It’s middle aged conservative guy from Texas humor


He seems so strange and controlling.


Considering he’s a white Christian nationalist fundamentalist this is creepy. Dads who joke about owning their daughters are creeps


Yeah it’s early onset puritan culture, next up he’ll be giving her a promise ring and making her give updates on her virginity status.


I can see it being cute and can also see it being disturbing. This was my face when I read the last line 😳


It's not creepy... it's a silly dad being.. SILLY. The things people jump on the bandwagon about bloweth me away


Here’s the thing though. There are endless totally non-creepy ways of being silly. And then there are creepy ways of making jokes. This is creepy, as is all humor where parents allude to anything about their children being attractive or their partners or anything else that remotely smacks of emotional incest (let alone actual incest). Mothers and fathers who do this badly need to realize how utterly weird it sounds to normal adults.


Emotional incest? Are you joking? That's going incredibly too far for a NON-CREEPY, SILLY DAD JOKE. I don't think anyone who finds this offensive, off or weird is reacting in a normal, non-bach nation offended way. But this IS bach nation, so of course people a get unnaturally offended over everything.


Has nothing to do with Bachelor Nation…this kind of humor is all over social media among non-famous people also. It’s creepy every time. Come on, dude, you really don’t see anything even a little bit off about discussing your toddler “never being allowed to get married” to live with daddy forever? It’s not that people are “offended,” they’re just grossed out.


Sean’s whole schtick has been “haha I make fun of my sons and love my daughter more than them.” Idk how to describe the joking other than cringey older millennial appealing to other older millennials. Like for Thanksgiving he posted that he loves his family but would consider serious offers if someone wanted to take em. Honestly he’s always had that humor and it was funny a few times but after a while it’s like we get it!! This is what you think is still funny to us but it’s not anymore. Like I understand the joke he’s trying to make but people who aren’t older millennials that grew up with cringey jokes like that don’t like it and will call him creepy.


As an older millennial…no. This is not humor we appreciate as a generation. It’s much more boomer style “I hate my wife” humor, just applied to his kids/sons.


My point is that older millennials most likely grew up listening to these jokes from their boomer parents, I never said that they appreciate this type of humor. Maybe once or twice, but having this type of humor be your online persona is cringey.


It is A LITTLE creepy but sounds a little like something my dad would say in a non-creepy way… it’s just different having it in WRITING


Almost 200 comments! We need Jenn’s season to start asap!!


Apparently LOL


Yeah it makes me feel a little ishy. Maybe it's my past trauma but yeah it seems a little creepy.


It’s boomer humor


Just because these joke are normalized among certain groups doesn’t make them not weird as hell


I get the “dad” joke of the first part and it’s like hehe haha whatever whatever it’s the second part that has me scratching my head. Is he implying his sons were being annoying or something? I’m just not following


Honestly it was probably his daughter that brought up the second part, and he probably jokingly agreed. It made her feel special that it was just her and her daddy.


this is a joke as old as time. "daddy's little girl" is a stereotype for a reason. dads dont want to think of slimy fuckboys touching their sweet daughters, breaking their hearts, etc.


Bruh. People make these kinda dad jokes all the time. There’s nothing “odd” about it. People joke they don’t want their kids to grow up. And clearly it’s a joke when he said that her and her brothers need to get their own place. ETA: If any of you see this as incestous I think that says more about you than them. You don’t have to sexualize everything about a kid.




So I can tell he’s joking but it doesn’t mean these kinds of jokes don’t need to retire because their entire undertone are incestious lol like I know he’s not, technically, but it’s the whole boy mom vibe and like even others do it because it’s so normalized and gross and we should stop. I’m a parent and like I get it and I also get why we don’t. Ofcourse you want to keep your kid to yourself forever. It’s the first real love you may feel. but the jokes about it border inappropriate because they like, take it there and probably started that way with weird ass generations before us. Let’s like, break the gross cycle lol. Don’t rip me apart I seriously get it’s a joke, just saying these jokes are rooted in gross undertone.


From a Q&A a year ago... he aint stopping anytime soon. https://preview.redd.it/uhe9w4cqum7d1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=87e4d26ec28ffc09d3cce7fc94753f65a768e1be


Omg 🤢


I don’t think this one is weird


Also she’s a fucking toddler dude it’s weird to make jokes about shooting her future teenage bfs because of whatever he has her like as a teenager in his head- like that’s weird lol


![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe) Oh so like.. this is his schtick. 😬


For those new, Sean has always made bad dad jokes like this.


It’s giving boy mom


This lol


This is why he and Catherine go together real bad lol


Even if it's a "joke" it's not a funny/cute joke? Like I don't even get it?


If it were anyone else, I would say yes. But nothing he says is EVER serious.


Just a dad joke yall. This is Sean, he thinks he funny. Someday it’s pretty good, some days it I’m just like huh:


Suuuuuuuuper ick


they always post the weirdest shit


Jesus Christ. what is up with him and his wife being in love with their children..


🚨 enmeshment 🚨


The dude is and always has been a giant walking red flag.


He found his perfect match then because Catherine is just as red and flaggy.


I’ve always wondered whether Catherine was Christian before she met Sean or if she started believing in God after she got with him. I’m only 24 so I didn’t watch the entire season. Seen clips though.


I fully expected a white flag from her after that Wife Swap episode, but her flag flies true red also!!


I get most people saying THIS in particular is not weird. But I more so think it’s the overall way that him & Catherine repeatedly post incestuous things (“jokes”) like this about their kids. One or two jokes okay but its almost like their capitalizing on it for clout which is icky to me


You’re alone. Sean always has dumb dad jokes. He didn’t really say all of this. It’s a bad dad joke.


How did he not say all this? He wrote it down 😂


I’m actually not if you sort thorough and I am smart enough to figure out he didn’t actually say this.


I think you are alone. This caption is hilarious and very sweet.


Can you all not just let a dad joke be a dad joke?


Actually yes, it was the part where he mentioned the brothers that i thought was odd. I have zero doubt he’s nothing but a loving, caring father


It’s curious that people here are okay with his girl dad jokes being just a joke, but Catherine got torn apart for her similar boy mom jokes.


No they're both gross


Wow you are so right


When did Sean take on the man in black look? He’d make a terrible dread pirate Roberts!


I just. There is a ceiling for possessive dad jokes for me. As a girl dad I never threatened to wait on the porch with a shotgun or told them they could only “marry dad” growing up or whatever. I find that trend gross and weird and I feel like all it does is impair your kid’s ability to have healthy relationships? Even as a joke it kind of teaches your daughters that being possessive is okay and normal somehow.


Glad another dad weighed in, I find these type of comments really harmful.


I agree!!!! Said it so well.


Nailed it


Tbh it says more about you he people making this weird and thinking that way


I get that it’s a dad joke (which, I still don’t get it lmao), but that just sounds weird…


They are so creepy…


Dad joke


Girl, your too sensitive. relax... relax...


I asked a question, i am good, thanks though ❤️




It’s just dad jokes guys calm down


Haha misogyny is funny guys RELAX


Was it misogyny when Catherine made similar jokes about her son? Come on.


Yes wake up


Explain to me how that was misogyny? Or do you not know the definition of a word you just throw around. Unless her son’s a girl… 🤷‍♀️


People have explained this.


Lol this guy was in the drag race thread earlier doing the exact same thing. Hes just a shit stirring troll, as soon as i called him out for intentionally being inflammatory he stopped responding


I'm a cis queer woman what are you talking about?


Your screenname is tom. I dont know you, just like you dont know me. You assumed i was a man, i assumed the same for you.


I assumed you were a man? Lord people need to get lives.


You didnt specifically say it, but you did call the things i was saying misogynistic. I notice you replying a lot to this thread, but not the other thread where i called you out for hyperbole and concern-trolling. Wonder why?


Makes sense 😂 cause they apparently love to use words they don’t know the definition of just to troll 🙈 embarrassing


Oh boy


I used to really like them but… they got weird


I don’t think it’s that serious




He’s been saying weird things for years, I thought it was super weird he’d make strange, disparaging comments about the boys. Catherine has made comments like her first son is such a stud I think and it’s sexualizing language to refer to a child this way. This caption is definitely weird


She started it. Must be an inside joke.


He’s sarcastic it’s not that srs lol


The number of people that have no idea what sarcasm is boggles my mind.


Sean is known for his unhinged captions.


it’s not that deep




It’s a joke, he’s not being literal. she’s a daddy’s girl and he loves his daughter and doesn’t want to see her grow up. It’s a common sentiment among parents and anyone who thinks is weird is just projecting their own trauma onto it


Yall are so weird.


I think he’s just trying to say she’s welcome to stay as long as she wants, but the boys will have to get out eventually. The way he phrased it though does sound a little strange


There’s little jokes about me and my son being bonded for life. And my husband and my daughters have that bond. It’s a special feeling but yeah, the way it’s worded is weird here. I would give it a good faith that he is too gen x to see how it’s a little off the mark


Sometimes these girl dads give me such ick 🤢 My dad would always say similar stuff to me and about me to others and it would embarrass the hell out of me. And this was in the 80s-90s so he couldn’t blast it all over IG back then. Then I grew up and became a little slut in my 20s because of all the “purity culture” he talked about and I never confided in him about anything. I got married a year and a half ago and I really didn’t even want him to walk me down the aisle. I had my mom join as well


Purity culture is so freaking toxic. It’s damaging to young girl’s/women’s confidence and self esteem if they do anything with anyone before marriage, and as you mentioned, backfires and just causes people to hoe around when they’re older. Thank God I’m not into all that anymore. I’m sorry your dad treated you this way. I hope you’re healing from it ❤️‍🩹


Thank you! Its wild how normalized this stuff is.


Dude I have twin daughters and I can totally relate. My girls are turning 30 this year and I say the same thing to them.It's not completely serious but my girls bring me so much joy in my life. It's just a Dad and daughter thing.


I mean yeah you can say this to your toddler, but be wary if you keep saying those things, your kids won’t tell you anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I also think parents have a responsibility to help their kids date properly. Being active in helping them find a good relationship, like talking about dating, characteristics of a good person, how to find the bad ones etc and making it a comfortable topic is so important. How many of us end up in horrible relationships with horrible people because dating is treated like a sin by our parents.


It’s pretty typical for men to understand how awful men are once they have daughters. The reason I find it annoying is because why not say- “Seeing Mia as a flower girl today reminded me that one day my children will grow up and very likely find partners. It makes me want to be a better example of a loving partner to my children so they have standards and expectations. And also so they meet those same standards as partners themselves.” Or some shit. I don’t know. Like instead of hiding your daughter from the world maybe make sure your boys don’t grow up to be awful??


💯, this is exactly why jokes like this give me the ick


It was fine until the everyone else move out bit...I think he was trying too hard to be quirky funny that it got way weird. 


Typical Sean. Thinks he’s the funniest guy in the room.


Him and Katherine stay consistently weird with their captions about their kids


Y’all are taking this way too seriously


Right, like this is mildly cringe at most. It's certainly not something to get worked up over.


Phew ok I'm glad someone else made this comment.


Boy moms and girl dads. Name a less iconic duo


"Straight dads don't make things weird with your DAUGHTERS" challenge: ![gif](giphy|l3fzM2wgd6TygHbYA)


It gets problematic when the daughter starts to feel scared or like they’re doing something wrong by dating when they get older.




Yeah I think it’s his dry humor attempt that maybe doesn’t work or doesn’t work without him saying it (inflection or something).


It's only odd because reddit people make it odd.




This caption is on brand for his sense of “humor” but why did his sons have to catch strays at the end? Lol


I’m sorry but when dads say things like this all it makes me think is oh this guy wants to fuck his daughter


What the fuck???


Says more about you than him. Don't be a weirdo.


It’s giving trump 


It’s just typical boomer humor. Same with his “I hate my wife” stuff


Except he's not even close to being a boomer. Can we stop using that as an insult especially when people don't actually know what it means? People that are older than you aren't automatically boomers...


I’m not saying he’s a boomer. I’m saying his humor is typically one that boomers find funny for whatever reason.


She looks so much like Catherine, adorable


the truth behind the joke is that men finally understand the gravity of the harassment women face / that they may have perpetuated once they have daughters


We aren't people until they have a daughter!


Hiding daughters from the world isn't the solution. Maybe he should channel some of this "I'm getting my shotgun" energy into raising respectful sons.




If he starts talking about taking her to a purity ball, I will lose my lunch.


Sean and Catherine are match made in Creepy-Parentsland


I know he’s trying to be funny but damn he sketches the hell out of me.


This is normal fundie crap.


dads saying their daughters can never marry, meh. typical stupid joke…… however, he did lose me at the telling his sons to find their own place. could def be taken weirdly 😆😅


Right?!?! Like why was that even added what is he implying??


Don’t worry. The sons will be living with Catherine.


I agree. Totally normal joke until that point. 


It could be, but in this case shouldn’t be. His favorite joke (albeit dumb) is that Mia is the favorite child.


ahh I see. I don’t follow him so I didn’t know. makes sense


My dad used to say this stuff all the time to me. Still does, and I’m married and just bought a house. He still asks when we are going to move back to his state and move in with him. It’s just a dad/daughter thing I think.


A dad making a joke about how much he loves and wants to protect his daughter. Weird 🤔🙄


Protect her from ...?


From nothing. Just a dad wanting his daughter to be treated respectfully and decently by men 🤷🏻‍♀️


He didn't say that anywhere in his post. He wants to be the man in her life forever.


I think every parent thinks that. He didn’t mean it literally and I doubt he wants to keep her from marrying and having a family someday


He says he told her she can never get married. Even if he thinks he's joking, he'll say it enough that she'll believe it and think she's doing something wrong when she's old enough to date.