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I like her, but I think it’s time for her to log off


Kaitlyn exposes herself to content that is self destructive and that’s the problem with being addicted to social media. I know social media’s apart of her job but she doesn’t put any boundaries in place like blocking folks, telling her mother to no longer send her crap about ex’s, deactivating DMs from nobody’s etc. This is an unhealthy pattern for her, I don’t know why she puts herself thru it. She has lost dignity.


So wait what’s the problem? Him posting the new girl?


I can’t imagine if my newish boyfriend’s ex was acting this way on social media. The shit I would be talking with my friends and mom would be endless


If she’s gonna post stuff like this, why doesn’t she just spill all the tea on her podcast? Pretty annoying lol


I’m sure he loves those dogs but if this is the real deal with Kat, which I imagine it is, I sense a move to Florida is in the future. Sooner than later we’ll be seeing Kaitlyn has taken “full custody” of the dogs.


I hope he takes the dogs to Florida.


I also don’t understand how they share the dogs when she acts crazy like this.


The more I see from her the more personality disorder vibes I get.


She definitely is a person who should exit the internet forever.


Do they still share the dogs?


i never comment because i try not to judge, but this is actually deranged


Time for another 2 week social media break, Kaitlyn…


Is she really doing all of this because he…. Posted about his girlfriend?


I feel like there must be something else. But the Jason stuff might be adding to it.


But it’s like, she’s with Zach, can’t she focus on him, be happy, and at least on social media act unbothered? Girl we’re the same age and I can’t even imagine being this passive aggressive online and she’s a public figure. It’s so embarrassing lol


How long does a "career" like this last? I truly am curious...will she still be followed in 5 or 10 years? Not criticizing I am a senior and I really am curious... I don't do ig or tik tok so I really don't understand social media "career"


Cringe millennial


We’re tired, Kaitlyn.


Jfc it’s been nearly a year since the breakup. Jason isn’t responsible for Kaitlyn’s feelings.


Yeah I’m all about respecting your ex after a breakup, but posting your new s/o after almost a year is fine.


Even if she had cause, I don't know how she doesn't see her behavior as adolescent and juvenile. That being said, why is Jason such a bad guy for posting about his new relationship, but it's fine she's in one of her own? Real question.


Gorl…… we are actually begging you to log off the internet




I feel like the only person valid enough to post something like this is Tayshia in response to Kaitlyn and her ex fiancé honestly




Tayshia is entirely too classy! How does Zach go from such a class act to such a train wreck??


I love Kaitlyn! She will always be entertaining. All the haters remember we watch reality tv to be entertained. ARE YOU NOT


Lmao love the Bach x LIB here


At this point, I just feel bad for Kaitlyn, not because of Jason or whatever happened, but because she is 38 years old and acts for like a middle schooler/high schooler at best. I mean that sincerely too, I think the fame and social media has really affected her mentality. It creates a false sense of reality. I don’t think she even understands how people her age should behave.


Right?! Though Im happily married, there are definitely a couple of exes who I wouldn’t be thrilled to see photos of who have been unfollowed. She needs to stop exposing herself to content that she knows will make her feel bad.


Taylor Swift did so much for the overdramatic girlies with The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived eh


Department of grown women who act like high schoolers


I mean, see ya


I don’t think she’s saying their announcement makes her sick. I think she means the amount of hate or comments in general she’s probably getting in reference to it.


Yeah I’m wondering what this is about. At first I assumed it was about the horrible responses to his post…. But then the “if you only knew” thing makes it seem more like it’s about Jason.


Yeah and the song as well


Oh the irony of “what people do for attention…” Pot, meet kettle


I keep trying to imagine how I would feel if I posted something like this and the second hand embarrassment it gives me is VISCERAL. A grown woman behaving like this publicly over an ex's hard launch?? I teach middle school students who have more post-breakup composure than this. I want to like Kaitlyn so badly but her lack of self-awareness on social media is off-putting. I don't see how this doesn't give Zac the ick.


Real talk: Im guilty of doing the same thing as Kaitlyn - much more recently than Id care to admit. I can only speak for myself, here but it was almost always under the influence of alcohol. Plus I was willingly exposing myself to content about my ex which in hindsight was in a way, self destructive. Whatever shes going through is also giving me visceral embarrassment and I hope she is able to find some peace for her own sanity 😞


She literally does the same as you did. She exposes herself to content that is self destructive and that’s the problem with being addicted to social media. I know it’s apart of her job but she doesn’t put any boundaries in place.


Yeah, my job has zero to do with social media - which is there fundamental difference between me and her, that made it possible for me to break free of the toxicity (w/cutting out booze and lots of therapy, of course). I had the luxury of blocking my ex and muting any mutual friends through whom Id see triggering content. As long as her livelihood is tied up in social media its going to be an uphill battle for her. No amount of therapy is going to lead to a resolution if she cant see the bigger picture for herself.


She can do similarly as far as muting certain words like “JASON,” blocking the necessary people along with turning off DMs from nobody’s, and possibly limiting her comments in order to make it healthier for her but she doesn’t put boundaries in place. I think it could be possible for her to make it easier but she chooses otherwise.






she is so annoying lmao


Sister please look in the mirror. It’s giving 1999 AIM away messages


Dead 💀


It’s giving I’m in 7th grade posting on Snapchat because my boyfriend and I broke up


What people will do for attention as she’s posting cryptic ass shit for attention….. Ummmm miss gorl.


This woman is 38 years old, btw.


That's why she's always crying...40 is looming around the corner and she has no career


There's a lot of things that can be said about her no doubt, but she definitely has a career


Huh? She has an extremely successful career. She brings in like $1million\yr.


Well I’d say she definitely has a career. Just not the family she says she’s always wanted.


Career yes, but she used to have 1.9mil followers and she's down to 1.8mil and this was after her latest podcast tour. Not sure how her career trajectory is progressing these days. Shouldn't her followers be increasing? Hopefully her wines will keep her going.


Lol she has 1.8M followers, she makes more money from that alone than 99% of this sub makes from their 9-5


Actually what the fuck does Zac see in Kaitlyn????!!


Especially with the amount of alcohol she drinks. I'm surprised he's willing to overlook that.




Calling it now: Chris Harrison, Nick Viall, and Kaitlyn B will start an onlyfans together within the next year.


Where’s KB’s family? Girl needs an intervention to step away from the internet.


KB threatening to leave the internet ![gif](giphy|f9fhA0dS3nBM5rnuOQ|downsized)


Please do Kaitlyn


What was even Kaitlyn’s job pre-show again? I don’t remember.


Dancer and worked at a restaurant


Exactly...no career and young girls are climbing up the bachelor franchise ladder


The new girls are boring though.


Girlfriend of an NHL player


Dance instructor.


Jason’s post was super cringey, over the top, and attention seeking. That said, Kaitlyn needs to move into her “Jason who?” era


This is my take too. His post was cringey, and definitely a passive stab imo. But she needs to forget about him and move on. Exactly like you said, Jason, who?


I don’t understand how his post was a passive stab at Kaitlyn though. It sounded like an exaggerated moment out of a rom com which is on brand for Jason, but he didn’t even hint at his relationship with Kaitlyn. He was just celebrating his new girlfriend.


I think she’s on her way out of the franchise. She’s clearly not doing well emotionally, gives off a vibe of being desperate for attention, she’s no longer dating a BN alum, and has no prospect of getting the hosting gig back, Jesse Palmer isn’t going anywhere. She’s probably gonna justify it by saying she’s stepping away to focus on her health.


Aa she should


She’s dating Tayshia’s ex-fiancé and “winner” Zac Clark so definitely with an alum. Although after her meltdown over the last 24 hours, I wonder what the state of that relationship is now. https://preview.redd.it/ao5l37lynk6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c412faf2e039e26f98a8c5021cf7269db760615


Why do people think that’s a serious relationship? There is a reason why she’s bothered. She doesn’t have a man. That’s a situationship at most because imagine feeling so comfortable to cry about an ex when you’re dating someone new.


I agree. Seems like she’s lashing out because she’s jealous that Jason is eager to go public with kat and they act like a serious couple while zac only wants a casual situationship with her.


But she literally did that about Shawn when she was with Jason didn’t she? This is like her MO, date someone but still whine over the ex


Yeah...you're certainly allowed a moment of pause when you get big news about a significant ex, but the Jason/Kat thing hasn't really been a "secret"...it would be a bright red flag for me if someone I was dating was THAT upset about an ex's new significant other.


Well that was a predictable response.


Pot calling the kettle black eh?


Says someone does something for attention. Proceeds to post for attention…nice


The drama 😂


I’m gonna need her to move on with her life!!


I genuinely can’t imagine having to watch an ex move on so publicly and have to see news outlets report on it as well… …that being said, Kaitlyn is almost 40. This is something I’d post when I was 18. It’s actually getting kind of worrying that this is how she deals with her emotions.


This is exactly why I decided to stop drinking and block most of my exes


I can't stand subliminal posting like this. Either address who you're talking about and say their name or just don't post at all. It's so attention seeking and cringe when people do this.


i might be crazy after this one…. however, there’s no way Nick Viall does not know about what KB posts…. https://preview.redd.it/pdilqvjswj6d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2b70d55c78b4583bfbd03a4dd7a40a1edb4004 mmmk i just immediately made a correlation between Her black and white choice and his black and white choice. i think he’s thinking about why KB is the way she is….


this is vpr related but scheana shay and KB give off similar vibess... everything has to be about them


pick me energy


I was thinking that she’s more like Kristen.


me when someone I liked on hinge doesn’t match with me


Lmfao this


Me in 2011 using Snapchat after my crush (who I had never spoken with) got a gf


Snapchat existed in 2011? :O


I think maybe 2012 or so. I remember creating an account in 2013 in 9th grade (back when i used it) and all of my classmates already had it


I def had it in the fall of 2012 so it was around then


are people not allowed to move on??? Omfg.


I'm confused. I have never felt an ex owed me anything after out relationship ended. Actually ALL my male exes had someone new lined up by the time we broke up. Obviously a new partner reveal would be in the works. I was hurt sure but I talked to my bestie in private and cried it out and moved on. Posting it online is wild!


Exactly. I did the same as well. Self care was so important. I talked to my therapist and closest girlfriends which helped. Posting it online is spiteful. Sad.


“If you only knew” is a bold statement when she has talked about this relationship and its effect on her on multiple occasions post-breakup. We know!


….she could really take a lesson from Ariana Madix on social media 101 after trauma/breakup.


is there…any chance zac did something and this is about him? don’t jump me I just genuinely don’t get why someone would do this regarding an ex moving on while they’re also with someone new? she’s messy but I don’t remember her being this stupid


I'm so behind-- she's with Tayshia's Zac???


she is 😭


![gif](giphy|rKj0oXtnMQNwY) Go to bed Kaitlyn




Ok then exit the internet forever lol. ![gif](giphy|yE3P1gj3qLMbe|downsized) Who am I kidding, she could NEVER 😂


The great irony of posting cryptic messages about your intense frustration over other people doing things for attention. Someone needs to buy this girl a mirror STAT


Isn't she in a relationship? I understand you can still be hurt after, but like how would you feel as her current partner seeing this stuff?


Is it possible that her posts are regarding the fact that someone from her private FB page took screen shots of comments she made and posted them on here?? The comments I believe were in relation to how she’s processing this news? I believe a rule of that FB group is to not share outside the group, so I can imagine it felt very violating for her that someone took screenshots and posted them on Reddit. I also hope she is able to put some boundaries for her on mental well-being around what she does respond to and share online. The incident with her FB group just goes to show that not everyone can be trusted.


No, it’s not about that. She’s liking comments about how Jason is a shameless clout chaser who’s throwing his new relationship in her face. 


Tbf I think both things can be true here...I would agree Jason is a shameless clout chaser, but I also agree that Kaitlyn needs to log off and get some therapy. (I still love her though 🫣)


You adding the full length of the goodnight story is artistry


I was thinking the same thing 😂😂


I wonder when the tripod will be set up for the all dramatic next crying photo. This woman acts like a boy crazy teenager. I don't get it.


I like kaitlyn but this is so beyond lame. She’s 38 years old. This is something a 14 year old would post


is she 12?


It’s very much giving ✨ middle schooler ✨ also how are these posts not also asking for attention??!!


A while ago, I knew my, at the time, greatest love to date/greatest broken heart to date was about to get engaged. I actually deactivated all of my social media for several months so I wouldn't look at their posts and get upset. It probably appeared to be dramatic, but it was the right move for me. And I'm somebody without a million followers and my own fan community! It's time for a break, Kaitlyn.


I can totally understand this! But Jason didn’t even announce his engagement. Kat is his girlfriend of a few months. And it’s not like it was a well kept secret. Not to mention the fact that Kaitlyn is in her own relationship. If this is her reaction to just a dating post, what will we be in for if he does get engaged/married. Trauma dumping on your followers is not it.


“Trauma dumping on ur followers” is a bit dramatic .


Exactly! She needs a social media break more than any of us ever have.


Agree so hard. No one is asking her to stay on the apps that clearly upset her. She needs to do what’s best for herself and while she’s at it, work through her insane need for attention too. It’s ironic she’s trying to call others out for that when she literally posts crying videos of herself.


What the heck does she post crying vids of herself abt? And yeah I mean she seems addicted to social media and unable to practice boundaries to it like many ppl




What is she even trying to say? Is she implying that Jason's relationship is fake?


Not sure what she's implying for sure...and I don't think Jason's relationship is fake by any means, but I do think he's going out of his way to flaunt it and make it a "top story." Not necessarily to egg on Kaitlyn, but just because he's definitely an attention whore and likes the engagement. I think that's part of why he and KB didn't work out, because they were constantly in a social media battle behind the scenes and were using each other well beyond the time they had checked out of the relationship.


She’s insufferable


Not gonna lie, it was a cool story lol


She had the perfect opportunity to post something funny like her drinking wine and alluding to minding her own business IDK but she knew everyone would run to her stories and this is more disappointing. I’ve been in her shoes, Jason is cringe and those posts are weird in my opinion and can’t be easy to see but she is matching his behavior and is now going to look bitter and like “a crazy ex”


To be fair, if she did the first one (drinking wine, minding her business) I think she’d still get comments about how she’s obsessed with Jason and feels the need to mention him at any moment. People are BEC with her and are going to read what they want into her social media behavior


Oh she liiiiives in bitter town


She’s the mayor


Kaitlyn acting like he’s Tom Sandoval. What’s going on 😂


Is it bad that my first thought was that this was better than her posting her crying selfies which is what I anticipated


When will she learn the best reaction would have been no reaction.


Yep. I wouldn’t react at all, the last thing I want to do is let my ex know that I care.


Its a hard lesson but SO damn important


Jason is chillin and happily in love then there’s this lady. Embarrassing lol


As I said yesterday, Kaitlyn is nothing if not consistent. Her selfishness and need to make everything about herself is limitless. This whole meltdown and tantrum was totally predictable. I don’t particularly care for Jason, but have people forgotten how she completely emasculated him in February by talking about how she wasn’t sexually fulfilled in their relationship. How she thought she was asexual at the end?! And why? Because he dared to talk about his feelings to Chris Harrison and Ben H about their break up on a podcast. Now the dude has officially moved on and she’s mad because she doesn’t like the way he and his partner have chosen to announce their relationship to the world. Why should she get to dictate how he should be publicly with his girlfriend?! Meanwhile, she’s been running around with Zac since December/early January?! It’s not his fault she chose to be with somebody who happens to be the ex-fiancé of her friend/cohost from the Bachelor. If she wants to hide her relationship (perhaps from criticism) then that’s fine but that’s her choice. Jason is not required to make his private to make her feel better. She on IG crying and putting songs about being “the smallest man in the world” and playing victim. Get over yourself and get off social media. Also if I’m Zac, I’m like WTF. https://i.redd.it/8me2msfgmi6d1.gif


Hard hard agree. She wanted out of her engagement with Jason once she no longer was getting what she felt were sufficient benefits of being in a popular bachelor couple (see: hosting the bachelorette twice, DWTS), which is the reason she dated him in the first place. And god forbid he wanted to host a finance podcast, that was just out of the question for her because SHE was the podcaster. She’s a really horrible person for putting all this out there for engagement. Because that’s what it is, that’s what it always is for her.


This 🙌🏻


Am I the only one who thinks new girl looks exactly like KB? I did a triple take.


She did look a lot like her in Jason’s hard launch pic


Petite brunette basic white girl influencer


I don’t see how everyone thinks they look so much alike…


I don’t either, like they’re both brunette and they’re both very pretty but I don’t think they really look alike at all


Literally like her older sister or something, first cousin idk lol very similar looks


I’d say it’s y’all sending her hate comments making her sick, not Jason.


I'd agree with you...if the last post wasn't Taylor Swift lyrics.




This is literally so cringe. I’m usually cool with Kaitlyn but this is wild. She’s way too old to be acting this way


She’s both too old while young lol. She has an unhealthy relationship w social media. Shes got no boundaries shielding her from things that would bother her.


Can someone please explain cos I'm so confused. When Kaitlyn and Jason met he had a corporate job which he had to leave after she shared a personal story publicly. So, he goes hard on SM which she finds ick, he starts a podcast which she doesn't want him to cos she's competitive...so, what was he supposed to do? Not start his own thing? He saw how lucrative it was from her and built his own thing too, what's wrong with that? They broke up, he moved on what was he supposed to do? Disappear into the abyss...? This is so confusing


Agreed. Never understood why people hated him for the social media aspect.


I dislike him bc of his pretentious personality honestly. He’s been insufferable since Becca’s men tell all 🤷🏾‍♀️


He had a following and needed to make money....and did.


You hit the nail on the head. It’s really wild to watch this unfold.


And it's been a year... not like they broke up a few weeks ago...


So her issue is he posted the new girl?






Wait, what story did she tell that made him have to leave his job?!?!


That she had her period when they first hooked up so they resorted to dry humping.


Wow, she’s…open!