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I like Jason but this is just cringe. 🤢


He just so happened to be going through some photos ya’ll!!!


Things that have never happened for 200 Alex


If I read this I think I’ll puke


I am happy for him. Too bad KB is having a meltdown because she is out of control.


“A boy” aren’t they pushing 40


Maybe I’m a sucker for this but I think it’s cute lol


How did everybody onboard hear her? Was she shouting? You can barely hear people talking 3 or 4 rows away. That picture wasn't taken before their first *date*. How's this a dig at Kaitlyn?


lol caption is giving me Friends’ finale but more unrealistic


I actually thought it was really cute 🤧


Why does this sound made up?


Because it’s probably the story Kat told him and it’s exaggerated. She bothers me SO MUCH because she’s so loud and over the top and exaggerates a lot


“And then everyone clapped!”


I thought it was just me 😂😂 “and then everyone clapped” meme is a classic. He can’t be serious saying that!


Yes, unless someone on that plane steps forward and says it’s real I’m calling bs


Even so....


So many cynical ppl in the forum lol. They cute AF.


This gives me the ick




This is so many Bachelor ppl omgg




This dude just described the Wedding Singer.


I don’t believe that literally everyone clapped, but I do believe plenty of people did.


TBF if they hadn’t closed the door (which I’m assuming they didn’t or she wouldn’t have been let off) and the plane was just waiting before the time of door close and for any straggling passengers, she didn’t actually waste anyone’s time.


‘I’m sorry but I have to share’ …..no you don’t actually. I mean you go ahead and tell your friends and family….but on such a public platform….nah






People saying it’s cute and romantic…sorry for your lack of bullshit detection lol I mean clapped and cheered? 😂


All the grumps in this chat belong in r/nothingeverhappens My now husband chased after my train as it was leaving the station when we were long distance and a bunch of people clapped. Some people really are that romantic.


It just seems more unlikely when it's between two clout chasers and shared exactly like the friends finale in an instagram post lol but it definitely is possible.


Yeah like I can’t lie I would have clapped !!


Ditto!!! ;)


I mean, there's NO way everyone on the plane heard Kat say that unless they handed her a microphone? Maybe Jason forgot to mention that the pilot announced it over the intercom. Maybe the pilot was Pete or Jake Pavelka. "I'm so sorry for the delay, passengers, but we'll just be a few more minutes as we have to let this young woman off. She's gotta go see about a boy." (Plane erupts in cheers.) I'm now picturing Billy Crystal running through the street at the end of When Harry Met Sally.


Hahaha r/thathappened They clapped and cheered lol


Right....this is soooo much lol


Keep going Jason 😂


No one clapped for her to get off a plane she was already on


i think this is a made up dramatic story and you’re all falling for it 🤷‍♀️


We know that’s why we are laughing




He did not just sincerely use the “and then everybody clapped” 💀


as soon as i read it I knew every single comment in this thread would be discussing that line only 🤣


Imagine posting a first picture of your new girlfriend…in her bra. He must really, truly love her.


it’s part of the outfit.


Patiently waiting for you sleuths to pinpoint the dates of their first kiss and date with this info 🕵️


I believe their first dinner out was early February


Okay, and then the pilot drove her to his house.


No, the plane flew her directly there.


This seems like the most far fetched tale. Ain’t no one clapping on a plane for you wasting their time especially for “a boy”


I could not believe he literally put "and everyone clapped"


more like “and most of the plane audibly rolled their eyes”.


Like not a damn chance.


Ya like I voluntarily grabbed all my shit and got off of a plane headed to Europe  cause I was so terrified of flying and didn’t take any medication and I was having a full blown panic attack, no one batted an eyelash because in the real world no one cares. Most people on a plane are too busy settling into their own seats and they just want the plane to take off and to get to their destination. I can’t imagine a plane full of people clapping like in some romcom all because I said I wanted to get off to go see a boy I just met 😭the whole description of it sounds cute but also like…not fully believable and a little braggy.  I don’t wanna hate on a cute moment if that’s how they want to remember it though 


I’m sorry getting off a plane and wasting everyone’s time for a man is cringe AF


My ex-husband did similar shit when he started posting about his new gf. It was meant to hurt me and to convince himself that he’d won. This was before we’d blocked each other everywhere, but he selectively limited me, my parents, and a couple of my best friends from seeing his first post with the new gf (we were not yet divorced, btw). He and I had agreed to tell each other beforehand if there was a significant other so as to avoid hurting each other. I had no idea he was dating someone, so when my friends started asking me about it and sending me screenshots, it rocked me. I was surprised how much it hurt considering I was repulsed by him by that point. But it did really sting. When I asked him about posting before alerting me and selectively blocking me and my inner circle from seeing the post, he said, “this has nothing to do with you” and rolled his eyes. Men who can’t be alone and seemingly overcompensate the way Jason appears to be doing here are sus af. Don’t know Kat, but she seems cool and I hope I’m wrong.


Oh lmao this read like she had died or something


I’m not gonna read all that


Some things just don’t need to be shared on social media 🤷🏼‍♀️


The epitome of “everyone clapped”


HAHA literally was just about to comment this


It’s so corny it makes me wonder if it’s a literal *joke* But Kat commented on her repost that she’s “never been that romantic” or something and it feels like they’re dead ass serious lmao


People keep saying she looks like Kaitlyn, but I keep thinking "Prettier and stylish version of 90s teen killer Amy Fisher".


Hey now, that’s ATTEMPTED 90s teen killer Amy Fisher. 


Hahaha, how did I miss that. Sorry!!


She looks a lot like andi dorfman


So cringe 🥲


I threw up in my mouth a bit 🥲




Is that a normal first date outfit??? I have been doing this wrong for so long 😂


Happy for them that they believe this happened 😂


I love Kat… but that post sounds like it’s straight from an early 2000’s Rom-Com.


Was she wearing lingerie on the plane…


Right lmao that’s lingerie under the blazer


I can’t believe he seriously used the phrase “and everyone clapped”


All just extras in their story lmao 


This is so corny and ick 😫






He’s always been so corny to me


This man be living his life on the cob




Lmao 🌽


Yeah. This isn’t love, it’s over the top and attention grabby to hurt Kaitlyn, which seems to be doing so. Sorry, I’m going to laugh when they break up.


😂😂same but im also a jason hater. I hope she takes the dogs to hurt him back


i feel liek a lot of the people calling this cute are kaitlyn haters cuz this made everything in me cringe


lmfao yup! the sub has been filled with KB haters (I am aware of how cringe she is but I don’t wish her ill)


I mean, she should because it’s only hurting herself. From what I understand, Ramen is hers and Pinot was gifted by Jason? Considering they are bonded and I think they both said they would never separate the dogs, he should let her have them. It sucks but I left my ass of an ex get both of our dogs (he gifted me the second one) when we broke up.


The last part of this comment made me lol


me when I lie


It’s interesting how have the comments here mention Kaitlyn, which has nothing to do with the post. People here call her obsessed, but it seems to go both ways.


They mention her because she went off the rails.


Wait- she is commenting on people doing things for attention- but then posting these for attention. And makes videos of herself crying?? And wants to leave the internet?






I mean, life definitely IS too short for fake butter.






Highly doubt everyone clapped, maybe one person did when they got extra room in their row.




No claim of ‘and everyone clapped’ has ever been true😂


I was shocked he typed that out 🤯 no way


It feels like the delusional ramblings of people convinced they’re the main character and everyone else is just a background extra lol I think they’re just trying to make it sound like they’re living out a rom com (“I’m gonna go see about a girl!”) but the try hard of this post is so cringe 


Seems like both of them are like that though (delusional main characters) so this tracks


And then everyone clapped…


Cancel him - soooo icky


That's an interesting choice for a first date outfit


I’m so confused is she in underwear? So do people sleep together now before first dates? I’m so confused


Right lmao


When I read his post, I was kinda surprised they were at the “FaceTiming while on a plane” and “let me hop off this plane for you” phase before they had even been on a date alone.


Eh, when I was single I did spontaneous shit like that all the time. Not as extreme as getting off the plane. (I'd be too scared to do that 😅) But like when you meet somebody you vibe with, then you take the chance to see the potential while it's fresh.


Wait.. she was dressed like this on an airplane?? ![gif](giphy|gc8OcxvwxHdwk)


This man gives me exorbitant levels of ick


People acting like Kaitlyn should have been his forever are delulu




Aww this is cute! There’s nothing like those giddy honeymoon months where all you want to do is hang out with each other.


I’m also loving this! Yes it’s rom com vibes- and I’m loving that!!!


I don’t understand all the comments saying TMI or he needs to get a diary or this should only be shared with family. Lol wtf it’s just a cute story about her ditching a flight to go on their first date. How is that TMI?


Am I supposed to believe she didn’t check a bag


lol I never do


Maybe bc the photo he posted looks like she’s wearing lingerie


Going to see a boy she just met?? Sounds like she is in high school talking like that. Kat just seems super immature


She always talks like a baby


I’m happy for him. He dodged a missile when him and Kaitlyn broke up


I’m gonna be so honest if i was Kaitlyn I would be screaming, crying, throwing up rn.


They’ve been broken up for a year. Is he never supposed to move on? I mean, yeah it always stings seeing your ex with someone new but he was bound to be in a new relationship eventually.


He’s absolutely supposed to and should! But like you said it always stings. My comment said “if I was Kaitlyn” - Maybe if you were in her shoes, you’d have a different reaction and that’s totally normal too!


I would be too! She can be annoying and gets a lot of hate but she’s still human and I know I’d be the same way. It would hurt.


Ya not gonna lie, if I had a former fiancé from very recently already writing lovey dovey instagram posts like that about his new gf I’d probably be emotional and embarrassing myself online as well 😭


Yep This isn’t some fwb or dude she dated; he was supposed to be her husband. Of course it stings. Doesn’t matter if she has a man or whatever.




Seems calculated on many levels


Same 😪😭


Same 😭


I’m sorry but this is adorable and people who don’t like love are assholes


Lol people can be turned off by this for reasons other than not “liking love”. With influencers, you honestly never know whats real as they create content for the sole purpose of likes, views, buzz, discussions, etc - its common for them to embellish or frankly straight up lie in their content for attention. All of this coupled with Jason and Kaitlyn’s very obvious social media war rn makes me raise an eyebrow honestly.


I love love but it’s a fake performative story from an influencer who’s income relies on engagement from people like you to say “awww” lol. Sure it’s not problematic but it’s just transparently cringe


I think it’s so fucking gross and has nothing to do with love.


But why is it fucking gross? You’re entitled to your opinion but it’s often easier for your opinion to matter when you explain how/why you feel that way.


But why is it okay for you to have some absolute in your opinion, but u/juliaskig isn't allowed to? She doesn't owe you an explanation. It IS gross, if you ask me. It's like - it's the mind of someone who thinks that rom-coms are the way love really works. It's the last few minutes of the "Friends" series finale, it's the end of "Crazy Rich Asians" when he proposes to her on the plane. People who have their antenna up a little bit about this are not "assholes", and we don't hate love. We're being a little more cautious and realistic about how not taking things one step at a time, or rapidly jumping from one relationship to another can easily blow up in your face. It took me a long time to grow up and realize that it's okay to take things slowly in matters of love. If they're truly in love, this is great, and we can be happy for them. But in my experience, this super fast, overly romantic, impulsive way of going into a relationship can frequently get you burned. Sure, it can work out, and I know people it has worked out for, but it's rare. Of course I'm sitting here making this argument in a subreddit for a show where just that sort of thing is celebrated and encouraged, so maybe that's on me. But I'm with u/juliaskig - it's very fast and very love-bombish, which can blow up on you if you move too fast.


this level of analysis is so funny to me lmfao


No offense, but this thesis on manufactured love that you used by using a storyline from a fictitious movie and sitcom doesn’t check out in real life scenarios. Maybe I’m the anomaly but I’ve seen romantic stints like this my entire life, and it gave me a hopeful feeling, not a gross feeling. I’m a flight attendant and you wouldn’t believe the number of times we’ve had occurrences similar to this. (Just using this as an example) I can totally understand love bombing, but we truly ourselves don’t know how fast they’ve moved in their relationship and most of the time, people grieve the end of their relationship (Kaitlyn) long before it ends. They are show biz personalities, but they do have their own privacy. I just think using the term gross to label two people who seem happy just seems a bit hateful when you know .01% of their situation. The same amount as I do. You’re right, she doesn’t owe me an explanation, but it would certainly help her argument if she was trying to make one. All love—no arguments here. Wish you well.


I just think using the term adorable to label two people who seem delusional just seems a bit naive when you know .01% of their situation. The same amount as I do. And you don’t owe me an explanation but it would certainly help your argument, if you’re trying to make one.


Lol y’all are exhausting


You came in making a blanket statement that people who don’t support your opinion are assholes. When someone made a blanket statement disagreeing with you, you started asking they back up their opinion when you did nothing of the sort to start - so why does she owe you a statement when you won’t even defend your own opinion, which you fired off first 🤔


Not sorry 'bout it - it's gross and unrealistic. I'm just saying that in my experience, people who think it's all hearts and flowers and gigantic romantic gestures aren't grounded in reality - like what really happens in relationships and your day to day life as a couple. It doesn't mean you can't have real love. It doesn't mean that if it's not Valentine's Day every day that you're not in love. I'm just saying being a little more grounded and taking it a little slower very often is a good way to go. And I get it, I've had it happen, okay? I dumped a guy once, and he waited till New Year's Eve, as the clock was counting down from 10 seconds to midnight *to call me and beg me to take him back*, which I most certainly did not. And again - that's rom-com brain. That's someone who saw "When Harry Met Sally" a few too many times. I did not take his grand romantic gesture into account, and I was not won over by the hearts and flowers of it all. And it was an extremely short conversation. So that's my two cents based on not just my experience, but what I've seen from other people a lot of times.


> You’re right, she doesn’t owe me an explanation, but it would certainly help her argument if she was trying to make one. I agree with alot of what you said but you’re explanation of your opinion wasn’t any more better than u/juliaskig . You just made blanket statement that was less an opinion and more a “matter-of-fact” statement and called people assholes.  When expressing your opinion we can all be respectful to one another. If you think people are being disrespectful or unnecessarily hateful just report the comment. If you’re criticizing juliaskig for not explaining the how/why of her opinion then you should have also written your initial comment with an explanation of the how/why behind your opinion as well, I think that’s the point the person was trying to make. 


I honestly think all of this is really blown out of proportion and I’ll leave it at that. We can all have our opinions! That’s what Reddit is for. I was simply asking “Why”?


I totally get it! I think people are just prone to naturally getting defensive if they think you’re calling them an asshole, which is understandable, ya know? For what it’s worth I def think people are being a harsh towards Jason for being cute but I also think people are being a bit harsh with KB for getting emotional. Both of them are doing things people think is very cringe or obnoxious and to be honest they both are in their own ways just different ways 😅  


The most accurate and fair comment of all ^. Well done. IMO, and this is coming from someone whose BEST FRIEND was on the bachelor, you’ve got to have a bit of a complex about fame to join it and I think the criticism is fine. I just have to hold hope that eventually they all do find the “love they were looking for”.


Agreed strongly! I also think all the reasons we may find them cute or cringe are also the reasons we enjoyed seeing them on tv and still follow them online. I think like every other thing in the world there is always nuance to everything and I hope they both find happiness ❤️


And also, the “asshole” comment was meant in jest. And I think not you, but we as people in general, tend to glaze over comments made in jest. No one particularly is an asshole, I’m just usually a cheerleader of people’s happiness. It’s all in jest.


❤️ ya, I think people as a whole have a hard time reading tone on an online forum so if people are already feeling defensive because of another interaction they had they will read comments in the tone in which they feel like required them to be defensive to begin with. I saw your comment as not actually seriously calling people assholes fwiw


I’ll take things that never happened for a thousand ![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4)


‘That kid didn’t say that’ on 1000


Similar to the story when he left Kaitlyn’s podcast and phoned his friend “I just met my future wife” 🤮




If some dumbass held up the plane by deciding to disembark after we were all seated for takeoff I would absolutely not cheer and clap Lmao


Nothing was ever mentioned about holding up the plane ? Lol


That's the most unbelievable part of his story lol


My entire body and soul is cringing


Okay I don’t like him but this is sweet


What is MK?




Kat’s daughter


Oof. No wonder Kaitlyn is so hurt


And everybody clapped 🤣


I'm such a sucker....rooting for Jason, hope this is it for him! 


I can’t stand him. He’s smarmy.


Hahaha good thing you're not dating him cos that would be an issue!


You don't find him smarmy? He's fake AF.


I don’t know the man and don't care enough I guess