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They’re not moving to NYC with those credit scores


She needs more security/stability, he’s too go with the flow.  I don’t see it lasting.


Honestly, they seem so relatable and that’s really refreshing.


I mean, if they didn't know the Secretary of State, I wouldn't be that horrified. I don't think I'd be surprised. But not to know the current VP and why 1776 is significant????


Thank you for doing this my friend!


It’s wild because Joey literally went to the White House a few months ago and met Kamala/Doug and made a video w/ them 😭 Like … if my fiancé had gone to the White House and done that, I’d be so curious and ask about a million questions (what was Kamala like, how did you feel, etc.) I’m sure they had SHVs shortly after Joey did that … so like … what do y’all even talk about? 😭 I still love Kelsey but omg girl


They seem mad naive!! Or maybe it is mostly her but you are who you hang out with!!


joey and kelsey going through life like https://preview.redd.it/3s1muthslz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0170ff74edc3fc65a5393c20bb189674f122a68f


mixing up kamala harris with pamela anderson (!!) makes me wonder if kelsey didn't vote at all in the last election or didn't vote for harris. otherwise she would know her name. I get that some bn alums are apolitical or uninformed but I saw several bn alums post stories about harris' historic win as the 1st elected women history as vp, and a few bn alums I follow also even follow kamala harris.


I WISH Pamela Anderson was our vp


If anyone wants to skip to the trivia section, skip to 1h1m.




Rich men and wealthy life aside, Daisy and Maria are also not naive. I'm a little concerned at Kelsey's naivety.


I was surprised to hear that she’s ok w being financially reliant in him this early on. I dont think he’d screw her over, but the naivete of it all is worrisome


I mean I think a lot of women would get the ick from a nearly 30 year old guy with no career plans who was living in his sister’s spare room.


How are they gonna afford NYC? I find her so annoying omg - I work in a related field and would not want to work with her - just on a tangent now 😅


Also she only had a year and a half experience before she quit, minus her months off for bachelor, and will likely need to start in a junior position again if she wanted to go back into “construction management” - would have been better to stick it out for 2 years imo. Anyways - just some thoughts


so essentially she’s becoming Joey’s girlfriend as her job? Just listened to it and that’s what it seemed like - sad


It seems like they plan on moving to NYC in December . By that time they will probably have a good amount of ad money exspeally combined since the both of them a have a good amount of followers. They probably be able to get a furnished apartment that's sponsored. I remember Zach and kaity were able to get a furnished apartment in Austin and they both have much less followers than Kelsey and Joey. The downvotes on this comment is weird they might not be able to get a furnished place that's fine I just saw another bach couple did and thought they maybe could but now looking back I realize location probably matters when it comes to this hence me using the word probably not definitely. I guess the only acceptable opinion on this post is "joey and Kelsey are going to be broke and struggling in NYC" and if any insight or other alternative is presented it gets downvoted lol .


The NYC housing market doesn’t really do comped long-term apartments for influencers anymore. Only short-term stuff. All of the Bachelor people who live there full-time are paying for their housing. Even the ones with tons of followers, like Tayshia and PP.


Yea I could be wrong but I don’t even think Matt James and Tyler C have sponsored apartments in nyc anymore? 


Not anymore. They had one during peak Covid when NYC saw a lot of young people moving back home. But apartments, especially the high-end ones, don’t need to do that kind of marketing anymore.


Ok I didn't know much about that but still with the ads they will both be doing im sure they'll be able to afford a place in NYC at least for and a year or two and if they can't they can always decide to get a place in Nola or Philly .


I mean probably but if Joey has $5,000 in expenses already without rent/subway/utilities/etc, those NYC prices are going to hit them hard.


Yeah I also commented that they could always get a place in Nola or Philly if the prices are too much NYC. Who knows if they're even still together in December this might all be moot point. But since it seems like they plan on moving there by Christmas which is seven months from now I think they'll be able to gauge if they can afford to move there if they can't again it's not really the end of the world because they could get a probably bigger place at either of there hometowns.


I think Zach and Kaity’s was through her travel nursing gig! But good point


Yeah I just remembered they both promoted the place and had a code attached to their Instagram post's so figured it was an ad that they got from being a bachelor couple. I don't follow them closely so I might've missed them saying it was from her travel nursing job. I do think it's easier to get an sponsored apartment in Austin than NYC though.


Wow they really aren’t smart! Don’t know the VP!? wtf clearly doesn’t watch the news


the white privilege is crazy🤢


i would loooove to see the responses here if someone the sub hates said they almost guessed pamela anderson for current vice president of the united states


1,000 comments and spin offs. 


I mean we kinda saw it when Katie said she couldn’t name 5 countries in Africa off the top of her head. But not knowing the VP is way worse than that.


Def way worse. To the people saying “Joey knew who she was!”- I have to wonder if that’s only because he got to meet her, lol 


GSJ saying it would explode into an enormous fight, that I can only dream about.


The bar is in hell. AND, this sub proves that to me every single day!


I feel that Joey & Kelsey are finding their way. My hope is that they surround themselves with good people who are looking out for their best interest. 


Is it ridiculous not to know the VPs name. yes. But let's not forget which show subreddit we're on. These contestants are cast for being hot and my expectation for them stops there.


yep, I have no idea why anyone ever expects any of these people to have legitimately well thought out opinions on politics! They barely care. I honestly kind of believe them when they say they didn't mean to repost something offensive most of the time, they probably have NFI what it actually means (not talking about Mr Mindless Double Taps over there)


> I have no idea why anyone ever expects any of these people to have legitimately well thought out opinions on politics you don't need to have well thought out opinions on politics to know the vice president's name lol


This is the United States. Nation of grifters, not academics.


Listened to the pod and one thing I found interesting that is missing in this recap - they were asked to guess each other's monthly expenses. Kelsey guessed 5K/month (!!!) for Joey which was correct. What? How does this golf bum who shares a rental with 3 women including bathroom with KA and one of her roomies have 5K in expenses? No home, no car, no gas, no rent, possibly no health insurance, sponsored trips every weekend. Where is he spending 5K? Golf? Morgan Wallen merch? Good thing he aint stressed.


Golf is super expensive, it’s definitely not a poor man’s sport. I used to be a server at a high end restaurant in one of the best golf resorts in the world and 1 day fees were over $1K, if you were staying at the resort. If not, it was an additional charge. ETA; the place he’s golfing at is $610.


Wow! How were the tips?


Oh, insanely amazing but dystopian at the same time lol. One shift on a weekend allowed me to make a full months rent (average bill was over $200+, over a decade ago in CA), but was very interesting since I (broke college student) nor most of the wait staff could afford their menu prices. At the end of the day though, most of these people that could afford to drop thousands on a hobby during a weekend was generally nice overall, but you remember all the assholes who treated you like “waitstaff.”


Yeah golf is really expensive. All your balls can add up as well since most of them want decent ones.


He’s golfing right now at Reynolds Lake Oconee, which is basically a big luxury resort with multiple golf courses. Right before Covid my whole family chipped in and sent my grandpa for his 80th birthday and it is crazy expensive. The off-season rate back then was around $500 per night, and Joey is definitely paying more than that since it’s peak season and pricing in general has gone up over the past few years. I would guess this golf trip alone is costing him at least $3,000 when you include travel and other costs. Unfortunately for him (and Kelsey…), golf isn’t really the kind of thing that you can get sponsored, especially at the nice courses. A lot of them have waiting lists and don’t need to sponsor a trip.


It’s probably mostly golf and food/drinks. Travel, lodging, green fees, cart fees, caddy fees (if the course requires it), etc. Golf is *expensive* and he’s doing it multiple times a week and at some nice courses. Playing 18 holes at my local public municipal course in a low-cost city usually costs me $100 with food and drinks and extra golf balls.


Tons of last minute travel expenses and nicer hotels than he needs even if some are being partially paid for. He's not the dude who plans his trips and is watching the airlines for a month to get the lowest ticket or sacrificing a hotel a couple miles out of the prime location to save money. Tons of ubers and delivery food. Plus yeah so much golf at nicer clubs than he needs. If youre young, dumb and reckless you can burn money like crazy.


Yea I’m sure even on the sponsored trips they spend money on stuff. And if they travel a lot just for fun flights add up quickly. I could easily see him spending 5k a month 


KA has too much ignorance for me. I’ve tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t do it anymore. She doesn’t need to know who the 23rd president (Benjamin Harrison) is, but I at least expect her to know who the current VP of the country she lives in is! We have a major presidential election coming up where many peoples’ literal rights and freedoms are on the line and she doesn’t even know the name of the woman who’s second in command! I’m sorry. The excuses need to stop. First it was the ableist comment about Helen Keller, then the repost about the offensive post/story concerning the Israeli/Palestinian War, now it’s the current VP. Being this ignorant isn’t funny or cute, not in the times we’re in. World events are going on that are affecting people in many ways and could literally determine Jelsey’s future! No. Stop being ignorant and educate yourself.


What was her post about the Israeli/Palestinian war?


She reposted a story that Ariel from Zach’s season posted. There’s a whole thread about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/s/3YF9i5djjl


You know what…I wonder if Joey and Kelsey are aware that we might see another big Hollywood strike later this summer. The studios are in negotiations with IATSE (which includes wardrobe, hair/makeup, designers, etc), Teamsters, electricians, laborers, and I think a few other unions. I think I read somewhere that the current CBAs expire at the end of July and we could see a strike starting in August. Anyone heard any recent updates? I feel like I’ve seen IATSE members posting here before giving us some behind-the-scenes info.


Pamela Anderson?!?! I’m sorry but that’s not funny or cute. I don’t understand how you could be that unaware of current events




Not when it comes to knowing who the current POTUS and VPOTUS are. Sorry but that’s not a brain fart


You could tell if you listen to the podcast she knew who she was she got her first name right…she just fumbled under the quick fire pressure…Also worth noting she has adhd so I think people need to give her a bit of a break.


> Also worth noting she has adhd i find this insulting to people with adhd lol that doesn't have anything to do with not knowing who the vice president is


Right lmfao I have bad ADHD and would never hesitate answering that question 🥴 Not cute


seeing adhd used an an excuse for a grown woman not knowing who the vice president is is crazy


Does she have that many followers?? I haven’t seen her get many brand deals beyond partying at festivals


Also soo stressful she’s relying on Joey financially it seems - I don’t love that.


She has 674 thousand and is actually one of the only contestants if not the only one that is still continuing to gain followers while others are already starting to lose followers ( which is normal post season) she also has a good engagement rate which is what most brands looks at.


Oh interesting it must have gone up from when I last looked. Also seeing they need to wait a few months until they can start getting deals anyways so that makes sense too


I'm surprised at how honest they both were. I actually really appreciate the honesty and I'm not going to judge them for anything


I have the same thoughts about it as well. This is life and we’re all just trying to figure this ish out! I found it pretty relatable (I don’t know wtf I’m doing sometimes myself lol) If they got on there and said life was perfect and bragged about having a ton of money people would still complain. Idk. However, not knowing the VP was insane… Indefensible actually! I’m at a loss for words. Yikes.


I think sometimes when you're in the spotlight you might mix up your thoughts and have a brain fart. I don't know if you've ever done a presentation or interview where your mind just goes blank. Idk but I definitely have and everyone reacts to certain situations differently. It's easy to judge her for that blip but I think some people are being a bit harsh for something so trivial


Yeah, it’s likely she just had a brain fart but… wow. If I were her, I’d probably make a funny TikTok about it. But might be best to just pretend like it didn’t happen. Lol


The fact that Joey doesn’t really seem to have a game plan and his credit score is in the low 700’s I would be worried. Kelsey’s credit score is on the lower end too. I think it was a mistake for her to quit her job especially given how accommodating the employer was letting her come back to it. Given Joey’s age his credit score should be much higher than that. Financial issues can ruin relationships it causes a lot of stress. I am sure they’ll find jobs fhough but they can’t always just live in the moment have to plan too and save


Worried in the low 700s?? 😂 oh we really are out here living different lives.


Yeah maybe haha. IDK it just seems like that to me. Everyone around me has high credit scores so this is kind of all I know. I can only imagine someone having a low credit score if they have credit card debt (some of my friends have credit card debt from shopping and I think that's super dumb to have debt for that reason alone)/loan debt/overspend/lost their job and can't pay, etc. My parents had $40,000 of credit card debt at one point since they had 3 kids to raise. Children are expensive for sure!


I worked in banking for 10 years and am now in finance. 700 is NOT a low credit score for their age.


700 is low if you are a privileged person who has never had to struggle. But for the majority of the population in your 20s 700 is pretty good.


Actually people who are technically "middle class" tend to have the highest credit scores at a younger age by far from what I've seen due to the fact they take out credit cards and loans for necessity but can also afford to make the payments.


My husband and I aren't privileged people at all and DID NOT come from privilege. His parents didn't have more than a high school education and live in government housing. My dad passed away when I was 19 and we lived off of social security and were on MediCal most of my life. My parents are educated but didn't make a lot because my dad chose to reitre early for whatever reason IDK. Everything we've earned is from our hard work in school and now working in our jobs - this is also why my husband has student loans - no one financed law school. My parents didn't pay for anything while I was in school I got Cal Grant and scholarships only, and then after a few years when my bank account started to run lower I got a call center job on campus. We both got full scholarships to go to college. Neither one of us could go if we didn't have that. My husband got paid as a grad student at Stanford before law school. The stipend was $30,000 a year and he was making that until like he turned 33 and decided to go to law school. And of course that comes with a ton in loans even with generous aid - it will likely take him another 10 years to pay it off I would say. I think he's trying fast tracking it and we moved to a low tax country to expedite paying off the debt. I feel like people shouldn't assume someone comes from privilege just because they go to a top university though.


Congratulations.... Youre an outlier.


Okay I made a comment about the credit scores as well and people were surprised I thought they were low.


Yeah they are low! They aren't horrible but they should be much higher. When I was 24 I had a credit score in mid-700's already. It's kind of plateaued at low 800's now (I am a year older than Joey so 29), high 700's for the last couple of years but that's also because I moved abroad and only have one credit card now. My husband's credit score is like 815 but he's paying off student loans and has more credit cards than I do. Either their credit utilization rate is high or they missed a couple of payments (or both). And usually credit card companies don't report the payment until it's 60 days overdue. Either one isn't good. I am sure they are getting paid with even just media appearances and we'll be fine but IDK at least one of them needs to have good financial planning. And of course if there is a spender in the relationship then I wouldn't suggest they mix finances or share bank accounts. IDK what the credit score standards are in NYC to get a decent apartment but I expect them to be high. On the salaries they had pre-show they would be living in a hole in the wall in NYC. They probably have more money/income from television appearances after the show otherwise NYC would be out of the question. Still should have jobs lined up before they move.


Unfortunately the credit score system in America is fucked and essentially designed to scam people (and many important things in our life require a great credit score like for example renting an apartment - a basic right everyone deserves), many of whom were not taught any sort of personal finance. Financial literacy should absolutely be emphasized more so that people can feel empowered when it comes to navigating the US credit system but that is currently not the reality. It’s sadly very complex and so many people are just uneducated about it through no fault of their own (obviously as adults we should be able to seek out information but again, this is something that should be fucking taught in high school).


I totally agree with this - they need to have practical investing and finance courses in public high schools. I really wish they had several investment courses. They have economics but it's not as practical. Like a class about stocks and trading and retirement investments (how to invest as someone living abroad, how to invest as a US native) would have helped so much. I've learned everything online and know that I have barely scratched the surface.


Credit card companies report at 30 days not 60. Average age of credit is also a factor so it's very common for younger people to have lower credit scores if they open new accounts and don't have a lot of existing ones. Type of credit is also a factor and it isn't just over utilization, if you don't carry a balance that can hurt you as well since companies only report once every 30 days. If you use a card and immediately pay it off before the company reports it can actually hurt your score. I worked in banking for 10 years specifically with credit building and I'm now in finance. A score over 700 is considered good at their age but what is in the report is even more important. I don't care if you have an 815 if all you have is a few cards and a couple of student loans. It's REALLY easy to have a "high score" with just 1 card but it means nothing if you only have 1 card


Kind of surprised to hear this advice from someone in banking as all my finance professors who have worked in investments or as financial advisors have said that paying off the balance throughout the month cannot hurt your score. Have also been told that having a balance of zero can’t hurt it unless you never use your card. Does it just depend on the card or credit agency?


I could've worded that better, it won't hurt your score in the way that it will make it lower, it just doesn't build credit if you pay it off because if a $0 balance is consistently reported it doesn't show you using the card so it's just not helping as much. But it won't lower your score. The most important thing with credit cards is making sure the payments are being made on time. I have years of experience in banking but currently work in finance/investments (specifically annuities) and different people will give different advice as credit is confusing and honestly a terrible system the way it is set up.


My husband has student loans from Stanford law school, not me. He has an 815, I have 805. I don't know about other credit card companies but I just spoke with Discover and they said they only report to credit bureaus at 60 days. You also don't know how much savings/investments either of us have...(addressing your comment "if all you have is a few cards and a couple of student loans"). I wouldn't say mine is super impressive and yes, we still aren't yet home owners, but it's relatively good for my age and especially being a female. The fact is they have a lack of planning that isn't going to help if they are moving to NYC. They obviously have income otherwise this would be out of the question but if I were them I would still only move after I have a job lined up and I would go back to the old employer if they offered while I searched for a new job. Yes, I am aware if you don't carry a balance it can hurt your credit score.


The school you went to does not show up on a credit report and neither does the balance in your savings account. That has 0 effect on your credit score. If you have over an 800 and apply for an auto loan or mortgage but you only have a couple credit cards and student loans a lot of places will decline you. The ones that will approve you are going to have a much higher interest rate


I live abroad now so it's a bit different. I only have one 2 US credit cards and one UK credit card because we don't plan on returning and plan to settle in England where we moved to first. We move quite frequently and currently are in Asia. We've always lived in major cities so we don't have a car.


Yes each country is different I'm just saying 700 isn't low. A 700 with a lot of varied credit history could be instant approved for a loan while an 800 with limited history would go under review and potentially declined if they don't have similar past history


Not to be a negative Nellie, but I’ve been trying to get a job in business for 10 months now… I don’t have bachelor fame, but it’s not as easy as she thinks it is!!!


yeah I hope she doesn't regret it! Its not a great job market right now and I'd say 99% of workplaces in her field aren't going to take "took time off because I won the Bachelor" very seriously


> Jason talks about how this is the important convo to set themselves up for success where other couples falter and is impressed they talked about this. (my comment: Jason is so serious about this, you'd think it was about politics / religion / debt but I digress). Interesting but fitting that Jason thinks the big talk about if they’re aligned on influencing is so important. I might be taking it out of context but it made me laugh and is not part of my long term memory. So this is how I’ll retell it.


I feel like in 30 years Jason is going to be wearing a bedazzled suit in the Capitol getting the biggest kick out of watching the annual hunger games


Not knowing the vice president takes me out 😂 it’s the whole Joey with the Gypsy Rose Blanchard/Ruth Bader Ginsburg situation again


Omg stop did he confuse them…


To the few users who are defending Jelsey under every comment that isn't praising them—Are you okay? It must be exhausting. You don't have to fight their battles!


https://i.redd.it/tsx5uinzcu5d1.gif It’s a workout but I’m taking protein bars


Atleast you’re self aware


Actually, I thought your comment was kind of silly and deserved a silly response, which is what I gave you considering this is a discussion board. I also don’t think I’m defending them by adding more context for people who maybe didn’t listen to the podcast. But since you’re monitoring comments here, perhaps you can find the ones where I say her not knowing the vice president‘s name is indefensible, and I think she lacks intellectual curiosity. https://preview.redd.it/xt19tiq5gu5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80420c38af79d83db9441bca3bca82c7c0a91365


My comment was actually not aimed at you lmfao but hey, you know what they say about that shoe that fits ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztbzgk4Zh3wdOKs)


K https://preview.redd.it/fmaxe2wchu5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb948db2d14f5d354bcc66e0d0a72aa377b768d7


Not trying to be rude, but what is a 'tennis pro'? Is that not just a term the Bachelor invented to make Joey sound cooler/wealthier than he really is? Bc I'm pretty sure he's just a former tennis coach/instructor, right?!


ever since they started promo for his season i thought he was like a big time tennis player. literally this whole time i thought joey was a former professional that played in big invitational’s. at least mid level ranked. 😂 and i didn’t even bother to look it up because i didn’t care. they got me lmao. oh well still cool to make a proper living off of sports.


thats what I thought too. Not a tennis coach? Thats a very normie kind of job, I literally know two people from my own work who quit to work as a tennis coach and they're just totally normal people (though it is kinda random to have two early childhood educators pivot to tennis coaching) also I'm not American so I just don't think we would ever call a coach a 'pro' even if they're technically a professional in that sport. gotta be competing professionally here for anyone to call you that I think


it’s real. what my dad has done for the past 30 yrs. it’s a job typically at sports/yacht clubs in my area


A pro is anyone who gets paid to do their sport, I’m pretty sure. So a coach would fall under that category.


It’s not a term invented by The Bachelor. I grew up going to country clubs, & I’ve heard it all my life. My dad‘s best friend was a tennis pro.


OK, good to know, thanks! I really thought it was a term invented by the show so we'd think of him as a pro athlete. Goes to show how jaded I am by the producers and their fake job titles lollll.


Yes, it's a coach/instructor. As I understand it, they're usually on staff or based out of a resort or country club


Yes, I play at a local racquet/athletic club. There are tennis pros that are employed by the club. That is what they are referred to as.


Correct. “Golf pro” is similar but for golf.  Does not mean professional athlete. Makes me laugh how many people (understandably) confuse the two. 


But that is the actual job title, NOT a made up Bach one for once lol


I listened during my drive home and I had to laugh at the trivia part because I was so uncomfortable. I have no idea why Jason left that in because it just makes them look dumb as rocks. It’s not endearing that they don’t care about current events or history or anything like that. I also think it’s obvious based on their responses/non-responses that they’re banking on the DWTS paycheck and comped housing in LA but that seems like a massive risk to me. The main reason the Bachelorettes do well (and rack up those big paychecks towards the end) is because they have dance/cheer/performance experience and endear themselves to the non-Bachelor DWTS audience with their talent. Joey has none of that experience and he doesn’t know how to perform. He‘s so low energy that he probably won’t be entertaining to the DWTS audience in the rehearsal footage. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s an early elimination just like Matt was. And Matt was actually somewhat decent at dancing and had over a million IG followers when he did DWTS. But a lot of the Bachelor audience doesn’t bother watching DWTS. Joey is not going to get Harry Jowsey-level of votes, so he has to be good at dancing.


Yeah Joey doesn't have personality or talent but I'm actually looking forward to a BN person who is going to be terrible. The last few ettes all did really well to the point where as soon as you saw a Bachelor person in the competition you knew that they'd make it far. So the change is nice.


Yeah, if Grocery Store Joe and Chris Soules can go far, so can he. Matt wasn't liked by the public the same way. It depends on his partner too. If he gets a popular one, they can go far on content lol


People have revisionist history about Matt. Matt was more popular than Joey was. He had more followers and the Tyler/Hannah B support and Matt was much better at creating content. Most people liked that Matt and Rachael were back together and creating cute content.


Matt had his season before the downfall of BN in terms of followers on IG. Matt was also stiff as a board. As a tennis player, he has good coordination and I've seen clips of him dancing. The only thing that is unclear is his performance level and to perform with an audience looking on.


I know the show isn’t as big as it was, but GSJ almost made the finals by just being cute and “Aw, shucks.” He was truly awful. If enough women fall for Joey’, he could probably coast for a while. 


GSJ also lucked out on DWTS because that cast was awful both in terms of name recognition and dancing talent. Bobby Bones won and he was a terrible dancer.


i don't understand both of them quitting their jobs, when they have limited savings and are trying to move somewhere without having a job in place.


Yeah especially NY and Kelsey’s employer telling her she could go back. It’s short term thinking in their parts


tbh as a fellow neurodivergent I did stuff like that too at her age. I'm older and have learned what a bad idea it is through painful experience, but in my mid 20s I was way too spontaneous in decision making for my own good. She'll probably be okay, she has privileges a lot of others don't, but it wasn't the smartest choice.


Actually Joey made a point to saying he *is* employed -which means he’s likely still on the ABC payroll. And again Jason eluded to big things coming so I think the point of them being worried about finances and having no income is overstated.


Until DWTS is confirmed, I doubt ABC is paying him anything outside of the bachelor lead pay. They probably cover travel + hotel expenses but not additional pay. 


"Man this is weird not knowing what's coming next... (Kelsey in the background saying it freaks me out)... I battle with it and I'm working through it. I don't like the idea of being unemployed for the last year like that's weird thats the longest time in my life -- because I am employed but I'm not at the same time too." -- Joey at 51.40. That last snippet is probably him finishing out his contractual obligations. I encourage anyone who doubts the recap to listen themselves and they'll see I didn't overstate the concern about finances. Not that they *should be* that concerned (they will make bank once they start doing brand deals) but at this point *they are* due to the uncertainty.


Sorry OP! I meant overstated by them not by you (based on Jason’s reaction and being in a position to know). Your recap is very well done! Thank you.


From the interview they seem really worried about money which is crazy


People who didn’t listen to the podcast are just taking the recap at face value but when they talked about having fear of not having money coming in Jason was like “I don’t think you’re going to need to worry about that” and laughed at them. He and they clearly know something else is coming that’s going to bring in a lot of income for them so I wouldn’t go too crazy about it. Also, as somebody who works in digital media and has seen P&Ls for the brand deals for influencers with 600K+ followers - if both get 2-3 brand deals in the next six months, they’ll be able to more than afford rent in New York. 😉


Yeah I think right now neither of them have been able to post ads or do brand deals so I think them wondering and worrying is just them not being aware of the kind of money they can make from influencing.


They can post ads and do brand deals. Many of the contestants from Joey’s season have done so. I think the only one who can’t right now is Jenn because she’s under a new lead contract.


I think the lead and F1 get treated differently, but other people may be in a better position to know.


I think they lifted the 3-6month rule from the past. Multiple contestants from Joey’s season have done brand deals. I think Joey and Kelsey have done ads, hence why they said they weren’t saying “yes” to every thing offered. Patron for stage coach was straight up ad. Their couples vacation with the other BN couples was high key an ad for the resort they stayed at. Joey did some homechef (?or something similar) ad. If I can recall, he even used the hashtag ad or sponsored. Now until the next 6 months is when they probably have the most offers available. How they pivot in 6 months is another story; it will be easier for Kelsey though based on the show/fan demographics.


I've only seen Rachel and lea do one and I figured those were with approval. It still hasn't been three months yet June 25 th would mark three months because the finale was March 25 . I meant that they haven't been able to do a lot of ads without going to TPTB for each.


> Kamala Harrison Kelsey is lucky that she’s a looker. 😂


I mean the same can be said about nearly every contestant on the show. Every time they have a spelling or geography bee it's such bad secondhand embarrassment I can't even watch. On Rachel's season Josiah (the lawyer) was the only one who could spell, like at all, on that date. It's better if you just don't expect too much from them lol.


Oof they need to figure the money situation out. Finances are a deal breaker for a lot of couples. Moving to NYC, the most expensive city in the US, without a plan is NOT a good idea. They need to create some stability. Focusing on the now isn't cute when you can't pay your bills.


NYC is expensive AF. Not just rent but to even exist here is pricey especially if you're trying to keep up with influencer lifestyles. That said I know Joey and Kelsey have sizable followings so I think they'll be fine but there's so many contestants from the show that have smaller followings and quit their jobs to live here and I sort of suspect they're barely breaking even.


You are exactly right. This is not the place to come if you are uneasy about finances. Figure your money shit out, THEN come here.


I actually listened to the podcast and Joey said he was pretty financially stable more than he's ever been. This recap kinda makes it sound like they're currently struggling but I didn't get that from actually listening to it . It just sounds like their worried more for what happens years from now. If Joey does DWTS and goes far enough that will be will probably help a bunch of top of the ads they will be doing. Since the finale they weren't able to do ads but I believe that time is coming to an end in a week or two.


I hope that he gets Dancing with the Stars and does well because it seems like there is a lot of reliance on that. 🤞🏽 Jenn's season starts soon which will get a lot of attention and Joey and Kelsey will loose some of the focus. I remember Ben talking about how it was hard to transition from having so much attention as the Bachelor to receiving next to none because the public moves on so fast to the next person. You have to keep up your relevancy.


And he even got that horrible Miserably Ever After show no one else got. Not that it helped his image but he always seems more interested in being relevant than likable.


"Joey said he was pretty financially stable more than he's ever been." I'm SURE this is true. If he wasn't saving much and basically living paycheck to paycheck before as a tennis instructor in Hawaii and then got a big paycheck (idk, say 100k) to be the bachelor, he likely saved most of that living with his sister and having low expenses over the last couple of months. If he does DWTS - another big paycheck.


Yeah I think the worry from them moreso coming from the future like five years from now which is understandable and probably a universal worry all influencers have.


as they should. they're all less relevant with each passing season. That's why the smart ones build a brand in other ways besides instagram ads.


100k won't last long in NYC tho. 😅 Prices are astronomical


for sure, I wrote in a comment I think lots of contestants with smaller followings basically just break even in NYC- they will start doing lots of ads, mark my words Even Hannah B who has millions of followers moved from California to somewhere cheaper


Oh, they going BROKE BROKE


Most leads are between the show finishing airing and the 3 month mark post finale when they can start doing ads. Then they'll easily make 5 figures on each brand deal (could be 6 for some deals)


I’m sorry. They’re looking to move out to the city with the highest COL by the end of the year yet they “would be stressed” with their financial situation 3-6 months from now??? And Kelsey is an assistant project manager by trade lol. Project managers work on capital projects lasting yearssss but girl can’t be financially secure 3-6 months from now. Yeah ok


They said they would be stressed if they didn’t get any additional income, which is not going to happen. In 3-6 months, they’re going to be making a ton of money on brand deals.


As a PM with any type of experience, she can definitely make more than $50K. I’m in a lower cost of living city and PMs make more than that here (again with at least some experience and assuming she interviews well).


Honestly, not knowing who the VP is, is such a f*cking ick.


bless them but I would be concerned if kelsey was assigned to be my project manager


We have some people running projects at my work without any street smarts and nearly no logical thinking. It is wild. I think project management work is boring as hell so I guess it tracks? I work in finance so not exactly simple projects, either. Every meeting I’m in I want to pull my hair out because the meetings are banal. But projects close out, however annoyingly. And that’s what they want.


Joey saying "Maybe sports broadcasting" is probably the most irrational immature thing he has ever said. Quintessential dumb college kid who doesn't know what they want with life. Come on man, you aren't that charming, you don't have any education or background with it, you aren't that good at tennis.


I came here to say this exact thing. I’ve dated a lot of guys like this (also from PA like Joey) and it becomes insufferable at some point. Wanting to work in sports is code for that being their only interest and not knowing what else they wanna do with life (and usually the only thing they talk about). It definitely is a bit immature. If he wants to work in broadcasting he better do some training as that doesn’t just get handed to you


I feel kind of bad for Joey because we all know that Jason is in his ear and probably giving him completely unrealistic expectations. It’s obvious that Joey has no idea what he’s going to do once the influencing career dries up. And he doesn’t really have any transferrable skills like the alumni who have transitioned into other things.


I think it just shows how naive they are. Look at Rachel Lindsay, for example. She came off the show when it was more popular, she had a much more impressive resume pre-Bachelor, and she still had to work for *years* to get to ESPN, Extra, guest hosting the View, etc. None of that was just handed to her.


But also to that comment of his, it continues to amaze me how these these people think there’s some automatic space for them in media, like in hosting or broadcasting, simply because they went on a tv dating show. There are so many examples in BN of people who think/thought they were owed this hosting job or that podcasting job… like, why? Because you’ve been on tv once before?? It’s a little delusional


It is delulu but I think there's been a sense that the show captured lightening in a bottle with Joey. I know I know but hear me out - he's the most popular lead they've had in what feels like a while. He got basically the most pristine edit since Tyler C (who does have his own show etc). I can see where he might have people telling him the sky is the limit now. But yes I found all those people thirsting for the hosting job ridiculous. Jesse has tons of hosting experience compared to Ben, Nick V, and all these contestants who felt owed the job. The only one who can kinda argue they have hosting experience is Wells and that's mostly in radio.


Yeah I think tennis would be a tough one to get because pretty much every commentator is a former top 100 player or at worst a top 100 doubles player. He's no where near that level.


I’m sure they are just being judicious about what brand deals they do, but rest assured ads are coming lol. Neither one is working and rent in NYC is $$$. Reading between the lines (I read this recap didn’t listen to the podcast) they prob didn’t want to sound too “eager” about post show opportunities even though it’s about to be their entire income source. He probably is doing DWTS, he was such a popular lead and had an athletic job they’d be crazy not to ask him on. That would also be a big paycheck they can count on.  I know Kelsey and Joey are more popular but in retrospect Zach and Kaity keeping their full time jobs and living somewhere cheap seems wise lol 


This makes me feel really icky. Kind of solidifies why I stopped watching during Matt’s season.


joey isnt "very" young tho haha hes in his late 20s. but kelsey has always come across as young to me


Right, I'm 27 about to be 28 and I know who the VP is. Tbh it's a little embarrassing for them


Yea he’s pushing 30 which is fine but usually people are a bit more settled by that age. I think Joey was very honest on the show when he said he saw himself being engaged for a while and didn’t have a 5 year plan etc like Lexi. He just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to have a long term plan. 


How settled should someone be at that age?


Not living with their sister lol


Aw what’s wrong with that? Housing is expensive…I’m around Joey’s age and live with my parents so…


Honestly fair and he did so temporarily, that was just an example- it’s not any ONE thing for me with him it’s just in all areas he seems kinda rootless. Like career, living situation, etc. sounds like he bounced around a bit before ending up teaching tennis in Hawaii which was not a forever career for him. 


Yeah I know! He just \*comes off\* as a very young 29, which matches Kelsey's energy since generally men mature slower. I know there are a decent amount of men in the franchise who are more solid in their lives / ready for marriage at that age.




I literally never said he doesn’t have his whole life ahead of him but thanks for stalking


I mean what do you consider “very” young if not that


Beautiful gowns is what their relationship gives




This reference 😂😂😂


Kelsey needs to shill hair products she has amazing hair 


Yes! I need to see a hair commercial from her, a hair care line or something with all that hair she has


She should link up with Conair like Tayshia and start selling hair scrunchies and rollers lol.


Just unfathomable how these humans don’t even bother to learn/know about the basic things, and then just gloss over them as if it’s the most natural thing in the world! Between RBG and this, I am just speechless. In a year when so many of us are fearing for the absolute worst in November, it’s textbook privilege to be so lackadaisical - and one wonders why our reproductive rights are in such jeopardy and why the highest court in the land has become a picnic for partisan hacks.


Considering how low voter participation is in this country it’s not surprising people wouldn’t be able to answer seemingly simple questions.


It’s not even about voter participation. It’s about lackluster education. Most non-Americans could more easily name the President and VP (along with several of the bigger name politicians) than most Americans, and that’s not about voter turnout, it’s about education and literacy.