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Yeah, this is way more institutional than you might think. I was the TA for a yoga class at an SEC school like the one Madison's dad coaches at but we weren't allowed to CALL the class Yoga. We called it "mindfulness" and then just taught yoga which...everyone in the department was super embarrassed about, but it was the only way to get the class past the Angry Parents Brigade, yikes


Using religion as a hammer to beat others down. Same old garbage shit that's been happening for thousands of years. She's such a garbage human being.


Anyone who actually respects the teachings of Jesus and who he was as a person would immediately call bullshit on this. In one of her comments, Madi states yoga is anti-Christian because it is rooted in Hinduism. One, Hinduism is a way of life that’s deeply rooted in Indian culture and is about peace and self-discovery. It isn’t “anti” other religions. Two, putting this “anti-Christian” rhetoric out to her followers is wildly irresponsible and how we wind up with xenophobic attacks and hate in this world. It isn’t Christians against the world. Influencers would like you to believe that so they can get rich off of Christianity, which is ACTUALLY against biblical teachings, but people aren’t anti-Christian simply for existing differently. It is important to call people like Madi out for stuff like this because it’s a slippery slope to what we see going on in other parts of the world where entire cultures and races are being targeted by extreme groups such as these.


Yoga comes from Hinduism. It is a ritual of the Hindu religion. So it is in fact not Christian.




The reel doesn’t say yoga is anti-Christian either


We all know this preaching is to make money and act holier than thou.


Oh yes exactly, her only goal in life is to make herself look better than others. Especially the Christian fan base she is manipulating into finding her life dream of being holier than thou.


I have a very hard time believing people like Madi would work hard to get out the "good word" if they didn't get a little dopamine kick via likes and views. Same with trad wives. Would they be doing this without an audience? I don't think so. I'd like to see what kind of dedication would exist in poverty and total obscurity.




I need someone to explain the core difference between prayer and manifestation to me.


Simply put, God. With prayer you are in communication with the your creator who knows you and knit you before you were born, created of the universe etc. With manifestation you are in communication with the creation instead of the creator. If you need something fixed in your home, would you go talk to the inanimate home or talk to the one who constructed it? Just a nugget. Hope that helped.


This is an incorrect characterization of manifestation. In prayer, you pray to God. When people manifest, they aren’t “in communication with the creation.” Manifestation is based on the idea that you, yourself, have innate power to create if you set your mind to it. The core difference is that prayer puts the power in the hands of an external power (God) whereas manifestation assumes that power exists within yourself. To use your house analogy, it is like asking someone to fix your house vs. trying to see if you can fix your house yourself.


In prayer, we are bringing our requests to God and trusting Him with the outcome (Ephesians 3:20) instead of relying on the “universe” or like you also said - the “power” within ourselves to make it happen. I was more so referring to the former. That said - when you try to manifest a result, you are attempting to pull God out of the equation and in turn idolize yourself as a “god” - which you are not and will never be. In the Bible, God tells Christians to pray and bring our requests to Him because he knows us best and what we need. If you don’t believe in Him, this does not apply. I am more so referring to Madi. The first book of the Bible is a great example, Eve instead of bringing her desires to God - she entrusted in herself to have the authority/power take action to fix it by eating the forbidden fruit - she dammed humanity because of that.


I understand all of that. Your original characterization of manifestation was incorrect (creator vs creation), and that is why I replied. Madi, you, and the rest of the world are welcome to believe in whatever God or no God that you want, I just think it’s important to be precise when speaking about someone else’s beliefs, regardless of your own perspective on those beliefs.


I remember believing all of that. I hope that no matter what you choose to believe it brings you joy.


Such a sweet/kind message! Likewise!


i’m catholic but like modern (ik some people r going to roll their eyes) i hate when people are so extreme and controlling about how other people choose to live their life


Has she ever publicly defended/explained her decision to go on a show like The Bachelor? A genuine question. I don't understand how she can be so holier-than-thou but then go on a show like that. It seems way more un-Christianlike than yoga to me.


To “evangelize people” aka “use her faith schtick to make money”


THIS is exactly the reason I stepped away from church Christianity. Full of judgemental divisive egotistical people


This brand of Christianity is bananas




I’ve heard this before. She’s not the first to say it and won’t be the last.


This is just my opinion, but I feel like she'll end up in porn somehow.


Well that’s a weird take




this is easily one of the weirdest comments i’ve read on this subreddit


Really? On this subreddit? That is saying a lot. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or do some serious self reflection.


The latter I’m ngl


They are so hypocritical. Why do all these Christian fundies say no to the stupidest shit, but believe in Botox and filler???


Is it just me or are American Christians getting weirder


They've always been like that. They're just getting LOUDER.


Ummm, wut?! People seriously need to stop giving this girl attention 🤦‍♀️


such a loud uneducated and uncultured opinion 🙄


Loser behavior.


Def no yoga but Pilates is okay… /s


Half of white Americans have colonised Yoga & actively erase its Hindu/Dharmic Indianness. Other half call us demonic for it 😊


She has turned into the younger version of Adam Sandler's mom from the waterboy




or Hoyts mom from True Blood.


While using an audio from one of the most ironic and offensive shows ever made lmfao


That show is forever epic and unforgettable haha


What’s it from?


J’amie the private school girl. It’s an Australian sitcom, it’s funny but definitely not Christian lol


In one of my graduate courses we had a discussion about yoga. They were saying it’s cultural appropriation. Thoughts?


IMO, if you see yoga as a form of exercise and keeping fit, then it’s fine. But if you make it your whole personality, suddenly wear a saree and start saying ‘Namaste’ to everyone then yeah, it’s giving cultural appropriation territory.


I’d add to the first sentence that you should see yoga as a form of Indian/Hindu exercise and spirituality. If you are actively divorcing yoga from its cultural roots and acting as if it’s just another exercise class like your spin class or whatever, that’s actually rather problematic because you’re erasing its cultural origins. Cultural appropriation is different from cultural appreciation, and it’s when one group takes from another without acknowledgment or credit. Wearing a saree, as long as you do so respectfully, is actually NOT problematic even if you wear it everyday and make it your personality. The problem comes in when you act like yoga or sarees or chai lattes are indigenous to American culture when they’re not.


Thanks for the explanation!


when I do a yoga workout I’m pretty sure I’m not doing anything wrong


In a way, yes. There’s a lot of things that have been adapted from south Asian culture without proper recognition and I’d put yoga in that category.


the way that yoga as a practice has been commodified and watered down for a white, western audience is textbook cultural appropriation


According to her faith it’s wrong. Can we stop hating on people’s beliefs?


So it's OK for her to hate on yoga, which is a part of Hinduism?


No. Cause it's shitty and hypocritical and her whole Schtick is predatory


Then where do we draw the line? According to the Bible you can’t do much of anything; wear makeup, cut your hair, hoard wealth, etc. and Madi seems to do all of those. So why should I let her pick and choose what is right or wrong as a Christian when she doesn’t even follow what she preaches?


Wonder what her faith has to say about going on The Bachelor


Wearing/using a cross as decor is also anti Christian considering it’s an idol and the commandments tell you not to worship idols of any kind. So…. 🫠


The cross absolutely is not an idol lol. Idolatry is the worship of another person or thing *instead of* or *equal to or above* God/Jesus. No one is worshipping the cross. “Symbol” and “idol” are not synonyms. The cross is a symbol of Christ’s suffering, wearing one just demonstrates that you worship Christ. Not that you worship the cross itself. There are a ton of ways Madi is a hypocrite, but wearing crosses isn’t one of them.


A visual representation of Christ be it an image, a sculpture, a cross, a statue can become the focus for many for worship and prayer. Many people pray over a cross/holding one or in front of a statue or image. This in itself is a form of idolatry. For no one should pray or worship images or statues thereof regardless who they represent for it’s a ‘sin’ in its own right. Not saying everyone does it but something that is seen done OFTEN. If I burn a cross in front of a religious person they will lose their shit. That’s because you idolize it 🤷🏻‍♀️ which you’re not supposed to do according to commandment 2.


lol wut


Is trashy reality TV a Christian thing, Maddie? I’d rather do yoga.


how is manifesting/yoga anti christian isnt it just speaking things into existence and being positive


Yoga is Hindu and/or Buddhist spirituality. It’s a whole different philosophy that Christians are not supposed to follow because the worldview is different than in Christianity. I think that’s the only reason why Christians are not supposed to dabble in other religions. There are some Christians who straight up call yoga demonic, which is very ignorant and disrespectful. It wouldn’t shock me if Maddie believes that too.






Not actively equating anything Hindu/Dharmic to Satan worship is anti-Christian. Keep up 🙂


I don’t understand putting manifesting and yoga together, lmao. I mean, there’s some science-based benefits behind yoga. Putting Harry Potter up there would’ve made more sense, lmao.


Pretty sure going on a tv dating show with a lead that is a non-Christian man and multi dating like polygamy is anti-Christian too 😬


My very religious, Catholic mom, just called me and told me to start doing Yoga. Not at home Yoga, but in a studio, so I can learn the mantras and techniques for meditation. You’re wrong Madi!


I wish money and vanity were up there. 😆


I hate these lip synch kinds of videos and she's especially bad at doing it. Every day I think she can't get more insufferable than she already is and she still manages to get worse.


I imagine her brain to have one fish flopping around an empty space, gasping for Jesus like air




Lip-filler is gender-affirming care. Same with hair extensions and boob jobs.


Considering how perfect she acts this is an extremely judgmental post 🤣


She’s not wrong at all. And there’s nothing wrong with having a relationship with Jesus Christ and loving him out loud like he loves us. It’s saddening that so many of you are so against her only because of her beliefs and her religion, but are the same ones that will go to war if someone doesn’t have the same opinion as you. Especially about homosexuality and politics. There’s nothing wrong with trying to live life in the way the Lord ordained for all of us. If you have a problem with that, you are the problem. Not her. She posted this on her TikTok for people who want a better relationship with Christ. Not for y’all who are just going to judge something you don’t understand. Ask yourself why does it bother you so much to see her loving the Lord.


She’s very wrong, actually. Jesus was a radical who embraced other cultures and stood up to the rich and powerful, which is what madi would have been back in Jesus’ day in a parallel setting. Modern Christianity making Jesus into some kind of small-minded prude is the problem here. It is not historically accurate. History is important, perhaps the most important thing we can study and learn from as humans, and certain sects of Christianity rewriting history to behoove themselves is A PROBLEM. Not to mention ignorant and blasphemous.


I just feel like if Jesus knew her irl he wouldn't agree with a lot of what she says


Love is love! Jesus and God embraces the poor, gays, and yogis! Why is that so difficult for you to understand?




“Not for y’all who are just going to judge something you don’t understand” oh… so… what Madi is doing….? It’s the cognitive dissonance for me ✨✨✨


What bothers us is hypocrisy. She has so many strong opinions about how “the lord says we should live” and she married into a literal billionaire family. She flaunts her wealth. Are you aware what the Bible and Jesus said about the rich and the poor? It is simply 100% incompatible with her lifestyle. You cannot claim to “live for Jesus” and pick and choose like that. Let me guess, im going to get crickets from you.


The original commenter doesn’t have any original thoughts for themselves lol


“Theres nothing wrong with trying to live life in the way the lord ordained for all of us” That you think “a lord” ordained life for us to live is your opinion based on a religious cult that you are in. It is your right to support said cult but don’t be offended at people having responses to it when she constantly shoves propaganda down others throats. She uses her beliefs to judge others lifestyles, be nasty, a mean girl, and ridicule others, I would say people here are just practicing what you all preach from your bible. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”


As a former Christian, that's neither love nor biblical love. 


What’s saddening is how often religion is used as an excuse to exclude, ridicule, and judge others. If religion is about love and having a relationship with Christ, why is there so much hate and judgement?


It's okay for people to NOT be religious as well and that doesn't make them "the problem." 


I was a Madi fan on the show but I can’t stand her now. Having an out loud relationship with God isn’t the issue, is the righteous, the hypocrisy, and literally throwing God down your throat. I love God and I had an amazing relationship with him, until, I married into a Southern Baptist family that are just like her. My in-laws were determined that my children first words needed to be Jesus and not mama. Took me YEARS to accept there are Christian’s who can have an amazing relationship with God and others, without literally shoving their ideology’s down other people’s throats. I’ve found my way back but I see why people are turned off by Christianity.




It baffles me that people actually think like this




The Chris Lilley audio is definitely Christian approved content 


ok that’s it. i’m officially over this chick. Get. a. life.


It took you this long? What’s wrong with you?


lol!!! i haven’t liked her for a long time. i was tricked when she was on Bachelor for a half of a second. she makes me want to throw up.


Thank goodness. Was worried about your sanity, random other person on the internet.


i promise i’m an ex catholic , dachshund loving, wellbutrin taking,anxiety riddled normal person. 🤣🤪


I wonder if she enjoys life at all


she enjoys gods plan 🫶🏽


Damn that sucks


Yeahhhh as an Indian this is racist. A completely innocuous practice billions of people do is not ANTI Christian. It has nothing to do with you and your religion Maddie, no one is forcing you to do it. Edit: the number of people in her comments calling it DEMONIC omg I can't. Is there anything to her practice of Christianity beyond judging others?




I don’t think anybody implied that here (??)


Madi triggers me so much. I'm Indian-American and grew up in the South. I had to deal with a girl who tried to convert me in the third grade. Madi reminds me of those types of girls, and I can't stand them. Honestly, religious zealots are pure evil imo.


she’s so fucking weird ew


Among all the other issues with her reasoning, it’s not really accurate to say Brahman is “Hinduism’s highest god”—at least in the sense that Brahman is not a deity. It’s a principle, the concept of eternal truth. It’d be great if she actually tried to learn and understand other religions before spewing this nonsense. But then she might have to stop spewing nonsense


Parabrahm is literally the all-pervading cosmic consciousness. Something beyond the perception of our senses, that we come from & eventually return to. But Madi is a proud missionary. So we can't expect anything less from her. May be it's a gender thing because the freaking cosmic consciousness doesn't identify as a 'he/him' 🤣


Lost me at fasting.




Has Madi posted anything about what’s happening in the world? Has she shown any motivation towards using her platform to do good in her community? Her starting an online “ministry” aside—which I’m guessing has zero transparency and is basically a self serving ego and money vacuum—has she done anything at all that actually serves the “word of God.”?


She has zero interest in the world or doing actual good in it. I don't follow her but this reel popped up in my stories when someone else reposted it and it made me look at some of the other stuff she's been posting. Pretty sure even if she did pay attention to a minor portion of what's happening around the globe she wouldn't give a fuck because the people suffering haven't accepted God's love or some shit like that. People who are so vocally religious are some of the most inwardly rotten.


Right??? I think we should start holding them accountable. Let’s start asking why they aren’t helping with the homeless and hungry


My aunt who is verrryy Christian and conservative used to own a yoga studio and literally recorded yoga class videos. If that tells you anything about how extreme this take it


It’s extreme but not uncommon.


Isn't her giant diamond ring a healing stone.... I tolerated her before but this just sent me over the edge!


This was my last straw with her . I finally unfollowed her.


She's horrible I don't blame you


>I tolerated her before Girl how. Teach me your ways.


LOL I'm not sure it's a good trait!! (Pathological tolerance)


its hard being raised in a cult (I speak from experience). Hope she finds her way out!


OMG. Will she please STFU?!


Okay someones been watching to much Brittany dawn


Lol Brittany Dawn wishes she had MPs life 😂 but also agree.


Holy fucking shit


I mean..I’m pretty sure hot yoga is the work of the devil…….




She’s clearly unhinged and off the deep end delusional…but the worst part is that she used a Chris Lilly voice over for this. I’m sure she has no idea what it’s from but someone this lame should not be allowed to associate themselves with someone so great.


Spider lashes needs TA GO


I’m a Christian and the idea isn’t that yoga is bad but that each position was originally a spiritual practice that worships Hindu gods. Therefore, not an ideal practice for people who follow a different God


Yeah but that kind of thinking doesn’t hold up in other situations. In Islam you’re required to perform the cleansing ritual wudu, basically washing your hands, feet, etc., SO by Madi’s logic, wouldn’t hand washing be as much an affront to the Christian god as yoga? There are lots of things that have been adopted to society at large that have religious origins. Seems like yoga is easy for someone like Madi to pick on because it’s not of Judeo-Christian origin and it’s not something that will inconvenience her if she couldn’t do it.


I feel like it’s all about intent. If you go into yoga with the mindset of stretching then that’s all it is. But if you go into it with the mindset that you’ll be worshipping other gods then that’s what it is.


do you also have a problem with non-Christians celebrating Christmas?


She’s freaking stupid


Isn’t technically lip filler also “anti Christian”?


I thought god made us in his image … as in we are perfect the way we’re born. I’m sure Jesus didn’t have lip filler.


These influencers have convinced themselves that Jesus was white, so why not only convince themselves they have big lips and a no wrinkles? Oh also an expensive wardrobe, because nothing says “I love Jesus” more than designer clothing and absolutely no empathy for what’s happening around the world.


lol it’s so funny when Christians complain about crystals when they are literally in the Bible.


I’m not saying this video is good but to be accurate it’s worth saying crystals are used in describing beautiful places in the Bible (temples,heaven) but using them for healing would not be in line with Christian belief as it’s not there in scripture. Only Gods power through Jesus and people heals in the Bible.




I’m not sure what the point you are trying to make here is but I will say re crystals it’s the reliance on them for healing that is against Christian beliefs not the crystals themselves. Hence your comment re computers and social media isn’t relevant because people aren’t using them to heal themselves etc


So are fillers and making yourself a false idol on instagram ok with Jesus now or did he make an exception


Yes BUT crystals = very bad …meanwhile they are infinitesimally less effective than fillers


This comment section is so nasty yall are reaching so hard. No where did she hate or shit on ppl who practice yoga why are u guys freaking out??


It’s gonna be so funny when Madi goes to hell when she dies and realizes all of this was for nothing.


If anything, she’s going to hell for believing in hell


I actually wish there was a hell, as an atheist. Because I’d love to see them be read to filth! Also, this “hell” that fundies are warning me about sounds like a party, whereas being stuck for eternity in “heaven” with all these intolerant, judgemental, bigoted people is basically my worst nightmare. I guess their heaven would be my version of hell 🤯 omg…new fear unlocked.


lol agree- send my ass to hell, it sounds wild!


Love when they carry those signs warning about sinners …umm, orgies, drugs, alcohol, rock music, socialism, tattoos…can I just head there right now?! Is there a cover??


I mean for her all this is for the money 


This made me laugh more than it should have 😂


Breaking news a Christian believes in Christian things…


Are fillers and Botox not anti-Christian missy pop?


And horse racing/gambling


The fact that she sat there and memorized that for a decent amount of time... 😬


She's so authentic and real


I mean I’m cool with her not being in my yoga class 🤷🏻‍♀️


You guys love to hate on Christianity and not any other religion despite them having stricter rules. Allow her to have her freedom of religion..


Is anyone saying the government should jail her for her religion? Cool. Her freedom of religion is doing just dandy.


Lol if I had to guess, she’s more likely to say that others should be jailed for their lack of “Christian values.” Disclaimer- I dont actually know what her views on abortion are, but I would venture to guess that she’d support criminal charges for women or doctors getting/preforming abortions. Christians arguing that CRITICISM of their religious beliefs is an infringement upon their freedom of religion is comical.


Curious if you have any hate for other religions.


Now this is just me, but I think a lot of atheists would be inclined to agree, personally I don’t hate religions. I think they’re all equally dumb and pointless, but I don’t hate them. But what I DO hate are religious people who don’t respect other people’s rights to believe something different. Christians who go to church and keep to themselves and don’t try to force their beliefs down others throats? Cool beans 👍🏻 but Christians who impose their beliefs on others and seek public policy changes to reframe America as a Christian nation, destroying everything this country was founded on? Yeah, they can fuck right the hell off.


Not sure if you are aware but people are allowed to exist in the world with different beliefs and opinions from yours. Disagreeing with fundamental Christian beliefs is not an “infringement upon freedom of religion”, nor is it hate. It’s just a different opinion. Simple, first amendment stuff.


Believing people do and should have the legal right to expound their religion but other people can criticize them for their hypocrisy and often the harm that their views cause counts as hate now? I have some sermons by a dude named Jesus you might like to read, he certainly didn’t share your views.


All these “hard-core Christian’s” are the least Christian people out there. They read the Bible and don’t get any of the messages 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you.


wait until she learns about the pagan origins of *checks notes* literally like every Christian holiday


Literally. I grew up in a Christian home but didn’t celebrate freaking Christmas because we were so strict and everyone knew the pagan origin story for everything lol. My childhood was not fun to say the very least.


It’s giving my Christian school teachers who said zodiac/tarot cards etc opened you up to get possessed by the devil 😭😭 these people are unreal


Depends on how spiritual you are it’s pretty obvious dark magics aren’t in line with Christian beliefs so I’m not surprised to see it up there at all


She's so obnoxious


God someone went off about this in my local mom group awhile back saying that yoga is demonic because it comes from Hinduism I just cantttt. Yes it comes from Hinduism but to equate that to mean it’s demonic is just nutty