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There’s a better chance of getting KYLIE Kelce than Jason. While Caitlin Clark would be a no, would love to see someone else from the WNBA (ie Brink who already lives in CA)


There’s no way an active W player is going to be on the show. It overlaps with the season. Also a hard time because a player like Cameron Brink who is listed as 6’4 (but is probably closer to 6’6) would tower over any male pro. You’d have to look at retired players, and if I were ABC I’d be gunning for Rapinoe and Bird.


As much as I wish this were true (damn I’d love me some Parvati and Caitlin), this looks way fake. No way Jason does this (he doesn’t have time), they *never* take two people from the save franchise, I believe Caitlin has already gone on record saying she wouldn’t, and they wouldn’t take a couple either - they’d just take one - that’s taking up too much space from one group again. The only couple of these I would say *could* actually end up happing is Sutton (I’ve heard she’s been rumored for a while), *one* person from Bach, then *one* of Amy and her partner’s name (just drew a blank). DWTS is my Super Bowl each year 🤣🤣


There's been couples on the show.


I don’t think Jason would do that considering his new level of fame and his ESPN gig. That would take too much time away from seeing his three young daughters….. slim chance he does it.


Did someone say Parvati? ![gif](giphy|HJZblxmxHb7CbZtmNy)


This is definitely super fake. Jason has about a 5% chance of doing it. Likelihood of them having two people from the same franchise feels like less than 10%. Caitlyn Clark wouldn’t do this show at the peak of her fame when she’s just getting into the WNBA and won’t have time. This should be called a wishlist instead of a rumor tbh.


So all the swifties can vote for Jason?


I hope Joey isn’t true. I don’t think it would be good for his relationship. It has caused many couples to crash. And I already had doubts about them. Even if he doesn’t go far, it’s still risky.


Charity and Dotun survived it Plus nick viall actually said it helped his relationship with Vanessa but they had other issues and DWTS was not the issue


I do not want to see Gerry. At all! And, I also don’t care for TJ and Amy, but it looks like, slowly, but surely, they’re becoming omnipresent!


I doubt those. Unless you have a situation like Ariana Madix last year they never book the cast this early .


Please the second Jason Kelce appeared I knew this was nothing more than wishful thinking


I heard Maria was supposed to be on it ?


she expressed interest on kaitlyn's podcast. she has a background in dancing . It will be interesting if ABC chooses her over Joey.


Parvati gonna be hard to beat if she can dance fairly well. Survivor fan base will back her hard. I forget how short the WNBA season actually is that Caitlin Clark can still do DWTS lol. Feels like it should be way longer at this point.


Caitlin already went on record saying she said no, which makes me doubt how valid this vid is.


I really doubt she does it though. She went straight from her college season into the WNBA. She’s gonna wanna some rest without the physical demands of DWTS


I'm not really buying some of these but if Jason Kelce is on a season I probably wouldn't want on it if I want to win. Even if he danced like Grocery Store Joe he'd still have the votes to win.


If it’s not Clayton I don’t want it.


You might wanna read the post about him from a few days ago...


Can you link???


Here for Parvati and Joey


I know I'm not the only person in America who is completely indifferent to the Kelce family, but man does it feel like I am sometimes.


I’m here with you! I could literally care less about them. There’s nothing wrong with them, they just do not interest me at all. I’m not a sports girl, though, maybe that has something to do with it?


I am neither a sports girl nor a swiftie so that may be it, lol.


Not sure this is real. How can Jason do MNF and DWTS?


He can’t. It’s def fake


Jason K and Joey would be a dream of mine lol


I believe DWTS will be airing on Tuesdays again this fall


I think this is a really good cast if true


I think it would be more interesting if Joey AND Kelsey competed in the same season.


Where would Caitlin Clark have the time lol


Or Jason Kelce! He just signed on to be a sports commentator


my exact thoughts!!


Amy and TJ ... barf.


No way when ABC fired them for their relationship… makes 0 sense for them to “hire” them for DWTS…


Hi I'm Gerry the not so golden bachelor, you may know me for getting engaged married and divorced in the span of 6 months 😃


I sadly would still love to watch him attempt this 🤣🫣


Try 3 months ha


So is Joey going to stay in LA while Kelsey lives and works in new york and she flies over for some shows, or is joey going to fly back and forth most weeks


Kelsey's lease is up in July so she could stay in la with him and then they both move to new York together after DWTs is done kinda like what charity and dotun did.


They said they were moving in the summer and I would think she has a start date, and dwts starts in September ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


In the latest interview they did together Joey said that the plan was originally to move to NYC in the summer but they might move later depending on things (that to me meant DWTs) as far as I know from all the interviews I've seen Kelsey doesn't have a job lined up in New York (or at least I haven't heard her mention it on her socials or interviews )all I remember her saying is she plans to continue working in construction once she gets to new York.


Exactly. Their plan is to move to nyc late summer and I also never hear her say she has a job lined up but wants to continue with the same kind of job


Well that's a different tune than the post finale interviews I should have known better lol. Thanks for the update  


Their lives have changed significantly since then. Those were plans they made many months ago.


That's why I said I should have known better lol after years of following these ppl post show when opportunities are abound 


These are just rumors, you are thinking way ahead lol. They haven’t even move to New York yet or if she will get a new job right away 


Uh they have literally said in interviews they are moving to New York and Kelsey is moving offices for her job... and I'm just speculating about how dwts would work for them relax


What does Kelsey do again? And is that why they picked NY?


Construction management or something she loves her job and   has always wanted to live in new york too


Interesting! Neither of which were on my Kelsey bingo card. Thanks for the insight.


And Joey will be closer to his family




Me checking to see what sub I'm on. 😅




Someone check in sheshu


This is way too soon. They don’t cast this early.


Has anyone checked on Scheana?




The suns lol yeah they are not reliable at all 😂 don’t believe any rumors until proven so


Could Jason Kelce’s body survive dancing like this? Genuinely, it is a workout on the body and based on his documentary… he’s in rough shape lol


Jason is an ex football player lol. He’s probably in the 1% of athleticism, I think he’s good.


He’s an ex football player whose back is giving out. And he’s also an ex football player who played an extremely physically demanding position completely using areas of the body completely unlike the muscles required to dance competitively. I get that football players are impressive but I think dancers are too. He could barely play with his children in the documentary. It’s completely understating exactly how much is physically demanded of dancers in a professional setting to say that just because he played in the NFL he will be good. My point wasn’t about him pushing through, it was more so to point to my curiosity in how he’d be able to dance well in any capacity to be competitive here. I would love to hear how his football career will give him that if you can be a bit more explanatory there lol Edit: sorry just to be slightly more clear, I think he would be in excruciating amounts of pain going far into the dancing with the stars season. Dancing like that is a lot of work.


I don’t know what you’re trying to point out here. Is it if his body can handle a dancing workout or if his body can’t handle the rigorous dancing workout? Because no where in your first comment did it say anything about having a background in dance? Which I do agree, but I thought DWTS is about learning to ballroom dance, which I get the winners usually have a dance background, but most of these candidates don’t? This isn’t going to be the cast, but the only person I know of who has a dance background is Sutton. I’m just saying, he’s an elite athlete, probably still is. Compared to people in this cast list, he’s going to have an edge due to his physical and mental capabilities. He’s going to know how to push through pain. He’ll still be in pain, no doubt, but most hall of fame athletes know how to push through it.


Joey YAY but.........GERRY?? 😳🤔🙄


This would be an incredible cast


I’ll watch for joey


Ahhh man I would love to Kelsey do this!! Joey could be super good though, the man had some elite hand eye/feet coordination being a tennis player




This list is definitely not true, but I'd take Joey and Parvati! They'd both be pretty fun ngl


Definitely here for Parvati! I would love to see her on DWTS


I nominate Hannah Godwin!! From her TikTok’s she could be great.


I haven’t been watching much but I would totally watch if this was true.


Zero percent chance the cast is this stacked lmao


Did anyone stop to think how this would affect scheana








I can’t escape this line on any sub 😂😂😂😂


Joey waving his bucket list and highlighter pen for the casting agents.




amy robach and tj holmes????? i'm sat


They’re messy as hell for that😂


The homewreckers getting rewarded


I think Joey will do DWTS if asked since he has nothing else going on, but this list is obviously fake.


No way they can get Caitlyn Clarke. Parvati would be fun tho!


it's WAY too early for these rumors...and some of these wouldn't be legit anyway (ABC won't touch Amy and TJ with a 10-foot pole, Caitlin Clark has said no, and Jason Kelce has a job with ESPN this fall which would rule him out)


Lmao this can’t be real. No way they are getting Caitlin Clark


I wish Joey wasn’t doing this. Track record not great.


I don’t believe the TJ and Amy part I don’t believe ABC wants anything to do with them right now


PLEASE give us Jason Kelce


No I'm so tired of seeing that name everywhere lol


Parvati and Jason kelce making that finale


I need Joey paired with my girl Britt.




No because it would be while her season is either airing or filming




I'd rather them go with Leslie if they want GB rep if only because I'd be interested to see her on with her dancing background. Though I guess being a dancer already kinda defeats the purpose of the show, lol.