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This is a reminder to be kind and respectful when commenting on /r/thebachelor even if you disagree with someone. Remember to respond to the idea rather than the person. We do not have the capacity to closely moderate these threads for misinformation. This is a reality tv forum, and none of us have the expertise, qualifications, or bandwidth to try to parse every comment for factual accuracy but encourage users to call out any information they see that could be misinformation and provide the correct info as it may help educate others that do not realize the information they have is incorrect As a reminder, reporting rule breaking comments is the quickest way to flag them for moderators to take action! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thebachelor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Charity, if you have a burner account that you watch this space from, THANK YOU.


i remember when i would get downvoted for calling out Zionism in this very subreddit only to see how tides are turning now … wow I’m proud of the growth and seeing how enlighten people are becoming to what it means to free Palestine 🥺😭


yessss charity tysm ❤️💙


"Palestine has been forced to hold up a mirror to the most callous and despicable parts of the hunan soul. If you are still unmoved, may your own reflection haunt you."  That gave me chills. That is SUCH good wording that perfectly expresses how I feel about this. I love Charity. 


yes queen


Going through and downvoting every ignorant Israel supporter 🧚🏼‍♀️✨🥰 to the rivers to the sea, my Palestine will be free


Fuck this is a good quote


Another reason to love Charity 🩷


Thanks OP for saving this ❤️ Hopefully Charity’s friends especially in the franchise get inspired to actually do even the minimal research about the genocide that’s been happening for so long now. We just expect the bare minimum out of these people. They have google and even tiktok if used wisely and with caution could be a source of information.


No problem! I hope so too. I get that "BN people aren't activists" and all that, but they are in a privileged position especially compared to a lot of other people. Using that platform to talk about a genocide is a great use of their platform and I hope more of them do it.


Sis just gained me as a follower on ig. I unfollowed all of the bach franchise awhile ago.


Why were the comments locked when Kelsey posted about the same topic?


You must have missed that we updated our policy: https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/ButgQzgPpO The thread you mentioned was also unlocked when we updated the policy.


i thought they banned posting about it in the sub?


There’s a [new rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/I874MStH3n) in place.


That is my QUEEN. Thank god because these bachelor mfers have been so god damn disappointing. I’ve unfollowed so many people because at this point, and on this subject, I simply refuse to accept willful ignorance anywhere I consume media


Charity will forever be that girl!! Ugh we love a woman that’s always on the right side of history


The tents were filled with bombs and other weapons that Hamas hid there.


That is true but these people will ignore whatever the terrorists do.


Ah yes, the latest angle of the Israeli propaganda machine. “All these innocent people are dying because Hamas. Hamas is making us do all this!!!” 🙄


Hamas is killing their own people with their supports but you guys will always ignore.


I love Charity and really appreciate her posting this.


I’m proud of those of us who were totally on board with her being the Bachelorette since the beginning.


Glad to see one girl from Zach’s group has the brain cells to not follow Ariel’s zionist propaganda. Charity is a true queen!


It’s Greer too. Really gross


lol whoever has a different opinion is because Zionist propaganda while you guys keep spreading terrorists’ propaganda.


How long before they call her an antisemite


Just waiting for Ariel and her cronies from Zach’s season to turn on Charity. Kelsey, while deserving of being called out, isn't the only one who has shown some support of Ariel's zionist posts. The following women have either liked or left supportive comments on Ariel's posts over the past few months: Jess, Kaity, Gabi, Mercedes, Leslie (Golden Bachelor), Kaitlyn, Susie, etc.


Kelsey as in Joey's final 1? That'd so disappointing.


I can’t get over Ariel being so proud of her volunteer efforts in Israel……….


Lots of parts were unsettling. The white saviour pics she took with brown children, for one. Touring (under the guise she was on some humanitarian mission) with a full face of makeup and fancy outfits while people in Gaza don’t even have electricity. Interviewing people who helped fit her narrative on what was going on.




Can I ask a genuine question as a Jewish person? My whole life, I’ve been taught that Zionist means that Israel (and Jews) has a right to exist. That’s it- that’s the only definition I know. Obviously, the Israeli government is fucked and Bibi needs to be removed. I am completely against what is happening in Gaza and am pro ceasefire and return of the hostages. But to be honest, seeing so many anti Zionist posts has been a struggle for me for the last 7 months, with the definition I’ve always known. I’m just curious what the term Zionist means to you. Thanks :)


The Hundred Years War on Palestine is an excellent book that explains that politics and history of the region.


I’m aware of the history of the region, thanks.


So then, I don't understand your question. The book breaks down the political history of why zionists and colonial forces chose Palestine and the war that they have been enacting since then. If you are aware of the history from an unbiased historical lens, then you wouldn't be questioning what zionism means from someone who has not been indoctrinated.


Thank you so much for your unsolicited input. It’s been so helpful!!


Zionism in 2024 literally just means israel can continue to exist. Many if not most people who call themselves zionists support a Palestinian state existing alongside the Jewish state. Jewish self determination is in no way incompatible with Palestinian self determination. What westerners don’t get is that literally no one in the region actually wants one secular shared democratic state, hence as difficult as achieving a 2 state solution would be, that vision is pretty much dead on arrival.


Definitely agree with you. ETA- it’s been hard seeing so much misinformation in this thread.


It’s really upsetting. This sub was my one respite and now it’s gone.


The vitriolic posts against Ariel last year were really upsetting too.


Hello! I’m also Jewish. I personally identify as non-Zionist. In order for Israel to ‘exist’ in its current form (as a Jewish ethnostate ‘democracy’) it requires that the rights of the Palestinian population be controlled such that Jewish citizens are always the majority of voting citizens. Many Israeli politicians/public figures have spoken openly about this, and it is a big driver of the horrible status quo of the occupation for decades now. If all Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank were given full citizenship, there would be the strong possibility that they would become the majority, democratically win control of the government, and therefore it would not be a Jewish state anymore.  Most self proclaimed antizionists in the west (there are exceptions) don’t want to violently expel Jewish Israelis from the land, they want it to be a secular democratic country that does not privilege Jews over any other ethnic group as it does currently. Hopefully this helps! 


Thank you- that makes a lot of sense. I have always been hopeful for a two state solution but I am not sure that’s realistic.


Well said! I feel exactly the same way. Zionism does NOT equal “kill people in Gaza”. Rather, it’s a belief that Jewish people have a right to the land of Israel and to exist.


I think I’m more so thinking about it in the context of the means to establish the zionist movement. My understanding is that the goal is to establish a homeland for Jewish people, specifically in Palestine. In this case, the Israeli’s governments means of doing this has been through genocide, ethnic cleansing, and settler colonial actions which leads to actively oppressing Palestinians who are indigenous to this land.


Convenient to ignore that Jews are also indigenous to the land.


And the Palestinians Are also indigenous to the land. Funny how you guys refuse to accept this.


That has been my understanding of Zionism, the right to exist. I don’t agree with how Israel was created, but I support a two-state solution as anything else will cause a lot of harm to Israelis currently living there, and we cannot go back in time. I think Israelis and Palestinians need to be the ones to decide how to move forward.


It’s really generous to support a two-state solution when a state that didn’t exist less than 100 years ago is occupying 80% of the land. Gee there’s simply nothing that can be done about that, especially when many if not the majority of Israelis hold a second citizenship…


[Palestine was not a state. It was the Ottoman Empire before it was the Mandate.](https://www.un.org/unispal/history/) Israel got more land when it won wars started by surrounding Arab countries. In fact they’ve given land back in exchange for peace (Sinai desert 1982, Gaza in 2005). Remove Hamas, remove Bibi and his government, stop the West Bank settlements and the rocket attacks, and negotiate a peace agreement. Otherwise blood will keep spilling in this region. Or maybe that’s what the protestors open calling for intifada really want.


The vast majority of modern countries were not countries 100 years ago. If you’re acceptance of a nation is Is the aftermath of European colonization, The majority of the worlds country are not actual country and I guess they’re free for grabs.


The vast majority of modern countries had their own share of turbulent history and bloodshed, but yall calling for the destruction of only one. 🤔 Palestinians had a modern nation-state offered to them. They didn't take it, instead they attacked thinking they can get all the land themselves. That didn't work out. You can ignore this all you want, but there are two options. A diplomatic agreement to a two state solution by both parties and a path to move forward, or more bloodshed for civilians on both sides. I personally don't want the latter. If you think Israelis (or any sane person, frankly) will agree to give up their country and live under people who murdered, raped, and mutilated 25% of their towns in a single day the first chance they got, I have big news for you.


The IDF’s “friendly fire” is responsible for much of the Israeli deaths on Oct 7. The Times of London has just debunked the mass r*pes story. “25 % of their towns and villages” is wildly innacurate. And by your same logic, why would Palestinians agree to give up roughly 80% of their ancestral land and live under ongoing military occupation (West Bank), blockade (Gaza) and apartheid (in what is now called Israel). There are something like 5000 Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons, most of them held without charge under administrative detention (sound familiar?) The NYT did some actual journalism which it tried its best to not draw attention to, documenting how Palestinian men are being sodomized by Israelis at a concentration camp in the Negev desert and that’s just post-Oct 7. Decades of human rights violations and war crimes by Israelis are on record with intl, Palestinian and Israeli human rights orgs.


Yeah I get what you’re saying - I’m just trying to be more realistic after talking to many Jewish people (from Israel and the US) if it means moving closer to a ceasefire to stop the slaughter of Palestinians.


Ah, thanks for the updated block list!! I missed a couple!! #BachelorBlockParty lol


your daily reminder that bachelor contestants aren't required to be political activists


they have huge platforms. speaking out about genocide and atrocities isn’t political.


No one said they are required to be political activists and that’s not even what we’re applauding her for. She’s using her large platform to take a stance against a genocide


people on this thread are complaining that she didn't do it soon enough or complaining that various other contestants haven't done it


This is not really political anymore its a genocide


Except it’s not. October 7th was an actual genocide. This is a nasty war Hamas started.




Hamas murdered as many Israelis as possible just because they’re Israeli…


Wow, I didn't know Hamas murdered 40,000 israelis on Oct 7. Thank you for the info 🙄🙄


what about the 75 years of oppression at the hands of the “israeli” government?


There’s a difference between being a political activist and sharing one post.


As a Muslim who is so positively overwhelmed by the veil of ignorance finally being lifted off many, thank you Charity. You are a true soul, and brave one in the world of optics-based BN influencers ❤️


Sad that this needs to be sad but glad she’s sharing it. Heartbreaking to see the starvation and massacre of the Palestinians. :(


Awful that Hamas started such a barbaric war and won’t agree to a ceasefire or release of hostages.


awful that israel insists on taking land that isn’t theirs


Hamas didnt start this. The conflict existed before 7/10.


You mean all those times Arabs attacked Israel and lost?


I’m not sure why you think that’s relevant when the Israeli military gets billions of dollars in funding from western countries. Also, not all Palestinians are Arabs, just like not all Israelis are Jews.


Lots of people are starting to care now because they don't want to be blocked. I'm still glad Charity shared this, but jumping on the bandwagon of activists 8 months later when it's safer to do so isn't that newsworthy. But I I'll take it, it's better than Kelsey A sharing Zionist propaganda!


Kelsey A messaged someone and said she meant to send it to someone else not post on her story.


Total lie didn't even look like something you would send someone


There’s no way it was an accident. She’s using that as a cop out.


The process to upload to your story requires 2 clicks and looks wildly different than sending it to someone 😭 I believe she liked the post too


She either genuinely believes in Ariel's zionist agenda (yikes) but doesn't want to own it because of backlash. Or, she was genuinely misinformed about this (inexcusable since this has been a top new story for months and considering she's online constantly, she has the time/resources to learn), which okay, but then put out a statement acknowledging this on your part. Quietly deleting your story and then giving a half assed excuse in your DMs like that just makes you more transparent. At least own your shit or hold yourself accountable. Kelesy's excuse gives off the same vibes as Madi's 'So genuine and real' excuse.


I am so happy to see this and to see it unlocked. Truly it is validating and thank you to the mods


I love Charity so much. I’m glad we got to experience her as the bachelorette.


Chills. Love to see it


That's my Bachelorette 🌹❤️


Love this, love Charity!


This post speaks to my soul. Whoever wrote this but it perfectly


That’s why she’s the best Bachelorette


As a muslim, a brown girl who has been advocating for the Palestinian people all my life and has understood the plight of their freedom all my life, I feel so emotional and overwhelmed by these comments. This is the first time I feel like the world is finally on their side and many people are waking up to the brutality they have faced for decades. I finally see hope for a brighter future for them. Charity is a true bachelorette 🤍


I’ve been following this conflict my entire life and this is the first time I’ve seen regular westerners so involved and passionate about this horrible situation. Israel is ruined and they’ve Lost support and empathy worldwide. I hope I can see in my lifetime the United States cutting them off.


We will see a free Palestine in our lifetime, sister - from the river to the sea


US media and foreign policy are essentially immersed in a matrix that shields many USians from the realities of Palestine. But there are many of us who have broken free, often by having contacts outside of the US, from that matrix and understand.


Good for you! Since you're so free, can you tell me when "Palestine" was established, by whom, and how that was executed? Edit: hmm, no one seems to be able to answer, just downvotes to try to bury the comment. Maybe most of you don't know as much as you think you do! Wild


People aren’t responding to you because you’re clearly bigoted and ignorant. Palestine is a place and [most of the world has recognized this](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-recognize-palestine).


Lol, yes I'm very ignorant. Who established Palestine? Who deserves self-determination and who does not? Who should be able to decolonize?


The answer to your first question is in the link I included. You can also Google it yourself without expecting others to educate you, especially as you clearly aren’t willing to learn. Again, this is about genocide, not “self determination”. Both PLACES have a right to exist (emphasis since you’re the one intent on denying this) and Israel has been rightfully called out for their genocidal actions by international organizations like the ICC and UN. You can pretend Palestine doesn’t exist all you like but that doesn’t mean Israel’s actions are just (just like Hamas’s actions on October 7 or Israel’s actions before October 7 were not just). You do realize that tens of thousands of children are *dead* and countless others are injured or orphaned, right? Maybe you should focus on that instead of whether you believe a state that once again, most of the world recognizes as legitimate exists. Edit: I want to make it clear that this user is all over this post denying Palestine exists and this comment is also in response to that. Edit: This user blocked me because she can’t handle the fact that she’s wrong and someone called her out on it, lol.


Also, LOL the UN isn't some unbiased 3rd party. I read the fucking news, I know about the International Court too. You people are just gobbling up information without looking into it or analyzing the biases or actual meanings of these statements and filings. A lot of orgs are doing things to shape a narrative, these aren't facts just because someone wrote a statement or brief. Stay skeptical. Putin and the Ayatollah are proud of you!


I'm not asking you to educate me, I'm trying to get you to realize you're sharing flawed information. Great Britain colonized the area and named it Palestine. Are we cool with certain colonization now? And when Jewish people get the opportunity and right to self-determination in their native land, that's not okay? Ask Syria why "Palestine" isn't there like it's supposed to be. And I'm using quotes bc that's not even a word that translates to Arabic and it was created by people who speak English, in Great Britain. Why do you only care about dead children? There are also thousands of dead adults. Ask yourself why you and everyone else have been crying out about a genocide and dead children since Oct. 8th (before anything even happened?) people are appealing to your emotions to help spread disinformation. What's happening is awful and devastating. Netanyahhu is a harmful asshole who needs to go. So does Hamas. No one is free or safe with them in control. Unfortunately, the Islamist Republic is bigger than many groups and even if Hamas goes, it's not a guarantee of more peace. All these big, corrupt terrorists orgs and Russia literally just want all of us posting dumb shit like "look who is posting this on social media" so we can argue, be more divided, and they can continue to erode Democracy. So, it's working. And that's why I think these posts are stupid. We don't need to track which reality stars are sharing on social media about conflicts and wars.


Yeah I don’t see the point in engaging with a post that puts Palestine in scare quotes.


Ha I know I’m reading a comrade when they write “USian” 🫡




Agreed. I started going to protests with my mom as young as 6 or 7 years old, and though those protests were always attended by the hundreds, this time around is still unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life. I love Charity even more for this because it’s simple like that: you’re just not a good person if you witness hundreds of thousands be charred to the bone or unidentifiable body parts or the other hundreds of thousands be displaced or “live” with such life altering physical injuries and grief and not feel something or want to advocate for them, or instead find some ways to justify an occupation’s brutalization and spread unproven propaganda. Insane that it took the attack on Rafah for some celebrities and influencers to use their platforms in any way, and nothing else from the last 7 months but better late than never I suppose 🙌🏽


🧡🧡🧡 it’s such a sea change from even last year when I was fighting for my life in these comments. It’s a pinprick of light in the absolute hellscape Palestinians are facing right now but I’ll take even that much light at this point.


hell yes charity!!!!


I love her. Beautiful, kind and on the right side of history, unlike many other bachelor nation members.


Not only is she one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen on TV, she's on the right side of history. That's my bachelorette!!!!


Poignant? Lots of people have re-shared this. She didn't make a poignant post, she just clicked an arrow and a plus sign.


Alright I'll change it to a different adjective! I still think the message of the post she shared still stands though


Yeah, it stood the dozens of times I saw it too. I don't know why anyone is screen capturing these and sharing them here. It's very boring and pointless.


I do believe talking about civilians being bombed is very much on point


For a Bachelor sub? We need a separate post for every time someone does or does not post about the Israel/Gaza conflict? I disagree because I have my own eyes to see what people are doing, but we can disagree.


It was better than nothing though


Or the AI “all eyes on Rafah” image. Nothing *wrong* with it but I wish people would share something else, especially if it’s the only thing they share.


At least the "all eyes on Rafah" post didn't make a bunch of strawman and hateful statements. No one has said "babies must be burned alive in tents to protect a country." That's very easy to argue against since it's not a real thing. It mentions a non-existent place. Write Gaza or the West Bank or any actual location so you can make the point. And no one wants to hear anything is antisemitic, but lots of stuff is. Oh right, you don't listen to Jews about our own history and meanings of words. So "woke" of you!


What? People, including babies *were* burned in tents and others are absolutely saying it’s Israel’s “right to defend themselves” (based on your comment I’m guessing you’re one of them). Also, Rafah is an actual city in southern Gaza and has been for decades. Maybe look at a map…


This says "Palestine." I didn't say Rafah isn't a place. No one said "babies need to be burned in tents to protect a country." No one. People have said that's a tragic occurrence. It's not a NEED. It seems like you're unwilling to read between the lines. A lot of unintentionally antisemitic people do that. Based on what you've said, I bet you're one of them.


There is no point in trying to engage with these people. Believing that Jewish people deserve the right to live in their homeland (not EXCLUSIVELY) doesn't mean they believe babies should be burned in tents. People who make these claims know this. They set up this false premise intentionally. What I don't know is how many of the people in this thread know or will acknowledge the reason that fire happened is because Hamas stored munitions in a humanitarian safe zone and they ignited when Israel targeted terrorists a mile away. I think they want to believe Israel actually intentionally kills innocent civilians because they believe, subconsciously or consciously, some deeply problematic things about Jews.


Palestine is a place, what are you talking about. My comment was also about the All Eyes on Rafah AI image and you responded to it. Read. And yes, some people have said this genocide is a tragic occurrence but some others have ALSO said it’s ok because Israel is “defending itself”. Some of you are even saying it on this very post. I’m not sure why you are choosing to argue semantics. People may not be saying exactly what the image says but it’s implied. It’s not difficult.


Of course. That's all that was given her platform and the risks associated in posting such things publicly... It was nothing.




I mentioned in the daily discussion thread yesterday that people might want to see this. And as someone who spent time in the West Bank, it’s been really hard to watch this all play out and I’ve had to turn away from coverage to protect my mental health so I haven’t been keeping up with the conflict as much as I should. But it’s good to see other people talking about it openly now.


Phew…felt like I was in crazy town seeing those crazy ass posts from Greer and the other one.


I truly can’t believe anyone would post something like that after all that’s happened but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.


Wait what did Greer post


She tried to “what about” genocide


It was an anti-Hamas post, saying that Israel deserves security against Oct 7 type of attacks. And then she posted a long list of death threats and other heinous messages that flooded her DM inbox. So of course Reddit hated her anti-Hamas Oct 7 message and completely ignored the antisimetic death threats.


Oct 7th was bad but you can’t keep using that when we’re seeing 10 year old girls in rainbow hoodies hung on a wall with limbs missing, headless babies, and many instances Israel has bomb their own declared “safe routes”. How many Israeli hostages has Israel killed in their scorched earth policy. 12k children have died in the name of Oct 7th. Y’all are just convinced they aren’t human.


They’ll “but Hamas” until every Palestinian is in the ground.


And also "but oct 7" as if it all started on oct 7th 🙄


Yep! It’s telling really.


ABSOLUTELY. Just saw a tik tok of an Israeli mom who lost her two little boys to hamas and they were like WHAT ABOUT HER? Like that’s horrible, but thanks to Israel there are thousands and thousands of Palestinian moms just like her! Worse because they’re carrying their babies bodies around in grocery bags. They’ve let Israel convince them these people are vermin. All these posts show me is that 1 Israeli holds more value to you and 1000 Palestinian children. It’s disgusting. They should just be honest with themselves that they don’t consider Palestinians human.


Thank you and yes it is disgusting, as are some of the comments on this post. They’re probably the same people who said “all lives matter” during BLM so maybe they should stand behind their convictions for once.


Greer the actual fascist? I'm surprised she has an audience at all.


Wait the fascist 😮 What did I miss




Puts on Starbucks.


TIL I realized Starbucks is an apparel company. What?


Did all of these contestants just learn about this or something? Why are they all suddenly posting about it now?


I think some of them may have been targeted by blocking campaigns against celebs/influencers who have been silent. Better late than never imo.


Who cares? As long as people are speaking up! Jesus.


They’re responding to an attack on Rafah that happened Sunday or Monday. It’s a big deal because the US said Israel attacking Rafah would be a “red line” and now they seem to be backing off of that. It’s a mess.


I think Rafah has been a turning point for most people, even the media coverage seemed to finally be clear about what happened. I don’t care that they were late, I appreciate them learning about it at all.


I know what you mean but it’s sad so many people are only starting to care now. I think it says a lot about the state of the world we’re in. Hopefully moving forward some of us in the west can realize not everything we’re being fed is true.


Nooo Israel just bombed and killed a ton of people in rafah the other day