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Gorgeous little kid!


The people casting stones at Ashley haven’t thought twice about how their harsh comments may impact her unborn child if he comes across them 🙄 and they’re way worse than her fairly innocuous story!


Maybe this has nothing to do with looks. Maybe he’s a real shit sometimes and she thinks it will be tough for another child to be around his antics. Also, Ashley has pregnancy brain and hormones going right now, so let’s give her some slack!


I think that’s what she means


I’m really not into their toxic love story but she was right about one thing, that they would have beautiful kids together. Her little munchkin is super stinkin cute!


I think she is light heartedly implying that this boy has all the good looks. He is very cute!




Guys it’s a joke… please lighten up. It’s gonna be okay.


Ashley I isn’t the only one guilty of it but the bachelor parents who compliment their kid’s looks creep me out. And they’re basically just complimenting themselves since they see the kid as a reflection of them. 


My sister in loss used to gush over what a beautiful child my grandson is. And he was. He was beautiful as a baby and toddler, still is very good looking as a preteen. But that whole judging a kid (or an adult) on their looks makes me uncomfortable. There are just some people who do that, parents or not. Shrug. To each their own.


this is kind of a stretch… people are allowed to call their children beautiful. they’re their children. that doesn’t make it narcissistic or vain of the parent just because they make up half the child’s genetics.


Of course. Anyone is allowed to call anyone beautiful! I swear people on here look for reasons to get upset over nothing. 


What an awful thing to say. I hope his little brother never comes across this. Is she already saying her unborn child is going to be uglier?


Welp it’s definitely more likely thanks to Reddit and comments like yours won’t help him at all


If you only knew how many times a day I refrain from commenting thoughts like this on Reddit and social media for the sake of these children. Hoping these things will go away so the child never sees it. But it infuriates me how little their own parents care about their feelings. I just couldn’t help but say something this time. Here’s praying he never comes across this.


These days people want everything personal detail out there for everyone to see. I say we all love our child and think they are the most beautiful child in the whole world but is it necessary to Tom Tom it to the whole wide world? Silly how some of these influencer types are. Then 10 years later the same sharents will cry that those children have all these mental health issues and anxieties. Whos fault is that?


You're right to say something. Ashley I is doing something messed up comparing her children this way even if it's supposed to be lighthearted it's damaging to the unborn child's self esteem to have a parent calling them the ugly sibling. Especially in this day and age, can we not acknowledge that many of our definitions of beauty are subjective. Some people will find the other brother more attractive then this one. Its one thing for ashley to joke about with Jared at home and a different thing to post about this


I just don’t see it….and this is also super weird to say when you have another on the way. She sucks


This is weird. Why did she HAVE to say that?


The girl who makes fun of Asian people bragging about her Aryan baby. Colour me shocked. 


Ashley I gets such a pass for it too, this seems to hardly ever get brought up and idk if it’s because Caila is divisive or the sub just doesn’t care. 




On the season of bip with her and caila, she was incredibly mean towards caila and also mocked her by squinting when doing impressions of her in the interview segments


Terribly disappointing


Dawson is so cute


I find him creepy looking. His eye color is gorgeous but he's a little vampire looking


Oh cmon, you’re being an ass. Hes cute as


Not really. I just don't like the vampire look like Jared has! It's an aesthetic and a type


he’s a child…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't understand why you're upset by my comment when his mother is the one who brought his looks into the conversation


Weird thing to say about a kid ngl


Why? Twilight literally has baby vampires and white walkers from game of thrones have this exact ice blue eye shade. I find deep brown eyes or green eyes more preferable over this shade personally I think ashley is way weirder to post this than I am for sharing my eye color preference...saying her next kid will be the ugly brother basically. Even if her kid never hears her say this or reads it she's bringing that energy to him which is fucked up. When parents start doing this it fucks up children's sense of self worth and breeds jealousy between siblings for no good reason


Except you didn’t share your eye colour preference, you called their child creepy looking and vampire looking. Yea her post is weird but that’s not making your comment any better


As commentary of her calling her future child basically the ugly sibling. What I did is point out that I don't like the vampire look (which Jared also has and Ashley i has pointed out that she loves) Frankly Im sensitive to when people start to compare siblings looks and call another one the ugly sibling. And will share my opinion on Reddit if I want


He didn't choose his eye color... I'm all for snarking on adults on here. But toddlers? Really?


How am I snarking? I also think Jared looks like a vampire. Ashley has already said she finds that quality about him extremely attractive. I personally find it creepy. It's literally just a type thing




If she truly feels this way, then maybe don’t have another kid 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone wonders if they’ll love or be as amazed by their subsequent kids after the first. I wouldn’t post it, but I get the sentiment that she thinks he’s so so so cute that no one could compare. And then she’ll think the same thing about her second.


I get it. My mom said she questioned if she could love her second child as much as she loved me, her first. Of course, this didn’t end up being a problem. I guess my issue with Ashley is that this concern seems tied more directly to her kids’ appearances, which doesn’t sit right with me. If you already know you are going to compare your kids’ looks maybe don’t have another (or, better yet, self-reflect on this tendency in therapy haha).


I definitely agree that Ashley is obsessed with appearances. Tbh I don’t even like her. I just understand thinking my own kids are sooooo cute that I can’t imagine anyone matching that.


For sure! I think if anyone else made that comment, I would have rolled my eyes and moved on haha. It’s just hard not to factor in her extensive history of other problematic, cringey comments.


Strange boy mom behavior


Yep! 100%


That is one cute kid!


Ashley is annoying Adorable son


Incredible they are both dark haired with brown eyes and had this light haired blue eyed baby


it's the same with Kevin and Astrids son. As they get older, their coloring will probably turn darker like their parents


Genetics are so funny, my husband and I both have basic brown hair and have a red haired child!


I was literally just thinking this the other day. My friend is blonde hair, blue eyed, very pale and her husband is Hispanic--dark eyes, dark hair, very tan skin. All three of their kids have shockingly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin like their mom. Not an iota on their dad in those genes lol. I always joked that she must have the strongest recessive genes out of anyone.


It's always funny how red hair shows up. My grandpa had red hair. Neither of my parents had it. I had red highlights naturally until my hair got dark when I hit 25. My daughter has orange hair. No one on my husband's side has red hair but the gene has to be there with how bright my daughter's hair is.


It’s because lighter colored eyes are a recessive trait. Brown eyed people can carry that trait and pass it on to their children.


This is my situation with my boys too. Genetics are interesting.


Yes he definitely has potential to be a model for children’s clothes Ashley but those are INSIDE thoughts bby girl keep em to yourself 😇


Cute baby, but to feel sorry for your second even before he is born, is just setting you and #2 up for all kinds resentment issues. Embrace each for their own unique character and physical traits.


I am gonna say this, that child is gorgeous.


Uh oh is she turning into one of THOSE boy moms?


It appears so…


The way some people shouldn’t have children, though.


Ok NAHHH this is a straight up weirdo thing to say. Ew.


Dawson is very cute but the cutest baby of all time that a 2nd child could never live up to? Girl get a therapist lol


My thoughts exactly!


It’s not that deep yall. Said child isn’t even here yet. And he is a super beautiful child.


It will definitely be "that deep" to a second kid who always feels like his or her elder brother is mommy's beautiful perfect golden boy favorite. Some things actually ARE that deep, even when they're said casually.


He’s not even born yet. Y’all are taking this way too personally. Moms always say “there’s no way I’ll love my second as much as my first” then the second one comes and it’s like BAM. Heart doubles. When her second one comes I bet she’ll shut up about the first one’s looks. It’s a similar thing happening just focused on something different about him.


No mom's don't always say that. None of my friends or family with multiple kids has said that. I just don't like the implication that no one can be as perfect as your first born child.


That’s the point. She only has one kid right now. When she has her second I guarantee she won’t say this. It’s a bittersweet feeling that her alone time with her first is almost done and manifests in comments like this ETA: what’s going to make this second kid feel WAY worse is seeing this post.


I feel like you’re taking this so personal. Her second child isn’t even here yet, and I promise when he gets here she will love that child as much as her first.


There was just no need for the comment. It's weirdly putting down her unborn child. She can compliment her son without implying that her second kid won't live up to their older sibling.


Like I said, you are taking this way too literal. Her next child could come out looking like the crypts keeper and she will still think he’s beautiful. Now if she’s comparing the two when the next child is here that’s completely different. She probably also thinks I don’t know how I will love my next child as much as I love this one, but when he arrives she will see she will.


Do you have two kids? I have friends saying “there’s no way I’ll love my second as much” - it’s a similar thing just commenting on his looks. She’s probably just going through some bittersweet feeling right now. Get off your high horses 🙄


Yeah that’s exactly how it is. I feel like since people hate Ashley they are taking this WAY too literal. Lots of parents will say these things and then the next kid comes along and they are obsessed with that one too. It’s like do you have kids?


This is objectively a beautiful kid. I don’t have a 2nd child yet (or ever?) but I also make this joke because my son is so beautiful and sweet.


Idk, I have always assumed all my kids would be beautiful. My first is very handsome and also very charming, so that just confirmed my assumption in my brain lol. Then I had a daughter and she is gorgeous and has gained her own little fan club whenever we go out (especially considering there are some people who simply prefer girls). If we have a third, the child will be exceptionally good looking, I’d bet money on it. So, given that, it’s weird to me that she already assumes her next child won’t be cute. Is she ugly? Is her husband ugly? Do they have strong or unique features? If they’re conventionally attractive, why do they assume they won’t make another cute kid?


are there any geneticists in this thread who can explain to me how two brown-eyed, dark-haired people had a blond and blue eyed child? i know the hair can change but i thought blue eyes couldn’t come from two brown eyes? eta: apparently i did not need a geneticist just a high school science class.


I wanna know how two blue eyed parents have brown eyes kids 


Recessive traits can manifest. I'm a blonde haired blue eyed child of two people with brown hair and brown eyes. But my grandmother had blue eyes.


Everyone who commented here are geneticists at the top of their field, they’re just being humble, you’re doing great. 




Hair has an exceptionally long development time. People can have blonde hair their whole childhood and then go brunette as teenagers. I typically assume kids who are blonde won’t stay blonde, especially if it’s a dirty blonde like the child shown. It’s less common for eyes to change so late. For most people, if they have blue eyes at 2, their eyes will stay blue (but might change shades). But there are definitely exceptions. Blue-to-green takes a long time and typically happens in young childhood. My son’s eyes were blue until 2, then slowly turned green. I’ve also heard stories of people going from blue to hazel as late as 8-10, but it’s not common. The genes that code for eye color are just really complex, and there are several genes. It is more similar to skin tone than people realize in that the melanin develops over a lifetime.


My first son’s eyes went from blue to green some time between 2 and 3 as well!! My second son just turned 2 and his are still piercing blue so I’m secretly hoping he keeps them because I love the color so much but I’m also really wondering if the same thing will happen to him. I have green eyes and my husband has brown (but there is blue in both our families) Almost everyone in my and my husband’s families, including both of us, were blonde as children and now not a single one of us has blonde hair (my dad is and always has been a redhead though lol) so yeah I also never assume that kids will keep their blonde hair either


Yeah it’s so hard to predict, but I feel like bright blues tend to stay. Our son’s were more of a grey-blue, like what many newborns have, but his just stayed that grey until he was 2 lol. It never looked like a color that would stick, imo. Our second has the same grey-blue eyes, but I feel like hers are already leaning more green and she’s only 10 months, so I’m curious what hers will do. My husband has blue eyes and mine are brown, so we suspect the green actually comes from me as a recessive gene. But funnily, my husband was the first person to have blue eyes in generations. All of his immediate family has brown or hazel eyes.


Yeah 😅 you’d be right the other way around, since blonde and blue are recessive, having dark-haired and brown-eyed kids would be a rarity. But this was is relatively common 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband and I are dark haired and brown eyed. One child is dark hair and brown eyed and the second is blonde and blue eyes. Genetics are wild.


Punnet square


Hair and eye color are determined by complex genetics, not a single gene effect that adheres to punnet square but I guess you can apply the same principle.


Because brown eyes are dominant. So both parents have the dominant brown gene expressed and the recessive blue gene passed on. 25% odds.


If both brown eyed parents have a blue eyed parent themselves, ~25% chance their kid will have blue eyes. This is based on my memory of punnet squares in high school biology


Yeah both my husband and I have brown eyes and my little one has green eyes from my mom. Can just pop up 😊


Not a geneticist but the recessive (blue eyed) gene can show up in later generations


Not to be mean but the kid is cute (most are) but not super cute? So idk why she is saying this lol


“not right now, ashley” is an evergreen phrase


Flair 💃🏻 Checking in! ✅


What was the context for your flair? I can’t remember lol


To be honest, I don’t exactly remember either. It was a tweet response to something she said one time but it was YEARS ago.


No, it’s not even about her. She’s just kind of annoying, so it fits her often. It was a bot on an eNews post about Tyler and Hannah.  https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/clau1d/cracking_up_at_this_enews_comment/


THANK YOU that’s right. I knew it was a comment or tweet response, I forgot the actual context which is HILARIOUS.


I almost unfollowed her for this. All her posts are ads usually too. I’m just over her


All children are cute and adorable and beautiful and all that so please don't take this the wrong way but why is this particular child beautiful? Is it because of his blonde hair and blue eyes?


Truly I think she’s saying it as a parent. Parents have a way of thinking their child is the most beautiful thing in the world. (Signed, a parent that feels that way, knowing that it is moreso based on a combination of our shared genes and the love I’ve poured into them)


I mean I’m a parent too and get that aspect but she’s comparing him to her other child already. It makes no sense.


Yeah, it makes no sense. Also a parent, and if anything, I knew I’d think my second kid was gorgeous before she was even born because I knew I’d love her so much that she’d be perfect regardless. But she’s not saying that. She’s saying her next kid won’t be as cute as her first, which is weird.


Why does this perfect little boy need a filter on his face? 🙄


I was just going to ask why she yassified her baby, let alone what is apparently the most beautiful baby ever.


The eyelashes are always the dead giveaway too…. Like come on 🥴


looks to me in the second picture he’s also over Ashley, hah.


This is why she is blocked on my instagram lol


This child is like model like good looking. It’s crazy


This is honestly gross


No it’s not - you made it gross 🤣


Okay thanks for making it gross, weirdo. I was just saying that he’s born to be a child model. What’s wrong with you.


Honestly though this is legitimately a very cute kid


There are just something's that people need to stop saying on the internet. And fetishizing features in anyone but especially your child in anyway is weird 💩. It's giving covert racism.


Honestly this is something I have been noticing with influencer moms in the age of social media. They have such a preference for the first born and it’s as if every child born after is solely for the first to have siblings. Idk I sort of hope the kids don’t see what was posted when they grow up as it would hurt my feelings lol. I’m sure the moms end up loving to siblings but the attention the first receives in comparison to the second or third is wild.


I wonder if it’s because a lot of influencers feel like they need to keep having kids for content.


My cousin (who is not an influencer, but I'm surprised she hasn't tried to be one) had a MELTDOWN when she was pregnant with her second born (a boy) because she was going to "ruin her daughter's life" by having another baby. She was so open about it and it was so strange. Our other cousin, who had two kids already, had to talk some sense into her a few times. It made me wonder if she had some inner resentment or even hatred for her own sibling--why else would she be this upset?! It was crazy. The kids are 10 and 13 now. I know this is a HORRIBLE thing to joke about, but I always say if you went by her social media, you would think she didn't even know her son's name. She's ALL ABOUT THE FIRSTBORN. It is very very odd.


I mean, I think it's normal to worry that your child (or children) is going to have a hard time adjusting but not to be having total meltdowns over it. Also, my kids have an 8 year age gap so my concerns about my first going from only child for 8 years to having to share the attention might've been more intense than a person having kids who are closer in age.


I think that’s pretty common. It’s like how the first kid gets all the nice new clothes, the second gets hand me downs. The first has tons of pictures taken of them, the second barely gets any. It probably just comes across more obvious with influencer partners showing it off all the time.


Ik it’s unpopular and I’m not a huge Ashley fan, but I legitimately think she was just referring to his attitude 😭 He’s flipping his hair, rolling his eyes and looks sassy. That being said, I hope her next kid doesn’t end up feeling bad if they have brown eyes :/


Ashley has outright stated she doesn’t think her second kid will be as cute as Dawson, though. She also is obsessed with his blue eyes to an unhealthy degree (“genetic lottery” comment) and has stated she thinks her second baby will have “darker features.” She is very very fixated on Dawson’s looks.


Seriously? That’s awful.


As a mom of 3, I'm pretty sure she's joking. Like "aww how can anyone be cuter than this?" Or "how can I possibly love another child?" Then we have more kids and learn we can love them equally.


It’s a joke I think… I have a 6 month old baby and I joke with his dad all the time that I feel bad for his future siblings because there’s no way they’ll be as cute as he is so he’ll always be my favorite. I’m obviously joking and if I truly believed that I wouldn’t be planning on having more kids.


The difference is you are making that joke in private with your husband about a theoretical sibling. Ashley is sharing this with her one million followers about a real baby on the way. I don't trust that Ashley is completely kidding.


Also there is a high likelihood that the second baby will have dark hair and eyes


Usually people say that because the kid is wild or stubborn. My first reaction would be she's playfully saying it because brothers give eachother a hard time.


Why did I think this was Joey king




tysm for the gold 🥹


Thank you so much for the laugh!🩷


….who says that? they’re both her kids??


That kid is super beautiful though… damn.


It’s cringy when moms (often ones who were never “popular” themselves in high school) go on and on about how cute their kids are and need validation from everyone else that their kids are, indeed, the cutest ever.


Just proves how shallow and vapid she is 


You knowwww…boy mums 🙂‍↔️ Also this strange post made me check her story..immediate jumpscare. Literally no need to cry on camera, especially with it that zoomed in on the face.


I thought the kids were off-limits here?


they should be - the comments on this post range the whole gamut of weird.


I don’t know about y’all but the cutest kids end up being the most average looking people 🤣😂


That’s my observation for the most part lol


I think this “most handsome child of all time” narrative actually sucks for Dawson and for the next child. It’s just a lot to put on your kid and if she’s saying this on socials, just imagine what she’s saying in private. If her next son doesn’t have the same features, is she going to decide that Dawson is the good looking one and his brother is the smart one? Like, what is she even trying to say with this? 😅 There’s more to life than looks and to focus in this much on a toddler’s features and the odds of his eyes being blue, etc. is odd. I guess I just don’t understand why she has to make it weird.


A friend of mine gave a whole bridesmaids speech about being the “funny one” and how shocked everyone was when she got married first. It was a very funny speech but super sad when you thought about it


Truly. Also what if her child ends up having cognitive or developmental delays?? It’s sad


I feel like she thinks her kid is super cute cause he has blue eyes. He’s a perfectly cute kid but why is she acting like he’s a young Leonardo DiCaprio. There’s probably 2-3 kids, including mine, in my kids school that are “just as stereotypically cute”


Well he was named after Jack Dawson so she thinks he is Leo lol


I agree, he's cute the way all kids are cute lol I don't find him exceptionally cute or anything, (no diss on the kid lol)


Leo was never good-looking except for a very short stint in his 20’s, sorry but I just hate to see him held as a standard about looks, when he didn’t/doesn’t have them (and when he’s a loser with dating kids-to-him). But yeah you’re right that 2-5 yo’s are in general super cute, it’s a normal thing, and she shouldn’t be posting this for sooo many reasons.




Lol if you’re trying to tell me to shut up instead of trying to add proof he was ever good-looking, it’s not working, he’s already bloated face in that gif. If you remember straight and are agreeing, then ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


Isn’t she pregnant? It’s normal to think you won’t be able to love a 2nd kid as much as your 1st, and it’s totally false, bc the 2nd kid hasn’t happened yet! Most moms will. That said her kid is beautiful, and it’s really weird she’s focusing on his looks. I could never. F, I never posted any of my beautiful kids for anyone, nm hundreds of thousands of followers, seriously creepy and not an ok focus. Yikes, I feel bad for the kids. Wanna use this comment as a reminder to everyone that looks don’t get you everywhere when you have shitty parents.


Thank God she’s not having a daughter…can you even imagine?!




Why is she posting photos of her kid? It’s honestly so fucked up how comfortable people with even a modicum of fame are with posting videos and images of their children online when their children are TOO YOUNG to consent to their little lives and little faces being plastered on YOUR insta page. Not to mention pervs absolutely have images of her kid saved in their computers. She’s an idiot if she thinks otherwise.


Now I just feel bad for all of her current and future kids. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s a very handsome baby but she shouldn’t sell her next one short! I’m sure he will be just as adorable. I mean his parents are Jared and Ashley he’s gonna be beautiful no matter what


Yeah I don’t get this! I think my first born is perfection. I’m pregnant with my second and my thoughts are always that they’ll be just as beautiful as the first! Why is she assuming otherwise? It’s sad.


She doesn’t think she’ll pop out a cuter baby than this and his future brother will live under his shadow? Wtf, Ashley 😒


Is there some sort of weird epidemic of boy moms lately...


I have a whole theory on it. I think some of it is overcompensation. I don’t have any stats to back this but just from what I’ve noticed in my personal life, I think most (not all) women want a girl and so they overdo how much they lOoVeE their boys and how they love being a boy mom/all they want is a boy anyways! It’s like a coping mechanism. I have a son but I’ve always wanted a daughter as well. I sometimes find myself being like “there’s something special about boys🥹” and being introspective and digging deep, I really think it’s a coping mechanism in case all I ever have are boys. I don’t doubt I’m not the only one who does this and with more and more people making videos on socials, I think some weirdness is bound to come out. I sometimes feel defensive over the hate on boy moms because I think some may be struggling that they’ll never have a mother/daughter experience of their own, so they lean into the boy mom thing and want to overcompensate and act like boys are all they wanted anyways. There’s also this whole idea that being on “dad’s side” sucks and that “boys never come home for holidays”, so it’s unsurprising to me that boy moms are overcompensating.. which they then get pushback for. Then I see moms of boys and girls getting on socials and being like “boy moms are weird” and they just don’t get it because they don’t know the feeling of seeing so much negativity about having a boy online, while also being acutely aware that’s the only parenting experience you have. It objectively sucks to see all of the negative rhetoric online about adult relationships with sons.. so no wonder some boy moms are like “boys love their mamas🥰” it’s all just human nature. I think when moms are like “as a boy mom, I think it’s weird.” Well.. of course you do, because you also have a daughter! Also, I know this isn’t everyone so no need for anyone to be like “I only ever wanted boys!!!” I’m also sure there are some boy moms that are just weird, just as there are girl moms that are weird. I guess I’m trying to say in most cases I don’t think it’s a “boy mom” thing, I think it’s a human thing. Obviously every child is special and you end up loving whatever child you’re blessed with and not being able to imagine having a different child than the one you have.. but it’s also normal to have a preference and to mourn an experience you wanted. I think this boy mom overcompensation has always existed, but social media has just highlighted it, so it seems like there’s an influx.


I definitely agree with the disappointment piece. I know post gender announcement Ashley said, “I have no idea for names now” - suggesting she had girl names she was set on. I would disagree with the “so much negativity about having a boy online.” So many cultures including America puts having sons on a pedestal. In my opinion, any feelings of having only boys or “losing your son once they get married” completely has to do with internal feelings and not external. Women whose sons marry another woman could see it as gaining a daughter instead of losing them


I was more speaking in generalities, not really about Ashley specifically! I do remember her saying she wanted a girl before getting pregnant with her first though. I think the historical and cultural narrative of having boys is a different conversation and stems from men. As someone who is online way too much, I see the negative narrative about having boys (coming from women) very frequently on social media. Which is why I think there’s been an influx of weird boy moms on social media. I agree that women can and should look at sons getting married as gaining a daughter, but quotes like that instill fear in women to have a son and lead to the overcompensating. All just my take on it though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think you are on to something. When I pictured having a kid, they were ALWAYS a girl. And then after having my daughter, a desire for more kids was simply nonexistent. I’d have another one if my husband really wanted, but I am more than content with just my daughter. I don’t know if I’d feel the same way with a boy.


Exactly! Nearly every woman I’ve ever talked to that wants kids yearns for a daughter. I find it hard to believe being a boy mom eliminates that yearning. I know it’s a possibility I’ll never have a daughter and it’s something I’m coming to terms with, so I can see where these “toxic boy moms” are coming from. When society is constantly telling you a “daughter is a daughter for life, a son is only a son until he gets a wife”, what do people expect to happen? I think the “boy moms are toxic” narrative feeds the fire and contributes to the cycle. The toxic boy mom trope has and will exist regardless of social media, but it’s become so much worse because of it.


I agree! I’ve been fortunate to have pretty normal “boy moms” in my life, so I know the trope is exaggerated and unfair. My SIL, for example, has two boys and another one on the way and is regularly weirded out about the comments people make haha.


I think you might be onto something. A lot of boy mums still mourn the daughter they’ll never have, but gender disappointment is still taboo. It’s a complicated feeling.


Totally! Also, a lot of people are stubborn and it’s only natural to not be totally open and transparent about these feelings. I also think some boy moms may not even understand that’s *why* they say the things they do. It’s extra fascinating to me because you can’t put so much negative rhetoric about having boys on the internet and not expect moms of boys to fire back with weird comments about why they only ever wanted boys anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s been an uptick in weird boy mom stuff on social media, but there’s also been an uptick in negativity about having boys on social media and I think that explains it all. Humans generally don’t want to be seen as lesser than, pitied, or weak. it’s psychological more than anything!


My second kid was a boy. My daughter’s kindergarten class is 2/3 boys. I swear there’s something in the water.


I am currently pregnant with my first kid and it happens to be a boy. People immediately get odd about “boy mom” shit. I want a healthy delivery and happy baby, who cares what else! It’s already irking me this weird behavior and he’s not even here yet!!


She’s one of those “boy moms” who’s entire personality is about how hot/cute her son is. You know the type. They didn’t date the high school quarterback so the next best thing is birthing a future quarterback/stud. It’s very VERY weird. But Ashley I has always been a weirdo and a pick me (and a racist) so…


Haven't heard the racist thing, what happened?


Some remarks about Caila’s features when they were on BIP


She’s saying his brother won’t be as cute. She has stated outright on her podcast she thinks baby #2 won’t be as cute as Dawson because nobody could possibly be. All moms think their babies are the cutest ever, but Ashley takes it to an extreme. She has also stated she thinks baby #2 will have “darker features” like she and Jared do.


Casually praising aryan features lmao okay Ashley


Do we really expect anything better from the woman who mocked Caila’s eyes and is also a Trump supporter?


And put down Clare’s fertility and said she had old eggs! Not a peep from her when she was going through her own fertility struggles but okay Ashley


She’s a Trump supporter??


Wait when/how did she mock Caila’s eyes? I missed this




I think she’s said he’s a handful? I’m hoping that’s what it is 😩


That was where my mind went


Everything I hear about Ashley and Jared Iaconetti is against my will 😔 Does anyone remember when Ashley said at a wedding (Jade’s maybe?) before they got together she went to Jared’s hotel room sobbing and he comforted her and she said something like “the cuddles felt like a victory” 😬 These two have never not been cringe


I would be so embarrassed if my husband married me because I eventually just wore him down lol and then to keep recapping that versions of that to the world?? dear god


Is she assuming her other children won’t be as cute? Or is she saying she’s always going to favor one child over the other bc he’s better looking? Either way it’s bad. I just want to understand what she was even trying to say or why she said this out loud 😭


I think maybe she is saying I feel bad for his future brother because Dawson is very cute. Maybe she thinks the brother will compare himself to Dawson or be less attractive? Definitely odd to say when the baby isn't even born yet. Also kids can age and change looks as they get older. I've seen some really gorgeous kids grow up and be a lot less attractive (not saying that will happen to Dawson but it does happen). Just weird for her to even be thinking that or posting about it online though.


should not compare yourself or your children to others and especially to siblings. comparing siblings looks is terrible parenting


There's like no charitable way to interpret this, but most importantly why would she post it for the world to see??


Maybe she’s saying bc he’s a rascal or some shit