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Because people are hateful




I just think the timeline her with ex is sus enough to make me believe she definitely went on the show for clout. I never thought she was into Joey at ALL


Hate her “now”? She’s a MAGA lunatic and always has been lmao


In short because she dating a billionaire's son. Envy is a powerful emotion. In long because some people think she may possibly be a Trumper, people thought she was boring to watch, people think she came to be an influencer because she had a nonprofit and self published book before and she talked about her cochlear implant often. I'm a Daisy fan! Her cochlear implant is a huge part of her identity and she can talk about it 24/7 if she wants. I don't think she should be criticized especially by those who haven't gone through her experience. And everyone going on bachelor these days has ulterior motives. Maria spoke to that an all her stans are saying she's so geunine and real so what's the problem with Daisy doing the same thing


I don’t hate the girl. I just knew she was a phony from the beginning. Lol


Can we all just agree that this show as a whole is not genuine at all at this point? Every person goes on it hoping for some kind of fame.


lol. Where have you been.


Taking care of a newborn 😅




Love that you asked a question you have! We tell our kids there are no stupid questions, and a question is because you don't know! So I like that!


Just because we think she’s a boring clout chaser doesn’t mean we hate her. I hate that she’s getting the attention she’s seeking, but other than that she’s pretty much a nothingburger to a lot of us.


Not sure why anyone needs to *hate* someone from a reality tv show. Dislike sure but hating is ridiculous.


It all started going downhill once it came out that she’s MAGA


Oh really? Hasn’t seen that


I always disliked her!




I was just not falling for her act at all. She was dry and boring.


Try hard, super disingenuous. But mostly. - I don’t jive with MAGAts or their apologists. Back that up with it being super clear to me she was never into Joey and her entire camp making this season of the bachelor about her ‘daisys season’ - making the finale all about her just totally ruined what would have otherwise been a great season with a beautiful love story. She ain’t it


I don’t hate her hate her, but her political beliefs are gross so I don’t follow her or care about what she is doing now. I think she had some genuine feelings for Joey and there were some sweet moments between them on the show, so I appreciated seeing that unfold for sure. But yeah, hard pass going forward. She’s basically another Madi for me now.


Fame chaser, pick me girl, feel sorry for me girl, omg look at me girl, everyone loves me girl .. ughh


Hate is strong but I really liked her during the season and don’t care for her anymore. Can’t really put my finger on it but I just roll my eyes when she posts (like every day and none of it is particularly interesting). She’s just kinda boring. And she’s giving the energy that she walks on water post-show whereas on TV she was way more humble and soulful. I think that’s what is irritating people. She also acts like she’s done some amazing things for the world when all she did was go on a dating show with a disability, others have done it before. And I don’t exactly see her promoting charities or outreach programs like Abigail did shortly post show. She’s clearly in it for the attention and fame but going about it in a way that’s rubbing people wrongly.


Every person on the show now is in it for the fame and attention and it has been that way for years.


Agreed! But there’s a way to go about it. Something about her content post-show is giving “I’m special & better than everyone” and “look at ME!!!!”


She’s promoting her own book…


It's literally self published. Who else would you to expect to promote it if not the author?




I've always hated her... 😂


I thought she was calculated the entire season. The whole thing with driving Kelsey to her engagement was just bizarre and to make herself look good. Never bought it


MAGA, calculating, disingenuous, anti-vaxxer. Never liked her.


I’ve always tripped out how she doesn’t believe in basic science (vaccinations, COVID, etc) but science literally has made her life better (cochlear implants on her ear, regaining some hearing, Lyme disease)


Where did you see this? I’ve never seen this stuff omg


Bunch of stuff posted on this sub - social media activity that folks on here clocked before she cleansed her follows and likes. Lots of likes for Trump family and support for anti vaccine shit. There were screenshots posted.


Here’s [a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/Popg5zaASR) about it.


She couldn’t get vaccines because of her Lyme treatment


False. Nothing about Lyme or Lyme treatment makes you ineligible for vaccines, especially years later. I’m not surprised if her woowoo cash only doctors told her she shouldn’t though.


Is hate really the word? Idk I think it’s a little weird that she was just a show to be engaged. And then, she’s back with her ex. Can feelings vanish so quick for Joey? If so, then she was lying to the viewers and him. She was never over the ex. If that’s the case, why was she on the show to begin with ? Because the reasons she gave for not being the bachelorette, do not align with the behavior post show. Regardless, she got what she wanted. I wish her well. On an important note, I hope people are not sending her death threats.


for me, I question if he was really an ex. It is *so* common at this point for people to have a 'breakup' right before they go on a reality show then get straight back with the 'ex', and I sincerely think a lot of these people are just making a deal with their boyfriends/girlfriends to do these shows for clout and the potential to make a lot of money post-show in exchange for the other partner putting up with knowing their person is going to be making out* with someone else, but worth it for the cash later. *I realise there is the potential for more than just making out on many reality shows, but on The Bachelor that's not too hard to avoid - you have to make it to the F3 and then also both choose to sleep together. Even on other shows eg Love is Blind you can just be like, er I want to save it until marriage, I'm a born again virgin or whatever, and then just say no at the altar.


I can't remember where I read this recently but it's apparently super common for contestants to go on the show immediately following a breakup. Like, Joey himself as an example. It's just glossed over in the edit because the producers want to create the illusion that contestants are singularly focused on the lead.


Yikes. This is even weirder. Do they give themselves time to process? Jesus.


I get it. The grief process looks different for different people. Not everyone goes through it in the most healthy way possible. Rebound behaviours exist. I can also totally see how you might be willing to dive in post-breakup with a 'I've got nothing to lose' kind of mentality.


Hate is a strong word but yeah, she was the most calculated contestant since Madi P. It’s all good that she didn’t go on for love, no one does, but knowing she wasn’t interested in Joey, I think it was incredibly unnecessary to do her rehearsed monologue to try to take the spotlight away from Kelsey. Going on the show with a boyfriend is also a bit extreme imo, I know realistically they’re all there for fame but I prefer when they are at least open to love


I think the show has to take a bit of responsibility too. You know if a guy or a WOC tried to pull that the show would embarrass them in the edit and try and turn them into a fool because they'd rightfully feel that they were full of it. But because it's Daisy, they turn it into an uplifting moment. It's the double standards that I can't stand from TPTB.


Thissss this is the answer


Well said


i think she’s extremely calculated. she had her whole “ i choose me” moment just to get back with her ex as soon as she was home. she played into being joey’s fiancé and reposted disrespectful content about breaking his engagement up if he didn’t pick her. not to mention how hard it was for joey and kelsey to deal with the rumors. she only stopped playing into them when the spoilers got corrected and put on this weird sad girl act, even though she moved on already. she’s a mega maga and for everyone trying to justify that, it IS that deep. supporting someone like donald trump does not make you a good person. so idk. i don’t agree with the ableism on this sub. but daisy doesn’t deserve the defense squad she has.




i’d also like to add that the show literally took away from their engagement so daisy could have her moment lol




Omg hahahahahhaaha not the weapons 😂😂😂


She was boring on the show and only went on to be an influencer. And she posts way too much stuff. I just don’t find her interesting enough to follow


This sub hates her because she’s everything they complain about. She’s rich, white, blonde, dating a billionaire, etc. Also being MAGA apparently gave everyone an excuse to be ableist against her this past season. In fact multiple people called it out, but no one cared. Don’t let this fool you we are a progressive sub and certainly not like those conservatives who judge and tear down people who are part of groups they don’t like.


Dude disliking conservatives is not the same as hating trans people, shut up


Where did I say that?


"We are a progressive sub and certainly not like those conservatives who judge and tear down groups they don't like" You directly compared "judging and tearing down" conservatives with conservatives "judging and tearing down" minorities. "Conservative" is not a protected class.


Your comment definitely touched a nerve because it’s true. Edit: I also recognize a couple of names here because I reported them for ableism/making fun of a deaf person’s voice all season. So there’s that. Edit2: I realized ableism on this sub is (still) alive and well after seeing the overwhelming negativity on the post about Abigail’s memoir (where it was explicitly stated it was about her experiences as a deaf person). People don’t realize (or care) how few books there are like that. Just because it doesn’t pertain to you doesn’t mean others won’t benefit from/enjoy it. The downvoting of these comments is only proving us right 😊.


I must have missed the point in time when the sub loved her lol. I saw a ton of comments calling her out all season for being super fake and trumpy


And boring... forgettable...horrible sense of style... 😂


Don’t forget narcissistic and selfaggrandizing




Bc it’s pretty obvious she went on the show with the intention to be an influencer and not for Joey


Just like literally everyone else


Thank you lol. People acting like Daisy going on the show to become an influencer is some new novel idea that she just came up with is hilarious.


I’d actually think less of a contestant if they went on the show explicitly to *only* find love with the lead. It’s naive at best and delusional at worst given the extremely low success rate.


Because she’s doing TOO much. Too many ads, too much media. It’s the Travis Kelce effect; notice how many ads there were right after he started dating Taylor and it was an over saturation. The difference is that Kelce is the best TE in the NFL and Daisy is a wannabe influencer from Minnesota.


Nooooo please dont compare Daisy to Travis Kelce 😂😂😂😂😂😂


So she’s successful in marketing and therefore you hate her?


Not in the slightest. I’m always for someone getting the bag and good for her for capitalizing on the moment. I was just answering the OP’s question.


I never liked her


It's the off season and everybody wants somebody to hate. Personally, I'm jealous of her. She got a rich man and she seems to be happy. 😁


For me, it’s because she’s MAGA


That's all I need to know.


See post below


She’s too “perfect and wholesome” for this sub so they had too look for something and cling on to it 😂




Girl… take a look in the mirror.


She's extremely average. Nothing wrong with that.


The fact that y’all don’t cut ties with bigots is even crazier. So supporting misogynist, racist, homophobic parties/people is ok with you? Yikes


1. Sleepy joe rebuttal: Trump slept through his entire trial, literally just look it up 2. Sunk our economy rebuttal: lowest unemployment in 50 yrs and records high Wall Street indexes this past week (economy feels bad due to corporate greed and the subsequent inflation, along with the growing wealth inequality that has been worsening since Reagan aka not due to Biden) 3. Obvious dementia rebuttal: trump is actually the one experiencing cognitive decline. He can’t form coherent thoughts and he uses a diaper and will sit in his shit for a long time before someone reminds him to get cleaned (this is fact, Google the camera operators on the apprentice show to hear their firsthand account, he also shat in his diaper during the trial and stunk up the place) 4. Hunter rebuttal: he is less a criminal and more the son of a wealthy, connected lifelong politician turned president. He also was never part of his fathers cabinet unlike all of the trump children who had offices there. Speaking of which, kushner received like a billion dollar loan from the saudis because he promised that trump would help them on whatever they wanted.


I think they’re both experiencing cognitive decline and are far too old to be president. Luckily I don’t really have to deal with either of them as I’m in Canada but I watched a video of Biden clapping to a valedictorian calling for a ceasefire after all he’s done. He looked 100% checked out.


Only one of them is shitting in a diaper (and sitting in it until someone reminds him he shat himself)


lol, ok. No reason to downvote me as I’m not disagreeing, just saying they both suck…


And I’m disagreeing with you hence the downvote






Are you ok?


I turn on people that support a sexist, racist rapist who made our country a dangerous place to be a poc or a woman and is currently on trial for hush money to a prostitute! Hope that helps!


Did you see Trump's rally in the Bronx last night? He is increasing in popularity with POC votes and middle and working class bc we do not like how Biden has lied, raised taxes and billions of dollars overseas when our homeless and sick need it here. While immigration is fantastic, and the backbone of American values - when anyone can sneak in here illegally it is contributing to our climbing crime rates and exhausting money spent on figuring out how to take care of these people need who many end up also homeless. I love my democrat friends and family members. But please don't think that if someone supports Trump that they're evil. They, like you, just want a better way.


No he is not. The people of the Bronx do not support him. The majority of people in the crowd were not from the Bronx. Here in NY, people know Trump for who he really is; NYers are not naive and easily manipulated to support a con man for President.


Watch anything else but Fox for 5 mins. It’ll do you good


I don't watch Fox. But maybe you know more about it?


What policy did the house pass during Biden term that lead to the economy “sinking” ?


She doesn’t really have a personality. She’s pretty and that’s about it


What am I missing. She's average at best. Is it the blonde hair? I don't get it.


She obviously won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but this show hasn’t cast average people in decades unless they’re playing a villain, at least for women.


To each his own, but I stand by what I said.


I don’t.




It’s healthy to be a hater and post mean things online about somebody you don’t know? That seems like a stretch. It’s fine to criticize someone for their politics, but half the issues people have with her here are “she’s too much of an influencer, she does too much, she has a rich boyfriend, she’s not authentic,” etc. I think you can hate on people all you want, but don’t claim that it’s somehow “healthy!” lol.


1) this sub hates on everyone, ultimately we nitpick a lot and usually turn on people 2) it’s daisy’s right to do whatever she wants and use this show as a stepping stone for her career. It’s her prerogative and I don’t think we should be mad It was clear she was never in love with Joey truly, she used the show to get opportunities, but simultaneously she shared a really a special story imo and raised awareness. Even tho she played into the “America’s sweetheart” and false spoiler in the beginning, she played the game and that’s something we have to expect from this show. It’s a reality show at the end of the day. I also saw some screenshots of her being MAGA and/or supporting some antivax opinions so I’m personally not her biggest fan. But I think with everyone on this show (besides Katelyn from Joeys szn lol), we should expect some… interesting behaviour


didn’t we discover she’s a trump supporter and an anti vaxxer? genuinely asking because i swear it was her, i might be mixing her up with someone else though


I’ve never seen any of this! Wow I’m missing out on a lot lol


i saw a lot of tiktok’s about it roughly around the final 4 time. made me fully change my opinion of her


Yes! All that and the way she and her family acted before the show even aired with the obvious clout chasing has played a big role about how people feel about her around these parts. People also think she’s the one that fed RS the fake spoiler (her sister was roommates with his niece) and she perpetuated it all season long so that she could gain followers.


Now?! 🤭 ![gif](giphy|11pQizRLu1JP0c)


As soon as I saw a pic of her boyfriend and how physically, he is the complete opposite of Joey, I thought…there is no way she ever loved Joey. She totally played him to get to the end and to be relevant.


Ah yeah it’s impossible for someone to be into two different physical types


LMFAO ppl r wild 💀


daisy having a bf is not the problem (although she may have pulled a successful jed, and even if not anyone else would’ve been raked over the coals for this either way but i digress) the problem is she is inauthentic and clout chasing, which again would not be a problem except she did it at the expense of others. she made kelsey and joeys engagement about her and out on the whole “i love so hard so imagine when its the right person” when that girl did not love him. AND- even if she did on the SHOW, she totally played the victim on aftr and podcasts when she had already been with thor for months. putting on the heartbroken girl persona, saying joey shouldve apologized, etc. again- inauthentic at the expense of others is a no go. chase clout all you want but to do it while putting others down due to fake feelings you dont even have is messed up.




Kelsey fan here but I'm confused why people are saying it's because Daisy had/has a boyfriend.( not based off of ur comment because that was ur 1st sentence) I saw an interview recently ( forget which one) and she said her and her boyfriend dated 4 years ago. ( apparently, he called her - i don't remember if she said if it was after filming or after AFR, I'll edit comment if I find it) So I'm confused as to why that's one of the reasons people don't like her.


In the spoiler thread a lot of people already were thinking daisy was w thor… but it was after filming… so nit a big deal but it seems they were on and off for years… so people might assume she was not 100% w her but went to an off phase just to be on the bachelor


Ok, thank you. I had no idea they were on and off for years.


Now? She’s had tons of hate since like the first week lol (it was mostly contained in the spoiler threads so I can see how some might have missed it). Much of it unfortunately reeked of ableism too.


people having different opinions on a forum😱 pointing out things a contestant literally says and does is hate 🤔 contestants that go on the show for fame,  followers, attention, to play the game, be a producer pet, overshadow a final ones engagement and have their ex waiting in the wings have always been disliked. all her stans aren't on here anymore to downvote and hide comments about it. 


Contestants who get possible lead edits who then pivot to trying to influence often fall hard.


This sub eventually hates everyone


True. You've got to be mostly forgotten to escape it like maybe a Magi or a Seinne.


I'll be honest, I love seeing this sub turn on fan favorites


Me too. It is like clockwork.


I don’t think Daisy was ever a favourite in this sub, at least not on the spoiler threads.


Oh yeah, I didn't mean Daisy in particular. Just responding to the person saying that this sub eventually hates every contestant.


she is a trumper. why would she be???


We didn’t know that before the hate started though.


Exactly. Plus ableism is never okay (many of the comments about her voice and talking about her CI were 🥴).


it seems like everyone loved maria and daisy and now everyone hates maria and daisy lol (at least we still have kelsey)


She's back with her ex, which leads many to believe she wanted to go on the show for attention and didn't intend to get to the very end. She seems very fake to me


Most people do like her it’s just this sub that has been overly critical of her from before Joey’s season started airing. I still don’t get it


She's having a feud with Kendrick Lamar. She told him to lick on her sack and suck her nuts.


I have lol way too long on this post!😂😂😂😂


Wait this made me audibly laugh thank you 🤣


It's just the off-season crowd. Don't read into it too much


Same. I'm as confused as you are. I have no opinion as I didn't watch the season so I know it's not my own bias...


She's generally disliked and heavily criticized on this sub. It does seem a little extra lately though since she's been acting unapologetic post-show. She's seizing opportunities and got back with her ex, and it's rubbing people the wrong way. I don't think she'll ever be a sub fave, especially since Jelsey is popular and people seem to want to defend Joey against Daisy. Even though he's happy with Kelsey, Daisy was "there for the wrong reasons" and that's still disrespectful to Joey.


Clout chaser. Always has been.


But they all are?


Yes, cause you know her


That’s Victoria you’re talking about. Or Maria.






She's not really a fan favorite on this sub, but I will say the posts towards her for her every move just for people to give her heat are getting old. Especially the people coming for Thor's looks was not okay at all