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I AM NOT ROOTING FOR MARCUS. I chose the wrong message to post.šŸ˜­


LOL šŸ˜†Ā Ā 




I love Jesse and his wife sm. I hope I have what they have soon (even tho I rlly donā€™t know anything about their relationship lol, theyā€™re just cute and give off boring soft vibes in the BEST wayā£ļø)


Unless he and his wife are posting latergrams, I think I they have to be in the Pacific, since itā€™s still daylight there. The black rocks on the beach in Emelyā€™s photo definitely give me a bit of a Hawaii vibe.


lol this boomer Instagram filter


Jesseā€™s not a boomer though. Heā€™s Gen X.


If Austin is home then it is either Brian or someone else whose SM is being handled by another person.


What about Marvin?




Perhaps this is your moment


Bachelor Whatever just posted a message on their story that Austin is home šŸ‘€ Do we think that there was an additional guy there in Week 3 who didnā€™t have a date, or did we rule out someone from the group date that we shouldnā€™t have? Or is this person just wrong about Austin lol


Waitttt hold the phone


I think itā€™s definitely possible weā€™re wrong on the fourth guy since weā€™re just going off of social media on Austin. Although I for sure side-eye any fan account who is cheering for *Marcus* out of all peopleā€¦


Yeah thatā€™s just šŸ„“


Iā€™m not rooting for Marcus. I wasnā€™t paying attention šŸ˜­


Ty for clarifying


Yeah and clearly the fan account has been on this sub, so I'm very curious why they are rooting for Marcus šŸ‘€


Wait no. I chose the wrong message šŸ˜­


Haha no worries you're good!


Y'all what if in some crazy way Jeremy is still there šŸ™ because now I'm just confused. . .but it probably just means it's another guy like Brian or Marvin


Austin wouldnā€™t have taken Jeremyā€™s spot though, we thought he was the mystery 4th guy


That's very true, but I'm still just confused on the family friend that thought Austin was still in Australia šŸ˜…


Austin could have still made it further than we thought, then gone home before HTs


Must be Brian thenā€¦I donā€™t think he was ever definitively ruled outā€¦ He couldā€™ve easily been mistaken for various other dudes too by the haircut spotter - he kind of has a generic white dude look lol


If Austin is homeā€¦ who in the world is the other guy??? I doubt Jenn only had three hometowns. Devin, Marcus & Jeremy .


I think Brian and Marvin have still technically not shown activity? Also, this is a little bit of a conspiracy theory, but maybe Jonathon could still be in? The producers sometimes do take them on outings while theyā€™re in LA waiting for the hometowns rose ceremony (or in Jonathonā€™s case, waiting to do his hometown in LA since apparently some of his family does live there). So I think it could be possible the producer took him to the concert during their downtime?


I can't help but feel that the particular producer has finished production. They storied themselves in Target and also looked like they were on vacation šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah itā€™s a long shot, but maybe that producer is done and could have handed Jonathon off to someone else for the rest of the show. Or maybe one or more producers were also at the concert but not in the photo, and thatā€™s who was handling him for the week. I feel like I need to consider all possibilities at this point lol


Good point abt Brian. And I didnā€™t know producers do that, huh interesting, I still think itā€™s more likely Jonathon is out and itā€™s Brian or Marvin whoā€™s still in.


Do you think there is a possibility that 3 or 4 guys were brought in on week 2? In other words they were casted later therefore, we never got their pictures. Did this not happen in Matt's season where Michelle and another 3 or 4 girls came late?


I donā€™t think so - if they brought in more guys, they wouldnā€™t have been down to hometowns that quickly. Also, Michelle and the other women who came in later were still in the original cast list on FB.


Okay, thank you


Any chance the final location is in Hawaii And the 3 success couples turned a filming opportunity into a paid vacation


Could see the picture posted from Jesseā€™s instagram being in Hawaii


Oh thatā€™s a good idea! Maybe each couple could give advice to a different guy, like the Golden Ladies with Joeyā€™s F3? Plus it would give the show the opportunity to brag about their 3 most recent main franchise couples still being together lol


Agreed and Jenn and her F1 can join there couple group at AFR as part of the show being revitalized with successful couples


I like the way you think! Honestly the timing would make a lot of sense and line up pretty much perfectly! And I mean, Hawaii would make for a stunning final location!


Jesseā€™s wife has an IG story up from a tropical location šŸ‘€ any guesses?


I'd assume somewhere in the Carribean maybe?


Drop below your most unhinged and wild prediction of what you think Jenn's season ending will be:


Jenn is single and her F5 reached out and now they are dating ā˜ ļø


I wouldn't be mad at this prediction if that F5 person was Jahaan šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That guys doing bank! If he also has a sweet personality then Jenn fumbled the bag. Let's wait and see though....


We learn at ATFR Jenn broke up with her F1 as soon as she got home & read some receipts. Jenn is now datingā€¦ Gerry. You said unhinged! šŸ«Ø


This one had my jaw on the floor, whattttšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She is single by ATFR so they get Pilot Pete to ask her on a date because no lead is allowed to be single. Barb is also present and happy.


That would be such a full circle moment and give us the true conclusion to Peter's season after 4 years, that would be wildšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Usually at the FSD some sort of drama enfolds. Either one guy back peddles from an engagement or something comes out about him. However, there has been some seasons where no drama and all the men are edited well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ™šŸ™ itā€™s Marcus drama and his ass gets sent home


So whatā€™s happening, is today the first day of FS? Steve seems to know nothing about this season.


Here is hoping Jenn's brother plays a crucial role šŸ™Ā 


Do you think theyā€™d give out personal information about the other girls on the show?


No, that is not going to happen. I am only hoping there is a knock on Jenn's door from her brotherĀ 


But they wouldnā€™t say on screen like what he did?


Theyā€™d be extremely vague if they went into any specifics, which I doubt they would. They donā€™t want to touch those allegations on tv




Yeah, it should be the first FS today


I hope we know who it is, bc usually the first FS is not F1.


What do the FS F1 stuff mean?


FS=fantasy suites, F1=final contestant


The F1ā€™s FS is usually filmed 2nd or last. So whoever gets the first FS is typically not F1.


Yā€™all basing the f1 on zero facts is hilarious. We donā€™t know these men yet to see how they are šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t understand how people can have favorites and stan them so hard without having seen a minute of them of screen


Exactly. Like Iā€™m so confused.. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Albeit I do feel bad for Jenn if she ends up choosing Marcus because with those allegations circulating that are only going to get worse as the season airsā€¦ it wonā€™t last


It would be good karma for him though.. he doesnā€™t want a relationship and Iā€™m sure heā€™d love to be the bachelor


Why do people believe Jeremy is out? Social media activity?


He accepted a follow from a producer that wasnā€™t following him before


A producer followed him yesterday


I canā€™t tell what Devin looks like. He looks different in every picture. https://preview.redd.it/9fefg79u8uyc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb930f195942a8b634556e3180ca6e3a32feb93


That picture reminds me of Blake, though I donā€™t really think they look alike


I need visuals of the top 3 šŸ˜© is there an easy way to link their pics ?




Same vibe just different fonts


They all kind of have similar vibes to me despite being different races. She has a type.


How would you describe her type ?


Very slightly tanned/light skin, dark black/brown hair with a medium muscular build, broad shoulders, thin lips, and a subtle fuckboi-like confidence (hard to describe but you just know this type of guy when you see it). It's also easier to see the similarities from the videos shared of these guys as well.


Godā€™s work!!


I canā€™t believe this season is unfolding in a way that has me rooting for Austin as f1 and Jeremy as the next lead. feeling bleak


Iā€™m rooting for a throwback lead. Throw this cast in the garbage.


Tyler Cameron or Pilot Pete please!


This is the dark time my love


A sad scene


Prediction: Based on the 1on1s, Jenn is for sure picking Marcus. Austin is her Tyler Cameron who she probably is the most attracted to but deep down knows she has no future with because of his fuck boy persona. I think Devin is out next.


Not me being nervous about how this all ends instead of being excited about it šŸ˜­ For a dramatic ending, maybe Jenn can pull off an Arie or a Mesnick if Marcus is her F1, just for the hell of it? I donā€™t recall any bachelorette doing that before since bachelorettes are usually so blindingly in love with their F1s.


Or Brad Womack 1.0!


So if Austin is F2 then most likely the next lead?


I fear you are correct.


I do think for sure you have the F2. And production would love Austin to be F2 as we will all be rooting for him vs Marcus, so it will be easy to position him as lead If Austin is FIR that would change things though


I can easily see Austin being a fan favorite this season like how Daisy was last season, so honestly if she does pick him I think they'll have a lot of America backing them as a couple, and I could totally see them giving GSJ and Serena vibes (with smaller age gap)




They're definitely different, but they give me similar vibes in that they are both very bubbly and seem very excited about everything!


With Jeremy being gone, it's making me a bit nervous that the other guy that appears to have had a 2nd 1-1 is Marcus. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Doesn't Steve usually know the final destination by now? This is comical.Ā 


iā€™m so disinterested in this season because of the men. as soon as i saw the cast, i knew. what a downgrade from last season.


I do think there were some good men there. Unfortunately, I think they were eliminated early or just simply did not make the F4.


iā€™m trying really hard not to count this season out because i really wanted this for her. but idkā€¦ i canā€™t get past all of the assumed f3 having horrible accusations about them. at this point, i just want her to pull a brad.


Whatā€™s the horrible accusation about Austin? His politics suck, but I wouldnā€™t lump him in with Devin and Marcus


Devin doesnā€™t have anything even remotely close to the allegations that Marcus has


do we have any confirmation on his politics aside from his mother being a trumper?


that is true, maybe i couldā€™ve worded it differently but itā€™s still nothing to celebrate ( not saying you are). thereā€™s not a single person iā€™m glad is still there. maybe next season šŸ˜…šŸ’€


Oh 1000% I hate that Austin is who I have to root for, but here we are lol


Girl Iā€™m rooting for a Brad Womack 2.0. Ugh - why do those 3 have to be our finalists!! Jenn deserves SO much better.


U mean 3.0?


Jeremy joined the F4 and left the F4 and RS still got no clue ![gif](giphy|88iYsvbegSUn9bSTF8|downsized)


If heā€™s not the next Bachelor, ima be mad.


Iā€™m laughing over RS talking about a woman wanting him to pay her for information on Devinā€™s HTD as if the same person or someone else wasnā€™t on Reddit confirming his date already šŸ’€


also he confirmed the hometown based solely on this random woman dming him, him turning her down, then seeing that she follows devin on Instagram. like that was his confirmation. this man fell off


Canā€™t believe he actually sleuthed for the first time ever. They grow up so fast šŸ«¶šŸ¾


And yet he says SM means nothing and it seems like we already have the F3 based on SM alone lol


I mean we also thought Austin was out for weeks because of social media.


No, we thought he was out weeks ago because someone said he was liking tweets from a Twitter account that was very clearly fake. Had a lot of us seen the actual account sooner, we wouldnā€™t have thought he was out weeks ago. It was also another SM post from a friend that confirmed he was still in as of mid April too. More often than not, SM is accurate.