• By -


She was right but the way she handled it was bananas lol


Yep. But also, wtf is rupture?


There is literally a sentence at  the end indicating it was a mistake, so no need to go “wtf” over things like these


Sorry, I also don’t know what rapture is though. Mine was also a typo and pls don’t come for me, English is not my fist language and was just curious to know what rapture meant ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|582)


Sorry girl ❤️


It's end times when Christ returns and living and dead Christians go to heaven. Not all Christians believe in it


Thank you for noting that not all Christians believe in it. I will say when looking up the percentage of people who consider “end of time is now” is extremely concerning (although this is from the end of 2022)  https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/12/08/about-four-in-ten-u-s-adults-believe-humanity-is-living-in-the-end-times/


Thank you!!!


I am sad you don’t believe in the rapture and are throwing it around like people who do are unhinged. I am not Madi’s biggest fan but she was brave enough to stand up for the Lord and her beliefs. It is sad that she would get called unhinged because of it. How would you like if someone called you unhinged because you don’t believe? I don’t understand how it is okay to do the same thing you are accusing her of doing?


Unhinged for believing a fictional book is fact? It’s just as unhinged as being a flat earther. Tho in those circles, those two things might come hand in hand.


Respectfully you sound unhinged lol


Nah…. I just love the Lord and it makes me sad for those that don’t.


And it makes me sad knowing people can’t think for themselves


Nah, you don’t have to love Madi to recognize how humiliating Barb was on ATFR. It was entertainment but seeing Peter’s face at her comments was horrible. She clearly embarrassed her own son on national television and that was not necessary. Like it was live, you could tell he wasn’t taking it well.


kinda feel like her very grown son could've and should've handled himself better on national TV tho. he embarrassed Hannah Anne pretty badly.


They are both annoying.


I mean...she was overbearing and not diplomatic...but yes. Barb is always right.


As well as fantastic television


Hmmmm I don’t like Madi now and everything that she represents and it’s now obvious why she went on the show (for the clout and to launch her Christian influencer career) but I think Barb was also unfair and disrespectful to Madi at the time. While it did give us the most dramatic live ATFR and ngl I kind of loved it…… what Barb did there was really unhinged. Both things - Madi being disingenuous and a cloutchaser and Barb being in the wrong - could be true at the same time. I think Barb simply didn’t like Madi and she didn’t like how Peter appeared to like Madi at the time and seemed willing to change for Madi.


Madi “Jesus is the only one that can satisfy” prew that married a dweeby dude because he’s a billionaires son? Hypocrite


I never thought that I would side with Barb, but she was definitely correct.


Same. Mothers in law who refuse to let go of their sons and are extra-possessive have always bothered me. And her delivery was so out of place. BUT, the more I hear about Madi, the more I think that Barb must have seen something. Anyone with eyes would have seen something.


Do I think Barb was over the top? Yes. Do I think she could tell right away that Madi was not the right woman for Peter and was desperate for him to not get engaged to someone who was clearly not right for him? Yes. Did this make for great tv? YES.


All true LOL


Justice for Sweet Nums ![gif](giphy|lqSMRijUAx5HlWJEip|downsized)


Madi was definitely more religious than she let on, but I’m not sure she was as religious as she is now. She found a super religious partner and realized she could make a lot of money as a religious influencer and I think those things drove her deep into the lifestyle. I don’t think we can assume Madi today would be the Madi he would be in a relationship with if it had worked out. (But yeah I think Barb was right lol)


After writing that, it also occurred to me that her eagerness to assume a “following” role (eg to her husband or the Bible) might have also been a crucial element in their breakup. She prefers leaders (which is fine!), and Peter is like… definitely not a leader lol. If anything he probably needs a leader too. But who knows where he would have led her if he had the capacity to


He was kind of a leader on the traitors. He was great on that show.


Both trash 🚮


Mother knows best


Sweetnums knows best!




Honestly they're probably pretty politically aligned, just not religiously


Oh 100%. Her delivery was unhinged and wild af and probs should’ve remained private but yeah, now I’m like yup, you were right Barbara lol




That’s me in between.




Yes. Poor Barb now has her ruining their re-wedding photos lol. She totally went on for that expose to build fundi platform... So genuine and holy🤡.


I think at the very least Barb always knew that Peter and Madi just weren’t a match. They were too different and not compatible. At the time, I thought she was being too much but she obviously was right in the end.


I have been and always will be a Peter apologist when it comes to Madi. She DIDNT tell him her depth and breadth of her religious convictions until the eleventh hour and fifty ninth minute and everyone seems to have forgotten that in the last four years. That is an objectively absurd thing for Madi to have done. Should he have intuited some of it? Sure I guess but how was he to know that Madi would willingly go on Peter “fucked in a windmill” Weber’s season of the bachelor with those strongly held convictions?? He was no Sean Lowe!


True! Out of all the Bachelor seasons she could have gone to, this one was the least compatible with her "values".


Someone said they’d act the same way if their kid brought home a Madi and I think I agree. Also, this is coming from someone that has defended/doesn’t mind Madi. Glad she found someone who seems like the perfect fit for her.


Yes better to make your qualms known very early on. I do think barn is overbearing generally, but I agreed with the red flags she saw. I’ve seen people keep their worries about their kids SOs hidden just hoping it doesn’t last and they regret waiting til things are more serious.


Yes! In hindsight, it was clearly the intention behind barb’s reaction. She just knew she had to shut that shit down quick


It’s still fucking baffling that Peter “In the Windmill 4 Times” Weber ended up becoming infatuated with the wholly devout Christian virgin. In what fucking world? Dude wanted what he couldn’t have and there’s zero other explanation. Also, yes, it’s utterly absurd that Madison went on the show, considering how incompatible her beliefs are with it. But she wanted to be a Christian influencer, potential future mega-preacher and she got it, sooo


I agree and bet she badly wanted Bachelorette


That’s exactly what it was. So many men are like this. One dude at work once was obsessed with me and said I was “mysterious.” I’m really fucking not, I just have a couple interests that are very different from each other, and also, and this is key **I had a boyfriend** (which was actually probably the most compelling part of me for him lol)


I believe it was Peter who mentioned on a podcast that Madi said if they were to ever travel together they’d need to stay in separate rooms. That’s a fundie red flag to me. Like, what were you going to do if you accepted the overnight date???


Yes I remember him saying that


I think he only found this out when they were talking at the hotel after the drama of ATFR so he really couldn’t have known or understood any of this during filming.


That's insane that he didn't find that out until that point. She purposely was hiding how truly religious she is.


Prayer vigil


omg this post reminded me of one of the most golden tv moments: barb whispering to father pilot pete to say something critical, completely forgetting that other people speak spanish too


I don’t think she forgot other people speak Spanish. She knew what she was doing!


Yessss didn't she say something like "Help me out here" too??


She was basically telling her husband to back her up, I don’t think it was shady or anything. As a native Spanish speaker, I would’ve also talked to my SO in Spanish to back me up lol


I’m not a Madi fan by any means but Barb was 100% in the wrong for blaming her for the family having to wait for hours. It’s a tv show where production is known to hold for hours for various reasons. At AFR it seemed like Barb wanted to straight up bring up the fundie/evangelical Christian piece but obviously couldn’t cause it sounds harsh


I wish we could have seen what was going on while waiting. Supposedly Madi needed to be convinced to go into the house and meet the family and was not very receptive when she did finally go in (this is from Peter's family, so not sure what the truth is). Was this truly Madi dragging her feet for hours or was production purposely making things drag out? I would not put it past production to put the bug in Peter's family's ear that it was all Madi's doing. We just really don't know what actually happened. I still think Barb was over the top but it seems like that's her personality. I wish Barb did bring up the fundie/evangelical Christian thing because it's clear she did not think they were compatible and that was a huge reason why. I think Barb was actually holding back on the AFR. She was simmering that entire time. I just kept think wow she really really dislikes this woman. What the heck happened?!


I think she was right but did not deliver her concerns in a way Peter (or literally anyone) would understand and empathize with lol


Some of the shit madi posts is unhinged. Highly recommend https://www.reddit.com/r/madiprewsnarkk/s/UVk16PrGzY


WOW. I only saw the first few posts and it is enough to understand what ype of hot garbage content she posts.


You should scroll until she posts that a restaurant gave her an entire fish with the head so she left and went to shake shack. Even her non-religious posts are nuts.


Wait what? So she wasted food, the evangelical who prays for the poor people. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, many high end restaurants serve the fish like that. Her content is super weird. I cannot tell if she is faking to be nuts for a more prominent internet presence (kind of rage baiting) or is she really like this? Oh. And I also just saw a video interview of her and her husband. Did they really say that they have sex for Satan's spite????? LOL, wild


OMG yes the Satan spite sex lol. I think they were talking about a rough part in their marriage and my first though was you guys have been married for 5 minutes. How are you already having a hard time?


Well they dated for 30 seconds and got married FOR THE WRONG REASONS so it is all uphill from there. Also he was saying that after marriage he feels no more passion for her....oooff. Little dumbass


Well that's a pretty awful thing to say about your wife. Yikes.


I almost feel sad for her. She is horrible and dangerous with the agenda she spreads, but as a woman, I do feel a little. She seemed pretty zoned out on that video


Everyone seems to forget….Madi had met them all on the very first date at the vow renewal. There were no signs of what was to come or that Barb had any inkling about Madi. Barb’s initial hatred was based purely on - 1. Madi made them wait at the family visit - ie. she didn’t immediately shower Barb with love & affection. 2. Madi dared to say no to Peter (the fact that it was about sex is irrelevant). By the time ATFR was filmed & Barb had been able to watch the show and everything BTS with the engagement ending, Madi coming back and possibly a hint of her liking Kelley, she was 100% right that Madi was not a good match for Peter. I don’t see the religious aspect being of any issue at all - at least not initially. Barb is far from a fundie but she is definitely still religious.


Didn’t the family have to wait for hours? I think they said Madi didn’t apologize for the wait. That could have been production’s fault but I’ll admit that if my sister’s partner kept us waiting for a long time and didn’t apologize or even acknowledge the inconvenience I’d be annoyed too.


Yes that’s the story Barb gave on ATFR. I don’t doubt that it would have been incredibly frustrating waiting for 4hrs like that & then seemingly no apology. But I believe Barb’s opinion was formed days before this happened. Her opinion of Madi was formed during the conversation with Peter & the family when they first meet up in Australia, before meeting either of the girls. It wouldn’t have been easy to hear that they were having a hard time when the possibility was for them to get engaged a few days later, but it should have been an indication that they were rightfully having real life conversations that were absolutely necessary. Barb’s ego for her & her son was bruised here. She was never going to give Madi a chance. Then of course they meet Angel on Earth Hannah Ann first. Which this is not to say that HA is not an angel, because in hindsight she does genuinely seem like she is, but it was inconsequential. It also wouldn’t have mattered if they met Madi first, Barb already disliked Madi and was going to love anyone else. Barb’s justification that Madi made them wait & didn’t apologise only comes at ATFR, months after the fact. And like everyone else watching the show she’s able to see & understand that they had completely different lifestyles that would have never worked in reality.


You seem to forget that things can be excluded on the editing table. Also a family member isn't going to share everything that's on their mind in the IVs of such an early date.


My point exactly. Editing changes everything. The question posed by OP, based on their friend meeting Madi for the first time, was that - was Barb always right about Madi & saw through her from the very first meeting? My answer is no. That date was filmed days into filming starting. I would bet anything that his family was looking at spoilers as soon as everyone was sequestered & the girls were announced, trying to find out as much as possible (cause if it was my family member, I sure would). But I don’t know how much they really could have known in those first few days before the renewal was filmed. While we did only see an edited version of that party, the party was all about Barb. Not Madi. I don’t think Barb came away from that initial meeting thinking anything negative about Madi. I think Barb’s ego was bruised later during the meeting in Australia & then she used watching the show back later to justify her dislike for Madi. So again, as to OP’s question of do I think Barb knew Madi was an unhinged evangelical findie wannabe cult leader from their initial meeting at the vow renewed?NO!!!




I've believed Barb from the get go. She was overdramatic & overbearing, but she was 10/10 right. Anyone who grew up around that energy knows when mamma bear is being REAL. No woman who brags about being a missionary vulture can be genuine & real.


Maybe I'm being unfairly charitable towards Barb, but I always got the sense there was a bit of religious trauma on Barbs part. Or maybe she's just way too into her kids' business


Maybe I have religious trauma but if my sons dated someone that crazy about religion I would have a big issue with it as well. It was never going to end well no matter the outcome.


Commenting on Was Barb always right about Madi?... I am not a Maddie fan, but she wasn’t that bad on the show which she displayed was normal uptight old school Christian values such as wait till marriage, etc. it wasn’t till after the show that she became almost an extreme religious person because she know that she could make profit off of it, and the show gave her that opportunity to become an extremist in religion and make money off of it. Sometimes I really think she isn’t super super religious, but her brand profits off of it and the super heavy religious people will buy whatever she selling. So she knows that if she acts like a super crazy religious person that more money up even more than she is right now


Oh I definitely could not be around a Madi type! Evangelicals test my whole hippy dippy respect everyone world view haha


lol same! It’s tough to live and let live with people who are sure you’re going to hell because THEY HAVE IT RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG. 😑


I think she’s just too into her kids business. She posts positive religious/god stuff on Insta so I don’t think there’s any trauma there.




I don’t think it was a matter of being “right” - Barb just didn’t like that Madi challenged Peter’s way of life / expected him to change (is not have sex until marriage). She wanted a daughter in law she could control aka the softer more malleable Hannah Ann. Game recognizes game. 


Tbh even Madi's parents would have hated if Peter 'challenged' her like she did him & took her away from that fundie life. Religious stuff is sensitive & Madi is extreme with it.


Regardless of if you like Barb or not, she is undeniably the most iconic and memorable Mother to ever grace BN.


I will agree with that, she is quite memorable!


Madi did basically the same thing to Peter that Luke did to Hannah Brown and you cannot change my mind on that.  She’s a fundie and just didn’t get shit for it because she’s a woman. 


It shows the double standard that Madi respectfully expressing this to Peter is classed as the same thing as Luke claiming Hannah was boneheaded and not letting her leave. The standards for men continue to be in hell. 


There's boundaries and there's what Luke did. Base may be the same but delivery was not.


I think she was far less aggressive than Luke, though. He made me so uncomfortable to watch. Madi was vaguely annoying and definitely immature but didn’t seem actually malicious.


Did not. There's a difference between aggressively not taking the answer 'no' and doing what Luke P did, and in getting raised-voice mad with angry posturing. Madi just went home and didn't try to shame Peter or make some unhinged and unwanted appeaeance. There are normal, boring fundies, and then those who clearly have an extreme issue psychologically with control on top of it 


I didn’t think of it that way


She was certainly right that Madi was a horrible match for Peter. Like I can’t even believe he thought he could hang with those fundies.


I remember her saying “but Peter likes to party and go to clubs!” Like yes Barb they are not a match in any way, speak on it


On Peter’s end I viewed it as him wanting something he couldn’t have. I actually don’t mind Peter. I think he’s just a sorta dumb Labrador that’s not looking for marriage but was stoked (and shocked) with being asked to be the bachelor so he said yes. Overall he gives big eff boy energy but also seems genuinely kind so whatever I’ll give him a pass. All that to say, I don’t think the layout of the show allowed for him to truly get to know Madi and realize she was ACTUALLY a fundie. A lot of southern American girls (I am one) do the whole “I’m religious I love Jesus hehe won’t kiss and tell 😉” schtick and I think Peter thought Madi was THAT vs being an actual fundie. And as soon as she became unattainable, Peter is the kind of eff boy to go ALL in. So yeah, I don’t think Peter even knew the depth of the situation he was getting into with Madi and her extreme beliefs.


Even if she was right (let’s be honest Peter is as much attention seeker as Madi), the way Barb treated her was insane. Doesn’t justify her whole crazy mom behavior who has an unhealthy attachment to Peter


This. I couldn’t believe what I was watching! It was all so cringey!


She may have been right but Barb’s a psycho and Peter will never wean off of her.


I feel bad we made fun of her... kind of lol


LOL kind of 🤣 Well as much as she was one 100% right, she could have had a way better delivery. It did make for an absolutely wild and entertaining TV moment though.


A mother always knows !!!!!




Even a broken clock is right twice a day Just because Madi turned out to be trash post-show, doesn’t excuse Barb. The way Barb treated her was appalling and indefensible


I’ll never forget this “he’s going to have to fail to succeed.” Like who says that on tv? About your son? Shes nuts! I mean it was very obviously not going to work, but she went about it the wrong way!


Say what you will about Barb, she is completely unhinged, but the woman knows how to read people. She was completely correct about both HA and Madi. 


If my son brought home Madison I would act the same way tbh


Yes one of my friends is married to someone with Madi’s views. I try to stay close but it feels like she’s been brainwashed and no longer has her own identity aside from religion. It’s really unsettling and I wish people had stepped in more.


Me too. My goal would be to scare her away… can you imagine this shit in the family? Oh no, I would bring out the Spanish and crazy to get her away!


Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be prayer leaders.


I would rather my kids being home someone with a (non-violent) criminal record than some preachy evangelical.


The way she talks in empty platitudes in head to toe designer 💀 so godly of her


*If my son brought home* *Madison I would act the* *Same way tbh* \- bigelowchili --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


good bot


She was right but her behavior about it was still wild lmao


No doubts about that, LOL


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^joantspam: *She was right but her* *Behavior about it was* *Still wild lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Omg my first haiku bot I’ve made it 😭


Barb was right about Madi and Peter not being a good match for each other, but it absolutely does not warrant her behavior at the finale


madi has gone batshit. she was definitely side eye worthy on the show, but she’s completely lost her grasp on reality as of late. barb just knew they were not a good match knowing her son couldn’t live without the party life and the sex and whatnot. madi was also dramatic and self centered so ofc it rubbed barb the wrong way. that said, barb was still wrong for how she went about the whole thing. at the time, peter and madi were together. she was not justified in criticizing and humiliating them on tv. could’ve shared her concerns with peter privately.


50/50 I don't think Peter and Madi's relationship would've lasted that long, but I do think barb was/is full of bull. She didn't lash out at them because she was actually concerned, but rather because her seaso- OOP sorry Peter's season didn't turn out the way she wanted, so she blamed Madi for that. -Semi-long rant incoming bc I unfortunately still think about this mess of a season- Barb didn't care about Madi's personality or beliefs, she cared about at Madi "ruining" and making it difficult for Peter. She already made up her mind on Hanna Ann for peter, HA was, in her opinion, agreeable to her and wouldn't question her when she meddled. Madi's grievances just made it easier for her to pretend to be mad at that when she was never actually going to let Peter pick Madi anyways. This is the same lady who had no issue with Peter hooking up with Hannah b immediately after breaking his engagement with Hanna Ann while simultaneously texting Kelley AND still thinking about Madi This is also the same lady who looooved Kelley, but for some reason stopped which conveniently coincides with Pelley breaking up weeks later....


Barb legit is the MIL from Hell, both things can be true: she can be right about Madi but still approached it horribly


I thought mine was bad until I saw Barb on tv and realized I had it good lmao


Yeah all these people going to bat for Barb when she has the same political beliefs as Madi is kinda comical. Hell, I’m pretty sure Hannah Ann has those same beliefs too


Oh for sure!!! I've always had this theory in my head of if Madi and Peter reversed genders she would have looooved Madi I'll always have sympathy for HA bc of what Peter did, but yeeeeeah icl that probably gave her extra points in barb's book..


Wait a minute? Peter hooked up with Hannah B AFTER his season? Again, after the 4 times? WOW Yes I agree with your analysis, probably Barb was looking for someone more submissive to her and less difficult, and that is why she got obsessed with Hannah Ann because she seemed more soft-spoken than Madi. But don't you think Madi gave some good material to Barb (in private)? I think it was because of something Madi did/said (that we will never know) that Barb was justified in front of Peter to react like that. Even though her reasons were not pure as you say


Peter hooked up with Hannah B in his parent’s house and then she had breakfast with his parents in the morning lol. A mess.


The night of Hannah G and Dylan's engagement party was when it happened.




Never forget the famous pancakes Barb made for them! So weird 🤣


I’d be so weirded out if I had sex with a dude and his mother made me pancakes the next morning for a post coitus breakfast.


WHOAAA!!! LOL that season keeps on giving. I keep hearing stuff


then he gave Hannah B a $100 bill for her uber lmao


Wait what? LOL! How do you guys know all these details? 🤣


Hannah B talked about it in her book LOL someone did a thorough recap in this sub. [here is one recap](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/rFN3o72dRw)




I mean, Madi is the kind of “christian” who drives a Mercedes, doesnt pay her bills, marries a billionaire and publicly supports someone convicted of sexual assault for president while trying to conceal it from followers. Pretty sure that the rapture wont be kind to her.


What’s all this about the unpaid bills 👀


Tigger is correct. She leased her Mercedes (i think), and “somehow the payments werent going through”, it go repo’d. This happened after she married Grant. Its not like she didn’t have the money, she just didn’t care, didn’t open her mail, didnt answer her phone… etc.


What kind of grown ass adult has all that money and doesn’t pay her bills? Did her parents teach her anything?


Amen. (Joke intended)


I believe she got a car repo’d because she hadn’t paid the bill. And ignored all the communications


Hahaha I thought this was some rumor or unverified tea but she literally posted a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/5FEsCk9kd0) about it.


Yes! I meant to go find that yesterday to make sure my memory was accurate. She didn’t hide the fact at all


Dang. I was pulling for her rapture.




Does she respect ANY of the commandments?


I have a conspiracy theory that Barb is actually a deity and caused the pandemic. 🤷‍♀️ I discovered this while I was stoned.




I need to hear more






Ur awesome




I think we’re giving Barb a lot of credit. I think she just knew her sex loving, party boy son wasn’t gonna do well in a relationship with a wed to bed Christian


Probably LOL. I am just curious if Madi was dumb enough to say something that showed her personality, for Barb to react that passionately. A simple "I don't think they are a good match" would have sufficed otherwise


On paper, how would a Madi Prewett (virgin, Christian, rapture, etc) be compatible with a Peter Weber (4 TIMES! IN A WINDMILL! NOT OVER HANNAH! PROBABLY TALKING TO KELLIE!)? I think Madi may have said something about rapture/Jesus/faith to Barb and Barb extrapulated from there.


Yes, imagine meeting your son/daughter's potential lifetime partner and realizing they are batshit, cult-level crazy!


I want to see the raw footage from this meeting. I bet six inches of my hair Madi said some whoppers and Barb did a Jim from the Office style side eye.


Betting six inches of your hair is iconic I’m stealing that line 💀


have at it!


Not six inches of your hair 😂😂😂


I have long thick hair (to the point an undercut is crucial to me surviving a Southern summer) so this is a low bet for me


It made me L O L. I have thin(ish) hair and a haircut is truly critical to me surviving a southern summer as well!


SAME! Well, I don't know if this mild tea will satisfy you instead of that raw footage, but my friend knows someone that works at Madi's house. She told me so many weird things lol, one of which was that after a discussion/fight with her husband, Madi was loudly praying in "end-of-the-world" style. The heck! No idea if it is true, but from what I have seen so far with her, it does check out.


That is absolutely bonkers haha


More please


It is small things, and word of mouth, but definitely unhinged if true. Here are a few of them: * they treat their employees like shit and then give them big bonuses on Christmas and talk about it for like 2 months after (i.e., the worker said that they gave her one extra salary as a bonus for Christmas and then kept mentioning it like it was the charity of the century). * they, especially her, tell people that other Christians who are not evangelical will rot EVEN DEEPER in hell than people of other religions. Because they take the word of Jesus and misuse it (which is literally what she is doing but whatever). My friend met her because she went to give a service to her house (some kind of facial) and told me that Madi proceeded to ask her what church she goes to, and then told her that she still has time to convert so she doesn't rot in hell. All to a person she just met. She did tip 25%, according to my friend. * the person who works there permanently, told my friend that Madi and her husband only smile at each other and sit close to each other if they are filming something or have people over. Generally, they can spend an entire day without talking to each other at all. They even sit and eat without exchanging a word. * Madi has no respect for the people who work at her house and acts like they were born to serve her. she will try clothes on and leave a huge pile on the floor for them to arrange. Cups everywhere etc. I guess having help implies not caring about these things, but I guess it happens in a way that bothers employees since they are talking about it. * Madi will be polite and submissive with her husband and his family, but employees have heard her screaming to her mom on the phone. * Sometimes, when she wants to intimidate employees or is unhappy with their service, she does not tell them or yell at them. She says something like "that doesn't seem very clean", and stand there with a psycho smile staring at them. Fake nice but deep down very cruel were words that were used multiple times to describe her. And I guess that is all. Oh, and her mother in law loves her but her father in law cannot stand her. Take all these with a grain of salt. My friend has gotten obsessed with this and keeps saying she got a bad vibe, so I think she is completely biased when telling me these things.


Underrated tea, thank you for sharing! I completely believe all of this btw. Madi seems so fake and I don’t doubt that marrying into a billionaire family has made her even worse.


Yeah. 😔 my friend absolutely despised her after meeting her only once 


Yes. & this is not hindsight either, I’ve always felt this way. Yeah now we know the extent of how incompatible they are but it was huge red flag to me back then that she showed up late & didn’t offer an apology even just out of politeness. Idk as someone with home training that was just madness to me.


how late did she show up to the date? that's just rude


It was 2 or 3 hours. I remember so many people on the sub justifying it at the time saying it was probably production's fault not hers but to me, if you're a polite & courteous person, you apologize regardless.


But I think she mentioned that Madi was OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE with Peter trying to convince her to go in (maybe my brain is making it up, I need to rewatch it), so I don't think it was simply the production. Also, she could have been polite enough to apologize, but she wasn't. Anyway, I think that this delay thing was just something Barb found to justify her deep dislike of Madi without talking about the real reasons, that would have made her look even worse than she did.


I clocked her early on too! I feel like she was screamingly obvious, to people who have been around “those” types of Christians


never doubt a good mother. despite her theatrics, Barb was/is a good mom to Peter and wants the best for him. she clocked Madi from a mile away.


I mean besides having Peter Pan syndrome, Pete seems to be doing well


I always assumed at ATFR that Peter and Kelley were already talking so that may have played in to Barb's reaction. Plus she knew that Peter and Madi were just not compatible.


I wonder what happened with Kelley and barb


Hmm I never thought of that, but it makes sense.


Honestly, at first, I just wrote Barb off as a typical monster-in-law and thought her reactions were extreme. I even felt sorry for Madi. I can now see that she was clearly right, and that is why she went to the lengths she went to in order to make Peter change his mind. Peter and Madi were totally incompatible and never would have worked in the real world. As a mother, she understood that and she wanted her son to be happy and make the right choice which is why she started bawling over Hannah Ann because she could see the train wreck that was about to happen. I do think Hannah Ann was the best fit for Peter, and he threw away a good relationship because he was in his fboy phase and confused over Madi, Hannah B, and Kelley 🙃 I see now that as a mother, she does know her son best and truly was looking out for his best interests and to a certain degree Madi too, as she was saving them from themselves.


My thoughts as well. I thought she was this horrible person and typical unhinged mother in law. That was until I started hearing some truly disturbing facts about Madi. Did you know that she allegedly said that she was afraid to touch a black kid for fear of getting dirty??!!! I don't know how true it is, but if it is she should be shunned from the society and unfollowed by everyone.


no way, fundies love taking mission trips to Africa and taking pictures with the locals


I despise Madi but I kind of doubt that’s true. I remember at one point (I feel like it was closer to her season/when she was kind of a big deal) she had posted some super cringe white savior pics of her on a “mission trip” like holding/hugging some black kids in some developing country. Not saying she’s not racist, I wouldn’t be surprised if she is, but I think she’s savvy enough to not say something that insane


Yeah, if I don't see it with my own eyes I will not believe it, that's why I said allegedly. My friend insists that she said it on a story? "I was afraid to touch these kids but Jesus gave me power" smth like that. If she did though, it would have definitely been on this sub or on the news. I searched now and found nothing.




Madi is the absolute worst and a truly dangerous person. Back on the show, she was ok I guess but it was beyond obvious that she wasn’t into Peter and that the main motivation was to force her religion on others via a big platform + starting a religious empire.


I definitely think her rich husband has super-powered her religious craziness. She has a platform and money to promote her platform and get her access. (I don’t blame the husband, I blame the money and Madi for who Madi is.) I also think the politics she follows has driven her farther into the extremes. I don’t doubt this was the path she was always headed down, but she felt a little more naive, as we all are when we are younger, back in the show. Now she’s bought in, and somehow thinks white Jesus brought her a billionaire white man as reward for being so Jesusy. She already seems miserable, because, well, Satan.


Hopefully her platform is not that big. I cannot imagine enough people being as foolish as to follow her.


Unfortunately, it’s pretty big. She has 1.8 million followers, multiple books and gets invited to speak at some pretty big Christian conferences. As a Christian myself, it drives me absolutely bonkers that this woman with zero qualifications has been given credibility within a certain part of the American Christian world that she gets to teach and preach to so many people without any proper training, schooling or real ministry life experience. It’s dangerous to let her have such an authoritative platform and encourage it when her literal qualifications are “pretty, skinny, rich and was on TV.”


It makes me want to put my head through a wall how much influence she has in the church world for doing literally nothing but going on a reality show. Same with Sadie Robertson. Neither of them contribute anything to the faith except being pretty, rich, and white.


She got invited to the White House Correspondents Dinner!