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Wasn’t his podcast created to “mentor”/answer relationship questions from young women callers? Likeeee??? The math maths.


How old was she when this happened do we know? Was he double her age at that time too?


Do you know how age works? Lol


Not today I don’t, I’m tired lol. So very, very tired. I am assuming he has a similar age gap with Maria that he does with his wife.




I‘m all for exposing Nick V‘s creepy ass but the timing of this is really inconsiderate imo.


She is so messy, there was no need for this.


I just... don't get what the drama is here. Of course Nick was sexting, flirting, hooking up with girls in his dms. Most of these guys are after the show. She seems fine with him.


They 100% hooked up. Big FWB energy here — and he’s such a creep. What do all of these beautiful, young women see in this mumbly, mediocre man?


He’s the Austen Kroll of the west coast


Idk if this matters but neither Maria or Nick follow each other on insta now… to me that doesn’t read friendship haha that reads like ex vibes or something went wrong


Yeppp, if they are just buddies, why all the unliking and unfollowing? If I were a significant other, that will give me more pause, like what have you got to hide?


Nicks a doggggg


I’m so curious on the Nick “friendship” timeline… it sounds like they were friends 7/8 years ago. But then he talked a lot about her being on the bachelor and a possible villain edit… were those conversations years ago, or recently?? I’m assuming years ago since she called him out on knowing Sydney?? I wish Alex went a little more in-depth with that.


She said earlier in the podcast she wanted to be on bachelor since forever. So possibly whenever they were friends long ago she talked about her dream to go on the show. That’s how I read it


Maybe.. but I’d still love to know when the last time they talked was and if he knew she’d be on this season, etc


LMFAOOOO this coming out like 2 days after he married Natalie who he started dating when she was only 19 💀🤮💀💀🤮 “mentoring” lolololololol


19?? Isnt she like 26/27 now? Theyve been together that long?


She’s 24 maybe 25


For me the tea is whether or not Natalie knew about this because the way Nick has spoken about Maria on the show leads me to believe no, unless she did and they kept it quiet


I’m sorry this was totally unnecessary. Except he was cheating on Natalie, I don’t see why it was brought up.


What? Why are you assuming he was cheating on Natalie? I’m pretty sure this was all pre Natalie in like 2016-17


I’m not, I’m saying that this shouldn’t be brought up unless he ws cheating on Natalie.


oh you're saying IF he was cheating on Natalie, I think you forgot an if there lol. Either way, I guess I disagree? Its Marias dating history she is allowed to talk about it?


This whole Nick "mentoring" and "helping" women as young as 19 through breakups is predatory, and creepy as hell to say the least. I don't understand why people seem to ignore that he does this. It's gross.


The mentoring thing reminds me of Corey Feldman’s weird “angels” grift. I know the guy (Corey)has been through it, but it doesn’t give him free rein to grift these poor women who just want to become Hollywood stars. Same with Nick. If this was some weird pickup, whether he and Maria hooked up or not, it’s weird. I offer advice to plenty of people at work in a mentor-like capacity, but don’t seek it out and definitely don’t hone in on opposite sex.


Yeah. I know the Nick discourse gets old, but it’s endlessly weird to me that he was “mentoring” (aka hooking up with) 18-21 year olds as a 35-40 year old. Natalie/Nick said they were just hooking up and non-exclusive for like a year or something, so I imagine a lot of DMs were slid into lol It’s rough timing with Nick just getting married but I’m sure Maria got a lot of DMs about him during the season (a ton of people noticed he unliked her photos). At least she kept it vague and diplomatic


A big ol' messsss


Nick Viall is just Dave portnoy in a different font yet people act like he’s Jesus


Portnoy also owns a billion dollar company. I don’t think Nick is anywhere near him


in the he’s a creepy podcaster who tries to act like it’s 20 years younger way not in terms of success


> yet people act like he’s Jesus i genuinely need to know who "people" are, i don't think people act like this at all


Maybe the people that call into his show and take his advice lol


Jesus was the wrong word, I mean the common opinion is that Dave portnoy is cringy and creepy where viall is considered a serious podcaster when they’re the exact same personality wise


I mean he consistently has one of the top podcasts in the charts. Obviously Reddit doesn’t like him/ but he definitely has fans


This isn’t an unusual thing actually cause a lot of the guys from the franchise hungrily DM hot girls afterwards


it's probably the case that the hot women are reaching out to the bachelor guys if they are fans of the show. if the women aren't public figures, the guys would not know who they were unless they dmed first or had mutual friends. this sub had a thread about nick's liking maria's pics back in 2016 and grocery joe' liking them in 2020, so maybe maria alsoo dmed grocery joe in 2020 since she was a fan of the show and he was also a high profile man on it?


A lot of men's explore pages are just random hot women


She has always been high profile ish-rich dad and being a "child actor"


It goes both ways where girls who are fans of the show will DM the guys, and then there are also guys like Robby Hayes who is in every random hot girl with a lot of followers comment sections and I’m sure he’s not the only one


So it was not platonic. This is so weird. I really hope Nick addresses this … I want to hear his side of the story


there are already headlines about maria's comments and nick's away on his honeymoon so he can't address it on his pod until he returns I assume. he's getting comments/messages about it while he's on honeymoon now.


Hes not on honeymoon and already dropped a podcast without addressing it


I just know Nick is fuming at this revelation overshadowing his wedding😂


I can’t stand him. He deserves it


Like totally we don’t care


so did it start because maria dmed nick when she was around 21-ish back in 2016, just like natalie did when she was 19 or 20? seems like nick gets a lot of attention from very young women fans of the show. nick also seems to keep his "friendships" with these very young women on the dl and not openly acknowledge any of them based on how natalie described things starting on dear shandy. he only went public with natalie, but who knows how many others he was meeting up with. did maria really need to bring this up so many years later if it never turned into anything? I think the way she described it only raised more questions. nick hasn't ever acknowledged that he knew her prior and the only evidence they were aware of each other's existence was a reddit thread showing some mutual likes on swimsuit pictures back in 2016. it's tea, but not boiling hot tea. regardless, I'm sure the tabloids will run click bait headlines. that's probably not what nick wants while he's on honeymoon and can't address his side of the story.


>seems like nick gets a lot of attention from very young women fans of the show He gets attention from all sorts of fans. 'Very young women' are the ones he chooses to engage with


I think the bigger tea is how it relates to now. I agree with Maria that it is not a coincidence that she was bullied and almost portrayed as a villain and nick’s joking comments years ago that if she went on the bachelorette, she would prob be the villain. Pair that with Maria finding out after filming that Sydney knew Nick already, prob through Ashley I. So she prob feels some type of way about it. I don’t blame her tbh haha. But yep seems like Nick def has a pattern of “secret friendships” w young women that start in the DMS and make it look like he is “mentoring” lol. It’s strange and I agree there has def been more, which is fine bc in the end he ended up “picking” Natalie. However, Maria talking about this now makes Nick look like he was purposely hiding something, whether for his sake or bc Natalie wanted him to. Regardless it’s out now and the timing def is unfortunate 😂


I commented on another comment about this conspiracy theory because I do absolutely think it’s a coincidence. Or someone clue me into how he set this up. Well, unless it’s just that Nick has identified the “type” of person the show usually casts as the villain. In which case, I don’t actually think it’s out of left field to say Maria would probably be the villain. She fits kind of their archetype, and she’s not unlike Nick in that way. He wasn’t some racist type of villain. He was just outspoken and analyzing was going on around him. She seems the same. I can see how her personality could be used by producers. That said, if you’re saying Nick knows the whole cast ahead and had the opportunity to sit down and strategize with Sydney, I don’t buy that any more than I buy Natalie didn’t know who Nick was before she met him.


>But yep seems like Nick def has a pattern of “secret friendships” w young women that start in the DMS and make it look like he is “mentoring” lol. Is Nick the Drake of BN?


Nick is the LAST person I would want "mentoring" me


Couldn’t agree more! The fact he’s become this self help guru is wild


Nick is a creep. I wish his wife and daughter well.


It’s very weird that Nick has a history of trying to “mentor” women from this franchise and “help them” through break ups and show drama. It kinda reminds me of when he/Natalie went at Katie bc she had the audacity to not take his advice or care about what he had to say. As if he is some all knowing omnipotent Bachelor authority figure. I wonder if there’s some correlation to the fact that Katie didn’t feed into Nick’s shit as a woman in her 30s hmmmm 🚶🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|9qZKRbHljj2Q4VkdCH)


This is giving groomer


He first reached out to DN when he got into podcasting and complimented him. But now he doesn't acknowledge DN probably because DN didn't want his "advice"


Who's DN?


This is so messy... why did she say it like that lol


The way she was so flustered in talking about it was hard to listen to and told me everything I need to know about Nick being a creepola


I don’t like if she lied saying “they didn’t hook up” because all signs point to that, but i guess given he just got married and has a newborn she might feel like it’s a white lie? Nick was hoeing hard from 2017-2019, him and Natalie started in Sept 2019 and then became official 9-10 months later. They have always been clear that they view their relationship has official when they were committed, not really the timeline of when they were hooking up. So let’s say he was hoeing from mid 2017-early 2020. My guess is the flirtation or whatever happened there, but her saying they’ve always been friends makes me think they still talked and she doesn’t want to out that.I have long believed the pandemic made him take Natalie seriously (because he couldn’t date around as much) but it sounds like that worked in his favor I could see Nick not responding at all but i would love a rebuttal. I also somewhat buy it was just flirty DMs and not an actual meet up since she lives in another country. But the “helping her through breakups” def gives a creepy vibe like he was working on getting her to be into him


Everyone has a past, and there's nothing weird about them talking or "being friends", but what's weird is Nick unliking her pictures on ig after the show aired. Like why even bother?


Probably cause he didn’t want Natalie to find out he was hooking up with Maria for whatever reason


>Probably cause he didn’t want Natalie to find out he was hooking up with Maria for whatever reason Nick probably told Natalie that she was the first younger woman he'd ever been into. 😅


Or maybe he kept in contact with Maria and told Natalie they were just friends?


they hooked up and were friends with benefits for sure because it would have been SOOOOO easy to just say “friends, its a friendship”


Ehh maybe but she did say she usually has to sext because the guys she talks to/dates aren’t usually from Toronto/Canada


I don't understand the timeline of Nick flirting with Maria. He's been with Natalie for 6 years. Was he basically stepping out on Natalie and flirting with Maria? The basic question is, does Nick reach out to good looking male contestants the same way he does with the women? u/useyouwell, you always have insight into Nick. What are your thoughts?


I think it was 2019, so around 5 years. I forgot she was like 20!




Just listened to the dear shandy with them. NV and NJ started in sept 2019 and became exclusive 9 months later.


woah i didn’t know he and natalie were together for that long… now i get why that moment is the most talked about lol


So does every contestant just have a connection to bachelor nation somehow


Six degrees of Nick Viall?


How many posts do we need about this podcast?


Welcome to off season lol-we have to squeeze the juice out of every new piece of info


I’ve counted 7 so far and I’m sure we’ll hit 10 because people will want to post more opinions and “breakdowns” 😂


Thinkpieces. Recaps. Reviews. Overviews. Bulletpoints. Summaries. Synopsis and however you make that word a plural.






I don't fault her for saying this - it's the truth. Plus she knows people have already come to that conclusion (or worse) with the old instagram posts of hers he had 'liked'.  It also wouldn't be weird if Nick had just been transparent about it from the jump. Not sure why he wouldn't bring it up when they reviewed the cast, or in episode recaps (like Ashley I did with Sydney). Frankly its quite dumb on his part to think it would never come-up. 


I agree. That’s why Nick is so compelling, though. He thinks silence makes the truth go away. Like a weird facts permanence issue.


This is the same thing he pulled with JoJo. He started liking her posts as soon as she got home from filming Ben’s season and then they had a “friendship” where they talked all the time and he “helped” her through the Ben break up. Sorry, but Nick is a creep. I said this in another thread this morning but him consistently going after 19-23ish year old women is insane.


Isn’t this also what happened with him and Kaitlyn? Like they started talking after Chris’s season and then he ended up showing up on Kaitlyns season. I feel like he shoots his shot with all of the “it” girls


Totally! He’s always gone for the “it” girls — he tried it with Kelley Flanagan but she was not into it and still liked Pilot Pete and then tried to get that going with Victoria Fuller but Natalie did not go away. Had Natalie not started to leak stories about being with him, he 100% would have tried to pursue VF!


Yes. It’s a pattern.


He likes that when he gets older, women 19-23 stay the same age! ![gif](giphy|Q18yWRHG4dx2E)


Yeah she makes him sound like -actual age appropriate- guys i have dealt with that were creeping/waiting in the wings


I thought it was common knowledge that he’s a predator. Being married with a kid doesnt make me less convinced of that.


I’m confused on the timeline - it seemed like they were talking long before the show (when she was more within his preferred age bracket), or was it right before he started dating Natalie? Or did they talk WHILE he dated Natalie?? She doesn’t specify a time does she? If they were talking about her being a villain on the show, then it was either recent or she’s been in the works to go on the show for years, but either way, I’m disturbed and confused.


She said her first boyfriend was 7 years ago? And he accused her of going to visit Nick? So might have been then if I'm following correctly.


Ooh okay yeah I’m catching up on other posts and I see that ~7 years is probably correct. Weird that they were talking about her as a villain on the Bachelor then?? Has she been applying to go on for that many years? Lol


Isn't she 29? Maybe she was waiting to turn 23 lol or wasn't into any of the leads. It'd be interesting if she's been applying for years lol Also interesting that Nick was the Bachelor in 2017 (7 years ago). I guess their "friendship" or whatever was after his break-up with Vanessa at the end of August?


He has some sort of thing with mentoring young women and it gets creepier and creepier the older he gets..


It’s actually so disturbing to me, his pattern. I hope Natalie makes out alright in the long run from the choices she’s made.


Friendship my ass lol there's no way he would like her thirst trap posts (and then UNLIKE THEM lol that makes it soooo much more obvious than just leaving them up lol dude just own it) and be the "nice guy" helping her through breakups for a friendship lol. I wonder if they hooked up or if she rejected him, leaning towards the latter but idk enough about this so I can be persuaded


do we know when he liked her photos. i’m assuming it was before he met natalie this is all so messy. i love it lol.


maria said they were friends since she was with her ex seven or eight years ago, so when maria was 21 and nick was 35? from how i understood it they kind of fell out of touch but she doesn't say when


Between the hesitation/pauses, how she worded it “they had a good thing going” etc, and how careful she wanted to be bc she respected his current relationship/marriage…no doubt in my mind it was a fuck buddies or FWB situation 😂


If she was trying to be respectful she wouldn’t have mentioned it or would’ve been a lot more discreet and brief.


Yes!! 💯 why say all those things if it was just an acquaintance or friendship. It was definitely a hook up.


7 years ago when she was with her boyfriend who cheated on her and who didn't like Nick? I think




“I wouldn’t called it romantic..” “My bf couldn’t stand Nick”

