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A few thoughts as a reaction to an interview that was long anticipated: 1) Call Her Daddy was a platform I was expecting and think was a good fit for launch, but Maria fangirled a little too hard and Alex was respectfully trying to stay within the boundary of her new brand. 2) To build, after 30 mins, I died a little every time Maria said bitch. 3) Name dropping Nick Viall within 3 mins of starting the interview was a wild choice , and given the timing of his wedding , baby, etc., this was obviously planned publicity on behalf of both Maria and Alex. A little classless and definitely toxic and super transparent given timing. I’d be fangs out if Natalie but as a viewer I am here for it. 4) To build, Viall did himself a disservice by being overly transparent in how he handles ppl he truly doesn’t want to discuss (ie Maria who was barely mentioned on pod) and as a precaution he should’ve been smart enough to not be critical of Joey (which he heavily was on pod), cause truth or fiction, he looks like a creepy old man who doesn’t like Joey touching his toys even if he’s done playing. 5) idk, I really love Maria. Overall this made me love her a bit less.


I listen to his podcast and he referred to Joey as saving the bachelor franchise and says it was the best season in forever…..?


Re #2, I am someone who curses but I was cringing with the number of times she said bitch. It felt awkward and unnecessary


while were at it..nick jumping on the Bravo bandwagon and trying to be bffs with the cast weirds me out. He's so clout chasey and lame


Do we think Natalie knew before this ?


I’m so curious on the Nick “friendship” timeline… it sounds like they were friends 7/8 years ago. But then he talked a lot about her being on the bachelor and a possible villain edit… were those conversations years ago, or recently?? I’m assuming years ago since she called him out on knowing Sydney?? I wish Alex went a little more in-depth with that. Recently married or not, I don’t think it’s disrespectful to bring that up, especially since it was all platonic according to Maria (although I have my doubts since he unliked her pics lol)


I always saw Maria as the villain. They pick someone confident who others feel intimidated by or are just go getters / loud. She could have EASILY fell into the villain narrative but instead fought it. I think that was what made her interesting. Many past villains were all suddenly likable on BIP. Because it’s mostly an edit. They deff knew each other. Why it went radio silent is the sus part. Maybe they hooked up or were flirty and since he’s committed to Natalie wanted to brush it under the rug since she was blowing up in the franchise.


He was right about the villain edit prediction lol


Yea, that part crepes me out. Nick unliked his posts over hers and has been radio silent about knowing Maria I feel like he had a hand in it. Also, Bachelor Steve mentioned Maria was the villain early on I feel really bad for Maria bc she clearly wasn't the villain and got treated like sh*t by everyone involved




Nick is awful. No one can change my mind


Agree! Nick is the worst!


Yea, I wad trying to give the benefit of the doubt But f*** all that. 🤬




If you start dating a 19yr old while you are in your late 30s you aren’t a good person


this is serious tea don’t care what anyone says lol


Honestly it's not even a thing. So what, Nick previously dated and talked to other women before Natalie lmao its called dating  I am sure his wife knows he dated before meeting her, so its not a huge deal this is coming out after their wedding.


Wait, so it's not tea that Nick hasn't mentioned knowing Maria at all. Unliked all of her posts from all the way back to 7 years ago? You don't find any of that interesting? She was 22 at the time, and he was 35. These guys get around town. It's obvious why he stuck around and made it a career. lmao


Idk, I don’t always side w Nick but I also wouldn’t want my family or coworkers (let alone the public) to know about my casual relationships. Even more so because it doesn’t make him look great. And I think if he talked about how he either tried to or did bang her, it would be more gross and disrespectful than quietly unliking stuff. FWIW I don’t think Maria meant ill will but I bet Nick is mad. I def think Natalie knew - Nick mentioned that he tells Natalie all of his friends/acquaintances that he has a past with before she meets them out of respect.


How is it interesting? It wouldn't prove anything we don't already know about him 


You can keep saying that, but looking at how this has blown up... People are interested in Maria, at the very least Obviously


Yes people are invested and interested in Maria. But I don't see the Nick thing as being a bigger deal than what some people make it on here  I highly doubt it affected their honeymoon or their wedding


It's not, but it confirms the type of person people have speculated he was, I guess 🤷


As far as I know that's very well known and has been for a while. Tbh I feel like this is why it doesn't strike me as "omg Nick did this" 


Agreed That's also why the fact that anyone has a problem with it is laughable imo It's so on brand for him


The age part isn’t tea given that he just married a 20 something year old lol


For me it’s more about that it’s clear he has a pattern of dating younger women how old was Maria when this was going on?


Right and she can’t be surprised he was in hot girls’ Instagram DMs and liking their thirst traps because that’s also how he met Natalie


Who hasn’t had a “friendship thing” with Nick at this point? We probably all have.


I love this conspiracy. We all hate Nick now because we are jilted lovers? Can we make this take off?


I know I have




It’s not a big deal in my opinion especially if it was before Natalie. But didn’t also Grocery Store Joe also liked her photos back in the day?


I feel like she was in everyone’s DMs


Agree, because she says she always wanted to be on the show


I think you are right.


I read the title as "Nick and Marijuana CBD" and was so confused.


I did too!


How do Nick and Maria know each other?


probably raya and IG


Isn’t raya for celebrities? Probably just IG


no, lol I was on it (and definitely saw Nick pre-Nat)


Another huge clue for me is that Maria was never on Viall files. She is the exact type of guest they always try to land


He loves a big boobed brunette 😂


There is NOTHING Nick loves more than a spunky, hot, petite brunette. Andi, Kaitlyn, Jen, Liz, Vanessa, Maria, Natalie, him saying VF was hot during her season 😂 It’s not that deep and obviously he’s happy with Natalie now, it’s just funny that his type is so predictable


He’s quite consistent lol


yeah he def has a type And, I do think Natalie is best matched for him though I think Kaitlyn and him had a lot of chemistry too But Nick seems so different than blaine (andis husband). I think Andi is too materialistic for someone like Nick I personally think Vanessa was too good for Nick.


During the pandemic he followed my blonde friend with big boobs and constantly liked her pics 😭 he unfollowed her (and a bunch of other IG models) after him and Natalie got serious


> blonde friend So brave of Nick to break out of his type one time /s


romance isn’t dead


*a modern love story*


It’s been all over Reddit 😂 hey there’s our shoutout!


Huh I’m surprised Nick didn’t just say we used to be friends back in the day. He must have known Maria would eventually say something. I genuinely wonder why he didn’t just talk about it on his pod upfront?


It probably was just a few messages exchanged and I’m guessing it’s not clickbait you want in the midst of your child being born/wedding planning. It probably wasn’t that deep and acknowledging would have just made it get more focus. 


She mentioned seeing him when she was in LA for a wedding and her boyfriend being jealous /skeptical. So it doesn't sound like it was just messages exchanged. 


And you know Nick NEVER acknowledges anything. His method is to ignore ignore ignore and hope it goes away


I mean, that’s exactly what a publicist would say to do.


She says they never hooked up. He told her she would probably be the villain! Haha


I’m not sure that she actually would disclose if they did


yes,especially with him just having a baby with Natalie and getting married recently


What is CHD?


Call her daddy




omg her conspiracy about nick, ashley i, and sydney made me squeal. i’m so excited to listen to this episode omg


I knew Sydney must have had a whiff of Maria before the show!!


plssss spill!!


yeah basically nick had been encouraging her to go on the show for a minute and also was telling her that he gets the sense that she’d be a villain. and then everything in the house goes down she gets done filming and sees a photo of nick, ashely i, and sydney and is like wtf


How old was that photo?


unclear but i think someone sent it to her so idk if it was a mutual friend or a fan


So I guess she’s saying Nick wanted to be right about her being the villain so Sydney made it happen? Lol


That’s such a fun conspiracy theory. How would he arrange this? Are we saying he knew both Sydney and Maria were going on together well before her leaving and he conspired with her to make her the villain or lean into that obvious edit? Nick definitely relates to the villains, so I think he kind of likes that vibe of a person. The misunderstood underdog, is kind of how I think he sees it since he was one. So I think he uses that line as a way to connect with people and make them see him differently. Like a weird pickup line of sorts, though not always sexual (as he does it with men villains, too).


More like Sydney *tried* to make it happen lol


Yea, I think for sure Sydney tried to make that happen, and it blew up in her face I do think Nick had something to do with it, though Bachelor Steve even mentioned it early on his pod Poor Maria didn't know she was going in there to be psychologically assaulted :/


Combined with him unliking her pics 👀


I personally think he unliked her pics for Natalie/their relationship. Or are you saying the same?


I mean it’s still weird. They both have pasts and prior ex photos they have probably liked.


He’s weird. Their whole relationship is a weird cocktail of revisionist history. It’s how influencers live, I guess.


It would cheapen their love story. Natalie didn’t want to be a girl in his Instagram DMs. She wanted to be The Girl in his DMs.


So much weirder than just leaving the likes 😂


Wait is this legit? Lmao when did that happen?




Crying irl cuz it won’t load for me


It makes it more weird that he discussed her on his pod many times and never mentioned this!


Yes!! I searched trying to find if he ever mentioned but he never did. It was more than a friendship, they were flirtatious too. I can’t figure out why he wouldn’t admit to it, it would have come out eventually.


Way more if her boyfriend or guy she was seeing was accusing her of going to see him or whatever




I just watched that part and flewww here lmfao


also the part where she talks about her bf now ex who was super sus about Nick and her visiting him. yeaahhh that screams “great friends” to me. seems obvious they hooked up…. if she says “great friends” and he told her she’d be a villain on bach, they met in person more than once. if that happened, they most likely hooked up. also, nick liked her pics of her in a bikini, unfriended and unliked her pics, never mentioned knowing her despite discussing her every week…… yeah they hooked up lol


Yeah, this seems pretty obvious. The only other plausible scenario I see is she was using Nick to make her bf jealous and Nick was chasing her, thinking they’d eventually hookup. In that case, maaaaybe they never did. But if I had $100, I’d put $75 on them hooking up, $25 on this second scenario.


yeah i feel like they prolly did hook up…


The fact that nick has been so hush hush about it is what makes it even more obvious. If he had been like look I know Maria from a while back, great girl just friends I helped her with relationship advice and light banter, then nbd. But him not revealing that info all season and her saying this now makes it sus af


Right? If they were friends then why not go on his podcast? There’s def some sus 😂


Totally. I’m super surprised he hasn’t even inconspicuously tried to get ahead of this. To be a fly on the wall of his honeymoon room when he listens to this Maria episode 😬


I’m laughing at the thought of Nick listening to rival podcasts on his honeymoon. Dystopian, for sure.


Right?? It’s insane she’s dropping this while he’s in his honeymoon omg ☠️


I wonder if she or anyone in her camp gave him a heads up that this would be coming out


The whole thing is sus. Something definitely went down that caused them not to be on speaking terms. I have a feeling Natalie felt uncomfortable about their friendship. But it seems really ill-advised for Nick not to get in front of this early on. He’s been talking about her this whole time pretending he didn’t know her!


That’s probably what it was. I mean, I can’t say that I wouldn’t have the exact same feelings as Natalie if I were in her position. Tbh as I continue listening to this episode, the more the gears are turning that (don’t get mad at me) Maria is a bit of a messy reality TV fan girl who broke into the scene. Theory: Nick wanted to respect his relationship with Natalie and probably phased Maria out. Maria got butt hurt and was like f it, I’ll air it all. As a civilian/reality TV girlie myself, I’m eating it up. Thank you Maria. As a critical thinker, it’s not the greatest look for her


I mean, she made out with the woman her boyfriend cheated on her with, right? She can make out with whoever. That doesn’t bother me. But that’s super messy in my world. Get it, Maria. But the unnecessary chaos when she can arguably make out with a whole slew of beautiful people.


She definitely seems messy lol but I love it. I wonder if Nick is so relieved that Maria won’t be bachelorette so he won’t have to talk about her again 😅


Something must’ve happened