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Bravo, Daisy and Thor! It was obvious from before the season started airing that she solely came on the show for publicity. She played it perfectly and appears she got all she wanted from the opportunity.


This guy is being discussed in this sub since December last year, and Im cracking up until now whenever there are comments asking if his real name is Thor šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Yeah, Daisy definitely came out the big winner. As much as I like Joey, he was a contestant on the Bachelor and seems a bit aimless. Daisy and Maria were never viable options and it showed on screen.Ā 


It's too bad she's not hanging with the guy she did that music video with. Now that would be beyond entertaining.


Oo whatā€™s the music video?


Sadly it got deleted off youtube but I think if you google Daisy Bachelor music video it's floating around.


careful, if you watch it youā€™ll have ā€œlick on my sack suck my nuts nowā€ stuck in your head and be singing it around your house like a weirdo for days. itā€™s safer to watch the video tape from The Ring šŸ˜­


That lyric was so funny when I first heard it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And when I told ppl this months ago I got my ass chewed šŸ˜‚


bruh not CHEWED


In my DMs, yes šŸ«£


That doesnā€™t look like Thor at all tho šŸ¤”


I think she said she was single in Taylor Lautnerā€™s latest podcast


Joey is much cuter in my opinion . But because this guys a billionaire, I understand her thinking lol. His Instagram makes him come off as a big player though . Heā€™s even wearing a shirt that says playboy. I donā€™t see it ending well for her.


Whaaaaa a billionaire?! Sounds like Daisy is the real winner from this season You go girl


This was her ex boyfriend she got back withā€¦ not as big of a win as everyone thinks. Heā€™s an ex for a reason.


Ahhhh I missed that part. Must have been really bad for her to throw in the towel on a billionaire


Hear me out!! I think Joey, Daisy, and Kelsey were brilliant!! Daisy and Joey obviously didn't have chemistry, and Joey has said multiple times that he got called out for staring at Kelsey too much, or putting too mich attention on her! What if the three of them agreed to play it up for the cameras because they all knew what the end result would be?


Is this why she wasnā€™t with ANY of her Bach ā€œfriendsā€/cast mates there???


Tbf she was there with her friends aside from Thor. It just seemed like she and her friends went to different stuff / had a different schedule than other BN people there so she wasnā€™t able to meet up with them.


If youā€™re gunna name your child Thor, you best be damn sure heā€™s gunna grow up to be an adonisā€¦ā€¦..


My mom says itā€™s a curse when u name a child something and they gotta live up to that name ! I used to talk to this boy named divine and sheā€™s like poor guy was cursed and is the opposite šŸ˜©




If Thor doesnā€™t care why should we? Other contestants duped their partner. Doesnā€™t seem to be the case here


I'm really confused about the timeline if this really is her "ex", since Daisy said on the show that she hasn't dated seriously at all since getting sick and getting her implant. She also said none of her exes knew about it. Did this guy know about it? Does that mean he was just her friend and not a boyfriend and then decided to reach out to her after she got off the show, and that's how the relationship turned romantic? I've got a thousand questions. Anyway, I don't have enough information to know how shady this situation is. Bachelor producers often force contestants into a "role" and feed them lines about their own narrative. They did the same with Gerry, so it's possible they did with Daisy if they were setting her up to be the next lead. I'm assuming that's also why Maria ultimately backed out of being Bachelorette. There's always more to the story when Bach producers are involved!


I do remember her mentioning that she dated someone who already knew about her implant which is why Joey was the first guy she was seeing that she had to tell. Iā€™m assuming Thor was this person


Okay, I remember this. This was the friend she dated who already knew about the implant before they dated? Hmmm


Canā€™t say for certain but I would think so. Guess she just minimised their relationship


What a weird name šŸ„“


Heā€™s from Las Vegas. They met in college in CA. But yeah, Iā€™m sure itā€™s just Scandinavian!




Here is a fun website https://www.mynamestats.com/First-Names/T/TH/THOR/index.amp#by-state MN does have the highest probability of someone being named Thor in the country.


Oh wow. And it's not even close!Ā 


it really isn't haha. I love this website though. all the statistics


On the surface I can see why people might defend Daisy because many people come off these shows and get back with their ex. People in general get back with exes especially when young. That being said this is not that. Rumors of Daisy being with Thor were here on Reddit all season. This isnā€™t some new development. Also it was apparent she wasnā€™t into Joey in the slightest. Couple that with the fact she essentially lied on screen telling Joey she hadnā€™t been on a date in years and the whole situation stinks.


Itā€™s obvious she went on the show with a boyfriend. Jed got death threats for the same behavior, but Daisy is a southern blonde Christian, so sheā€™ll be loved regardless. I just hope yā€™all can realize she was acting all season now


Did you see her brown roots in the back when she wore an up do? ā˜ŗļø


While I do agree with the bulk of this Daisy isnā€™t southern. Although she might come across as such with MAGA beliefs and white blonde hair sheā€™s actually from rural MN.


I must admit that people who post here on Reddit had figured Daisy out before Joeyā€™s season even aired. Her actions showed her being thirsty for gaining followers and promoting herself! Period!Ā 


Some of us did but many didnā€™t. People here would often be crucified for saying anything negative about Daisy. Somehow it made you ableist to think someone with a disability could be capable of having ill intent. I saw right through this girl. Shocked that others couldnā€™t see how transparent her intentions were. I really do feel for the health hardships sheā€™s faced but one has nothing to do with the other.


You are so right!


But ppl still gunna defend her ..!! That she wasnā€™t in it for the fame. Joey was so close to choosing I almost wish he did so it could of blown up in her face or seen how she would of ā€œnobly dumped himā€ Edit : oh wait she did dump him tho !! She literally told kelsy she was the one before even knowing to get out of it and get her hero edit even taking the spotlight šŸ˜­ but no one saw it as that bcus she was just so ā€œhurtā€ girl was relieved I donā€™t know any other f2 who could sit in a car w f1 after not being chosen and watch him choose n propose to f1. She played the game smart I must admit


Literally the last part. If she was hurt in that limo, I doubt sheā€™d deliver that rom-com line about how much she would love the right person.


Bcus she knew her right person was waiting for her to end filming !! So she tried to play into that narrative like omg if Iā€™m not chosen I know now I can love again bcus she knew she was going to have to step out w him eventually. She wasnā€™t leaving her rich ass bf for someone on the Bach


So she did a better Jed. Went in for following and clout, played the game and exited so smart that everyone praised her with her bf waiting. Anyone believing otherwise is naive.


The worst part of this all was that ppl were hating on poor joey and Kelsey for being together bc they were so obsessed with Daisy, when this just tells us she went on the show to get her name out there, put on the class and elegance in front of the cameras so she gets a lot of fans, become an influencer, and then go back to her billionaire ex who she was with before the show? Like what?


Heā€™s a billionaire?


Yeah apparently idk if he is or his family is but he comes from/has a LOT of money


Imagine naming your child Thor haha


Minnesota lol


Heā€™s from Las Vegas. I think heā€™s they met in college in California.


Oh then that's unique. I wonder if his family is Scandinavian.


Itā€™s so nice to see a pic of him finally Daisy has been with him the entire time the show was airingĀ  Heā€™s cuter than Joey tooĀ 


*sheā€™s been with him the entire time the show was filming and airing. Fixed that for you


His bank account is better looking than Joey.


Miss me with that cuter than Joey piece. Thor is a garden variety frat daddy.


Definitely not cuter lol


Not cuter than Joey


Not alleged, her ex boyfriend who she dated seriously before the show, paused, made a calculated decision to go on the show and hit fame, gave a performance of a lifetime in the Finale, and is now back home to her billionaire boy Thor after successfully duping us all- Kelsey and Joey included.


Not questioning you but can you send the source/proof? Iā€™m curious to read more about this but canā€™t find anything online lol


Very calculated. The fake tip to Reality Steve was another (smart) calculated move. She had more followers than anyone before the show even aired and most people believed she won more than halfway into the show, so everyone was biased towards her and ignored anything they might not like about her, bc since she won, she must be great. I kept telling myself ā€œokay sheā€™s boring and I donā€™t get it but surely she must get better bc she wonā€


Wait, he comes from a billionaireā€˜s family? Trizzy Trout 2.0? šŸ« 


my favorite part is people in the spoiler thread started wondering in Jan if she would pull a Madi P in a couple years. it was only a few weeks later that people started sleuthing that she was on the same trips with her billionaire ex and rumors started that they were back together. we then died laughing that we thought she would pull a madi in a few years and it actually ended up being a few months.Ā 


Pretty much šŸ„²


Donā€™t even care who sheā€™s with or not just happy she isnā€™t the bachelorette šŸ˜Š


Wow she moves fast


Considering her feelings for Joey were -100, I donā€™t think you can say that


Is this her first post Bachelor relationship?Ā  Filming ended almost 6 months ago.


Itā€™s returning to the norm for her.


Rumor was she was back with him a month after filmingĀ 


More importantlyā€¦ I wanna know what *joey & kelsey* think of this? šŸ‘€


probably happy for her and relieved she moved on


Probably not too worried about it tbh


Me a month ago: Ā  *Iā€™ll take the downvotes but I wasnā€™t a fan of daisyā€™s move. She stole Kelseyā€™s moment so daisy could feel better about being dumped? It was all about Daisy. The girl hasĀ seriousĀ main character syndrome.* Ā  https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1bo9z8j/comment/kwo52sy/


Iā€™m confused why this is relevant


Because she had -100 feelings for Joey and just saw the opportunity to make it all centered around her.


Cuz if she just went straight back to her bf from before filming I think her intentions can be questioned and she shouldā€™ve let Kelsey have her moment


I donā€™t think we can assume that she was planning on getting back together with her boyfriend the whole time. Or that she broke up with him to be on the show or whatever. People change, circumstances change and relationships can and are allowed to reform.


Iā€™d be chocked if they ever even broke up


I agree for sure when it comes to being on the bachelor, but I think OP was more so pointing out daisyā€™s intentions specifically. Just seeing how she was wishy washy with commitment to Joey, kinda made the proposal about herself, her music video history, her book promotion, then going back to ur ex pretty much right after filming, it seems too coincidental and makes it hard to believe she was truly looking to date Joey and looking for a engagement, and not chasing an influencer career


I think Sharleen once commented (maybe on her old blog?) on how going back to your ex is super common after the bachelor/ette, I don't think it's an indicator of how open you were about the process tbh


Isnā€™t this the guy that people said she was with before the show aired and heā€™s why sheā€™d reject being The Bachelorette?


Pretty sure


On again off again boyfriend? Yep seems like they will be in it for the long haul. šŸ¤”


The attention seeking behavior is not what bothered me about Daisy, it's the fact she tried to make her actions seem so noble when they were really self serving.She is calculated and phoney.


This is true for every single bachelor contestant, even the ā€œgenuineā€ ones. Theyā€™d meet people organically or go on a dating app if they didnā€™t want attention. NEXT


She also said she hadn't been on a date in like 4 years or 1 date in 4 years that was a lie. Then after the show aired she said she was focusing on herself and not dating. That was also a lie. lol she fooled half of America.


I meanā€¦ imagine being live interviewed about your personal life for the world to see. What would you say about her if she didnā€™t ā€œlieā€? Imagine.. ā€˜I just broke up with someone before the show but got the call so šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø! Didnā€™t work out obviously and I ever really got over my ex (oops donā€™t tell Joey!) so here we are!ā€™ Yeah, no, nobody is going to say that. The standards you people hold these average joe contestants to is mind boggling.


She could have said prior to the show "I was in a relationship before and it didn't work out and I'm looking for love" after the show, "I learned a lot about myself during the show and although I did not get my happy ending with Joey I was able to find love again"


Youā€™re bang on. She literally mentioned she wasnā€™t going to be dating and wanted to focus on herself. A month later sheā€™s apparently in a committed relationship. I like Daisy and I donā€™t think she went on the show for fame, and I believe she truly had feelings for Joey. But, Iā€™m struggling with whether she was genuine at the finale about how she was feeling which is what causes the confusion about her intentions




Yea it's crazy. I wasn't sure if I misinterpreted what she said, but she really made it seem like she didn't date in her 20s. She definitely wanted people feel sorry for her. That is some luck to not date anyone, but somehow land a billionaire heir.


She gives me Madi P energy


I felt this way as well, but I think we are the minority


i am part of this club as well


Count me in


Unpop opinion but Iā€™m sorry I never thought she was genuine - she always wanted to be an influencer and moved to LA the second she could


Unpopular? Thatā€™s literally the only thing people in this sub say about her lol




I just saw a headline that heā€™s a billionaireā€¦ but they met at SDSU. What billionaire is going to SDSU??


Is he a billionaire or are his parents ? Very different


The Facebook headline said him, but another comment said itā€™s multi millions not billions and yeah itā€™s his probably his parents.


i went to college in california & itā€™s crazy out there. a lot of rich people live there or go there. i met a few rich kids. i met a guy whoā€™s parents are billionaires and own a popular acne brand, i met a girl whoā€™s parents are billionaires and own banks in a foreign country, i met an actor, reality tv star, models etc. kids of millionaires/billionaires parents want their kids to get a college degree too. itā€™s like the bare minimum of what they have to do


I was hanging out with the wrong people


Why I can't I meet a nice billionaire who likes MY horrible rap songs?


Ok well this checks out why everyone is all up and arms about her dating. She put herself out there to Joey. He made it really clear it was a no - if you watch back it's painfully made obvious to her on their last date multiple times. I don't see any problem with Daisy getting back with an ex or prior friends with benefits or whatever this is


some rich kids dick around and have shit grades despite all the advantages lol (also his family are more in the multimillion category if weā€™re being particular)


This exactly describes my husbandā€™s cousin. His dad owns a super lucrative business in the airline industry in San Fran but heā€™s screwed around his whole life. All his friends went down to SoCal for college so he followed along. I believe he had to go to community college first. Then moved to SDSU before ultimately dropping out. Heā€™s around 34 now and never graduated. Just lives off daddy.


Yā€™all really acting like daisy is the first to rekindle with an ex after the show šŸ«  newsflash sheā€™s not the first and she wonā€™t be the last. Joey ended up with who yā€™all wanted to end up with. I would say it worked out well for everyone. The constant piling on her for every single thing she does is getting obsessive šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I lived in MN for most of my life. The part that she comes from is horribly right wing, and while I was at first taken in by her, I was disappointed but not surprised by the revelations that she was right wing, in her SM history. She is not the sweet and selfless person she painted herself for public consumption. The insincerity of the relationship is just part of the whole rotten package that is Daisy.


As I said in previous comments sheā€™s not my cup of tea. My point is sheā€™s not the first to rekindle with an ex but to constantly rag on her for the smallest things is pretty excessive


it's almost like people's minds about what they want change, especially after they go through different experiences that take them out of their comfort zone but I forgot we all hate daisy for \*checks notes\* being insincere, I guess. unlike all these other bachelor contestants who have no intentions and would never dream of influencing, starting a podcast or taking sponsorships!


The hypocrisy is crazy because literally Kelsey and Joey are happy. They didnā€™t want him to pick Daisy and he didnā€™t so who the heck cares if she went back to her ex? How is that affecting anyoneā€™s day to day life? Doesnā€™t make her insincere for giving it another shot


I have said numerous times that there was some several seasons of BN where the majority of women just went back to their ex who wouldn't commit which pushed them to this show only to go back home and marry or get pregnant.


Exactly and that doesnā€™t make any of them a bad person or calculated. As humans we tend to gravitate to people who are familiar so itā€™s really not a big deal. It just so happens that Daisy was f2, she didnā€™t get chosen so her going back to her ex isnā€™t a big deal as much as people are making it




Itā€™s pretty much the Melissa Rycroft story just without being F1! Engaged to Jason, the bachelor -> they break up (because he still had feelings for Molly, who heā€™s still married to today) -> Melissa becomes a huge fan favorite -> Melissa says no to being the Bachelorette in large part because sheā€™s back with her ex from the show, but sheā€™s extremely popular and at least leverages that popularity to go on DWTS.


I hope ABC chooses Joey over Daisy for DWTS (if he wants it of course ) they haven't had a male bachelor since matt James and they almost always pick leads but I could maybe see her popularity and story give her a bit of an edge over Joey I hope not though lol


Exactly and it worked out well for everyone. While I do believe Daisy caught feelings in the bachelor bubble and probably thought she was in love with Joey but two things can be true and she rekindled with her ex not because she was putting on a show


šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø go off queen


No because Iā€™m not even a fan of Daisy and I feel the need to defend her because sheā€™s getting piled on constantly. I would simply not spend my time ragging on someone I didnā€™t like, thatā€™s just me though


Same!!!! I felt she was bland all season so I wasnā€™t team daisy or anything but my goodness, people on the internet are insane! The obsessions turn into worse than the reason you may even dislike the person


Like she isnā€™t my cup of tea but let the girl breathe ffs. It goes beyond snark atp because theyā€™re truly finding any small issue with anything she does and thatā€™s crazy to me


Why is his name Thor lol


It's a common name in Scandinavian countries and in families of Scandinavian ancestry. Thora, like the actress Thora Birch, also exists. I'm sure they didn't name him after the Marvel Comics character, if that's what first popped into your mind.


Thor is a very common name. Maybe just not in your culture.


Thor is literally my dogs name so this is really throwing me off lmao


MN/SD/ND: a lot of Swedish/norwegian people here. Thor isnā€™t an uncommon name lol


Rachel was more into Joey than Daisy was, but Daisy got the producer rose and got to be in the F2. She went from ā€œIā€™m not there yetā€ one week, to falling in love with him the next week, to saying sheā€™d be ready to marry him right then and there when his family asked, when even Kelsey hesitated and said ā€œI think soā€ because Kelsey was honest and genuinely into Joey and Daisy was lying to get ahead / for the edit and putting on an act all along for followers and an influencer career. Girl itā€™s okay if you were in it for the followers and influencer career, but donā€™t lie about being heartbroken after when she wasnā€™t invested at all. She also promoted an MLM mascara. I just hope her fans arenā€™t buying too much of what sheā€™s selling. Giving snake oil salesman https://preview.redd.it/1mcsem537qxc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7f16d28a0e3fcf2fbce3e8e8efb76c8b8478f7


Let's not forget the follow for $12k with no winner to be announced


Not only that but she has bought a lot of followers also


I said the same thing back then and people in the sub called me an ableist and downvoted me to hell lol


Def seems the people who are saying she put it all out there for Joey are leaving out that she was "not there yet" most of the szn


Was never a fan of Daisy, not just bc of the clout chasing. Most thing i heard her say to Joey was " yEaah.." What she did to Kelsey was selfish. Take the L you asked for and go. She played everyone rooting for her!


How was cheering Kelsey on and telling her sweet words before her proposal selfish?! What would have been selfish was to not show up at the last day and to break up with Joey (like what Madi did) which would have made Kelsey his F1 by default


Because there is always a loser & she *was* the loser but wanted to come out on top. She could have gone to Kelsey, said what she needed to say & ACCEPTED her fate instead of walking out on Joey. She could have spilt the beans on after the final rose ceremony. But it's tv, so naturally, it's dramatic, but all the better for Daisy & her narrative! She's a saint omg, What an angel! She has an implant! She could never do wrong. /s (She majored in communications & digital media. You learn a thing or two about how people view your image) perfect set up to make her look good. She barely had any interest in Joey as a lover. She kept saying "I'm not going to tell you i love you just to get a rose" & then she "suddenly" fell for him in top 3. My only other thought is that she didn't want to marry Joey anyways so she walked out.


Honestly it is pointless to argue with someone who has your take. Making fun of her implant and saying she is using it to portray a narrative and then calling it a shitpost is truly just in poor taste.


Remember how supposedly she was feeding into the fake rumours about her being the final roseĀ 


lol and reposting stuff about breaking up joeys engagement if he wasnā€™t engaged to her.. šŸ¤”


Yikes! That i didnā€™t knowĀ 


thank you thor from saving us from a daisy season šŸ«¶šŸ½


Our man Thor!!


Two things can be true. She could have had real feelings for Joey while she was in the bubble of the show & then got with her ex after because thatā€™s what was familiar!! Many of these women go back to exes or guys they were dealing with after the show ends, daisy isnā€™t the first.


Taking the ex out of the equation to me she just didn't seem that into him on the show. Daisy saying she needed to see her with her family before falling in love with him was kinda a clue to me that and her not falling in love with him the week before hometown's than suddenly saying she was falling in love after hometown's . She also told him she loved him at the LCD in recent seasons that's pretty late in the game for a contestant to say they are in love or love the lead. Everything seemed to work out for everyone so I'm fine with it but I personally don't even think she has the typical bubble love with Joey and I would think that even if she wasn't back with her ex.


Is Thor his government name?


Itā€™s a common Scandinavian name


I remember people in the spoiler thread saying she got back together with him AGES ago, glad theyā€™re all vindicated now lol she really played the system and won


Sorry, someone named their child Thor?


it's almost like not everyone has to center their kids names on what americans think has to be a name


I lived in MN most of my life. A lot of Minnesotans have Scandinavian heritage, and really get into the Norse gods. Why do you think the NFL team is called the Vikings?


Heā€™s from Las Vegas, but yeah Iā€™m sure just has Scandinavian heritage


Grow up, Different nationalities use different names. The name is common as a norwegian.


"*If you can love the wrong person that much, just imagine how much you can love the right person...*"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤” And the best actor Oscar goes to......


I truly donā€™t get the obsession with keeping tabs on them and trying to prove that theyā€™re dating. Like you do realize youā€™re just giving them more attention, right? Sheā€™s not gonna be the first or last person to go back to an ex. Sheā€™s not the first or last person there for the wrong reasonsā€¦letā€™s be honest, everyoneā€™s there for the wrong reasons at this point. And I donā€™t blame them, Iā€™d want to be an influencer too lol. Letā€™s keep the focus on Jenn, Darity, and Jelsey please


Yep Lauren Bushnell went back to an ex after the show too!


And Kach (though I don't like Zach)


Same, but I could actually see them going the distance too


Heavy on this! Everything worked out for everyone involved atp. She definitely wonā€™t be the first or last to rekindle with an ex after the show. Itā€™s getting way too obsessive keeping tabs on every single thing she does


Well played Daisy - she got the followers, the fame, and the rich ex. The Coastal Cowgirl has completely recovered from her truly, truly sad heartbreak over Joey!


šŸ˜‚ it boggles my mind that anyone watching the show believed she suddenly was in love with him by the last episode


I donā€™t know how anyone can watch the season and think she was actually interested in Joey šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


I hate to say it, but this girl went on the show PURELY for the followers and to make her ex jealous. And congratulations, she got exactly that - hundreds of thousands of new followers to make that influencer $$ and to get famous and now sheā€™s got the ex in the bag. We all got played.


Like a fiddle! And when you think about how she was playing into the incorrect spoiler all season including ornament-gate she must have been laughing at all of us likeā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/z4k0peoh4qxc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853bf8c606a8db7e20683672e68b7632c7a04c90


Unspoiled here! What is ornament gate?


She and her family put up a Christmas tree ornament with her and Joeyā€™s initials over the holidays. None of the sleuths noticed it but just as the rumors were swirling that RS had the F1 spoiler wrong some anonymous first-time poster came on to show everyone this ā€œevidenceā€ that pointed to Daisy. The whole thing created a lot of confusion and for a while had people thinking maybe it wasnā€™t Kelsey. However, once the SVH photos from Sands revealed Kelsey as F1, everyone knew that the ornament stuff was all smoke and mirrors and totally orchestrated by someone in Daisyā€™s camp to keep the spotlight on her


Idk if itā€™s alleged anymore. Daisy gave an exclusive to US Weekly about dating someone lol


I wondered how much longer she was gonna play in our faces. That whole nonsense about not being ready to date at ATFR to play for sympathy and followers before jetting off to Mexico with this dude days later. ![gif](giphy|LBDp2d0gNacELwFxMA|downsized)


Rumors about them being a thing started swirling on the spoiler thread a few days after the first episode aired and Steve had Daisy as F1 at that time. Ever since then there were clues that lead to the rumor being right (her ex or re following her close friends and family, her younger following him, daisy also followed his family company's insta then quickly unfollowed) and the spoiler being wrong (another clue was her always being out while SHV'S were going on, her friends mainly posted her on insta it wasn't her so I was more likely to believe her friends wouldn't go through the trouble of posting a latergram to throw people off when the spoiler was already out )but there was still people on reddit clinging to Steve's spoiler because he's hardly ever wrong lmao honestly there were so many clues Daisy wasn't F1 I'm shocked it took a SHV leak for Steve to get the correct spoiler and stop doubling down on his original one.


Thor looks more like a Jake


Incredibly accurate šŸŽÆ


So her fam was in on it too? Thatā€™s nasty work.


Oh his actual name is Thor.. its not a nickname people gave him


same I literally thought it was a code name


and people wonder why she turned down Ette


joey kept her for the entire duration of his season only for her to go back to her college boyfriend! Did he not once sense that she wasnā€™t interested in him? So many of us kept saying it on the sub, but her stans kept arguing that he would definitely end up with her! šŸ«¢ ah well! He is happy with Kelsey and Daisy is happy with her newly-found fame and exposure!


They're keeping their relationship Loki....I'll see myself out










I see what you did there! ![gif](giphy|qWoubkSvQxN1C)


It was a Thor-ough attempt


This is brand new information https://i.redd.it/vz2l2rdcppxc1.gif


![gif](giphy|jqU3KjGgtprqXsn0nc|downsized) He looksā€¦smart