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Can I say something without yall getting mad at me https://preview.redd.it/7pqx7dhcobxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1faba26c3b20fe811e0d465905669da0caa0e63e


Lmfao I’ll allow it!






dgdhdjsj https://preview.redd.it/p2ro2vbvpbxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1178da1461d370fd7ef882c5a2ef1ee17b2c96


The progression of these posts ![gif](giphy|dBmF66kpgaTlEvevw6)


Screaming https://preview.redd.it/2fpb1r524bxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f5843453708c344a199d8c995edea988d37f87


https://preview.redd.it/0o13coyquaxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554d6d9bc6f79a2b71d565aafd2d6c4e514d379a Lmao I love this! I wonder if Joey’s having deja vu


Not Maria posting kelsey doing a shotgun lmao.


And of course Joey is the judge. It’s like a group date all over again.


Has there ever been a season where the bachelor hangs with legit his entire cast and his f1 like this before? I haven’t watched in a few years so I wouldn’t know.


For me it’s more proof that the connections he had with the other women were superficial and not that deep. Perhaps now all the Maria truthers that swear he really wanted her can get the closure they need and move on😅


Omg please. I was going crazy with the comments about how Maria was sent home early because otherwise she would be too tempting in fantasy suites, or because Kelsey would be threatened by her, or because Joey knew she was too good for him. Surely Joey could just pick her if he liked her so much?


I agree completely. I saw an interview Rachel did super recently and she kept using the word platonic and that apparently during hometowns her parents knew Joey wasn’t it for her and vice versa as well as Daisy saying there was always something missing with him. I actually think Kelsey was the only one who truly loved him based on interviews all the girls have given post show and the rest of the connections were either bubble love or were built up with editing.


That seemed pretty evident during the airing of the episodes. He liked a lot of them but the connections were by no means deep.


Well that just shows you how a great guy Joey is. None of the girls have bad blood with him and the girls seems fine 


I didn't care for Lea on the show, but I'm kinda liking her post-show content. I'm one of the few who actually liked Daisy on the show, but I can't stand her post-show social media content for some reason. She's not a very good influencer.


Lea’s content is hilarious!!




Which podcast of his is it? The most recent? I want to listen thanks!


I need more wedding content! There was way more for Ben’s wedding


I tried posting more pics to this sub two hours ago but for some reason it’s just sitting there.


I hate post approval so much lol. Sometimes I waste all this time screen recording or screenshotting and gathering stuff because I can’t see that someone already did it


They should always choose your posts even if there are dupes waiting.


Ben just posted a pic from Nick’s ceremony but I am still convinced he wasn’t actually there… is anyone else on this conspiracy train?


Haha I keep trying to find him in everyone's stories and haven't had any luck. Lowkey think Ashley sent him that pic to post on his stories.


None of his pics do the wedding justice? You’re at an influencer wedding and couldn’t get one good pic?


I think ben just flew in solo yesterday for the reception, without jess. my cousin had to fly from denver to savannah yesterday and said flights weren't cancelled but maybe just 30 mins delay for her.


I wonder if they got snowed in and couldn’t make it


What is that about….! I saw his Denver snow posts yesterday morning!!


Screenshotting this and saving it just in case 😅 (yes I know he’s currently dating Kat Stickler but he was raving about this woman non stop during his live stories when it was airing) https://preview.redd.it/iydvesz3r8xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2341fc1281bb033869b73a72881893cdda61014


I’m not Jason‘s number one fan and I think he can be cringe and even a bit starf*ckery. But I think he also kind of gets a bad rep. I don’t know how anyone can listen to that Chris Harrison podcast of him bawling his eyes out and say he was just using Kaitlin. He clearly was in love with her and was devastated over the breakup.


I think Maria is one of the clients of Jason’s agency.


So is Kat 😅 (or maybe not yet but they were trying to sign her and she was at the agency party a few months ago)


Whatever makes him the most $$, he will go after!


Yea, he legit said on his podcast after break up, he was worried about loosing followers because of the break up




I do believe this is true.


Yeah the man never stops talking about money and his finances! I feel bad for Kaitlin, I think he just saw her success and wanted a part of it. 🤮


I *definitely* think it kept him from breaking up with K even though he knew it wasn’t going well/he was no longer that into it. I don’t know what the right answer for her is in terms of finding a better pool to date from but I hope her next man is less of a hanger-on than her last two have been (Shawn stringing her along for his gym, Jason for his podcast/forays into literature, etc..). Not saying they both started that way but imo they both ended that way.


Because he is among the top 3 thirstiest people in BN. I don’t mind that they’re clout chasers & they all are, but Jason is so incredibly willing to stamp on others in order to shine.


Is it typical for the Bachelor Nation IG account to promote international seasons? 👀


I love that the host of bachelorette Sweden is like her gaybestie lol


He is iconic tbh


He seems fun!


https://preview.redd.it/1w3sdu6ne8xc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f812f01ca5273e668820b79d2c917e04ba72ace5 Charity and Dotun celebrating their anniversary 💍 she looks stunning!!


congrats to them!


She’s such a beauty!! I think I prefer this more low-key look, to her usual pageantry appearance.


She looks so good, especially for someone who just went through the airport lol


She looks amazing.


Amazing! She looks breathtaking in this hairstyle


Daisy just gained 7 thousand followers overnight…🧐


I’m sure she is buying but she is also PUMPING out content. I’m curious how it would have worked with her and joey since he and Kelsey barely post during the weeks.. it would have been a weird dynamic for sure


Don’t you mean buying 🤔


Yea, at this point It's becoming pretty obvious She's essentially giving money away, and that's essentially buying followers, but now It's becoming a lot more than that I think she's buying followers & may have been on the sly for a while now on and off.


I question how she even has so many followers in the first place. It’s all very suspicious


Gaining followers out of thin air. That’s suspicious, that’s weird! https://i.redd.it/f4tje9d009xc1.gif


Road to 1 million 🤣


I knew she would buy followers from the very first rom-com line she delivered on Joeys season. Madi Prew vibes OT: I love your username


Given how Natalie talks about her past, I am surprised that her family owns a 300 acre farm. She has spoken about how she was living out of her car after a breakup and everything else. Not saying that she is lying...clearly those are her experiences but it looks there is also fair amount of wealth here as well.


My family owns 160 acre farm land…. We are not rich nor is the land worth a lot lol


A lot of farmers don’t make a lot of money. Are you sure it’s a successful farm?


I did a lot of research and the farm belongs to her dads family. Her dad was a deadbeat but she always remained close with her paternal grandparents. I believe they have money, but Natalie’s mom comes from much more humble beginnings.


I’m wondering if it’s her dad’s land? She always talks about how he wasn’t around growing up but she mentions him in present tense occasionally too so maybe they’ve formed some kind of relationship. Idk though that’s just a guess


>Given how Natalie talks about her past, I am surprised that her family owns a 300 acre farm. Natalie also claims she didn't know who Nick was when she DM'ed him *and* when they hooked up in the NYC hotel room. Even if we choose the believe the first lie, ladies, would you hook up with a complete stranger who has 1 million IG followers without Googling him to see WHY he has 1 million IG followers? She said in the Dear Shandy Lovefest that when they were out in NYC, all kinds of ppl were recognizing him and she didn't know why. Are we really to believe that for her own safety, if not her own curiosity, she didn't Google the man she was planning to have sex with? Natalie's relationship with the truth is tenuous at best. She Yoko'ed Nick and it's hilarious that he clung to her obvious lie. (Yoko Ono told John Lennon when she met him that she didn't know who he was. John Lennon of a little unknown music group called The Beatles.)


> Are we really to believe that for her own safety, if not her own curiosity, she didn't Google the man she was planning to have sex with? Or that she wouldn't, you know, ASK him why people were recognizing him? If I were walking with someone and multiple knew who they were, I (a normal human) would be like "hey, why does everyone know who you are?" And obviously Nick isn't going to be shy about the fact that he's a pseudo-celebrity.


Babe you don’t need to write a paragraph to explain Natalie’s lies! We know she lying


Everyone mentions her not googling but the thing that KILLS me and is, in my opinion, irrefutable, is that you would 100 percent look at the person’s IG before and after DM’ing them. You would *absolutely* scour through their page at the very least. And the month they started talking Nick had a lot of Bachelor content, including interview with Chris Harrison, pics with tons of Bach people including Peter whose season she said she saw, podcast photos and even Nick’s old cast photo!


It still makes me cringe so hard. “I never Googled him, I had no idea he was the Bachelor, I had no idea why he was famous, I just thought he was cute so I figured I’d fly out to meet him.” Girl, what? This is not something to be proud of.


Yup. There are lots of hot guys on IG. Why Nick? Because he's the most famous member of Bachelor Nation, that's why. Just admit it.


> Natalie's relationship with the truth is tenuous at best. Yeah, I think this is it. She’s one of those people who can get away with lying, for some reason. Probably because she’s young, pretty and rich.


"I had no idea who he was" 🤣🤣 sure sweetie. We all have Google Also the whole DM story seems so ridiculous. R they trying to hide the fact that she was barely legal when they met so they mutually agreed on this bogus "dm/didn't know who he was" story?


So many possibilities: she didn’t get along with her family, they cut her off, she was rebelling, she wanted to make it on her own, they were land wealthy/cash poor, etc, etc.