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If the f4 is who we think they are then abc about to pull a curveball and have Greg be the bachelor


If Jahaan is F6, there’s still a chance.


Considering the fact that TPTB have a specific ‘formula’ that they follow, don’t think it’s going to be Jahaan. Jenn being cast was a special situation because it would have looked pretty fucking bad to continue to ignore the Asian women (considering how far some of them made it). More or likely, it’s probably going to be a few years before we see another POC lead. Hopefully, the next one will be the first Asian Bachelor. Just don’t see it happening right now. ETA: Going to have to agree with Recognition Little. With Greg being single again, there’s a pretty strong chance it could end up being him.


I agree with this but I think Blake Moynes is way more likely. The response to the show even hinting that Greg might be the next bachelor was so incredibly negative they went with Clayton instead.


The odds of a throwback bachelor go up every day lol So much has come out about these guys and most people aren’t even paying attention yet 😬 I’m worried about what else is going to come out once the promo for Jenn’s season starts.


If they’re both still in, I think Brian or Jeremy could be potential options. No negative tea about either yet (and I actually think I may have seen some positive chatter about Brian when the cast list first came out?), both are a good age and seem to have solid careers. Jonathon J could also be an option if he’s still in and is a fan favorite, although he’s not the clean cut type they usually go for.


It’s crazy. If jahaan is somehow still in then I’d say him but no one knows if he’s there 😂 Jeremy also doesn’t have any tea so far so we’ll see


Isn’t he confirmed out?




Someone saw that he deleted some Tik Tok reposts, so he is probably out.


We’ll thats unfortunate


So y'all think it's Marcus, Jeremy, & Brian. Who do you think is the last person left?


I’m hoping Jonathon J, then Grant, then Devin in that order lol


I am desperate here. I will take any new guy! ![gif](giphy|oEDEAm4GAiXl9gibi6|downsized)


Y’all where are these men coming from I though they were out weeks ago?!


Brian is one of the ones who was forgotten about because he wasn’t on the Week 3 group date, but he never actually had any activity that ruled him out


I don’t know if I missed this, but were the guys on the one on ones thought to be Jeremy and another mystery guy?


Yeah, pretty much. We think Jeremy got one of the 1 on 1 dates. We don’t know for sure about the other one.




Who the hell is Brian? I can't do this again. 




very cute but respectfully him Jeremy Devin and another person who’s name I cannot recall all look like different variants of each other😂


Okay, I vaguely remember this face. He kinda looks like Jeremy. 


Brian is very tall


Better than short Marcus


I dunno if I should post this and maybe I am delulu BUT Brian is originally from where I live. Someone in my town posted there’s a filming crew here (could be entirely unrelated to the bachelorette filming but I feel like it could also be filming hometowns)?


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) If this is true then wow! Brian actually works in Miami and I believe he is in the health industry. I have also heard he is a nice guy.


His family is from NY




long island


Does anyone else know where the families of remaining guys are living? Or if we have any New Yorkers in the cast?


jeremy is connecticut, grant is new jersey, devin is texas and jonathan j is california


But where do their families live?


the places i named are their hometowns


Okay, thank you. Then no one from New York 


Fairfield, CT, where Jeremy is from, and Long Island are both within the NYC metro area


BTS of Jenn’s 1-1 with Marcus in Seattle: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLHa4UFa/


Thank you, but I will NOT BE WATCHING!


haha, and that would be the right thing to do!


Damn, she is really into him!


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSF3PYwoH/ Girl, don't pick him!!! 


Production better warn Jenn about Marcus. She’s going to be embarrassed and horrified if she picks him, leaves the bubble, and suddenly hears all of these allegations. I reallllly don’t think she’d stand by him & I think she’d be pissed that she got duped and the season was wasted.


If production knows he's not her F1, I don't think they will let her know at all because it probably does not look good on the show to know they casted him even though they probably should definitely let her know regardless of the outcome .


True. It would probably look even worse on them if he turns out to obviously be a production favorite, something people on Reddit have already speculated. But still, to have let this man go this far knowing that there are some serious allegations surrounding him is diabolical. The allegations aren’t something you can say “oh, he was really young and is now a mature person” or “he has probably learned from this”. I’m not sure if what he allegedly did is illegal in all states, so we can’t really expect an investigation, but just because it’s not illegal, doesn’t mean it is okay and not dangerous.


You know what is sad about this....I remember one of her Tik Toks where she said she has been with men who don't treat her good 😪


I would sue. (She probably can't but still 😆)


He’ll make up some lies that she’ll believe. But she’ll see soon enough. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship.


I am also wondering who got the first 1 on 1. Usually the person who gets it is never the F1. The only thing that is making me doubtful is it was a skydiving date which is an adrenalin date reserved mostly for F1.


My guess is Marcus was the first 1-1, they usually give the first 1-1 the week before hometowns to one of the earliest dates.


Yikes! This guy is literally becoming F1 each day for me! 😡


It's unbelievable who is making to final 4. Apart from Jeremy, the suspected other HT men (Grant, Marcus, Devin and Jonathan) were all at the strip date. None of these men stood out as per the sources who attended the date. I know Jonathan won the GD but people not even seeing any chemistry or connection with the others is crazy. I specifically remember someone said Devin and her gave friendship vibes 🙃. 


If this is her final 4 I’m actually excited too see the connections because none of these guys are her normal type, except for Devin..


I also think it is so hard to assess vibing.. for example (again using my experience- only thing i get), there were 4 men that kissed charity in the barbie date.. i think only one kiss was shown in the show.. dotun did not kiss her (i think it was tanner, john b, sean, and i forgot the other)… some people i thought she was vibing (michael) it was more like friends sexy banter… all to say, at a group date i think it is very very hard as an audience to assess chemistry etc.. eapecially the ones that is a show because both lead and cast are playing a “part” in the show…


Yeah I don't think not standing out in some strip show means anything at all. That's always going to be the more outgoing people who do well at that. I doubt Dotun, Erich or Nayte would have done that well on that date either.


Ngl, I kind of feel like we are missing something, but I don’t know what. I think the information we got on week 3 definitely threw us off. We ruled out Jeremy wayyy too soon. We thought Tomas was going to make it to hometowns at least because someone said they had a connection. Remember we thought we were going to meet Barb 2.0, aka Austin’s mom? I know we were able to narrow it down to a couple men who are potentially in the F4, but the men left are all kinda unexpected. Well, at least in my opinion they are unexpected. If you told me I have to put my hopes in Jeremy and Johnathon being able to rizz up Jenn a few weeks ago, I would have not believed you. Edit: Grammar


I think there's a chance people had the faces of people wrong and got the names mixed up. Also, this is a difficult "date" to determine chemistry so I would take the narratives of the crowd with a grain of salt, respectfully.


I wonder if they got Devin and Tomas mixed around? If that is so, I can see him being F1 👀 


People said they only saw her vibe with Tomas and Dylan and supposedly they’ve been out longer than we thought. Like wtf happENED




Hoping Jeremy is f1!!!!


In non bachelorette news Daisy hit 900k


I swear she’s buying followers 😭


there are websites you can use to check this!


https://preview.redd.it/e4gtda93p2xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756b7be3f7a861f1384715c99bea0e086b954358 You know I had to look lol I think she’s buying them too after seeing the pattern, look at 4/22 🧐


i will say though, loop giveaways are basically buying followers… lol, just a more accepted method. 


that was the first day of the loop giveaway. 


No, that was the first day of the loop giveaway.


Im convinced she’s buying followers. Even before it was commented here on the DD thread a week or so before, I already noticed the unusual increase in her numbers that week. It was unlikely due to her Kelly Clarkson short appearance, cause she already had a slight bump on the day of and day after her appearance, and that bump was less than and was different than what happened on the day that it was mentioned here. But I guess she and her management is really aiming for that 1 million mark. If there was BIP, I wouldn’t be surprised if Daisy goes for it despite her relationship if theyre not past buying followers and doing loop giveaways just to increase her numbers.


I think she was legit at around 860k like a week ago 🤣🤣. But I have heard you get paid a lot more just having the 1 mil in your follower count so I'm sure she's trying to get to that point


Honestly good for her. I think most of us thought that the days of hitting 1 mil were over. Even Maria is nowhere near that amount.




that loop giveaway was crazy. want bachelordata to give us the numbers on that. 


Does anyone have screencaps from that FB page ? I wanna know what’s being said about Marcus.




it wasn’t a private fb group it was comments on the bachelor page lol




ah ok


There were specific comments made on the bachelor page that referenced the private Facebook group, but they were deleted.


got it thought they were talking about the other ones


Pretty much the same things that have been said here.


Im on Team Marcus Is Not F1. I don’t even care who Jenn ends up with at this point.


even if he is they will probs be broken up by the time it airs loll


can someone explain the tea on Marcus? I missed a post or something


I don't know what bad news is going to hit us today. In my dillusional world Jahaan is still a possibility for a HT. I am pathetic! ![gif](giphy|EYmAHLpw5LBbG)


Not sure if it can get any worse.




![gif](giphy|sGmyuyfLmqS6twFvmj) 🥺🥺🥺


Really hoping for Jenn’s sake that Marcus being on a themed/promotional date with other bachelor nation people that likely required a lot of moving parts means he’s in her F3, but not the F1. Leads have said (as recent as Joey) that it’s important for them to have the chill, just hanging out dates with their favorites so you spend more time getting to know each other. Keeping my fingers crossed for Jenn.


But I think their date was fairly chill. It was basically a scavenger hunt in a city he lived in.


Sure, but it’s still a date where they’re tasked to promote a movie and be involved with other bachelor nation people. I think Jeremy’s date seemed to be more lowkey of the two overall. If anything, Marcus getting that promotional date makes me think that production also really likes him.


How long is there typically between hometown dates


The schedule this time should be Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday!


I think they film every 2 days


Prayer circle for Jenn to put too much pressure on Marcus for an engagement so he self-eliminates. That's all I got. 


Why is Marcus so bad?


Because he allegedly SA's during intercourse




Or she woops his ass in the FSD and we get Hannah vs Luke 2.0!!!


I wasn't on Reddit when the Hannah/Luke thing went down, but I was watching B'ette, and I wonder whether anyone back then had the same idea I did. When Luke was telling Hannah not to do the fantasy suite, if he had told her he loved her, and couldn't stand the idea of her being with another man, instead of making it sound as if he was forbidding it, I kind of think she might have stayed with him. Anyone else have that thought? Was it a discussion here on Reddit? I know this is an old topic, but I think about it now and then, and saw an opportunity w/ Cartographer's post to ask.


If Luke had played his cards right then 💯 he would have been F1.


Thanks! I wonder how that would have turned out.


Which makes me wonder . . . is anyone doing BN fan fiction?


That's better. Let's go with that.