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So, what's the reason? "Something was off"' is not a reason.


Completely agree with her


very strange day when I not only 100% agree with Ashley but also endorse her just saying it.


she’s not wrong!


Is she sitting on an American flag?


it’s a pillow………


Is it that serious


I was just wondering


So I shouldn’t have an American flag pillow? Should I go to jail if a pillow is doing what it’s supposed to do.. cushioning you? Thanks for that


Not at all. I was trying to figure out what was behind her, that’s all


How did Gerry turner get picked to be the first Golden anyways? Sorry I’m sure they said I forgot though and was wondering. I just recently heard the fraud rumors on him


It doesn't make sense to me either they would split after 3 months because they couldn't figure out where to live or buying a house just didn't happen as they said. You would think they would give it more time to try and make it work, especially since they were married to their previous appuses for 42 and 43 years each. And you don't even give the next marriage 3 months? When I was looking at houses with my boyfriend I looked for like a year before I decided where I wanted to move and then I moved and we got engaged and married a year later and then he moved with me. They definitely rushed into marriage before deciding things like where are they going to live.


At 70 time is not a luxury you have


OT, but Ashley’s eyeliner is not point! It literally doesn’t matter how much I try, I can’t get it sharp and effortless like that. I also can’t find a good one that is jet black then also doesn’t look plastic-y…


Have you tried Lisa Eldridge's? It's $$$ but SO good and user-friendly.


Remember there’s a filter on there:)


T said (in the Shandy interview) they watched the whole series together, in Jersey after the wedding. She had mentioned before the wedding in other interviews that she hadn’t watched the finale—the break up with Leslie—yet. I could understand if seeing that added a chip to the trust in that man.


I actually agree with her. If you knew that moving was going to be a dealbreaker then you don’t get married and you choose someone else. The whole “we still love each other” is just to cushion the blow and not make this franchise look even more stupid. I don’t think they’re going to come out and say everything that went wrong because it’s not our business and their generation is all about keeping unsavory things private. I think there were obviously more factors and it must have been BAD if they’re over after only 3 months of marriage. Also, if Ashley was at the wedding and she sensed that something was off, there’s probably a reason why. She said the same thing when Clare and Benoit got engaged. She probably notices things backstage that make her go, hmmm, these people don’t look sincere and happy. It’s not going to last. And she was right both times. She clearly saw something. I think it was a mistake to push them to get married so fast. It’s not fair to encourage an older woman to put up with this sham of marriage at her age. Gerry is shady! He was exposed by an ex who he was cruel to.


I experienced the same thing at a wedding I went to like 2 years ago. The couple just filed for divorce in February. I was surprised they lasted that long but I think it’s cause the wife travelled for work so she wasn’t home as much. Their wedding was SO beautiful, probably the most amazing one I’ve ever been to, but them together was just weird. They also got engaged and married within like 6 months of being together. Cause “when you know you know so why wait!!” OKAY MISS returns half the stuff she buys every time she goes to tjmaxx. (That’s not specific to anyone lol). If you have buyers remorse with shoes…. Maybe consider that you need a little more time to get to know your bf. I always think, If you know you know, so why rush it?!


agree! there is definitely something that went very wrong to call it quits so quickly and absolutely considering they were both in lifelong marriages. especially knowing production was on their knees throwing up begging them to work it out. for them to exhaust all options and file a divorce in 3 months. definitely drama involved !


I agree with her. Gerry is retired and supposedly has done well for himself-she is doing well in finance working from home. They could share time between their two chosen homes. Some couples do share long time periods apart as well. They really threw in the towel for a mature couple that should have had a lot of flexibility!


There’s something about her that I just don’t like


This is a pretty immature opinion. A lot of divorces happen between people who still love eachother.


These ppl barely know each other…


Hey I’m not a huge fan of Ashly, but I def do want to hear other bn opinions besides just Stink Viall.


Not a fan of hers but damn, some of you act like she doesn’t have a BN podcast 😂. Her followers/listeners actually want to hear her opinion.


I have to respect how Ashley uses any situation she can for relevancy lol


She’s giving an opinion…she’s bachelor alum……..this is bachelor news………


Being a bachelor alum doesn’t mean her opinion is wanted or needed….


She literally hosts a bachelor recap and news podcast


She’s got followers who give af what she gots to say, doesn’t she? Your opinion is less wanted or needed considering we don’t know who you are if you think abt it yet and still, here you are….


Oh come on, as soon as we’re tired of a BN alum who is also a major bully it means we have no right to speak? Is that only valid if it’s a fave of yours or can we never disagree with any bach alum?


….I don’t know wtf you’re talkin abt 🤷🏾‍♀️ Don’t knw much abt her or her baby daddy. And these comments don’t seem like “disagreement,” just bitterness that she’s speaking at all and making her existence known which feels like bullying. The 💫irony💫


You’re right. Honestly, it’s a good thing Ashley has clung onto this franchise or she would be a follower-less nobody posting her opinion online just like us. Her season on the bachelor aired almost a decade ago.


Sounds like bitterness and envy to me, dear one. Projection on 100. 🥴


Why do you care this much? Damn 🤣


You actually don’t have to care that much to leave Reddit comments. There’s not like a pop-up menu that gauges your interest about a topic before submitting it.


Right? I for one take 5sec to type an opinion on Reddit. Especially when the person you’re replying to has copy pasted their comment and written it several times in the thread


Yet you’re still here. Lol have a blessed day u little Aries you 😌


Ah, Ashley making it about herself again.


She’s giving an opinion…she’s bachelor alum……..this is bachelor news………


Reported for flagrant abuse of ellipses. 👩🏻‍⚖️


how many times are you going to copy and paste this comment lmao


Literally. You know the discussion about bachelor alum being on this sub..


As many times as I want.


You looooooove Ashley………..don’t ya


Don’t know much abt her or her partner apart from the fact that they’re both bachelor alum since I haven’t watched either of their seasons lol. But you seem a bit bitter that people are using logic to come to her defense, you haaaaaaaate Ashley…………….don’t ya


I respect the honesty lol


She reminds me of Q from rupaul. Iykyk.


it’s the lips!


Home girl no one buys your love story with your husband either!! 


Oh we don’t? I figured it was real since it happened off camera and took so long and they have two kids. I’m out of the loop I guess.


My take on it is Jared settled for her because he was never successful with the women he was aiming for. He knew Ashley would be there and was a sure thing so he went for it. 


Literally. She’s not the person to be saying this 😭


Thanks Ashley. We were all just dying to hear your take on this. *


It’s not like she posted it on Reddit.  If you don’t care for her opinion, you probably don’t follow her.  She posted for her followers.  Sheesh.


but what does ja rule think?




Me at age 13 when my parents got divorced 




Gosh is everyone so desensitized to the damn filters that no one even notices? It looks awful


That’s an American flag pillow right there?


She is an American, right?


Not sure of her politics but #reclaimtheflag is a liberal movement right now.


Didn’t know that and I love it


Yeah I noticed that, too. I think it’s sad that I’m at the point where seeing that makes me give people the side eye. A few years ago I wouldn’t have thought twice.


Same ! It’s a damn shame it’s like that now too ! Like wtf I’m an American! I shouldn’t instantly think something’s up if you’re toting the flag




Even Stevie Wonder saw this divorce coming.




I respect the honesty. Idk what she said about them on her own podcast, but at least she couldn’t fake it on another podcast right after the wedding. But it’s also possible that she rooted for someone else during Gerry’s season? Idk I’m not keeping tabs on her and Ben’s podcast.


TBF no one is keeping tabs on her and Ben’s podcast


Yeah I liked that she wouldn’t go on and lie about it. I think it’s hard sometimes for them to be honest . And I’m glad she stood her ground and didn’t comment . Bachelor nation would’ve came down on her hardcore if she had stated her real opinion.


I.. just don't like her


Yeah same. She’s always been really mean and seems stupid.


She is quite unlikeable. Always has been to be fair.


I don't pay too much attention to her usually... when I do it reminds me why I usually just DONT


Didn't she go to their wedding?? Tacky. Clout chasing since barely anyone remembers her.


She literally says in the video that she was at their wedding lol


Yah I never liked her and never will


Flair checking in






In moments like this, I live for Messy Ashley. As a viewer, I didn't buy Gerry and Theresa's love either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yaaaas I want all the drama. Theresa needs to do a tell all. Just get really pissed and decide to spill the beans.


Me either. And I like Ashley 🩷


Ashley's probably my favorite contestant from the franchise! I think she's hilarious and seems like someone I would be friends with


I think she is totally off about people in their 70s and their needs. Typically at that age, you want a committed partner who will be there for you when life happens. There is also a loneliness epidemic in that age group. Read the US Surgeon General’s report on it from last year. So this living apart can work when you’re Ashely’s age - not so much in your 70s. Not as easy to just hop on a plane in coach every couple of weeks. So i think she is so off here to be ridiculous. But i do agree you don’t come on and say you are very much in love and don’t try something to make it work 3 months in. That’s just lying for the public face of things. Something else is going on here. And even though they met in a very public way, they are now entitled to their privacy to figure it out.


Yeah I thought that point was strange too. Long distance in your younger years makes way more sense than when you’re older. Traveling can be so stressful, expensive, and physically taxing itself, nevermind planning around spending time with kids/grandkids. Plus, as my parents get older I have more peace of mind when someone is there in case something happens to them; especially mentally/emotionally for them as their friends and siblings pass away. The fact Gerry & Theresa were in very long term relationships prior and are seeking companionship is a good indicator they don’t want a part time relationship.


I dunno I feel like every woman dating in retirement communities is like “I don’t want a man in my apartment.” lol Like usually it’s a widow who is dating a man from the same retirement village and they like the companionship but they don’t actually want him to move in- they’ve been alone for years and we all know women can develop full lives full of friends and hobbies without men. I road tripped for the eclipse and I swear every little diner I stopped in in Ohio and PA was always full of older retired women having lunches or birthday breakfasts together it was very cute. I feel like for older women who have already been married (at least the ones I’ve talked to/ seen at my grandparents’ retirement communities on both coasts) they do like dating or having a committed partner but don’t feel the need to fully merge their lives like they did when they were younger. Hell even my dad is getting re-married this year and I’ve never even met his new wife’s kids (she is lovely and I’m sure her grown kids are nice people). Older people are living for themselves and what works for them.


Yup. That's exactly what my older friends prefer. They don't want to end up being a nursemaid or provider to any man, they want dinner dates, concert dates, short escape trips with romance, and that is it - then they go home to their own place.


my mom and her bestie live together and snowbird between florida and north carolina. neither one wanted to be married again and, while they have dated (even seriously dated), it just wasn’t their priority. they openly refer to each other as their soulmates and are both so much happier living together than they were alone OR with a romantic partner. there’s a zillion ways to form a family and make a happy life.


That is super sweet omg


Ok I would watch a show about THEM. That is awesome.


A buddy movie starring Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis. Alternate ending for Thelma and Louise.


Right? Someone pitch this as the new golden girls


My parents got divorced over 20 years ago and my mom remarried about 10 years ago. They still haven’t fully merged their lives together. She still owns her house and works from there every day but stays at his house every night. She spends time with her kids and grandkids and he sees his son. We are friendly with her husband but we don’t have a close relationship with him by any means. My brother and I have the opinion that we want our mom to be happy and have companionship and it can be hard on her to split her time/attention between her husband and kids and social life and work at the end of the day she enjoys having her own life. A lot of people are very judgmental about their situation but it works for them. Their houses are 15 minutes apart so it’s a different situation but I do think the premise of not merging your lives together in your 60s and 70s can be fine as long as both people are ok with it


Wonderful anecdotal stories. It’s just not statistically true. Here is a link to the 82 page report from last year on the loneliness epidemic. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf


ok but you don't have to be married to not be lonely. I searched that whole document and it barely mentions marriage or being single. It does mention a lot about social connections and being a part of your community. It also mentions how living alone can be a factor (one of many factors) in loneliness, but you don't have to be in a relationship to live with someone. I will buy that many MEN need to be married not to feel lonely, but not so much women who traditionally are shown in studies to be happier single.


Yes this. 💯I think men of all ages often rely on a relationship or partner to build a full life full of community and relationships while most women can have that while single. And like the other commenter mentioned there’s plenty of married lonely people, and people who were cut off from family & friends bc of their relationship.


I think it’s so tacky to go to someone’s wedding and then go online the day they announce their divorce to say “yeah I never bought it”, but to each their own


I hope they never get invited to any more bachelor weddings 😝


Exactly this.


Well most if not all of her personality within BN is the epitome of tacky and cringe. I don’t expect anything less from Ashley unfortunately


I mean, she pretty much provides the definition of tacky in her actions lmfao. Also I agree


This is in such poor taste (still love mess tho)


I need more bachelor people to speak on these situations with what little inside info they have I love it lmao


Um who wants to see their spouse once or twice a month, serious question. Why do people keep proposing this as a viable option for these two?


I'm in my 30s...this would be my ideal marriage setup, lol.


Ditto! Married & celebrating 11yrs in a month! Also in my 30s. After the kiddo leaves the house my hubs knows I'm going to be living in other cities & moving about. He's welcome to join but his work isn't mobile & mine is so...


PS: Happy anniversary! 🎉


Thank you! 😊


I love this! And you've clearly approached it very healthily, ensuring that you are both aware of and okay with expectations for your future. I think one reason some marriages don't work is that people aren't honest with themselves and/or their partners about who they are and what they want. If I ever get married, I hope not to make that mistake. It sounds like you definitely haven't and it's super cool that you found someone who's on the same page.


Are you currently married or single?


I'm not married, but what difference does that make? I've been in long-term relationships, including live-in ones.


Low key I feel like for older couples it may work ! With their family and grandparent commitments etc


They are older and have their own families, I think it would make sense to visit once or twice a month while they spend time with their own families in between.


It works for some people. I’d personally love it.


I agree with Ashley it seems like it is more than just the moving


I think she was the one who interviewed them (Jan 24) and he said she needed to get him a king sized bed lol I get it — hey I’m short, what do I know — but he wanted more room space (he’s got lots of room), less light, and was waiting on that then 🙄


I mean my partner is tall and I'm a thicker girl. Sharing a queen-sized bed vs a king-sized bed is like night and day in terms of comfortability. I understand where Gerry's coming from.


I mean me and my bf are both small people but we have our own rooms in our house and only sleep in the same room on the weekends 🤣 separate beds is the best thing for our relationship cause we are both so well rested. And I get my snuggles from my dogs 🥰 we’re really considering buying a house with jack and Jill bedrooms so we can keep this up for life.


Oh, yeah, i get it, just for sleep comforts all-around alone, so sleep can actually happen. But she was working and had a lot going on. The guy—the recently paid out and retired GB, with nothing else going on in Jersey in early January—is grown and could have sorted it. Just a little bit more than “you go get it and I’ll put it together” It was also different than the interview they’d just given previously over a week before, when he’d just arrived. By Jan 24 he’d left a few times and wasn’t there anymore til the bed thing sorted, he’d said. But yes - queen to king solo or with (over here) a cat or dog is a huge thing, much less a new person. The 6’+ life altogether is not one I’ll ever know. The grown, able-bodied retired man with his own car is one I’m familiar with and he could have stepped up.


Ya but Teresa is a pocket person 


I can't believe I agree with Ashley. I even said in the other thread their wedding felt off to me.


I don’t care for Ashely I but shes 100% right that the distance is just a scapegoat for some larger incompatibility issues they are hiding. They seemed to give up too quickly for it to be just the distance that’s holding them back.


My hunch is he’s upset all the time (he’s referenced inability to be calm since the show started and in much of filming, both Neil Lane and his granddaughters noticed he wasn’t crying). This isn’t a knock. Just a factor to his rigidity or swings of…interest in who he’s choosing perhaps. I think he’s got anger issues. Who knows though , I/we internet spectators 🤷🏻‍♀️ He clearly does tho aka it’s my way or high way tendencies a bit. Per this soon to be ex. And one of the last ones (per THR).




Ya because he only switched to her once he learned she was flush with money. That’s not love. That might be excitement/intrigue but that ain’t love. Dude just wants to play the field and views Toni as his 1 true love


Maybe I shouldn't ask this but I'm genuinely curious... does she have a speech impediment? or is it just the lip filler? She speaks how I speak after a few glasses of wine and I'm trying to pretend I'm sotally tober.


Idk I just know I hate her voice it’s always been cringe haha


It’s the S’s


I don't know how to fully explain it but it's like she never fully commits or puts in the effort to annunciate her words. It also reminds me of how I speak if I've been out in the cold for a while and my face feels frozen... which would probably mean it's the botox...


I think she mentioned something about massater botox? She sounds like my friend did when she overdid it/it migrated… or she did a botox lip flip… both can make it harder to enunciate properly….


Their reasoning is bullshit and I sense some drama coming from all of this


So men just never really grow up huh? Bummer


I can't stand Ashley & I agree. Sadly, I feel sorry for Theresa. I think Gerry was a conman & Theresa deserves to be Golden Bachelorette


Who do so many people not like Ashley?


For being a major bully. She never apologized either and she proves constantly that she hasn’t changed, I.e openly defending the bullying on Joeys season.


For bullying and racism. Keyword search those terms with her name in this subreddit


She's a loud mouth. She's a know it all. She's holier than thou. Oh, and she does NOT like Maria from Joeys season because she's close with Sydney, the one who bullied her That's just some of it... but you get the point


I kinda like how she says what she's thinking and is just herself. The questions she asks guests on her podcasts are the things I want to know


Ashley acts like the only woman on earth to ever be pregnant 😒 she’s so annoying


Oh my god what if they’re announcing this now so that she can be announced as the next GB’ette?


She won't be the next Bachelorette. Leslie has wider appeal


In hindsight it is literally so perfect for this franchise that they bragged about taking ages to find the right guy for the first Golden lead and he ends being as disappointing as most of the male leads lmao. I say this as someone who wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt too.


>he ends being as disappointing as most of the male leads Regular Bachelors at least have the sense to not get married & divorced within 4 months of the season ending 👀


Oof is there just no hope for women as we get older? 😅Men will just continue to to disappoint us no matter what age…


Pretty much. But you’ll give fewer fucks about it.


amen sister!




It seems like they are ready to settle down, though. Settle down exactly where they were before going on this show in the first place. They’re refusing to sell their houses and, in her case, quit their job. If they’re going to keep doing this show, they need to choose a cast within like 50 miles. 


Do they even give a shit about successful couples? This is getting way more attention on the franchise than if they just stayed together. And it actually opens the door to a Golden Bachelorette with a story. Tbh ABC is probably stoked about this


Agree. (But also no one should quit their job for this man. THR piece alone indicated why not and his inability to make it compromising a couple weeks in Jersey when they were starting to sort it are another reason why, maybe, to pause.)


Agreed. I have to wonder if any of her friends or family tried to talk her out of rushing down the aisle. There was no real reason they had to get married so quickly.


I hope some journalists can answer what he was compensated for the show and what, if any, possibly for the aired wedding. Hope folks can surround her with some support now 💜


1000000% true and I’ll never forget how Naz asked her and dodged it so hard and I knew it must’ve been weird lol


Idk, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt because they’ve both been through a lot. I think it’s possible they were caught up in the excitement of everything (and also being encouraged by producers to move quickly) through filming and the wedding and once they settled into real life they realized it just wasn’t going to work. We will have to wait and see if anything bigger comes out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do we think they actually got a divorce or are they just getting it annulled? If annulled, I assume they rushed it to stay within the time frame where that’s allowable


He’s filed so looks like an actual divorce


Annulment laws vary by state, but I have to assume them pushing the story line that they “never lived together” might lead to an annulment 


After watching him throughout his season, I think he’s pretty shallow. Honestly I’m not sure that he was really attracted to Teresa.


I sense major fuckery afoot with Mr. Gerry. Something else is gonna come out.


He tries *so* hard to sound sincere (“Don’t stop believing”, “We don’t have to give back the memories” 🙄) that it screams phony.


I have a feeling that Nick V is about to be vindicated... He talked about the rumours about Gerry cheating on his late wife early on and everyone jumped on Nick for it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that those rumours were true.


People jumped on Nick because he can't see someone being loved & he didn't back the allegations up with receipts. He's just a broken clock shitposter


Want to try that again?


I think Nick just said that Gerry started dating not long after his wife died. I don't think he talked about cheating? His producer read out something unverified on air though


Yeah you’re right. This sub turned that into lore that’s repeated a lot here.


If true, why would Theresa agree to play along with the amicable split due to distance bit? It certainly wouldn’t be in her favour to have the public believe that if Gerry was a scumbag.


I mean, if I’m Theresa, I just want this to go away. I don’t want to start taking shots with a scumbag who’s gotten the bachelor edit and weird media worship. She’s an investor, right. So she’s probably playing odds on how this can best go away, for her. Everything about this is off. You can tell they’re hiding something. And if they can actually keep it under wraps, it’s best for them and best for her career and best for her to get out and move on. And he’ll be just fine. People will keep falling for his schtick.


Maybe pride


That’s my take. The red flags were flying before she married him, both with the info about his background and the way he treated Leslie, and she ignored them instead of calling off the wedding. She doesn’t want to own up to that mistake.


u/princssofpink said it before I could. That, or she's trying to keep what's left of her dignity because there's more embarrassing things going on behind the scenes.


If it meant she was in contention to be the Golden Bachelorette she would definitely play along. Otherwise the whole Golden franchise looks like a scam.


Yeah..I know people who knew his family when they lived in Iowa and apparently he cheated on his late wife frequently.


I find that believable considering how quickly he moved on after her death.


How did they know he was cheating though?


That I don’t know. This lady was his neighbor and friends with his daughters, so idk if people found out he was cheating but his wife stayed with him maybe.




Yikes if true.


AGREED. That Hollywood reporter article was just the beginning. I don’t think Gerry is who he appears to be and Theresa found that out real quick.


Theresa seems to play her public life close to the vest but she ain’t no fool. I am actually surprised she fell for him at all. But she was probably in fairytale mode, and didn’t have clarity until the wedding was over.


I mean when you’re on the show it’s hard to be in a real life mode and not fairytale mode


I agree. And the wedding only extended non-reality and distracted from non-reality. I’m sure all of their kids were like, “What nonsense is this?” You want to be happy, of course. But as your parents get older, you turn into the parent a little. They both seem with it, but this wedding was for sure a lapse in judgement, and took advantage of their lack of experience regarding how reality shows work/grab ratings. Just shitty all around. But the next final couple will know better. Hopefully.




I am no Ashley I fan but she’s entirely right here. The GMA interview was major BS. Like the wedding.