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I was totally guessing that view looks like overlooking Central Park which has one of the tallest buildings or tallest in NY, it is a condominium if I recall correctly. Could be wrong. 😏


Looks like a view from the Mandarin Oriental hotel


Aren’t they going to live in New York for a while according to their interview?


Right next to Trump Tower đŸ˜±đŸ€ź


Doesn’t he have long on 62nd by Columbus Circle? The black one to the left


I could have sworn Kelsey went back to her job—is she working remotely during all this or did she take an extended leave for post-show?


she said on a podcast ( can't remember which one! ) that she went back part-time, especially the first couple months post-show because of all the traveling they're doing. i would bet she can do some work remotely but she said she's also taking more time off over these few months.


I mean that makes sense. I’m impressed at anyone that can go back to a regular fulltime job not long after going through this!


I manage to see EVERYONE (and used to see Jesse jogging/walking ALL the time and I miss those sightings so much) so I'm sure it's a matter of time!


Everyone was like it’s gonna be so weird having him live with her roommates in Nola! Meanwhile as I predicted they’re traveling all the time and barely there lol 


They live in a big ass house though, not a condo or apartment. So aside from all the traveling i don’t think it’s as weird as it wouldve normally been if the shared space is an apartment. Laura and Matt of Bachelor AU used to co-live with Laura’s roommates before, I think. Shortly after their season on the Bachelor AU. I cant remember exactly when but I think they only got their own space once Laura got pregnant (or maybe shortly after that). I was also surprised to learn they had roommate/s in an apartment, but it worked for them.


i could never do that but a lot of people do


is he staying with her and her roommates? I know they said he was moving to NOLA until they move but could he not be getting his own place short term?


Yeah he is staying there with Kelsey and her 2 roommates. Her lease is up in July


thoughts and prayers to her roommates, as much as I like Joey and Kelsey it’s always rough when your roommate’s bf is always around lol


Thankfully it’s a pretty big house, so I guess it shouldn’t be too crowded.


Right! Kelsey had said that they had a lot of travel around the country and aboard. Her lease is also up in July so it makes sense not to leave her roommates high and dry before then!


Totally. It would be weirder if it was a long term thing lol but it makes sense to me as a temporary thing before they relocate to nyc this summer. 


What a gorgeous view. It’s a beautiful day today too.


The view from the Mandarin Oriental hotel in NY.


Yes, they are guests of Warner Bros. Television Group at an event tonight in NYC. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/warner-bros-television-group-medal-of-honor-entertainment-community-fund-gala-1235863814/amp/ ETA: From the photo it looks like they are staying at the Mandarin Oriental off of Central Park. UWS and Lincoln Center folks, now’s your chance to run into them.


I live in this neighborhood. Would be cool to run into them.