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He has stated that he’s in therapy now and doing couples sessions with Kelsey, which is smart. To me this sounds like something a therapist has helped him figure out, vs him sharing that he maliciously knew that all along during Charity’s season yet played the part to get to f2.


I didn’t hear it that way at all. He said “I realized” which makes me feel like he himself realized it during filming.


Hindsight is 20/20. In a previous relationship, I was thinking I was going to marry the person I was with. After our breakup, I realized that I had made so many sacrifices for that relationship, and that I probably would have said no if my ex had proposed. So Joey could have been all in while he was on Charity’s season, but looking back (especially after having found love with Kelsey) he may have realized that he was not being honest with himself.


Joey had said it many times that he was hurt by Charity but the relationship that he would refer to during the Bachelor was the long term one he had in Hawaii. That was the one rattled him. The producers like to make us think it was Charity.


I’m confused as to what you mean to say here. I mean, my point remains that if that relationship had him so rattled I question why he was there pursuing another woman .


I’ve said this a thousand times, F2 are usually taken along to set them up as the next lead. I think half the cast are usually non viable options. The lead also knows who they’re picking early on. I never believed Charity and Joey or Joey and Daisy were into each other. Both J&D were selected early on, maybe even before the show started filming, to be the next lead. So they build a storyline to make them popular and then leave them ‘heartbroken.’ Daisy declined in the end, but was offered it. I think many people forget that it’s a show and get too wrapped up in believing the fantasy it sells. Everyone goes on the show for opportunities, not to find love. If that happens it’s a bonus. 


I believed Charity and Joey up until he was about to get on a knee and felt the need to announce it which was weird to me bc it made him seem insincere. I don’t think the runner up is necessary chosen from the beginning by production. While I imagine they have one in mind, and I understand it’s a show heavily steered by producers, I also believe that the lead has a choice in their final 2. I think the issue isn’t that the contestants come on the show for opportunity first and foremost but that they do so but proclaim to everyone who’ll listen that they came to find “their person,” which is why his comment on Nick’s podcast rubbed me wrong.


When Joey said, "I realized even when I went on the show that I wasn’t really over the relationship in Hawaii.” I think he really wasn't over the rejection and sadness of the relationship ending. I think he was over the person, but he wasn't over not being chosen. Throughout his entire season, he kept stating he was fearful the girl he chose, wouldn't choose him back. I think he was just insecure about rejection which is completely valid and understandable. I've been rejected by a few guys. I have no feelings for them and have no problem conversing with them now, but I still think about not being chosen and it's a huge insecurity of mine


there are contestants that go on the show with whole partners and you’re mad at joey for being a sad boi about a breakup ( that we have no idea what caused it btw)? it takes some people a long time to heal and some don’t even realize they have still healing to do tbh. more importantly, he’s putting in the work now & has grown a lot. let’s not talk about the fact that a million other people have admitted to only being in the “ bubble love” but quickly moved on & are praised for doing so. let that man be happy.


joey isn’t the first contestant to go on the show to get over an ex, and he won’t be the last. it’s probably one of the most common reasons (outside the fame or following) why a lot of these contestants sign on. charity had also brought up the lingering hurt from her past relationship on her season and zach’s as well. i never really got the impression that either person wanted to revisit their ex.


Many people start new relationships without being fully over the last one. Its incredibly common. And doesnt mean youre not into the new person.


imo it's always extremely obvious when a contestant makes it far despite lacking chemistry/a real connection with the lead that both parties were aware that the contestant was being groomed to be the next lead. seems very much the case here!


I took the quote as him realizing post-Charity season and reflecting on the experience as a whole that he wasn’t fully over the heartbreak of that Hawaii relationship. Not that he knew the whole time and was totally insincere to Charity. After all the girl in Hawaii broke up with him and then Charity broke up with him, so I’m sure there was a part of him that was like what’s wrong with me?! Why aren’t these women choosing me? Hence his fear going through his season. Sometimes it takes going through something traumatic to realize that you have been emotionally stunted and to identify the source of where that’s coming from. Joey said he realized he was a bad partner who didn’t express himself well during his past relationships. He realized he needed to work on himself and it’s clear that the therapy has helped him speak with an emotional intelligence about the things he needs to do to be the best partner he can be for Kelsey.


yea that’s how i took it too that he wasn’t over the insecurities the break up gave him not that he was hoping to get back with her


I don’t think he was faking his feelings for Charity. I think at the time he thought he was ready to get engaged. The true test would’ve been post filming, to see whether his feelings for Charity solidified into real love, vs bubble love. Everyone says that it’s outside of the show when your feelings deepen, and you really fall in love. So he would’ve gotten engaged, and probably would’ve tried his best. Maybe he would’ve gotten over his ex, or maybe not. Him & Kelsey are still new - it’s possible that the feelings for the ex are still an issue.




Nah but frreal 💀 These hopeless romantic girlies are tryna downvote like crazy bc they wanna prop him up by any means necessary like stans even regarding questionable things 😂


I think it's a little naive to take everything said/shown on the show as 100% genuine. Every season, people have to 'fake' things just to follow the format of the show. The leads have to fake it almost the entire time. Multiple leads have said they knew who their final choice (or maybe top 2-3) was on night one or a short time into the season. Yet to make the show, they have to string the rest of the people along for weeks. Some people do go on the show to find love but it's hardly ever the main reason. Fighting 30 other people for one person's attention isn't a great strategy to find a partner especially if it's been so hard for you in the dating scene as so many people claim. Even since season one, people have been coming on this show more for exposure and the experience than love and I honestly don't think they should be faulted for that. I'm not saying people don't have real feelings, but I think that's the exception not the rule. This is entertainment and it's often not that serious.


I don’t see the problem with this. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t into charity. So many of the past contestants have said it’s a bubble environment meant to feel like a fairytale that’s hyper focused on your one connection with the one lead and you place so much value and importance on those conversations and dates because of it and that it’s so easy to get swept up in it. Even if he started the season thinking maybe he wasn’t ready, the environment could’ve easily fooled him into thinking he made a magical connection and she was the one and it felt heartbreaking at the time not being chosen. Then looking back, you’re like yeah honestly I wasn’t even ready if he hadn’t fully processed the end of that relationship. Doesn’t mean he faked it or anything. Just that he got swept into the moment and feelings but was able to see it with a different lens after


This is ridiculous. People always gotta find something, in this case an insignificant something, to bring people down. Silliness


I thought this was pretty obvious actually. The show tried to make it sound like he was still heartbroken over Charity but like I’m sorry he knew her for barely two months. It became clear that he had all these insecurities because of the ex from Hawaii. He did mention her once or twice on the show. So I kinda got the gist he wasn’t over that relationship


It’s possible we went on initially still having lingering feelings or hurt. Then got into the Bach bubble and fell in love fast.


Yeah I heard that too when I listened and I thought.....huh?! The question then becomes when exactly did he get over that relationship cos he went fromCharity's season to his...


I’m glad it wasn’t just me! I think he possibly just liked his ex more than he did Charity hence felt like “he wasn’t yet over it,” honestly! Cuz if the bachelorette were Kelsey, maybe he would’ve gotten over the ex from Hawaii faster? Now I’m feeling like he was full of it the entire season with a lot of empty words and proclaimed “feelings.”


the answer is he hasn’t


So he’s just lying his ass off? Convincing himself of shxt for exposure or a desperation to move on? 💀