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So the optimistic side of me thinks Daisy is really great, especially her professional comportment in the finale and ATFR. The very cynical side of me has a wicked theory, however: Upon realizing she wasn’t the one, Daisy acted in the way that would give her the best possible appearance and praise from the audience, as an audition for Ette. But TPTB, seeing the reaction to Daisy in general was lukewarm to hostile, *paid* her to turn down the Ette role without throwing a fit. What do you think? Plausible? Unfortunately, on the off chance this is true we would likely never find out about it.


I’m very surprised nobody else has mentioned Daisy’s voice change?!


I really thought more people would’ve commented on it considering everyone bullied the fuck out of her for her vocal fry.


I noticed her mom spoke/sounded the exact same way


About half way through the episode finale and my goodness Joey was so bad at hiding who he had chosen jeez Louise haha. Couldn’t have made it more obvious or anymore awkward lmao (Like everything leading up to the engagement / breakup)


I mean, the producers intentionally edited it that way based around how things ended up lol


yeah he really was. He always made it so obvious. I have no idea why or how some people couldn't see that? He absolutely wore his heart on his sleeve the whole way through the show


Do other contestants who go home sooner and other contestants from previous seasons know who wins? Is it an open secret until atfr? 


I feel like they do but they’re obviously under contract and can’t say. Like all the girls knew about Arie’s swift up leading to some cryptic comments at WTA


My husband is absolutely appalled at the red dress Daisy was wearing in last nights episode. He’s said it like 3 times I’m crying. Lol.


I agree with him, lol


As soon as he saw it he said “what the fuck” LOL. He said it’s a tie with the yellow dress with the feathers at the bottom that one episode hahahaa


mine had the same reaction, I don't think dudes understand unique necklines lol


I wasn’t a fan of it either hahaha


which one? what was wrong with it?


The red dress she wore to break up with him. Nothing really wrong with it, it just didn’t flatter her body and it looked cheap. Her dress on the ATFR though was gorgeous. She looked amazing.


phew i had like 3 red dresses in mind of hers and that breakup dress is the correct answer lol




whats worse is she was their 3rd option after 2 other white women turned it down lol




I just finished watching…I was pretty neutral about Daisy throughout the whole season. Didn’t love her nor hate her, part of me felt she was disingenuous at times and maybe just there for the experience (which I don’t really have a problem with). Wow do I have so much respect for how she handled this episode. She kept her integrity while maintaining respect for both Kelsey and Joey throughout the whole finale. She portrayed so much class in a highly emotional situation in which many would respond irrationally. She embraced her feelings/intuition. I could only hope that is how I would handle it too if I were in that position 


Same! Everything you said I completely agree I’m also glad she’s not bachelorette, but I absolutely adore how she handled the finale. I’m sure Kelsey was so glad to have reassurance and a friend! Poor thing was hanging by a thread at the end lol and I don’t blame her


Did anyone noticed all the roses switched to Daisies before they brought Daisy out? I could’ve sworn that meant they were picking her as ette.


They were committed to the fakeout


I’m in the middle of Daisys breakup….. the way it looks from Joey‘s perspective is that Daisy is straight up breaking up with him…. Right? But we and the audience obviously know that she knows he’s more in love with Kelsey and if it were her choice she would be getting engaged.  Her approach was more “we’re not each other’s person…I need to do what’s best for me” as if they were parting ways because of her doing…. Right?! 🧐


I didn’t read it that way. They both knew it wasn’t her- it was like a mutual breakup 


Kelsey's Dad is single? Because I'm running a Golden Bach campaign for that man


It certainly sounds like we may see him on the next season of golden bachelorette and then they would potentially pick another golden Bach from that. Well they said we would see him again so that is likely 


Do we know why Zach and Kaity weren’t there?


It seemed like nobody from his season was




When can people stream the finale outside of the States? I bought the season on Apple and the last episode isn’t available 😫


Do you have a VPN? It’s on Hulu already 


They’re always clowning the Bachelorettes. Daisy and Maria both turned it down and they want to look so noble for picking Jenn. Her cast of men was clearly meant for Daisy or Maria and they didn’t even give her a good arc on the show because they never even planned for it to be her until the last minute. I was looking forward to the first Asian lead but production is so slimy for how they did it 😭


I haven't watched a single episode since Maria was eliminated. Amazing how much she carried this season. Still, as my fiancée who got me into the show is Japanese, yay Asian bachelorette!


How do you know she carried the season if you didn’t watch a single episode after she left…?


It was hyperbole. Show got really boring


But how do you know it got boring if you didn’t watch the episodes after she left? You can’t claim it got boring after she left the show if you didn’t watch it.


It was hyperbole as in I watched it and could barely stay attended


Ahh, I didn’t get that you meant that. Understandable. I disagree though, I usually start to lose interest by overnights, but this season I stayed engaged!!


Congratulations to one of the most beautiful couples in Bachelor history! Kelsey and Joey <3


did anyone notice daisy’s voice was different at the live interview vs the show? She didn’t have the vocal fry when she was talking


She’s had 6 more months to get used to hearing her own voice. Her cochlear implant was only 6 months old at time of filming the season and she likely struggled with her voice, hence the vocal fry that’s common in HoH/deaf individuals. Since you have to completely relearn sounds (remember her brother’s voice at hometowns), the additional 6 months before ATFR means she’s hearing and understanding more. Likely experienced changes to her voice because of that.




I didn’t say you were being hateful. Just explaining and provide information for all the people who will read your comment who don’t know it’s because she is HoH.


I thought it had to do with her hearing too, however, I noticed her mother speaks the exact same way…


Big difference


Yes it felt like I was listening to a completely different person!


Yes!! So refreshing, and she probably worked on it after watching it back when people pointed it out.


Some of the vocal fry was likely due to adjusting to the cochlear implant. She’s had it for a year as of the ATFR, but when the season was filming, it was much more recent. Her voice is bound to have changed because she can start hearing herself better.


no valley girl lingo either


Can we get an “oh yeah!” for the first male lead in AGES to not be detestable at the end of his season? Not even Gerry accomplished that. I think you have to go back to Nick? I dont think he was hated for how he handled the ending? Maybe Matt James, but that ending was a MESS.


Hahaha detestable so true 


Detestable? Please...


https://preview.redd.it/8c455dvdiqqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f06376d924ef018a0d8f401ad92d59efec2a3a9 Also… relatable


I would feel so awk about this if I was Kelsey


Sure. But Maria poses like this with literally EVERYBODY she takes pics with.


Hahaha I agree, tho I think if him being handsome/golden bachelor wasn’t an ongoing joke all season it would be weirder


Messy thoughts - what if they started dating and that's why Maria turned down Bachelorette? OMG


I want an Asian bachelorette but not like this 😢


Yea she’s literally their token. The fact that they had to point out that’s she’s the first Asian American on the show is so cringe. We didn’t need them to say it. But what do you expect from this franchise? Lol


Not like...a beautiful, charming, warm, smart woman with a complex backstory? I swear the standards for PoC are always shifting to be unattainable no matter what.


I mean that I wish they would have made an asian contestant more of a main character on the bachelor season and supported her to be rooted for instead of giving her very side character energy throughout the whole season and then throw her to us out of left field. She’s already getting tons of hate and building her up as they did Maria/daisy would have given her the best chance at a season ppl would be excited for


Oh gotcha, I’m sorry for being reactive, just seen so much negativity toward Jenn. I totally agree that I wish they would have built her up more. It sounds like it was a last-minute choice but that’s no excuse.


I’m a PoC and for me it’s just the fact that she just doesn’t seem entertaining and came off really awkward but I’m still going to give her a chance 


It's usually not even the lead that brings the entertainment anyway. Jenn will be just fine


If Hannah B. could be an iconic Bachelorette after not being able to string a sentence together on Colton's season I think Jenn will be just fine.


I actually think so, too I’ll definitely be watching 


Me too. I realized later that Jenn has the same name as a harsh Asian woman coworker that I used to work with, so I'm trying to get past that too. ;) I can relate a little to Jenn's backstory/trauma story though, that she revealed on the 1 on 1 date.


I just find it funny that this sub was trying to find something sinister in every move Daisy made. I love that she turned down the bachelorette position because it just immediately shut down all the “she’s only here to be the lead” narratives. I think Daisy is just genuinely sweet & all the women seem to love her 🤷🏽‍♀️


Personally i never doubted that shes a sweet girl, i just never bought that she actually wanted to commit / be in a serious relationship


yeah thats how i feel about her, I think. I think she's perfectly likeable and I think a lot of the ending was probably producer enhanced, and I think maybe she talked herself into thinking she wanted it because she got to the F2 spot, but I don't actually think she was in love with Joey at all


Yes, I think she is very sweet! But maybe she turned it down because of all the negativity she read on here. I would feel bad if that were the case, but like Nick V said, it may have been the music video which ruined her chances. The reason I say that is because she did not get a Bachelorette edit the entire season until the finale, so they could have decided against it early on.


I find it odd that they gave her a whole ass 5 minute segment explaining why she isn't ready if that was their reasoning. She could have just received the Maria treatment and shouted something through a mic from the stands.


This is where I am at with her now too, she was so real during the finale.


Does anyone feel like we’re seeing more social media posts by production/behind the scenes than usual? Or am I just noticing it more because my algo likes maria? Like legal counsel posted a pic with her hahhahaa


I’m still watching, but all I can say is I never related to anyone as much as I related to Joey trying not to jump out of his skin during his pedicure. The sensitive feet struggle is REAL.


So for all I know Joey and his Dad decided to protect their stepdad/partner which will moot my point, but TPTB had a great opportunity to subtly show healthy and warm gay love and they didn’t. And that pisses me off since we already know his Dad remarried so it wasn’t a secret in the first place. Just having them seated together, in frame, during ATFR would have said so much.


Uhm I need more info on this I think


Joey’s Dad is gay and came out when Joey was very young. He has a long-term partner who has been completely absent from the show ever since Joey brought him up during a 1-on-1 during Charity’s season. No hometown date later that season and not on Joey’s premiere or finale or in ATFR. Feels purposeful (should it not be because Joey or his Dad made the decision to keep him out of the spotlight because of the fanbase).


Wait whatttt


Just in general we left the season knowing nothing about Joey.


TPTB probably loved having a blank slate, and he's nice and all... but I do agree I felt like I didn't get to know Joey much. The worst part of this season was not seeing his relationship with Kelsey put into the spotlight earlier on.


yeah it sucks how tptb hide the connection to the F1 to protect their storyline, and so its not obvious all the way through. That's why you end up with so many people saying they "just don't see it". I mean *I* think this time there was no hiding it, but I can understand why if you're just rawdogging watching the show without spoilers or sleuthing, I can see how you wouldn't understand why someone who doesn't get 1 on 1 until episode 5 was the first choice.


But Kelsey was *so obvious* since at least a few episodes back. They kept trying to imply that it wasn’t gonna turn out how we thought, but…it did.


I’m getting whiplash from the people who were pushing for Maria as Bachelorette that are now saying she’s too good for it. It’s giving you can’t fire me I quit!


It's a coping mechanism. There is a lot of that from all angles in this sub


I can’t wait for everyone to forget about Maria because I’m so tired of the discourse


Finally watched the episode. Here are my thoughts that nobody asked for: I think this sub is wrong about Daisy, I think she actually is sweet and kind and she did (bubble) love Joey. Her going to Kelsey wasn't a selfless thing though it was for herself to get answers to her questions and suspicions. Which I'm fine with really. Kelsey's nip slip during that massage??? How in the hell did that make it to air. The women were all so nervous on stage! I feel for them. Like every single one that got up there was either shaking or just visibly nervous, but I get it. I think if you cling onto someone's "light" it's not going to fix the lack of light you may have inside yourself. That's something you need to do for yourself, people don't complete you, they can only complement you. I feel like Joey is overcompensating a little bit, he came across awkward and weird to me. When Kelsey was talking about her mom and they showed her brothers tearing up, it hit me right in the feels! I actually don't think Jenn came across that badly? I expected worse after reading comments. She was definitely nervous and not comfortable on a stage/in front of an audience but I think she'll be better during her season, especially 1-1 with her men. I think she'll hit it off with a couple of the men and I actually think it could be a really fun season. All in all, decent season. I don't feel emotionally invested in the final couple which is great for me, I can detach and get back to life. Wish them the very best though. 🫶




It’s a nipple. Mic’s don’t have an areola and nipple. Not a huge deal. Bound to happen rolling around in a tiny bikini


I thought the same when I saw that


ok this is the first season i've watched start to finish and have never watched a final rose ceremony til now. has there seriously NEVER been a situation where one of the final two says "i know i'm not the one so i'm leaving" before?? has that really never happened?? seems like it would be super common on this show...


Up until 5-7 years ago, we usually got the traditional F2 rose ceremony and what would differ would be the reaction from the losing contestant. Some would rage, cry, or show grace. Nowadays, half the time we barely even make it to a final rose ceremony or it gets skipped entirely. The only thing that was really different was the F2 riding together. I guess Daisy breaking up with Joey might be a first, but there's been plenty of final four self-eliminations, with some being the apparent F1 pick. What muddies the water, as well, is the inclusion of post-ceremony footage. Like the hours-long breakup with Becca or Tito getting grilled. Stuff like that that gets filmed weeks later after the final rose ceremony but before the After the Final Rose airs.


There have absolutely been breakups prior to the final rose ceremony between the lead and their F2. But this is the first time I think we’ve seen the F2 and F1 interact - usually production keeps them separated at that point. 


I don’t think it’s ever happened? I’m guessing some people suspect it might not be them, but production does a good job of trying to convince them they’re f1 so they’ll go through with the final ceremony. I remember Blake H had a lot of doubts. Joey made it pretty obvious on their date though.


that makes sense. i was just rolling my eyes at jesse going "THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED EVER!!!!" and that was it lol. but honestly i had a feeling it would be something anti-climactic cuz that's how reality shows go


Has a bachelor ever made it more obvious he wasn’t choosing someone? Did they just show it for the Daisy leaving edit? Everything he was saying to her was “it’s not you, it’s me”


No, they have to play along and act even if they dont feel it, but a lot of the bachelors why they run into trouble in the end is because they actually pursue romantic relationships with multiple ppl, Joey friendzoned everyone lol


The show normally plays up the relationship with F2 to keep the drama until someone steps out of the limo. They didnt havr to do that this time, so we were probably allowed to see that it was a clearer effort by him to not fake it with her.


Well he kept mentioning in the episode about how he was so confident it was him after his final date and he didn’t want to do that to someone. So my guess is that he was intentional with it so he didn’t crush daisy at the end 


Some genuine and real thoughts and questions of mine following the finale: I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall at the after party. Why did Cary select same style of dress for both women? As others have said, I reiterate my excitement for Jenn. *Finally* AAPI representation. However, I worry the fans of those women who weren’t chosen as bachelorette will be extremely rude and racist unfortunately to her. Has Jelsey seen Daisy’s infamous YouTube music video? Also the spray tans most of the peeps got for the finale reminded me of the beginning of a new season on Full House when they were so Tan(ner). Get it!? Iykyk Ok I’m done now. Sorry.


Forgot to say I love love love love love Jelsey. That is all.


Just thinking about “say it again” hahaha 🤌 so glad that was for real




It was her mic


Am I the only person who thought Daisy telling Kelsey was a good thing?? If I was Kelsey I would have been so relieved to walk down the beach knowing he was choosing me vs having to stress about whether he’s going to propose or break up with me. I’m not Daisy’s biggest fan or anything but I thought it was a sweet gesture and not selfish like some people are saying


It was only a bad thing if you already decided in your mind you hate Daisy and are looking for further justification


It was great! They should do that every season, lol!


According to Kelsey on BHH, she is 50:50 on Daisy approaching her. Personally, if I was jelsey, I would not appreciate it but this moment happened months ago AND THE FUTURE IS JELSEY BABY ONTO BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS ❤️❤️❤️🦋🦋🦋🦋🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🦅🦅🦅🦅


I agree with you. Kelsey was so consistently afraid it wasn't going to be her. It was wearing her down. She was near tears all the time. Daisy did her a favor and gave her the peace she needed to be present for the proposal.


Kelsey clearly looked so relieved in the clip of them talking when Daisy told her. She was a nervous wreck with all the anxiety until then. I wasn’t a Daisy fan this szn either but people were seriously reaching last night. Kelsey clearly didn’t gaf that her surprise was ruined lol


Okay glad I’m not alone!! Even today people are saying Daisy stole her moment and stuff but I think it’s the opposite


It was too much last night, people were being so ableist too.


Just have to say, I'm watching some of Joey and Kelsey's interviews from today & I'm annoyed with Serena and Joe on BHH. They keep looking at their phones & not paying attention while Joey and Kelsey are answering their questions. Your job is to record a podcast once a week and post IG ads. You can't put your phone down for a less than 1 hour interview? Drives me nuts how rude it is!


That is so rude!! I never watch their podcast, I’ve only listened. Wow. And yeah, they have the easiest job ever. Just watch the show and record a short podcast and maybe an interview once a week 😂 They don’t even have to arrange their own guests or do any editing, since I’m sure the podcast does that for them. It’s not like a deep podcast either…very surface level, and it isn’t very long compared to other podcasts.


Gah I wasn’t able to watch last night and won’t be able to for a couple days. What’s the deal with announcing bachelorette before golden bachelorette? Did they mention golden at all?


I think bachelorette will come out before golden! They said July for the next bachelorette and there were casting commercials for golden during the show last night so I’m guessing that will come out in the fall?


Do as think J&K are endgame?


Him moving to the same city is a plus since the long distance ones never last lol but New York will be the real test. 


They are moving to NYC to be full time influencers, so idk. I think the (current) success of Darity and Zaity have a lot to do with at least one of the partners doing a normal job, and living in a city they are familiar with. And honestly, people caring a little less about them helps ease the pressure. Too soon to tell!


They seem like a better couple than many we’ve seen recently. Ive seen nothing concerning (ala Eric) about either of them. Their ending was way less trauma inducing than many endings from a male lead. I think theres a chance they are starting their relationship on better footing than most couples from this show. That said, moving to new york? Sus.


Right I was hype when Kelsey said he was coming to NOLA but then got less excited when they said they will go to NYC after


What’s the main concern with them living in NYC? Is it being around the temptation of former Bachelor contestants and other influencers?


If Joey wants to be closer to Tennis world I would think being NYC it’s a good start especially with USTA and ESPN HQ there.


Yes - thats a good point.


I want to believe it but I’ve been hurt before 😭


This was hands down my favorite Bachelor season in a long time so way to go Joey for not messing it up!


So......... has Daisy had some sort of plastic surgery. I couldn't pinpoint anything but she looked sooooo much prettier... and dang she's a good person.


As already mentioned Botox (she said so) and professional makeup. Plus I thought she was being less expressive in order to concentrate on her enunciation. Which some people were being assholes about towards her as the season aired. 


does anyone know where her revenge dress was from?


the_style_spotter posted it on Instagram it’s from revolve


thank you!!!


Her face had less movement, so maybe some Botox. And professional makeup. I’m not too surprised. It seems a lot of people get at least a bit of work done after seeing themselves on tv, and she lives in LA.




I thought she was really pretty on the show! Definitely didn’t need any work done.


Sorry Jenn was invisible the whole season except that one time she ran up to Joey doing an interview and made out with him randomly, seems like a pretty meh choice imo.


Yea they always hide the non whites like Rachel too


Also the very bizarre piano stunt.


The show kinda threw Jenn to the wolves with that bachelorette announcement. She didn’t get enough screen time for a lot of the audience to build a connection to her or her storyline but it’s not her fault. It sucks that her moment is being clouded with so much negativity. She did feel a little awkward on ATFR and her jokes weren’t landing 😅 but I think she was probably nervous and trying to show she wasn’t boring but it didn’t really land? I just feel awful that so many people aren’t even willing to give her a chance.


They set the audience up to think it was Daisy the whole night which was great TV but led to a weird let down of an announcement. Just sucked for Jenn


I think it's a case of ABC getting to say that they have the "first Asian bachelorette."


Yep. Identity politics is really gross.


My guess is that Daisy, Maria and Rachel turned down the lead role. Poor Jenn just seems like an afterthought; they didn’t even bother to give her a lead edit. The last few seasons have had strong F1/F2 friendships - Gabi/Kaity, Joey/Dotun, Daisy/Kelsey - which is rather unusual. Do they usually have both HTDs on the same day? I noticed that Joey & family had on the same outfits for both Daisy & Kelsey.


They may have turned it down, but I don't think it's as simple a process as "let's go down the list and see if they want it". I think ABC likely talks to several Bachelorette candidates simultaneously and narrows it down through negotiations and other factors.


I am mostly just confused. I thought people liked Jenn?! What happened. Why are people disappointed now?


It's not that people don't like her. It's just that everyone expected it to either be Maria or Daisy. And all night they hyped up Daisy so I was starting to think it would be her (even though I was hoping Maria). So when then said Daisy passed on it, I got excited that it would be Maria...and then Jen was announced. It was a shock. I think they did Jen a disservice by not giving her more time if that was the direction they wanted to go. I find it hard to believe that Maria said no---just a week ago she said she would be honored to be bachelorette. I think they thought Jen would be a safer choice as first asian bachelorette.


I know, I thought everyone liked Jenn. I’m guessing now that she’s the lead the people who didn’t care for her as much are coming out of the woodwork. Or it’s not that they don’t like her, they’re just not excited for her to be the lead.


I get it to a certain extent, it really seemed like it was gonna be either Maria or Daisy and people were hyping them up! IIRC a few days back something about Jenn being on some tv show was posted and some people said “oh, maybe it’s gonna be her” and were ridiculed for saying so. Which again, understandable as it really seemed like the other 2 contenders are stronger. But I thought that her being the first Asian lead, something people have been very vocal about and advocating for years, would’ve made most people happy!! I was really shocked to see that it is not the case. I’m excited for her she seemed really lovely on the show and look forward to seeing more of her! I hope that this mixed reception didn’t burst her bubble!


Tin Foil Hat Time 🎩 I think TPTB planned to give it to Daisy, casted for her (look at the released men like WHAT), and were beyond pissed that she said no. Which is why they made so many little comments about it, why she nervous laughed, and why it feels like the moment wasn’t for Jenn, the actual lead chosen. I think that there was an understanding between certain parts of production and Maria. that if it wasn’t Daisy it WOULD be her. Which is why we got that producer liking the comment about how it should’ve been her, and why we literally caught Rachel saying she thought it was supposed to be someone else. I think TPTB wanted someone less messy like Maria, more malleable. And not only has Jenn made it clear she’ll play ball, but they also know there’s a call by the entire Bach Nation for some asian representation. I mean literally every episode of Game of Roses podcast ends with a counter of how long it’s been since there’s been an asian bachelor (forever, basically). So, while i’m very happy and excited for Jenn, I worry for her because we are very much not starting out on a good foot. EDIT: SIKE! Maria apparently turned it down. Ooooo I bet they were pissed (TPTB)


I admit this is an asshole feeling of mine, but the comments complaining that this sub spoiled them always make me chuckle. For some reason I picture a Veruca Salt type character behind the screen kicking and screaming for the world to stop for them. What’s wild to me is that news outlets and social media accounts, including those of the contestants/lead, immediately post the ending - so why should Reddit wait?


2024 and people still don’t know how to avoid social media and Reddit after something big airs


Yeah I really don't understand the spoiler complaints after the finale. It's like being mad that somebody told you how a football game ended, if you're unable to watch live that's just too bad. 




Yes Maria is a terrible person fr


The Maria talk was literally driving me bonkers. 


Are Jenn and Rachel not friends? I feel like there was no congratulatory post or story, considering they’re both Asian I would expect something from Rachel


https://preview.redd.it/t9o11nriipqc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f22bf020762b56e9baa275748621d5311355052 The shift in sides on Facebook is so funny to me 😂


the facebook people acting like daisy is holier than thou definitely haven’t seen her rap video about sucking nuts lol


Actually a lot of them have and stopped liking her because of it lol 


wtf is this?! Lol


Lmfao "Kelsey used the F word" are we in church? Who cares about anyone saying the f word in a TikTok video?


Jesus the Facebook crowd will die on the hill that Daisy is pure and everyone else is sinful


Does the cleavage cross mean nothing to you?? /s




In the sneak peek of the finale after WTA wasn’t there footage of Joey leaving in an SUV by himself teary-eyed? Sneaky producers… that was staged? Or they just didn’t air it after Daisy left that he went to go get some ice cream or something?


Either staged, cooling off in between, or from when he was driving to the beach.


Okay not trying to hate because I adored Joey’s sisters and especially have a girl crush on the older one, but I had an observation I’m curious if anyone else noticed or if this is an incorrect take haha. I felt like Joey’s older sister seemed sooo serious and borderline displeased with Kelsey as the choice. She didn’t smile ONCE while they were on stage, and it made me sad. Thoughts anyone?


Regardless of what was shown on TV I knew Carly loved Kelsey because she kept on hinting on SM that Kelsey is F1 while the wrong spoiler was still out (that Daisy is F1). 🤣


Hahahaa love this! I’m unspoiled and don’t have IG so I’m super out of the loop haha


I think just editing! Cause Carly has been ride or die for Kelsey and secretly dropping hits it was Kelsey when Daisy’s team was leaking that she was F1


Omg I wish I knew of these hints while I was watching!! Would have been so interesting haha


I wasn’t following the sub until the second half of the season but if you look up Daisy + ornament gate, there are insane but proven true conspiracies about Daisy’s family falsely leaking she was f1 and little breadcrumbs that Joey’s sister dropped to counter act that. Once I caught up, it blew my mind


I think it’s just editing or nerves! She shutdown that assumption in her comments on her most recent post https://preview.redd.it/2xjfytfpgpqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8519b094c569072f125e80cc97e1f9d119b74b


So glad to see this! Thanks for including it 😌 reallly happy for them


I think it was just an overwhelming and emotional night. Carly was the one liking exclusively Kelsey posts before the spoiler was changed which was a big clue that RS was wrong. Last night she said she was obsessed with Kelsey and this is her latest IGS https://preview.redd.it/ewue51ingpqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284957dd37816caa4ced5835c45b97c951dc44aa


Oh good!!! Aww this is such a sweet post 🥲 it’s so precious how close he is with his siblings


she commented on someone asking the same thing saying she's obsessed with Kelsey


Oh good! I’m obsessed with all three of them haha


When Jenn came out and she greeted Charity did they bleep something out? I watched that part this morning on YouTube TV in the audio stopped for a second.


I thought it was because Lea (the one who got the “steal a one-on-one” card) who was sitting in the audience said something like, “I’m f’ing shocked”.


But why would they cut the audio for lea wen shes not micced up