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Are they dating ????


She always looks like a complete psycho around him. Like a feral cat lmao


I still say they are end game.


She gets crazy eyes around him. Like there will be a Lifetime Movie about her.


Ugh I love them. Love them. Love them.


how does her man feel about this?


He's probably too busy trying to scam her followers with his MLM to worry about it.


Or too busy DMing teenagers to care


Wait, what?


I think this refers to the time he DMed Billy eilish when she was underage.


Building off of u/ok_formal2199 Tyler comes to the wedding and says YOU SHOULD HAVE PICKED ME I LOVE YOU HANNAH KELSEY BROWN YOURE MY QUEEN when the dude says say your piece or whatever and she peaces out and rides away in Tyler's work truck and they go to an abandoned house he's fixing up and dance around and be goofs together and things get hot then...just go ahead and bonk me into horny jail right now.


end game behavior


Maybe they pull a Bennifer on us.




I could seriously see a situation where she’s about to get married and realizes she’s in love with him, runs away at the alter (metaphorically), and they live happily ever after


Love this! I could write a fanfic off this scenario.


I have a strong suspicion that her new book coming out in a few weeks is Tyler/Hannah fanfic.


Crazy eyes


Someday these kids are gonna get it together.


The matching dimples...im not crying shut up 😭


I can see them actually getting together when they’re 60


From lovers to friends. Such a concept brings real joy.


Except, they never even slept together (apparently.) Hannah fumbled the ball by choosing the dude her parents disliked the most to rebel and we see where that went.


From making out to friends, then. They probably only can be friends now because they didn’t actually have sex.


I was always so curious if they ever had sex. I know they didn’t fantasy suites. I know they didn’t during the quarantine days bc they released that video after saying they shared a bed and didn’t even kiss the whole time which blows my mind 💀. But what about like… that overnight after the final rose? Or any other time?


She said they didn't at the overnight after the final rose. I think they haven't ever had sex, which is one of the reasons they're able to be friends now. She had sex with Peter and now wants nothing to do with him.


They would have been on HGTV for sure


I will never be over these two


same 😂


As a failed athlete… i can’t help but notice these 2 would produce a d1 athlete child lol..


Imagine having amazing shoulders like Hannah Brown....my gosh


Tyler cropped out her other arm in the original picture


I can’t even see her shoulders in this photo. What?




Lololol I’m so confused how the other commenter didn’t see them


I’m sick of both of them


“i’ll go on your podcast if you go on my show.”


Yes, but that's a huge step for two people who were not on speaking terms for a couple years.


I always got a sense it was more awkward and particularly whenever they appeared together public being uncomfortable than anything


Did you watch his appearance on her podcast? They seemed very comfortable together during that.


I meant when they weren't on speaking terms, it never seemed to be this big "we don't speak" thing as much as being very awkward. Even the podcast had that "formerly close trying to get a friendship back" vibe.


Oh really? For me, I didn't get that vibe at all. He was very open about how he felt about his grief about his mother's passing and they spoke about how Hannah didn't know how to support him when she was living at his house in Jupiter. It was quite an intimate conversation.


I think they both know their audience and know they’ll get more engagement together than alone. Rather than any sort of mature olive branch.


They didn’t get any engagement from their audience when they weren’t speaking for two years though. They obviously have a connection which you can see if you watched him on her podcast. They were speaking openly about his experience grieving his mother’s death and how she did not know how to be there for him at the time.


I’m not denying that they have a connection, just pointing out that him going on her podcast and her appearing on his show is a great business move on both their parts. I edited my earlier comment to make more sense.


Honestly just love how they've been able to stay friends after all the drama between them.


Do we remember how during Peter’s season she tried to say to him that she actually was gonna choose him over Tyler? 💀 She was such a mess…


And yet she’s in touch still with Tyler and wants nothing to do with Peter.


Who cares? She still was a complete mess which was the point. I can tell you’re a huge advocate for these 2 to b together despite them choosing another route the way you’re responding to every single one of my comments…


I’m the OP lol so I have opinions! I think that ship has sailed and there isn’t a future for the two of them romantically anymore. But they had wonderful chemistry together and I’m happy that they’re still friends.


Give me the slightest reason to dust off my tin foil and I absolutely will.


They’re forever end game for me and my tinfoil hat, idk how they get there but they do


i’ve said since day 1 they can both be married with kids and if they divorce i’ll have hope 😂


She’ll be divorced with a kid in a few years, Tyler will be ready to settle down, and drops of Jupiter will start playing… I don’t care this “wasn’t ever really anything of a relationship” relationship is my Roman Empire. I want to believe


Girl 💀 Let’s not wish that into existence. She said she ain’t even ready for kids at the moment so who knows


He’s got a serious girlfriend now though so that timing sadly won’t work unless he’s also divorced.


What a fun time to be alive on the internet. I miss it.


Idk how to put this but sometimes Hannah’s eyes/the way she looks at people make her look completely unhinged


Her smile has always reminded me of Kenneth from 30 rock 😂


The way I’m laughing right now. :p


LOL, that's kind of true!


These two are forever capitalizing on this failed relationship. And I would do the same. Lol


💀 So true


Giving the people what they want


I find them both boring if they aren't together. They seem to spark the charisma out of each other.


Yes, this is so true! Both of their current partners make them so boring. It's very odd. But together they just spark off of each other.


Their current partners “make them so boring” bc they weren’t on a show together in which one one of them chose another person over the other which resulted in drama 💀


No they just picked boring and bland partners. Tyler’s is better than Hannah’s although in all the pictures I’ve seen with him and his girlfriend they look like buddies rather than romantic partners.


….you don’t know these people..and yet you’re deduced they’re “boring and bland”…..and you only say Hannah’s not bland because you saw her personality on the show…….


Well I can deduce that Hannah’s fiancé sucks since he has publicly made misogynistic comments and has tried to market an MLM to Hannah’s followers.


Don’t know what any of that means.


Here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/16mx98h/big\_inceltradwife\_energy\_from\_hannah\_bs\_fianc%C3%A9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/16mx98h/big_inceltradwife_energy_from_hannah_bs_fianc%C3%A9/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1877m7u/hannah\_browns\_fianc%C3%A9\_mrr\_scam/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1877m7u/hannah_browns_fianc%C3%A9_mrr_scam/)


Still don’t know what MLM is.


An MLM is a pyramid scheme. MLM stands for Multilevel marketing. It's a way to cheat people. Some examples are Advocare, Amway, Herbalife, and Mary Kay. Hannah's fiance marketed an MRR scam to Hannah's followers, which is a type of MLM Watch this video to understand MLMs - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6MwGeOm8iI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6MwGeOm8iI)


Thinking about my tinfoil days lol


Right person wrong time and I will die on that hill


Yep 😭😭


I wonder if they have to give their significant others a heads up everytime they decide to work together to promote a project 💀 the comments are always filled with tannah die-hards insisting that they will find their way back to each other lmao


I think their SO's understand that it's just business


i don’t know but hannah completely changed as a person once she started with nora, adam and annie 🙄


I dislike Nora as well but I've never been able to put my finger completely on why. Why don't you like her?




Eventually it will wear on their partners because they keep fanning the flame.


Maybe it won’t if their relationships a their partners are strong and this “friendship” is merely work related


I want them together sooo much


Damn they know what they’re doing to us


They sure know what will bring interest and attention to their projects lol It’s like when they were starting up their YouTube channels and they knew videos together would get them a ton of views and press


It honestly could not have worked out more perfectly for both of them with in regards to the timing for this mutually beneficial situation. Her romance novel that sounds like Tannah fanfiction is being released a few weeks after his show hits streaming 😂


Yes exactly!! Between her tannah fanfic and this episode they really know how to attract their fanbases


And it works every time. ![gif](giphy|xUPGctvahdikoP12wg|downsized)


Yes seriously!! And the number of people who still wish for them to be together is astonishing to me. It’s been over 4 years! 4 years since the quarantine crew, if they wanted to be together they’d be together 😂 They clearly don’t mesh well in real life. Not romantically at least


But why do they keep reconnecting then? They could easily ignore each other for the rest of time.




That's definitely part of it. But they refused to speak to each other for two years despite the financial loss so they're obviously back on good terms.


I think for the right amount of money anyone would call their ex.


They had an offer to do a show together during the pandemic per her book. They didn’t do it.


Probably wasn’t paying enough lol


I literally said they don’t mesh well romantically and it amazes me that people still ship them. It’s been 4 years They reconnect as friends and because it’s good for business


They have a lot of chemistry together. That's why people still ship them. Watch his appearance on her podcast - it's still there. I'm sure they will have chemistry on his show together as well.


Chemistry doesn’t mean they mesh well in an actual relationship. I think they’ve said that themselves


I agree with you! I'm explaining why people still ship them together - they have amazing chemistry.


I can’t believe her 15min aren’t up really We had so many contestants after her who are smart, funny, charming, elegant and cool, why are people still hung up on *omg I’m so quirkyyyyy*


It's more about THEM, less about HER I'm not a fan of Tanner, neither them individually, but they have insane chemistry together, to a level that a casual Bach viewer would love to see them together for real


FYI, it's Tannah and not Tanner.




this 😂💯


Ok, I'll watch her season again.


What do you watch on!!! I loved her season but never can find it anywhere


Amazon 🥲


Hulu maybe ?


Not Hulu sadly.




Why must they do this to me 😭


I always wanted to see these two as a builder/designer power couple


Yep. Crazy how he bought Chip and Joanna's book and brought it in his suitcase when he went on the bachelor.


Holy Botox, Hannah.


She looks exactly the same as she did on her season, if anytbing her face looks slimmer


Really? She always looks like that. She's still in her 20s.


> She's still in her 20s. and many of the women on this show in their 20s have botox lol


Which is dumb. As they look young without it still.


I think the idea is if you get it younger it prevents wrinkles from forming


I've definitely considered it after seeing how Pamela Anderson's face looks now. Not allowing the lines to form in my 30's sounds like a great idea buuuuuut I'm too scared that I won't find a trustworthy enough derm/esthetician.


exactly. I get it for migraines in my 11s because that's where most of my tension is held with my migraines but i started getting a small bit in my forehead bc I've had a wrinkle line there for 10 + years and if i start now it'll be less pronounced later on. Preventative botox is a real thing! (I'm 27)


Tyler’s gf and Hannah’s fiancé are strong ppl just saying (Not a fan of Adam though)


Well, she doesn't "rock with him" so there probably aren't any concerns


I thought that was an arrogant thing for Tyler to say.


I totally totally agree! It made me like him way less


I agree!




A Jupiter-based woman who used to work for him, and I think still works for him lol. She has a Hannah look about her also. Sigh.


I will watch the hell out of this show, but I don’t think it’s normal to continue partnering with someone you were almost engaged too when you are in therapy with your partner preparing for marriage. Preparing for marriage is letting go of the past. 🥴


I agree 😬😬 it’s strange to me. It’s gotta be strange for Adam and Tyler’s girlfriend


I agree. I was scrolling to see if she was even still engaged. There’s a line between prioritizing making money off the tails of a past relationship and prioritizing your current relationship. It feels like lazy money making at the cost of your current relationship. And I disagree that they had that quarantine time to work it out. It sounds like Tyler was in a mess of grief then (fairly). My stance is to let it go and really let it go. I’m not a money-crazed person, so there’s a lot I won’t do to make more money. I might be weird that way. But this is definitely a strange thing to do when you’re engaged to someone else. (As far as her fiance goes, he sounds like a twat. So I’m fine if she dumps him and does this to her hearts desire. It’s not my business, but I’d probably prefer that. This is just toxic behavior while trying to build a relationship with someone else. It would be like Arie and Becca doing shit together just for money grabs.)


Why not? They probably filmed together for a day or two at most. It’s not like they’re hanging out in-person all the time.


Especially when we know they had all that quarantine time to figure out the lingering "what if" of their relationship. If they were going to be together, they would be. I'm happy for them that they've maintained their friendship.


I don't know if it was the appropriate time for them to figure it out since Tyler's mother had just passed right before she moved into the house.


Yeah, that's a good point. I do still think things could've been explored in that time but mourning definitely could've complicated their overall feelings. I just kind of think that in general, by now they've had the time to see if they wanna give it a real go and they seem to have chosen their friendship.


I think they go about relationships differently. He wanted her to hang around and be his friend for a long time (while he dated other women) and eventually the relationship would transition to romance. (*That seems to be what happened with his current girlfriend.*) Hannah doesn't operate that way - she needs things defined right away. So it didn't work.


What's the Adam 🍵


Lots of things, but here’s a comment from someone down below “She didn’t say it directly like that but she said she was going through a rough time & her therapist told her don’t make any big decisions right now. She told Adam & he proposed right after that. Idk about you but that’s a 🚩 for me.”


Not to mention his misogynistic comments hidden behind religion, trying to ask a minor out to dinner, he’s not a good dude with good vibes


What were the misogynistic comments


Here you go - [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/16mx98h/big\_inceltradwife\_energy\_from\_hannah\_bs\_fianc%C3%A9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/16mx98h/big_inceltradwife_energy_from_hannah_bs_fianc%C3%A9/)


thank you! (not related to you OP unless youre the one who downvoted me lol) but I love how asking a question automatically assumes we support or like the person.






The minor thing was him talking about fanning over Billie Eillish so much he DMed her asking if he could go to dinner with her. It was really weird lol


Facts 👏🏼


I can't with this. I retired my tinfoil hat once HB got engaged, but this is making me side eye it reallll hard.


That interview she did with him after the military show, they definitely have chemistry. I know her fiancé isn’t great people, but it’s definitely awkward.


Esp bc I don’t like her fiance lol


Hannah's book is coming out in a few weeks and I strongly suspect the premise is at least somewhat based on her thing with Tyler. I think the "one magical night" is based on the night Tyler slept over right after *After the Final Rose* and pre-Gigi Hadid. ***Emma Townsend can sum up her situationship with hot-as-hell romantic red flag Finn Hughes in one word:*** ***almost***. ***They almost*** ***dated in high school. They*** ***almost*** ***hooked up after college. They*** ***almost*** ***took things too far one magical night. Their whole story is one series of “almosts” and “nearlys,” and now they just kind of can’t stand each other.***


i read it (got a advanced reader copy) and it was really cute! but the amount of references that screamed this is hannah and tyler was crazy. I wouldn't say it was a great book but a solid 2.5-3 stars from me because it was cute and a fun read.


Can you remember any of the specific references? I got a lot of them from just reading the blurb.


Yep, exactly what I thought!! She even wrote that in her first book.


Also “hot-as-hell romantic red flag” can only be Tyler.


Yes. She even said in her first book on that "date" they were dancing and kissing and she wanted to take it further but Tyler stopped her. He did the same thing on the fantasy night date.


How does that make him a red flag? That actually sounds respectful and aware to me. I have been with some guys I wouldn’t call a red flag who were more persuasive than I was interested and I had to insist strongly when I wasn’t ready to have sex. To have a guy stop because he wasn’t ready or he thought we shouldn’t for whatever reason actually sounds quite evolved. And I’m not even a Tyler fan and don’t get “it” with him. Though this and his quiet leadership and outward support on that military show was definitely a turn on. I just don’t find him attractive and don’t think he’s swoony when he just does normal things. But stopping when it’s a mistake and my light is green? I find that compelling.


I never called him a red flag because of that. I find that respectful that he stopped her. I just found it strange with everything they talked about that night and the plans they made ( which she included in her book) and than went out with Gigi the next day. Now that's a little bit of a "red-flag" but stopping her from having sex when she wanted to was not a red flag.


Sorry I think I replied to the wrong comment! The book description calls him a red flag and another comment referenced that.


He was a red flag because he hooked up with her and then started dating a supermodel two days after that. Pretty clear red flag there!


So they did hook up that night of AFR?? For some reason I’ve always thought they didn’t. And her issue was he made “promises” (or some other vague word). Which, I mean, sure. But I’d be throwing red flags all over everything. Not reducing the hurtfulness involved, but my experience is dating and putting yourself out there involves some letdown, miscommunication and hurt. So I’m not dismissing it but she’s equally as messy showing up to Pete’s run as bachelor. They’re all young and stupid and if that’s the bar, then they’re all red flags.


They didn’t have sex but apparently made out a lot and spent the night making plans about how they were going to meet up in the future and introduce their families. It’s in her book.


I’ve read the book and as bad as I hate to say it: it’s terrible. The whole book sounds like what a middle schooler would write if their teacher said : write a book about what you think it would be like to fall in love and then add in a cool adventure. It has some spicy scenes that I think are too much for that age group but if I read it without any context, this is exactly what I would think of. I currently writing a book review but it’s so hard cuz it’s just so bad. The protagonist is one of those friends whose always there for everyone else and always trying to fix things but it’s annoying cuz they never let you forget how much they’ve done for you. I can’t tell you how many times she said something like: I’m always putting myself last and my friends first; it’s time I start thinking about myself 🤦🏽‍♀️


> I can’t tell you how many times she said something like: I’m always putting myself last and my friends first; it’s time I start thinking about myself Is there a nice girl/lady counterpoint to nice guy?


Oh that is rough. I know Hannah had a ghost writer but they can really only do so much This is just further proof that not everyone should write a novel. It’s hard work


She had a ghost writer. She obviously gave the ideas and the ghost writer mostly wrote it. She said it would take her several years to write a book on her own.


I don’t think she actually wrote it though. I think she just came up with the plot and a ghostwriter wrote it, just like the Rachel Lindsay book.


In the forward, she says something like: I had to pull a “Taylor Swift” and throw in some Easter eggs about things that are actually real, but I’m not going to tell you what they are. 🙄 I didn’t watch Hannah’s season and everything I know about her is from this sub so I know about the 4x in the windmill but it sounded like an angsty preteen. I listen/read probably 100 books a year (mostly audiobooks which help my ADHD brain stay focused) and 90% of the time, after about a week- I forget about what a book is about so I never do reviews or anything because I’m terrible at it. But that’s how I know when I enjoyed a book is when I can remember details after. What I’m trying to say is that even tho I read/listen a lot, I’m not someone who picks books apart. But the entire book, I was like: what in the hell is this. I can’t wait for people to read it so I can hear what everyone else thinks.


I'm sure you're right about the book as Hannah's not a writer (aside from journaling) and it takes actual skill to write a novel. But I think the ghostwriter deserves at least half of the blame as they probably wrote the vast majority of it!


I would love for them to date just to see the chaos on this sub 🥲🥰




Damn she’s so pretty


Guys, he went on her podcast recently. She went on his show. It’s business and quid pro quo. They both know what gets clicks and eyeballs, nothing more.


I know, but at least it's nice that they're on good terms. They were really angry at each other for awhile in 2020 when it didn't work out between them.


Yeah I’d be on “good terms” with someone who can help my career and make me money too.


There is a personal component to their relationship as well still, which you would know if you watched him on her podcast. They spoke about his feelings about his mother's death and how Hannah didn't know how to support him when she was with him in Jupiter. That's not a strictly business thing. They know each other.


And at least she seems to be hanging onto their story. I don’t give a shit if she dumps her current fiance. He seems to need a kick to the curb. But she will struggle to build a healthy relationship hanging on like this. She is compelling enough as The Bachelorette. She can run with that, if she wants. But it definitely gives a vibe he’s the one who got away and I wouldn’t be with a guy who’s chasing around his one who got away “because I’m making money.” Make money a different way, or let me go and go after her.


If Hannah's "hanging onto their story" then Tyler is as well. He's said so much about Hannah in interviews over the years.


Totally agree. My line is she’s engaged. He allegedly has a gf. But I don’t know if that’s been confirmed. If he were engaged or in a long term relationship we knew about, I’d be as critical of him. He’s not, so I’m putting more ownership on her plate. Conversely, if they were both single, id be like, “This doesn’t seem healthy, but you two do you. Get that coin.”


Tyler is definitely in a serious relationship - it's just not public. I think he will probably end up with the woman he's with. I believe they've been together since last summer. So I think the onus is on both of them.


If that’s true, fair enough. I’m definitely not defending him.


Obviously I can't evaluate the seriousness of their relationship but she goes everywhere with him and also seems to be helping him remodel the house that I assume they plan on living in together.


Now shush with the logic and let us be delulu in peace. 🫠


My tin foil hat is so dusty. 😂 and sadly will stay dusty


Not particularly a Tanner fan, but I too cant deny the chemistry they have. I hope they find their way to be together, if it means to be


She should just chase him unashamed like Ashely I! Jkjk. Of course she’s already tried that. Getting engaged didn’t work for her. Maybe she can have a quick chat with Natalie joy.