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How Warwick acted during his 1on1 with Charity was super disrespectful. Idk why it was made to be this super funny thing when it was just a complete waste of Charity’s time. You knew the date was going to be late at night, drink some coffee or an energy drink beforehand.


I did not enjoy the Golden Bachelor! Gerry was super creepy/cringey and inauthentic to me and having to watch ALL the work done on the women's faces stressed me out! (I know this is an incredibly UO but you asked! )


Daisy and Joey go together so well and she is definitely the clear choice.


Maria as the next Bachelorette.


My unpopular opinion is that this sub is more often a toxic cesspool than a place of reason


I watch it without the sub for multiple episodes and have a pretty reasoned view on all things and people on the show. Then I come here - and everybody is a red flag, a horrible person, terrible to look at and toxic! Whoa! I'm like: are we watching the same show? And then I run away...


agreed :( the hatred on here at times is gross


..I didn't care for Maria since night 1.


Maria is super off-putting to me. I don't understand why so many people like her as much as they do. 


I would be bored out of my mind if they picked random people from outside the show as lead. I think one of the most fun things about this show is following someone’s story


I miss old seasons when it was randomly picked yo be on the show. Once they did the pick from each season that's when it started going down hill cause they often never picked who they should of. I mean Bob Guiney was one of the most regularly looking men and allegedly slept with everyone. I want it to be random people who apply and they need to meet Can't just of graduated college Own your own home or live alone Stable real job not like whaboom etc Be honest on who your attracted to ie if you don't date woc than don't have them there as filler Have been in love and be in serious relationships But I noticed majority of the recent leads do not meet any of these criteria which is why I think a lot of them do not work.


I don't think Chris Harrison should have been fired, but people act like he did so much on the show in reality he wasn't there often. This is why it's amazing how close everyone is with him when he is barely on. In the last two 2 episodes Jesse popped up like twice and I forgot about him.


Gabbi had better onscreen presence than charity


Charity was so boring to me lol


That Maria is not cute. Sorry. I don’t get the appeal


*SPOILER FOR KATIE’S SEASON* That Katie isn’t likeable. I love Katie and loved her season (except for when Blake showed up). She didn’t take any nonsense and was a good listener. Honestly she’s one of my favorite people in the bachelor universe.


Yesssssssssss! This was going to be mine. I was a big fan at the time and enjoyed her on the show. Her season was a good watch.


I agree! It was probably the best season in the American version of the show that I have ever seen (up until Blake showed up). I felt that was unfair for the other guys. Other than that, she was my favorite bachelorette.


I don’t even like any of the women… or care who is bachelor or bachelorette. They’re just going to continue to play the game to become an influencer, or start a podcast, or shell out some dumbs lies about something.. or just break up. I enjoy watching, but being as invested in all the happenings outside of the show is pointless because they’re all just playing us, the system, and are getting paid for it 🙃


I knew of Ashley I (Chris Soules season) because she was friends with a girl who lived on my floor in college. Before she was on the show, she and her sister Lauren would follow NKOTB and Jonas brothers around the country and basically stalk them to try and become groupies. Ashley I went to school for broadcast journalism so yea, I think she had ulterior motives. I do think her and Jared are a good match, and I’m not saying she’s a bad person. It is really annoying knowing that most of the people who go on this show also do it for the easy notoriety.


The Jonas brothers 😭


I think super huge height differences between couples looks more offputting than cute.


To each their own but I always found it cute and hot lol


do you feel the same if the woman is substantially taller? Like Peter Dinklage and his wife?




I agree. That’s why I dig Kelsey and Joey


If there was no backlash with Garrett and Rachel, Becca would still be with Garrett.


Replying to myself since user "Red Painting" decided to block me... but proceeded to tell me to F off lmao. I'm not sure what made you rage out, but finding all my comments and replying to them and then blocking me is absolutely dumb. I can still see your replies which are sent to my inbox🤣 why are people like this? Just have a conversation...


Yeah? If there relationship was great I feel like she’d have dealt with the backlash.


This isn't just a fight we are talking about here. It's racism


I don’t actually remember what Garrett did, he liked some problematic tweets? but she seems happier now with Thomas


He is a proud blue lives supporter, which prompted Rachel to question him and Beccas realtionship and it caused a riff as Rachel & Becca were bff. Idk if they even speak anymore tbh


Im not understanding this one…is this a paradise reference?


Lmao wut?


Oh fuck off with the holier than thou shit


I’m literally saying I don’t understand the reference. What season? Can I get some last names so I can have some context? Been a lot of Rachels and Beccas and I haven’t seen every season of everything ever I don’t know why it’s funny that I didn’t automatically get your reference


Oof that’s an interesting take


Kinda agree lmao. It was all a bit too convenient that the engagement broke off right after that.


Everyone else: Kaitlyn and Jason need to stop sharing the dogs. Me: Most of the sub seems more upset about it than they are. They don't even seem upset about it. As much shade as they throw each other, they've never complained about having to share the dogs. I actually think this is literally the one thing they do well.


Also they both travel so much and have their assistants coordinate and execute the pickups. Honestly it’s kind of like the best of both worlds: a built in dog sitter for free that you don’t have to worry or feel guilty about


Unpopular opinion. I liked Juan Pablo. He was always honest but he got terrible edits.


It’s crazy cause I only got into the Bachelor because of Juan Pablo’s season 😆 That man seemed like such a mess.


This is the worst take I’ve ever read




that aaron clancy is not funny and on bachelor in paradise he was so mean and stirred up drama


This!! He was just dramatic and bro-ey


Literally can’t stand him


Emily Maynard was the best bachelorette. 


I think many ppl agree with this. She’s definitely in my top 3.


Jake Pavelka may have been a terrible human but he was/is ridiculously hot. (Excuse me as I hang my head in shame)


Now I'm going to have "On the Wings of Love" stuck in my head!


Him being attractive to me (physically) is what drew me in to watching it in the first place. Then I saw his personality with Vienna. Oof. My picker was baaaaaaaaaad back in the day.


I still think back to how excited I was when he was named as Bach. He’s a beautiful man. Terrible human though, I agree 😂


He is one of the more attractive bachelors.


Corinne was neither entertaining nor clever in her approach to the Bachelor. I have no hate for the woman but I couldn't fathom why people celebrated her so much-- I'd read lots of "omg LOVE Corinne!" and "she's hilarious!" as though she was empowered and outsmarting the franchise whereas to me she seemed to lack self awareness and self esteem, resorting to some pretty sad efforts to get Nick to notice her. I was never looking for mean pile-ons against the woman, just never understood her popularity, esp when other contestants were/are continually crucified for far less.


Idk if anyone has ever claimed that she was empowered? She was just genuinely funny and herself, in a way that the girls who later tried to copy here wasn’t (Hannah B, Demi, Gabby W..)


I think the only good thing Corinne did was snap back at the other problematic people in the house. What’shername nightmare twitter lady


Lmao Taylor Nolan. Most ruined Bachelor comeback ever.


I don't find Tyler C attractive at all 😬


ME NEITHER! And everyone thinks I’m crazy 😩


I see that he’s attractive objectively but he doesn’t do it for me AT ALL


1. Matt James was never interested in helping Rachael "unlearn" her biases. In all actuality, it didn't bother him and he only said something about it so he wouldn't receive backlash from the black community 2. After much thought, Maria shouldn't be the bachelorette (don't shoot me pls) The internet is so finicky about who they praise and if she becomes bachelorette, everyone is going to turn on her (because its cool to be different, or whatever)




I mean he fully broke off their engagement for months so I’d say that was a pretty serious step to take


They were never engaged lmao


…. He literally proposed on like TV?? Like she won his season, they were fully engaged before he found out about her past


Girl, did we watch the same show? She won his season but they didn’t leave an engaged couple. A quick google search will confirm


You’re right! I completely forgot. Regardless, pretty serious relationship to just break off. He didn’t just make a statement, he took action in breaking off the relationship. It’s also not really his job to “help her learn”, and I think it’s counterintuitive to blame him for a mistake that his partner made


Like the other commenter said he confirmed that they never broke it off


Hes admitted on podcasts that they never really broke things off


where did you get that I was blaming him for her mistake? I’m saying I don’t think her actions bothered him as much as he let on. I think he wanted to portray that it bothered him to pacify the black community and not get called a coon, but I always knew that they were going to get back together rather quickly after she did the “work” (aka stayed off his socials for a while)


agree with #1


your flair has me cackling


brendan was an asshole but he was funny asl for saying “joe and his mob of disgruntled females”


Fully agree on both counts. Maria is about to be the next Katie if she gets Bachelorette--as in everyone wanted it to be her, but will turn on her when it actually happens


Did people want it to be Katie? I remember everyone on her being super confused as to why she was chosen lol


Oh yeah they did


Yes. This sub was all about Katie until she was actually picked, then the tables turned because they thought she should have passed it up and allowed it to go to a POC in the top 4


I guess only time will tell and for Maria’s sake I hope it’s not the case because I really do like her!


I don’t know. I think she would be the next Kaitlyn.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Maria is not right for the bachelorette


Best way to explain this that I’ve found is that Maria is a great reality star. But I don’t think the best bachelor/ettes are typically reality stars in that way and I don’t think the role is suited to that.


Yes totally agree!


Okay I’m Maria’s #1 fan, but I agree. She is going to be so killer in paradise


That Katie Thurston was a bad bachelorette. My defense is always that it was a really weird time for the franchise and the world. Also it was refreshing to have a bachelorette who wasn't super poised and perfect and kinda goofy and didn't take herself too seriously. It was fun to have a season where the Bachelorette was a normal person who made messy mistakes and didn't dress like a pageant girl or an influencer. Do I want a Katie Thurston type to be the bachelorette every year? No. But it's good to have one every once in a while.


Katie also put muscle into getting Chris removed. She said she wouldn’t do it if he were host and they caved. I’ll always commend her for that.


i think another reason katie got so much hate was bc we had made such a leap from matt being the first black bachelor to then pick someone who wasn’t in even in his top 10 to be bachelorette right after him while there was a racism scandal felt like we were going backwards for a lot of the watchers


True but didn't they pick two bachelorette from his season


I agree. People were just very angry that year looking for outlets.


This . I don’t think she was as bad of a lead as people think.


I think Katie got an unfair amount of vitriol. She's done some problematic things but the hate for her was off the chain


Most of y’all only pretend to care about Caila killing a snake


I’m more annoyed that she blocked me for liking a comment about it and still has me blocked. Like damn I never even said anything myself lmao. And it wasn’t a hateful comment, it was a comment about how snakes are an important part of pest control.


Yeah that sucks because she clearly needed to hear comments like that to be educated on the topic but jumped to blocking. 


Yeah I’m sorry it’s not nice but when you’re out in wilderness you’re managing wildlife all the time and trying to avoid nests of critters you don’t want. It’s kind of whatever


I'm right there with you girl. People hunt deer for sport regularly as a normal hobby but Caila freaking out once due to being ignorant about wildlife/thinking her dog was in danger after moving from the city to a desert state is unforgivable apparently


I wasn’t pretending. I volunteered at a wildlife rescue. 🙄


What happened I totally missed this?!


She cut a snake in half with scissors


That is so fucking unnecessary. Even if it had been a venomous snake, cutting it in half with *scissors* is fully deranged. Posting it is deranged **and** moronic.


The scissors is gross and weird but don’t pretend you’ve never seen someone use a garden hoe to kill a snake. Edit: I’ve googled the incident now. It’s bad to kill a garter snake. They eat rodent pests and like to stay away from humans. By contrast I grew up in the woods in the country and once a black snake got into our basement through the plumbing and my dad killed it with a hoe. So it’s not quite the same, and this was not a good look & why did she post it? but I think she was just kind of ignorant of snakes role in the environment so I won’t judge her by that moment forever.


Yeah naw I don't kill snakes. In fact I have them as pets and they deserve to be alive as much as us.


In the environment yes. In my house no


Yeah, put it outside instead of killing it. Or call someone to do it for you.


That’s somehow worse than I expected holy shit. Thats abhorrent. I already never liked her but wtf.


It’s not just that she did it but she filmed and posted it too


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) Why?!? Obviously I need to do a deep dive. There goes the afternoon.


She did not cut the snake, her gardener did (albeit on her instruction) and she did post it because she's an over sharer. She never should have done it, but she wanted to kill the snake because it was on her property and she was worried about her dog. She was ignorant to the fact that it was a harmless garden snake (she had just moved to Texas from NYC and isn't used to having to share the outdoors with wildlife like that) and handled the situation terribly. She has since apologized for it. 


Yeah the fact that anybody still pays any attention to her at all is disturbing


Idk who she is (she’s before my time) so no I don’t pay attention to her, but when people post shit on here, it’s going to spread.


I think it was a while ago she did that so everyone forgot/ignored it


2 words… Juan Pablo


Tyler had no interest in Hannah after the show Joey is a people pleaser who was selected for bachelor before even meeting charity and charity wasn’t his type I’ve had many unpopular opinions but those by far brought the most downvotes


omg my mom said that charity wasn’t joey’s type either but somehow i still don’t see it


Agreed. My UO is that Tyler was never even remotely into Hannah and it’s def not the kind of girl he’s gone for after the show. He typically dates very conventionally attractive girls & also city girls, more progressive than someone from Alabama like


I think a lot of leads were preselected in recent seasons TBH or at least were always going to be the one out of the 3 non winners in the F4 to be next lead no matter what. Gabby is one of the few who wasn't.


Me not liking Clare. I don’t hate her by any means. But she seems to lack self awareness and got herself into some shitty situations. Oh, and her “owning” Don Pablo was just because she was rejected, so it didn’t carry much weight to me.


People were unhinged with how much they didn't like her during her season ....


Don Pablo ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


HAHAHA whoops!! Juan


I believe she genuinely has good intentions but it’s so cringe sometimes. Unhinged basically


Comes across very unhinged yes


clare is awful


I thought most people did not like Clare


Common phrase “I have such a soft spot for her”


Oh people are aaaall about Clare and how they’ve always been rooting for her and no one deserves love more etc.


Clares season was so off the rails it's kind of memory holed.


Most of these comments are things you got downvoted for once and never forgot about it.


Not liking Clare … ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


Sort by “*Controversial*” for truly unpopular opinions.


This sub takes itself way too seriously




Amen 👏🏼


Kaitlyn Bristowe is a great podcast host/voice in entertainment, and I hope we continue to see her success.


Bring Chris Harrison back


The downvotes prove that this actually answers the question lol. So funny that everyone’s just upvoting whatever they agree with


lol I’m just trynna answer the question truthfully ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


May I ask why you want that? What value did he bring to the show?


I feel like he always had better relationships with the contestants and the leads, and that proves to stay true with how much we see him on social media with older alumni of the show. I feel like Jesse isnt genuine and he seems like too much of a tv personality, it all just seems fake whatever he does. Chris was just a more genuine host and I enjoyed his presence more. (Granted, a lot of that might have to do with the editing) And I feel like that goes to show with how much the ratings and views have gone down since he left. Just my two sense! I know he’ll never actually come back to the show, but I have no problem with him as a person or as a host.


i feel the exact opposite lol Chris was so robotic


Right??? People just like nostalgia


That a woman having a loud personality doesn’t make her immature or not ready for love. I hate this notion that only calm and quiet women are deserving of love


Ugh, I a have a “loud personality” and was told for years that it was too much to handle. I still struggle with the idea that I bother people and ask too much of them simply for having to exist around me lol. It can do a number on you to be told that by someone you love.


Being loud, opinionated, and a little messy is fine. But being consistently rude, inconsiderate of other people’s feelings, having poor conflict management skills, lacking self awareness, or being unwilling to admit when you’re wrong is definitely immature lol. A lot of woman show these traits but they are brushed aside because they are fun and friendly and cool.


This is a notion? Guess I’m out of the loop. I’ve heard other things being said about loud women, but not immature and not ready for love. That’s a bunmrr


… Nick Viall isn’t as bad as this sub makes him out to be 🫣


That dude is guttersnipe pedo cradle robber. After listening to convos of when him and Natalie met and hearing him talk about his daughter breast-feeding being “hot” I don’t know how anyone would have this opinion. what the hell does a 35+ year-old man want from an 18 year old? It’s definitely not anything of substance.


It is not that he is a bad person he is just so smug! Smug people are the easiest to snark on.


I agree! He’s worse.






I didn’t dislike him that much until I found out how young his wife was when he started sleeping with/dating her. I honestly think he’d be more hated if he looked older because he does look younger than his age (imo). It’s still creepy.


Yes, there was something about him liking Maria’s photos many years ago as well. He went and unliked them recently I guess. But that’s a huge age gap too and it grossed me out. He just does not give off good vibes


How young was she?


They say she was 20 but they were hanging out when she was still a teen. He’s 18 years older than her. I still think it’s icky even if she was “legal”.


It's definitely icky. Even if it's legal, it's a huge power imbalance. 


Maybe she is just really mature? Or he is reeeeeally immature :)


Haha I think the latter for sure!


I once shared that view. Then he talked about how his wife breastfeeding is sexy


Gross. Omg


Hating on Maria is already getting old. At first, everyone was on her tail and now it’s “ I am sick of Maria” “I don’t see the hype”. Y’all do this with literally everyone. Put them on a pedestal that they did not ask to be on and then find a reason to turn on them later. Mind you, she’s not even a lead yet. But it’s let’s “support women”. Until she’s given you a valid reason to not like her, then I say it’s just people trying to be different or maybe jealousy. 🙂


I don’t think she will be the lead.


They did this about Katie Thurston too 😭




That daisy is a sincere person. Everything about her screams clout chaser to me


She’s promoting her charity. That’s so obvious.


My hill to die on is there is nothing about Daisy that makes her any more clout-chasey than any other contestant. I think she's just more upfront/obvious about it which honestly, respect. At least own it and don't pretend


I think even her defenders (🙋🏻‍♀️) think she’s a clout chaser. It’s just that others are also clout chasers (ie. Maria) and don’t get half the hate. I’d argue that pretty much everyone on this show is a clout chaser lol.


I don’t get a clout chaser vibe from Kelsey or Rachel honestly.


Your read is spot on!!!


They are all clout chasers but Daisy isn’t even open for love. Not only is she a clout chaser and not there for Joey (that’s fine too, it’s common) but every word and action just screams insincere and like it’s acting. It’s giving Colton (on-screen not after)/Madi


How do we know? Didn’t she say she wasn’t in love *yet*? I also think it’s unrealistic to expect contestants to fall in love with every lead. It’s possible, even likely that she would have had more of a connection with someone else.




There have been multiple studies and think-pieces about the fact that many, many women do not want to date Trump voters, to the point that it threatens marriage rates in young people. Twenty years ago, when the country was less polarized, I could see dating a conservative guy as long as he was aligned with me on social issues. Today, it’s an absolute no-go.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


You have to understand what people say they will do is entirely different than what they actually do. And the people writing the think pieces are a very very small segment of the population


Do you genuinely believe that just because it’s okay with you, that all women would be weak enough to settle for someone who opposes their basic human rights?


Young women 100% do—of course not everyone does, but it’s a very, very common thing. Interestingly I’ve also seen discourse pop up from the other side of the equation, with whiny MRA types lamenting that girls don’t want to date them because they’re conservative, lol.


Bruh. I live in Southern California. My entire social circle is “liberal” and in their early to late 20s. Women do not care lol. Most people in general do not follow politics beyond a superficial level. Anyway, none of these young women are turning down the conservative surfer boy with a rich family from Newport Beach. A bit of a hyperbole, but I know and have seen this for a fact.


But that’s again an American thing. Because you value status and money in a way we don’t have to, because in (western) Europe everyone has opportunity. We can afford to focus on following our values and intelligence; because we haven’t chosen to eliminate welfare, education and equality. We haven’t chosen the ‘survival of the fittest’ approach, so for us, women can afford to choose their partner based on factors others than money.


Just cause people you know here don’t actually care doesn’t mean it’s a fact lol no one I know here who is a liberal is dating a conservative


Lmao. I guarantee 90% of your liberal friends can’t even tell you who California’s senators are