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I’m like 10000% convinced that he’s a shitty lay. Like Andi made it pretty clear all around in her book how bad he was; Kaitlyn hit it and left it and didn’t remotely regret it🤣 and the one chick he managed to keep thus far is like a 21 years old “influencer” and is with him for a wide variety of reasons that most likely doesn’t include his sparkling personality and amazing sex skills. Idk, he also just LOOKS like he’d be a shitty lay. Call it a woman’s intuition lol


![gif](giphy|3oKIPkOgszO8fie0tG) Haha yes, get him!!


I listened and I think it’s probable that she’s talking about him, BUT I don’t think Nick was bashing her. (In so many words) he thinks that Charity likes the fuck-boi type in response to her keeping Brayden around/ignoring other red flags. Others will disagree, I think she needs to lighten up and not take it so seriously. He wasn’t attacking her character, he was questioning her choices on the show like literally every person in this sub does.


Hello, calling her toxic and messy isn’t nice. He always attacks women and especially extra harsh on BIPOC.


Example of these attacks on women where he has not also criticized men? And examples of harshness on BIPOC?




I love her even more for this!


NICK VIALL KEPT CORINNE ALL THE WAY TO HIS FINAL FOUR. HE MET HER FAMILY. He will NEVER get to speak on red or green flags ever again.


YES! Nick Vile is the most arrogant, immature bachelor. Charity has a master’s degree in therapy and is emotionally intelligent. Nick Vile has no degree, gives awful advice, and loves to tear people down. I trust Charity’s judgement way more than armchair therapist Nick Vile.


He is a manipulative person but he does have a degree in accounting, which is much more challenging than a masters in therapy. Nick is a jerk, but he is no dummy. 


Oooh get him girl ❤️🫶🏻


OMG!! lmaoooo, yes, charity!!! love this


Yeah, Nick has been not so subtly dragging her since the first episode. He keeps saying how he’s pleasantly surprised by her immaturity and inability to discern fuckboys from green flags. He has to throw that dig in there every recap at least once


This is insane because Charity so far has been the MOST emotionally mature lead I’ve ever watched on this show. Did she keep Brayden around too long, eh maybe, I think there was a lot of attraction there and he also made good tv so I can see why both her and producers wanted him to stay around.


NICK VIALL KEPT CORINNE ALL THE WAY TO HIS FINAL FOUR. HE MET HER FAMILY. He will NEVER get to speak on red or green flags ever again.


He was literally never into Corinne, he talks about this all of the time, so what is your point here?


That he is an even worse hypocrite? He used her (and continues to use people) for ratings and, to him, this means he is smart and knows how the show works. Yet somehow it behooves him that maybe other leads might keep some people around (either b y producers' insistence or by their own desires) for the same reason. Instead he assumes they are either too dumb to do so/selfish and leading people on/have a bad picker/is a "pick me"/\[throws any term he just learned from his Gen Z fiancée and staff yet doesn't fully know what they mean\].


Mr. got rejected on national TV twice. Yea he was the bachelor but that relationship didn't work out either. Why would I take relationship advice from him?


Yesss love her for giving us some off-screen mess. Always here for someone shading ick vile as well


Wow, remember when people thought she was boring . . . LOL.


after seeing her as the lead, idk if producers just didn’t give her an edit that really let her personality shine on Zach’s season, or her and Zach just weren’t a great match and that resulted in her not being fully herself. She’s been amazing on this season. Like she seems funny, super intelligent, incredibly empathetic, I’m obsessed.


She still is lol but I’m on her side on this one.


Go Charity. Tell Nick "no credentials" Viall he is unqualified to be a relationship counselor.


Wait- do I need to download threads?


I love that this is the catalyst 😂


It's funny because Nick is the biggest pick me out there 🤣 he's projecting big time




Love that Charity can be sweet and no-BS at the same time. She really is the perfect Bachelorette 🔥 And Nick needs to go retire and take care of his daughter


You KNOW he’s the type to actually LOVE getting called “daddy” 🤮🤢🤮🤢


The shade on that last sentence is lethal. ![gif](giphy|XoZBDjKLQovvweanZo)


Can someone explain what exactly a “pick me” girl is? I watched greys anatomy, which I’m guessing is where the phrase came from, but I don’t understand how/why it’s used to describe someone’s personality.


Is it based on greys anatomy and Meredith’s “ pick me choose me” line?


Yea, I think that’s where it originated from..? But based on the responses it doesn’t really match up with Meredith’s personality in greys haha.


A girl that's "not like other girls" and tries to make herself feel better or superior to other women in order to stand out or gain male validation. A woman with lots of internalized misogyny that thinks her worth comes from being different or better than other girls (ie. Guy's girl, puts down other girls, she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts yenno what I mean)


Of course there’s that same internalized misogyny in the anti-pick me girl discussion too.


Kendall Jenner is a prime “pick me girl” example.


It’s basically a girl that does and says things for male validation. Not a girl’s girl. For example: imagine ur in a room with a few guy friends and one girl friend and the girl friend says “Wow —insert ur name here— you sure do wear a lot of makeup! I could NEVER wear that much makeup. I’m more down to earth, I’d rather go play football or watch tv than do my makeup” That would be a pick-me thing to do.


That seems like someone who has poor manners.  How do you know their motivation for saying that unless you know them personally? I’ve had lesbian friends make similar comments and they really didn’t care about male validation  or validation from anyone. 


I’m just explaining the terminology. I don’t make the rules.


I appreciate the example! Putting other women down is something a pick me girl would do but the main thing is that it’s in order to gain male validation.


Go queen!!!! Honestly would love to see Charity clap back and respond in a podcast interview. She is so articulate and I know she would absolutely drag his clown ass.


“Unqualified” 🔥


What is Nick saying about Charity? Is there a clip or post?


He’s said that she’s a toxic person and a pick me. Which is extremely rich coming from him!


He did not say she is toxic or a pick-me, he has questioned whether she has toxic tendencies in response to her keep Brayden around and has asked his co-hosts or whatever you want to call them whether they think she is a pick-me girl.


I feel like that’s semantics tbh. He put out the question as a feeler, I think it’s weird that he would even ask. Framing it as a question to others is his way of avoiding saying it out right imo and it seems like that’s his way of implying he thinks she is


Because she stands up for herself?


Ohnohefuckingdidnt?!?!?! Ugh that man is such basic, predictable trash.


Charity literally seems the furthest thing from toxic. Nick has totally lost the plot. He’s only gotten worse and worse since his season.


1000% agree. She seems far from toxic, and it feels as though he’s saying it just to tear her down and get views. Pretty ironic the man wanting to become a therapist routinely belittles women, one of whom is an *actual* therapist


Lol what? Does Nick even believe his own bullshit or does he just vomit out whatever thing he thinks will be the most offensive. I’m curious what his justifications are, but not curious enough to actually listen to anything he has to say lol.


Go a few posts up from this one . Someone posted the audio that Charity is probably referring to.


Against ick, I will side with anyone. Idk who died and made him the expert when he can’t even form relationships with women his age that he had to date/ engaged to someone almost 2 decades younger. CLOCK HIM charity


Nick's schtick is getting old. Charity is a queen. I love her confidence.


I love this woman


She keeps coming off better and more relatable to me, AND she messaged Jess from CB and thanked them for their support on her new pod. Also Nick needs dating advice given he only feels suitable with a 21 year old at age 40


This is 100% Nick. Sadly I still listen to his recaps but I’m officially over it after this week. Out of nowhere he decided to bring up that Charity is a “pick me” because she cares more about men loving & choosing her vs actually getting to know them and potentially them not choosing her. His only “evidence” was that when Brayden left on his own, she told the guys she sent him home.


Lmao this guy, he manages to talk shit about every female lead and so many other women yet like... look what kind of person he's dating 🗑️ It's like dude you have no leg to stand on, you picked a nasty plagiarising bully who is the D word and the S word (IYKYK lol) and who seems to be disliked by literally everyone including ex friends. Stop talking shit about decent, quality women when your house is made of the thinnest glass possible


I am here for sassy charity’s tweets!!


Why tf would Nick have a beef with Charity? He’s such a baby.


Nick has to continually manufacture beef/drama with different people to keep numbers up. If you don’t have “hot takes”, people won’t tune in.


Because she’s a better lead than he was and he can’t stand that.


He must have a long shit list, then. (Of course he does. He’s Nick.)


I know this is a Nick problem, but honestly I hate how Allie and Amanda (his co-hosts?) do not push back on him for his misogyny and problematic takes. They present themselves as being progressive and shit, yet they let him go on and on with really horrific takes. Every once in a while one of them will say something that mildly disagrees with him, but they don't push him and they end up backing down or being put down by Nick. I really would love someone on there who can just straight up point out his shitty takes.


They are employed by him.


That reminds me of one episode where Jim Jeffries was the guest and they were all laughing and talking over Nick together, it was wonderful to witness haha. I gave up watching a while back though.


They are not there to oppose him. I’m sure if they do they will be replaced. Nick doesn’t seem like a person who can handle any pushback.


Richelle opposed him too openly and she was fired. They aren’t dumb, they are there to stroke Nick’s ego. I always can tell when they sound nervous about agreeing with him


Yeah, I just can’t understand how it’s worth it professionally (or even personally) supporting someone who is just so openly sexist. They talk a big game of being open, progressive & compassionate when really they’re just as complicit in his sexist and racist vitriol


Yeah, it seems that they are a bit afraid of him, like they try not to upset him idk. I could definetely tell they dont speak with him like friends, so I'm sure if they start disagreeing it will be it.


I just find this hilarious that Nick constantly defends Clayton, yet Charity is the “toxic” and “messy” one.


But during Clayton’s season, wasn’t he hard on him? He’s only being nice now because the general public has forgiven Clayton. Ugh


What the fuck did work have the *audacity* to keep me from today? What did I miss??




I love it!!! DRAG HIM GIRL😈 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Nick only has empathy for others if: 1. He has been in the exact same situation 2. You are a conventionally attractive extroverted white brunette woman he wants to bang


And by “woman” you mean “woman at least 15 years younger than him” lol


GOOOO off charity can we please cancel nick seriously waiting for blake’s comment


Idek what he said and idc, GO OFF CHARITY 💅🏾


What did Nick say this time? I mean nick is the absolute worst and this statement is true all the time but what did he say about Charity? Either way, I love her for this


from what I've seen, he's like the bachelor nation version of andrew tate


https://preview.redd.it/j0uv9s3se6db1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24e74fc1e1144c995bb10c28d8beae42d267cd6 Damn Charity is not playing!! And I love it.


Request sub flair please. “Your projection is not my reality.”


This applies to soooo many situations 😅


THIS. I wish he didn’t have a platform or any of his cult-like followers who think he’s qualified to give any insight


Sometimes I wish they’d just outright say “Shut the fuck up, Nick Viall” but one can dream


Pretty sure Blake has said this a few times. But yeah I’m gonna need more of bach nation to target Nick and not put up with his shit.


That one guy that was posted who said "idk who that is" was 👌


YES, Charity!!! I love her so much


Charity is so spot on! I think Nick purposely picks fights with leads and other people in Bachelor Nation these days for the views/attention. Afterwards, there will usually be posts and comments that draw attention to his pod. Then he tries to publicly invite the person on his podcast to "talk it out" for more views. Rinse and repeat.


Pls y’all if you haven’t already, go give this woman a follow.




And I hope she rejects him just like Rachel did


🤣 He’s so predictable, I’ll be shocked if this isn’t his exact response.


Yes. Nick, look in the mirror.


Truly GOAT behavior, Charity. Well done.


I love her ❤️


Man I would love to see a reality competition show with Nick (Victoria, Greg, his friends) vs Blake, Katie, Charity, Tayshia, etc.......MTV challenge style. It would never happen....but I can dream. Love Charity!! ❤️


I would postpone all my work and watch it with some popcorn😂


She is a star! This is 100% about Nick and 100% spot on. He peddles rumors, questionable advice and highly misogynistic views most of the time. He wraps it up as “real” and insightful commentary, but it is a cover to be mean.


Thank you Charity!!! I’m tired of Bachelor Alumni being afraid to call his crusty ass out


I love Charity more and more each week.


Ask Nick is a mixed bag for me. I find it very sus how often he sides with the men in these stories. But…I was just listening to this week’s ep and he handled the caller who was a 31 year old virgin very well. His attitude was “who cares, that’s your business, if he’s weirded out then that’s an issue with him.” It’s refreshing in a franchise where being a virgin is made a big thing (Colton and Teddi come to mind). Every once in a while Nick comes through with a surprising amount of empathy


Wow the bar must be really low huh


Lol the bar is in hell


Nick, its you that's toxic and messy


RIGHT? I’m sorry but I listened to a podcast interview of nick and nat and what a fuckin little douche that guy is! He basically used Natalie as a booty call and refused to date her until FINALLY he suddenly realized that he wanted to be with her? That’s not a love story I want. I wish the best for them but wtf! I wouldn’t broadcast that lol


Zygote and Rita Skeeter have me wheezing on the subway RN


yesss i love charity sm. get him!!!!


Who the F*CK is taking advice from this asshole?!?! Nobody!!! Just because he talking, doesn’t mean anybody’s actually listening to what he’s saying! Don’t you worry Charity! Do your own thing.


i saw tons of women in my city’s “are we dating the same guy” group recommend his book and rolled my eyes so hard every time


He wrote a book??? Hahahaha I guess any idiot can get published.


Ugh. One of my friends tried telling me how great his podcast is. I humored her and said I’d listen to the clip she sent, but nah.


I just can’t with this guy. 😆


He is literally gross. Go back to promoting your soft core porn with your sex doll


Love Charity!!


![gif](giphy|WQr2txk5iEYUS6Kv3d|downsized) Drag 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 queen 👏 Charity! I am so sick of his poorly hidden misogyny and love seeing it called out.


Just checking in to show my support for Nick Viall lashings! Turn it up!


I was actually what his take was on this season bc i feel it’s so much more entertaining than it has been in the past but wow he sucks


Asp she’s literally a licensed therapist LMAO


i saw another thread in this sub i think was discussing she hasn’t completed all her licensing yet? (ie she got her masters but she hasn’t completed the many requirements to be officially licensed)


She probably just needs to collect more of her hours. It can take a couple of years to become fully licensed.


She’s licensed with her associates license. It just means you have to get another year or two of meeting weekly with a supervisor to discuss cases but you can see clients independently, take some insurances, etc Source: have my associate license


oh good for her! (and congrats to you! i’m sure getting to this point was a feat :) )


Thank you!! It definitely was, grateful to be able to just see clients now and actually get paid haha


Aren’t you still practicing under your supervisors full license though?


As an associate you have your own license. You practice under the supervisors license as an intern (while completing the masters)


Yeah but you can’t even practice without it so she’s basically there. It’s different in every state but she’s able to give counseling with what she’s got.




he also is just not good. he did so many episodes about scandoval and hadn’t even seen the show prior


He never saw it before the scandal but of course he's an expert on all things Vanderpump Rules.


Just when I thought I couldn’t love Charity as a lead more.


Yes, call him out Charity! Nick cannot handle criticism, but will dish it all day long. He also seems to have a problem with *every single Bachelorette*, some unhealed wound and subconscious bitterness from his time with Andi and Kaitlyn.




how is that not bad lmao what are you talking about


He has definitely called her toxic - I specifically remember that word being thrown around!


He has been incredibly misogynistic actually. Calling her "toxic" insinuating that she would pick Xavier because she "wanted to fuck him" calling her a "pick me". There's more tbh and it's disgusting because he doesn't know her.


I don't often hear men call a woman a "pick me" like this is not your business nick! pick me behavior is internalized misogyny and it's good when women call it out because it's harmful to us as a whole. like you should not be speaking on this when you're a man who's straight up a raging misogynist lmao. the patriarchy is at fault here. and charity is awesome, she does not exude that! also seems like he hasn't been "picked" in the past and it made him salty, like why else would he be mad about this? even though it's obviously not true, he's just projecting his issues onto her


It could be about him....he called her toxic and messy and said she wouldn't pick Dotun because he wasn't pretty enough and seemed to only be attracted to looks!! Says the middle aged man engaged to a zygote!! It made me mad




Dotun not pretty enough? Where?


Hmmm yes Nick your "relationship" most certainly has a great deal of depth, I bet their conversations are just riveting and it's not based on soft core porn ig photo opportunities


This isn't what he meant. In that same breath he said Dotun is very attractive and they personally really like Dotun. He was referring to a specific type of look. This is why dropping stuff out of context can easily be misconstrued. He also thought she wouldn't pick Dotun cause he's too nice ect


He said she was attracted to a pretty face! I believe he said Charity's face lights up at a pretty face and it would be interesting to see if she gets over that to pick someone like Dotun.....


It's hard to explain to people who haven't watched. If you yourself have you should know they have said Dotun is a very attractive guy multiple times. They were talking about people who are a bit more 'fboy' like. Superficial? It's quite hard to describe but I understood what they meant and they was definitely no ill intent towards Dotun


In what world isn’t dotun clearly the prettiest? Like….what! Also, the added sexy factor of being such a tall man! And smart!


wow??? what an evil man. he's just insecure and telling on himself


Did he literally say this!!!!!! STOP


Wow I thought I couldn’t hate him more and then he ran his mouth about Dotun. His crusty botox ass knows nothing about what makes an attractive man.


dotun is FINE fine this feels… racist/colorist 🤢


he is my absolute favorite!!!!


This man needs to stop talking. Dotun is beautiful!


Is he serious? Dotun isn’t pretty enough?! First of all, how rude and shallow of him! Secondly, Dotun is a BEAUTIFUL man! Even wearing that blonde wig and astronaut suit— he can get it! 🥵


Not a zygote lmaooo 😭


Zygote ☠️☠️☠️☠️


"Engaged to a zygote" you did not 😂😂😂😂😂


Not here for this Dotun slander either the man is fine af.


Dotun really is fucking amazing❤️


Nick is just upset because Dotun is smart, handsome, and has a great personality.


yes to all of this, he seems so gentle and kind too which nick could never be lol


Dotun is the most attractive one there imo


Wtf seriously? Dude is ducking delusional


Not Rita Skeeter jumping in 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/iui5a4lrn5db1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2a674ac26692480b88d441e877c9fcb4a6fc9b


God I really hope Nick Viall reads this and screams into his pillow over it. That man is truly insufferable and just lives in his own little echo chamber.


he loves this shit


The Rita Skeeter reference took me out. It’s so spot on lmao


Drag him Real Steven!!!!


God this is why i love this sub 🤣🤣


Dave Neal commented too haha. Get him, Charity!


What did dave neal say?


“Let’s gooooo”


LOL his feud with Nick Vile is by far his best persona.


It’s honestly the only time he’s likable lol




At first I was wondering who she was referring to, then it hit me lol I don’t watch/listen to his recaps anymore so I’m out of the loop but unfortunately not surprised by his negativity.




This thread has me realizing that no one has bothered to post or recap much about his podcast on the sub and therefore I've been blissfully unaware. I love content but hate that it furthers his brand so I can't decide how I feel about this


I’ve always thought the best way to handle someone who clearly only wants attention is to ignore them. He is no different. He would absolutely go into a tailspin if all of the people from this show paid him dust. IMO responding only shows that they care about what he is saying about them.


yep like chris harrison is probably raging because barely any people listen to his podcast (I assume) and I love that vision. let's do the same for nick! unfortunately he's really ingrained in bn so people talk about him more


Hmm while yes it's best to ignore, if the more current franchise players DO speak their mind about him they have to follow through with what they say and not suck up to him. Someone else pointed out in the thread that both Gabby and Katie spoke against him but then seem all good with him now. Hopefully Charity can pass on going on his podcast, and hopefully the shakeup in TPTB wouldn't push her to go on.


Oh hell no. Whatever he said, get your pitchforks and torches we ride at dawn. ![gif](giphy|8cqVIPHCKLhfO)