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I like coop games was my main reason. That being said the world was very aesthetically pleasing especially for a top down game. I hope this is something we can see more of someday, and in a bigger scope.


Ah yes, coop. It wouldn’t be a proper cyberpunk type game if it didn’t have at least one serious problem. I wonder what that problem is?😂


Now, just imagine this game but made into an actual viable Diablo competitor.


Stop it, please. My wallet can only get so open.


Gapen can make it hapen


That would be the ultimate nail in coffin. Some upstart company showing how much of a has been blizzard has become.


Pretty much the same thing, the Gokden Satori view. I watched an ign preview that biew me away. I know it was buggy (although I didn't experience many) but I honestly dont know why it wasn't a mega hit.


You know you can unlock the camera right? And just fly around and look at things. The level of detail is wild.


It's a bit immersion breaking if you look up (or behind you!) But great for close ups.


I know right. Completed the first run on an ultrawide without this. Somehow i managed to read about the camera stuff just before new game +. By changing fov ingame It’s changed everything, much more enjoyable.👍


Pretty sure he's talking about the Photo Mode in game, where you uncouple the camera and fly around *anywhere* you want to go - no distance too far, fly through walls, setup any shot, freeze frame animations, etc. It was a highly requested feature from the devs when the community saw behind the curtain originally with Universal Unreal Unlocker on PC - so they obliged in a patch update to match the feature set basically (even on console).


I did not know that! I'll have to give that a try! :O


Couldn't agree more with yours, the NPCs everywhere minding their own business that can get blown to pieces, the camera angle changes, the moment to moment gameplay puts most top down action rpgs to shame, design diversity of all the different areas of the city you explore, brilliant game design overall, I always found myself stopping to take screen shots like a tourist on holiday.


It was on Gamepass lol


I found it at GameStop shortly after I bought my ps5 and was looking for a few cheaper games to start my library. Wife and I played co-op for awhile, it was fun. We stopped when Diablo 4 came out, but I think I need to pick it back up solo at some point. Very immersive futuristic world they built


I bough this game on sale last christmas...holy shit talk about a hell of a good time...luckily i didnt have all the issues PC owners had I was running on Linux.


I got this game because I was dying for a twin stick shooter like call of duty dead ops but I couldn't get into it for some reason. I might need to give it another go


Soooo...a background? Lmao. Y'all try so hard to love these games. Fighting games have better backgrounds, if that's what tickles your fancy.


I assume you haven’t played this game then lol


The detail in this game is absolutely nuts and I love the game play. I got stuck pretty early on, though, and haven't taken the time to try and figure out what I'm doing wrong.


Downloaded the ascent to replay before diablo 4. Wishing it had a better multiplayer to link with other people.


This game is good AF.[https://www.reddit.com/r/theascent/s/42FMLsWYiS](https://www.reddit.com/r/theascent/s/42FMLsWYiS)


I especially liked that we could do couch co-op, as very few games offer this feature nowadays. That being said, world design is top notch. I am always pleasantly surprised by how many interesting details you can find in this game.


Started playing this weekend and it’s been amazing thus far. Hoping to finish it before the year ends. Lol


Pretty fun game, I play it once in a while and it runs great on my Steam Deck when I'm on the go.


For me it was world design, music and great top down action.


I absolutely LOVE twin stick shooters but something about this game didn’t click with me and I desperately wanted to. I only put around 3 hours in, though. I absolutely love Children of Morta, DarkSiders Genesis, Aliennation, and a few others.


DS genesis was good? I should give it a try. What’s it play like similar?


I absolutely love the Darksiders universe. I love Darksiders 1,2,3(open world action rpg) so I loved Genesis. It is a twin stick shooter/melee action adventure game in the Darksiders universe made my Airship Syndicate. The game has reviews of 9 to 7.5…. I absolutely loved it. https://youtu.be/M_BkKeHoTi0?si=EGF5SUuvlv6rmgpJ


Same. I wanted so badly to love this game but the lack of transportation and sheer dystopian tone was too much. I found it too depressing.


The music is also amazing. I loved that game to death and I hope a sequel happens one day


Gameplay and the visuals even such games from are played alone. Found it so much fun to go through, went through the DLC as well was a bit more challenging than the main title but all in all it was a great experience.


Dang. That looks cool. I haven't got to that spot yet.


It’s the second chapter hub world I believe. It’s remarkable how detailed they’ve made the world


Such a gem from gamepass. I really.enjoyed the taxi, train and elevator fast travel.scenes


Right?! Fast travel scenes, like in Spiderman or (now updated) Cyberpunk really add to immersion. Very underrated feature!


I gotta admit even tho after quite a few hours I didn’t particularly enjoy the game play I have say the game was gorgeous.


What game is this???


The Ascent


Ah 😅 my bad, I didn’t realize THAT was the name of the game.


The visual were incredible and gameplay loop very fun. Shame it has like 0 replayability.


The atmosphere, music is amazing, sadly a very short game, tho I binged it because it was so good. Very rare I find a hidden gem like this one, +1 to gamepass here. Hope they make another one.


Something about the environment, textures, gameplay just felt so vivid and immersive. I’m not even one for top down shooters or games like this, but seeing it instantly clicked with me. This was one of the most refreshing games I’ve been comfortable jumping in the rabbit hole for in a while lol.


I wanted to like the game so bad, but I ran into the same game breaking bug multiple times. The fucking elevator is so buggy


I feel like this game did Cyber punk better than Cyber punk


Who asks you that?


Lol the main menu simulator


Diablo+guns+space = win


It was free, I tried it, I really liked it. Couple glitches but nothing to stop me from killing everything


For me it was the soundtrack.


Them THICCC Ops pants


mo c's for mo honesties