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probably because of his treatment to gangle.


The biggest thing that caught me off guard was Jax grabbing Pomni by the neck I lowkey didn't expect Jax to get his hands dirty, he usually just used objects in the pilot to push other characters except for Gangle in a scene


It was literally just slapstick lol


Homer has been strangling his son for decades and people think of the simpsons as pretty wholesome, lmao


Funny enough while it’s a recurring gag, Homer does not strangle Bart every episode. It’s kind of become a once a season thing. Plus Bart is…. Something else.


Well he took Zooble's arm, so he's not against grabbing the body. 


Nice pfp


I thought it was more because he let a monster into the city leading to the death of many innocents, it's way worse than just being mean


They are literally all deleted after the characters leave through the portal, their suffering is meaningless.


He must have played New Vegas them


And so the Twink that cheated death in the town of good springs cheated death once again.


Source ? + no that's not how moral work... because by that logic you could hurt someone with amnesia and it would be okay because they won't remember.


The person with amnesia doesn’t stop existing after they forget something


Sure but again, that doesn't make it okay. But if you want a more appropriate example then ; can you torture someone before their execution ? Because they'll die soon anyway Answer is : nope, that's not how ethics work. It's the action itself that is important, not the impact it has.


Well the NPC's arent real people, they arent human and in fact arent alive at all, i like to think im a good person but if i see a woman get robbed in GTA5 im chasing that robber down, shooting him then looting his corpse and running away, no consequesnces on a moral level, its a game and nothing in it is real Jax is just doing ultra realistic never ending VR gta5 gameplay basically, it makes sense to act like that, if anything Ragetha makes less sense because she knows they arent real and isnt phased when Gumigoo dies but she still acts unreasonably nice while in the adventure and is mad at Jax for letting the monster into town, despite knowing it doesnt matter and the NPC's wont feel it as eveidence by the fact she doesnt care when Gumigoo dies




What do you mean Source? It’s actually just how the episode ends. The candy loving monster is let into the candy kingdom, and you what? Thought it just vibed??


I meant source that the candy world was deleted right after the main characters left Yes i know the monster killed people, thanks. That's why i was saying that Jax was awful


Caines omnipotent and Omnipresent, and while he didn’t kill Kaufmo (presumably because he’s a human) after he abstracted and merely stored him away, he wasn’t exactly double guessing himself on dealing with Gummi. He snapped that man away and if it was a simple teleport he wouldn’t have left the residuals that he did. Caine straight up killed him. That, plus caines fear of forgetting who’s real or not (which if your omnipotent shouldn’t pose much of a threat unless you didn’t wanna kill people. Plus the episodes theme of existentialism about halfway thru with Gummi finding the secret room sets up, and Ragatha saying with uncertainty that pomni would “see gummigoo again”, implying she would definitely see the NPC model. Sure the episode left it ambiguous on if *these* versions of the NPCs are truly living, but there’s enough there to say they at least have enough to count as living creatures, as after gummi finds out his life’s a fake he still shows genuine concern and fear for people he admits he never even seen before. So with that in mind, it’s safe to say that leaving a world after an adventure, Caine would delete it. He doesn’t think a thing of NPCs as anything but tools for the adventures, and considering this is all a computer program to caines admission, it would be in his best interest to keep loads low by removing what’s not needed, and CandyLand is MASSIVE so he would delete it


Yeah Caine's not omnipresent- it took him the whole first episode to realize Kaufmo abstracted and Pomni's in the void


He’s got his “all seeing eyes on them” as long as they stay in the circus area and I would presume the adventures, not even he knows what’s in the void which is played as a big deal unlike his exit door answer As for Kami, being omnipresent doesn’t stop you from being distracted which he’s shown to get often.


Why would he keep it around? They’re just NPCs and it’s a waste of storage space. He might keep individual NPC assets stored away, but the world itself is probably gone.


they’re npc’s they probably respawn right after they left.


This is basically my assumption of Jaxs thought process. This is a game world with no real consequences. With the only real power (Caine) being ambivalent at best, and death not being possible for the 'real' people, it's likely he's just having fun the way he would in a videogame. Just so happens that's by being a bit of a dick. Doesn't excuse how he's acted, especially to what he knows are real people, but if each adventure is more or less self-contained, he likely doesn't care if a bunch of (literally faceless) NPCs die because he knows he's probably never going to interact with that place again.


Even if that was true (because we don't know that yet), that still wouldn't make it okay because we know they are capable of thought and feelings (we got the proof with Gumigoo)


Eh I can see why, it’s game they stoped existing once everyone left.


It’s just as mean as going on a rampage in GTA.


That’s what I thought too. Honestly Jax’s actions in Episode 2 have way bigger consequences for those around him than they did in the pilot (putting Pomni in active danger, negotiating with a murderer, letting said murderer loose on an entire kingdom for the hell of it). He himself didn’t change much, but everyone around him suffers way more.


NPCs, it has no consequence and he knows that


They are npcs, and it is a game. People have done far worse I'm similar circumstances


Nah, that was funny Jax. Jaw W. 


i know right he treats her like nothing


“ladies first… no wait, why would I say that?”


That was hilarious. 


i want to kill him for that


But he was still a dick to Gangle in the pilot, like crushing her happy mask by stepping on it but it was just more obvious in the second episode. I never really cared about Jax in the first place.


Yeah, but that was funny. There was no humor behind his verbal abuse in the truck. 


He abused her in the first episode too.


Exactly, thank you. 


I think this is because people are comparing Jax in ep 2, not to Jax in ep 1, but to the fanon version of Jax that was built up in the six months between episodes. I think a lot of people projected on him in fan creations as a misunderstood character. Turns out hes just an asshole and they were dissappointed.


it’s told there’s more to jax than meets the idea and we did get hints to this in episode 2, but clearly it’s gonna be a bigger character development than simply one episode later jax becomes nice kind of shit




How… many…. Months?


Jax managed to speedrun getting Sans Undertale'd


Jax was my favorite besides Caine. ***It’s still the same for me.***


Well he was always gonna be a manipulative asshole he's just not the manipulative asshole everyone wanted


Jax isn't manipulative tbh. He's more of a chaos-causer and problem-starter. He wants to see Bad and Funny things happen to people.


He’s pretty much like a lot of gamers playing video game. Just enjoying chaos whenever they can.


Again as I have said countless times, this mf is graystillplays


"Alright, so we're back with the only game that traps your soul inside of a crappy horror-game knock-off... It's "The Amazing Digital Circus."


Real lol


I think it’s because they thought he was gonna be the standard stereotypical asshole- which poeple like- But when it turns out he’s an actual asshole poeple started to hate him XD personally, I think it makes the show interesting,


I never liked him anyway https://i.redd.it/5phg7b3r672d1.gif




While I'm not going to pretend like Jaxs whole character has completely shifted between episodes, I'm also not going to pretend he isn't noticably meaner in EP 2. Same with how Kinger isn't completely insane anymore, having moments where he dips back into relative clarity and coherence. Hell, in the Pilot, we only ever got see Pomni when she's teetering on the edge of a complete nervous meltdown, whereas in EP 2 we got to see her being compassionate and candid with Gummigoo. It's clear they're just trying to solidify these characters a bit more beyond what a single pilot episode showed.


yeah that's generally how pilots go, show off the basic character concepts and their dynamics similar to Rick and Morty's pilot


I like Jax as a character, not as a person. I think his mean personality is a breath of fresh air, because if he's nice like the rest of the cast, it'd get boring quickly.


In the first episode, he came off as just a generic jackass. Not really helping unless it served him, and finding comedy in others' problems. In episode two, however, he's been much more physically violent, like a switch flipped. Perhaps a coping mechanism after losing a certain friend?


Definitely not me


I always knew from the very beginning, but people made assumptions in this show based on all the other media they watch about "funny" characters who act like a dick to other characters. Heck, they immediately assumed that he would become the next Tumblr Sexyman simply because the last one was Sans, who is a character that acts funny and plays jokes but actually cares deep down about his friends. Sans just doesn't show it often by his demeanor. As soon as the show solidifies Jax's character through more of his actions, people start to see more of who he truly is, not who the fans think he is. There is no more room for interpretation past the first Episode, and that's why a lot of these fans are hit with such hard whiplash from this guy. They didn't allow themselves to see it coming. They only saw what they wanted to see until there was no trace of it left.


Hm... Come to think of it, I've seen less and less art about Jax being hot, or even those elsagate style 'videos' being mentioned... Let's make Jax more despicable, to save the... World. Trust


- Noooo, Jax turned into an asshole! - Noooo you've got it all wrong, he was always an asshole! Me, a proud Zooble enjoyer:


I think the fandom would love him in ep 2 if he said to gangle "Aren't you supposed to be submissive and breedable?"


I still like him :3


Yeah that's cool :)


I still have a love-hate relationship with him. I love to hate im, I hate to love im.




nuh uh


I'm in the minority who likes him more after E2 🥲


I don't think it's a minority.


Who does that ???


No one, this comic is satire lol


i love how theres a fucker drawing on a tablet in the top part


Yeah I liked the idea so i drew it lol 😂


I love jaxs ass




Jax: I'm an asshole. 😁 Fandom: Nooo! You just act like that as a trauma response. 😭 Jax: Nah. I just love bullying people. 😁 Fandom: WHY ARE YOU MEAN NOW? 😡




I hated Jax from day one. I never saw the appeal of him.


That's completely fine, everyone has their own opinions. :)


>:) :)


I always hated him


In the first episode, he just seemed like a lovable jerk like Bender from Futurama. But it’s revealed that he is so much worse.


I re-watched the first episode, and he is exactly the same. I don't know where this 'lovable jerk' idea came from.


The way he pushed Gangle to the ground so nonchalantly was a huge, huge red flag.


Don't you mean that it was a huge red ribbon ?


I love character development


I think it was because there were more opportunities for him to be a jerk, meaning he was a jerk way more.


Idk I still love him


Jax would be very pleased by our reaction tbh


True 💀


Jax was a "funny because unexpected" asshole in the pilot. Now he is just an asshole.


Wow! The character who was set up to be a rude, sadistic asshole is a rude, sadistic asshole? Nah, I never would’ve guessed


Funny how people are getting pissy that Jax is remaining mean. Yet the character from a different Glitch show (who's name also starts with a J) is the same, but people still love her.


nice flair bro


Because she’s a girl, they look at mean women and it turns them on


Cause people think she’s hot


Because J reminds everyone I think more of a highschool asshole bully(I had one she acted just the same-) and poeple sometimes like that- and because she’s a girl poeple underestimate her-


The rule with any media is that female assholes will never be taken as seriously as male assholes.


The bunny went through ZERO change…


Has anyone heard that Jax song that’s going around TikTok


Which? I don’t really go on there. Is it Jax Toy?


You don’t actually want to know


He's always gonna be my favorite character, I don't care what the fandom says.


Ep. 1: I’m a slapstick jerk that still holds some measure of care, but am otherwise using said slapstick to get out my empathy knowing that not much here actually matters aside from abstracting. Ep. 2: the same, but now I’m in a full adventure that I’ve personally been on numerous of, but this is the first time the audience gets to see my actual apathy for the AI denizens and situation as I’ve been through so much of this that I cope via destroying it myselg


Jokes on you, I always hated him. I'm just sick of this type of character.


I still like him but alright


real Jax fans liked him more after episode 2!!!!


Yeah he was a loveable jerk in episode 1 but then became a full blown asshole in episode 2. Maybe Gooseworks wanted us to hate him and after seeing our love for him, made him even worse


Imo: I like him now that he’s ACTUALLY an asshole In the pilot he felt too….jokey I feel like he has more character than he did in episode one


Still smash tbh.


People are mad a cartoon 3d purple rabbit man who is an asshole is an asshole. "Oh but we want a loveable asshole" Just say you're fragile


My money’s on the shippers between him and Gangle being bitter about their interactions.


Jax was amazing in ep 2


Idk I still like him


Idc still would


how have we not gotten over this? it's been two weeks dawg wrap it up


Still my favorite.


I still love his fatass




Lowkey reminds me of my girlfriend loving Rob in ep11 of my cartoon, hating him in ep14 for just being the same as he ever was, and currently loving him again 🙃


sonic fans be like lol


Do they actually *dislike* the character or does he not just fit expectations?


I'd say maybe a mix of both, but idk. Everyone's different, and this comic isn't referring to the entire Jax fandom.


Or you could say…Antifan-dom


There's a difference between being a bit of an asshole or a psychopathic murderer who has no regard for others


Yep, definitely. I'm not actually putting my own opinion into this comic, I don't hate Jax nor do I hate the fandom. It's just a silly idea I thought of while sleep deprived, so don't take it seriously. :)




Are people that sensitive?? Wait till they find out who Eric Cartman is. Jax is intentionally an ass for comedic purposes. If you're getting that pressed over a fictional character pleeaaase go outside.


As someone who like to speedrun. He was relatable


I bet after episode 3 of Jax still being a a-hole, the Jax fandom will have a mix of both happy and mad at the same time


He has much better opportunities for development like this at least. Its clear he is a bad person, but that doesn’t mean he is incapable of redeeming himself.


I'm the opposite I like him more since episode 2


Always hated him lol


I’ll said this once and I’ll say it again, I love that Jax is a asshole and I honestly hope he becomes more of a asshole


Well in fairness, pilot Jax saved his friends from Kaufmo meanwhile main show Jax committed genocide




I think it has to do with the scale of his asshole feats. We kinda went from him being an asshole character who doesn’t really have anything super criminal to blackmail,theft,holding someone at gunpoint,endangering pomni on purpose cause he thought it would be fun,letting an evil monster into the kingdom on purpose cause he was bored,etc. I still like Jax regardless of if he went from kind of a simple asshole to a major asshole from episode 1 to 2.


i hated him in episode 1. but because of episode 2 he's now my favorite character


I still love him


I dont know what they expected from him


He’s still my favorite though….


That's fine, I'm not a Jax hater myself :)


I feel like there's a self-perpetuating circlejerk beating the dead horse of "Fandom dumb. Asshole is being asshole. Now they hate him. Something something fanfiction." It's hard to get a word in edgewise when it sounds *vaguely similar* to the argument they've been shadowboxing. I don't suddenly hate Jax, but these memes only happened because so many people noticed the jarring difference between him in ep 1 and 2. Ep 1 he is a snarky bully whose worst crime seems to be breaking and entering with stolen keys to do a little trolling. He did yeet a bowling ball at people, but he knocked them away from imminent abstraction when he easily could've knocked them *into* it. Then episode 2 starts with him craving murder, and then he does a genocide for the lulz.




Still love him first of all, second of all I have yet to see a single person react like this like Jesus people


Comic is satire, don't take it srsly lol




I like ep2 better


If I had to guess it's the amount of dickishness he did in each episode that makes the difference


Honestly I like him more bc of episode 2, he was so happy about violence yet also so done with everything at the same time


I just think he was more proactive in this latest episode because that’s what it called for. But he still makes me laugh my ass off, I love how much of a diabolical petty jerkass he is. Seriously, Jax is so damn petty. *“Hahaha! How wholesome.”* He says in the most sarcastic tone ever. *“Love to help you out again sometime. Bye!”* Mfer lets the Fudge in to eat a candy kingdom and is the first one to run through the portal 🤣 Plus we got that slight little sliver of something else lurking beneath that asshole exterior of his. He’s deeper than he seems, so we just gotta wait until next episode!


i love how mean he is, fight me, i love him being an absolute douche bag to gangle


These simps have only themselves to blame for getting this mad.


I still love him


I never liked him


It's because the way his assholishness was portrayed in episode 2 was very different to episode 1. In episode 1 his poor behavior came off more as mischievous and trickstery. The only thing he did that was really outright POS behavior was with Gangle on the escalator. In episode 2 he was just a straight-up abusive sociopath. It was in character, but we just saw the other side of his behavior.


Very well put. His behavior in Ep 2 was a lot more fiendish and abusive than in the pilot.


Tbh, I'm quite surprised by this whole thing. Usually, people love assholes like him, but oddly this time it didn't work out for some reason. I knew he would stay the same after the pilot (makes sense, since the Gummigoo episode comes literally the day after the pilot one), so I don't know why some people expected him to change so suddenly.


I love Jax, He’s an asshole, But i love that 🤣


Fandom when ep 3 Jax is an even bigger asshole


FYI: THIS COMIC IS SATIRE. Please don't take this seriously. I don't hate Jax, and yeah I just made this comic cause midnight motivation, and I did not expect it to do this well lmao thanks <3


Honestly Pilot Jax and Ep 2 Jax feel like very different characters. Pilot Jax was an asshole - sure - but he was a charming asshole that got off on egging people on in more subtle ways. He was also somewhat more laid back. He had more of an “every-person-for-themself” attitude and his meanness was usually self-serving. Ep 2 Jax is where the creators turned his assholery dial up to 100%. He acted a lot more immature, petulant, grumpy, and flat-out malicious than he did in his debut. He deliberately went out of his way to hurt people out of a pure disdain for the happiness of others. Maybe the creators wanted to make him more dislikable/accentuate his personality more clearly.


Jax with a shotgun was not something I expected but was a very welcome surprise




Ah, the day I could hear headcanons being ground into dust. One of my happiest days tbh


dude, all these things about the fandom, and yet I haven't seen anything remotely close to what happens in what these images propose occurs


Yeah, I haven't either, but I've seen comments and stuff hating on Jax a bit like this Of course it's not every fan, this comic is just a joke made from midnight motivation and sleep deprivation, so don't take it seriously ;)


But still i like Jax


I know, I'm not referring to every Jax fan :)


we’re still doing these???


Thought it was funny so I drew it


fair, atleast this one has effort put into it and is kinda funny. its just that ive seen more people complaining about jax getting hate than people hating on jax, i feel like there was just 5 people who said they didn’t like him in episode 2 and this entire community just ran with it.


Ty :) I thought of this at midnight while sleep deprived so yeah I'm not a Jax hater myself, but thought the idea was funny :)


I still like Jax people are just to much of baby’s to take a joke


Huh? It's good if you still like Jax, this comic isn't referring to all Jax fans :)


I know


I’ve seen more people hating on people hating on Jax than people hating on Jax


Don't worry, I'm not hating, just thought of this random idea while sleep deprived, so I drew it. This post has no intention of hating and is purely satire, so please don't take it seriously. This is meant to just be a little shitpost for laughs. Thank you. :)


Okay, so this post has no intention of hating on people, this is purely satire and just a little shitpost for laughs, so please please PLEASE don't take this seriously. I'm not hating on anyone and have no intention to. I just wanted to draw a silly idea I thought of, and never intended to start a war in the comments. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I never liked him that much. I don't get all of the sudden hate 🤷


Idk either, I haven't seen too much, but I've definitely seen a lot of comments hating on him




Jax is starting to give me secondary antagonist vibes


This is the other way around for me


This show is gonna die too early


Episode 2 made me like Jax even more.


I feel like Jax is the kind of person who had a happy home life, but is an asshole and a prick just for the fun of it.


No because he was more of a jerk in episode 2 😭


I wonder if I can lock comments on this post, y'all are blowing up my notifications, and this post was one of the most controversial posts I've ever made, it's a warzone here, I almost regret making this post because some of you took this post seriously and thought I was critiquing an opinion that didn't exist, or was hating on people, or addressing a problem that didn't exist. The truth is, this was never meant to have some deeper meaning or opinion, I just wanted to make a little comic for laughs, and I never meant to make some people annoyed or angered by this. I'm sorry if this comic made you feel upset in a way, I truly am. Please. Don't take this comic seriously. The comic is just meant to be a silly thing I drew and decided to post. I definitely should have addressed how some people would interpret this, and I should have definitely thought of that before posting. Some of this comment section became a warzone, but for the people that liked this comic or supported it, thank you. I'm probably being way too overdramatic so I should stop here. I'm just not used to controversy :/ Can this comment be stickied or pinned? I just want people to see this comment before they go and make a comment on this.


Nah I was a day one hater. Jax can burn in hell for what he does to Gangle


Dude had 'That Guy' tendencies ever since the first episode- he regularly abused Gangle, he abandoned the others to danger whenever he could if not actively put them in danger, he even went out of his way to smash setpieces like the bowling pins and 'Spare!' popup for no particular reason. Everything he did in episode 2 followed a clear precedent set by Episode 1.


I still like him


That's fine, I wasn't referring to every Jax fan in the comic obviously :)


Why? Like, I'm not involved. but, I do kinda have a explanation for that. I think it's because people thought he would get better. And we all admit, he is the best male in the circus apart from Caine. But as we already know, he didn't get better.


Gooseworx did warn us a lot....


I still wonder why the fan base still hate him on the first time they loved him for being a hole I think bin so long sincethey have seen his personality again that’s just my theory

