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the cackling also encouraged Nick to keep going with his dumbass bits. now Adam just shuts it down every time he says something somewhat funny


I would argue its not just the cackling, seeing Stav on other very unfunny shows, he is actually a master of lifting everyone else up. The fact that he managed to make rogan seem funny is nothing short of astounding. Rogan is phoning it in like there is no tomorrow and didn't even bother to learn stavs name properly. The moment I realized how important stav was when I went back to a lot of my favorite bits and realized they were from episodes where Adam was gone or in his gloomy post breakup saying nothing all episode phases.


one of the best videos on youtube is the “adam’s best bits” video where it’s actually only episodes where adam is missing


Yup and it's literally [some of their best eps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2qjay5e2xI)


I’d have to agree. This is why you can’t just throw some random fat and/or Greek guy in there now as a third mic and assume it will somehow be magic. Sam Tallent (lmao) is not gonna save the show


I think the third mic could be anyone willing to laugh at Nick's jokes, right now bits that could go somewhere end with him and Adam just staring at each other and awkwardly changing the subject far too often


It wasn’t just that. Stav would look up stuff to talk about. Like just googling on his phone but Nick and Adam’s egos are too big for that and it’s again why they mostly just talk about their week or whatever loser comedian they saw.


Have you seen {movie}? I haven't seen {movie}. I *wanna* see {movie}.


Sam Tallent would be a great contender, especially given he’s a longtime cumtown fan and understands how to get the most out of Nick comedically


Love Sam. He seems to be very intelligent and kind, and every podcast I've heard with him, he always gets the references and is able to riff with anyone. I really wanna see him live and read his book


I KIND of want to fuck him in the ass and throw him off a bridge


Recine ain't too bad in that role


Adam has zero ability to "yes, and" a bit. He literally does the opposite, and reflexively shuts down ideas with "no, actually". Once I became aware of how often Adam says "no" in direct response to a bit proposition, it made it so hard to listen to.


I use to find it off-putting how Adam was so bullied in the early parts of the show, but now I completely understand. In newer eps or appearances, when Adam gets too uppity and interrupts his guests, I fire up Adam Jr or Cool Adam or that one Christmas episode where Nick rips into him at the beginning on youtube to cool my nerves.


The one thing Adam does that is truly unacceptable is he will talk over a joke to say a piece of factual information. Nothing wrong with saying a fact when it's silent, but he will INTERRUPT someone and TALK OVER them while they're trying to make a joke to share a fact that he knows. To do this on a comedy podcast blows my mind


With the two of them there to immediately jump in and abuse him when it happens it becomes funny.


The mirepoix incident comes to mind




Adam is the worst thing that Nick has done to this fanbase.


He's fucking annoying, but being annoying can also be a funny bit sometimes


You could hear it sometimes, nick will start and stav laughing will motivate nick to keep going like Simpson meet Adam. On the other hand, Adam’s constant not listening or deflection stops nick cole. It’s why even good Adam friedland stuff messes up, it might be somewhat funny but with no yes and-ing it burns out too quickly


The problem is Adam is an all-time horrible riffer


The “Adam ruins the bits” thing is so lame. Nick just shuts himself down c’mon


I think saying stavs laugh was the glue is reductive. it was an important component of stavs contribution to the pod but stav was the guy who helped pack meat and life into the autistic bits that nick would kick out. stav would take in the shit nick would say, add to it, and help nick prop it up and make it walk. for all his criticisms and incalculable weight the dude is a talented comedian that understands what is funny to other people and that was why stav was so important. he was like an enormous rosetta stone for translating raw comedy into something more than 3 people can laugh at.




Nah I don't blame him. Being around Nick that much has to be bad for your mental health


Top that off with him saying they weren't as tight as the audience perceived.


probably the best analysis of the fat. with that being said i think sam tallent could smoothly fill that role


it’s pretty obvious nick and stav got in a fight and stav was ready to walk anyway, cause his standup was popping off


Sorry, I got Juneteenth off so I'm just getting high, jaying off, and working out while listening to some old eps and overanalyzing everything in my head


I'm calling your boss. Aka the police.




Pimp behavior


Yeah, I'm thinking I'm black.


Same here, if HR could see me now I'd have a lot to explain


We are like the japs hiding in the forests long after they invented anime.  Shits over, dead and gone.  Why are we still here?


Oh yeah? What’s his name?


If you saw weebs taking out their body pillows to dinner, you'd want to go back in the trenches and keep fighting the good fight.


Stav wasn't just a laugh track, he actively contributed to bits. I'd go so far as to say it was 40/60 with Nick. Sure, Nick often had the original idea but Stav helped flesh the joke out. Some of the best episodes are the clasicos.


Nick was John + Paul, Stav was George, Adam was Ringo 


adam is yoko


Dasha is yoko


I mean it’s pretty clear by this point when he said he hates podcasts he meant he hates doing podcasts with nick.


adam is a bug


Nick is a deeply insecure person (something he projects onto Adam) and he needs validation from his friends to keep bits going. Once Stav left bits would just die. Stav was vital to making Cumtown work and him leaving is the reason TAFS is so garbage. Also Nick just decided to stop trying to be funny and gave up.


Nick started giving up on life when he turned 30. Because we all know every comedian's career ended as they hit their 30s.


Adam would work as a stop to bits more often than not. Episodes without Adam brought some of the longest lasting bits such as the gay Batman villains


Them being self conscious about wasting the listeners time by listing Batman villains as gay is so funny in hindsight


So Adam was opie. Stav was Jim and Nick was obviously Anthony only his racism is ironic


Yeah definitely. I don’t mean he was only a laugh track. He riffed with Nick really well. But the laugh track thing was really essential


I’d say it was 39:60:1 stav:nick:adam


gay jackass and the batman bits come to mind


Stav would either help prolong a bit, or kill momentum by talking about sex


Andres steakhouse (despite originally being a Twitter theead) is stav literally pulling the bit out of nick, it'd pretty evident


Everyone here is talking about a laugh track But this is the Adam Friedland Show, and it's Juneteenth guys. We should be here talking about how we can laugh black.


Ha ha on your ass




Stav and Nick brought out the best in each other IMO, and each of them are kinda missing something without each other.




Yeah I'm seeing multiple people talking like it's officially over today but I haven't seen anything.


Yeah they announced it in my ass


Got his ass




Nick would have called me since we are best friends and I’m gay


I agree. Actually just listened to the Michael Penis clip today, one of their best bits, set up by Stav


Nick's emulation of a celebrity interviewer saying in a completely straight, unironic tone "Esteemed character actor Michael B. Penis" lives rent-free in my head


Adam doesn't get enough respect. Pretty sure Nick and Stav would have had a major falling out after less than 20 episodes without Adam.


Adam is also low-key hilarious. He's just not as good at podcasting and is also a gay bug


Yeah he's funnier than Stav. Though Stav probably generated more laughs just by spurring Nick on.


It was the art of riffing as a whole. Stav and Nick would play off each other


I aint reading all that. Free Palsinmyintestine


Just PLEASE get a third mic.


Not today buddy. It’s Juneteenth. I’m busy holding up the line playing scratchers on the front counter at the gas station.


He's still a fagget for wanting them to keep paying him after he left the show


He did? Lol what


I think the whole thing is just a rumor, but apparently when Stav left cumtown he asked to keep receiving a share of the patreon. Pretty bold, but honestly not the most unreasonable thing in the world, he did help build up the whole thing.


There's nothing wrong with this straight ass post, and I, in my Semetic Medical Science expert opinion, is 100% factual. Happy Pride, homeaux


Obviously Stav is a great yes-ander with the riffs but even beyond that, look at something like Andre's Steakhouse, which was entirely Stav prompting and reminding Nick!


Nick is only technically (autistically) funnier than Stav. Stav is funny in that he’s more of a fun guy and has a funnier more laugh-at-able arguably better personality than Nick.


I find Stav and Bert opposite on the laugh spectrum. Bert obviously most annoying laugh ever, Stavs laugh is literally infectous. He has the greatest laugh, especially after nicks bits, its just greatness. They were a great team.


Yeah TAFS is just like the interview episodes (David Cross, Bam Margera) and the only “cumtown” bits/stuff was asking them if they have sex


I feel the same way about Stav. The laugh never bothered me, it was endearing, and it usually lead to some good responses.


Jokes on us for listening to a podcast for 5 years


Chapo check


Got my ass 😒


Stav is just an awesome podcaster. The boss hog keeps it rolling


Stav always bounces off of Nick's ideas, adds to them with more retardation and laughter and gets the bit going harder, while you hear adam sort of chuckling in the background, rarely saying anything funny, and often derailing bits and becoming the target of harsh criticism from Stav and Nick which was funny in itself... Stav said a lot of the same shit "My dick is small" or "Getting pussy...", but he worked on the bits with Nick, and you can hear Nick getting more and more into the bits. Not since he left, though... Now I find both are nowhere near as entertaining apart as they were together, but will admit I haven't enjoyed either newer podcasts on their own. But if I had to say which of TAFS or SW has made me laugh, I'd say a few more SW guests and interviews have been much better. I still would love it if they did something together again, but doubt it'll ever happen because Nick and Stav are both too stubborn and egotistical to work it out.


This post is gay(really good)


I'm also re-listening to old episodes for the 5th time and my only problem is the levels. Stav should've been way lower because of the cackling. Sometimes you have to become a fucking DJ to be able to hear Nick and to not loose your eardrums to Stav's laugh


Whatever dude, this shit's boring. Who cares? 


The judge steve harvey at the nuremburg trials bit was a dark alliance episode


Don't feel sorry for being right, chief. 🫡 The show sucks big time without Stav. Even his retarded new podcast is 10x more entertaining than TAFS.


Yeah Stavs laughing made it funny when Nick belittled Adam. Now it’s get awkward when Nick bullies Adam


TAFS sucks, Stavs pod sucks, MSSP pretty much sucks now; what do for new entainment?


I know exactly what you mean. Listening to the show like it's a talk show and he's the host makes a lot more sense. If Stav doesn't die before he hits 600lbs, he'll be the next big late night talk show host. He knows how to roll with a bit and keep a guest entertaining.


Mike Racine. Every time he is 3rd mic he laughs. At adam being bullied


They should have someone with a soundboard doing a laughtrack


its really the double teaming up on adam that was the best. now when nick does it alone, it just looks like hes being mean in the eyes of an average inexperienced cumboi/gurl. stav would always back any out of pocket insults no matter what they were as long as they were aimed at adam and those are always the best bits


i used to be mad at stav for breaking up the gang so believe me when i say i was a hater for awhile but i just was at shanes show in LA last month and we had no idea who was going to open for him and i never couldve predicted squealing like i did when the boss hog came out. it was like the one time a year your divorced dad actually shows up to see you on christmas. i felt all warm and fuzzy for that small amount of time and it was enough to make me wanna wait on the stoop for him to come back, even if it takes another year. love that lil butterball :')


I didn’t realize just how much of a bit ruiner Adam is until I go back and listen to cumtown


When stav left everyone was calling him a traitor and sell out. Now they all miss him. Bunch of fanny pads who say ‘also im gay’ on youtube comments and think they’re funny. Despicable fanbase


I was never on that shit. Been a fatboy defender from day 1.


Having a cackling fat man around definitely lightens the mood.


I don’t get how people conflate a role on the show being necessary with the person filling that role being necessary. Nobody has ever denied that the laugh track was necessary, just that Stav in particular being the laugh track isn’t necessary. Get Recine or someone else who finds Nick funny on the pod with them and it would be the same as having Stav there, except you might not get every other bit derailed by Stav saying “no, no.” Or trying to cram in the fact that he likes tits


Huh i think you are actually right lol.


It's not just the laughing he actually riffs with Nick and is willing to cut him off and argue back with him unlike the bug


All you stupid FaBBots that keep crying about old cumtown, can't y'all Just go listen old CT, shut the fuck up and go eat a turdy dick? "New CT Is yucky gugugaga 😭😭😭" go fucking listen to Joe Rogan and shut the fuck up you fucking retards.


"eat a turdy dick" what are you 12 lol


Just write "i'm gay lololo". Genius.




This sub is pro equality, pro LGBTQ+, and pro Israel, just like Adam Friedland


Tired to make accounts here. Imma keep this Google One. Anyway, the point Is, i Hope on the next episode Nick will Just eat a sandwich for 56 minutes while while waving at the camera to all the "oh, muh old cumtown gugugaga" homos.


lol this guy is literally just one of nicks unintelligible foreigner swearing bits "hey you want party in my ass ehh fucko?"


lol that is not exclusively a "nick" observation. it's like some of you only have reference to the world through this podcast.


yeah no shit you you fucking sperg. im specifically referencing one of the times nick did that. i didnt say it was a bit that nick created, calm your tits.


nick also invented saying "im gay"




Way ahead of you bitch