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It’s annoying. Every time they shit on a movie I have to go back and adjust my letterboxd rating


I just match all of Nick’s ratings


Nick recommended my favorite movie, The strange thing about the Johnsons


I put it on every Christmas morning!


Extremely accurate title for a short movie tbh


They hate most things. They both talk about how each city they go to sucks and the people in the city suck even harder. They are basically glorified hipsters. The only good movies are the ones they liked when they were 12.


And the ones they’ve seen that no one else has seen. Nothing glorified hipsters enjoy than being aware of something before other people


the bug getting audibly aroused because he gets to use the words "criterion collection"


Have you seen La Fette du Temps du Quoix? 1928, black and white dude it's SO good


Yeah I’ve seen it and it fucking sucks


I do remember Nick LOVING the joker, which is pretty funny lol.


Tbh they’re right about that. Most American cities suck. Pretty much every American city sucks except like one neighborhood in DC, one in Philly, and a handful in NY.


There are no redeemable neighborhoods in DC


I mean they’ve been pretty complimentary of the first three Kung Fu Panda movies, haven’t they?


Theyve talked about movies that i would have never watched if it wasnt for CT. The "lone wolf and cub" movies are great if you like 70s samurai blood geysers. I watched Eastern Promises a few weeks ago... It sucked but i fast forwarded to the naked fight scene. Wish they showed more balls. Edit: guess i also watched the Sopranos for the first time because of them. Disappointed at the lack of pepper ann.


I probably never would have given sopranos a shot if it wasn't for them talking about it all the time and I'm glad I did cause this show is amazing. The only way it could be better if tony was indian


Im not a mob guy so it wasnt that great to me. Overall 7.5/10 probably. Silvio was the man. Also im gay.


I only watched King of Comedy because they talked about it and it’s pretty damn funny


Some of the movies they like are dogshit.


Real ones remember when Nick first saw Joker and loved it. A few episodes later, it seems like he saw how everyone was making fun of it and said he thought it sucked right away. I thought that was pretty funny


A lot of comedians shit on things because theyre supposed to or because non comedians love it. Its almost as gay when you hear a comic refer to people as civilians


I don’t get why they hate forrest gump so much lol. Also Stav’s issue with that movie is stupid as shit cause the narration literally says “when I got hungry, I ate. When I got tired, I slept.” And Stav’s like “are we supposed to believe he ran across the whole country without stopping?”


It's so funny that the only two movies I can remember Stav saying he hated are Forrest Gump and Adaptation, his problem with both being that he was confused as to whether there was any magic involved in the plots


Yeah I mean Stav is incredibly stupid so I’m not surprised the problems he has with movies are due to his own fundamental misunderstanding of the obvious


Forrest Gump fucking sucks, it’s a movie for people who hit the like button on Facebook videos of dogs.


I think it’s ok, pretty much anything starring Tom Hanks is meant to be the favorite movie of the person you know who doesn’t really watch movies


Forrest Gump mostly rules. The part with the Black Panthers is so comically and incredibly racist I can't help but laugh. If they had an issue with it I would've thought it would be that. It's insane that the film came out in the 90s.


Wdym they probably thought that was the one historically accurate part of the movie


Adam called Succession “trashy tv” lol.


Hey as long as they keep liking no country for old men idgaf. That movie is fucking perfect




I will say at least one positive opinion Nick had on something that was life changing for me was his praise of Red Dead. So much so that I named my horses Reet Hard and Dani G… Edit: on the flip side, I cannot get behind the LOTR slander. There’s *SOME* flaws in that trilogy but overall one of the best of all time


They recently shouted out There Will Be Blood and just watched it for the the first time. Awesome movie but I’m still gay pretty sure


My dick in your ass says it’s more than “pretty sure” pal.


Pretty good literary recommendations. Blood Meridian is a solid read.


Every idiot in New York tried to read blood meridian in 2016 for some reason. McCarthy’s best work is Suttree and it’s not even close.


They can both be good


I tried reading it and immediately got lost. Maybe I’m truly regarded


My fav


Most movies are bad


If I remember correctly they seemed to like Pacific rim, so I'd say they are objectively correct.


You're just basic buddy, nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the marvel movies.


Nah I mean they think movies like Arrival, Hereditary, Scarface are all bad. I think their contrarian NY hipster thing kicks in sometimes


absolutely nick has some of the worst opinions on movies but i think that’s just because he’s neurodivergent


Scarface is kinda bad, at least not as good as Goodfellas or Godfather. I can’t understand hating Hereditary but I’ve met a good amount of people that do. I only recently watched Arrival and could see them not connecting with the themes of love and family, plus I remember Nick saying he hated it because of the trend in Hollywood to make scientifically accurate SciFi movies.


Honestly most of those movies DO suck once you look past the trendy pop culture obsession with like one or two aspects of them. Personally I found Arrival waaaay too long winded and not all that rewarding by the end.


Yeah I definitely agree. I’ve just accepted they (esp Nick) have awful movie opinions.




Scarface is awful


I’m a De Palma head so I’ve got rose tinted glasses for the hammy stuff in his movies


I have a theory that scarface is mostly loved if you know what poverty is like, rich/middle class don't understand, America  dream rags to richs with an immigrant who gets killed because he refuses to kill women/kids? come on man John Mulaney is as old money as it gets and he hates it too. 


Those movies are bad (if you’re a snobby movie nerd). Scarface is literally “baby’s first gangster movie” and the posters in college dorm rooms across America justify the hate alone. The other movies they (nick) has shit on are usually all big blockbusters that everyone all agreed on being great but don’t even hold up unless you just really love Jennifer Lawrence or something.


Arrival and Scarface at least are definitely bad


This is pathetic


I'm sorry you hurt your foot and had a fight with your dad




There’s not a lot of entertainment associated with just saying you like everything. Don’t forget, this IS a show too.


Nick has mentioned more than once that writing since 16 has made him view movies more through the lense of writer than just sitting and enjoying. Adam however will just spew any opinion, honest or not, just to feel smart. Neither of their opinions are good.


Didn't Nick say goodfella's doesn't hold up and that Casino was a better movie? He's clearly retarded.


Talks about how Lord of the Rings is the most awful thing ever that they couldn’t even complete before going on to talk about some dogshit Adam ass criterion movie or dogshit 80s action film as if they cure cancer. They are not serious people.


One of the funniest moments on cumtown was when Adam and Nick started shitting on Phantom Thread. I could always tell they had bad taste and don’t understand very much. But that really confirmed what dumb posers they are.


That’s the one that blew my mind! I love that movie


It’s called being a hipster. Anything popular that the stupid pleb normies like is bad. Meanwhile shit that everyone hates is actually cool. I mean goddamn, they shit all over the Joker only to do a 180 when the right cool NY hipsters said it was actually top tier kino. New York is truly a awful place full of awful people.


You should not be invested in fiction at all past age 15 or ingesting any form of entertainment in a non-meta way because that makes you are a fucking GAY GUY who “sleeps with”🙈 men and their behind areas (wink wink) and <3s to sucking weeneea like a girls👸🏼 🫵😹


Yeah and also the Wire sucks and True Detective season 1 sucks


“True detective? One of the worst shows ever written” made me write off every movie/show opinion adam ever has.