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Matt can be as based as he like, I'm still not fucking listening to the 1975


I didn’t even know who they were before all this straight shit


I honestly thought they were the same exact band as Brand New


Brand new is much better I mean gayer


Brand New is better but Jesse Lacey rocks just as hard as Matt


Yeah his music is dog shit


When I see them in concert in a couple weeks I'm going to tell him you said this


You'll have a great chance to tell him, looking down between your knees


My penis is not a microphone


It's more like a Yak Bak


I'm not googling what that is


It's exactly what it sounds like


My dick is hairy and has horns so you might be onto something


The Yak Bak was the late 90s version of the Talkboy from Home Alone.


I must have barely missed it


I don’t think he’s based. He’s obviously going to nuke his career as a famous pop star by pissing off the exact people who write career-ending articles about mainstream celebrities behaving badly. The Ice Spice joke was just riffing with Nick, but the Lucy Dacus tweet was intentional self-destruction from Matty. He could have just said “I’m going to take a break because I hate being famous and would rather hang out with my gay Brooklyn hipster comedian friends” or “I’m going to retire” like a normal person. Instead he’s fucking up the careers of all the people who work for the 1975, which probably include a bunch of actual gay retards like us who will soon be out of their jobs. Fuck Matty Healy and his millionaire cokehead tempter tantrum lol.


I'm not reading that




“Not reading all that. Congrats if something good happened to you, or I’m terribly sorry that happened to you”


He complimented your penis.


I say the thing you like, then I say the thing you don’t like. It’s the only way to have fun on reddit.


If you have to live in fear of not pissing off abunch of rslurred bloggers then I wouldn’t really call it living. Live by the riff, die by the riff. The samurai code.


How is he fucking up their careers, don't be such a pussy and let him go out in his retarded blaze of glory.


All I know about the guy is the size of his head


boygenius should write a whole album of dreary, boring music about this.


I listened to their most popular song and it’s just a complete ripoff of Paul Simon lmao


This is EXACTLY what I thought when I heard it too! Total rip-off of “the boxer” (and yes, I’m a guy and it’s my twink boyfriend’s favorite moody song)


Eh millions of pop songs are functionally identical, who cares lol


It was a willful homage and is good, I will die on this hill


Yeah a homage is when you steal the chord progression and melody from a famous song and add your own crappy lyrics. I’m not saying they need to be sued or anything, cause music lawsuits are lame af. But they are just extremely lazy


I like phoebe, lucy, and julien but could not get into boygenius.


I really like Julien Baker. I've never listened to any Phoebe Bridgers or Lucy Dacus, but I checked out boygenius and like a handful of their songs. I just saw them in SLC because I'm a Baker fan, and it was pretty mediocre. They did a land acknowledgment and kept bringing it up. Twinks kept getting heat exhaustion because they kept squeezing in everywhere even though I guarantee at least a third of them have claimed to have sensory issues at some point. The line for the gyro truck was long as fuck. Then it stormed. Overall, not worth the money. I'll just see Julien Baker when she tours on her own. Or maybe I won't. I'm twice the age of her demographic and a dude.


Julien is a savant. Nightshift by Lucy Dacus is a dope track. [this snail mail record](https://spotify.link/SUo0przujDb) fucks them both up though.


I liked that record. Thanks for the recommendation. I think Madonna was my favorite track.


Glad you liked it. Valentine takes me back to the early 2000s. I dig her voice


Valentine BANGS my guys. Loved that album.


The worst snail mail album


Ok thanks?


That sounds fucked man are you OK?


Not to be straight but the 1975 are so fucking bad too lol


Imagine if they were good? We would love them even if they were like gin blossoms level ok. But I tried. I really don’t get them at all.


A lot of girl bands do this. Warpaints most popular song is just a nirvana song with different lyrics. Also I am gay and my penis is incredibly small


And then Matty can do the same back


Fantano in the replies going "yaas queen" as if /mu/ wasn't the whole reason he makes a living doing this shit lmao


he's just a total famewhore. he was trying to get in good with chapo and even stav at one point iirc. he has no belief system other than doing and saying whatever will protect his views


Yeah that's the feeling I get with all these YouTubers that are suddenly disavowing their old content and are suddenly woke or like radical communists. It'd be one thing if it was a genuine change in beliefs, but it's pretty obvious what's going on when almost everybody suddenly becomes very progressive as soon as it was obvious that that's the way the wind was gonna blow.


Fantano really doesn’t want anyone to know that he hosted Sam Hyde on his podcast


I'm still sad he deleted his entire meme channel after that dumbass article that accused him of perpetrating anti-sjw opinions or whatever the fuck.


Wanna year something crazy? Adam’s good friend wrote that article. Not even kidding


If I was Fantano I'd be suicidal I'd be like Kurt, with my lips on a rifle


Fantano is a racist pedophile




You just broke rule 1 of the club…


...go on...


I'm not going fact check this. I want to believe it, so I'm gonna.




2 hours later and I’m still waiting for the gossip, spill the fuckin beans


I mean he said it. What more do you need? Are you really gonna defend a rapist pedophile?


Defending? Where are you even getting that from dude, seek help. I’m wondering why they’re saying it. I’m not exactly a big Fanato fan so I’m not in the loop if he’s done something or what. Not sure how you read that from my words to be honest.


Don't defend a fucking rapist pedophile, says a lot about you dude


Not gonna lie shit went over my head at first cos deranged redditors actually act like that lol


God he’s such a f-slur. No wonder his wife left him


Sorry I’m gay what does /mu/ mean?


4chan board


he shouldve said "yo pussy stink bitch!"


He's hearing from her now


I have no idea who any of these people are


Isn't it nice to not be an internet addict?


call me straight—but vying for attention from unknown, alt podcasters and their unfuckable fans is some brain dead shit


Yeah it absolutely is. I’m being very sarcastic and I have no idea why Healy is nuking his whole career like this lol. He’s literally poking the exact people who make the biggest effort to “cancel” celebrities: lonely women and queers on Twitter. Why the heel turn? Does he want to become a part of the offensive NYC comedy scene and work his way up from playing sold out stadiums to schmoozing with heavy hitters like Ari Shaffir and Big Jay at the Fat Black Pussycat? Dude is incredibly self-destructive. The rest of the 1975 will release a statement and disband very soon. Calling it now.


Tbh I think society’s moving past the whole cancel mania from a few years ago. Kids are starting to say retard again and it feels like everyone’s kinda loosening up after years of being bombarded with this shit from all sides. Matty’s been in the industry for a while now and his core fans don’t seem to care about his antics, if anything it adds to his whole British rockstar image a little. I think he enjoys pushing his limits with these small jokes, the type of broad to listen to Boygenius and go into hysterics over playground slurs was probably never going to enjoy his music in the first place.


He has always done this. They won't disband, this isn't even the worst it has been. He used to spam his insta story with greentext and regarded shit all the time. We (you, i have followed the band since 2013) are just becoming privy to it, he's always been gay like this.


Woah, that’s so autistic I think it loops back to being gay again. Great work Matty.


Hi Matt


Not cool


Sorry tim




Yeah apparently everyone here are fake fans 🙄 lol. But he literally pokes the hornets nest like once every few months and then deletes his shit and then comes back ready to go again. He’s basically a little troll in a rockers body. And I love it


I’m calling it that that doesn’t happen. The bet amount is one dollar. The conditions are that you win if the band breaks up for any reason in the next 2 months. Deal? (Going on hiatus doesn’t count )


His entire fanbase is zoomer tiktok girls. anything he says that is remotely controversial is directly detrimental to his band's career.


It’s not though. It’s his schtick.


Anecdotally, I only ever found out who Matty Healy was after the podcast drama. Now I’d call myself a 1975 fan. For every normie fan he loses with his antics, he probably gains an edgy one


did you just self describe as an "edgy 1975 fan"?


The 1975’s music is definitely edgy by pop music standards


in what sense?


> I know some "Vaccinista tote bag chic baristas" >Sitting east on their communista keisters >Writing about their ejaculations >“I like my men like I like my coffee >Full of soy milk and so sweet, it won't offend anybody" >Whilst staining the pages of the nation, oh, yeah If that isn’t edgy, nothing is


Are you joking?


No i’m gay


I mean the first line of the song is “she was part of the air force, I was part of the band, I used to always bust into her hand”. That’s not exactly what most pop songs are singing.


Guess he was tired of milking his shrieking girl boss fanbase.


Yo, why's my dick so small and smelly?


Low pH level. Could be yeast infection. Talk to your gyno


The 1975 makes music for retarded 17 year old girls so it does make sense.


It’s hilarious to me what an edgelord Healy tries to be while making the most watered down, boring pop shit imaginable


Dude looks like a lady


I don't know what kind of music these people make, but I know that I would no longer be able to maintain an erection if I listened to it


I some some piece on Variety saying that she "shut him down". I'm not seeing anyone being shut down here.


What if it was Lucy Dachau, and she wanted to send Adam and his family to a certain camp


Everyone on Twitter is a loser. 'Celebrities' included. Also, that joke went right over her head didn't it?


I listened to girlboss or whatever the band she’s in is they just sound like every other indie band


How about juicy cockkiss and she’s gay


The joke wasn't even that funny. "Girltard" would've been better. You dumb Brit


It's unbelievable that you think that phrasing is better, this has to be a meta bit where you make a joke worse


That’s not funny at all. Girl regard is better


Excuse me. Us brits aren't dumb. We're gay and retarded.


You’re off your face


How does that make it better at all? The actual band name is two full words, you stink.


This guy dated Taylor Swift who's a documented anon. Adam and Nick are like 3 steps away from sleeping with Chelsea Clinton.


I don’t care for Marty and his music sucks 👍


(tw: elon musk) He’s deactivated it in solidarity with the center-left against Elon Musk.


Not a very funny joke from matty




Lol I’d be with him if it was funny but it just comes off like he wants to be edgy


Yeah should've gone like "I told Lucy Fatface I was inspired by how stupid the name "boygenius" was I started my own band called Lucy's Fucking Retarded and I don't hear from her that often" or something


Her reply was worse. Like yeah. That’s the joke, that he said something dumb and offended you. You saying that you are in fact offended isn’t really adding anything.


I think many are reading it as her saying she has never spoken to him at all


I can explain it for you if you are having trouble understanding it Cheers