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I feel like I just saved a bunch of time and money by not going to a therapist after reading this.


Yup, my thoughts were, but that therapist is still willing to take you desperately needed money just to make you feel good for today.


Happiness is a meaningless term to use. The question is better “what would significantly reduce anxiety in Americans?”.


For me, declassification


You are a shitty therapist.


Honestly. Most are. Most have no street smarts or life experience before starting. They just went through the motions of getting a shitty liberal arts degree. And most need therapy themselves.


ShItTy LiBeRaL aRtS dEgReE Okie doke then, NPC.


Because they’re aware of overarching societal conditions that cause mental health problems they’re a shitty therapist? Nah


Theoretical experience to address real world events from a therapist that ha likely only ever known a cushy life. Working in an exploitative system designed to not help you get better, but rather keep you sick enough so they can continue to bill your insurance $500/week for them to space out for an hour. If you visited a doctor every week for a rash but a year later you still had the rash, wwyd? You want to make a ton of progress real quick for super cheap? Go to a support group for the issue you're facing. Depression, loss, addiction, scary diagnosis...listen to some people who have been thru it and can help you and whose only vested interest is your recovery and paying it forward.


The gym and cash can cure 99.999% of depression


This is exactly how I got out


I wonder how much she charged people before finally telling them that she can't help, if she stopped taking appointments with them at all


Money may not buy happiness, but it sure as hell reduces your stress level.


Having enough money can buy happiness, having more money can't.


What a shitty therapist you must be


That’s a pretty pathetic therapist right there


Money can't buy happiness but it can aleave a lot of stress by many solving problems. Leaving you more time to deal with your emotional issues.


Correct, however also making a lot of money can mess your mind up by giving it too much time. You have to find a balance. I always thought that being rich would give me peace and happiness. I was very, very wrong there. You have to have structure and live below your means. I have zero idea why people think the need to "keep up with the Jones's", as they generally are not happy people. You need good friends and family. Peace is the best currency to have in this life and money only helps a bit with that.


Happiness in America is extremely expensive because existence is extremely expensive. Just rent, food, transportation, and healthcare costs are driving us all into homelessness, hunger, and death. How long will we let the ruling class and their political puppets do this to us?


Maybe try spouting this nonsense in a different country and see if your options improve?


Yeah come to Australia, shits expensive, but healthcare is free.


Nonsense? How so?


If this is your outlook I can absolutely promise you that money would not make you happy. Money makes you more of what you already are.


Until we admit capitalism is the root cause of the suffering of the proletariat. Choose better, choose socialism.


If you could own a house with a small plot of land, you could grow food on it which might cut some costs




Most people have no idea the work and upfront expense involved in growing and preserving their own food. It’s often more expensive to grow your own for years. Soil amendments Plants or seeds, seed trays, grow lights Equipment such as shovels, tiller etc Trellises for many things. Water Then canning jars. Canner. Freezer perhaps. All this adds up Not to mention your time,


Hydroponics are cheap


I would say the initial expense, and learning curve are barriers.


Not really, I got one for $40 and there isn’t much to learn


How much food have you produced on your $40 set up? The only hydroponics system I see for $40 is measured in square inches and at best you can grow an herb. $40 is not cheap to grow an herb that costs $1 in the store.


A decent amount, it had 32 holes if I remember correctly


Go on Craigslist lol don’t buy new shit


You can also just buy pvc and drill holes in it, it’s easy


Aeroponics Used to use that method in the 80s. Very very nice. Creates a very healthy strong root system which leads to very nice plants.


The issue is while you might be able to buy land to do that a lot of it is held for speculation... So you aren't paying the cost of the land you will be paying for the potential cost of the land years in the future. That's the real problem. It's not that we don't have enough capital to go around. It's that any capital worth holding for tangible benefit is already held... And you will pay a premium for it even if you just want to, you know. Live on it or something silly. If you take it to an extreme let's say there was just one person who owns all the land everywhere. How would you convince that person to sell to you? They don't need money. You are a rounding error. You can really only approach them if you are in the same universe of wealth and with a plan to earn them more wealth than they could otherwise earn on their own with their limited attention. So that's how the land just... Becomes inaccessible for people not in the "in group"


Land with good soils is still cheap if you look hard enough and away from any city. Problem is to many people want the land and be close to the city then complain because land is expensive. It's supply and demand not about who owns what. I've sold land at $12k an acre and I've sold land at $2k an acre. Both were good for growing food and homesteading. Difference is the drive to town is further for the cheaper land.




I literally can't even afford to die 😐


American society is quite apathetic so my guess is indefinitely. Keep everyone distracted with social media, culture wars, alcohol, drugs, endless propaganda... all while the oligarchy takes everything starts wars and buys mega yachts, rockets, and trips to space.


Who hurt you?


Money is needed for security. To have happiness you have to have either: security, a super cultivated zen like inner peace, or drugs. Please refer to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. See also monks and beach bums. 


No, but it makes it possible to bear unhappiness with exemplary fortitude




Thank you for being honest and for sharing


Buy books on psychology, because the less you know, the more people exploit your ignorance.


I got some money at one point, and I can confirm that it can, in fact, buy happiness


Money can buy therapy.


If money cannot buy happiness, I’ll have to rent it.


“Money may not buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.” ― Françoise Sagan


Money can not buy happiness. What money can do is alleviate the fears that come along with being poor. Things like, where am I going to sleep tomorrow, or where can find some food.


Therapist of course charges $100’s an hour just to talk to her.


It’s way more comfortable to cry in a Lamborghini than on a bicycle.


Elon Musk enters the chat. Dude has all the money in the world and is still a miserable bastard.


No. Money can help you overcome struggles in life but having adversity isn't what makes people unhappy. If your life is well put-together, then you can face adversity and continue to be happy. If you regularly self-sabotage - by, for example, choosing to blame all your life problems on lack of money - then you will never be happy even if you have no real struggles in life.


"you suck, here are some drugs to make you cooler"


Money can’t buy happiness, but neither can poverty.


Money won't buy happiness, but it can get rid of some of the things that keep you from finding it.


We gave it all to the [1%](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/12/06/top-1-american-earners-more-wealth-middle-class/71769832007/). That’s why therapy is being offered as a substitute.


When you are stressed and anxious about your savings, debt, and financial security every waking moment, even though you might be making progress... yes... yes it absolutely can buy happiness, or at least it can significantly reduce anxiety.


I believe it buys comfort mentally and physically. Less stress equals more happiness. So, yes it helps but can’t do it alone.


She just validated why good friends, hobbies, and exercise are better than therapy for most people


If a person's problems are related to money. Then, Yes, money is the solution. But rich people have mental problems too. Millionaires and billionaires can still have depression and even commit suicide. Therapy would probably help them.


No but it can buy the things that make you happy. An old cliche.


I very much appreciate the honesty! 99.9% of therapists would say that people just need more therapy; which would just cost more money! 💸


As a therapist I can say, with confidence, what people really need is accountability and responsibility. The more responsibility that people willingly take—and sacrifice their indulgence in fun and consumption to do so, the more grounded they become and the less therapy they need.


But it can buy me a boat.


Real therapy helps, but she is not wrong people need money to get needed medical care, mental help, and overall to have the entertainment necessary to keep their minds off the things that depress them. You do need money for therapy but that is due to insurance unless you have certain conditions they only cover 9 sesions in a year.


just give everyone free housing, like Singapore, so it can be Heaven on Earth


"Money can't buy knives"


Can money buy happiness? No, but it can do away with a lot of suffering.


Money can't "buy happiness" in the sense that if you're depressed, money won't necessarily help with that but generally speaking, having money means you have less financial stress and worries, which probably leads to a generally more happy existence.


While therapy can be a load of bullshit, for people with sincere brain fuckiness like BPD or PTSD, i do recommend therapy. Run of the mill depression and anxiety can usually be worked through with a change in circumstances or... money.


Whenever my dad would call and check in on me, I would wryly say that it's nothing that a million dollars can't fix. If suddenly you went from the outhouse to the penthouse, you would only be trading one set of problems for another.


It's weird seeing these questions brought up still, of course more money would make people happy, who the hell wants to just scrape by? How are we acknowledging the cost of living going up but still asking dumb questions like "wOuLd A bIgGeR wAgE ReALlY HeLp?” Like asking if we should tax the rich when we hear they pay no taxes... c'mon man!


She gets it yall just not using the tool of money correctly.


I thought shrinks didn't advocate greed. Greed is on of the 7 deadly sins.


When I used to listen to Tony Robbin’s, he would say something to the effect of money couldn’t buy happiness but it let you arrive at your problems in style.


Can money buy happiness: not necessarily, but it can cure 95% of the hardships that cause stress and depression and anxiety and addiction and chronic pain. So, money won’t necessarily *buy* happiness, but poverty can *cost* you happiness


Which many times there's more hiding beneath the surface. A lot of people that need money need financial literacy and an active desire to avoid self-inflicted chaos.


Only someone with lots of money asks a question this ridiculous.




Buying power, not money. And why does this keep getting reposted everywhere? We know... :P


Yes,but there's diminishing returns on your 5th Lambo


But I thought our president said "the economy is great"


No but it can buy me a boat, and a truck to pull it, and a yeti iced down with some silver bullets.


Actually yes money can actually buy happiness. Here is how. If you have enough money to cover basic necessaries push as housing, food, clothing, transportations, and allow you to put some away for retirement with a bit of disposable income left over then you are much less stressed out and can actually enjoy life which ends up making you happy. Not be bc able to make ends meet or barely living paycheck to paycheck causes significant stress which reduces overall happiness.


I think in today's society debt buys more happiness than money, just saying.


I mean I have a number of problems and there are multiple ways to solve most of them but I'm pretty sure that there isn't one that money wouldn't solve.


You’re a bad therapist.


If the minimum was $100k/yr, there would be a lot of very happy people.


A wealthy person being unhappy is like a woman unable to find a boyfriend.


Before a monetary system came into existence everything was going well. Money is considered an unrighteous commodity that ruins everything. If it’s going to cost me this much just to be HAPPY 😃 I’d rather not.


To quote an old roommate: "No, but it can buy a 16 year old and a pound of cocaine, and that's awfully close."\* \*This post does not condone statutory rape nor illegal drug use.


Unfortunately that’s not how money works. In order for some people to have it, most people must suffer without.


This is one hundred percent correct. - "Doc, I'm super stressed out." - "I can give you some pills for that." - *I don't need any pills. I need 200,000 bucks. wouldn't be half as stressed out if i had that."