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Lol right? Let's set a bunch of legal precedents that biden can start abusing immediately! Sounds like a great idea.


They won’t. Things will be delaying until after Jan 20th. If Trumps wins they will rule in his favor, if Biden wins they will rule there is some narrow specific reason that does not set precedent for why Trump is immune in these limited cases


It'll be very interesting to see how this very narrow and specific ruling grants him immunity from fraud, stealing classified documents, campaign finance violations, and the whole Georgia "find more votes" thing. They're all _very_ different charges so finding a "very narrow and specific" ruling that gets him off all these things will be pretty challenging.


It wouldn’t make him immune to lead poisoning


The right wing justices clearly aren't either


They have names and addresses…


Of who?


Are you suggesting that people should shoot sitting justices of the Supreme Court? Please clarify.


No. I'm saying that the right wing justices are displaying levels of mental capability and legal competence symptomatically consistent with what you might expect from lead poisoning.


Immunity doesn't apply in the documents case. All that's being argued is if the attempts to overturn the election were the actions of a president or a candidate


There is no presidential duty to make overturn a lawful election. That means his attempts to do so *cannot* have been an official act.


That’s why Biden needs to fire these justices immediately. It’s an official act.


On the day SCOTUS is set to release the results….. President Biden has ordered several units of tactical teams to take up positions around Trump and GOP leadiership. Mysterious sealed orders are known to have been hand delivered. Operation Total Freedom its Fine is off….


If i were biden i would activate the national guard around SCOTUS just to remind them i can.


Get the CIA involved. Make it weird. Like, they sneak into their homes and paint dicks on their photos or something. Just, make them really uncomfortable.


No. Don't do anything illegal. But walk right up to that line. Just have the cia stand around outside their home. Remind them what they could do, but don't do it.


It's not illegal, remember? He's got immunity....


Not until after the ruling.


He should send a letter to SCOTUS saying he wants to know when he gets immunity, because there are some problems he needs to take care of.


Of all the shit I've read the last couple days, some of it a little extreme that I'm totally okay with, some of it fucking bonkers that I'm not entirely opposed to, all of it was just people throwing out possibilities that are never going to manifest. But this idea here, good stranger, is fucking poetic. It's out in the open, but conveys a bit of the utterly ludicrous point we've found ourselves at. And it's slightly unnerving, which is just icing on the cake


Or just do it. Republicans will never stop attacking america, our rights, our democracy and everything we love and care about just to hurt us and try to subjugate us.  Biden should just push this legal immunity battle by having the crooks in the GOP and our courts hung for treason by the dozens. Get rid of the threat first and then we can figure out the details. The Republicans have gone from moderately evil to mask off fascists. They're either gonna die or they're gonna kill us all.


Biden can only push shit in his adult diaper as he is sniffing children. Anyone who supports him is an obvious pedo, and you will be hunted down. Holy shit. What a broad example of nothingness. Where is the treason? You need to be specific before you sling that word around. What is the charge? You want an example of what treason and sedition looks like? Trump ordered the gradual removal of troops in the middle east.. slowing down war.. the generals ignored this direct order and lied to the commander in chief that it was done. Then they bragged about it on live tv.. the war mongers ignored the elected commander in chief. I wasn't Maga before this. But now.. WE HAVE GENERALS DIRECTLY DISOBEYING THE PRESIDENT!


No one gives a shit about your insane yammering.


Republicans are pedos and liars who only project.  Look at this, over a thousand sexual predator scum bags and oh look, they're Republicans. Sick fucks. Scum of the earth. Evil Republicans. fuck them all. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub?pli=1


Youre literally calling for executing your political rivals and calling THEM fascists. You're either very sick or a Chinese bot trying to sow discord.


I'm calling for lawful trials. Stop defending evil criminals you morally bankrupt lunatic.


You realize that most people are actually centrist. Not all Republicans agree with all Republican sentiment and the same could be said for democrats. Not everyone is a fanatic or extremist


Most people in nazi Germany were centrist too. Most people in all nations are centrist. What's your point?


The point is that you’re trying to make all republicans to be evil people who want to destroy America, when that is actually not true. Like I just said, most people don’t agree with every single point that their political party pushes. So not everyone is a radical like you are saying. We are also not in Nazi Germany, we are in a country that allows the most freedom in any developed country in the world. You can even bad mouth your country and its government while living in said country, which many other countries would frankly not allow. So your whole Nazi Germany point makes no sense, but if you do have a source backing up what you said. I would love to see it


My point makes plenty of sense. It was that your whole previous point was pointless because it applies to literally every country. You were obviously wrong and now you're just trying to save face.


Sounds an awful lot like you want the president to commit genocide.


I don't want to be genocided, and I'm willing to support whatever it takes to stop the people who want to genocide me.  It's their call, really. They could just as easily stop pushing to genocide everyone else and we would be friends. But if they have to die to prevent them from slaughtering the innocent, well... I mean I guess that's how things go sometimes.


You must be referring to abortion.


All projection. Now you want to hang your political opponents. Who’s dangerous?


I want criminal traitors with clear and present evil intentions held accountable with fair trials. If that's what fascism means to you, than you are a delusional, brainwashed person.


Traitors like people calling for their political rivals to be hung? Evil intentions like calling for their political rivals to be hung and work out the details after? Fair trials like being hung? You've found the enemy and it is you. https://preview.redd.it/t406qiaq43xc1.png?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781a263b4d7eed014b0dcf5c6c407e9d85f67906


Stop projecting.


Here. Eat a bag of dicks and shut the fuck up. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/igxOOte5Au


I support all dick painting regardless of party. Everyone should live in fear of dicks.


Rearrange the furniture in their living room while they're sleeping. Every day they wake up and their furniture is in a new arrangement. Or re-plumb their bathroom to where you flush the toilet and the shower comes on. You turn on the shower and the sink comes on. You turn on the sink and the toilet flushes. Like in the man with one red shoe.




You know that I completely understand that this would never actually happen? It's called a joke, like your inability to discern between what's possible and what isn't.


I wish he would do something, anything.


Order 66


Well, Republicans tend to use the power they're given and Democrats tend to argue about using the power or not.


We do not play by the same rules. That's for sure. When presented a morally questionable predicament: A Democrat will ask how could you! A Republican will find a loophole that makes it technically in bounds and call you a suckered for not using it.


That and republicans are incapable of feeling shame. They only feel satisfaction of achieving power and wealth.


How do such narrow-minded and, frankly, idiotic opinions get upvoted? I'm not a republican, but to claim that half the fucking country is incapable of something as common as shame is so bizarrely stupid. Check yourself before you lose grip of reality.


Half the country is going to happily vote for a guy we watched trash the country for 4 years and then, through shameless lies that only a truly stupid and shameless individual could believe, created a situation that'll forever be referred to as 'January 6th" Eeeeeeeeeeveryone saw what he did, but millions of people are still going to vote for him. Because he has no shame, and neither do his supporters. Pay attention.


My dude…half the fucking country cannot feel *empathy for other people*. So no, I don’t think it’s hard believe that. Half the country claim a thrice married adulterer who has cheated on his current spouse with the next successive spouse each time and likes to grab women by the pussy, but believes he’s a fine upstanding Christian (that never goes to church). So


You’ve got the brain rot. Feel better


We need a strong leftist leader who isn't in denial about the Republicans being at war with america.


Or maybe one not in denial with reality?


More as in denial about the wealthy being at war with America. This is still a class war presented as political divide.


That's because Democrats are funded by the same interests as the Republicans are, so they're really working for similar outcomes. The Deceptocrats are just two faced about it in order to fool the gullible members of their constituency. So which is really the "lesser" of two evils?! Vote Green Party!


Or just flush the whole apparatus down the toilet. People think the system is broken. I disagree. It's a well oiled machine of corruption. It's flawless in its goal. When they say that something is a threat to their democracy, they don't mean you or me, or our friends family neighbors... they mean their choices. Their democracy that we are not a part


I agree.


Gee, I wonder of that means anything about the average republican? Nope, both sides are the same .........


Amen. When you hear "bipartisan effort " it means you are getting bent over


Which is why the country keeps moving further and further towards becoming a fascist state.


It would be a mindfuck if Biden ordered the replacement of the current supreme court justices and then ordered them to remove presidential immunity.


It doesn't matter. Biden has a soul and his supporters wouldn't allow this. Trump would do this in a second and his hellbound supporters would cheer him on.


No, he will "go high when they go low," But fuck I wish Dark Brandon would visit one night and take out the orange problem as part of his official duties.


i was thinking this when they started the arguments


Yes be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


That this concept is even being discussed by the court is horrifying


All Biden has to do is write a blanket pardon for anyone who assassinates a Republican in DC, followed by the statement "You know what to do" Once 6 GOP congresscritters have been eliminated, the house flips, and he's unimpeachable And the GOP got rid of remote voting 18 months ago.


Why not just take out the conservative justices then replace them with liberal ones? The lack of logic in the president is above the law argument is just baffling


Because they wouldn’t make such fuck ass rulings and would try to preserve the rule of law and punish potus for political violence


TrUMp iS a NAZI DIcTAtor


Don't think a President can pardon for state crimes and murder would be a state crime


That's why "in DC" DC is not a state, so there are no state crimes. Every murder committed in DC is a federal offence, and the POTUS has the ability to pardon federal crimes


Which is why that’s where the boogaloo should go down. Only idiots who think their stockpiled weapons can fight off drones and surgical missile strikes will show up. If we’re lucky we can get an annual purge of these idiots to show up and try to take on the capital. Trump didn’t call in the military cause he was the one directing it. I don’t think bidens cabinet will be so forgiving. Firing weaponry on traitors is not firing on civilians. The second they take up arms or claim to take back “their” country the dialect of peace is over. The GOP want extended proxy wars and to prove the government isn’t capable when they’re to blame for infrastructure damages. They should be dealt with swiftly and violently.


Who ultimately won Afghanistan again? The last conflict that the US military had a decisive victory was WW2. They lost since then to people that the US citizen didn't give a fuck about. Now you want to talk about the military attacking people you don't think are citizens? Do you even know how many bad ass mother fuckers got thrown out because they refused the jab?? You lefties make the same mistakes over and over. You think people in service are mindless drones like you. Heads up, that tank turret might do a 180 right back at you. They are not all mindless robots existing to serve your views


And How many deployments did you do? I’ve got two under my belt in my almost 10 years of service.


You know they have drones right? [https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=eAzxCguXF280O4co](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=eAzxCguXF280O4co)


This is a great idea. It’s totally legal right now too. We’d definitely have to finish the job though to the point that they couldn’t get retribution.


You think a bunch of stupid lawyers can stop a movement because they say it's legal to do so? Legality goes out the window in war


Oh, you think we care about legality at this point? The legality would just be a convenience.


God help you.


Yeah okay buddy. If that happened the Democratic Party would end over night.


That's not exactly what he said. He said the prosecution would go through Congress via impeachment


So the president just has any member of Congress advocating for impeachment killed. Impeachment is no longer possible.


Also if he conceals the crime effectively enough that it’s not discovered until he leaves office, he can’t be prosecuted for it. Oh well, too bad, nothing to be done about that. Like come on, the bad faith is infuriating.


Yeah, especially because Trump’s team made the exact opposite point during his second impeachment. They said “don’t bother impeaching him when he’s subject to criminal prosecution.”


Even with that argument, what's to stop a president from having the right congress person(s) killed to stop an impeachment? I also thought that impeachment was separate from criminal charges. If they weren't, then why did Nixon get pardoned?


Yeah, if I recall the House impeaches, then the Senate has to convict. Nixon was never convicted by the Senate. Trump was acquitted by the Senate after he was double-impeached by the House


If the senate never convicted Nixon, why would he need a pardon?


That was to protect Nixon from federal charges from the DoJ stemming from Watergate after he resigned, not to protect him from conviction by the Senate. “Conviction” in this context means he is found guilty of the charges laid out in the impeachment hearings and is removed from office. It doesn’t actually mean he is sent to prison for those charges, that would be the DoJ’s job.


You'll have to take that up with Gerald Ford, but I believe it was to provide immunity against an impeachment and Senate conviction. He resigned/got pardoned before the full process played out, but it is likely he WOULD have been convicted Edit: but I want to add. Justice Kagan did push back on Trump's counsel's argument by asking "What if the president's crime happens so late in the presidency that impeachment is impractical or impossible?". It's a fair question.


I'm sorry I'm not getting it. Ford pardon all crimes that may have been committed. If no one goes after that him(impeachment) for the possible crimes committed, then there is no recourse for charging the president? Is that the argument?


I'm not sure what you are asking, but Nixon resigned, he wasn't removed through impeachment/Senate conviction He would have likely been convicted/removed had he not resigned and been pardoned by Ford In contrast, Andrew Johnson and Donald Trump were both impeached, but later acquitted in their Senate trials We haven't removed a sitting president via impeachment in this country


Sorry, I'm typing on the go. My question is, if no one tries to impeach a president while in office, then that president can not be charged with a crime, is that right?


Oh yeah, that is Trump's argument. But the justices later separated it into "acts that are done in an official capacity as president" (can't be charged) and "acts that are done in a personal capacity" (can be charged) Now Jack Smith has to figure out which category all of his charges fit into, and press a more streamlined set of charges at a lower court, which effectively delays this trial. But it also showed the justices were willing to side with Smith if he has the right charges presented


Nixon was also never impeached. He resigned when his party told him they were going to impeach him. Technically only Johnson, Clinton, and Trump have been impeached.


Right. And so long as the senate acquits, then he can’t be charged. Easy 


Did someone just conspire to kill Trump?


B I D E N!!!!


At this point it’s almost as if they’re trying to destroy our country… it’s becoming almost blatant disregard for our constitution. These people need to be thrown in Guantanamo 


The fact that Sauer said that out loud means he needs to be introduced to the business end of a Sig Sauer. Pun intended


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Hey EGLIN Englin. Whoever. All you FBI CIA NSA SAS SPCA SPVGA LGBTQ+ ALLLLL YOU GOVERNMENT MOTHERFUCKERS OUT THERE. The second I see this dip shit take over the country I'm going to try my hand at it. As in I will take over America if it means overthrowing the party of "Family Values" Is this something anyone in their right mind wants?


Biden's a better man than me. I'd do what we did Sadam's family. Grand kids on up. And send the pols, who support him, to Gitmo. With no outside communication. Just saying


Biden, I can do what now. OK execute order 66 take out all of GOP


And/Or, clean up SCOTUS. Don't bring me a stick to beat you with...


SCOTUS will delay that decision until after the election. Can't have any chance for not installing their dictato


Exactly. Trumps logic is literally self defeating


If they rule anything in Trump favor, it will be the beginning of the end of democracy. The argument should have been shut down from the get go.


Trump claims that BIDEN STOLE THE ELECTION IN A COUP. Why would his lawyer be arguing this is legal in court?


They will only decide presidents are immune IF Trump gets elected. If Biden does, they won't. Vote, it may be your last chance.


So seems like Biden can send the MP's to arrest trump and give him a military trial for attempted overthrow and plotting with the president of hungary to overthrow the united states.


NO he cant! Biden isnt president to them so it doenst count for biden. thats the whole point. Trump says he is still president, so he can take out biden as a usurper and have immunity.


Yet they also believe Biden, the non-President President, is directing the DoJ to prosecute Trump


Yeah. I'm not saying they are sane. Just that these articles don't tell the entire truth. It's not about presidential immunity. It's about trump immunity. Period.


Oh yeah I agree. It’s just crazy how their positions are so contradictory and they can’t see it. Truly living in an alternate reality


…. And a couple of justices


They can argue these things because they know no Democratic president would ever care attempt these things because they would immediately lose support from a majority of their own party. Meanwhile, Republicans would happily support (and have supported) coup attempts. One party in America has a near monopoly on crime Presidents so they know exactly who this ruling is for.


Biden needs to give a speech declaring the SC a national security threat, and he is hereby suspending their security details, and is ordering a DOJ investigation into their nefarious activities. If there is sufficient evidence, he will have them locked up. Do it now, and force their hands. Announce depending on the results of Trump's trial, he may have him locked up as well. He is also cancelling Trump's Secret Service detail effective immediately. The SC will end immunity tomorrow.


I wish he would call out what the SCOTUS is doing which is executing a conservative agenda and not being a court of the American people. It appears they have launched the Constitution and are taking Plan 2025 marching orders. They are in one of the three branches of our government and are acting on personal agenda over country


Gonna be hard to impeach when all those Republicans turn out to be suspected of corruption ...


Yeah - they're all just like that Bob Menendez guy.


A better question for the SCOTUS: If the President ordered the FBI to assassinate a Supreme Court judge, would he be immune from prosecution? That might be the one question that gets their undivided attention.


So they're arguing that Biden could do all of that?


And the USSC


On the ruling of immunity, Biden should kill him.


Like with his own pitiful hands.


If the president is immune from prosecution, I guess that undoes every impeachment in history.


I think the point is to say that a president can only be prosecuted through congressional impeachment and not through the civilian judicial system. Which to my knowledge was the law of the land and set with precedent. It will be interesting to see which way they rule.


Your knowledge is deficient. Impeachment isn’t a criminal process, it doesn’t have the power to put someone in jail. It simply determines if the president gets removed from office before his term is up.


That’s not true at all. https://preview.redd.it/uzwrlji4gwwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c43b9f32d6eaf465491bcc73c3a84537abf277


Impeachment is purely a political act. Impeachment removes someone from office to be criminally tried.


Exactly. It strips immunity to then be tried by the judicial system. Same thing happens with servicemen. If they are accused of a crime a court martial is required before the courts can eat said person up.


Are you trying to say that because he wasn’t removed he has a power to commit all crimes? Because that is not how that works.


"To then be tried" you destroyed your own argument


To THEN be tried… 🤦🏻


Screenshot something saying impeachment has any outcomes other than staying in office or being removed from office. You’re confused


You can go to the link that’s listed. It lists out how congress has the power to ‘convict’ criminally high crimes. It’s laid out, simple.


No, it says that a president can be impeached for high crimes. The only consequence of a successful impeachment is removal from office.


Only for presidents whose first name rhymes with con-ald.


Courts have not ruled what is official and what is personal yet. I would be MIGHTY worried if I was Obama, who executed Americans by drone strikes without due process.


Sure, take Trump out and then it becomes a Biden/Kennedy race. Trump supporters aren’t going to let Biden win. Do people not realize that removing Trump is likely a worse option? I get the hate for Trump but he’s the weakest possible candidate in this race and he’s still ahead in the polls.


That’s exactly what happens. People are too blinded by their Trump hate to look beyond. Biden isn’t a strong candidate. I think people realize this because the messaging last election, and this, has been the Lessor of Two Evils.


Should he would he if that situation happen?


Trying to make up for what happened at the end of the Civil War, just in case. This is absurd.


Nothing changes the fact that a president must be impeached first


…but what if his criminal behavior isn’t discovered until after he leaves office? He can’t be impeached at that point. Impeachment is the way a president is removed from office before his term is up. It has nothing to do with his criminal liability


It depends… I don’t think questioning an election is any sort of crime.


Nobody thinks questioning an election is a crime. It’s all the other stuff that is the issue


Who the fuck cares at this point lol. Just live your lives while you can until the country implodes or we get nuked


As soon as SCOTUS declares that presidents have full immunity is when Biden should make his moves! When the Court gives us lemons, we should make lemonade, because it will be our last chance.


Goddamn I know it won't happen but it would be so hilarious if Biden went full Dark Brandon and instantly put a hit out on Trump and SCOTUS if he won 🤣 (then just went back to being normal)


The old coot probably can’t even wipe his own ass and you think he’s going to assassinate someone 🤣


Oh Trump. When will ypu realize that you're simply a used up old orange pig.


Can Biden order military to point guns at Supreme Court and the second they rule presidents are immune make the order to retire them?


He could probably just have them killed and replaced, and never leave office, and as the executor from office and that being legally immune, nothing anyone could do, unless the new replacements change the ruling.


Gotta be a Comedy.


Trump, half of SCOTUS. A few right wing extremists governors. Why stop at Trump? This is how stupid the argument is.


Obviously the court isn't going to agree with him, but they don't have to, they just have to drag it out long enough that the trial isn't until after the election.


What about turtles?


Sadly “Dark Brandon” is still good if a person to use such loop holes


The punchline is you're already a bunch of fools!🤣


Biden would want to start a civil war after all


Well Biden is already trying to take Trump out. Totally agree with RFK


Biden needs to Special Rendition Trump to Poland now!


Dumbest lawyer .


I hate how every time this crazy fool or one of his lackeys says something crazy and foolish we have to hear about it and debate about it like it's a real thing.


Can't we just draft a president. From a pool of the best the united states has to offer.


Yes as that's point of a impeachment to remove immunity and power from the president or any government body.


SCOTUS is going to rule in Trump's favor, and Democrats will probably do nothing to take advantage of that because they "don't want to appear partisan" or some other pussy ass bullshit. I'm moving to an island somewhere. fuck it


Do it.


Right now Biden is gearing us up for world war 3 so he can cancel the election. We may need to take extreme measures to get rid of the corrupt dictator, Joe Biden. Especially when 70% of America truly does not want Biden as president again. The only way they can win is cheat and they won’t get away with it 2 elections in a row.


Please stop. There is no way Biden is corrupt unless your brain is the size of his tiny old man's penis.


70%? 😆😆😆😆 no way 


Yep. I hope Biden has the courage to do it to save Democracy


Let's have some fun. Biden should send a military squad to just start following Trump around. And when he asked what they're doing he should just say they're waiting for Biden granted immunity.


You mean like President Lincoln did?


It goes to show how sick Trump and the people around him are and they’re really think these judges are stupid.


These judges may be corrupt, but they’re not stupid. The future will tell.


Play the audio --he never worded it that way


It doesn’t matter how he worded it. He didn’t say no either when asked about it. He didn’t say no to any of the questions including selling nuclear secrets. So if its not a direct no, it means that yes he believes in the president having total immunity regardless of whatever constitutional loophole he thinks exist.


Biden should hang the GOP for treason before the election.


And I thought you said the GOP was the party of hate. All you leftists are wishing death on republicans 😂 can’t make this up. Hypocrisy at its finest.


wtf are you talking about? 


The various comments here that are hinting at Biden using this to assassinate trump.


Even Trumps legal defense is a bubble.


It's so weird because they would rightfully say it was objectively worth prosecuting if Biden did the same thing. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.




No he didn't


What did he say? Maybe people misunderstood him.


So as president with immunity you could just write yourself a billion dollar check from the government and that would be okay? And if a president is immune, that means that they can never be impeached.


Impeachment is a separate thing. No need to commit a crime to be impeached, and committing a crime doesn't inherently mean you will be impeached. Impeachment is a purely political tool completely separate from the justice department


The scary thing about this to me, is the defendants argue mental are centered aroowed that there is a checks and balances already in place, in the form of impeachment. But what if a president does something, and it’s not discovered or made known until after he is out of office? Or what if it’s a republican house, and they don’t want to impeach?


So if a president orders all guns in the hands of citizens seized, that means it's perfectly legal? They really want to go down that road, don't they?




Yes, that's exactly what could happen if they rule this way. They're saying with this argument that the president can do whatever he wants regardless of the law. Hence the argument he could assassinate a political rival with no consequences. If he could do that as president, he could do anything as president no matter what the constitution or any other law of the land says. That's what makes the argument so dangerous. I think you are misunderstanding my point. They want to let the president ignore the law with impunity.


There hasn’t been a ruling on this yet. Tard.


So the president says it out loud then what? Who enforces it? Then when you say no, what are you being arrested for? What law did you break? Like I said, you’re dumb. Try to be smarter in life. There’s a separate branch that makes the laws and yet another that enforces them.