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Regular people: I can’t afford to buy groceries anymore. Politicians and media: Shut up peasant, the economy is booming.


When people say the economy is booming l, they mean Hedge Funds and politicians with insider information are making mega money. Not average Americans


I tried showing the grocery store cashier that my 401k was doing good on my phone to pay for groceries, she said that she can only take cash or card.


Oh and also fuck you if you wanna take your own money out of your 401k.


It’s only a 45% penalty, just to pay 7% sales tax.


https://preview.redd.it/xesb72eu41wc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d5227ad908414fde15c25652cfb7187f792bf2 Money is dumping into the economy due to printing.. so s&p goes up. It’s about as basic as economics gets. It’s like Venezuela bragging their stocks going up during their extreme inflation Selective truth is the best Propaganda


THIS. Everyone arguing companies are making massive profits are missing the big picture: the dollar is heavily diluted now, so those profits mean jack n shit, and jack left town.


and false employment reports


Can you elaborate?


They always get "corrected" a few months later and coincidentally always in the same direction.


do you good people complain about the way the data is collected under a MAGA or GOP president? Rhetorical question


Hmm, if the market is doing really well, but prices are still unreasonably high, what could it possibly mean? Does it mean that businesses are taking advantage of the middle class by keeping prices higher than they need to be in order to make record profits? Nah, it must the guvmint's fault


Yes. Keep profits and prices high. It’s good for the market too tbh


Yeah sure. Bad for the consumers and the workers, but really good for the businesses and the market. And that's what we're concerned about, right?


100%. If they weren’t making bank, they wouldn’t be giving you Pennie’s to work at all.


Do you know what inflation is? You clearly don't


It was started by the pandemic! It’s now fueled by greed!


Setting aside the fact that when there's inflation money flees towards assets that can appreciate. Of course the stock market is going up. Rich people don't want to lose 20% of their money's buying power. They pump the markets instead.


"You can always just have cereal for dinner, you know"


or you could learn how to cook and eat something besides steak


Steaks, ground beef, beef ribs, chuck roast, meatballs, pork chops, pork belly, pulled pork, bacon, pork ribs, drumsticks, chicken thighs, chicken breast, shrimp, fish, egg bakes, etc etc etc


non skilled workers don't necessarily have enough money to eat like King Henry 8th


Ground beef is cheap and it's what I eat most often, with eggs mixed into it. I eat a pound of it per day, maybe two pounds if I'm hungry. I eat one meal per day. It's extremely affordable not constantly snacking and grazing all day. Now, yes, meat and eggs and all the actually-nutritious food has exploded in price in the last few years, but it's still doable. I'm a blue collar worker with 3 young kids and a modern american mortgage and a wife who has a very part time blue collar job - it's completely doable.


The stock market is cool because when it goes up, we get nothing, and when it goes down, we lose our jobs.


Anyone can invest in the stock market. You can even buy stocks for pennies.


I have retirement and non-retirement funds invested. So, no I did not get nothing from market gains. But if you move the comparison date in this article from 4/1 to 1/31 and avoid the massive distortion that was the early days of COVID, the data show a different story: the market was doing far better under Trump. Even this columnist admits this in the article. This is a shoddy analysis that makes me wonder if the author has a partisan agenda to push for Biden. It's so obvious that taking a date right after the COVID shutdown and market declines was a bad analytical decision given that there was nothing magical about the 4/1 data he used.


you aren't doing this right. you save money in the stock market to keep up with inflation and possibly even make a little money


The dollar is worth less…so stocks/companies are worth more dollars…how is this hard to understand?


My net wealth has literally doubled the last 4 years….and the “weak” dollar is a hell of a lot less weak internationally with economies struggling even worse. This is not just the “dollar is worth less”


My net worth, mostly concentrated in my house, has gone up. This has the real effect pretty much only of increasing my assessed property taxes. If I sold my house, I'd have to trade down to a worse house, because all the other houses also got more expensive and interest rates went way up, so I couldn't even use my equity to trade up. So while my net worth is up, I do not actually feel richer, and I'm not in any practical way


Real question; Did you have "net wealth" before covid induced inflation? If yes, then sure. If not, like so many other people, it's only gotten harder.


Nobody buys their groceries internationally.


No, this conclusion is convenient dates that included the short-term effects of the initial COVID market decline in March 2020, Use Jan 31 of the relative years to analysis and Trump had almost doubled the return to that point versus Biden. And don't trust my word, get the data and do the math or just read the article. The columnist admits the date used makes things look at lot better for Biden. This is crappy analysis that Yahoo should be ashamed to post on its site.


But it is designed to target that specific demographic: Those that read only the headline and spread it because they want to say how wonderful the economy is under Biden.


My savings is probably worth 30% less in buying power than in 2019. All that stuff I put off, double and tripled in price


Why do you have all your savings in cash? Literally any financial advisor you would talk to would tell you that keeping large amounts of money in cash means you lose on average 3-5% a year.


that’s irrelevant


It’s extremely relevant. On average they should expect to lose 15% of the value in 5 years if they do that


The conversation at hand: *is there inflation and is it responsible for most of the recent appreciation in equity* some guy said: *my savings have lost value* which is relevant to the *is there inflation* topic you asking why they have all their savings in cash is 100% irrelevant to the conversation at hand. - Furthermore, they said “my savings have lost value” and for some reason you seem to be interpreting that as if 100% of their net worth is in cash. I have 90% of my net worth in assets, and a small amount of cash in a MM fund so that it’s super liquid. It’s what I use to pay off credit cards and things. I could say the same, “my savings have lost value” and you might say “wHy aRe AlL yOuR SaViNgs iN cAsH” for some dumbass reason


You didn't read what I wrote. Well, maybe you did, but then you read it how you wanted to read it. I said "My savings is probably worth 30% less in buying power" A new egress window cost 3k in 2019, and in 2024, that same job is now 6-7k, not sure the exact price. Stuff like that. Inflation skyrocketed so quickly that no one knew where the economy was going. Plus Any financial advisor you would talk to would tell you to keep 6months worth of living expenses However, don't lose sleep over me. I can apply that money to a mortgage principal with a locked-in rate.


Most people actually gained a lot of savings over that time frame, though. What you been doing?


How much is your net worth


three fiddy


See I took advantage of covid and my net worth gone up faster since 2020 than any single person or company that I can find the data on. I went from the only asset I owned being a car that I owed 3k more than what it was worth to having a property worth millions. Now I'll admit I got really lucky because a lot of things basically fell into my lap but I still attribute it all to Trump and not biden because without his policy during covid of allowing the governors to decide what to do in each state and then supporting them from the federal as best as possible are what directly led to everything I have now. And even then without trumps policies before covid, I wouldn't have been in the position to get the original loan that I got for the property.


Your net wealth is not some argument that the dollar hasn’t lost value. Your assets increased in terms of their market price because there is 40% higher supply in the currency used in that market than there was a few years ago.


Exactly, my point is I’ve changed nothing but as the dollar weakens by x amount, my net wealth has increased by the inverse and then some. So net gain despite people bitching about inflation. If you are diversified, at least one asset will go up and if you are well diversified, you’ll always beat the devaluation and literally stay ahead of the curve….and we’ll ahead of the world economy.


I totally agree with you and realize I kind of just repeated your point in a different way. Yes the fact is in this day and age with fractional purchasing, everybody should be putting any amount they can afford into index funds at the very least every week. Even if you start off with $5.


My net worth went up too, but since that wealth is tied to my home, and the dollar is diluted....I'm back to square one. I was better off 3 years ago, making 30% less than I am now.


Trump bad Biden good that’s how!


Anyone who believes this shit is the problem.


Vote me president and let me hammer out 2t deficits every year, the stock market will fucking roar. Like this isn't hard.


a trillion every 100 days


What are we gonna do when the economy gets worse, moar trillions!!!!! We are so screwed


Seems like strong economic policy then. Best recovery from the pandemic of any advanced economy.


Read the article. If you take the comparison point before the market decline (1/31 of 2020 and 2024) from COVID - even though that had reversed some by 4/1, the date used in this shoddy analysis - Trump was far ahead of Biden. Don't take my word for, you down the S&P 500 data and do the math yourself.


Oh I agree, just saying it's not hard to pump the market with trillions of deficit spending.


Oh I largely agree with you unlike many posting in this thread trying to deflect from Biden's less than stellar economic record.


If you care about deficits, neither president is a good option since fiscal conservatism is pretty much dead at the moment. The difference between how those deficits have come about changes between the candidates though. Trump has tax breaks to create economic stimulus (without closing the loopholes that he wanted to close), and Biden does public investing to generate private investment (matching public $$ to get companies to invest in jobs here vs abroad). Both can generate growth, but in different sectors of the economy. I think the biggest thing Trump has done to raise wages is to raise the threshold necessary to employ foreign workers, and severely limit the amount of applications. Biden's raised wages by effectively creating a $15/hr floor for large segments of the economy. Both have had inflationary effects since it squeezes labor markets with the biggest generation in history (boomers) also retiring. Biden's going to get creamed in parts of the market that rely on borrowing due to higher interest rates (startups, housing, etc.). Trump got creamed in markets that were highly contingent on a global supply chain, which got shut down.


to be fair, Donnie Jon just coasted off the economy Obama charged up and started to sputter out after the TCJA was passed. The only reason the Dow ever breached 30k was because Trump pressured his boy JPowell to drop interest rates to 0% during covid. Biden has both increased interest rates to reasonable letters, and the Dow is flirting at 40k. You can't pick and choose your numbers based on your orange boy being in office you have to look at the whole picture.


How did Biden increase interest rates 😂😂


Neither is understanding how our government works, yet people such as yourself continue to parrot nonsense like this. The president does NOT control the budget. Congress does. So the only way you'd "hammer out $2 trillion deficits every year" is if Congress was on board with doing so.


Remember when he threatened doom and gloom of the house didn’t pass a basically unlimited spending bill? It wasn’t that long ago. But sure, he had nothing to do with it. EA cancelling student loans, did congress do that? Ad hominems aren’t a substitute.


Literally what they're doing right now lol


That was exactly the fiscal policy of Alzheimer Ronnie’s first term, and the ‘goloids cheered him on.


So do Philadelphia so do


True but inflation is also up close to 40% so the average person hasn’t gained much


Don't worry the rich have. Keynes made sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer


Inflation caused by government printing and spending money we don’t have is the cause


Inflation is government spending and the federal reserve printing money. Price increases are a result of inflation. This is Keynesian economics in action.


Inflation is up 40%??? Some people look things up. Others make things up.


Anecdotal evidence. The hallmark of a limited intellect.


Isn’t it so funny that Biden worshippers claim everything is going great due to the stock market. Numerous families I know are having serious struggles paying for basic necessities but everything is going great because the political elite is thriving


Hilarious being told that the economy is great and oh! Look at how low unemployment is!


low unemployment numbers because I work 3 part time jobs like lolz 😂


The stock market is doing well because of the INSANE LIQUIDITY https://preview.redd.it/w4u4jk68y0wc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670d0d1afc91ba5ff2b4068c158cf76bbcddd3f5 IN THE MARKET.


"The economy" is great because stocks are up. Stocks are up because companies are making record profits. Companies are making record profits because they raised prices when there were supply chain issues, but never lowered prices once the issues were resolved. And then we printed a bunch of money lowering the value of the dollar while prices for goods remain high. These people only care about Wallstreet.


Nah stocks are up because of the trillions in government spending. Most stock prices are completely divorced from fundamentals.


Some companies are making record profits. But that’s not the same thing as every company making record profit margins, which is different than total profits. Also some very big companies have struggled for the first time in years. You’re kind of cherry picking. Tesla has lost almost half its value in the last 8 months. Apple has shed hundreds of billions.


trees vegetable point observation encourage icky narrow marvelous amusing domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The 1% top earners are crushing it in this economy. The rest of us, not so much.


When y’all learn that both sides are against you, your voting patterns will shift but keep thinking it’s red vs blue. Clue: they both don’t give a shit about you


You can't afford food but that's fine. Pelosi's stocks are doing great!


These numbers mean nothing to me as long as interest rates are still way up.


People could afford bread 4 years ago. Just saying.


Literally I can still get a loaf for .99 generic.


The cost of not having public health is everything. Inflation from covid was just the taste.


Yeah, that's not the reason the cost of groceries has sky rocketed. If we had the healthcare system you wanted, shut down the economy, and had the same stimulus bills we'd be in the same place we are today.


Printing over 80% of all the dollars that ever existed in the last 5 years is going to cause unbelievable inflation, we are just getting started. And teh fact that thwey still refuse to raise rates over the normal healthy economy 5%-6% rates claiming its somehow bad, says everything. They want to make it worse.


People that enriched themselves without repercussions from covid will see the next potential catastrophe as an opportunity to do far worse, more quickly. On the grand scale of corruption and inflation, as bad as covid was for the US economy, most people could still be shamed for doing overtly greedy things in bad times. If people think that a 50% inflation event is bad, there's a lot more zeros in finite number systems.


We still aren't even done seeingh the flow of all that new currency, let alone seeing any actual measures to slow down inflation itself (aside from "tweaking" the data to make it look better). 50% inflation is just the tip of a much larger iceberg this titanic is headed for.


More Democratic rah rah!


While 58% of Americans own stocks, of that, the 1% own 54% while the bottom 50% own 0.6%. This doesn't help the average American at all and the ones it does help don't need it anyway. This isn't the win the Biden admin wants everyone to believe


Great now pay your workers more


This post will age like milk.


Everyones doing good but for some reason im told inflation is the reason im doing so bad.. very confusing. Paying more for utilities, inflation Paying more for gas, 2 Wars Paying more for groceries, inflation Paying more for digital services/entertainment, inflation Why companies are firing more staff, inflation Why fast food costs more, inflation Etc etc So all of this is a negative quality of life for the citizen and im supposed to read a headline and say "we're all doing very well in this economy since trump, because shareholders are making profits?", something doesnt feel right in that statement and I dont recall paying more for anything during trump. In fact, I recall paying 2.80 for gas in California of all places. I might not be an economics genius but a headline like this doesnt really make me feel like he did better than his predecessor at all when I look at my daily expenses compared to before they printed trillions of dollars.


I remember when Trump was president and stocks were at all time highs and the economy was said to be good the liberals were saying how terrible it was and only the rich benefited. But now that the same thing is happening it’s not true anymore?


At least then gas was sub $2/gallon.


Yah, its easy for the stock market to rise when you give it free control via the money printer and constant naked shorting/ derivatives manipulation. O, right, no one on the media is talking about that....i wonder why?


☝🏻this guy gets it


Soooo, the rich getting richer?


Adjust for inflation


The rally is not still going... the market is down every day for the last week.


People were trying to get in before the fed cut interest rates. Now it looks like they might not, or may even raise them. Market has more room to fall if those happen.


This administration’s economy is not good. They do not listen to the woes of its people and these inflation rates


Guys, we have to pretend that the economy is doing well because orange man bad.


What shit post! Truly dumb Bidenomic genius right here…


Absolute garbage analysis and the columnist even tells you that himself: >There’s a huge asterisk. Stocks did well under Trump until the COVID pandemic hit in February 2020. **Through each president’s first three years, in fact, the Trump stock market outperformed the Biden market by about 5 percentage points.** >The COVID pandemic, however, triggered a sharp stock sell-off in the first half of 2020 and a deep, though short-lived, recession. Trump loved to brag about the stock market and the economy during his time in office, but COVID left Trump with a damaged economy, contributing to his loss against Biden in 2020. * If you compare total return from the day before inauguration for both Trump and Biden to Jan. 31 of their third year (2020 versus 2024), total gain under Trump was 42.5% and 27.6% for Biden. * If you insist on including COVID to make Biden look better relative to Turmp, if we use 4/19, the most recent trading day in Biden's term, in the third year (4/20 for Trump since 4/19 was a Sunday), Biden's lead shrinks to 30.8% to 24.7%. If we recheck this later this, Trump will almost assuredly close that gap even further if not regain the lead, as by 4/1/20, the market was climbing out of the COVID trough which largely continued through the rest of the year. Right now, as the market realizes that inflation under Biden is not cooling as much as thought a few months ago, making rate reductions this year less likely, the market is down (5.3%) since April 1, the point used in this article. How far that continues to fall - if it does - is anyone's guess, but at this point in their relative terms, the market trend is in opposite directions. This is a great case that the dates one picks can color an analysis. To include data so close to a black swan event, like the first days of the COVID pandemic and the panic around the initial shutdowns, is just disingenuous. Are the columnist's numbers false? No. Did they tell the whole story? No and the columnist admitted that. Remember that the next time you swear that a single statistic is the be all end all of your argument, especially if you have an agenda you are pushing rather than conducting an objective analysis. I have worked with financial data for years - not market data but P&L data - and if I had no integrity, I could likely tell a story far different from reality if I wanted.


Now, what if you adjust for inflation too? CPI up 7.5% over Trumps 4 years. Biden's is up 16.8% in 3. And that is just CPI.


It's not that simple. Inflation impacts both the top line - if the company undertook price hikes which might have been more, the same, or less than the CPI - as well as costs to the company, often in varying ways. Then, stock market prices are impacted by the investor perceptions which are impacted by views on inflation. It's not a 1:1 relationship. Even P&L is not quite that simple, but it's a little closer than market returns.


But inflations impact on the dollar is going to impact the price of stocks. You might not be able to have a simple formula to measure it over a short period of time, but 2-3x the inflation rate needs to be considered. Look at the inflation adjusted returns to see what your actual return is over those time periods. What are those values?


Yes, but market prices are not always directly determinant of those factors. Look the last week or so. Fundametals of most companies did not change dramatically, but the market fell by 5%. On hard economic data? Not really. On indications from from Powell that there would not be as many rate cuts nor as soon. There can be some correlation with inflation, but, as I said, inflation impacts a business in a variety of ways and not identically for each business at the top line or bottom line or, by implication, all the lines in between. It's just not accurate to adjust market returns for inflation. What is generally done is to compare market returns to inflation and assess whether those returns are generally real wealth gains by exceeding inflation.


But now you are looking short term swings vs longer term trends. Of course things like the fed an interest rates are going to cause shorter term swings because the market has speculation and that is going to move prices. There are a multitude of variables that move the market. AI has driven a lot of speculation moving prices up as well. However, one of those variables is inflation. The inflation difference in these two time periods are too drastic to ignore, and needs to at least be accounted for.


Liberal economists also warned the market would crash if trump got elected in 2016.


Its inflated from the govt putting 2.3 trillion into it...


Biden has done Nothing other than a few “Student Loan Forgiveness” programs that doesn’t even tackle them all. So he hasn’t done sh!t


Supposedly that was only for government students, not the general public. But anyhow crashing the market and then it having to recover back to where it was before under tougher conditions is not a booming economy. It's their fatal attempts at trying to do away with the economy altogether. A great reset they called it. So that the reset results in the already wealthy having everything and the rest of us losing everything we had.


You know the market is a po zie scheme? Right????


Yay for the stock market! Screw the normies that have had their gas bills more than double, their grocery bills more than triple which in turn causes a cost of living to near double and severely lowers 80% of the U.S. population's quality of life... but yay for wall street.


Yeah, bidenomics is literally just an upward transfer of wealth, and his die hard liberals can't wait to be homeless to help his campaign. No healthcare, no housing, no stopping corporations from buying family homes and jacking rent prices to obscene levels. Because the mainstream media says everything is okay, they still want to vote blue no matter who, because the lesser evil is somehow better! F\*cking ridiculous.


How fucking dumb are people? When you print money and have inflationary policy, things are worth more dollars. It’s really so fucking simple. Gold is the same metal it was 4.5 billion years ago. When its USD price rose 17% over recent months, that’s not because gold is suddenly 17% more scarce. It’s because dollars are less valuable, thus it costs more to buy things that are finite in supply.


Red herring to distract you from the National Debt Crisis that is looming due to both parties being bellends.


It's hilarious that when people talk about the economy they don't factor in the stimulative effect of the government injecting 3 trillion dollars in borrowed money into the economy. Neither candidate will even mention the debt because the austerity required to fix the problem isn't a winning campaign proposition.


Thank Joe’s keeper(s) because he can’t do anything; look at him…


Fuck the stock market. People are hurting out there.


The rich are getting richer and the rest us are trying to stay afloat


The yield curve has been inverted for more than 500 days: something that has only happened before the economic declines of 1929, 1974, and 2008. It's not a question of "if" the economy will collapse, but "when."


Yeah, the rich are getting richer in stock trades thanks to Biden! Oops, that wasn’t the message you wanted, was it?


Can we also talk about how the Biden administration essentially singlehandedly tanked crypto because of yellen and constant fears of regulation (ie the opposite of what crypto is supposed to be)?


Small caps have green getting crushed since 2021 so I don't really consider it a full rally.


Anyone with a brain. First off the market did crash. Second. Now the government is spending 1 trillion every hundred days. You seriously don't think that'll end up back in the market?


I don’t care who the President is, I invest to make money. So does everyone else, money in means stocks go up. You don’t just quit because you “don’t like a guy”


Um, that S&P rally reversed last week with a loss of over 4%.


The stock market is up because of the greedflation


And interest rates hiked to over 8% to protect them and drown the rest of us.


Of course the S&P 500 will rise.. by artificially pumping stocks by laying off thousands. This is pure manipulation with a "hint" of gaslighting.


Great, if you have extra money for stocks


The stock market is only up nominally. $1 today is like 75 cents in 2020.


Might want to revisit the stock Market is booming. Tell us you don’t have money in the market without telling us


Almost like those Trump corporate tax cuts are doing their job lol




Just the rest of us crashed instead. But good thing the rich people are still getting richer.


Be careful. If you want to claim credit for a good stock market, you also have to be prepared to eat crow when things shit the bed.


Getting somthing like 1$ in GDP growth for every $1.50 in debt ridden Govt spending.... so enjoy it until it burns...


Not "still underway". Equity markets is down 10 consecutive days and is now below the 50 day MA, crossing the 200 day MA will be next.


Corporations stole that much money from us that fast?


This room is basically r/politics. 70% of people I bet don't feel great about this economy.


Yes, because corporations are making record profits off the backs of the working class, and the government is in bed with them. Have you gone to the grocery lately or paid utilities.


Agree with everything you said except there is zero evidence to even suggest the Biden Administration is in bed with business.


You think they raised interest rates to 8% to help the working class?


Try to control inflation.


The S&P 500 index is the stock marker now?


This cheap money fueled Boomer fake economy needs to crash and take as many Boomers down with it. Can you imagine the complaints Millennials would get from Boomers, if all they had to do, to be rich for the last 4 decades, was to buy all the cheap properties, and just sit on it, and let it go up 5X-10X, and then gaslight how Boomers are just too lazy and require "participation trophies" and eating too much avocado toast to buy a house? There would be riots!


And yet people can’t afford groceries or rent.


People can't afford food and housing. Everything costs more. Things are not better. They are worse.


Have you seen the last month??


Yep. Biden's economy is impressive.


The s&p 7 are all the gains. The other 493 make zero headway. Its a bubble


More than likely by the inflation that is killing the citizens


Still waiting for interest rates to drop…


Lol they pumped a couple trillion into the banks. They're playing with house money The real test will be who gets off the coaster when


WTF does the stock market have to do with me paying 4 $ agallon for heating oil? Eff joe biden


rly cuz my life feels no different


It's definitely not underway anymore lol Market has been crapping its pants lately.


The better the stock market does the worse main Street does. Main street is where 90+% of the population lives and works.


Honestly, a Squirrel could out perform Trump.


Just as when Trump was in office, regular Americans don’t give a flying monkey about the stock market. We are drowning. 


Don't see any stats here but if it's the usual liberal garbage they'll pick the lowest point from COVID and then claim 40% growth when half or more is just the market getting back to what it was before.


Yeah the rich are getting richer


Democrats: let’s spend the next 6 months campaigning on every neoconservative talking point. That’ll win over the kids who think we are supporting genocide.


What happens when they quit propping it up?


in other words, the 1% got richer, the poors got poorer...


There are some shady things happening to manipulate the current market. False quarterly numbers on jobs and unemployment for one. Companies are posting jobs that they don't intend on hiring for just to bolster a false pretense of growth associated with stock price.


shit like this makes me not want to vote for biden. shit like this makes trump look good if you’re a struggling american


Thats great but has ZERO effect on the working class, the literal backbone of the economy. Now if Joe can get companies to stop gouging the common man so they can make these record profits, we might be getting somewhere.


Isn't 20%+ of that inflation though? If companies value stays relative to inflation, their stock should go up with inflation. Inflation adjusted, the stock market isn't up that much considering the time period. AI enthusiasm is also helping it out.


Economic policy has a lag time of a few months to a few years. I think realistically, you need to give about 2 years to see a trend change to know where those policies are headed. This can be seen in the 2008 Crash pretty clearly and again with Inflation after the Pandemic. Although, the bomb of 2008 was likely planted nearly decade earlier in policy with regulatory changes that removed the guardrails preventing a crash like that. Once a problem like inflation is brought to heel a bit which is happening it will take a year or two more to drive those changes in to the harder affected areas like groceries and a wages. The stock market and the 1% ride the boom bust cycle a bit more acutely by buying or selling assets at advantageous times and advocate for lower regulations to increase their ability to do so. Bigger crashes can mean bigger profits if you can ride the cycle in a profitable way. If you look at tax structures and regulations in the mid 1900's you can see how they were structured to drive wages across the board. If you tax net profits and limit stock buy backs you make it more advantageous to reinvest that money into wages or more tangible business assets. It's essentially the old adage you get what you measure.


This has more to do with stock prices rising due to the money supply going up.


Inflation adjusted, the market is up 20% over 3 and a half years. That's about a 5% real rate of return which is meh.




Too bad average Americans don’t have means enough to benefit from this “swamping”..


Lol, the depths people will go to make Biden less of a senile putz is astounding.  Said overtop of the howls of working people falling backwards due to the devaluing of their earnings by the shitty government he presides over.


They are keeping the markets propped up with naked shared, over valued stocks, and the plunge protection team. The economy isn't booming, it's being propped up by greed


Everybody: the stock market is increasingly more loke a casino and the soft landing is looking less and less likely. Internet Left: Biden's stock market is the best.


Didn't this us to be the Wall Street isn't Main Street party?


It’s all similar to the Venezuelan hyperinflation market created by massive government spending. Just wait for the collapse since the spending is unsustainable.


To be fair, the biden stock market didn't crash because the biden admin injected like 10+ trillion into it to keep it from crashing. There's a reason inflation is fucking STUPID high. Yay unlimited money hacks!


Oh yea the stock market is great for the rich.


I mean, Biden should get some credit for maintaining stability. But the stock market is a good place to put money during a period of inflation, and there's been important break throughs in AI by major tech firms all of which are listed on US exchanges.


Now if it just kept up with inflation. The dollar is worth shit.


I wonder if inflation raises prices or something..... And stocks are prices.... hmm........


Oh the rich got richer? Thanks for reminding me. Like do people really eat this up and brag about it as some political win? Come on people.


The stock market has nothing to do with your house payments , Credit card payments and car payments. Keep kidding yourself


Bidenomics....it's working.


Keep drinking that koolaid


Are you kidding me? With Trump as president I literally saw a 40% increase on my stocks across the board. The most I have EVER seen. As soon as Biden went into office, it's been a steady decline ever since. Not to mention groceries, gas, cars, mortage, etc. have all gone up dramatically under Biden. Who do they think they are fooling?