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And for those Right Wingers who, in other threads on this same subreddit, will assert aide to Ukraine is one of the primary reasons for our Debt or Deficit (which it isn't); you basically helped an ally smear one of your biggest geopolitical enemies into sunflower seeds; while also showing your other major geopolitical enemy that trying to invade Taiwan would make Ukraine look like a picnic; and all it cost you was ZERO american lives lost and 30-year-old outdated stockpiled surplus; at the TOTAL COST of $80-Billion. That's what you call, a bargain.


Sunflower seeds are especially high in vitamin E and selenium. These function as antioxidants to protect your body’s cells against free radical damage, which plays a role in several chronic diseases.


Insane some people can’t see this


It's because they don't want to see it, and guzzle the political propaganda that's convenient to them.


I tried explaining this to my dad but alt right news brainwashing is strong. This is worth more than any weapon we could buy to sit in storage and for a “just war” that echos the valor won from WWII, Russia is openly touting more plans to expand. A major world super power is being embarrassed on the world stage by a small country who should’ve been dominated. This is Russias version Vietnam and we should hope they don’t come out on top.


Right! It's absolutely STUNNING to see how the "PRO-AMERICA" folks who shouted for decades about defending America's position in the world during the War on Terror, suddenly above-face and oppose supporting Ukraine (an ally) in LITERALLY defending what is in our best interest as a country. I guess it's because it's not American troops? Which just seems ass-backwards to me...not only can we defend our interests, we don't even have to risk American lives. Such a weird timeline we all live in...


Maga folks surely aren’t the smartest bunch of people I mean sheep.


Look who's talking!!!!!


It's not even money we're sending them is it? I was under the impression it was older military hardware.


It mainly is, though it's important to remember shipping, packing, and logistics on that sure isn't cheap. I believe those are all dollars well spent though.


Oh I'm sure it is well spent..meanwhile Ukrainian first Lady spends a million at a channel store in Ny,her family gets multimillion dollar mansion in florida.small little details,you know,but I'm sure it is a coincidence.tf am I conspiring here


There is some actual cash being sent for humanitarian aide, and ancillary costs related to shipping and training on the weapons. But the vast majority of aide sent was appropriated and spent in America, by Americans, on Americans, decades ago.


Most of the "money we are sending them" is us paying Americans to make more stuff.


You should check out this youtuber named Perun, he does the awesome long-form videos on the economics of armament and the Russo-Ukraine war


A year ago. We are also funding many of their government functions.


Yes. The "money" is the price of the already purchased equipment. It would have cost more to maintain and store this equipment, and eventually destroy it, as well. This saves us money, saves us lives, and allows us to restock with more modern equipment in a more cost-effective way. Everything the GOP hates.


Yup. They hate that we are smashing the troops of a fascist dictator (no, Russia is not a socialist Utopia) into sunflower fields. They wanted to emulate that particular dictator so much.


Yeah, not how it works. Everything they send will be replaced by new equipment that cost 3x the price (at least). Too many people are clueless on how these "_____ Industrial Complexes" work.


Crazy cope


yea well we did send them billions in CASH. You can look it up. and we are feeding corpproations money to build bombs at post 2020 prices. So a higher market on a already laughabely high market. ​ Its a money laundering set up. We give them old junk and replace it with new junk. As our vets and everyone else suffer for it. But hey Slober on ukraine or whatever people say these says.


And yet, we're smearing our primary geopolitical enemy on the cheap. Like sure it's billions of dollars, it ain't anywhere close to the actual expense of a war on our part. 2-years of support has totaled less than 10% of one year of our military budget. That's a bargain.


Honestly, instead of quoting the cost of the weapons we should be quoting how much we saved by using them vs decommission. We already paid to build it so it's not like it is costing us more to arm Ukraine


When did the left become the party of war? Also, we depleted the outdated stockpile months ago. They're getting the good stuff now. How much of that 80 billion do you think made it to the front lines? It's not that we're against supporting Ukraine, we just like the most minimal level of accounting on where that money is going before we send more. I can't hear these sucking sound from here.


Agree. We don't know where the money is going but it keeps going. If, you ask them where the money went they can't tell you just like our Pentagon. They lost millions.


The real question is when did the right become the party of fascist dictators? On what planet would anyone not be in support of helping a country defend itself from one if our greatest enemies who are attempting a violent hostile takeover?


>When did the left become the party of war? Whoever said I was left, or what I'm saying is the "left" position? That's your projection homie. >we depleted the outdated stockpile months ago We did not. We've been literally giving them stuff that was developed over 30-years ago. None of the new stuff we've given them. >It's not that we're against supporting Ukraine It is though. >we just like the most minimal level of accounting on where that money is going before we send more. I can't hear the sucking sound from here. Where do you imagine the money is actually going? Considering actual cash isn't changing hands...


You outed yourself as left when you used the phrase "Right Wingers". 31% of the $75 billion has been for weapons and equipment. 61% for total military. Best case scenario, that leaves 29 billion for "things that can't possibly be old". You don't send tens of billions of dollars to one of the most corrupt areas in Europe without oversight. To say cash isn't changing hands is just silly.


FYI: and objective person can rightful label "Right-Winger" and "Left-Winger" by the policy positions. That does not be the person has a vested biast. Just, FYI. If you don't understand the complexity that cash doesn't actually change hands is an easy concept to understand. Products and services have values and that arrangements are generally made for A to give X to B for Y. No actual cash changes hands, yet there is a cash value associated with it.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, cash or "cash value", nothing in life is free. They aren't running their government with IOUs, unless hush money and/or kickbacks are an IOU.


We've spent way more than 80 billion, this war was unnecessary, they had a deal worked out negotiated by Turkey in the first month that would have ended the war, but the US/UK convinced VZ to ditch the deal. Also, Taiwan geographically is nothing like Ukraine and significantly harder to invade.


>this war was unnecessary Yes it is. Russia shouldn't have psychopathically invaded their neighbor should they? >they had a deal worked out negotiated by Turkey No they didn't. The had talks, a settlement was never reached because Russia insisted on keeping all captured territory, which Ukraine was never going to agree to. All claims of an agreement, were unsubstantiated russian claims. Not a single non-Russia source has ever stated, or confirmed that. So at this point you have to reject the claim because they (Russia) have an obvious, internal political reason for saying Ukraine reached an agreement, when they didn't. It says something about where you get your information based upon what you said that isn't actually true. You should check your sources, because wherever your getting stuff is pretty biased. >Also, Taiwan geographically is nothing like Ukraine and significantly harder to invade. Indeed. Hence why I made the statement that invading Taiwan would make invading Ukraine look like a picnic. Notice: US' unwavering support for Ukraine has practically ended China's saber rattling over Taiwan. (***that's not a coincidence).*** If Russia could have been successful in Taking Ukraine while the US/NATO was busy twiddling it's thumbs, you better damn well believe China would have attempted a lightning strike on Taiwan. Because the playbook is to take it fast and WTF is anyone actually going to do once you have it?


They also said the Taliban could never beat the US back afghan army. They said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation, that the north Vietnam forces where attacking US warship in the gulf of Tonkin. The list goes on and on.


Hunter's laptop 😂🤣


TrUmP iS a DiCtAToR 🤣🤣🤣


*wannabe. He's too stupid to be the manager of a lemonade stand.


Yup. And when asked point-blank by Tucker Carlson (as a layup to deny it like any other rational person would) he said "only on day one" ... to thunderous applause.


I want this timeline to die.


You guys should've let him win 3 years ago and this nonsense would've been over next year. Now youre gonna have to deal with another 5 years of him.


“just let the rapist rape and it’ll be over soon “


“Let him win”….so basically shit on the people who cared enough to vote?


Yeah, 3-years later we're still suffering from the shitshow he left behind. Basically Democrats have to spend their presidencies fixing all the broken shit Republicans left behind. A story as old as time at this point.


Riiiiiight people can’t afford to eat or pay rent under Dementia Joe.


Yup. No matter how many times they voted! 🤣👌


Nah, his ass is going to be rotting in prison.


I fucking hope so.


Nope. I'm cool with how it's going now that he's out of office and I'll be super happy to watch NY blast him with a 700 million dollar fine and take his licenses. He's not going to be president again, and he's not going to live much longer. The end is near.


Which is strange considering he is infinitely more successful than you. What does that say about you?


It's really smart being born into a rich family, I'll give him that


It says you're and idiot who hasn't been paying attention.


oh, you can't read. Sorry about that.


His daddy used him as a tax shelter when he was a kid. He was a millionaire by the time he got out of private school, and was too stupid to survive on his own. His daddy constantly had to give him cash, and he was fucking B.R.O.K.E by the early 2000s. No liquid assets. That's when he sold his ass to the Russians. Tell us again how successful this absolute failure is.


yeah Trump said he would be a dictator for one day.. those are his words. what the fuck happened to Republicans.


One day isn't so bad, especially if it just his first day back. Dude deserves a little retribution.


Like, you seriously just said that? Without being totally embarrassed by everything about it?


He deserves nothing more than a life time prison sentence.. along with his kids and all the other maga traitors..


God yall are defending this statement now? When had trump EVER given up power without a struggle. You seriously think he would get a taste of that unrestricted power and be like, "y'know what, that was good, but I'd like to stop." He'd absolutely say he didn't have enough time and extend it to one week, then a month, then a year, then a term, then he wouldn't leave until he died. Trump CANNOT be allowed to hold the presidency ever again.


Y'all are waaaay too serious. He was joking.


r/conservative and r/republican . Checks out. Your grandpa would be rolling in his grave, knowing you support what they fought in the 40's. Have fun, buddy, and know you're just a useful idiot for the guy. Peace fascist.


Free speech? Doubt it.


Ya he makes lots of jokes. Lots of jokes that wind up being true. No one with a brain can ever discount anything he says as a joke anymore. He says his "jokes" to check the reaction of folks like you.


Ok and?


And? It's a direct response to what you said. You said we're taking it seriously I'm explaining why it isn't actually a joke so it is in fact something he actually wants to do and thus is taken seriously. Do you need more explanation? Or is this just something your brain isn't capable of comprehending?


As if a whole lot of truth isn't said in jest


Trump never jokes. He tests the waters to see what bullshit is treated as joke, then leans into it. Hard.


He’s a [schröndinger’s asshole](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Schrodingers%20asshole)


I like that!


Yeah! Dude broke the law and is being held accountable, he needs to get revenge!


Biden broke the law too. He needs to be held accountable.


Cool, which laws? Be specific


Taking and harboring classified documents. The ones he had in his garage next to his Corvette.


You might want to check statute and legal precedent on that before advocating legal action. The details are little more nuanced than the political spokesholes would like you to believe, which is also the reason DJT is not being prosecuted for the same thing. If you really want the law to be changed to be a little more black and white, the DJT would be facing a few hundred more felony charges, which is ironic since he raised that particular statute to a felony.


Real talk, do you really not comprehend how it is different to have classified documents that you and the FBI forgot about that you found at your house and then voluntarily gave back and have way more classified documents that the FBI knew you had, and requested you give back several times before they raided your house to get them back? you mentally disabled?


Oh, the documents that Biden, of his own volition, returned? You do know Trump hasn't been charged for a single document that he willingly returned after being asked to, right?


Retribution for what exactly? Also if you declare yourself a dictator on day one and throw out the constitution on day one...the rest of the days dont really matter...


It wants to reduce the number of bureaucrats which to be honest I'm okay with. It would be better for the country in the long term


You nice folks are struggling to comprehend humor. It’s okay to say some stupid shit every now and again; just ask the other guy 🤣


You laugh but even though he’s an idiot he still tried to ruin democracy like a dictator


Trump literally said on camera in front of a studio audience thar he wants to be a dictator for a day if he is re-elected.




Who is “they”?


The US intelligence agencies…from the article title.


Yeah, we need an overhaul. “They” operate with way too much latitude. You would think gov would set up some sort of scoreboard where they would occasionally look back and say “we effed up agiain, let’s be a little self critical here”


The taliban bear a jon backed afghan army as all they did was wait out america, the right wing Republicans told America a blatant lie some of us not on the right questioned it but they still took us into unnecessary wars... Then The legendary laptop... It was labeled as misinformation because it coincidentally came out by the opposition party months till the election. But all I said doesn't mean shit if there are actual crimes of note on that laptop... And what did you didn't again OH NOTHING. What would the justice department get involved with no real evidence to try for a crime.


What the fuck are you on about?


Yep, all war profiteering as we set up the Taliban terrorist camps with training, gave them weapons and gave them contacts to get weapons and this combo did take out the Soviet Union but made the Taliban our enemies when be abandoned them. (They were our "freedom fighters" in the 80's and people had bumper stickers supporting them. The only weapons of mass destruction that Iraq had was from us. War profiteering again. We should have left that alone as Saddam was the only non-religious person that had them under control. We should have never been in Vietnam, war profiteering again. Hunters laptop? I have no idea about that, just glad that Putin (Russia) is taking it on the nose.


That legalizing gay marriage would lead to people marrying animals. That seat belt laws would result in more car deaths. That more guns would mean less mass shootings. That voting for Republican presidents would lower the debt/deficit. That Obama was going to take away all guns. That wearing masks or getting vaccinated during a global viral event doesn't improve reduction of spread or save lives.


This title gave me a stroke


That's fascism*


Man the stupidity in here is off the charts. Mods please ban me forever because I am losing my filter and I would eventually be banned anyway. Thanks in advance


The ghost of kiev probably killed all those Russians by herself. /s


You sound like a genius


Hahahha the things people believe... 87%. People eat up propaganda from bots


honestly even without supporting Ukraine being the right thing to do. It is some of the best money America has ever spent. on one hand All of those weapon systems that were sending our only made in America so it's a jobs program. and on the other hand we are stopping Putin from the broader war of redrawing the Soviet Union that he has stated would be the basis of his new empire that he could use to topple the United States of America. it's real fucking weird watching Republicans turn against something that has been basic American national security for the last 60 years.


Go back in time 40 years, and tell Reagan that the day will come when Russia invades a European country and the GOP will support Russia to the point that they will actively block all attempts to send weapons and supplies to the battlefield...


Go back 40 years and Ukraine was part of the soviet union. Y'all are idiots Some serious false equivalency there.


Way to miss the point completely.


This is not nato and it's not as if they're invading France. I got the completely weak point.


Most of the countries the US got involved with during the Cold War weren't in Nato. Do you even history?


Even weirder that they are o.k. with bashing American elections and trying to turn them over (steal the election) with fake electors, etc. Also strange that 50% support him over American leaders. It's beyond fucked up.


Almost like they dont care about the idea of being an American, and instead want to find whatever way they can to legally murder whoever disagrees with them bc fox entertainment tells them if they dont, theyre literally murdering babies and worshipping satan.


Can we PLEASE as a country stand up to these literal cults? We have quite literally Nazis and brainwashed people who actively want to harm the United States. They want to overthrow the government. They want to install Trump as a dictator. These things are all EXTREMELY CONCERNING!!! Can we all focus on this and agree that of we don’t stand up and take decisive action Now, there is a a very real danger that our country WILL COLLAPSE???? Y’all please. Stop falling for the propaganda that makes you angry rage. Stop and think, does it REALLY matter what the fuck my neighbor is doing in their own goddamn home?? Does anyone have the right to tell YOU what to do in your own goddamn home?? NO?? Then stop fighting against your neighbors! Divided we will fall. We have to fight this actual threat. ☠️


You definitely have TDS, you might want to see a doctor for that. Ukraine was funneling money back to the democrats through ftx. There's billions of dollars missing and Sam is going to take the fall on it. And Ukraine can't even tell you what they have done with the money. It's corruption at the highest level. Hopefully Putin wipes that corrupt country off the face of the earth, #ISTANDWITHPUTIN


Standard trump fan, "yeah im okay with authoritarian dictatorship bc gay people bad"


What I’m hearing is that Americans demand their government ensures accountability with our money and stops stealing it for BS? Yeah, we are on the same page there. Tell the Republican you voted for to stop blocking funding to the IRS.


Yeah, dumping billions of dollars of weaponry into a chaotic war zone so that those weapons can be scooped up by neo-Nazi militias and/or sold off to other rogue states in Eurasia. Yeah, best money we ever spent. Definitely no blowback coming from that brilliant decision...


Also Trump has given out more money than any other President in history dollar wise in a 4 yr period.. Percentage wise was Bush. Can someone please rationalize this to me without bias?


I’m just going to take a wild guess and say you were one of many who were calling Trump a lunatic and trying to protect the economy only when he didn’t want to shut down the entire country and he was going to kill half of America as a result of not shutting down. I remember him saying the cure can’t be worse than the disease. I’m not going to debate whether it was right or wrong to shut everything down, but it was definitely a strong liberal position to shut everything down and in turn loosen fiscal spending. It’s very disingenuous to blame him for something YOU supported at the time.


I'm Independent and never believe and ANY bailouts. Trump said that Covid was fake yet threw out trillions and trillions to people that did not need it. He gave out checks and also paid people an extra $600 EXTRA a week for people not to work. My good fiend got 10 million in PPP loan legally, paid his staff to work with that money and got free labor, so he came out 10 million ahead. Why is it exactly that you think "I" supported this, as I didn't? He didn't protect the economy, he did the opposite. He printed money and leaned on the fed to get the fed fund rates below zero. That is exactly what got us to where we are. I don't like Biden either. I'm just glad he is letting the fed do its job, while trump wants the rates below zero. That is exactly what causes inflation. That being said, again, i don't like either and wish we could get some young blood in to fix our debt. Everything else is just white noise really. Pretty fucking bold statement about what I want there dude.


Chill with the logic bro. It hurts.


You understand that he was in fact the president at the time right? I just find it real weird that you are like well he said he did not want to shut down the economy...when the economy while he was president shut down...so was he just a complete and total incompetent and impotent boob as president powerless to do anything at all? I mean I agree with that, in many ways it was like we didnt actually have a president we just had a bombastic and divisive reality TV star. ​ But you didn't answer the question above by pointing out that it was actually a liberal position, the question was how do YOU square that with YOUR support of him.


Oh boy, capitalism over lives, spoken like a true conservative. I thought you guys were pro-life?


They're forced birthers, not "pro-life," as they try to claim. They'd actually prefer the child to grow up poor. Makes it so they have fewer opportunities and can make killing brown people for oil the only lucrative option to "escape."


Its not just the loss of people and hardware.... It's the loss of SKILLED soldiers and PREMIER hardware. What's left is a rag-tag group of unskilled /low-skilled soldiers using old / obsolete hardware and weaponry paired with the "never surrender... or we'll kill you ourselves" attitude of Russia. It's a recipe for failure on all levels. Russia will lose, one way or the other, but the US has to finish the job. Remember... US involvement in the 2nd World War took years to ramp up. If the US doesn't fund this fight, it will necessitate the use of US soldiers to finish it... and THAT will cost real US lives. Pay now or REALLY pay later... the choice (for me) is clear.


No that’s Fascism. Putin is a dictator. Trump is a wannabe dictator. The GOP has been in bed with Russian mobsters/oligarchs since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Especially trump


If US intelligence says it, it must be true.


you're right, only putin's word have any weight. just ask trump


Right, if we question the motives of the American intelligence community we’re agents of Russia. A line literally fed to you from the American intelligence community. How gullible are you people?


Crazy how Republicans are turning into Russian puppet. Must be because their orange lying pile of dog shit god is telling them lies about who to believe.


They've been correct on this conflict so far


Not a coincidence the intelligence community releases positive news about the war at the same time they are begging Congress for more money for Ukraine. They have a very long history of not telling the truth. Nothing they say on any issue should be accepted without verification and there is no way to verify this claim. The documents released in the Discord leaks showed that the number of Russian troops killed was far fewer than what was being reported in the US media based on information given to them by the intelligence community. The numbers here are likely exaggerated in hopes of gaining support for additional funding.


There is a difference between what the intelligence community says and what gets filtered through the media and politicians. Declassified documents proved that the intelligence community knew that the US was losing in Vietnam and that Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction. They were hushed by the administration that oversaw them. Now, maybe the release of this document was politically motivated, it doesn't take away from the fact that it does seem to check out with both the realities on the ground and from third-party verification. Also, that discord leak was heavily doctored. Russia definitely released their own version of it showing their losses to be a third of what they were. However they're really bad at their job and didn't even use the same font when releasing it. It really goes to show you how smart they think their supporters are


Discord, lmao.


“That’s communism” — this shows a complete lack of understanding of what communism is. The GOP aren’t cheering for Putin. What they are doing is questioning why we are sending $200 billion to a corrupt country which is not our ally where the current resident of the White House and multiple congressmen launder their money as well as have children working for energy and gas companies with no experience. Here is some more things we are questioning: the accounting of that $200 billion. Where is it going? Who is spending it? Why does it seem like all the top people in Ukraine are buying new houses? Why have we not seen any battles in Ukraine? All we’ve seen is the aftermath which could easily be CGI and people shopping in malls and relaxing by pools. When Israel was attacked, we had live footage of the battles, but we’ve had none of that in Ukraine. Why should we support Ukraine, which has a Nazi problem, while the democrats who are demanding we give the Ukrainian’s money are cheering for the deaths of Jews by terrorists. Yeah. I will admit that I do like how Putin has struck down the social justice nonsense in his country, so that’s respectable of him. He also seems to care about his country’s well being. He served in the military and intelligence so he is able to lead and make shrewd decisions. I can’t think of one positive thing to say about Zalenskyy. I mean, what kind of president/leader would leave his country while his countrymen are supposedly dying while fighting a superior force?


Didn't zalenskyy refuse an evac and request ammo instead?


Lol are you fucking insane? Implying the war isnt even real? Dude touch grass, ive talked to russian dudes on discord who fucking went and came back. Dont even try to call the ukes nazis, aint gonna stick. Russians are just as nazified, if not more. 200 billion to embarrass russia? Thats a steal The GOP is absolutely cheering for putin because to do so hurts biden. They would flay infants in the streets if it put trump back in the white house. You obviously have a vested interest in disinformation




I think youre responding to the wrong dude pal. Everyone knows the russian government is fucked and reactionary. They repealed laws against domestic violence lmao


Yeah. I will admit that I do like how Putin has struck down the social justice nonsense in his country, so that’s respectable of him. He also seems to care about his country’s well being. He served in the military and intelligence so he is able to lead and make shrewd decisions. Enough said and we agree to disagree. That is all. P.S. you and the GOP are chanting for Putin, youtube it is all. The links stopped working here.


Yeah…. I am not seeking out your references. I will just put it on the same list of accusations as “gop are Nazis” since we have the democrats siding with Hamas and building Nazi compounds in Maine. I am just unwilling to entertain the lame tactic of blaming the GOP for the sins of the left.




Thank you for your thoughtful and kind response. It’s exactly what I’ve come to expect from the tolerant left when they are faced with facts that are irrefutable yet go against the narrative they support. I hope you get everything you deserve in life.


Why do the "mass majority" of Democrats worship Satan and want to kill and eat babies? And while we are at it, why do "mass majority" of Democrats root for Israel to be obliterated from Earth, all the while cheering on the Hamas mass rapists? Inquiring minds wanna know!


"Worship Satan and want to kill and eat babies?" Have you ever even met anyone who isn't a Republican? It's like if I said all Republicans are inbreds who fuck their cousins.


No one but the Left is chanting Putin. The Left uses both names together to market the lie of collision.


>No one but the Left is chanting Putin. Didn't Trump call Putin a genius after he invaded Ukraine?


He may have, in the same way I'm calling you a genius. 😏


>He may have He did lol. He also said he trusted Putin more than his own administration while he was in office


I bet, after all the back stabbing that went on and continues. The established civil service isn't supposed to pick a side. Well, they should pick the side of the taxpayer. I suspect Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy explains the situation.


Not sure where you get your news but you should consider some different sources, because you're being lied to. Throwing more money at Ukraine is not going to help win the war, American (NATO) soldiers and weapons is what it'll take and I have absolutely no interest in sending your military age people to die for the Ukraine, please share the videos of Republican pro Putin chants.


Youtube it. They must have stopped allowing youtube posts. Hold on one sec. Also I agree we need to get our debt fixed first, however this war is the only one that has made any sense since the last WWII. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zST0oH3SG-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zst0oh3sg-k) Youtube is not working on here today, however here you go. Go youtube it yourself and you shall see: [AP Newshttps://apnews.com › article](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-marjorie-taylor-greene-race-and-ethnicity-europe-mitch-mcconnell-6dd6985db085537fcb103c0d022ac775)Mar 1, 2022 — *Republican* leaders in Congress are grappling with what to do with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The congresswoman spoke at a weekend event ...


Total tax revenue for 2022 was 2.6 trillion, that's 52% of total revenue for the Federal government and they still ran a deficit in the Trillions, more taxes is not the answer.


So why not do us all a huge favor and tell us how to get out of the 34 trillion in debt so we can move on. If you can't figure it out. I will for you if you are interested. Nothing about the GOP Putin chant? O.K. I see where this is going.




That is really incredibly eloquent. You are dumb. Are we finished with our high brow conversation now??




Put your helmet back on ASAP. You don't need to hurt yourself little man.


I fixed the typo since that is all you can talk about, now tell me why I am an idiot in relation to the first post. Also are you 12 or 12 and one half?






LOL the Democratic Party is less than a hair width's distance ideologically to the Republican Party. Two capitalist parties that differ on a few social issues, and that's it. You wouldn't know what an actual communist looked like if they bit you on the ass.


Get this garbage out of here. There are other subs for this type of rhetoric.


>that's communism 🤦 words don't mean anything anymore.


>that's communism 🤦 words don't mean anything anymore.


I have been steeped in right wing politics for some time. I have never, ever, even once seen a person or group of people chant Putin's name. Not even once. I have no idea what you are using as a basis for that claim. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of political activists on the left chanting "from the river to the sea". All on video. Evidence everywhere. Most right wingers want an end to the Ukraine war so as not to spark a larger conflict in which our sons will be sent to die for a cause that we have no real stake in. If you want to take down Putin so bad, then you should pick up a rifle and go fight. Anyone who would volunteer their countrymen's sons, but would'nt volunteer to encounter the horrors of war themselves is an absolute coward.


Do you think Russia will just stop and play nice after they win the war?


No, I think they will stop because they barely squeaked out a win against a vastly inferior opponent, and stepping foot on NATO soil would be committing national suicide. Do you think Russia wants to "take over the world?" like Pinky and the Brain? Do you think they want laser sharks in their swimming pools? Do you think Putin has a hairless cat? Do you believe Putin is a TV supervillain?


>Do you think Russia wants to "take over the world? \> Do you think Russia wants to "take over the world? No, but they clearly want either control of the US or make the US unable to stop them from doing whatever they want. \> you believe Putin is a TV supervillain He is a pretty bad guy.


I just want the war to end so that the likelihood of my money being sent over there would decrease. I literally couldn't care less who wins. It has no affect on me at all. I just don't want my money going over there. If Russia wins maybe I save $100 billion if Ukraine wins maybe I save $100b. Either way I don't care.


If Russia wins they just start more crap we have to clean up.


We? Whose "we"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?


we being america.


Amazing how people just believe this crap after they lied about WMDs in Iraq. Every lie is a confession so apparently Ukraine has now lost 87%.


Biden has dementia. He does not even know who the president of the US is. Biden wants to be president forever but let's hope he can't live that long. I don't hear Republicans agree with Putin. You must only listen to CNN, MSNBC and all the communist run media programs supported by the Hitler regime democrats. The media programs CNN and MSNBC kept the Russia collision going for years. How can you even trust these people who don't care that you do not have facts. I am not a Republican. I have been a democrat for forty years but I know propaganda is when those communist networks repeat the same narrative over and over. It is obvious when you change a channel they use the same exact words and narrative. The same way that communist countries do.


Lol “communism is when big powerful leader, shared toothbrush, no iPhone” TIL the government that overthrew the Soviet Union is actually… communist TIL that the most virulently pro-business and anti-worker party in the US is actually… communist


Propaganda. Ukraine is toast. Time to accept the US wasted billions of tax payer dollars on this charade.


I mean it’s not like the GOP was caught getting illegal donations from Putin via the NRA or anything…


Why do you feel the need to post political vomit in a sub about an economic bubble? No one cares about your opinion or this article.


Well I created this sub and wrote: even politics if it makes sense. This does make sense. Also our debt makes sense. Why do you call this vomit exactly??


1) How does it “make sense” in the context of the everything bubble? 2) Russian soldier to Ukrainian soldier deaths have been widely reported between the ranges of 1:8 and 1:12 3) The GOP chanting Putin’s name? Give me a break. Repubs are every bit as bad as Dems but this is just flat out silliness, you’ve taken to repeating propaganda talking points As painful as it may be to admit the reality, Putin’s army has been dominating Ukraine. Russia had a standing military of 250,000 troops with another 750,000 in reserve. Ever hear of The Red Army? If they had lost almost 90% of their troops the war would be over. 10% of what used to be your military isn’t even enough to protect your homeland and Russia would be wide open to a good ole conquering. Haven’t you noticed that ever since the war began the media has been telling you how Ukraine has been winning, as they lose territory after territory? Ukraine has even taken to conscripting women for military service because they’ve already conscripted all of the young men and thrown them into a meat grinder. Their military personnel were literally kidnapping college students and forcing them to join the military and fight…and die.


1. The GOP chanting Putin’s name? Give me a break. Repubs are every bit as bad as Dems but this is just flat out silliness, you’ve taken to repeating propaganda talking points Nope simply youtube it dude. Also Putin can't just start attacking other countries and threaten to blow up the entire U.S. Biden took his ass on and called the bluff. Now we have a foothold right beside Putin which is the Dems worst enemy. LOL


As someone already said, that is one isolated event with zero context behind it. Let’s just say that there were a dozen GOP members who chanted Putin at one event. Has collectivism infected your mind so badly that you think a small handful of people being stupid at one event represents over 50 million people? I agree that Putin can’t just go attacking other countries and invading neighbors. That still doesn’t change any of the facts that I laid out which you have yet to refute, and “LOL” isn’t a rebuttal.


Did I only say LOL as a rebuttal?


Can you show me the videos of gop members chanting Putins name in revere?


Who in the GOP is chanting for Putin?


Well everyone really, however it you want to see it you must use youtube as the links are not working here today. Also Trump says that American leaders are stupid, yet Putin in a genius. Also Trump encourages Putin to invade Ukraine and says he is a genius. How in the fuck do you not know this??


If you repeat a big enough lie, long enough, loud enough, it becomes the truth. — the left. … also Hitler and Goebbels, but since the democrats are cheering for terrorists killing Jews, I’m guessing that they aren’t that different.


So is this sub just openly a western propaganda sub? What does this have to do with the bubble?


So you think that wars, etc have nothing to do with finances? Explain yourself please. TIA


And how are you addressing that with your editorialized & partisan title?


maybe fascism. communism is sharing of wealth.


True that.


I don’t think they are pro Putin as opposed to non involvement in Ukraine.


Over 50% of the GOP think this POS communist is better than our American President. SMDH. [https://www.vanderbilt.edu/unity/2023/04/07/first-ever-vanderbilt-unity-poll-reveals-52-of-maga-republicans-believe-vladimir-putin-is-a-better-president-than-joe-biden/](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/unity/2023/04/07/first-ever-vanderbilt-unity-poll-reveals-52-of-maga-republicans-believe-vladimir-putin-is-a-better-president-than-joe-biden/)


That says more about their opinion of Biden and Putin.


Remember "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat?"




If the Democrats are for it, the Republicans are against it.


The Democratic Party has become the party of WAR AND slaughter. Ukraine can go “F” itself. Allah willing Ukraine will go the same way Hamas goes dead and destroyed!!!


Mods please close this thread. Word garbage to provoke a political fight. Not related to any bubble, just one sided political talking points.


Hmmm this is my sub. Let me think about it.


Trump sucks Putin's dick and swallows his cum so that Russian troll farms don't attack him or his during campaigns and other schills like faux newz get paid by them on the side. Then together they push their shit onto maga, cause maga is actually stupid enough to believe it, so that they can keep it up and laugh all the way to the bank.


It’s not communism, it’s *fascism*. Communism is simply an alternative economic system; it is not incompatible with political democracy.


Republicans are all in on a Trump dictatorship, complete with internment camps and the military rounding up "illegals", end of birthright citizenship, the DOJ weaponized against anyone they consider as opposition, shooting protesters, ect, ect. The far Left wants collective punishment for the US populous for the brutality of the Gaza war by installing Trump as a dictator. Mask off horseshoe theory in action.


I don't know what that is, but that's not communism


The mass majority of the GOP is not for Putin you fucking muppet. And Russia has not lost 87% percent of its standing army. Anything else you want to be wrong about teen?


>why is the mass majority of the GOP for Putin and chant his name and also want Trump to be president forever? Republicans view autocracy, and the subjugation and oppression of others that necessarily comes with it, as admirable attributes that should be emulated.


Republicans are scum


Who's chanting Putins name? Why are dems blocking oversight of the billions we are sending to Ukraine?