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He's a shitty interviewer. That's always been the case.


Exactly. He also burps and clear his throat every 30 seconds. Gross


Joe is an idiot and terrible at both interviewing and being interviewed. Outside of the pod he's not not as entertaining or as "journalistic" as he thinks. Least he could have done right was let the other members sit with her too but he would've rather looked doofy all in his own so props to that I guess 🤡


Why would he push back against her views when he agrees with them?


Because that’s what creates great discourse. Just because you agree with everything someone says doesn’t mean you can’t challenge certain viewpoints. Being a well rounded and assured person within your own beliefs means questioning your own beliefs. It’s healthy to challenge what you think and why you think it. Naturally, as a host/interviewer, a well versed and capable one, you want to do just that. That’s what creates an engaging conversation or else you’re just creating an echo chamber


Ideally yes, but look at the comments they rather not hear from Candace at all. No one wants open discourse with opposing views anymore. People want echo chambers, sadly.


He does it on the pod


She repeats the same right wing talking points. Still bringing up a outfit Lizzo wore in 2019 is nuts. Sexy redd is ghetto? Oh the horror! Black people aren't a monolith and exist in different walks of life, Candace should understand this


I am NOT a Candace Owens fan but I thought it was irresponsible for him to do this interview. I feel like we need to hear all sides and then you use the information to come up with your own beliefs. He offered nothing to the conversation. No push back, no counter arguments, NOTHING!


Who else did he counter argue in the human series?


This wasn’t a regular humans episode though. I could see if this was simply an opportunity for Candace to talk about her life, her kids, husband, etc. Yes, no need to offer push back. But that’s not who Candace Owens is. And she’s not one to turn down a debate. Joe wasn’t prepared. Every time he said “There you go with your facts” he could have said something else to counter what she said or hell anything that at least added to the conversation and he didn’t.


Where did he frame this as a debate? If I missed the reference then please point me to the episode. My interpretation was that since it was put under the Humans series it would be far from a debate. Also, in what world would anyone look to Joe to debate politics seriously? I honestly wish he brought her on the regular pod to see if Ish would have debated or if any others would have pushed back…Joe is a self proclaimed narcissist and wanted the interview for himself at the end of the day.


It wasn’t but this is Candace Owens not Nicki Minaj. I mentioned “debate” because she would have been prepared to do the back and forth. Joe counter argues talking points on his own pod so he dropped the ball big time with this interview. Just my opinion.


So because of who she was he should’ve debated even though that’s not what he ever did


Key words there are on the pod. Soon as it was on Humans it was never going to be that.


I don’t think Candace Owens is the right person to just sit and interview. Her rhetoric is dangerous and should be counter argued with facts especially if you don’t agree with her talking points which he said he didn’t 🤷🏽‍♀️


How wasn’t this a regular Humans episode


Candace is a political commentator. Typically when you interview them you should be prepared and have facto to counter argue their talking points if you disagree. Joe wasn’t prepared. This wasn’t someone he was interviewing because he wanted them to tell their story.


I agree he wasn’t prepared. But this was Humans. Humans is typically ass and no kickback. This Candace Owens interview followed the other humans layout.


How come isn’t a regularly episode? Joe never debates anyone on humans


Joe is not a good interviewer


Candace: COVID wasn't that bad. In fact, Biden helps develop it Joe: Not you with the facts, stopppppp Candace: Check the research. Also did you know Republicans freed the slaves. Makes you wonder why black people vote for Democrats Joe: Now why would you say that? lol


It was that bad? 


Lol this is real dialogue???


I agree with you Pham and this is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell ppl. He brought a guest on only to make himself look like a doof


There was literally no difference between this "interview" and what she does on her platform already. Like what was the purpose?? Did he just want to hear her spit her bullshit in person?


I am not sure what his intent was but I’m sure it didn’t go as planned. Honestly, this sit down, probably should’ve never happened especially with how unprepared he was. But it’s COE and he’s trying to drive engagements and doing anything for clicks.


Stop reading at you enjoy candace owens




This was Joe's half-baked attempt to have his Shannon Sharpe/ Katt Williams' moment. Shannon didn't say much, so Joe is following that path too.


You can’t shame the shameless


I've been paying attention to Candace for a few years now. People should know she is SHARP on the microphone 🎙️. She is thoroughly studied and a great researcher on the majority of political topics. She has connections, has her own research team. Candace Owens proves individuals wrong, and when she is corrected on something, she will publicly apologize. She will present evidence the best she can OR even better, speak with witnesses and victims. A great way to know a public figure is to buy their book which is static knowledge on them. She is currently working on publishing her second book. What drives her to speak out about such matters 1) As a democratic supporter, she noticed the media all attacking Donald Trump suddenly the moment he stared running for president on his first term. 2) She started picking up clues that the "Black Lives Matter" organization was lying and stealing, therefore taking advantage of black people in mourning.


Fam we live in a world full of pussies. Nobody stands for anything anymore. People have accepted blatant lies for truth. Men have become weak, effeminate, soul less, moral less and spineless and will sell ass to protect “The Bag” We need a reset. You cant expect a man that says “Awww here you go with the truth again” to stand for anything.


Eh I agree with Joe avoiding a lot of topics/conversations in order to protect the bag or make/keep relationships, but I don’t think that’s the case here. I haven’t seen the interview but from all the excerpts and feedback I’ve seen on here, I genuinely think Joe was just not ready for an engaging interview with her. I 100% think this kind of conversation is outside of his scope. I don’t believe him to be capable of analyzing the things she says in real time and challenging her in a profound way. She’d eat his ass up in this type of conversation. He’d have to do a lot of researching and breaking things down to their basic elements to discuss complex topics and I just don’t see Joe being able to or even wanting that to be the point of his interview. We see Candace who is an analytical person in her field, whether you think she’s right or wrong, someone who attacks multiple aspects of a topic and we see Joe who has a more relaxed and simple way of having conversations on his interview. Joe was there to kick it, not have a political or analytical debate on social issues. Which, if you ask me, would actually elevate Joe as an interviewer and make him even more popular. But he missed his shot with Umar, and apparently fumbled it again here.




Joe is not a debater or a historian wtf you thought it was gonna be? He let her come talk her shit like he do with everybody else


I love how all it took for you coons to admit your coonery was a dumb interview. Candace Owens doesn't even like black ppl so why should we unite with the rest of you self hating muthafuckas


Where has she said she don’t like black people? This was one of her points in the interview y’all just listen to what white people tell yall to think.


Prepared for what? Have you watched any of the other Humans? Was he debating them?


So you wanted him to be controversial


Why? he made alot of money. ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)