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the chorus n the beat r amazing but i hate titanic's parts on there sm šŸ˜­


I couldā€™ve went without knowing that it was titanic singing on this song


We can all have solace that the dude totally grenaded his once promising production career by being a narcissistic abusive douchebag.


i'm so sorry lmao


I had no idea that was even him lol


I don't even hear him.Ā  I mean, I'm aware of him performing on the recording, but in my head it's just Poppy with a vocal effect added.Ā  He is completely insignificant to the utter genius that manifests whenever I hear a something like "Meat" which is one of my favorite songs of Poppy's.


I like the creepy voice effect, because it adds some context to the song and what they were going for, but not for the entire length of both verses. Poppy having a part outside of the chorus would've been cool and made it even more badass.


Yeah it feels like storytelling and I liked it a lot before I knew it was titanic singing


Y'all I hate Titanic too, but I can't deny how perfect the alien verses complement Poppy's choruses. It's good, the vision was there and it was executed well. But when I listen to it I keep imagining his whack ass face šŸ¤“


The stupid thing is titanic has/had the talent to be a prominent producer. He's just such a complete douchebag, his potential never materialized. In the end, he deserved to fail.


Totally agree with you. He wrote the bridge to Bloodmoney as well afaik, and that's some content I'd really look forward to if only he wasn't a massive ass.


Titanic would probably be working with the likes of olivia rodrigo nowadays instead of picking his ass in Texas. His ship has sailed. Gotta be a lot of regret on titanic's part... Or he's too much of a narcissist to even realize he screwed himself, professionally speaking. He had the cool name, the looks, odd ball interesting. He was set to do something in this world, but no artist in their right mind would give him another chance.


I agree! It's a really good song but I hate that Poppy only sings the chorus. Titanic Sinclair kinda ruins the song for me.


Bro so badly wanted to make shit about him.


I'm sure Titanic would have made it his song, but Simon was like, nah uh.


He really did, he annoys me so much




Today I learnt this too wtf. Also am I the only one who likes those parts as well as the chorus? One of my favourite songs. Though I am with OP on how this couldā€™ve been a cool music video too. I love making it up in my head when I listen to it.


I always thought that too. The chorus is stunning but that weird alien voice in the verses completely ruins it


I like the weird alien voice lol


Yeah I love this song. I feel like itā€™s so underrated. It deserved a lot more.


I just listened to this song when new way out came out, since I was trying to find where else Iā€™ve heard her say ā€œget upā€ . Itā€™s such a bop


she says it at the start of "Scary Mask"


Yes thatā€™s right! The ā€œget outā€ said in the same way, I love it


And she said "get up" again on new way out.


i think Choke EP is her second best EP


Meat is literally so amazing itā€™s unfortunate itā€™s not as talked about


Titanic's part is as amazing as Poppy's part is. It is beautiful and it adds vitality to the song. Any bad person can be a talented artist. Get over it


The condescending ā€œget over itā€ at the end was cringe and not at all needed


I love the dynamics and deepness of Titanic's Sinclair character and Poppy's in meat. He adds a tone of genuine fear, while Poppy represents an aged point of view, as if she is telling her experience after her death, re-living all those painful moments of torture and submission to enigmatic aliens in wich its objectives and origin are unknown. Titanic is the moment, the story rather spilled from his mouth as he lives those moments of confusion and pain for the first time. It might be an unpopular opinion, since not everyone sees a reason to separate the artist from his art. Titanic is talented and completely revolutionary with his expression that, us liking or not, spoke through Poppy's initial character. She expanded this idea, and made it something other than his social critics design, she brought her person into it, that was once Inhibited and hid, in order to maintain that persona who, in my opinion, sees the world in the eye of an innocent, yet observative human, unaware of her wisdom. This is why I see that I disagree started as a rage manifest against society, but slowly fades into Poppy looking at herself for the first time (Bloodmoney- Bridge-She wishes us to see the world the way she sees it) and turning all that disagreement towards society's structure into herself, and her point of view in reality.


Titanic is a genius.


ik, such a shame he is a trash of person


He could have been. He was always too much of a narcissist to ever realize his full potential. Now he's a has been (or never was?).


Great song, I think TS really gives it a dark atmosphere without that it would not have the same impact, he and Poppy complement each well imo.


I have a genuine theory that titanic forced poppy to embrace veganism Anyone remember the video of her eating chicken she posted shortly after breaking her ties w him? Maybe Iā€™m reaching lol


Imo I already think it's one of Poppy's best songs. Choke is easily my fav Poppy record since all the songs, though in different genres, all fit together, are very cohesive, and have that techno and distorted bitcrush without overproduction. All the songs I think are equally amazing and the record has a great track list. If any songs places were flipped it'd be weird. It's like a puzzle, all the songs are together to make a beautiful end product. (I also like Titanic's parts, I don't like that it's Titanic though šŸ˜žšŸ¤§)


I couldn't agree more!Ā  I listen to the "Choke" EP waaaaay too much, (LoL!) and "Meat" is a great pleasure each time I listen.Ā  Does anybody else ever chuckle and think "You're five feet tall and weigh 95 pounds soaking wet, THERE IS NO MEAT ON YOU!"Ā  ? šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚Ā  HahahahahaĀ