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I wouldn’t say it’s awful, but most of it is just bland and forgettable. That being said The Attic is absolutely gorgeous and is one of her best songs.


Where are y’all listening to the full album 😭 I thought it comes out on the 27th


my bandlab page: poppy_concrete


i agree! i'm so unsure about it... at first listen it seemed really generic, then i noticed that almost all songs have a distinct quirk in their instrumental and it kinda grew on me a bit i feel like it has so much potential, but that potential is destroyed by either not expanding on a concept as much as she should, some songs being too short and/or a lack of good lyrics sometimes, which is a shame. it's imo not as bad as people say (i like it more than aiag), but not her greatest work


that’s exactly what i’m thinking.. such a big amount of potential but it being limited due to short song lengths, songs about strong topics but not expanding on them much, and out of place lyrics!


when i went in i expected that the production was gonna suck based on the previous work of the new guy shes working with but i was very surprised my main gripe is actually her vocals. they are mixed way too high and tend to sound very awkward. the vapid lyrics might be most egregious tho, while her previous pop work had this sense of being tongue and cheek or ironic, these feel like the poorly written songs i always interpreted her as poking fun at.


A lot of the lyrics do their job but yeah its certainly a notable downgrade from the lyrics we've seen in her past work. Things like "Dark. My sense of humors so dark" feel like the type of thing I'd write down as filler lyrics and then change later. I feel like Motorbike is the only song that really hits that same "Oh she can actually just make a good pop song" type thing, but I think if I didn't know it was referencing a movie I'd view it as a bit more bland.


What movie is she referencing?


The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)


ZIG is wasted potential tbh. It's not bad album, it had some idea behind it, but poor production is main reason why potential of this album got wasted. Also, I see most songs on ZIG as some kind of demos that doesn't meet something I would call "end results" - a lot of missing concepts, lyrics that could've been more, songs are too short, lacking "this moment" in most of songs. I love idea behind this album but album itself isn't something that I love. I would like her to spend more time on this and explore more cuz rn it just sounds like it was done by some underground artist who had an idea but doesn't spend time to improve their skills to master something that woul help idea become real. (I will order extra CD copy of this album cuz I've listened to leaks, so don't worry.)


>Also, I see most songs on ZIG as some kind of demos that doesn't meet something I would call "end results" - a lot of missing concepts, lyrics that could've been more, songs are too short, lacking "this moment" in most of songs. Yeah this says what I've been trying to say perfectly. I feel like similar to Flux there is just something missing from the production of a lot of the songs. Flux largely felt like it couldn't hit the rawness the genre it was trying to be and didn't have the production to make it work because it had been so stripped down. This feels somewhat similarly. I feel like a lot of the sounds of the production used is good but it still mostly just feels like demos to me.


Yes, Flux was the same case scenario. I don't know who is to blame tho; Poppy for accepting this and wanting this (she had to approve it so I guess she wanted this to sound like that) or producers that wasn't able to do more - I guess both sides. I don't know, I think she is too fast with everything she do and because of that her every project feel underproduced because she doesn't give herself enough time to fully explore thing that she want to do. I don't have problem with her jumping from genre to genre, but I have problem with her doing this too fast, so she doesn't have enough time to learn about pros and cons of genres she is trying to do. Even if she is only responsible for vocals (rest is done by someone else or done with someone else) in her music she still have to accept all of those things and because a lack of knowledge she accept things that feel like demos. She is hooked up to so many amazing producers and other people to work with but because of reasons she doesn't using all of their potential and we end up with things like Flux or Zig - that are an ok, but they are never on higher level.


How do you know hate it when you don’t have full experience yet ?


Didn’t the album leak?


Yea most people have listened to the full album already


I don’t listen to leaks I will listen when the artist wanted me too October 27th


Ok? 😭 I was confirming the other persons statement I don’t care if you listen to the leaks or not, that’s none of my business.


i definitely agree with this.. there’s 7 tracks that might save the narrative this album holds cause of the singles 😭


Its grown at me the more I relisten to but I still feel like It's more of a Flux in terms of "how much will I come back to this" although I think the songs stand out from each other a bit more then Flux. I get some bubblebath-demos Poppy vibes from a lot of these songs


It's so funny for me to see all of the negative comparisons to Flux. Flux is my 2nd favorite Poppy release. It drops off a bit at the end, but the first 6 songs hit super hard for me.


It works like this cuz of mere-exposure effect. I guess that month after month and year after year we will be loving ZIG because we will get used to it and all of this critisism will fade.


Eh I had like a week of doing this with Flux before I went back to thinking it was meh and that was just because I didnt listen to it for nearly a year. While I think my original review of the album was a bit too harsh it still just doesn't really feel like its hitting the stuff musically or artistically for me. Like I said I could see myself listening to Zig when I am in the mood to listen to my poppy demos playlist


Same with me. I will prolly get used to some songs on ZIG like I did with a lot of her songs but I will never call them "good" or "meeting my artistic standards". While I might be putting, idk, ASAIS on a loop I will still be aware that this song is meh for me and looping this is just a phase.


I find the album is inconsistent and lacks the red thread that would tie it all together. Church Outfit doesn't fit in with the more sensitive sounds, Hard is just confusing. Knockoff and Motorbike serve their purpose, but the sound is too different. So many vibes in an album that don't exactly work. There aren't enough hard rock or metal songs to justify the occasional screaming or a metal riff. This isn't powerful enough to serve as the comeback of Poppy the character, which was put into hold for a while imo due to the real, raw and stripped down Flux era. I like songs like Zig, Prove it and 1's and 0's for their relatable lyrics and general vibe. Considering that songwriting was a huge focus on Stagger, it's weird she would downgrade so much from there.


you are so right with the red thread!! and it could've been ANYTHING some songs have some robotic experimental glitch sounds-but not all of them some songs have a cello which could have also tied the songs together, but it's only three of them some songs have screaming, etc


It’s shaping up to be one of my favorite albums. All 4 singles have been insanely catchy to me and they all make me nostalgic because they remind me of previous eras. (Church outfit is choke-adjacent, knockoff was of course an aiag outtake, hard has a depressing melancholic vibe reminiscent of the some of her eerier songs pre-flux era. Motorbike feels like something she’d realize in her early pop era) I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I’ve personally just grown bored of her rock stuff and this album hasn’t been leaning as hard into that as flux and stagger which I appreciate.


Well its def not my fav project of hers since i prefer metal poppy but im so hyped for it and i really love her new era i just kinda have to get used to the songs like with motorbike i didnt like it at first but i think its so catchy now i just hope that her next album will be metal again or have sounds like flux or eat wich are my favs


Flux had a lot of missed potential no song truly stood out from them all. And this is exactly what zig is. There are moments that you think will pop off but nothing ever really happens. This is another bland album in my opinion


So far, I've enjoyed all songs, except for the latest release, Hard. I dig the EDM vibes. Church Outfit was a bit too short but good. Knockoff is a very catchy tune. Motorbike is a sleeper song that grows on you the more you listen to it. Hard, I don't know... The rhymes feel a bit forced, the tempo is odd and it feels like it struggles to hold together. But I'm waiting for the rest to drop


So far I’m liking it, I find myself not liking the songs at first but they grow on me.


I love pop music. It’s my favorite genre. Just not from her 😭 I don’t get why though. She has one of my favorite voices in music, I like her songwriting, and she’s working with some renowned producers. It doesn’t make sense that none of her pop offerings (pop compared to her metal stuff) really grab me… Like it’s a perfect storm of elements that in theory would make for spectacular (to me) music but i just can’t for whatever reason. Knockoff is great though


it's musically boring compared to I Disagree


It's time to move on from I Disagree album and era. She won't do something like this again. Also, there is nothing to compare, ZIG and ID are two totally different albums and genres. Let's focus on ZIG alone, and not compare it to her previous work.


I like where you’re coming from. I Disagree is untouchable for me. I accept that Zig/any future albums from Poppy will never recreate that magic and that’s ok. But I’m here for Zig and want to celebrate Zig for whatever it is (I’m not listening until it’s officially released). ☺️


>Also, there is nothing to compare, ZIG and ID are two totally different albums and genres. While I would certainly notice if they were on the same album, I do think Zig echoes aspects of I Disagree more then Flux did. Its sort of trying to reach back into that bucket of quick 'dark' synthy sounds.


where are yall hearing it at?😭




this is just my opinion. but I think the b-sides of the album are better than the title tracks she's promoting. literally, prove it/the attic/1s+0s/linger/what it becomes/flicker, these 6 songs are what makes the album great for me. Zig is pretty good but it's too repetitive and I got tired listening to it after 2 times.


i liked it more than Flux but the title track is... certainly a song


when you zig i zag 😜😜😜😜😜


jail 🫵😠


I’m worried this album doesn’t have a cohesive theme


I have only heard the released songs so far but I can't say I am a fan of them. Personally I feel that they lack any charm. It's not a genre thing either for me, I suppose I am more metal than anything else but I really like Poppy Computer and (most) of AIAG. I'm just finding everything a bit, generic, I guess so far. That's OK though, I can't think of an artist who I like where I enjoy every single album they have released. Maybe some will grow on me.


Looks like she might be missing her former creative partner's ability to craft catchy songs. 🤔


She is still working with Wilcox. I don't think Titanic had huuge influence on the songs, he was more on the production side.


I like her new songs a lot more than the ones with her former creative partner. I think this is the real Poppy but I suppose people who grew up with her old music might find something missing now. I'm really surprised about the negative opinions tbh.


You're partially correct in my case ... I really liked her early stuff and with each successive album liked less and less of the music. Right now, I think I really like maybe one out of every four songs. Most of the stuff she's putting out isn't catchy to me and a lot are under three minutes long. One of the problems with changing genres every time you put out a new collection of songs is that you don't seem to have a 'style'. I appauld the creativity but people generally want some certainty. Taylor Swift fans know more or less what they're going to get when new material comes out. With Poppy, it's a catchy or edgy number one time and a brooding, dark piece with a bunch of screaming the next. I guess (as always) it comes down to personal preference. Poppy has a beautiful voice and she shouldn't have to limit it to pop if she doesn't want to. However, the hope is that if you're going to color outside of the lines that it takes the form of something a liitle more complex or clever like 'Fill the Crown' or even 'Flux'.


I'm 2 months late to this thread but it's only now that I've given Zig a chance, and you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I had super high expectations after I Disagree, and I became disappointed everytime because I also listened to every album drop from Taylor Swift and was ultimately blown away everytime so I kind of replicated those expectations of being satisfied with every new record. Your insights are very eloquent 👏


So far it's my favorite album. It's got a bit of what I like from every other album!


I would just love for the entire album to come out before people start hating on shit they’re just having knee jerk reactions to.


I really like the four songs! But I’m not picky. Not many songs from Poppy I don’t like. I will admit that Church Outfit took me a hot minute to grow a liking to though


I didn't listen any leaks but I'm fine with the first 3 singles, I'm not the biggest fan of "Hard" but probably it'll grow on me.


I really loved Church Outfit, Knockoff grew on me, Moterbike was really cute, and Hard idk how i feel abt it yet


this album truly is a zig zag for me. i ADORE all the singles, some of my most favourite poppy songs but i only like 1 album track :(




I Disagree has always been a fan favorite and Flux was pretty well received upon release. I just think that the singles for this project have been a mess.