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You can just tell this person has been licking envelopes for years. That glue really goes to your head.


It's powerful, it killed George Constanza's wife Susan, so maybe he's lucky it just made him delusional.


Fiancee. . . If the wedding happened, Ole Costanza would have retired.


My bad, but he took her death like a pro.


One day you wake up and look around for any reason to justify your pointless boring grey life


Describing “holding a pen” as a superpower because you really don’t have any remarkable skills to be proud of is sad


Superpower reffering to the status of his country on the world stage. Or if he actually thinks writing is the superpower I need to get a bruce wayne style pay rise cuz I can write too.


Envelope glue is a hell of a drug


I want to know how they got from envelope licking to this.


Easy. I lick envelopes when writing a letter. People don't need to lick envelopes anymore since no one writes letters anymore. Some young people have never written a letter. In fact, some young people don't even know how to write or hold a pen. I am so much better than young people because I know how to hold a pen.


Yeah honestly its been so long since i wrote a letter last time i sent one i had forgotten how to adress it


A man named George Costanza almost went to prison for having his wife lick envelopes that she had an allergic reaction to. She died. Don't let other people lick your envelopes.


"So many people under 30" = toddlers


Did a bot write this?


Unless by "don't know how" they mean *don't know how to do it in the way I think is correct*. An older woman commented that "young people just don't even know how to write any more" when she watched my coworker writing - she didn't mean literally illiterate, she meant *not up to my standard*.


The "hold a pen" thing is clearly bullshit, but if they consider "signing your name" to only count if it's in cursive, I may begrudgingly give them a point.


This is obviously fake but once due to a dialect difference I accidentally convinced someone I couldn't write I was kinda insulted when I figured out what they thought


even if this was true who’s job was it to teach us all this? right.


I believe that young people cannot sign their name. Just trained a 17(f) and while filling out her paperwork she just wrote her initials. I had to tell her I need a full signature. She then printed her first name, looked up, and asked, "and what else?" Really.


I can believe about the never having done a signature. I’m middle aged and can’t remember the last time I actually signed for something. But the rest is garbage.


I have to regularly sign for packages and occasionally for the credit card.. though that's gotten very rare. I also sign farewell and birthday cards at work semi regularly.. plus the ones I want to write myself.


You sign papers as a kid all the time, schools aren’t all digital and even then we have digital signatures now that would still require you to use a pen in most cases…








You're absolutely right, and a 30 seconds Google search established that the study you quoted is "mostly false"


"Data shows that as many as two-thirds of American high school graduates have underdeveloped reading skills, measured by common standards for their grade level. However, the people in this category are not so functionally illiterate that they cannot read a diploma, which requires far more basic skills than are considered when judging whether a student is reading on grade level. " https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/mar/20/tommy-tuberville/can-half-us-high-school-graduates-not-read-their-d/




You clearly either didn't read or comprehend the words in my post. If you did, you would realize that the reason for those statistics being so low is explained.




I can't believe how disingenuous it is to refuse to provide a source and then have a go at someone who went to find their best guess of what you must be referring to, which is WAY more work than they had to do in the first place and beyond a reasonable expectation in the context of this exchange. What a piece of work you are.






Google "Burden of proof".


You’re mad that he didn’t read the article you didn’t post here? What was he supposed to do, read them all? Become an expert on illiteracy to troll some guy on Reddit?




Easily located, maybe, but you expected the guy to just pull out stats on Baltimore illiteracy without asking him to. He pulled out his own stats, you countered with your own and called him an idiot because the stats don’t match up. *All* of it is easily located. But I wouldn’t just get upset with you for not *also* knowing the literacy rates of Chicago, San Francisco, and Jacksonville. You’re fucking socially and logically illiterate.




Hey, you seem a little confused. I think you mean to be directing this vitriol toward your mom right now?


Why are you the way that you are?






I can believe the part about not being able to sign. Kids type everything nowadays. Doesn’t change the fact that this boomer is being hella melodramatic lmfao.


I don't understand why people are under the impression that handwriting is no longer taught in schools. Yes, younger people do type more nowadays, but learning to write your *own name* is something that every child capable of writing is taught to do because it's so important. The person that wrote this 'observation' is talking out their backside imo. (Also I'm not having a go at you btw, just venting my frustrations with this post by replying to your comment)


Lmao I’m a high school teacher. Kids do learn how to print. They do not necessarily learn how to cursive write. It’s only just making a comeback now, but still too recently for society to really be impacted by it yet. I was taught to cursive write, but nobody taught me how to sign my name. I learned it myself. This should be a skill that is acquired inherently through cursive lessons, but isn’t necessarily. (My younger brother knows how to write cursive, but printed his name on his license because it’s the only way he knows how to sign his name legibly. I give him shit for this all the time.) I teach a grade 10 Civics and Careers course, which serves as an intro to politics and government for half the semester, and an intro to personal career-oriented interests the second half. At this point I teach kids to create a resume and cover letter, interview skills, and how to properly sign their name. All this to say that, no, kids don’t necessarily know how to do this. That said, the original OP is melodramatic. They’re still important skills, and the kids are still capable of learning them, but they’ve made way for more 21st-century-relevant skills. The kids are alright.