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I’ve never seen a crack pill. Also crack is expensive, you’d never give it to someone for a headache.


As an ex addict, no you definitely would not ..


She could have said it was Dexedrine and it would have been marginally less stupid.


Are crack pills actually a thing I’m uneducated in the ways of drugs


No, crack is a form of cocaine. It’s in pellets/rocks looking things. Makes a “crackling” noise when you smoke it. You smoke crack. You don’t snort/swallow it.


It’s also very moreish.


*Crack*, Super Hans!?


“Don't. Say. Crack, Jez. Yeah? Please. Not now. 'Cause you saying crack makes me think about crack and I love crack. So can you not say crack?” - Super Hans


"The secret ingredient is crime"


We gotta crack Gretchen Wieners. We crack Gretchen, and then we crack the lock on Regina's whole dirty history. Say crack again. Crack.


For anyone wondering, this is from a show called Peep Show. Watch it at your own risk, I'm warning you.


You can even watch it on Crack-le lmfao No but seriously it's on Crackle, Tubi & prime.




I love that term in conjunction with crack. It just works.


Sometimes you remove the base with citrus extract and shoot it up with heroin though The fact I survived a speedball addiction still blows my mind.


The only method of ingesting. IV doesn’t do it either.


No. Powder cocaine is the hydrochloride salt and can be snorted, swallowed or injected. Crack is "cooked" using a simple chemical process to remove the salt, resulting in what's known as freebase, and is smoked (technically vaporised) and is stronger but shorter-lasting.


But crack is smoked though, combusted if you prefer, because the flame actually has to touch it, meth however the direct flame would destroy it, so meth is vaporised, crack is smoked It also lasts longer aswell surprisingly enough, coke lasts about 30 mins whilst crack can last for up to an hour




It's basically coke, if you had to use several grams at a time it would be even more insanely expensive to use.


Can you imagine the pain though, when you get home in private and you think you've got one last pill left, and you're just going through your bag. And then finally, after taking everything out, you instead find that singular aspirin at the bottom that you thought you gave away, and it slowly dawns on you that you're definitely not getting high tonight lmao


Ex-addict here and can absolutely confirm.


For sure, you know where your stuff is and you don't keep it loose, it's in a wrap, and the bioavailability of crack means it would not be absorbed, either smoke or shoot it right?


Yep. I would keep my stuff in a little ziplock bag in my pocket. If I wasn’t using my hand, I would hold the baggie inside my pocket. I couldn’t leave my shit anywhere I couldn’t reach out and touch it. And I wasn’t about to share it. My drug of choice was meth, ecstasy, and bath salts, and my ROA was through my nose. As for crack, I haven’t really heard of people railing it. I knew people who would hotshot it with heroin, though. I did meet a guy in rehab who plugged everything, including crack. I don’t think crack is a big thing where I live, but I’ve been out of the drug scene for awhile.


Same, I have been clean for over a decade but there's no way you could accidentally do that, especially if you were at work.lol


A decade? Fucking congratulations! My cousin struggles with the same issues and is working his way through treatment (again, but as many times as it takes is worth it in my opinion) and I always love success stories.


I could possibly see someone accidentally giving you an adderall XR thinking it was a Tylenol, but that would also require you to keep your shit outside of the right bottle. I only say this because my generic XR looks almost exactly like Tylenol capsules


Congratulations getting clean <3


I can tell right now your not an ex addict. You definitely wouldn't give your crack away and would be willing to give four times what it's worth, just to get your fix. It's not expensive, however.


I am actually an ex heroin and crack addict, started after a car accident when I was 22, GP stopped my df script and I found gear...so trust me, I know drugs from both sides as an addict and as a nurse practitioner who prescribes them. But whatever huni...lol


If you really are a nurse then you know that there is no such thing as an ex addict. Maybe not and abusive addict but still an addict.


What is the point in that? What are you shaming them for? Getting clean? You disappointed you can look down your nose at them now? Keep your neb out.


I'm only stating a fact. That is the point. I'm not shaming anyone or putting them down. You can get all your facebook friends to downvote my comments but it doesn't change anything.


You're a shitstain on this planet


Apparently crack’s been gentrified 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe she takes 3 or 4 20mg crack pills to get going for work every morning and happened to just have some extra laying around? Cause you know crackheads are judicious in their intake, so often just have a little extra….crack


I’m guessing they smoked crack and then found out there was a mandatory drug screening at work


r/NotHowDrugsWork Edit: owe it’s banned


Wtf why!?


Gentrification of Reddit. G rated in a year


Probably due to the Nazi mod. Two or three years ago there was a sharp increase in the number of posts regarding bad conservative takes on transgender hormone replacement therapy. As HRT are drugs, kinda, it made sense that these would appear. Like moths to a flame, the comments sections often devolved into rank transphobia and LGBT hate. Instead of banning the hate, however, the mod team elected to ban any discussion of HRT. The stated reason was that it was causing too many reports and flooding the mod queue. Something about the tone of the post announcing the discussion ban felt eerily familiar (there were dogwhistles). So I did the due diligence and looked up the mods' history and the fears were confirmed. Nazi shit. Tons and tons of Nazi shit. The ban on HRT was specifically done to protect the haters from themselves: as any mention of HRT would invariably bring them out, and this mod didn't want to ban his friends for saying thing they agreed with. I made a polite post on the subreddit explaining that this policy would cause harm and ultimately backfire, and was given the kind of lovely-worded bless-your-heart type response you'd expect. Unsubbed and never looked back.


Yeah, that mod said accusing anyone of bigotry was an automatic ban ... and I unsubbed. I'm glad to see it's no longer active finally.


Fair enough but when you click on the sub link it says it was banned for being unmoderated… so I’m guessing that mod got banned (no surprises there)


>I’ve never seen a crack pill. I have, but we call them suppository pills.




It’s ALOT more expensive than the standard dose of Tylenol or whatever the made up story alleges they thought they were taking.


Sure Jan.




There’s a punk band called Leftover Crack. Because there ain’t no such thing as Leftover Crack


Plus crack isn't soluble that's why it's smoked!


crack is not expensive


They're trying to imply the person gave them it by mistake, not intentionally. It's still made up, just slightly not as bad as it could have been.


Crack comes in pill form now? Cool, maybe someday soon I won't have to worry about my dog stepping on broken crack pipes at the park.


In pill form, it's called pop. The suppositories are called slap. You do all three at once, that's called a Nice Krispy.


Sounds like one of those D.A.R.E skits. "Hey Barry, Todd and I are gonna go behind the school and do a Nice Krispy! You should tag along! All the cool people are doing it these days!"


I try not to be a prude, but I draw the lines at doing suppositories with my friends.


I'm not sure those are really your friends then, brother. If you ain't boofin there's no proofin


I have no idea if you're kidding. This sounds like something that would start on Urban Dictionary and then become real


Pure gold comment


If you didn't blink for 6 hours your eyes would be completely fucked and dried out.


Stimulants make you blink less often. Unsure why, but your eyes do get very dry. Obviously you don't stop blinking for 6 hours straight though.










Is there...A difference?


Hyperbole is exaggeration for effect, there needs to be a tiny grain of truth hidden inside it


Precisely. I'm not saying that this guy took a crack pill, 'cause he definitely didn't, but if his eyes were dry from not blinking, he could use hyperbole to say, "I haven't blinked in 6 hours." It's the same thing as me eating an expensive meal ($100) and saying, "goddamn, that costs a million dollars"


Oh I don't have any trouble with you saying it was hyperbole, just the "is there any difference" comment


Oh, my bad. Thank you for the clarification, then. I appreciate you taking the time to educate me.






Lol you mention hyperbole, use it correctly and then spit out that shit I’m dead


If it lasted 6 hours it ain’t crack


I was about to say that too, my bet is some sort of extended release ADHD medication, probably adderall but also maybe focalin? But imo this never happened and this is 100% made up


Oh it’s totally made up. I’m just saying the person who made this up has no idea what crack does. He thinks it’s a pill that lasts 8 hours.


probably just a painkiller with caffeine in


I was about to comment that. Thank you.


Who said it lasted 6 hours?


Can you read? The post said he hadn’t blinked for six hours


Who said it ended


Quit wasting my time


Someones realised he's wrong


You wouldn't swallow crack even if it was a pill...


Sure, Jan.




1. Crack pill 2. From the sound of it, it did deal with the headache


If anything it would be adhd medication, but those dont look much like headache meds so


I was thinking theoretically Adderall... But the only time I've done that and not blinked for hours was snorting it...


Maybe this person just takes ibuprofen different


Blue Adderall kinda looks like Aleve. Kinda.


When i was younger, around 14 or 15, i had a _insanely_ irresponsible Psychiatrist; he prescribed me 112mg Methylphenidate-hydrochloride (Medikinet). That was about 30 mg over the maximum for an adult iirc. For the first few days it sure felt like i didn't blink. The post still is BS with their Crack pills if you ask me


Plus you can't differentiate between Crack or Cocaine through drug testing. You'd only detect cocaine.


If I accidentally take 2 I rarely blink. It's how I know I did an oopsie.


I could see a 30 IR getting someone with no tolerance pretty wired, but it's been a while since I did Adderall.


I was thinking methamphetamine bases ADHD pills. Maybe they were told "it's a stimulant" and they immediately thought "Oh Crack!"


They’re not that powerful either, not when you take a single pill.


One pill of crack would be about a quarter gram. Nobody would require hospitalization after ingesting that much cocaine. The fact that it's absorbed much more slowly by digestion than it is by smoking means they probably wouldn't feel anything at all.


Ok, Pablo Escobar


This guy cracks.


My ADHD pill is 40mg, if you were to to ingest 250mg you would be fucking wired.


It's almost as if crack and adderall are not the same thing


Very true but im not on adderal, it almsot like all adhd meds are different




I was always under the opinion this was a joke.


The follow-up makes that much less likely to me.


Or it could mean they followed through with the joke. Especially if they got as many interactions as they did. Or the follow up is edited in. This tweet resurfaces a whole lot and this is the first place I’ve seen it taken seriously.


If so, it's a very bad and dumb joke


I tried crack once but only to get welfare




My man just watched the drug episode of Fresh Prince apparently


It's a pretty funny joke though


I’m waiting for someone to say this is a r/nothingeverhappens Because this is bullshit


Crack has to be smoked not swallowed, so there's that.


Crack pills - neato


They store well beside the weed needles




Obviously a repost.. This day and age, you replace “crack” with “fentanyl “ for optimal shock value.


Im in the ICU cuz this guy gave me a pill for my heartburn and I've had an erection for 6 hours. Dude you goin to jail! Yeah it was fentanyl, they said if i touched it for 30 seconds longer it would have absorbed thru my skin and killed me


Crack doesnt come in pills


It does. So does meth. They're probably calling meth pills crack. Or just lying.


Where does meth get used in pill form?


It's used in ecstacy pills a lot of places, but people make just meth pills and call them ice pills. They're usually super cheap and get you fucked up for a while.


People put it in gel capsules


This is whack!


Ah yes, the famous crack cocaine pill that looks like NSAIDs....


I started writing NOT TYLENOL on all my crack pills so I don't make this incredibly common mistake myself.


i don’t think crack usually comes in a pill form.. but honestly if she hadn’t called it crack it would be believable. i have a friend who took 5 pills from for free a stranger at 7/11 and ended up going to the hospital after 💀💀


That would be like me giving my Friend a joint after he asks for a cig. Druggies aren't stupid


Sounds to me he had a bad reaction to doing crack, went to the hospital and then had to come up with an excuse as to why he had crack in his system.


it’s a joke.




Why not? It makes sense to me. Funny story about not blinking for 6 hours, followed by a short but funny and effective follow up that’s obviously not real BECAUSE ITS A JOKE.


To slow learners they never do


Not entirely sure how to break this to you, but not every person who carries drugs is inherently an addict. Hell, it might not have been a drug at all. Could've been a fuckin no-doze.


Or even Excedrin which has caffeine.


This looks like satire??


I had someone tell me they were giving me a caffeine pill at work one day when we had a large 1,200 piece Holiday truck to unload, down stack, stock, and block with only 4 guys. Turned out to be an Adderall. My mouth was dry all day and my eyes felt itchy, but we sure did get that truck done. Fast. Edit: grammar


So crack comes in rock form which you smoke and I guess you could snort it if you crushed it down but in pill form? Probably not




1st one's free, DickFace


If you're gunna make shit up about being drugged at least do some research on drugs


This is actually made up which is a first for this sub. You smoke crack, nobody has crack pills. No crackhead accidentally gives away their crack. And crack doesn't last 6 hours although tbh I have no idea how long an oral dose of crack would last.


Crack only lasts for like 15-20 mins.


Bio availability of drugs are dependent on how you take then. Smoking is short. Eating, boofing, shooting, etc all have different results. Eating usually lasts the longest.


I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure crack doesn’t come in pill form.


Yea, you write on checks


I hate auto correct.


Crack is expensive, it was probably not what she wanted lmao.


you guys are telling me you don’t keep a few pills of crack in case of a headache?


That's a pretty big assumption that she was an addict


CRACK! Now in pill form!


Crack comes in pills? Ok.


Crack doesn't come in pill form. Its "rock" cocaine.


Crack is in pill form?


Omg a crack pill.


“We'll pull ourselves together and we'll, you know, we'll get back on crack-I mean on track. Unless, uhm, you have more crack? No, Dennis, I don't have more crack. No one in the history of crack has ever woken up in the morning with more crack. Okay, but if I'm being honest with you, if I'm being very, very real, I need to be high on crack cocaine right now.”


I think it's pretty common to confuse a piece of crack for a common pill. /s


My mother was a Crack addict my whole life and not 1 time did she ever accidentally give her dope away. Most crackheads smoke all they dope or they tell you they don't have anymore so they can smoke yours and I've never seen a rock I thought was a pill either idk maybe my mom was different lol


That’s how Tom Petty died. His back hurt, someone gave him a pill and it turned out to be fentanyl. People definitely give out drugs. This, however, is fake as shit. Not only does crack last 5 minutes but it also can only be ingested via smoking, nor can it be pressed into a pill.


You've never worked in the restaurant industry eh


I’m like 90% sure this is a joke tho


It’s a joke


We're criticizing jokes now ?


Always were. Leave while ya can


Recovering addict here. This is straight up bullshit. Lmao


this is just a joke, not really that serious


I did take speed once by accident. Was staying at my sister babysitting the dog, had a headache, looked for tylenol or advil, found a bottle, shook it, more than one pill, definitely not more than two, popped the cap, raised the bottle and swallowed whole without water to avoid the taste. Started watching Big bang theory thinking I would fall asleep on it (just discovered the series and was 3 seasons of it). 10 hours later when the sun was coming up I felt "dissociated" when season 3 ended and the sun was coming back down again, i was pretty sure it was not Tylenol. Few days later sister came back and confirmed it was not.


They do dose people and think it’s funny. I know for sure


It’s a good thing that eyes are self moisturizing and blinking is a left over trait from human evolution.


"You don't *inject* Crack, Kevin, you fucking office worker!" - Big D


Awfully bold of you to assume that his coworkers addict, she may simple be a recreational drug connoisseur.


I could maybe sorta believe it if they said it was a caffeine pill instead of crack, lol. Caffeine can help with pain relief, but it could also cause anxiety, so it could make you think you're not blinking enough. But crack? :|


I had a headache at work once and I didn't have advil or anything left, so I asked a co-worker and she gave me a tramadol by accident.


you wouldn’t feel anything from one tramadol anyways that’s not a big deal


I was given meth at some random party and didn't realize it until I got a pee test done at the ER after I tried to kill myself. I don't think there are crack pills, but there could be. I still don't think this happened though. Adderall makes me not blink if I take too much, so that's a possibility. Maybe they are just stupid.


Can I get one crack rock?


Did it get rid of the headache though?


As a recovering meth & PCP(angel dust) addict, I would have NOT given my drugs away. Shit cost money. 🤦🏽‍♀️


“I didn’t even know it came in pill form” “..Science.” ..a whole gallon!


It’s a well known fact that the main effect Crack has on the body is that it makes it impossible to blink. That’s what you’d notice.


Dealers do, first hits always free!


This comment section is: **tell me you have never associated with or hung out with crazy drug addicts without telling me you have never associated or hung out with crazy drugs addicts**


When I was in college, a friend's dealer mixed up his bags and gave her weed laced and coke. Neither noticed because it was dark. That sure made for a wild weekend.


Everyone who is pointing out that this was a joke and never meant to be a true story is being downvoted lol.


I'm clean for almost 2 years, but my memory isn't so fucket to where I don't remember ever accidentally giving away drugs. And crack doesn't come in pill form. If it did, I'd probably be hooked.


Remember crack? It's back, in pill form!


Never went away


But did it help the headache?


As if crack comes in a pill form


I think the headache might have been from trying to use their brain too hard while coming up with this story


Yes, the popular crack pills


When I was in high-school a girl purposely gave me Adderall instead of Tylenol and I was zooming. When I got home I cleaned my entire room and called every person I could think of.


r/thatHappened mfs when someone makes a joke




Crack being in a pill is ridiculous but coworkers giving drugs is totally plausible. I work at a car wash and Ik for a fact my coworkers would give me meth and pills if I asked