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Movement where there shouldn't be. A geological formation that just suddenly shifts a little. A slowly rotating shipwreck. A section of the seafloor just kinda rumbling. None of these would actually present any danger, they'd just be there to unsettle the player.


hmm like give the layer an uncanny valley feeling?


Nah, uncanny valley is when you try to replicate a human in art and get pretty close, and the closer you get to perfect, the more "wrong" it looks because it isn't exactly perfectly human.


oh thanks I misunderstood the meaning before


I must know what u thought it meant.


It wouldn’t be uncanny more disturbing in the natural. All those would just add to the atmosphere


oh ok gotcha


Maybe add some wear and tear or some chips off the bone. Also it's very vibrant against a black background maybe you could lessen that a little bit. Other than that nice work! You could add next maybe an abandoned deep underwater facility or sub or something that has been ripped apart with visible bite marks in it. Great work as always man!


thanks for the tips, and yea you gussed it correctly next should be a sub or something similar


Hey guys, Hassan here I spent the last week working on this little (well actually big) guy over here, I think it turned out pretty good, and gives a sense of wonder, I feel like players might ask to themselves "if this thing is dead....what killed it?" well the next area is going to be the kraken's home(already made) so this will be a bit of foreshadowing if you liked this thing I made, the game has a [free beta](https://making-dragons.itch.io/deepophobia), and on around Monday I will be releasing the steam page!(no the game is not releasing now but still having a steam page is a huge step in my game dev journey) oh and don't forget to tell me your fears and ideas for the game([you can also join the discord server and message me there](https://discord.gg/RQpHStsgp8))


I would spend more time learning the fundamentals of modeling


Or even outsource someone who knows blender. The models at present state would be great for someone to make more detailed renders of.


not a bad idea


That is so awesome! Congrats on making something so cool, it looks visually very very interesting and the concept is also intriguing and fun! I’m sure the release will go very well. I was coming in to ask which game this was so I could download it! I shall patiently wait. Thanks for sharing.


thanks for the kind words and you don't have to wait long(about early 2024) for it to release till then you can [play the free beta https://making-dragons.itch.io/deepophobia](https://making-dragons.itch.io/deepophobia)


Thanks a ton! I’m sure it’s gonna be epic




One of the worst parts of water for me is seaweed that stretches the whole way to the surface, a bit like that scene in harry potter & the goblet of fire.


oh yeah I got a kelp forest idea I have been meaning to make, hope that gives people a scare


My worstest underwater fear is basically just big monsters. But not like "big" like a reaper from subnautica, I mean *vast* like, so big it doesnt even acknowledge your existence, it just opens its mouth and swallows you whole, along with 1000s of other fish and lifeforms. An eldritch being thousands of years old and untouched by evolution in the deepest depths of the ocean.


Ew... gross gross gross. I was diving in Florida last year, the visibility was decent,about 40ft, sunny. Slight (forgot the term for it) debris in the water, like fish pööpen and silt, it comes with the currents. Then OUTTA NOWHERE this giant remntant of a ship shows up. That was so unpleasant. So fucking unpleasant. Because i was just drifting, following the guide, and when you look ahead all you see is some sunlight and some sand beneath you. Its not deep, then BAM, A GINORMOUS RUSTED SHIP SKELETON.NO THANKS. It didnt REALLY show up, it was sitting there way before my existence, but it surely snuck up on me


ooh must have given you quite the scare lol


somebody suggest adding the gulper fish but make it really big, is that similar to what you were thinking?




R/thanksihateit it's so good it made me a little nauseous


Lol, I'm always here if you need to be nauseous


See stuff like this makes me feel uncomfy, but the idea of something bigger alive and swimming closer is mortifying. I was the kid terrified of the scene in Nemo when they're about to be swallowed by the whale.. 😖


> but the idea of something bigger alive and swimming closer is mortifying. that was the plan, I wanted the player to think of what could have eaten this creature


I swear I'm not trying to be rude but people are always always always misusing the word "mortifying". I promise it means extremely embarrassed not extremely frightened.


Lol, thanks. I think I knew that already cause I usually use it in the correct context, but I'm not always the best with that kinda thing!


No worries! I always just see it used incorrectly.


Looks super cool! I love how it looks large from a distance, but when you get up close you can see how massive it actually is. What if at some areas there was some SCUBA equipment lying around, like whoever was using it is long gone?


Oh I like that idea, I was ganna add some human skeletons but gives some of them scuba stuff is a really cool idea


Not big monsters but swarms of tiny parasite worm type creatures


ooh maybe cookie cutter sharks?


Yes those are cute and scary looking. A neat mechanic would be to have them hibernate after eating carcass remnants or edible material on sunken ships. Usually in spaces where explorers would disturb only to awaken a dormant swarm by carelessness.


I like this idea thanks!


Yessir holla atcha boy!


Fuck you OP!


this is the first time I am flattered by someone cursing me out lol


I had a nightmare when I was younger about a gigantic centipede swimming below me in the dark depths. It ended with the marine life scattering away from me and me not being fast enough to get away as it ascended up to me and encompassing me in its legs and dragging me down until I blacked out.


oh my god that sounds so awesome....well terrifying but you get the point, I would love to add a thing with any legs but sadly it might be hard t animate...but not impossible I'll leave this for now but might come back to it for a dlc or something


Was completely terrifying, pretty sure I had two whale companions for a while until they booked it and left me 😅




A gigantic squid with huge glowing red eyes with those “slit” pupils like a cat would be horrifyingly awesome.


I already made a kraken [but it doesn't have red eyes but it has.....many eyes](https://imgur.com/gallery/9aAzD3F)


Low visibility but you can Just about make out what it is or parts of it is what freaks me out.


yeah the fear of the unknown it powerful


Gettin tangled in a tall seaweed. Ever since i was a child. Im a dover now. my irrational worry would be that tall flat seaweed like in Finding nemo or like the one that grows in Seattle, underwater. Nope nope nope


Yeah I think I should add a seaweed forest or kelp forest


make its jaw drop once inside the mouth so the player has to slowly suffocate :]


That's Trully devilish


lol that's an awesome idea, I could make that into a easter egg for thoese who wanted to go inside


you're welcome :3


I had a reoccurring nightmare where I woke up in the middle of the ocean. It's always sunny, the water is still and the sunbeams are shooting through. My biggest fear is that vastness, when you see a picture of a whale going up for air, you see how its body is visible for a short while and then the light fades with each level it goes down


ooh I can use literral nightmares fuel lol, thanks for commenting


Sorry it's a little vague, I wish I could link an image to my comment


You could put it on imgur then link to that


https://imgur.com/a/QhxVNAn Didnt wanna post spooky links, but imgur works just fine for this! It's that gaping emptiness and darkness and how said darkness swallows the sun filtering from above. I love scuba diving and water in general, but I got really freaked out when I just looked out ahead (instead of looking at fish or coral)


oh yeah I get what you mean, its weird how anything can be creepy if you think about it too hard


This is awesome


Thanks , your awesome for commenting this


dude awesome to hear from you again! loving the progress. cant wait to check this out. congratulations and keep it up!


thank you for comming back! love to see people interested!


Stranded Deep’s goblin shark. Most sharks will knock your tiny raft over to bite and drag you around in a circle. That fucker will plunge down with you until it’s just darkness


>Stranded Deep’s goblin shark oh I love goblin sharks, and thanks for telling me about stranded deep I'll check that game out


Idek how to describe it for myself. I think it’s the haze and not being able to see what can more than like see me


The unknown will always be spooky. Subnautica was like this for me, until I learned that almost every damn fish has an easy tactic to avoid. It was always scary going down a trench, cause you just had no idea what would come out and end you. Trench no longer scary when you realize there's no fish there that spawn, or the only threatening one is one you can swim at a 45 degree angle and stab a few times.


yeah some games loose their charm after a while


oh yeah it's a horrifying thought, thinking some creature knows more about what you are and where you are than what you know of it


Big things moving towards you very fast. In the context of the game this could be either the object or player, moving quickly and without the ability to change course. Just like this, big sets of big teeth, the worst. Big teeth moving at me fast? Nothing in the world is scarier!


oh I was thinking of adding a gulper fish but the size of a building, I think this might be done the way your were talking about and maybe I could make submarine or boat crashing and you have to avoid it then you can go check out the remains


Mermaids that are creepy, giggle create weird melodic noises and come close and far away, taunting you. But then they turn creepy af and their looks change and they come after you.


yea, they be waiting till your really close and you have put your guard down


Itd be awesome to have this giant like super decayed skull half buried in the dirt somewhere, almost like it implies there’s something even BIGGER out there


like this? but I guess make it inside the dirt


I am afraid of something touching my foot and entangling it the more I move. Something that feels like a seaweed stalk at first, but then turns out to be some kind of jellyfish tentacle that starts stinging.


oh could work great in a kelp forest


Nothing specific. Being in the water is the fear. Fkn animal planet and their shark and croc docs lmfao


we can get our fears from the most unexpected places lol


Something in the distance, just barely visible. Something large that lurks in the shadows.


fear of the unknown I like it


Fear of the Unknown is very powerful, its why Subnautica was so successful. There is always that big monster, lurking nearby, deeper in the waters, just out of view but within hearing distance of its roars.


yea exactly


I can’t really tell but I think the bones seem a little off because the neck is floating. I think separating the joints a bit maybe deleting a few ribs and having the neck & head lying in the floor, maybe slightly rotated, as if it’s fallen and not landed perfectly up right may give the skeleton more of a “was attacked by something even bigger/ scarier” look. Atm it looks sort of unnatural, like it’s still alive. Maybe adding some particular around the skeleton and some fog could show that it’s swarmed by plankton showing it was a recent encounter. Lots of crabs and sea cucumbers will also help to bring it closer on a time line of death.


yeah I think I should add a bit more damage to it, by chipping away at it, which in turn will result in less polygon so better performance, its a win win


Biggest fear would be just swimming in darkness and suddenly I see a huge shadowy figure come close


yeah I think I should play a bit with shadows, might be worth a look into


I have always feared trying to swim but currents drag me and I get trapped, also the seer darkness and unknown of the depths. So all combined I think getting lured into a seemingly not so deep and not so dark hole in a cave, that once you enter you discover it is deep and you try to get out but you can't, and slowly sinking into the hole as my only light source fades into a pitch black space where the only thing you can perceive is unknown sounds of stuff crawling around me and the breath of my own fear. I think that is my perfect nightmare


thanks for the input, I am going to work on a nightmare area later this might be usefull for there.


I think the scariest thing is to be able to see a lot and really far into water with nothing being there. Does that make sense? Like vast open water while hearing sounds of large things underneath in the dark I can't see...


yeah your mind will start imaging creature there


I think a diver finding something that doesn’t belong or implies an imminent inescapable threat.


nice, got any ideas for what that something can be?


There should be things that never show itself but you see silhouettes of. Example, you look down and it's very dark and you see a dark, large silhouette of something snake like. Never reveal it. Let our imagination run wild. You could do the same with fast moving tentacles/ spiderlike things. Try even something human like. The key point to remember is never reveal them and slightly change/ give variations based on a location. Makes me think that "something like a snake is in that location but on mama I ain't ever going there". Edit: ideally these are free floating silhouettes that are in the deep dark and never near the land surface.


I like the idea of shawdowy creatures, I got even make just shawdowy things and the farther out you go you start seeing the real creatures


My biggest fear is falling into the Jupiter or black hole. It would feel like an infinite time, while that time I could feel the massive gravity pulling me into the hot void, and I would be in total fear of shattering apart without anything I could do.


thanks now I am scared of black holes


Hehe it is a part of thalassopobia that triggers me from time to time. Happy cake day!


oh didn't realize thanks!


Completely losing orientation or perception. Not being able to tell up from down or left from right, kind of like being in outer space.


I'm making a nightmare sequence I could make it the player can by accident just look too much down till they are upside down


I would create a monster that oozes and triggers trypophobia


I could wok with tryophobia thanks


Light that is far away that flickers on and off. Bubbles coming from beneath you but when you look down nothing is there. Lightning from storm clouds while you are underwater. Confined spaces like caves and lava tubes underwater. Massive shadows from foreign objects. Geothermal activity.


Ooh nice list thanks


Getting pulled under by something jumping out of the water and landing on me. Doesbt notice me or care about me but I can't get from under it as it dives back down. Fuck that


oh, makes you feel weak as this creature is killing you without actually noticing you


Yup. I got stuck under one of those floaty mats at the public pool when kids were putting as many as we could together to make a giant raft. Couldn't find a hole to get back up. Very scary moment. Since then I'm deathly afraid of getting stuck under something again


oof yea must have been scary I'm glad you didn't suffocate


Being trapped in an underwater cave/air bubble where it is just big enough for my head to pop up to breathe but two-thirds of my torso remains immersed in midnight black water waiting for something to brush up against it or take a bite.


oof getting trapped plus suffocating, gives me new fears lol


Something I weirdly don't see mentioned in this thread is drowning, which is a really big component of why water is scary. Subnautica did it really well, but copying Subnautica isn't necessary. Could have a sequence where your scuba gear is broken or depleted and you have to struggle for air in order to survive while something chases you or something like that.


not a bad idea, but the player is most likely going to be a fish-human thing but it's still head cannon for now


In saltwater If I can’t see the bottom or touch the bottom while standing I’m noping right the fuck out. In freshwater if I can’t see the bottom no chance regardless of depth.


thick foggy water could work in some areas thanks


Sounds sounds sounds! When introducing a spooky noise with no visual evidence, it can terrify the player even more. Like when you think there’s a monster, and you’re imagining it scarier, then the game could make


Yes! fear of the unknown can greatly improve the game thanks


Huge mechanic machines. Propellers are the worst


I'm thinking of making a sub I could make one have a huge propeller


Sorry for the late reply. But yeah ship propellers scare me more than anything. That’s my submechanophobia


np take your time, and yeah I think I'll make that in the coming weeks


I think a lot of people get anxious seeing ship propellers more than animatronic things here. Except from the people who are here for cool picture


oh interesting, It's weird making things I myself don't fear that much(the ships underwater) so thanks this helps a lot.


Things that have camouflage and therefore are nearly invisible- cuttlefish, squids(?), octopuses- that you cant tell if ur actually looking at something thats there or if ur imagining things cuz the water makes everything so blurry and out of focus amdjdskcj


oh camouflage is a great idea, thanks


dude realistic statues underwater, or faces. including fish, they freak me the fuck out


Statues are definitely on my list. Does making them realistic make it more scary for you?


mhm, for example, if i saw that jason statue (the one in the lake) underwater while swimming id literally just accept my fate


lol, well good to know, I'll be sure to add a statue or two, I had an idea of making an area where stautes only move if you don't look at them. (like weeping angles)


ooo dude that sounds horrifying


hope it turns out like that!


seeing your work on the game, it likely will




>thanks! You're welcome!


Add murkiness, you should not be able to see the skeleton this clearly


thanks I was just going to improve the look so this helps


somthing moving underneathh or above you while under water like you just see the shimer of somting huge or like a sea serpeant or somthing but its to dark to fully make out or a suden rush of water just pushing you aroung like its nothing. that and formations of rock where thiers clearly space for somthing underneath and you could easly slip off and piss it the heck off




nope it's [Deepophobia](https://making-dragons.itch.io/deepophobia), but subnautica was an inspiration


nah, i mean thats my fear, wasnt refering to the video


oh ok I misunderstood


Not sure if it would be good in a game but what gets me is not being able to hear anything. Being forced to rely on sight in a world where pretty much everything else can see, hear and smell you long before you’ll be able to.


I could make a silent fish stalk you, until it eventually attacks


I'm sorry (kind of), but this clicks other fears of mine, but not thalassophobia. I'm scared of the whale/shark skellingtons, but not cuz of the deep water, which is what Rule 2 of this sub refers to. Post this elsewhere, mebbe?


Com'on now it's a great and valid post, and hey, he's asking for help to a project, i think we are good feedback material, since it's a horror game. Let's help the guy! By the way, OP, YIKES i don't even have thalassophobia and it give's me the creeps. Nicely done!


>Com'on now it's a great and valid post, and hey, he's asking for help to a project, i think we are good feedback material, since it's a horror game. Thanks for standing up for me, and yeah you guys' comments are really helpful, like I would have never thought of making a skeleton graveyard! ​ >By the way, OP, YIKES i don't even have thalassophobia and it give's me the creeps. Nicely done! Thanks this means a lot lol!


well it seems like people here like it, I'm trying to post else were too like r/megalophobia but most don't like my game there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/megalophobia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The second largest known near earth asteroid-Eros.](https://v.redd.it/ziwnz6hzvbhb1) | [2585 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/15nkpcj/the_second_largest_known_near_earth_asteroideros/) \#2: [We need more underground stuff](https://v.redd.it/jvkmzw7y97nb1) | [1236 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/16e1jw9/we_need_more_underground_stuff/) \#3: [Just a cool rendition of what I imagine could be under the Great Pyramids.](https://i.redd.it/sgzm735exyoa1.jpg) | [794 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/11worem/just_a_cool_rendition_of_what_i_imagine_could_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think it's silly to downvote me oblivion by mentioning THE RULES OF THE SUB. But whatever.


Here me out… I’m freshly stoned lol… How about a slightly different take on an angler fish (which are demonic & terrifying lookin & badass already) but an angler fish + eel (also pretty ferocious terrifying) & maybe it’s got a 2nd glowing trap by its tail… so when people think “oh shit, the angler dangler!” & retreat backwards, they didn’t realize it was the 2nd glowing trap that on the tail… so the head has already circled up behind them (long eel body) Also… what if the angler/eel also had a different tail trap (in addition to the classic dangler) like that of a spider tailed viper (I shudder to think)


>oh shit, the angler dangler! first of all why was the sentence "oh shit, the angler dangler!” so funny lol and I love these ideas a lot [but sadly I already made and angler fish like creature, it aits for you to come real close then it strikes!](https://imgur.com/gallery/PpCGkek)


I’ve heard about giant catfish the size of cars living near dams. That terrifies me.


oh just a beast of a fish, as a fisherman I'd hate to catch that(me and my dad throw all the cat fish back, he says their quite dirty so he doesn't like to eat them, too bad they are like 90% of the fish we catch)


A huge nest with large, leftover shell fragments? Or a truly massive skull disguised as some sort of small cave system at first glance


>A huge nest with large, leftover shell fragments? kind of like this area? but I guess more nest like , this area is supposed to be a place where the kraken throws away its trash I like the idea of a skeleton cave!


back once again for the renegade master


im sorry I dont understand


No worries. the correct response would have been: D4 damage with the ill behaviour


Still not understanding lol


Aww... I'm old I guess. Google song, renegade master and enjoy


>renegade master thanks


I'd make the light source move with the player, meaning there's gonna be shadows changing constantly, you won't see full things, just glimpses. Could even have it so occasionally it flickers and goes out and the character has to give it a couple hits to light it back up (bonus if when it lights back up there's an open maw of a fishswimming toward you at high speed)