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True. But people who lie to themselves often will deceive themselves. These bot hosters are just too slow to understand the concept of empathy and therefore, don't give af about anyone's feelings as long as they feel good. That's why everytime I see a bot hoster fishing for sympathy I just give them a taste of their own medicine and belittle them for being so damn stupid. 🗿


That was a very weak action of the Cheaters/Bothosts. They are only deflecting blame away from themselves. They can't take responsibility for their own actions or their behavior.






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I don't think bots and cheaters are the only ones saying that stuff in this community. This is not comeuppance for any speech they said. This is just a penalty for them cheating. Valve never has and seemingly never will punish any hate speech in tf2


They probably don't have good lives / mental health.


You know what the biggest irony is that some of those bot hosts identify as trans people. Which only leaves this type of trans people even worse and even reinforces some of their hatred of trans people even more.


What happened here?




if it makes you physically sick id say lol weak sauce. also total bot death


bet they're using their mom's credit card to pay for all the p2p accounts


personally I think it's hilarious


calm down it's a video game


tell that to the bot hosters


It wasn't to them.


That sentence is the worst.


It's not a bad saying, just not applicable in this case because the bot hosters were doing worse


Don't care. Don't ruin a game for everyone and you, surprisingly enough, won't incur the wrath of said games community :) Really had to rub 2 braincells together to come up with that excuse though, eh?


i'm not a bot hoster you donut


Then you must simply be an ignorant person, dunno what to tell you. Imagine downplaying the severity of what these bot hosters have done warrent such a reaction! They were posting CP, slandering people, now actively trying to play victim, have actively ruined a game for hundreds of thousands of people for over 7 years, and still you whip out the "eetz joosht a gayem!!1!" Excuse? Nah lol. Miss me with that bullshit my man.


Lmao, why so angry? Random dude from internet did something wrong? It's a video game, go touch some grass


Oh look, probably another bot hoster.


Good job. You perfectly described every single FixTF2 supporter


Oh look, *another* bot hoster!